t: ; CAS1.Y ciT:z:::i. TV Crrrrav la the moat extensively etrctlr Xr4 aad winy read acw.paper ! Clln Ktyrta t aronna. Its iSiarwaaio of public mrm an1 mea.nrea i la la thr In i err. t at public rntrirrtty. fc"et I nrUOlU rnwraaarst, aad foa,wToaa Industry, aad II I aows ao pcrauaal aUcgiaaxcia Uui pub- the BCt-awea. . . . . .. I . 1 u ,rrn mUIAm Ik hImm nf tM lh a, wocM la in arotK. H other faciit- that they probawr rHsaes, they BO IM if Wr .r4 Journalism lor llbtll I . t awwa rtma a. I ouarcrrs, with everything care- doubt Could IlKld themselves Irom JUS- toliy nlita M orcapy tae smaiarst spar. I .at i...rn comes of u; coiuoa will Da (tat I tax wf to an onr aa.i.inia innr aujdi liib. Ta.wa Iiiv. l fc.r omt rear: S3 for all I aaaracL Carriers will dVMvev the tx ta I Un waauag It wig pkaac tali at the Crruaa I AumarM iTaraaoci stile, and marie laawa ua arnMacauvw at ira pm. ah i traaaatat adwcrtiatamu aaaat b paid la 4-1 a(,t 1 . WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1889. w....c.i.H;.7,r .arm? W. ..j A.i. i .Uncear-'rti.lv.rtvin life. tte rf-ri.r,.rl..Hhe4heremmitted at I I mur la ar watinnal pWtinil a nrl thrnnarTuV I ..: , . . I pulons aae of money to nine men to ad-1 lit rjcedpoaitiooaoftni.tandhoiior,hve 0K " ' . .. . .. . - . landlila-ra olevcrvaort toaawift and been toe MMect of no utile comment ana i diaclo by .a impartial pre fo, many months past Tbey are not only 1 1 tim.-lvnnralar.ruL hat nnrwtinr.. alao of .t lareat and bnncrrt tn the welfare . I ofonrfree .yrtem of government; The darigm they threaten and the lemon. it . ! . I they teach art to timely and suggestive, that many of dm- leading divine, have i k- ri:...: At palpit Km been beard ringing, truthful wortu of warning. Rer.T. DeWitt Talmaire. one of the! mott progreMive, tui well as one of the! a . ..... ... I.. T2-T ara,M P,,Mt tm U lnMrt it ha llmntlaa T.W I Mcle but Sabbath morninor took for his I trarme'-DUhonestvln Public Life." Ilia I r i . L ' ' ' I words are so truthful, so full of prophetic I warning, and withal ao timely that we I cannot rrfrain from giving an abstract to OOf rvarlerm. Hraawf. I "We bare recently pasd through i Presidential election in which $30,000,- T.r"rk 'f'T.'T of the great political parties need jeer at the other, because tbey both raised aillpw. I ne courteous, ine witty, tne ais they could for legitimate and illegitimate I tinguished Franklin would not bow down I purposes. Bat that was only on a large I to the pomp and glitter of royalty, even scale what has been going on on aL,i i tx,. :,i., nt it i,..t .. IHUlW In ka lam CA. a. 1 1 in M departmenu. Politfc-the science ofgoodgovernmeot-ha. often become a synonyms for trnculency and turpitude. I . " f" " it naa occn i .n.g ii war inrouKn an ttiruiten. I dom. Both of its hand, are rotten with leproay. It. right band it ha. deep in the pocket. 4U left band, with Hs ichor- out knuckles, has knocked at the doors rooms ana legislature and I Congremca and Parliament.. The doors -tm r-, m Hiviiiai Uw I a through the council chamber aoftlv aaal,worU .slippered page,, and ba. swung out its Band In Salutation to judge and to legis- lator. If the hand be taken and thenalm I ttoWa?7 S the palmpfLfwolJ iUt, hii high office Into the blotch In the .hao. of a ...hlen ..J . . f I from palm to palm and the victim I penahes. The blackest pages in English, Scotch, Inh, French, Italian, American I -Jll.l .1 L I I " "re oenea by oribery. "Some of yon remember the Facific maHsnbridan. More of you remember the tragedy of tb Credit Mobilier. Benedict Arnold Mild the fort at the I Highlands for 113,573 to the enemy ol kla . I 1 A i . . I mi muuur aiiu n na aim. in n. a. I . a te.. I cratea tor ail lime. I "TberobWetofthe Leiri.luturr of thia"" l"T.l' W - ' country control the country, Tbii laud . j , ... .. . . . ifuay m orunk; WIIB Dtinery, Uh, says some one, 'there is no use talking Maiii.tthi.dn. Every m.a has hi. nrfr' T An nn. tSsa1UM U Tka 1 , - --" l.i 4(V1 II V. been Instances, even in heathen lands and among those who made no trrofrsskin of being guided by the Christian religion, who have proved themselves incorrupU- lllav VnH 1ni1 1 t.nw .. - I ' -" . aaua unja BtHU WUIIICU ......... who could not be bribed by the con- centra ted power of earth and hell. You ..-..x uiiiiiiig Aiveiit a bribe than yon would of asking an angel toeichange hearea for the pit. These are the kind of person who are going to save the aty and save the country and arc the world. "Kfranaihilji imt ana a., .r. .11 . j-- r. wmj aut w mi are not thoroughly settled in their moral character to keep out of politic. Yoa awww again vu are nrong or weaa. A ma. may know how rtrong be is by bow be feels in the presence of a bad op- i.it unity. urn a man a noncst merely bcranse honesty Is the best policy he is morany bankrupt aad a scoundrel at heart, whether be knows it or not," LET Vm HATE THE UW AT ONCK. A bill hat been introduced in the Cana dian Parliament by 'prof. Weldon, and known as the Weldon extradition bill. It is in substance a measure which pro. pose, to surrender to the United States the American colony of bood ler, now sheltered in that country. ' It It laid that the fugitive thfeves "are making strenuous exertions to prevent the bill from becoming a law. They hare eves resorted to their own well known 1 home scheme of bribing the Canadian lawmakers,' in hope, of defeating the measure. To accomplish this, they in tend to raise $100,000 among the exiled Americans to corrupt the Parliament. To the lawabiding Canadians this situ ation of things mast. Indeed, be a novel one. Think of having a lot of fugitive thieves adcrtakc to buy immunity by corruptiiigtbeirlawmakera, Itisenough to bring the blush of shame to the cheek of any Canuck. But this is the simple truth of the matter. At first thought, it would seem a rather !ui!icrou idea for the refugees to gave to buy up the Parliament every year yl order to irep themselves out ofStale's ' 1 1 wlvit wr consider I .1 KOfTI of boodlcrs that nave crossca ..,-,-, ' " " I .. ... ..-...! Ilk iiui in1 thr SmflUni (II IUIICII auu lor aooic time Thr hill h aueltiOD IS a most wnoie- aomC measure in CVCTy respect, would prove of great practical bench t to !. Canadian as a people.. U would , . . . ,. only aid in bringing fugitive thievet to de-erred justice, but it would tend to " remove the odium at present almost in sfuarablr connected with the honor and food name of the Dominion, M being the CoreUd horoe of countleM boodler.. Every juance loving promuing pUn w on foot which will ena-1 f v . . -1.. mw vfuiillinnr iaarilrra -"partial juat. The bill if paaaed by the Canadian Par- t. ' l 1,1 m.ilj ralmartiva in I namt.iv a.ww. - Pwer.. in order that the boodler. .1 II a I .a, P"t u " tne w ue, nnocr ,l" J- I meant let at naveine law at oner, in mo1 1 , ... ' J wont claaa of criminal, that ever curd or "y other country. II' Immrijcity. thou amt a JEWEfc. The pure .implicity and freedom from t-. ..e i. rl tuepomp.no aosuu. roy.u, nnr airatrm rtl a-nVaTnmmt. fi reffard thC I manner, and conduct of our public ser- vanta. ia in stramre contrast to that of ' " i ' . . . - .... the crowned head, of Europe, it has been the subject of comment and criticism ever since we