f I-"'', Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of pur ity, BtrrnKth and wholesomcncss. More eco pumkll Ik an the ordinary kind, and cannot Ik sold ia competition with the multitude of low teat, short weight alum or phosphate imwders. Bold only in cant. Hoval Baking J'owdbii Co., 1U0 wall St., New York. d&wtaprl7 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Thko. P. Davidson, . Thos. A. JnNKl. Kalcigh. Ja. O. Martin, Asheville. Asncvuic. D AVIDSON, MARTIN & JONES, Attorney and Counsellors at Law, Asheville, N. C. u,:ii . .. : ,h I Ilk mnA 1 2th 1uriiriAl Distrk. . aa in the Supreme Court of North Carolina -J in the Federal Courts of the Western District of North Carolina. Kel'er to Bank of AihevUle. dtscl JULIU8C. MARTIN, Attorney at Law, . Asheville. N.C. ' THIes and Con veyancinga specialty. Col- .i..-. PmMlAHi In all the courts. nmce: With Gudiicr & Carter, McLond Law Building. dtnoviS CHAM. A. HOOMR. DIIPF MKRKICK TBfOORBSt MEUKICK, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, ' Anheville. N.C. '- Tractive In the United States Circuit and Jiistrict Courts at Asheville, Statesville, Char lotte and Greensboro, in the Supreme Court at IfaleiRh, and in the courts of the Twelfth judicial District ol the State of North Caro- ' "special attention given to collection Ol claim.. Partnership does not extend to practice in puncomoc inicnor vourx. TOO POLITE. .; , 11m a trv mormxai man. Wuii nuuioom pprftvt quiuj; I K'iimi was evar more uroana. j Or cututl be mors poln To hear htm murmur Thank yuu.sir'' ! as ivelly amir t irrat . To an- buu boa aim utuxn gaaca. a as happiDra oouipieta lim though a aiaa u moat polite, tinuu tuna no's sum to slip From graca. and onus a cruet law Made m Uiis on trip f or one day a sstiwt girl said "Yea" (How strnrif-e are CuphI s prankaO Ami loan be luat her once for all because be ouirmumt Thinks -boruerrilkt journal , Gauged by Molstar. "I can tell you how large an audi ence there is in the house any evening without looking, said the lender of a Broadway theatre 0rchttt.tr the other day. '"How!" interrupted a reporter. "My violin bow tell the lale. When the house is full the moisture coming from the audienco lessens the tension of the hairs on the how, and I am compelled to tighten them tunny tunes during; an evening. If the air is dry, of course, this is avoided. You have - no idea how - the sound of a violin is affected by the weather. Dump atmosphere will' loosen and flatten the strings, and the result is a screeching sound from the instrument. The hotly of the instru ment is also utt'ected by the atmos phere. Moisture gets into the wood and the violin gives forth an unnatural tone. The moisture thus lowers the pi tell, and it is exceedingly dillicult to keep the instrument rightly tuned on a dump evening. The wind instru incuts are affected in an pxsite way. Dampness contracts the metal, and the result is a higher pitch. It frequently bupieus that there is a difference of an entire note between the wind and string instruments in playing a selec tion." New York Star. HI HIM hi AMU I'l.I.Ahl UK. Now, by Jimmy, we shall state di-parttncut will do i moan w ar. re what the bout a Sa- 1 Kaihoad Tickets to all points bought, sold anil exchantfcil. 9 N. I'ublicSqunre, next to Barnard lluililinj;. a 14 ; "He kicked me, but Igavchimthcslip," ; clunked the banana iicel n its victim suddenly yit diiwn on the sidewalk. A full line of J. Fnust & Sons' custom made dents'- Ladies' and Children's Shoes, all warranted, can be found at Brown, Guilder &. Co.'s. al Northerner "'It it true that the colored race is increasing enormously in Flor ida f" Southerner J' Yes, you see most of the alligators have been killed off." Would von make vour henslav? If so, ' buy a package of Imperial ligg Food, WBK'n is invaiuauie lor young cmcas hiiu moulting fowls, put up by F. C. Sturtc vaut, Hartford, Lonn. For sale ouly by F. L.Jacobs. With a good extradition law many combinations now in Canada would play return engagements in this country. , Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Wiuslow's Soothing Syrupshould always be nsed for children teething. It soothes tlie child, softens the Kums, al lays all pains, cures wind colic, and is the hest remedy lor diarrhtea. 2oc. a bottle. New Orleans Picayune: "In the hands of men entirely great the pen is mightier than the sword. It is tlie same way with a parasol in the hands of a woman. It will stop a horse-car. Backlen'a Arnica Salve. - The best salve in the world for cuts. