uail, ciTiz::r. The Cm") I th moat .t-nalvrly drra tmicf ami i, read ecwaajrr la Western horia C arotina. In diwuMtw of mbllr mm and nfinm blaiwlnuml of fratilk intricrtty, honc-t fi.vrra mni I, aad prflirmM industry, and It now bo pcraoaai aliegiaacc ia treating pub- 1 k Crrna publishes I fat dispatches of the Associated Prraa, r hH a bow covert the whole wmld ta tit Broii. It baa othrr facili tate of al v anerd )oaruallara for gathering a-w. ftrtm art qaa-rtera, with eya-ryt tuna-caj.-fally vflturd to occupy tb amaiicat .pace. bccimra roii- of any edition will b seat frr- to any m s-niltng their addrra. Tsetse Dalle, ta fur one year; S3 for all moat ha: 60 cent for on month ; IS cent, for on week. Canter, will deliver the paper ta every part of th city to au)irior, and pae ttre waatiof it will pleaac call at tb Cmiaa Bdiea.- Apvaa'i miaa Sat Reason att, and known ob application at thia office. All traaaieat edrTUrment ma at be paid la aaV- FRIDAY. MARCH 15, 1889. THI MM Of HI a) aATHfclt Colonel Fred Grant, the ion of hit father, who new did anything for him self, or any body else, at any one ever heard of, it knocking at the Presidential door for the Chinese mission. Some of the meet influential friends of (General Grand tod-ding George VV. Childs, of Philadelphia, and Senator Leland Stan ford, of California, are using their in fluence to persuade the President of the appropriateness of the appointment They base their claim chiefly upon the fact, that the Chineest officials hare the greatest regard for the Grant family which friendship dates from the time Gen. Grant visited their country in his trip around the world and won their good graces. Of course, this makes out a very strong case Indeed, as it does not include toe ability or ntness 01 tne ap pointce for the position. However, like most other "wantl"of political nature there ia some opposition to the scheme Senator Hiscock, ol New York, object! on the ground that Mr. Fred Grant is not a New York man, and if appointed must not be credited to bis State This ia a point well taken, as it' would bt rather difficult to ascertain where Mr. Grant! residence really is. He has si ways been a man of leisure as well as ol pleasure, and lived in no one place tot any length of time. To lie sure, he claims a residence in New York Citv, and' two years ago the Re publicans of that State tried to find a permanent place for him in the office of secretary of state, but the voters of the Empire State didn't seem to think that the son of hi's father, was entitled to the honor and so he continued his pleas ure trips to Europe. Mr. Hiscock doe not want a transient map to scoop up one of the fat positions that he has re served for one of the "buys," hence tin objection. - IIS III LIMPIIWI TWWII NFUilTr it l , i . i .it i t..i:,u u. Fred Grant will be given tbe Chinese mission and for no other reason than that be is the son of his futhcr. This is a theory that is becoming all too prominent, and one that is wrong in principle and wrong in practice. If Mr. Fred Grant, possessess the abil ity and is capable of discharging the du ties of the office all well and good, let urn be appointed. These and these alone should be the questions upon which an appointment should be based. Let no such wishy washy arguments as "be is the sou of his father" enter into the question at all. If there happens to be one black sheep in the old man's family lie should not bt flushed to the fore in preference to a ca- i , . pablc man whose father perchance, for tune did not smile upon so favorably. Tbe son of the father idea, so far at po litical appointments are concerned should be relegated to the rear forever and a day. FARNELL TO THE FORK. Charles