i.. :;; tzJLY citi z::r. T! Cm- I. the anrmt eitcnsfvelv Hrrtt-1m-s '4 vi.i-ly read Brip irr In Western r. ill l.nx-n. hi dm-uMiuii of fralilir nra and measure, la ia tu tiiierc.t of public tntKrity, hfiflrtt tovemmut. and proiMroM Industry, and It now. to icional amgiucc in treating pub tic lme. lait mm pnbtishea the dispatch, of the Ammm mini Frraa, wuica sow eover. the whole world la Ita scope. It hat other fartlt tiea of advancrd journalism for gather. ig nrwa from ail quarter., with everytliingcaie fully eoiurd to occupy tbc amalkat apace. hltmea coptc ol an r rtii tjin will ba arot frr to aay o aeadtnf their ftddim. Tbsms bally,, t lor out year; 3 for all tannins; 60 cents for fine month; 15 cent, for onrk Catrtrr will deliver Om paprr In evrry part of tht rity to .utMerfber., and par tie. uiii It will plcaat call at Uw ClTuaa nx-e. AavMitawa lTia Rraaonahlc, and made . kaowa om appticatioa at thit orne. AH traamcat ad ret use men Is moat be paid in aa- THURSDAY. MARCH H. 1889. CArT. ralANCIS W. DAWHON. It ia no mere formality which induce Thi CmzBN, to-day to assume the line of grief, but a an indication of it real feeling of in tcnae aorrow at bearing tbc sad Kti of tbc untimely death of Capt. Dawson, who beyond all question, was the leading journalist of the South. Tbc wonderful power of a pen, such a bis, generally recognized, and acknowl edged by all men, but It bi power capa ble of being naed, either for good or evil. Either to pander to the pulsions or prej adirea of i caderm, or to elevate them, day by day to apUae higher, t ill higher, and more adapted to true manhood. Capt. . Dawson' pen was ever ready and fa cile, but only devoted to one end and ob ject; tbc advancement of ever material good of hi people. Hi editorials against : the - custom of duelling alone, ' are sufficient to embalm hi memory among the benefactor of hu manity, and they were published at a time which indicated bi true bravery of character ' getting himself ia opposition to the long established idea of the beet men of bi State and fearlessly advocat ing the right,, , ., W beg our rained jriend of the New and Courier to be aMtiredof our deep and heartfelt tyrapathy. for indeed thi i a loa both their and our. ON TO CALIFORNIA. Tbi eenu to be the cry just at present of thousand npon tfeouMBd of our 01 low beings who are inspired br the thought and led on br the incentive of sudden and easily acquired wealth. The class usually influenced bv such bid are those who are of a wandering, uneasy turn of mind, and who have nothing to lose and all to gain of tbi world' good. Theji do nof, ,t0P to consider the draw back and difficulties which "they "will necessarily have to encounter. It is cold, gold, nothing but yellow gold -with t.em, . .. , . The region, from whence thi enticing cry comet, Lower California wa discov cred by Spanish explorer in the time of Corte. The Conqueror him elf lost nearly all hi private for tune, in hi effort to discover that certain portions of the country wa in habitable. But In this be failed a have many of hi successors. With the excep tion, of a few scattered, indescribably poverty ttrickea Indian, tht country of Lower California remain to thi day uninhabited. The face of the entire country consist of sand and rock, and there are no riv- m . 