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures ones, or no oav required, it is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per lx)x. For sale by F. L. Jacobs. duw DuuaMtla Aulwals f Ai.el.iS tru,ln Ilcrr Nrhring, speaking A the do niestic animals of the ancient Peru vians, obwrved that the subject was scientifically iuiMrtaiit. becuuxe all the other (x-oples of ancient America were very poor in this kind of prop erty us comisinxl with the Peruvians and boliviaus and some of the Central American peoples; und, stn-oiidly, be cause the influence of domestication on the formation of races could he laHlur followed on these hiiii.iuU lliun on those of the Old World We are concerned to Peru especially with the dog. llama, alwica. und guinea pig. The speaker had examined eighteen dog mummies from ancient Peruvian graves, and hud oVlcriiiiiieu lliut they belonged to three ililt'erenl races a shepherd's dog, a duchsiiund, and a hull dog or pug. tie believed that the "luca dog ' was derived, not from Houth American Can idle, but from the Mexican wolf (Lupus occidenta- lis). perhaps through the feebler Tsxau variety i and - that - several raves had beeu formed from it in Peru through domestication. In this Uerr .Neliring dissents irom ami contradicts Von 1st hum opinion mat the ya rilies had arisen from crossing with l!uropeun dogs. As the dog and like nise the llama and alpaca are un doubtedly of America, so, also, in tlie sneaker's ouiniou. is the truinea t)iir. notwitlistandiug B. HenscT and other authors' believe that it was intro duced from Kurope. Popular Science Monthly. dtocS r. H. COHB. AfOBB tk MBRK1MUN, J. 0. MBKKIUON. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. I'riwtice In all the courts. Office; Nos. 7 and 8, Johnston building. ltse4 W. w. JONBS. VON US SHU FORD. OHO. A. 8HVFOKD. Attorneys at Law, Asheville, N. C. Practles in the Superior Courts of Western North Carolina, the Supreme Court of the Btate. and the Federal Courts at Asheville. Office in Johnston building, where one mem ber of the firm ean always be found, dtnovll JOHNSTONE JON 1!S, ATTOKNUY AKU COUNSELLOR AT MW, A8HBV1LLB. N.C. Practices In the I'nited States Circuit and iw.tri.. I'miria si Anheville. in the Suurcint Court at Raleigh, and in the Courts of the Twelfth Judicial District of the State ol ortn Carolina, and elsewhere, as his services may be required. an2ltf The Business of the Living. Edmund Burke once said, referring to the American colonies then in re volt afrainst Euglaud, that he did not know how to indict a nation It would be eve u more dillicult to impeach a century. Each age has its own in dividuality. Some are bad, some are good ; but most are neither wholly bud, nor wholly good, but like Moluitn ined's coliin, hung between heaven and eui'tti. Even die Eighteenth cen tury, of which Carlyle said, "it blew its own brains out in the French revo lution," did some noble things before it committed suicida It gave birth to this republic. The truth Is that the charge of in sanity cannot be brought against any uge, as a whole. A writ do lunatico iiiquircndo will not apply. All the same, the children of an age have il laid upon thorn as a sacred duty to (lis cover and kill out of it the character istkj evils. Tlie Nineteenth century embodies infinite nobility i but it has its foibles, its self-indulguncies of feel ings and conduct, and its gigantic in iquities. It is the business of those now . living to right these wrongs. Each generation should weed its own garden. Bequeath flowers to the fu ture, not weeds. 8t Louis Republic. Plavinc poker is very wrong, indeed, but somehow it doesn't seem so much ot a sin when you happen to hold four aces. Flatuliiif Fire lu the veins. We hold positive proof that Acker's English Blood Elixir cures nil blood pot sons where cheap sarsaparillas and so culled purifiers fail. Knowing this, we will sell it to all who call at our store on a positive guarantee. T. C.Smith & Co, Tcrre Haute Express: The average size of an American family, according to statistics, is 4.13. The fraction prolably stands tor the old man Oyapepalat Despair, Death. These are the actual steps which follow indigestion. Acker's English Dyspe)sia Tablets will both check and cure this most fearful of discuses. Gurnnteed by T. C. Smith & Co. Be" DOUGLASS. D. l. 8. NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., DENTAL ROOMS, Over Grant ft Wingerfs Drug Store. Residence. No. 98 Bailey St. feblOdly JJ H. KEBVBS. D. D, 8. DENTAL, OFFICK In Connolly Building, over Redwood's Store, Patton Avenue. -- fcb!3dly Gerouie ou Modem Art, The famous French artist, Gerome, contributes the following an article on himself in The Century: "You ask me about my method of 'rching. It is very simple, but this simplicity is the result of long exsjnence. The question is to lead young