'Li kj) Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of pur.' tty, (trcnKth and wholcsouiencsa. More eco nomical than the ordinary kinda, and cannot be (old In competition with the multitude of low hit, ehort weight alum or phosphate ?owdera. Sold only in can. Koyal Bakiko nwosa Co., too Wall St., New York. d&wtaprlT PROFESSIONAL CARDS. - . . - v. r?- . - - - Tiiko. F. Davidson, Tho(. A. Jokis, Raleigh. Jas. G. Mahtin, Aslievlllc. Asheville. JAVU)SON, MARTIN & JONBS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Aaheville, N.C. Willi act 3 in the llthand 12th JudlrlHl IHatrio . an iu the Supreme Court of North Carolina, J in the Federal Courts of the Wcatern District of North Carolina. Refer to Bank of Aaheville. - dtnel JULIUS C. MARTIN, Attorney at Law, Aaheville, N.C. Titlca and Conveyancing a aiiecialty. Col lections made. Practices in all the courts. Office: With Oudger id Carter. Mcl.oitd Law Building. dtnovW .CMAS. A. MOOaK. UUPP HKKRICK. afUOKB A MHRRICK, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law,. Asheville, N.C. , j frartlec In the I'nited Stntes Circuit and i lintrict Cuuets at Asheville, Statesville, Char Jotte sad Oreenshoro, in the Supreme Court! lit Raleigh, and in the courts of the Twelfth I Judicial District of the State of" North Caro- i I ina. I Sttectai attention given 10 cuncciioo ui Claims. ... , , . u-wnMhln iliM,B tint vsrctirl to tiractlce in Buncombe Inferior Court. - dtoc3 f. H. COBB. J O- HRKRIHON. OBU & MBKRIMON, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Practice In all the courts. Office: Nos. 7 and 8, Johnston building, dtac W. W. JOHNS, fONBS c SHI' FORD. ' OKO. A. SHUrOKD. ' -Asheville, N. C. I'ructtes in the Superior Courts of Western North Carolina, the Supreme Court of the State, and the Federal Courts at Asheville. Office in lounaton building, where one mem ber of the firm ean always lie found. dtnovll JOHNSTONS JONES, ATTORN BY AND COCNSKLLOB AT LAW, ASHBVILLB, N. C. Practices In the United States Circuit and -District Courts at A.fttnilUfc w Ana fcupwms 4,'onrt at Halrixh. and in the Courts ol the Twelfth Judicial District of the state ol ortn C'aroltua, and elsewhere, as his services may be required. an23dtf H. DOUGLASS. D. D. 8. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., i Over Grant c Wlngert's Drug Store. " Residence, No. 98 Bailey St. feblOdly JJ H. REEVES, l5. D. s: DENTAL, OFFIC1S I Jn Connnlly Building, over Redwood's Store, Patton Avenue. fcb!3dly HI R.J. H. GARRATT. ARTIST. Studio overlooking Court Square, above Cooper's store. Studio Honrs from 9 to 3. Classes in Drawing and Fainting. Partic ular on application. feb!3dly lis F' BUKllIN' M- D- OFFICE l New Grand Central Bnllding, over Big 22 Clothing Store. feb!7dlm J A. TENNENT, ... . Architect and Contractor. Plans, speclncations and estimates fur tilahed. All work in mv line contracted for, and no charges for drawings on contracts warded me. References when desired. Office: No. 12 Hendry Block, North Court Hquarc. Asheville, N. C. feblttdly JP. RAMSAV, D. I'. 8. 1 Dental Ofllce i lu Barnard Building Kntninces, Patton Avenue and Main Street. j febtldly INSURANCE. jpiRB INSlRANCB. FIRE. LIFE. ACCIDENT. PULLIAM & C0. . At the Bank of Asheville, ASHBVILLB, N.C. Represent the following companies, vis. ... CASH asskts in I Ana-lo Nevada. orCallfomia 2.u?.?? Continental, of New Yord Hamburg-Bremen, of Oermany, lxndon Assurance, of England. , Ningara, of New York. Orient, of Hartford .............. Phivulx. of Brooklyn 4.875, 23 1, 129,604 8.237.4PV 1,667,692 6,05-4,179 8t. Paul Fire and Marine, of Mln- t,5l.0fltf nesota,,.-Tr.,-... .7.. ........ ........ Sonthern, of New Orleans .., Western, of Toronto , Mutual Accident Association. . Ktna Life Insurance Company, ' dtmar20 i THE 39.e . .no una 1,03D,232 EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society or TBS CNITBD ST.TSS. "Assets 9j,4,r.9 XO.TQ4.7IS.IS Surplus 1 Ihaa mnm nttirr Comnanv.) Outstanding Assnranot...!J4.l6,H.00 Written in 1SH8 I5J,9.a Tontine Policies with 15 and 20 year pe. rinds are the most popular and pronUbls form of assurance. far esamplca, rata, etc., confer with CD. Monroe, Agt., - Ashevlllr, N. C. Oflcs with Judge Artoa. fcb23d(hn .lUSTAIiG LHHOENT fiHOFLD AliWAV8 BE KEPT Vi SHOP, - - - ; .: f- , f-t hO btS IT Wakiliu, Ui! lit II,,, ,,, ,,r VI,,, tvhi : "lUtll Hi anl l II. l.irr. It is dlll'.rillt In il'Sfll in Jove Wi ' .unity Willi tut hiii i whit tnrvilul.lv fii t your Im si story uili the n mark, t e. I ve heard r I nit In-fore." mid ! wiu iiiVHrillhlv has eell in llip motor whatever Olillllilll vim have til nlli-r ipou uny of tl tlie momentous a n-stions ot Hit (lav I'psti- wiw hup f tint kidnt-v lie .mi e.ahrutiHl rngg n-pctiledly. until j foilnjiu-iince hud ceased to he u virtue; i but Fogg Wiui pretty hard on I'pstir ' whet) he did strike back tlinuirh to toll the truth. L'lwtir hadn't niw i enougti to know what ,11 ;..-!.- .. rough hull- uung no was gelling ' . i antici paw. Vgg It is rem, that cattle, when exposed . .:iier. invariably fe the -..' hi. i if they turned their backs it iv .!! blow under thmr hair ami thill thorn Upotir Ye, I saw that in the paei' last evening. - - After an interval Fogg has inmi ming to say about the taritl "U.. .:ll .. Say what you will, no system of ! impost duties can be permanent which doi not recogniie the rights of the ; 01 owes. Lpstit-Tlmt'e just what Dlenkiu sop says in his treatise oil "t'oninier cial Equities." Fdg(f (witli evil in hit heart) When Oeorce) Washineton urrived on tho Held of Waterloo tin. First Michi !?uii cavalry, which was nearly deci tiuited, reformed ixntaneoiisly at the si'ht of their beloved chief, and in an incredibly ehort time they had driven the Pn.yiiim host into dire confusion and took several thousand prisoners, including the renowned cavalier Kos cintiko . . Ulislir Ye, that is word for word what llunerofl says iu his history, i yB And Rieukin)r of cavalry re ; iiiiiuts me that it is the custom on the j plains for the men to ride with their i acua to i no horses lulls, in order tliul llieiuiny may notatlvancetooclosely to their rear. L'istir- I haw that in the paper the other ('ay. Fog;:- It i a very iiiteivstiiig fatt that on tlie plains the men fre i:ciitlv become loht in the thjVk for est v. Iiiclt everywhere abound, a Muadi'on of house has been known to v.nndir for years, without food or water, vainly endeavoring; to extricate themselves. Tlie lives on the plains, von niui;t know, grow to an immense jiciKht and lire so close toother that it it inijxsssihlo for u snukc to pass be twecn them. It will therefore be seen t nit I lie men, oa tliey wandered tiihJ',e;li these iiiimsMublc giant Ci'ovvtiis, musl suiter untold agony liiini ti e Run, w hich beats down upon them unmercifully Upstir What a memory you have. .Mr. Fogg! J'ou tjuotu from Turk ham's ( Jit'iit West' almost verbatim. Fogg Intel In.-, revenge ainfthe rtst of the i'oniiuny were scarlet will: nierriiueiit; hut L'pstir was quite tin conscious of the fixil he was iiiaking of liiniMilf. On the conli-ary. he grew prouder of himself every nioiiieiit Vhat is the use of trying to tuba rhinoc'-i-os to death with a toothpick f - uoston imnscnpl. The Ailiutant Bird, Talking of adjutant birds. 1 heard t a good story from Jlr. 1U; liuu! of the I Baptist mission at Lukolela. It seems j that Mr. Oomberof iuo imm i.ii ion I used to keep a tamn edjtttant at Lulete I (or Wuthen) station, tri" roamed j about the station, with clipicd wings, iu company with monkeys imnots and other pets, among tiiem u kitten belonging to Mr, Comber One tlav ; this, kitten was heard mewing pitc ously, though it was nowhere to lie seen. At lust, noticing that the sound apmwed to be proceeding from the adjutant, who was stand ina with his beak wide open, as though engauvd in swallowing something, with an cf foil. Mr. Comber walked up lo him, and looking down his throat saw the end of the kitten's tail about lodisuit pear. Thereupon be grasx'd the tail and hauled the kitten out still alive. Mr. Richards told mo that the truth of this story had been doubted in Fug land ; for my part 1 see no reason to disbelieve it, and would recommend those who do to pay a visit to tlie ioo and inspect the adjutants there.. Those I have seen on the Congo held -their heads as high as a tall man and hud beuks and throats of enormous capa city, adapted like those of pelicans anil other birds whieU leads similar life--in the catching and swallowing whol of large libh. 