Stuart Parntll is daily proving to the world that he is a man and leader of ability, of sincerity . of truthfulness and 'abort all of genuine patriotism. Very many have been led to believe that Mr. PamcQ was waging a selfish if not nn 'entirely fruitless contest iu his bold stand for Home Rule for Ireland. But tht acts of the heroic leader day by day prove it to lie far otherwise. Mr. Parnell, from the very beginning has been working for a principle as dear to him as to any of his people. The dilfi cuhkt he has bad to encounter and sur mount have been such at fvw would have grappled swctiisfutly, They have not been difficulties raised by bis enemies uloiM but by his own people, a race nut until ill-tempered and troublesome, How manfully the great leader hat stood up almost alone and waged the unequal contest the world well knows. Now and then a faint gleam of victory would bt discerned, only to be dashed do wn by tbe false step of a friend of the trick of a wily foe. Amid every discouragement Mr. Panxll has steadily pursued his course until to-day bt standi before the world a rjeerlm kader whose every act has been above dishonor and reproach. His recent speech before the House of Commons, Is which he arraigoed tbe EegUah goveramejjt for its policyto ward lrekcrj sVrwa him to be masterful ratrmaa. UhkotrUlBCibii pastas wtS U nfttht poUcyV lu tone Is ticccd iogladoi otu. patriotic, his ludi an address tait' a stranger reading it, would be obliged to say that its author was imbued with the highest principles of in trfty atrd ttstrjinqmsuip. IWdiing dim tly ti'Min liii future jxilky v.vtj, Mr. rariull in closiiiR j JVe hiurf weVy coufid'em-e that in titer i near future tlx people of Enirland will see , that our cause is a just one; and that it 1 is possible to arrange such a system as ill permit Ireland to have the power of dealing with all theme matters w hich con cern herself, and herself alone, without the slightest shadow of danger or rink to the interests of the Empire. All I auk is that you on your side should lie willing to consider and deal withthistuetlionaa if it were an open question; that you should consider how fur you can give to Ireland the right to legislate for herself with safety to your own greater, and un doubtedly more overpowering, influences. It is legitimate and right that we, being the smaller country, should endeavor to I conciliate you in every possible manner, and yield to you, and agree to such safe guards as you ma v think necessary or desirable for the security of your own in terests. We have always been anxious and willing for this, and we are willing to do so still. I am convinced that our people, knowing that England and Scot land and Wales have for the first time turned the ear of reason to the solution of this question, will steadily resist every incitement to disorder, to turbulence and to crime, and that they will hold fast in tbe true way pointed out to them by the right honorable gentleman the mem ber for Midlothian in 1HK5, until he gets that chance which we hope and believe will be a nrur one, both for the sake of Ireland and for the sake of England, of again touching the great heart of his countrymen." BOUU FATMOTIHI. . New Yorkers are great people for nion uments and statues, esiecially when they ad get somebody else to erect them. Senator Murphy, of the New York State legislature, who is a sort of maniac on he subject, has recently introduced a till in . that body which provides "or the expenditure of $10,000 towards .he erection of a monument to the mem- ry of the lute John Ericsson, the inven tor. According to the provisions of the bill the statue will be placed in Central Park New York City. Of course this would tie an