1 t . . m er lor irrtgauug purposes or water lor washing the aand and pebble from the ore, which to said to be so richly aprin kled with gold deposit. Placer gold dig ging have been known In the region for year,, but it ha been on account of the lack of water aud the desert pecu Haritie of the place, that have hindered o long any further development of it resources, be they what they may. Besides, it is a well known fact that for year, the government of Mexico ha been trying t sell Lower California to the United Stat, and sums 'varying any where from five to twenty million of dollar have been named a a price. Thi lieing the cane, it is only fair to presume that ht present great gold cry is but one of many clap-trap effort to start a boom for the purchoaeand annexation of Lower California. Be that a It may, it to beat to go slow on tbc gold era. The country offer so many disadvan tage to one advantage, that the person who finds himself landed tome morning in that desert watte, without friends and without capital,, however rich and plenty the gold in the sands beneath his fret, will have mighty hard drugiiig to eke out a existence, ny nothing about the comfort or pleasures of life, Within the last two or three year, hundred of people. hare. visited Cali fornia, mainly, Lo Angeles and San Diego in quest of pleasure aud health, but quite as .many biive returned dis gusted, saying that the dimat and thc-j country had been- adly Overrated. Certain H to, the real estate boom which have been to phenomenal in those sec tions art to-day ottatly collapsed. True, nature t dealt brtfkrntly with the ''Coldw'StaU' lu ome yptk Jbut dowreti 'att Wiaitxt of fton Uk mi trti ahaD bavtbecn du tovamJBkwu-Hui4 it iifaat UingdhkHStrada 4t. itl -be fband that Ute SwtW!StW . kdvaut!! fur tb capitaJiat, health awl rtiWaW ttem knf awttda; tif rur mmt ,,,,',' .'tew-. couiitiy. if climntc is vtiriert, ita water pure, and ill mineral dcjMiaita, yet in the iufuncy of develouient, iromisiiiK be yond peradventure. It has no desert srafitT-fc no lands tbut nerd 1 irrigated i,fhe production, of a Ix.untiful crop, . . ' oodctjracfinir svciul fenturcs. Yes, when i - .- the present cry of "On to California' hull have silent its force, and the hungry pilgrim returned from their fruitless chase afler the yellow nugget, which will prove to be onlr "fools gold" at best; then, the cry will be, on to the tunny, the hoiitable, the new and undeveloped South. We wait it coming and wcl- come it with eood cheer. I JVHV NOT r The inauguration of President Harri son i past, but the results attendant thereto are daily being mode known in various way. A a reult of the expos ure on that damp, rainy inauguration day 'no les than fifteen Congress men contracted cold from which have resulted many serious case of sickness. Of the many thousand of visitor who were compelled to endure a worse exposure to the jnclement weather,, little ia known, but it il safe to state that the cause of many a fatal illness will date from that memorable day. . ' In consideration of these and many similar question it is pertinent to ask; would it not be better to do away with open air inauguration, and if not, why not? It ia a matter of history that the illnes which resulted in the death of the Elder Hurrifton in 1840 could be traced directly to the very hour when he stood with bared head before the assembled thousands and read hi inaugural ad dress. The danger has never lessened and fortunate indeed have been his successor in escaping a like fate. The crowd which gather before the in auguration itand on the 4th of March though numbering many thousands, ia but a small portion of the nation of whk'h it to a component part. And the percentage of those who can hear or de rive the least benefit whatever from