'i i nlete adju iniit. I am told, on nnoi'.ier tx'cusion swallowed a small dead monkey en tire As for the kitten- it is a well known fact that cats have nine lives! l)itic!;word's Magazine. Miatalten AlMinl tlx Hone. The otli.T day one of the customers in a U'Wlstou, Me., dry gissls store I..1I11I. to get her pureha-s, and she u;l'.'il'd at the store next morning in :i I rviinl. "Here, Guy." said the proprietor, "lake this lady's bundle riijfl.t home with her." 1 lie latlv pi-eceded the Doy out of the store, and walking along to the eiirliini! vteplieil into the wuffou stand in" ilit it-.. The boy look the blanket oil II. e liorse, uiihllched him and iuinK il in At the watering trough on one of the streets the horse seemed to wr.'ni to drink, and the clerk said; "'l ull I irive the horse a druiki" "Ye." tuid the lady, "give the old 1 .;. a drink, and the liurse drank. Arriving at the lady's house, the i-li- rk looked for the stable and said: ' Wind shall 1 do with the horse? Shall I tie him up?" 1 ,.:'8iue,' a the reply.---'"! dont I ee.iv what you (lo with him. 'He's not niv lioi-sc Ain't he yours?" To k thnt the boy .wns jistonished j i'h tit tell only half the truth, lie wus 1 11 nrlili'iied. '"T ikiim t Dlitliisniihic 'flew 'f if, he rcusoiicd that ver likely tiio isiliee were on his lines liislcuu .. 1 . . . ... ol returning by a direct road lo tlie store, he took a roundabout way. In the meantime l'ie owner hail Tfhlillcd the police nnd hod made n I borough search for the animal, only to liud it whero he had loft it, Lewistou Jour nal. How Doctors) Conqner Death. Doctor Walter K. Hammond says : "After a long experience I have come to the conclusion that two-thirds of all the deaths from coughs, pneumonia and con sumption might be avoided if Acker's English Cough Remedr were only care fully used in time." This wonderful Rem edy ia sold under a positive guarantee by T. C. Smith & Co. A Georgia man owns a mule with two tails. There are no flies on the beast. Burlington Fire Press. , HUSTAIIG LHIir-IEUT I The mil it who in all the time (flying tlmt lie lini urcn better lay probably relrrt to tlie f M-rtod before (pen. (irerly got ft good grip "n tlie weather bureau. Railroad Tickets to nil (M mil! exchanged. 9 N next to Haninril lUiililitij' nmin bought, i tho , t'uhlicSipiitre, ! (he ii U A full line of J. Fnnst Kr Sou' ruitom tiuiilc (tents', Ladies' mid Childien's Shoes, nil warranted, can lie found at llrown, Cmdgcr KiCo.'s. - Some one asserts thnt there ''raver class of nun than lawyer, is no This Ixxause conscience make cowards of otnerpeopie. Hucfclen'a Arnica Halve. The best salve in tlie world for cuU, bruises, sores, ulcer, salt rheum, (ever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and ull skin eruptions, ond posi tively cures piles, or no pay retpiired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded, 1'rkx 23 cents per box. For sale by F. L.Jacobs. daw i The hair of tlx doir it txiuularly sup- posed to cure the bite; but suppose one W"n by one ,rs8 dogs! oi tuesc .Mexican nuir- Flaminii Fire In tho Vein. ; We hold positive proof thnt Acker's English Blood Ulixir cures ull blood Ki sxius Where cheap utrsaparilhis and so called puriliers fail. Knowing this, we will sell it to all who call ut our store on a (Misitive guarantee. T. C. Smith & Co, First floheminn (pensively, over bis loizwood and water) After all.dearboy, lite is a dream. Second Bohemian Yes; anil the trouble is we only get the night mare part of it. Dyapepala, Despair, Death. These are the actual eteim which follow indigestion. Acker's Knglish Dysiepsia Tablets 'will both check una cure this most fearful of diseases. Ouranteed by T. L. Smith St to, "Did you hear that awful thini; olxiut Mr. Ulanquet, the castucr ot the bix tccnth National ?" "No. What was it?" "Why, they went over his accounts the other day and found that in twenty years 4 t( i i , .. , ,t li I . iitmuui.l uaoii v iivkii a Mill. "How I pity his ioor wile?" Anecdotes) of General Uraut. General Grant, on his Teturn to this country, is