admirable place for it, and in lact the place, but what the granger constituency scattered over the sixty .ouiitics of the Empire State, and who comprise so large a number of her tax payers, will say to such, extravagance remains to lie seen. However, it is safe to predict that they will vote an em phatic and unanimous nay. It would srera to most persons, unconcerned in the natter that if New Yorkers want a statue if the great inventor in Central Park the city should foot the bill, But there are it is uui a anon lime ago mat certain patriotic citizens of New York undertook the task of erecting a monument to Gen eral Grant, a most noble and laudable undertaking. Tlie utter and lamentable failure of the enterprise is known to all. The subscrip tions gradually petered out until even talk, much less work, was abandoned. The Daritholdi statue would never have graced Bcdloc's Island and the entrance to tlie harbor but for the indomitable perseverance and industry of Mr. Joseph Pulitxer, proprietor of the New York World. 11 New . orkers were not patriotic enough to honor a Grant, what could lie expected from them in the case of the Swede, John Ericsson f Senator Murphy showed considerable tact in trying to make the State pay for another orna ment for Central Park, rather than to leave it to tlie pocketbooks of the patri otic constituents. But whether it was politic or not is quite another question. This mainia for expending his peoples money on various clap-trap schemes, even though they contain a sprinkling of patriotism, is not at nil advisable. Am bitious legislators are often too eager to win notoriety in this manner. It is a sort of bogus patriotism which the people would do well to check by their suf frages. ' KINO FKKI.INU AMONU MM.. UIF.HH. It is a well-known fact that among all Hisf iiciw:hcTrlxWs:n'VliivaWtiB" generosity one to another, which it is ever delightful to contemplate. And it is also true that the greater the soldier tlie more marked is this characteristic. It is only among the "smull fry" such" ns do not deserve the honorable title of soldier, that one finds a disposition to detract from tlie abilities or virtaes of an ad versary A really great man it ever ready, no matter how hard the test has been, to make friends and to shake hands over the bloody chasm. As a proof of all this we take pleasure in clipping the following from the Mem phis Avalanche, which we hope is true, as it only tends to establish our opinion that both Gen. Sherman and Gen. Joseph E. Johnston are real, true soldiers. The many admirers of Gen' Johnston in Asheville, who having followed his lead through tbe trying days of '64, know both of his bravery and of his devotion to bis men, will join us in the prayer that President Harrison may heed Gen. Slur mans suggestion. Tbe foUowtag it the excerpt : "Cm. Sherman hat made an urrmt personal requett of the President that Cen, Joseph B. Johnston should be re tained in the office of Railway Commis sioner, to which be wat appointed "by Cleveland, and promised tn ask nothing more of the administration. Johnston surrendered to Sherman twentr-four yenrs ago next April. As the position hat no patronage aud is non-NiliticM it tfprobubte tAsrrmun will btyratilfc., Jokera' Combine. Merchant Trarfllrr .The pica. Iwftu is not always a womun's Ikbu idciil. Bt,,n Pot: Can the Pennsylvania earthquake be due to a Cabinet jar .' New Orleans Picayune: The voice of the old sea dog is the bark that it on the sea. San Francisco Wasp: "Now. sir, who was present when the prisoner boxtd yourenrs?" "I was, sir!" j Oil City Ulizinrd : Dadcau is constantly , claiming that somebody owes him some-; thing, thus rendering himself odious. ! Chicago Herald: If you