the reading is infinitesimal in comparison. It is a fact beyond dispute that million of our fellow citixens residing in our thriv ing cities from Maine to California knew better what the President's inaugural message contained at 6 o'clock that very afternoon than did the thousands who were upon the capitol grounds and wit nessed the exercise. This is a high tribute to . the genius and enterprise of the American presrlf tbiibt true, would it not have been a well to have given the address to the press and dis pensed with tlie weary rending and the danger attending? Again, would it not have been more in place, more politic to hare taken the oath of office in tlie supreme court room rather than in a driving rainstorm ujxm an open platform. But, ay one, the inauguration committee is alleged to have cleared about $70,000 out of the how, would you do away with thi ? What it such a sum in comparison to tlie exposure of thousands of live to danger that may and often do result fatally Absolutely nothing. Ifour inauguration exercises cannot be curtailed in some way so as to not endanger the health and live Of the thousand who qundrennittlly attend them, It were better that they be done away with entirely. Health it worth more individually and collectively to our peo ple than all the speeches ever pronounced at the national capital. Why nut dispense with the reading ot the inaugural en tirely, and hold the rest of the cxerciaes within the capitol building ? Tlie President 1 inaugurated and the business world can settle into the harness for four year of great proierity. Let every torge be lighted, let every spindle hum, and nil the wheels go round. luter- Ocean. Funny, how every Republican pnier throughout the country is nowaday getting olT such gush n this. Just n though we had not been enjoying nn era of great prosperity for tlie puat four year. Just a though the advent of a new Republican administration wa go ing to kindle anew the dead forge fire and set the spindle of the idle fuctories whirrin,; and thut, ere it liad been in power long enough to gvt it hoc blacked. " - : What are the fact thus far concerning the forge lire and tlie spindles. . Let us examine. The great Heading Iron Works, of Penn sylvania, after running through four year of Democratic administration go to the wall, utterly collapsed. Will the protective barout lay thi cromb ou Mr. HarTitou' doorstep. Again, ix thous and weaver at Fall River, Mamachn setts, have gone on a etrike and three million spindle are idle to-day. I tbi tbc way the new administration ' is to light the forge ore and set tbi ipiadk bumming? Ii this the boosted bnainciw prosperity of whkh , w bate bcjudaomwa?, Ob no, . Far from it. It i tlie sum old cry of fraud. The tame plaintive appeal which we have heard in tht past, of tha Reputriican pits trying tb IrnvAwrui it hUprkVfcfcM ing thut its loli; vtd protection, which taxes the poor man' necrasuries, may at it 1eliet fulfill it Irredeemable pledge and organize a boom in the industries of the country. No, protection is at present working on an entirely different bnait and arriving at entirely opposite result if we may be allowed to judge from re cent circumstance. Sweet smiling protection! Mild-eyed divinity with your grasp of iron on the poor man' throat! Fair hope of the Republican party in '92 ! Gentle nymph 1 with a bodkin under the fold of your , i rnglan how exceedingly funny you think ', yo are ! MISCELLANEOUS. Great Excitement in New York City. E. II. Wright, of IJostic RroH. & Wright, and Cliarlie