became a nation, Thna wn rrnowned founders andes ponenU of American .implicity and civil- jty in manners, Thomas Jefferaon and( Benjamin Franklin, left a legacy that will Mw forottM, by the AmCT,can pt F md hii tw can citizen, neither alienor nor inferior to his fellow man. Can any one gainsay that he was always reaiiectea ana non- a t... ui. ..i- u k. ... , - w'th jefferaon. He never was pre- t'"tious or assuming ; great honor, were his, but they did not change hi. simple, courteous, homelike habits which made him Krioved by a nation and revered by "Is easy to enumerate similar exam pie. in American life. But a few day. ago we wltnraard a President of sixtv millions rank, of private cituen.h.p. There was I . ! ! I I I . rowuing ui imperial hchus, puaa- ing of the .ceptre of royalty, no undue pomp or circumstance, but all was siin ' k and rul, and injust accord with ..... , . , the pnnctplesandcu.tomsof government ,aia down our ""'"thfr.. How marked the contrast, how differ ent the result, is the almve brief charac- I i. ( 1 ru, nt II ., Il.r. ll 1. 11 .H.ri.n,. m . ... i. . . . .1 .iv'.t vi v ....,. ui , . , .... I A .a i a , , . a. a I ,Vllow,nR ""cni, i ruju j, ciippta i r . t ., . r i. i , mim uk lAiniinn niimin ui inr new iwi Herald. It demonstrates the power of rtd tape, in an era and government of red 1 - . .... 1.. . I . . "". the circumstance or charitable the intent, I the decree of red tape must he obeyed. Her Majesty was driving along Thames I . . ..'.! .1 ' 1 I HUTl WIID tlllC III IHC linilVXVacB, WllCn I 1 1 she saw a blind man ulnving an ittw - Idion being led along the road by a wo- i man. tuuciieu uy iiic gciiue airains oil his melody. Her Majesty's heart went forth in pity for the lot of the blind mu- akian. Royal self-respect forbade her throwing a copper to the pair, as an I humble civilian niiuht have done: but bv I .L. I ! I tin: i line i lie rrgui ctiiiiiitHurc rcHcnetl Windsor Hritlve Her Majesty had n- trived a SK-liemc by which the pauper player's distress might be alleviated. This was the process: At tht Bridge the Qiaxn stopjud the i carriage. I Tlie Oueen then summoned her atten dant and handed him a two-shilling piece, The Queen then gave him full instruc tions as to what he should do with it. The attendant repeated the process with the toll gate keeper. The toll gate keeper, whose name was I lusted, received the, florin and bowed. The toll gate keeper then chnsed up the street after the laggur. The toll gate keeper then told the beg gar all about it. ' The toll gate kreiier then told the wo man leading the beggar. The toll gate keeper then gave the beg gar the two-shilling piece. The toll gate keeper next received the beggar's thanks. The blind accordion player then went on his wny rejoicing, and playing "God Save the Queen" in lour flats, while Mr. Husted rushed away to tell the news to the neighborhood. Her Majesty then drove on as if noth ing unusual hnd happened. Charity is a beautiful thing! The All-American and Chicago bus boll players will visit the House of Com mons by snx-inl invitation of the Siraker. They have also been elected honorary members of the Century Club while in London. It Is better to be an American base ball toaaer than to be well any an American Congressman nowadays. MIXELLAXLOl'S. QrCat ExcitCHient ilt Jiew York City. E. II. Wright, of Bostie BroB. & Wright, and Cliarlie l a 1 ' V I 1JIanton lofmoriy OI re- vard & Blanton, arrived in New York City last evening to buy the largest Btork of . Goods eVCT brought I C7 " to Aslievillo. Lookout for new vcrt jfrement. New UOOUS and WeW I fUm BOSTIC BltOH. & WtUUHT. i- Tbe