said to have been severely af flicted with a coueli contracted while crossing the ocean, and which had stub bornly refused to yield to uny treatment A friend procured lor him a bottle ot Symphyx, and by its use in a tew hours he was entirely relieved, lie remarked to his friend : "Men look uion me asa iirear soldier, but this bottle of Symphyx is greater than 1. My calling has been to destroy men's lives, but this medicine is a victorious savior ol men. 1 snail never be without it again." d&w Michael O'Kowke: Faith, an' that's a very small baby yer wheclin' around Bridiret. Nurse: What can yer expect, Mike, whin they feed the little crectur on con densed milk f A Safe inveotment. . . . Is one which is guaranteed J vuu aatisl'nrtnry resultsytn: in -caw ure a return ol purchase price. On- this safe plau you can buv from our adver tised Druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It is guar anteed to bring relief iu every case, when used tor any attection ot tlie Lungs, Bron chitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant and agreeable; to taste; perfectly safe, and enn Mil ways be deeiKled upon. Trial bottles free at F, L. J ucohs' iJrug Store. Sport "I saw a dog in full dress to day." Claybrain "For goodness sake, when is a do in full dress ?" "When he has on his collar and pants," Merit Winn. We desire to say to our citizens, that tor years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumpton, Dr. King's New Lite Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfac tion. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merrits. F. L. Jacobs, Druggist. ' At a book store. "Have you Whitcnmb Rilev's .Deserted Viliae?' "Kiley's Goldsmith is the author of the 'Deserted Village.' " "Is that so ? I thought Riley lived at Indianapolis." No sensible man prefers wealth to health. Some few have both ; very many haven't neither. Well, you may have find choice. Which will you take ? "Health." Very well; what's vour ail ment? "A little of everything."" What's the cause? "Blood out of order, k dneys weak, dilution bad, heart's action irreg ular." Y is, and every diseaae can be traced to these same sourees. Just take a few bottles of Brown's Iron Bitters, it will remove the cause of disease and re store vou to robust health. ' What We May Expect. Chicoga News. Now that Mr. Wanamaker is a sure enough Postmaster General, we may ex pect to read "ads" in the papers like this; SPRING POSTAGE STAMPS I NICK AND FkKSH. LOOK HOW GKEUN WASHINGTON IS. How would you like to get a beautiful 2- -cent wrapper tori cent .'Uur custom made special-delivery stamps marked down to 8 cents! What a bargain I None of your cheap shoddy stRmps, which will come to pieces ere your - letter gets to Camden, but the real article, satin-lined. Our prices cannot I beat. Don't forget Thursday. Thuisdny is bargain day in postal cards. boys' sizls a specialty! You'll be there ? Why, certainly, .. Count and see me. ! ' wakamaker, Postmnster General. Better Than llloody Hattles. General Wheatcroft Nelson says: "My experience in the English army as well as In America, convinces me that nothing so purifies the blood or adds to lite health, vigor and life as Acker's English Wood Elixir." "This great remedy is sold Ondrt a positive guarantee by T. C. Smith & Co. LIUSTAHGLIIIIUEIIT HEAI8 rNTUMMATI( OLI) SORE UAJiiuU UUlilAbTcj WtiUUT! sVi'Xs I 111 hi N I St AMI I't.lUM Ul, THE TAILOR'S COMMENT. II llaa 0 Trxtlt II Ib fnaloma-rs to H-s-Ilia Trad. Which la Haul to UrU "Fine custom tailoring is not what it iwil lo U" said a Urooklyn man in the business toun EuL'le retiorter. "and bijf house are just driving ns to WUU. I suppoNC it U the same in everything else, tint, ol course, you know our trade is the first lo sudor from competition of that kind." , "How ia tliutf" "I atu surprised that you ask mo such a question." replied the tailor, slightly elevating his eyebrows. "when you should know, if you do not. that we must it'l a large prolit on a custom made suit of clothes to make any money. Whyl llecause there las been an unwritten law iroiu tuuo immemorial which allows man to Day his tailor's bill hist of ull. Now, a person cau't get credit toany