Blanton, formerly of Bre- vurd & Blanton, arrived in New York City last evening to buy the largest stock of Spring Goods ever brought to Asheville. Lookout for new advertisement. New Goods and New Prices. Bohtic Bitos. & Wright. The Leading rttorc of the city for Ladles Is ESTABROOK'S, t 8. Main Street. The a rataat variety of alee fooda, such aa Books, Stationery, Fancy Goods, Toys, i Paintings. Bnaravliiga, Frames, Weatera North Carolina Views, Novelties, Etc, Etc. , Kvcryone Is pirated and all aaOaArd with what titer bur at thla Dlast. Their atock la of tha brat and prices always reasonable. Bualneaa men will And tht lar. Itrat and brat lint of Blank Books and Office Stationery HW.N.l, Art Htadlo oyer atore, where vlaltora ran obtain local sketches la oil or water colon, febladtf JONES, of Asheville's great Bargain Store, "THE RACKET," Leaves for New York to-day to purchase his Springstock. He says he has delayed his trip somewhat in order to give the inhabitants of that big city t ime to resume their equanimity and get back, so to speak, to their usual hab its, of business, because he goes especially to secure some Bargains, Auction Bargains, so that when the goods are brought to Asheville he may create some little up-stir at this end of the Hue.' He pro poses to make a specialty of White Goods, Laces Edg ings, Hamburgs, Ribbons, aiuK Underwear for both sexes. lie claims, through his connection with the great Auction HouseofC.B. Rouse, Nos. 400 and408Broadwa3, New York, to have special and peculiarfacilitiesforbuy ing goods below their value, and as all "Racket Stores" sell goods at a stated profit without regard to cost, some astonishing bargains ore al ways on hand. ,M UNDER BUY AND UNDERSELL," "ONE PRICE," "PLAIN FIGURES," "SPOT CASH." Tha ''Racket" is . variety Burgain Store irhere you can buy , anything lowir ' than elsewbure. tt. " ' ' " MISCELLASLOVS. Brace Up. The Knickerbocker Shoul der Brace and Suspender combined promotes free res piration, prevents stoop- shoulders, easily adjusted and worn with comfort. Cheapest and best Brace in the market. Call and exam ine them at the Drug Store of T. C. SMITH & CO. Also a large assortment "of Hard Rubber and Elastic Trusses and SupiKjrters. THE CITIZEN PUBLISHING COMPANY, No. 0 North Court Square, Is prepared to do high-grade work at LOW RATES Because they have a FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENT. CITIZEN lnJUUIINb CO.! HEAL ESTATE.' j Vm. SI. Cocke, Jr., j i:ealestatea::3':::;eale:cker, I Aalievllle, N. C. 1 Can aril yoo one million acres of laud. In tracts from SO to Krt.OoO aire. Have a number of city Iota, Improved and nnim prored, which I can arM un the beat of terms. If yon want a large or small farm call on me. If yoo want mineral, of any kind, yon need o no further. If you want tiuilxr lunda, thla la hendqnnrtera. In fac t I can auit you In anything- you want In my line. nervier, of a flrat-claaa civil encinrer and practical surveyor ena"ued to ahow up all property when required. I have had fifteen years' experience in the real estate buaincu. and think I know what will plcaae. I'rompt attention to all inquiries. au.wir J. W. COKTLANIj, Real Estate Broker. INVESTMENT AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, Patton Avenue, Barnard Building. ' fcblfdly D. S. WATSON, Real Estate Agent, (Not a Speculator.) . Harlng by practical experience thoroughly ratematiztd my sales department, 1 offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENT To thoM wishing to aril, and BARGAINS to thoae wishing to bay. I hare some of the best property for sale in Aahevllle which can be bought low down. ' Also, country property, Manganese, Iron, and Timber Land. Call and examine my Hit before purchasing. I). 