put away all ' expensive and frivolous guyetitt you are ; entitled to a fifty-dollar Easter bonnet, j Terre Haute Express: Many a young! man finds his courtship come to a full , tP whcn il ":hr th interrogation point. Pittsburg Chronicle: The newspapers which have bureaus in different cities have not necesarily gone into the furni ture business. Binghampton Republican:- A Toledo watch manufactory has been partially burned. There was a good deal of time consumed before the fire was put out. New York World : The committee in charge of the inaugural festivities is burdened with an unexpected surplus of $20,000. Keep it (or the mourning services four years hence. MISCELLANEOUS. NEW YORK COOLED DOWN, -Bl'T- AHlievlHe in a Flutter. liOSTICBROS.&WRIGHT have thia day put down their all wool (filling) Henriettas to 18 cents per yard. These goods are double width and are warranted to "wear well, turn water and never flop." They have this week received the prettiest stock of goods ever seen in this market, and it will pay you to go through their store and see their stock. Nothing like it was ever seen in Asheville before. These goods were not bought AT AUCTION, But bought regular from the best trade of New York City, for the very best trade of Btmotmb ftadtwill-ljigflld.; at "mud-sill prices." They claim, (and justly, too, we think), that, owing to the hut that they buy for cash and sell for cash, they can and will offer you inducements that will make it to your in terest to buy of them. One t hing sure, they have certain ly got the goods and we would advise you to go and see them , for whether you buy or not the display they make is well worth your seeing and will more than pay you for the trouble of going, for it does seem to us that new goods this Spring are pivtticr and cheaper than ever before and any one, no matter how poor, can look well in a pret ty 8 cents Challie, a 7 cents Gingham or a 10 cents Sat ine. Their finer grades in Silk Warp and Satin Finish are as fine ns you will see in any city, and are a cmlit to Anlim-ilK'. ; '.. Do not forget the place, NO. 11 ITU LIC SQUARE. The leading Store of tbe city for Lad It la ESTABROOK'S, ii 8. Main Street. Tlu aTTtilrat variety of nice goods, such as nookn, Htatlonery, . Fancy Goods, Toy.,, Painting i Knjii sUusj. rraiiws, W.stera North Carolina Views. Novelties. Bte., Bte. Everyone Is pleased and all satisfied with -nm may nny i Thalr atock l of tht baa and prlc alwavs rraaimnule. RuatnrM neb will nad tbe lar- ireai ana neat line or Blank Books and uffiee Mattonrrv In w. N. c Art Stuillo ovrr More, where vMtora enn omain iih-bi sketches la oil or water colors. Ikb14dtr ODD JOBS AT ODD IMS. L. V. Brow o0rrs bis arrricts aa a Srtt- rlaa Mathlnl.t. raprrially oa all kinds of nn ngnt tnaenhwry, aad work la wood or mrtai. ria aom rinrrtnac In opening and repairing Fir Proof Sal, makinc Moor I. rrpatrtns SurTrror'. Inatmatrata, rt(. H can .how .prcinwnt of his workmanship, from a k.y to a straw rafim that will con. rinrt any rac ol bi. .kill. No work aolicttrd. cxrrjn such ss requires sUD aad fsaias to a Oac'aJ. . UrtracVar9sV tors, ashevills. 7t-, FITS CtKBD IY OT.P RPBCIAUST l'HHICIlll Bottls of mdkatM rm. Wi war. rant onr rcmrdv torvt th anni . and th only Dhralrlana whado thia ... prrvmtt yonr Mtna imnosm noon hy tma iialnK falar nam, aad who ara not Poctora. Hrrauar othrr. failed I. ao rrpao. ior aot naing thia Bwditiac. Oir Uair.4 aad Poat. iI.Tu'.ii 2W"F Nw MicLLASLOL'S. Brace Up. The Knickerbocker Shoul der Brace and Susjender combined promotes fi-ee res piration, prevents stoop- a shoulders, easily adjusted '. and worn with comfort. Cheapest and best Brace in the market. Call and exam ine them at the Drug Store of