amount iu ouu or tlie nig eslabiisnmeni. n he orders a suit ut such a place lie must leave a deposit, and the balance is de manded when the clothes are deliv ered. On the other hand, tailor who has a Bmall shop must cater lo his cus tomers by allowing credit. Now, in these times or sharp competition, uign renta and heavy expenses for skilled labor, you will see thai it takes tlie Drotit unon a Great many suits of clothe to pay running expenses and lav up something lor dun times. W hen there was less oomiietitiou we could get along, but now, beside the big establishments where tliey can gel up a suit of clothes for almost nothing, there are innumerable shops where they tell fashionable looking clothes imitations of the clothes we keep, of course for just alout half the money we can sell the real goods tor. iu for mer years, the line custom tailors -and the ready made stores monopolized the ousinesa. neuuer iiiierrereu wiui too trade of the other, and consequently we hod a certain hold on our custom ers, who, in order to get new clothes of us, would pay their bills rather than be forced into buying ready made garments. Now they leave our bills unpaid and iro to one of the cheap custom stores, pay cash for in terior goods, and tneu como oacK and tell us how exorbitant our prices are. Why, it's enough to drive a man crazy sometimes, Yes, tho better class of small tailoring shoos are beincr driven out of business, and it's too bad, for the establishments that are driving tuein out are doing a much lnienor kind of work. The great object with them is to make ud and sell fashion- ublo goods at a low figure. Now, I will not suy thut the material they use is all shoddy far f win it. It is sur prising: for what a small sum they can sell really good clothes. How do they do it? Well, in the first place, they rely to a great degree upon transient trade. Secondly, tlie credit system is tubooed and they get cash for their goods. Thirdly, they nay the lowest wases possible to their help. Fourth y. thev do not protend to put the finish on their goods thut a first class tailor does. A man argues m tins way when he patronizes onoof thine shops: lie says to himself : i huvo beeu pay- inz f ill for trousers, while here is a man who savs he can eel me up puir equally good for $8- I know that Ul sun upitttiraiicu inssia trousers sui for a considerable time be us eood as my $16 pair, consequently 1 will buy the 18 ones and wheu they are worn out I can Pet another Duir. navimr for both pairs whut I would ordinarily pay for one, Now, you see, if his argument is a good one he would be very fool ish if ho did not take udvantugeof the cheaper man. After ull," concluded the tailor, sighing, "if it weren't that we were expected to give such long credit 1 don t know that we would be any worse otf than our neighbors. That is what is killing us." Brooklyn Eugle. OildlT Enough, tha Man Was Biht- The ,wife of a well known New Yorker recently prcseuted him with a dressmaker's bill of largo proportions. One item was $15 for cutting a busqua The gentleman paid it without a mur mur. Two days later the wile started on a visit to some friends down in Maine, and wore the new basque. Her huslmnd looked at it critically and disapproviugly. "I don't care about tho price, Jon," he said, "but it don't lit" "Why, Clarence," was the aston ished reply, "I'm sure it Ota beauti fully." She had taken her seat and the train was moving out of the station when she- thrust her head out of the window and said with an arch smile: "It does tit Clurcnce." The window closed before he could frame an answer. He at once went to the telegraph ollice and sent this telegram : Mrs. JiKKii , Portland, Ms,-It don't (It On Saturday last this reply came: DxAa CfaaftKNCC' Perhaps you are right. Caro odd (her cousin suys also that it doesn't fit. Clarence feels better now. New York Sun. About Lobsters. Uoncerning lobsters, experts say that young crustaceans have to be put in tho sea almost as soon as hatched. and they begin to feed voraciously. They are born with sense enough lo know that lobsters make delicious food, and they attack on another sav agely and hungrily. For a few days they swim on the