8. WATSON, Southeaat Corner Court Square, dtmayl Asheville. N. C. J. N. MORGAN & CO., No. 3 Barnard Building. School and College Text Books, afullline. Poets, His tory, Romance, Biography, Travel and Novels. Familv Bibles, S. 8. Biblt and Test- amenta, Oxford Teachers' Bibles, Song Books of all kinds, large stock Stationery, Blank Books and Office and School Supplies, New line Ladies' and Gents' Pocket books just opened. Fancy Goods and Dolls. fcblOdlT JiOTICB Is hereby irlven that amillration will be nmrie to the present aeasinn of the Legislature of North Carolina for the Incorporation ol wic norm eastern Ltna tompant." 8. W. BATTL'K. W. T. PBNNIMAN, T. W. PATTON, W. W. WEST. Rcroa i w w: . e w y n. JA9IES FRANK, FAMILY GROCERIES ANO PROVISIONS Agent for Reem. Creek Woolen Mills. North Main Btrcet, . Asheville, N. C. fcblOdly yfB- WOLPE, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. All kinds of cement wot k done. Jotibing and kulsoniining promptly at tended to. Residence, Clayton 8t. Orders can be left with W. H. Wcstall & Co. feb9diira THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Rooms on Main street, opposite the post ottice. Open dally, except Sundays, from 10 a. m. until I p. in., and 4 until H p. m. The terms of subscription are: One year $2 ; 6 inos., $.n0; 3 mm,, 1 ; 1 mo., SOcts.; dailr 3 cts. Officers lor 1889 President, R. R. Raw Is ; Vice-rhrsident. Charles W. Woolsry; Kec.and Trea.., I). 8. Watson ; Librarian, Misa B. J. Hatch. - Citisens and visitors are cordially Invited to inspect the eatnloKue and inscribe their names as members. feb8dtf MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY, No. 22 Patton Avenue, tilrdwood & Stlkeleather, Proprietor.. fj(T-All orders promptly attended to. febU41y 'JRt)8TBB'8 SALB. By virtue of a deed of trust executed to me by A. B. Ware and wife, dated February 7, 1 MM8, aud duly registered in Book 18, Page 218, to secure the payment of certain notes mentioned therein, I will aril at public aue. tion for one-half cash and balance In six months, on the premises or at the courthouse in Asheville, N, C, on Wednesday, March 20, 1H8, the property descritied lit said trust, aid property lieing situated in the Cltynjr Asheville, on French Broad Avenue and Wil liam Btreet, adjoining lands of W. M. Cocke, Jr., and Messrs. Baird and Alexander; con taining two acre, more or Ira. with three dwelling honara and other improvements. Thi. the 18th day of Februarv. 1 889. , , I8I1JOR WALI.ACH, febl9llm Trustee. J. W.SCIIARTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR 41 N. Main St. ftbSOdly UROOM FACTORY. HANFOAD N. LOCK WOOD. 11 1 ' MANB-HAIIt .:' ' Brooinn, Whlkti, Hearth aud Celling: Hrooiiia. Mill and Factory grades a spet4altv. Quo tation, and sample, free. febiedty N OTICB. Notice I. hereby given that application will be made to the Ixgi.latura of North Carolina tor a charter Incoporattng the Western North Carolina Medical College. J. A. WATSON, M. D. 8. W. BATTLE, M. I., F. T. MBKIWETHER.M. D.. frb24dlm ANI10THER8. RICHLAND HOUSE, Corner Main and Depot, WAWESVILLE, N. C. Rooms newly rumished. Fnrt the lH Vh market affonla. Good snmulc room. SATISFACTlnV r.l'Aft tVTtfrn Terms: $1.00 per dny. G. D. L. ALLEN & SOX, rrmn-kturfc MISCELLASEOCS. POWELL & SlilDER AUK THE CL'H- tntiati of thr piiMii hnppiiunn uml