Leading Store of the city for Ladle to ESTADROOK'S, m s. Main Street. TIM greatest variety of nice goods, "such as Book, Stationery, Fancy Uooda, Toys, wi.s ,1.. g-laltllls(. Engravings, Frames, Westcra North Carolina Views, Novelties, Etc., Etc. Everyone Is pleased aad all satisfied with what tney buy at thla place. I Their stock la of the beat aad srtevs always . . .. . . . . nnr iiiai n oi im i rraaonaaie, tiuMneas men will ana ine inr. mt and brat line of Blank Books aad Uflicc BtatUmeryln W.N.C. I T RIQUIU UTTT KlUTT, WilfTT TIBIlUn CsSn ohtio toa ktuh in oil or water color. JONES, of Asheville's great Bargain Store, "THE BACKET," Loaves for New York to-day to purchase lllS Springstock. I II 11 11 . . Ilia antra tin linu ,lfl,itft.l hlu l"" J "u "v trip BOmewhat in Order to . . ., , a , . H1 tne inhabitants Of that big city time to resume their ... , . . , lut " u V unva., bu r,r TknnV .' rt triAlr nntml ha. I ' .. a . . IMi 1)1 l)UH,nes8i LMH auHe "e goes PSjlwially tOBecureSOniO r, , . .. -n Bargains, Auction Bargains, BO that when the goods are brought to Asheville he may create some little up-stir it this end of the line, lie pro poses to make a specialty of White Goods, Laces, Edg ings, Hamburgs, . Ribbons, and Underwear for both sexes. He claims, through his connection with thegreat Auction House of C. B. Bouse, Nos. 4GG and 468 Broadway, New York, to have special and ioculiar facilities for buy ing goods Mow their value, and as all "Racket Stores" sell goods at a stated profit without regnnl to cost. Borne astonishing bargains are al ways on hand. , "UNDER BUY AND UNDERSELL," "ONE PRICE," " PLAIN FKiURES," "SPOT CASH." The "Racket" is a variety Bargain Store where you can buy anything lower than elsewhere. Try it. N. Y. Office, 40G Broadway. KfKCELLAXEOCS. If I If FRESH SEEDS! Garden Seeds, Field Seed8, Flower Seeda, Onion Botn, Irish Potatoes, Early Corn,. Peas and Beans. All Fwh Stock, . No Old Stock, No Commission Seed. T. C. S9SITII & CO Wliolesale and Retail DRUGGISTS. . THE CITIZEN PUBLISHING COMPANY No. G North Court Square, r. nPl,.ir,Ni tJ1 tin jli(ri, ''fa V8 . 1IVUT0tl tJ ilO lllgh-grade work at LOW RATES Because they have a FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENT. CITIZEN PUBL1SIING CO. KEAL ESTATE. Wui. M, Cocke, Jr., f.ALESTATEA!;3.;'.ERALEr,CKER, Abhe.llle, N. C. Can aril von one millitu acres of land, In tracts h-ora 50 to liKMMMi acres. Have a number of city lota. improved and unim proved, which I can aril on the best of terms. yoa want a large or small farm end oa me. you want mincrala of any kind, you need go no further. If you want timlicr lamia. thla la headquarters, la fact I eaa suit you a anything yoa want tat my line. hcrvtceaofa Brat-claaa civil engineer and practical surveyor engaged to how up all property whea required. I have had fifteen years' experience in the real estate business. and think I know what will please. Prompt attention to all inquiries. Ieb24dlr W. COKTLANU, Ileal Estate Broker, INVESTMENT AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, Patton A venae, Barnard Building. febOdly D. S, WATSON, Real Estate Ajceut, (Not a Speculator.) Having by practical experience thoroughly systematized my sales department, I oner SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS To tboae wishing to tell, aad BARGAINS tal those wishing to buy. . I kave some of the beat property for sale in Asherille which can be bought low down. Also, country property. Manganese, Iroa, TtabCT I-,,d Call and examine aiy list before purchasing. D, a. WATSON, Southeast Corner Court Square, dtmayl