surface, wnera they Una the food suited to their early re- Quiaementa. Here their destruction ia enormous. In a few days the lobster's walking or crawling memoera are de veloped, and he sinks to the bottom, where he makes his home. JJudgou . Hmtj Elsctlon XxpaosM, The United States il not the only country where election expenses reach an Inordinate figure, it Jacques, tha unsuccessful competitor ol ttouianger, states that his expenses durinu" the con test amounted to the enormous sum of 2,(XX),UU0 francs 8400.000. What the successful candidate's expenses must have beeu can only be conjectured, and the papers which are opposed to him are wondering from wht ijoureethe immensa sum was derived. Ban Fran-' . , aiunn I .n B,n,il- i' 4 Judlclona Advertlalng. k ' ' CREATES many a new husmss; ENLARGES many an oM bmintna; REVIVES many a dull businciui; RESCUES many a hat business"; SAVES many a failing bttiinet; ' PRESERVES many a large boiineBi : SECURES sttcceM In any busoess. . To advtrtiaa hdlcioutly, use the col umns of" The Citlien." Everybody rtadi U; and In pmpottlori fo the retdrn it yield advtttiiicn.ilt rata are the cheap ent in ffcecoifijtir. . UUSTANG LlfllLiEIlT 13 FOB MAN A BEAST. PEBTRATE8 MAXIMS Marat Balstml Dlaruaws thr Knhji-rt ul Niwapapcr Making. I Editor Mjrat Ilalstead. of Cineln ' null, delivered an uibln-v. on ''1 ho : Maxims, Msrketa and Mismoii of the . I'ress" before the Wisconsin I'ivsshs j siiciatiou recently In the com c m il ho said: Whocan tell the youiiif tiniu how in grasp the magic clew of the gloU- thitl spins with us There is no turiiiil,i ! or railroad thai leads into iotirnnli-m Tlieif are no vaiuneies lot nlae:c amateur Nobody is wantwt.' And yi-t nc are always ItMikiiig out fin koiiicbodv, and once in a while l;e conies. lli dm-s not ask for a place, but (liken thai wlnrh is his Io mil suy to the young man there are no Miliililiea There fcrtaiiily""aiv morn tiiaii ever before. Young man, if you wuiil logit into journalism, break in. Don't nsk how It is the finding of it out that will educate you ! to do the muavntial thing - The young j man must enter the newxpaier ollloe by main strength and wkwardue and make a place for himself 1 shall recite and aunoiiate some of the maxima declared by an editor Said lie: . 1. "Get the news, get till (he news. and cothing but ' the news." Who ever yd' knew just what' "ull the news " was? It is telling too much to aujf ' must get "all the news and nothing but the news. Im sheet would lie Kullicieut tocontuili it. Only tho wide world could hold it in all that darkun or shines between the continents and the oceans and the skies It ranees from a dog li"ht lo an earthquake, from the cuKindling fancy of ilawnintr hope to the achieve ment of inspiration. Si. "Copy nothing rivin another nonot lent without nerfeet rredil bometimes it is the highest Huttery w to givo credit, and we have known 111 formation credited to a newspaper thut tho journal itself would gluillv have discredited: Fortunately tins maxim does not co so far as to de clare that you must not publish in- tclligeiM-e without giving "perfect" authority for it. That would demund the infallibility thai Mr. Dunu is said to have discussed with the Kpe, with reference- to their comparative ixsse8- sion of the uncommon attribute. 3. "Never print uu interview with out the knowledge and consent of the party interviewed. This is to be con struetl conventionally, and il is not certain that il would always be txipu' lar with public men, who find the iu terview conveniont in making infor mal npiieamnres, often more imimr tanl lliun oiliciiil proclamations. The best interviewing, that which is most pleasing to liim who is interviewed and ; valuable to the iiewspaers, anil that gives the greatest charm to the art of the interviewer, is tho apjut rently innocent report of the seem ingly unintentional conversation of the subtle gentleman who is giving the information. 