thry jiro jm.wc thut rvrryi'twly tuill have it ntxl t unt il thT ran help thnn lo it. Hiriniliv tluw that have n hard tirur nidit t l)u tr wtft find thfiti I, 'tying fur li. m. It' y(H luird t auit. dillK-ult to rMiUalv, YOU- ARE Tilli CtK- tottter we are after. Wi'll suit von. pU-ane you, atify you. make -tt hn.ipy. What more do you want. If you tvtint to know w net her wr are anie tn ncru our orti, whether we can bark all our hrur with k'ooij conneientious pcrlormano:. why ASK ANY OLDCUS- totner of oura and we'll stand by his tentl mony. A man that won't keep hta word, that goe back on hit promises, that trie to work up a nnp HE ISNT , WORTH A CUS- pldore or any other cheap and nanty article.' we want to give you a kooiI time. Arc you withna? Ifaojuitgeta move on you -and come to ""POWELIj & SNIDEH, Gkoceks, ASHKVILI.B. N. C. dtmarlS UICHMOND Dt DANVII.LB RAILROAD COMPANY. (Western North Carolina Division.) PAMBNOBB DBrASTUKNT, I Ashbvillb, N. C, Jan. 1. IH89. PA3SBNGBR TRAIN HCHKIlL'LU. In Kftbct Jan. 1,. 1M8U. - "j No. Bl T No'. C3 Lt. Asheville, Ar. Salisbury, " Uanville, " Lrnchburfl:. 95.ripm 437am 47am 12 5 pin 7 3Spm 9 2ipm SUUam 6 2nam 8 8()in " 3 30pm 1 -topni 6 4;ipm 10 20pm 1 UOum 7 0Oum S 25am 1047am 1 20pra 900pm 5 lfiam Washington " Rnltitnon.. M " Philn., " New York, " Hoston, ' Hlehmond, " Raleigh, " Gotdsboro, " Wilmington 7aonn' 1 02pm 3 10pm 11 -.nam eoojim j I No. 68 Lv. Asheville, Ar. Spartanb'g " Chariotte, " Columbia, ' Charleston, 830am llSOam 8 30pm 440pm 9 10pm " Aufruata, " 8avannah, " Th srille.Ga " Jacksonville 90!Spm 61Sam 14lpm 1200 in Atlanta, Montgom'y Mobile. 104Opm 7 25ara 1 55pm 7 20pm tip. B4" 7 10pm 840tu New Orlean.l No. SO TWani 9 lliam No. 52 '444pm 6 10pm 850ptn .'Asheville, . Hot Springs 1 10pm ('hHttanga1-Lfi lpw 140am limnviiMi, Memphis, . Ashevll.e, . Hot Springs Knoxville, Louisville, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, 11 4Kam 5 30pm 444pm 810pm 850pm 7 15am 1 1 45um 6 30pm; . 7 45pm 810am "7Oam 9 20am 1 10pm 6 40am 8 30pm 745pm f-" Sleeping cars on all night trains. JAS. L. TAYLOR, W. A. WINBI RN. G. P. A. D. P A. SOL. HAAS, T. M. Schedule Street Railway. To take effect Friday, March 1, at 6.30 a. m. Car leave. Court House 6.30 a. m. 7.00 " 8.00 " ' " 9.00 " From then till T p. m. ear leaves court house every 30 minutes. Also, car leaves court house at 8.00 p. m. and 9.00 p. m. FARE. FIVK CENTS. TLANTIC COAST LINB. On and after this date the following sched ules will be run over it. "Columbia Division." No. 53 Leaves Columbia 5.20 p. m. Arrive, nt Charleston 9.30 p.m. No. 62 Leaves Charleston 7.10 a. m. Arrive. atColumbia 11.55 a. m. Connecting with trains to and from all points on the Charlotte, Columbia Kc Au gusta and Columbia & Greenville Railroad. Daily. T. M. KMRRSON, Gen. Pass. Agt. J. F. DBVINB, Gen. Snpt. N OT1CB. Application will he made to the present ses slon ol the General Assembly of North Caro lina to charter a turnpike road from South Hominy in Buncombe, to the top of Mount l'isgah in said county W. 0. CANDLER, ...... T' w- I'ATTON, febl3dlm H. D. CHILD. 1 Bl'CKLAND, MERCHANT TAILOR, NO. 10 PATTON AVBNU1S, iM-gs.ta announce tnut he hns, received his Bampjts' for the ensuing spring "and summer iifaks the public to callund examine. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO CM VRN Tn ft tLlV- ING. REPAIRING AND ALTERING . jan2dtf J. V. BROWN Will continue the undertaker's buslneimat his old stand over J. E. Dickerson&Co.'s Hardware Btore, under the , tirm name of J. V. ItROWN & CO, Having thirty years' experience as under taker and embolmer, and meqnaled fadlltles for buying, ran safely guarantee satisfaction. Calls promptly, attended to at all hours. Everything pertaining to the business" al wavsonhnnd. febl3dm ODD JOBS AT ODJLTIMES. t.. . Brown often hi. services as a first class Murhmist. especially on all kinds of line bght machinery, and work in wood or metal. Has some experience in opening and repairing Fire Proof Rales, making Models repairing Surveyors' Instrument., etc. He ,-nn hnu ........ .. . v 1 . V "i'""""1" "'s worKtnnnship. ftort a key to a steam engine that will con- vim any one of his skill. N work solicited , exwpt such as requires skill and gtnius to exl CA-nte. I OHice at J. B. THekerson ft Co.1. Hardware , Slorti, Asheville. N. C. marSdlm FITS Ct REU J1Y OLD SPECIALIST PHYSICIAN. Bottle of ntedl.-ine Free. W war rant OUr l.m.rl.lnn.,1.. . cases, and the only physicians who do this to . prevent your being Impeded nnnn !,. ,. ornVJ. :ZnS"TL.Jy T.- CSM Mn,kV Wl r"'wy. New ,,kUnH ninnmn v. Arta-liiwsa cost, yon nothing. Addles iroailwnv, Nr .tnn7dA:ieiT : 1 KB l(l'Kl), carefully prepnrrd bv lead- i , j Ing mrmhera of the A.h.-rlllr bar ion n ksi parenment and heavy flat paper), Co, ,enng all.ieee..aeT points. Just ont and now nvn lo,, rrtf. n f,trth tmirt riMtr, ttaalUtf iimels. strictly fihst-clags ph1vate buai10. .THE THOMAS norsE. SHAH BATTliKV I'Akk, Ih ihiw unilir entirely ir-w timuiieniuu, nnfl will U- kept in strictly firtit-vlass f'yle. TKAI1.NT UK KK(.I I.AK illlAHIlKS TAkKN Northern Cooking. Rules Keiis)i!iil)li-. MRS. U. LACY & SON. I'roprittols. dtf- !TY RR8TAI RANT. PATTON AVENUE, Under Kedwood'c Store. Meal, at all hours. A', the delieat-ie. ot the season served in all i-aiictie. and in the best stele. -. . - Oysters, Game, Steaks, The Best of Ho Coffee. Fresh Norfolk Oysters received every day. The retail trade supplied. . Hare add-d a new broiler; steaks, oysters, ete., etc., dene to a Urn. dtmarl3 T. J. SUMNER. A DELIGHTFUL EXCURSION I ASHEVILLE To KOT SPRINGS Round Trip Ticket, only 4,!M, fnctudtns; full day's board at the MOUNTAIN PARK HOTKL. The Baths in Marble Poola and Porcelain Tubs are the finest and most luxurious in America. The Hotel 1. NEW AND FIRST-CLASS In Every Particular. I'NBXCELLED Is! ITS CUISINE.. The place is a charming spot, nestled' among and sheltered by Pine-clad Mountain, where there is no fog, no dust, no malaria. Pure and abundant water, ang absolutely perfect drainage, dtjul'.'y NEAT. PROMPT. ACCURATE A REAL PLEASURE TO DO YOUU PRINTING As you want it and when you want it. CITIZEN PUBLISHING CO. If any dealer says he has the W. t. rwnrls the bcttoin, pat hlia down a. a fraud. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE J.50 K.XTRA T 1.1'K 1'AI K kHOt I.0O and mi. IIOVS m HML KBOES, All nuala In t'oimn-ss, Bulton aud Laoa, W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE l a diV s. It au sold by Tur dfier rl,7 aiwxuj. W. L. lXUOLAS, BKOCKTOM, MASS. For saU-bv HERRING & WEAVER, 30 South Mnin Street, AHheville, N. C. JBi'tWly "r. -yip h enrrd me of . ni; IIl-hs i on my hu, aim i, 1 8fi -Kestms'i y f :riii-.. i : ft ... s s - i ii :w enihd ' -four of ! MM 1 i ' i f. 1 Miii.I-iIIj I I' r oil hr il I, ' !'i '.llUi.llli'l, n '.H!V i in' t in, ' ' L-i-ji . i. a- . t .. " -i hl(.i f. r !-th ' .' t-lj f ,1,u,.:l . ' i ( I. r , I,. -,; M v.. I.- :ifl ; . I'm ..I, ,i u, . , . . ' ' 1.1. I I I IV 'It'" I -MM. 'ji , ' -si ' '-'- In. .ii, y r r4 rr-ct n, H Alibi ti; 1- -J-"A -it nn fni-maiaaaiaam n i JnB IPcnrblt