Asheville. N. C. J. N. MORGAN & CO., No, 3 Barnard Building, School and College Text Books, afullline. Poets, Hit tory, ilomanee, Biography, m w -m v m w I l ravel ana novels, t nmiiy lnbles, S. S. liibles and leist- aments, Oxford Teachers Bibles, hong Books of all kinds, large stock Stationery, Blank Books and Uttlce and I School' SupplieB. New line Ladies and Uents 1'oncet- books just opened." Fancy Goods and Dolls. febiodlv N OTICE Is hereby aiven that antillcntlun will be I made to tae prraent session of the legislature of North Carolina for the Incorporation of tne "Norm Kaaleru i.nml company." n. w. ma i run W. T. PKNNIM AN, T. W, PATTON, W. W. WKST, W, b. owypi.1- "iebitMTinTT JAMES FRANK, DSALSS IN FAMILY GROCERIES ANO PROVISIONS Agent for Rcem Creek Woolen Mills. North Mala Street, Asheville, N. C. fcblOdly yB. WOLFE, ' PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER All kinds of cement woi k done. Jobbing and kalsumining momutlv at tended to. Residence, Clnvton St. Orders can lie left witn w, i. weataii at v.o. tenutiom THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Rooms on Main street, oimoslte the uost- umix. , Open dally, except Sundays, from 10 a. m. intll I p. m., and 4 until 6 p. m. The terms of subscription are: One vear mo... ai.ou: s mo... si: l mo., socts.: daily 3 its. f IffiiOTa for 1 HBQPratrlnt U B U..I. Vice-President. Charles W. Woolser : Sec. and Treas., u, u. Watson: Librarian, Miss B.J Hatch. Citixens and visitors are eordiullr invited to inspect the catalogue and inscribe their name as members, v IcbHiltf MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY, No. 28 Patton Avenue, Glrdwood & Stlkeleather, Proprietors. g.-Arl orders promptly attended to. icbtrtly ejRUSTBE'S SALB. I By virtue of a deed of trust executed to me bv r A. B. ware and wife, anted February 7 '.j? 1888, and duly registered in Book 18, I'nge secure tne payment ol certain notes o therein, 1 will sell at public auo one-half cash and balance In six months, on the premises or at the court house in Asnevine, N. ... on Wednesday, March 20, 1889, the property descrilied in said trust, r iieiiig situated In the Cite ol Asheville, on French Broad Avenue and wil- lium Street, adiointnii lands of W. M. Cockr Jr., and Messrs. Bnird and Alexander: con. talning two acres more or lew with three I dwelling houses and other improvements, i nut tae lata uay oi Kenruarv, 1888. I9IUUX WAL.l.A'.H, fcblBdlm Trustee J. W.SCIIARTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR 4 J IS. Main St. fcbaodly BROOM FACTORY. HANFORD N. LOCK WOOD Brooms), Whisks, Hearth and Celllna, Broom). Mill and Factory grades a succJnltv. Ouo. L 1 tntruns avuu samples ire. leolodly rfkJOTlCB. Notice ia hereby dven that aimllmtlon uin be made to the Legislature of North Carolina for a chnrrVr lntiHirating the Western Norlh Carolina Medical College. J. A. WATSON. M. 11., 8. W. KATTI.W M. I F. T. MKKIWKTIlbR.M. I).. AND OTHERS. frb24dtra RICHLAND HOUSE, Corner Muin nnd DcKt, WAYNESYILLE, N. C. Rooms newly funiislad. Fare tla.- lant the market nITortls. Gooil anniplc rnoui. SATISFACTION (U'ARANTEUI). Terms: $1.00 jier tiny. G. D. L. ALLEN & SON, Proprietors. MISCELLAXLOIS. P017ELL & SIM ARK TftK CLS- ti.iliank nr llie lie hniipincsa mid lh .v t.i- Hiae that rverylMnly ahull have a (lornl- tlllli it Ihev ran h-l thrill to It. l-.Kiiallv those that have a hard timr most ol the yiar will fiml thrm lavinu lor Hum. If you hard lu suit, dnhculi to aiiLinly, YOU AUK THE CtS- turner we nre after. We'll suit yon, il ae vou, satisfy yoa, itinlie )." happy. What more do vou want. If yon ianl it know whether