4. "Never print a paid advertisement as news matter. ul every ndvor tisement appear as an advertisement, no Railing under false colors." Once ujKn h time 1 sacrilked iiiauv dollars in mi endeavor to establish that great Bruiiuplu-amuwhavs .ssjewii'il fmuvv yielding to the niulenal muuifesUition of general judgment If one. may be eriniiled to siH'ttk of local esperie'iice. the question of never prinlinfj a puid advertisement as news matter bus not lieeii so iniiiortuut as the prinliiiif of ' advertisements that, are not n;i id Amei d this muxini by saving I'oli't tuuUi'tal.i) too milch; or, if we inav ut il in Hie most homely way, don I ite ofl more than vou can chew- without facial distortion 5. "Never nlUick llie weak or de foiiselesK. either by argument, by in vective or iy ridicule, unless Ihei-e is soni" ahsoiuto public nccessitv for so nine." There can never be an ubso- luto public necessity for attacking the weak or the defenseless. Help them. defend them ulwavs! Pei hups it is too early to compare the inllueuco which the elder Dennett, the newsman, exerted with that of Horace Ureeloy, who dealt rnther in ideas ti:ii in reports. It would In- easy lo describe the distinction of (Ik- two. (ml (litlicull to decide which was the n-oiv iiillueutiul iimii the press or the eouuiry. It riijrht be said of cither, in Disraeli's words, iinveilinc the statue of Lord Derby at West miiwlur "I have unveiled the sUitue ofa inaii v ho for forty years lurgelv jnllu n -ed the publi? opinion of his country " 4 II i 1'iive a mission greater than nnor"Tit is the bmid cultivation of t1 m iiitil.tr chai-acter. New York Oilll (minus If Trtia. Mr. A. Driving, a 'veil known law yer o Orilliu. lost his lil'eiin theUruiid 'i'luu.; railway He had been away on business, and on reluming got oli 1.1 : li.'.in whilu it v:i. in tmiMm.---!tt" te.-ul ot!etliiig oil ul the station side' he to ik (lie wising side of the (ruin, and I :id hardly touched the. 'ground win i, he k,lipied and lell so thai hi two - v.eru run over by the l'ull I, mi, I. He died in twenty three lion: . The accident took place at S o'cIik k hi tho morning, and at day li:flit u brother of. the dying man ili'ote'n few utiles nut from the station to n il Ins lather of the srd business in hi - s:n 'prise he found his futher up iieil ihyt'.iscd awaiting , for him "Wlii u ' Dumelf" eagerly asked the old d ntleuuiii.t '1 saw him about Jt o'ekx I, oratitil after. " lie came to my v, nalow - and rapped nt il. I saw him three1 times and sxke tohini!' The jricf of' the futher on learning ol the Kid all'air. was very great. Mon trenl Witness, , , . The HunrtitMnk't rortiiiM.. The Montp I'tiKtotreBstires left bv (li'eltiteAYthuiln Keaiie, theliUlichbnek iicwrIiov, have about reached their maximum, ri'tnue the discovery of the in Ins room and the box cohU'inint; bonds and stocks worth id leutit (.i;i.i;0, his brothers have been in tlie alert for the development of another mine of weulth, Another ( ioS belonging to the deceased was ! i ..: i l... iounn, out ii cuuuiiuwi fiotnii'ir out I ... .... papers. bt, Louis llepuhlic. - Careteae Mothers. - Nlany mothers have oermitted their children to dte before their eyes when they might bare been saved, Any mother who keeps hotre without a bottle of Acker's English ' Bahy ' Soother at hand, rusaarisk which she may some time regret. It has saved tlie liws of thousands of children, and is doing so trrerr-yemv. For sale iyy X, C. Smith & LO. f-' 4 ' k- l ' " . - ' THE EDITOR'S AshevilW has five first-elnits private in- VHTfTlT ' rOTTHT SOTTATMi!' rtihtUpnsnfkartmg.wmchincharnaeri:SUK, 11 L. - UAJ ' complctr With unv in tbe world UUSTAMG LIIIIOEIIT MISCF.U.AM-OUS, BLAIR FURNITURE COMPAIiY, NO, 9LFATTQN AVIiolcHiile und Retail And Undertakers. Prompt attention given to all orders day Residence t 39 feblillv "THE WINYAH SANITARIUM. f ASHEVILLE, N. C. .' "' ' ' y ; a For the reception of patients suffering of diseases of lungs and throat, and conducted upon the plan of the sa u'taires at Gtebersdorf and Falkenstein in Or al Any. Ours is the only such institution in the United States, and endorsed by the leading members of the medical profession. Terms reasonable. KARL VON RUCK, B. S., M. D. THE FARMERS' TOBACCO ! We are glad to say to our friends and customers that all grades have consider- " ably advanced since Christmas. Bright wrappers, cutters and strips are highet than they have been in several years, and