T, C. SMITH & CO. Also a large assortment of Hard Rubber and Elastic Trusses and Supporters. THE CITIZEN PUBLISHING COMPANY, No. 6 North Court Square, Is prepared to do high-grade work at LOW RATES Because they have a FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENT. CITIZEN rUDLiyiINO VO, HEAL LSTATE. Win. 21. Cocke. Jr., realestatea:;3l::;;eejile::keh, Aahevllle, N. C. Can acll yon one million mcm of Innd, in tract from SO to lOO.OtM) acrrt. Htwe a .amber of city loU, improved and nn im proved, which I can art! on the beat of terma. If jon want a or amall farm rail on me. If yon want minerula of any kind, yon need go no further. If you want timber lunda, thia ia hcad(oartrra. in fact I can anit you in anything you want in my line. Hervicea of a firat-claaa civil engineer and practical anrvcyor engaged to show up all property when required. I have bad fifteen yeara' experience in the real estate buaincaa. aad think I know what will pleaac. Prompt attention to all inquiries. fcblUdly tf W. COKTLANIl, Real Estate Broker, INVESTMENT AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, l'attoa Armor, Barnard Building. fcbSdly D. S. WATSON, Real Estate Agent, (Not a Speculator.) Having by practical experience thoroughly sy.tematiicd my sales department, I oner SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS To thoae wiahing to sell, aad BARGAINS to those wiahing to buy. I have tome of the best property for aalr In A.hevllle which can be bought low down. Alao; country property. Manganese, Iron, and Timber Lands, Call and examine my Hat before purchasing. D. 8. WATSON. Southeast Corner Court Square, dtm&yl Aaheville, N. C. J. N. MORGAN & CO., No. 3 Barnard Building. ' School and College Text Books, a full line. Poets, His tory, Romance, Biography, Travel and Novels, Family Bibles, S. S. Bibles and Test aments, Oxford Teachers' Bibles, Song Books of all kinds, large stock Stationery, Blank Books and Office and School Supplies, New line Ladies' and Gents' Pocket books just opened. Fancy Goods and Dolls. feblOdlv J ABIES FRANK, -DKALKB IN- FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Agent for Reems Creek Woolen Milt.. North Maui Street, A.hevUie, N C, fcblodly PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. All kind, of cement wot k nuur. Jobbing and kaliominlng nlomptly at tended to. . Reaiilrnce, Clavtnn St. - Orders can be left with V. II. We.tall & Co. febttUKin THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Rooms on Main street, oppoaite -the post office. Open dally, except Sunday, from 10 a. m. until t p. iu.. and 4 until 6 p. m. The term, of auhacription are: One year f 2; 8 mo.., $1.00; 3 mo... $1; 1 mo., 60 eta.; daily it ct. Officer, tor 1 889 Preaident, R. R. Rawl. ; Vice-President, Charles W. Woolsey; Sec. and Trea.., D. S. Wataon; Librarian, Mi.. B. I. Hatch. - CUIiina and vlaitor are cordially Invited to inanrct the catalogue and inscribe their name. a. member. feb8dtf MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY, No. 22 Patton Avenue, Glrdwood & Stikeleather, - . .- rroprietori. f?r-An onleni promptly attended lo. lebtHly JRl'8TKE'S 8ALB. By virtue of a deed of trust executed to me by A. B. Ware and wife, dated February 7, lHH, and duly registered in Book 12, P'age 218, to secure the payment of certain notes mentioned therein, I will Bell at public auc tion for one-half cash and balance In six months, on the premises or at the courthouse In Asheville, N. C, on Wednexlav, March 20, 1HNU, the projierty drscrilied In said trust, Mid property Iteing .itnated in the Citv ol Aaheville, on French Broad Avenue and Wil liam Street, adjoining lands of W. M. Cocke, jr.. and Messrs. Baird and Alexander; con taining