we are nine to si---p i -hcther we can buck all our hrau wilb Kootl conscientious pcrfoniiBnce. why c ASK ANY OLD CUS- turner of ours and we'll stand by his testi mony. A man that won't keep his word, thut goes back on his promises, that tries to work up a liap HE ISN'T WORTH A CUS- Hdore or nv other cheap and nasty article. We want to give you a good time. Are you with us? If so Just get a move on you and come to POWELL & SNIDER, GROCERS, ASHEVILLE, N. C. dtmarlS HMOND & DANVILLE RAILROAD COMl'ANY. (Westers North Carolina Division.) PaSKN(lK DBrADTMRNT, AsHivti.i.a, N. C, Jan. 1, 1889. PASSBNGER TRAIN SCHBDVLB. In Bffbct Jan. 1. 188: T'No. 51 7 No. S3 I Lv. Asheville. 9 ftftpm 437am 947am 1249 pm T ilApm 92pm SOOam fl 80am 3 3Uptn 140im 64Hpm 10 2opm looum 7ooam S 23am 1047am 1 20pm 900pm Ar. Salisbury, uanvuie, Lynchburg, Washington Baltimore. " Phila., .. New York, Boston Richmond S30pmB18am Raleigh, Ooldsboro. 7 SDnm 1 t)2pm 310pm 800pm Wilmington i No. 5ft Lv. Asheville. 8 30am 11 50am 5 30pm 4411pm 910pm Ar. Spartanb'g Juharlotte, ' Columbia, 1 Charleston, " Augusta, " Savannah, " Th'sville.Ga " Jacksonville 905pm 615am 1 40pm 12 00 m 104dpm 7 25am 1 55pra 7 20pm No. 54 71()pm 840pm Atlanta, Montgum'y ' Mobile, 1 New Orleans No. 80 No. B2 ' 444nn etogim 80pm 540um 1145am 5 30pm -trrAsAe'vllle, '"7" 40am 9 20am 1 10pm 013pm ft 10am Ar. Hot Springs Knoxviile, " Chnttan'ga, " Nashville, " Memphis, Lv. Ashevll.e, 7 40am 9 2oam 1 10pm 6 40am SMOpm 7 45pm 444pm eiopm 850pm 7 15am 1 1 45am H3ipm' 7 45jim Ar. Hot Springs Knoxvillc, . Louisville, Cincinnati, Chicago, JU. Louis, J- Sleeping cars on all night trains JA8. L. TAYLOR. W. A. WINIH'KN, O. P. A. D. P A. SOL. HAAS, T. M. Schedule Street Railway. To take effect Friday, March 1, at 6.80a. m. Car leaves Court House 6.30 a. m. " 7.0O " " " " " 8.00 " ' 9.00 " From then till 7 p. m. ear leaves court house every 30 minutes. Also, car leaves court house at 8.00 n. m. and U.00 p. m. fAKR, 1-IVtt IJISNIS. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. On and after this date the following sched ules will lie run over its "Columbia Division." No. 53 Leaves Columbia 5. 20 p. m, Arrives at Charleston 9. So p. m. No. 52 Leaves Charleston 7.10 a. m. Arrives t Columbia 11.55 a. m. Connecting with trains to and from all points on the Charlotte, Columbia ft Au gusta and Columbia & Greenville Railroads. Daily, T. M. RMBKSON, Gen. Pass. Agt. J, F. DBVINB, Gen. Supt. JOTICB. Application will be made to the present ses sion of the General Assembly of North Caro sion Una lina to charter a turnpike road from South Hominy in Buncomlic, to the top of Mount Pisgah in sold county: W. G. CANDLKK, t T. W, PATTON. febl3dlm H. U. CHILD. 'J BUCKLAND, MERCHANT TAILOR, WO. 10 PATTON AVENUB, Begs to annonnee tnnt he hn received his samples for the ensuing spring and summer and asks the public to call and examine, SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVKN TO CLEAN- , INO, REPAIRING AND ALTERING. Jan2dtf . J. V. BROWN Will continue the undertaker's business nt his old stand over J. E. Dickerson & Co.'s Hardware Store, under the firm name of J. V. BROWN & CO. Having thirty years' experience as under taker and embnlmer, and unojualed facilities fur tiding, can safely guarantee SAtlsfaetlon'. Culls promptly attended to at all hours. Everything iwrtulnlng Jo the business al ways on Band. a..fiib.a.l.'