tobaccos raised in Western North Carolina and East Tennessee. -' ' The exporters and manufacturers who need the type of tobacco raised in this section have their buyers on this market, and are paying more for it bers-than else- where4 We would warn our customers against the drummers and agents who are paid big salaries to induce shipments to other markets than this, by promises to sell at reduced commissions. After your tobacco is shipped it is from under your control . and when you receive returns there is always an excuse for low prices, claiming to bacco to be damaged, etc., etc. We have, with great expense, made i The Leading Warehouse in the State where you attend the sales of your own shipment. Elsewhere we give a partial list of actual sales made since the holidays. d&wtapr!2 PKOTECTINO PROPERTY OWNE88. THE "CAMAREF' GUARANTEED RQOFP PUTEMi We not only give the pnrchaier the best RuoBng Plates, but we protect hls First By giving our guarantee. i . ,tf I Wr- . ' Second By stamping each sheet with brand and thickness. .' , i ; , v Third By excluding wastes. . ,j Fourth By branding tht net weightof the 112 sheets on the boat . - .... For the benefit of those wanting the very best Kooning Plates, w assert, and art PUB PAKSl) TO PROVB, that (excepting the "Oilljertson't Old Method") there art ao other -brands of roofing tin being offered In the market to-day, by any firm, trader the four dlSeti ent guarantees given above by this house. ' ...lljljpj, jjnivaKO, London. U:V'I8 MADDUX, I'res h. P. McLOUS), Vice-Pres. Im.Ki.ToK: Lewis Maddux, M.J. Benrden, M. J. Pagg, J. B. Rankin, J. B. Ray, J. If. Reed S. H. Reed, Ceo. 8. Powell, C. M. McLond. , ' , , . WESTERN CAROLINA BANK':; . IAHHEVILLB, N.C, FEBRUARY 1st, 1H8S. . Organised May 1st, 1S88. CAPITAL (so,ooo. . . SURPLUS, f 5,000 STATB, COUNTY AND CITY DEPOSITORY. 7 . Docs liencrul Bunking Business. Deposits received. Exchange bought and sold. Col lections made on all accessible points.- The Raving Feature will receive special attenUoa. On all sums in this department, deposited for four months or longer, Interest at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum wilt be paid. . , i -. n " 8iecial attention given to loans on real estate, which will be placed for. long tint oa real sonahle terms. 'Open from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. On Saturdays the Saving Department will bcoptutUI 6 .m. : ""'""'77 ' . ... feb2dtf .., : - - - FINE JOB WORK '..., A SPECIALTY, AT NO. 6, i UUSTAiiG L1!!I.!EIIT CTJTIK3 FOOT ROT, HIOTJLrpit:nOT, vUWVVtHat A-NV BUAii IN VhiiOr f .wi In ') MiWt ..i-iif,if Furniture Dealers. or night. Penland Street. WAREHOUSE, u, jmxiiii in. TOBACCO ! show that Asheville is the place to sell the Farmers' Warehouse tobacco, or have it sold in a few days after 88IITH & ROLLINS, , - ,. proprietors. mi - MERCHANT ft CO. ''---' dwUpr . J. B. RANKIN, Cashlw. N OTICB. Bv virtue of a decree of the Bnnertor Coarr bcr Term, 1HS8, 1 will, oa the 4th day of April, 18M9, at the miilene uf T I AVENUE, a.njniicr on -oueKe nreex, in xne eixy or r Asheville aril ait nnlill a,,r l., f..r M.k M ..' the hla-heat bidder, all th fumlttirr aaat ... chatties, conveyed by T I VaaOlldcr and . wuc in ctnaia deeds or trust to me This furnittare constats of carpots, chairs, bedroom, library, hall and parloraets, and other sol household furaitun - t At the same time and plate, Md tader the same conditions and In the cams manner I .. . will rent and let the said residence for tht terra of one year from the date of sale . , ' For farther particulars enquire 4 tbeVa- , dentgned at his office or of J B Adams. "' attorney at law, or Moore Si Merrick, attor twys at law, at their respective ofllce - --. , , yt W BARHARO . ; March S, 1SSS. marodtarr. -. N- ' aasaassaiayaaaaaSs. oticb. ' y . - t i s During my temporary aheei o tha city, Mr..Cco. P. ScuU will attend to sst business, laqairs St hua'ryrd. Braf cmi w house. 1,. J,A TliMNbNTi snariodl w. - "v- j , ,i ,i ) , .. i j-, nrr USTAHQ U"!"-T- CXniVM RHEUXATiaS lAMA IUCX CTJW.K nif. Itt'BNH, CUTH CORKS, MVi(4iLAjwuruuu 1 Jf l.l --. ' .. . 1 t ,1 , . i ) ft i Y V " H-

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