two acres more or less with three dwelling houses and other improvement.. Thl. the 18th clay of February, 1KK9. IS1DOR vVALLACH, Iebl9dlm Trustee. JsAV. SCII AUTLKp MERCHANT TAILOR 41 N. Main St. feb2odly BROOM FACTORY. HAXFOtftD N. LOCKWOOD. nAND-MADK Brooms), AVhlskH, Hearth and Cetling: Brooms. Mill and Factory grades s specialty. Quo tations and aumplca free. fcu'llklly JOTICB. Notice 111 herrby given that application will be made to the Legislature ol North Carolina for a charter incoporating the Western North Carolina Medical College. J. A. WAT.ON, M. P., 8. W. BATTLE. M I) , . F. T. MERI WKTHliR, M. D., frb24dlra AND OTHKKS, KICIILAND HOUSE,: Corner Main and Depot, WAYXESYILLE, N. C. Rooms ncwlv InniisluHl, Flit tlir liest ! the market affords. Oood siimplc room, SATISFACTION CU.RANTKi;i, Teruis: $1 .00 per day. 0. D. L. ALLEN' & SON. Proprietors. JkOTICB. i -.hi roitrvr aeon ior anyone In the city fhr 1 per cent Good facilities nr renting and ml. r t.oixl lnrtlttic. hr renting and nil ' lectin rent, on house.. - - ..... a. ,, a, ,,,, , on weekly payments. ' T. n hflHh. H all a. oi.i... " i. n. JOHNSON rii i.-.".7.:.r' twwrtefliM, I Misa-:LLAxi:ocs. powell & mm AUK TIIK CUS- todians f the public hi.filnrf and they pro !Ke that CTrrylxMly nlmll havr a nd time 1 thev can help them tu it. hweittlly thoe that nave a hard tnnr rmmt ol the yVar will find them laying fur the m. If von hrird to auit, dilbcult to aatisfy. YOU ARK THIS CUS- tomrr we are after. e'11 :it you, iJlfAnc you. satisfy ynu, make you bf MP.v. What more ciy you want. If you watt to know whether we are alile to keep our word, whether we can hack all our brag with good conaet ration perforntancc, why ASK ANY old CUS- tomer of ours and we'll stand by his testi mony. A matt that won't keep his word, that roc back on bis promises, that tries to work up a in up HE ISN'T WORTH A CUS- pidore or any other cheap and nasty article. We want to giye yon a xood time. Are yon with us? .If ao just get a move on yon and come to POWELL & .SNIDElt; GK0CERS, ASHKV1L1.B. N. C. dtmarlS li ICHMOND ft DANVII.LB RAILROAD COMPANY. ( Western North Carolina Division.) Passbooks Drpaktukst. 1 AIHEVILLB. N. C, Jttll. 1. 1889. PASSENGUR TRAIN SCHBDl'LB. Ia BrrscT Jan. 1, 1889: No; oi l No. 53 L.V, A.htvill., Ar. Sali.hary, " Danville, " Lynchburg, " Vtafthington " Baltimore, " Phila., " New York, " Hoatun, 9nnpm 437am 947am 1246pm 7 3Bpm 9Supm SOOam 6 20am 8 30pm JI30pm 750am 11 4Sam 1 40pm 643pm tovopm 100am 700am 8 3S am 1047am 1 20pm 900pm Richmond. RiiliiKh, Oold.boro, Wilmington 5 15am j 102pm 310pm Jloojim I.V. Asheville, Ar. Spqrtanb'g "" Charfottc. " Columb(af " Charleston, S 30am 1150am 530pm 440pm 910pm 1 Augusta, 1 Kuvannah, ' Th ayllle.Oa ' Jacksonville 90Rpm 61 Sam 1 40pm 1200 m Atlanta,, MontKom'y Mobile, 1040pm 7 25am 1 55pm 7 20pm New Orleans No. 50 f No. B2 "f N"oV 54 740m r 444pm I T topm 920am 610pm 840pm LvrA.wiiie: 444pm 610pm 850pm ,6AOam 1145am J130pm 444pm 610pm 85ipm 7 15am 11 45am Ar. Hot Springs " a-noxviue, Jnvf ' Memphis, t iipin 616nm 610am T40am 920am 110pm 640nm 6 3opm 745pm Ly. Ashevil.e, Ar. Hot Spring. " Knoxville, " Louisville. " Cincinnati. " Chicago, " " St. Loui., 630pra1 7 4iipm Sleeping car. on all night train.. JA8. L. TAYLOR, W. A. WINBURN, O. P. A. D. P A. SOL, HAAS.T. M, Schedule Street Railway. To take efTect Friday, March 1, at 6.80 a. m, Car leave. Court House 6.30 a. m " " " " 7.00 " " " " " 8.00 " " " "" ' n (Ml " Prom then till 7 p. m. car leaves court house every 30 minutes. Alan, car leave, court honsc at 8.00 p. m. auu v.iif p. ifl , . . PARB. FIVB CENTS TLANTIC COAST LINE. On and after this date the following sched ules will be run over Its "Columbia Division.' No. 63 Icave Columbia 5.20 d. m Arrives at Charleston 9.30 p.m. No. 63 Leaves Charleston T.IO a. m. Arrive, at Columbia 11.55 a. m. Connecting with train, to and from all point, on the Charlotte, Columbia & Au gusta and Columbia ft Greenville Railroads. "Dally. T. M. EMERSON, Gen. Pass. Agt. J. F. DEV1NU, Gen. Supt. ft Bl'CKLAND, MERCHANT TAILOR, NO. 10 PATTON AVENUE, Begs to announce tnat he has received his samples for the ensuing spring and summer unit Malta Ha n..l.ll . ti .1 . ...... ... ,,u,,i ... iu,, cum cxnimne. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO CLEAN ING, REPAIRING AND ALTERING. jan2dtf J. V. 11ROWN WIlTcolttTiiTirine und.riukVr's busrmssa't his old stand over J. B. Dickerson&Co.'s Httrtlwarr- Sture, ; under the - linn name of J. V. BROWN & CO, laving thirty years' experience as under- I Uk'r and '"llmr, and uneqnaled facilities for buying, ran safely guarantee satisfaction Calls promptly attended in at all hours, Everything pertaiulng4e the business al ways on hand. febl3dflm R 1 J, DENTIFRICE A T R U E TO I LET VJ X'JM Y. Or S0UTtLY Pj, iNdrCDICNTS) BEUTIFlE3 THE TEETH, jj. PRESERVES THE CUM3, ZZ..l-. ''l::Tir'9 THE 6 B tTH NO 'IWUfiV 10 T.. MAMIL "E N0 AGfl'. EAD'.k. WITHCUT CCU.'.L A 3 A lOILET t'tt AHh", ! IN. JJJICE S8CC.NT8 60TTlJl"" SOLO St .LL 6HU0ai8T H. WINKEIWANN 4 CO kOS tTiisosr. Wq ... . For snle liy J. H. c;rant, d.iwt!iiiL t NKW KI'KIi earrrolly prrparrtf by i,-nl. " " nrine liar toil ' ' """""f" Heavy tlat nnneri. eo " , n'r iinr ( ir""1."" frr-r " ! t and n.. im trl.t H SKirtn vm ssntnrv lniilirrf U0TLI.S. SIliiCTLY FIRST-CLASS PRIVATE BOARD. Tin: tiiomas noirsi:. NKAH BATTKR Y I'AkK. Is now under rntirrlv new itiuimgeuicnt, anil will lie kcit in strirtl.v first-riuss stylr. TRANSIfc'MT OK kbUlXAIt IIOAKDhHS TAKEN Northern Cooking. Rules Reasonable. MRS. E. LACY & SON. Proprietors. dtf ITY RKSTAI RANT. PATTON AVENUE, Under Redwood's Store. Meal, at all hours AV the itHi-nj .ha arason sened in all varieties and In the best' style. Oyster., Game, Steaks, The Best of Ho Coffee. Fresh Norfolk Oyster, received every aay. Tne retail trade supplied. Have added a new broiler: steaks, oyster. etc., etc., dene to a tarn. dtmarlS T. jf. SUMNER A DELIGHTFUL EXCURSION ! ASHEVILLE TO HOT SPRINGS. Hound Trip Ticket only $4.60, Including a. full day', board at the MOUNTAIN PAltK HOTEL. The Baths in Marble Pool, sad rorcelaha Tub. are the finest and most luxurious In America. The Hotel Is NEW AND FIRST-CLASS In Bvery Particular. .UNEXCELLED IN ITS CVISINB. The pluce is a charming spot, nestled among and sheltered by Pine-clad Mountains where there i. no fog, no dust, no malaria. Pure and abundant water, and absolutely perfect drainage. dtju!2(t NEAT. "PROMPT. ACCURATE. A RCfll -PICACliDC n in-riL. i LLniiiiiii TO DO YOUH . PRINTING As you want it and when you want it. nimifi.iT mint ........ rUliLlSlIlINU tu. If any dealer says he has the W. t. nma-las Shoe., without name and price stamped oa the bottoLo, (tat htm down a a frauuV W. L. DOUGLAS atV atTav Mkm m m sv sstaaa ?3 onuc son CENTLESICH. -. S"" m " world. Fxamlne his H.00 UKNITINK II ANIl Sr t 1 1) MI OB. 4.00 H1MI-KKWKD WKI.T SlIOK ti.;o mi ha vVli kTa fSoT JX?. WQKtill MAN'S gllOrV ajWanS I.M KOYH'Hf'iiftoL SBOBSt All nttde In Congress, Button andLaca. W. L. DOUGLASS S3 SHOE . Best Material. TLa.t Kt. i- . LtLt- U aot mm by yonr dealer, writ? " . r; ., uvaivfl! af aUM. For sale bt "HERRING & WEAVPn. 30 South Main Street, Asheville. N C. .IZJmV " ?t s sllrnam B'brd rZnJL??.?W'to vslo with old ' " "'"'-f'-wei sirrouTr ant Poak a a ,.. ' v... a:"ia rnao .nlramt KKiv ioliiouj iuma(lain ahirh w. .... .t.- " sztzzjx1" eu sua

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