- ODD JOBS AT ODD TIMES. .ii':.Vi.nrw? om;", hi" -rTiee as a first, ilaas Machinist, tsiccinlly on nil kinds of hne light niiuhincry, and work in wood or metal. Has some experience in opening and S;!.l!w"K o"l'r,M".S""'"' ni-l"g Models, repairing Surveynn.' Instruments? etc, He can show sia-cimen of his workmanship. v? - " ltl,"'Ia,n engine that will con Unce any one ol his skill. No work snlldted, except such as requires skill and genius to exl Orncc nt J. K, IHckrraon AV I'n 'a tlu 1.. Store, Asheville. N. C. mar2dtm FITS Cl'RED BY Ol.li SPECIALIST 1 IHNICIAN. Bottle of meilliHne Free. Wr war. rant our rrmnl i,... tu. . utses, and the only physicians who do this to prevent your be,ng imposed upon by m.n mring false names and who are not lhtor Bet-aiisc others failed la no reps ,, lor not "!T mc'"1"'- Ex,rrrM and Post- uai iiureau. am Broadwar. New York. Jnu27drxwty A ,!, 1 cV""r prepared bv lead-a- 4 mr",,,cr f he Asheville bar (on VI Jila LrT!? "'" Jt o'.t and now . the olhreof tbel iTiiaa Publish. mo vo., no. s North Court Square, ianllrtf HOTELS. STRICTLY f II1ST-CLASS PHIVATE EOARO. Tin: tiio.mas norsi:. NliAK IIATTliHV TANK. I novf under entirely new niatiarmeiit, anil will Ik kept in strictly IiisKIiiks style. IHANMh.NroK Kl.(;i l.AK IIOAKIILkS TAKfcN Nortlici ii Cooking. Kutes Kca.soiKilile. MKS. l LACY oi SON. Proprktoni. tltf 1TV KE8TAI MANT. PATTON AVENUE,' Under Redwood'? Store, Meals at all hour. A', the drlfcavfesof tbe seasou served in all vu iietiea and iu the best style. Oysters, Came, Steaks, The Best of Hot Coffee. Fresh Norfolk Oysters received every day. The retail trade supplied. Have add -d a new broiler, steaks, oysters. etc., etc., di ne to a turn. dtmarta .. T. J. SUMNER. A DELIGHTFUL EXCURSION ! asheville: TO HOT SPRINGS. Round Trip Tickets only It. DO, iucludiug a full duy's board at the MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL'. The Uuths in Marble Pools aad Porcelain Tubs are the finest aud most luxurious la America. The Hotel to NEW AND FIRST-CLASS ;; Ia Every Particular. " - - UNEXCllLLEI) IN ITS CUISINE. mc limit is a cnurnung sunt, nestled among and sheltered by Pine-clad Mountains where there is no fog, no dust, ao malaria. Pure and abundant water, and absolutely perfect drainage. illjuUtt - NEAT. PROMPT. ACCURATE. A REAL PLEASURE TO DO YOL K PRINTING As you want it and when you want it. CITIZEN PUBLISHING! CO. If any dealer say. h has the W. I. DonglM Shoes without name and prios utainpoa SB the, bottom, put him down as a fraud W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Itrst In tha world. Kmmliwi his fJU.00 i K N H I N K H A N l-8 S KI A HOB. LOO lltMLNk U n, wl! a!una " :..,) mtl.K'K AM) FAIIMKItH' 8IIOB. . ? WOBK.INOM AN'H 8HOK. ..I." Fr'.? "i' 8 MIMJl. SHOES. Ail made. In Cangrvu, Button ud Lac. W. L. DOUGLAS 83MSH0E laV.. . BaS Material. Bast gtvle. Beat PlttinC. It But aoUl by yirar deslar, write a-.ua W. L. DOUGLAS, BKOCKTOK, W ASaV . Forsakby HERRING Sc. WEAVER, 30 South Main Street, Asheville, N. C. jont'Jilly t wrrr's flrwiFM hns cured i of t Rtillirnant bremkiiig out oa aiy leg, whir h esiised InMershle pain. It waa called Rearms by Iho d"cuirs four ol whom mited me with nu relief. I candidly emvs Ihst I owe my present good health 8. 8. B..hlrli in aiy aauauUioa to Invaluable as a blond remedy. MB JllIJA PlWlTT, tat7 N. lUtk SC. hi. lalttlSt MO. Our bshy when two months aid was ituckrd wlih Mcroluls. which for slnnK U"lli"lro5'''d ''"IK"! entirely, iu , - - --. - " 1 " vi avr 11 1 n. i na :'V-al 'l"l to relleva hor, snd w. rnvu f a I hw'r's hetciric, w'lkh soon eurrd hot I'M J nUrel. snd she Is now htls and hearty. L-rV J K V. Uu. VS ill's Point, Tuia, aPP h" tm Wry Blind Diseases snd arTvim in .nl,n auuiud fm. il i-wirr HnnnclX, ' Drawer 1, Atlanta, fja : fCiiH. '""," '1il''llliaaalHMiiSL. ' TtlUMMiu i . f laa IScheod