people into a straightforward, true path; to pro vide them with a compass which will keen them from going astray; 'to habituate them to Ipvo nature (the true), and to regard it with an eve at once intelligent, delicate and firm, being mindful also of the plastic side. Some know bow to copy a thing and will reproduce it almost exactly; others put into it poetry, charm, power and make of ituworlt of art The first are workmen; the m-cond are artists. An abyss separates the mason from the architect "Today, in this epoch of t iur.il and intellectual disorder, thei-eseuiM to be a sovereign contempt for those who seek to elevate themselves, to move the spectator, to have some imagina tion; for those who tire not content to remain fettered to tliu,earth. dabbling in the mud of realism. Il is today the fashion to which all the world sacri fices, because it is only granted to a few to have a well baluuced mind, and because it is easier to paint three fried eggs tiiun to execute the ceiling of the bistino c!iux'l. "Rul nil ilii will n! lilra u Krnul Uvfrrenccs when desired. i , i : ..... i.. ... Office: No. 1J Hendry Block, North Court owy puuiuoui uuu u iiuuu uuv.uiuae ua N. C. HJK. J. H. GARRATT. ARTIST. '. Studio overlooking Court Sqdure, Cooper's store. ('Inane in Drawinir and Painting. Partic ulars on application. fcblSdly above lis F' Bl'KGIN'M- " OFFICE t New Grand Central Building, over Big 22 Clothing Store. febl7dlm W A. TENNBNT, Architect itiid Contractor. Plans, siiedncBtlons and estimates fur nished. All work in mv line contracted lor, and no charges for drawings on contracts awarded me. "Is there much dissipation here?" asked a New Yorker of a Maine native. "Nary a bit," was the reply. "Why, the sun can't even dissipute the fog." Drake's Magazine. , Anecdotes of Ceneral Orant. General Grant, on his return to this ountry.is said to have been severely nf litted with a cough " contracted while .Tossing the ocean, and which had stub wrnly refused to yield to any treatment. A friend procured for him a bottle ol Symphyx, and by its use in a few hours ic was entirel v relieved. He remarked to tit friend : "Men look upon me asa great ildier, but this bottle of Symphyx it- renter than I. My calling has been to estroy men's lives, but this medicine is victorious savior ol men. 1 sliull nrvei e without it again." d&w A New Industry In Russia. The SL 1'etersburg correspondent of The North British Mail says that dur ing lite last few months a new indus try has sprung up in Russia in the form of nicotine extract This pro duct not only tlnds a sale in Kussia, but is already exported in considerable quantities, especially to Soutn Amer ica. The lees obtained, when urciwr- ing tho tobacco leaf, have been used for a long time for destroying para sites on plants, and they have also beeu found etlicacious when applied as an antidote to the various skin diseases to which sheep are liable. It lias now, however, been discovered that this pro duct affords a remedy for another de structive ageut namely: tho dry rot among sheep and Inst autumn the Russian lirui of Nikolai, Bogdanow & Co. started works in Moscow for the production of nicotine extract on laivu scale. Four to live poods of . common Machorka . tobacco yield ouly about one pood of tne exlmct, but in sucii a con centrated - form that a tcaspoonful is sutllcienl for nearly two pints of water, and the '.works produce about 50 poods of the extract per diem. Tlie Russiau government -has decided to exempt this product from excise duty. Any other uses to which this nicotine iiuy be applied, although uot difficult to imagine, have not yet transpired. Mrs. Sol kuillh's I'srlurr A great uiuny stories have been told roucerning Unit clever actress. Mil j Sol Smith, but this is the In lest. Mi-. Smith, wttli her hiHutnd, win traveling a long distance by rail re ! ;ently hen niglil came on she re tired to her comiitirtiiieiil in t'le sleep iiitrcar, leaving Mr Smith over a intnii 1 of card with a party of friends i Mrs. Smith retiml to the buck of the double bunk and was soon asleep. 1 She was some time after hull aroused ; by the cautions arnvitl of Mr Smith, who evidently did not wn-h to diMuru. her ami who got in the is-rllt very ' cautiously. Being already awake she i -turned and said. , "Don't mind me, I'm awake ul , ready." i Al tier Urst word tne sui)kkxI .Mr. Smith grabbed his clothes and darted out of tlie berth. , Mrs. Smith was loo experienced a traveler to scream, for she had taken in the situation al a glance, and kneu that the fugitive hud merely mude a mistake in his berth. Earlv in the morninc the met a lady, a fellow traveler, who apiienred very much troubled. She told Mrs. Smith that her husband had been lute in getting to bed, and had mistaken another ounk for theirs and goilun into it He had, however, escaped without detection w hen he heard the lady's voice. "But what is troubling me," said the lady, "is that when Mr 11 - took off his clothes he placed his wulch and pocKcioooK I'oniaiiiing an nis monev and our ruilroad tickets under the pit low. He forgot these in his hurry, and he does not know in whose buiik he was. Besides, it is such an awk ward predicament."! "My dear madam said Mrs. Smith, "it was my borlh, and 1 have lieen waiting for the owner of the valuables to reveal liiniseir. Here are tho valu ables " New York Herald. MISCELtASEOCS. ... ... . -. . -f M BLAIR FURNITURE GOMPAUY, NO. 37 PATTON AVENUE, Wholesale and Retail Furniture Dealers, And Undertakers. Prompt attention given to all orders day or night. fcbtdlv Residence's 39 Penland Street. "THE Square, Asheville, lebiodiy J uueasy.' V. RAMSAY, I). D.8. Dental Office t uBartiurat"TiuTO Avenue and Main Street, febttfldlr - - INSUHASCE. JflRB INSURANCE. FIRE. LIFE. ACCIDENT. PULLIAM & CO. At the Bank of Asheville. ASHEVILLE, N.C' Chumi uf Qls Slseplessuess. It now appears that Count Herbert Bismarck was on the eve of beiniren- ttgod-tw-mrliugHsh ladyWnry Shares the frivmlslup of the Princess of Wales, when his cruel papa forbade the banns. What a lucky escape for - the girl I The Bismarckian husband must be a siiecies of Grand Turk and the ' Thirteenth century savage, from all accounts. Lisniurck himself, contrary to every doiiieuiu precedent, rules Mrs. Bis, ana wou t ulluw her to read as much as newsjiapi'riu which the word progress or woman s nguis apiieara. jno won tier lu utrouoieu witli insomnia, Boston herald. Keprcaent the following companies, vis. : .. cash asssts in ti. s. Anirto Nevadaof California, a.?!.5?.3 Continental, of New Yord Hamburg-Bremen, of Germany. .... London Assurance, of England Nlaa-ara, of New York.-.-..... Orient, of Hartford I'hrciiix, of Brooklyn... St. Paul Fire and Marine, of Min nesota Southern, of New Orleans Western, of Toronto Mutual Accident Association. ,Utna Lite Insurance Company. dtniarilU 4.S7S.6U3 1,129,00 l,ft3,995 2,237,492 1,067,692 S,OM,179 l,B41,0flt 439,RH4 1,089,232 : THB EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society - OF TBS I'KITBD STATES. A-a-t 9,,;,:V..? Surplus ao,74.7S.IS OtitstandiuK As.urauce...5 UJHltrtl in 1HHS I..1.9-M-? Tontine Policies with IS and JO J' rlods arc the most popular and profit' . form of assitranc. . For txamplca, rates, ett., confer wita II. O. Wonroef AgtM Ashevlllf, N. C. omee wit Jnnge Astrm, frl8dem lu Harrlataabla Aga. A lluugurian utatistician has been investiuUnif the results derived (roil mui'i'iuL'e tit diifercnt ages. . lie col levied duta in uO.UOU cases, and after cureul study utiuouiices that the chil dren of mothers uuder and father: uuiier 4 ui-e liable to have weakly ooiisliiutiuiis. The healthiest childreu are thiuu 01 fathers from 2j to 40 and molhe.-.i i.M-.u Vii to 3(1. The best mar riages ut tliiyje where the husband is the wife's liL-uior. A mail from 30 to 4(1 should take a wife from 20 to 80, The vitality of the children of mother live years older than the fa ther would be seriously impaired. Ban CTuuoisco uaromcie Male Parent (sternlvl "Now, sir, vounc man, I have caught you stuck in the jam, as usual, when your mother is iway. Culprit 1 11 bet a quarter ma s stuck in the jam, too." Male Parent Where? Culprit ' Down at the milli nery opening. A Safe Investment. Is one which is iruaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or in case of fail ure a return ol purchase price, un this safe plan you can buy from our adver tised Druggist a Dottle ot Dr. King shew Discovery tor Consumption. It is guar anteed to bring relief in every case, when u-n-d lor any affection of the LunjfS, Bron chitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant and airreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be depended upon. Trial bottles free at F. L. Jacobs Drug store. "What effect has kissing on the lips ?" asks a correspondent of the Lowell Citi zen. Same effect that candy has on children.' Makes 'em want more, Bur lington Free Press. Merit Wlna. We desire to sfiv to our citizens, that tor years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery lor consumpton, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies thtft sell as well, or that hnvrjnvsn-ftHGii tuavcrsnl satisfac tion. "We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their mernts. 1'. L.J acoiis, Druggist. ,'A nasty howling dog woke me up about inidnieht,"saidMc.iiKirins. "Why. the howl of a dog like that is a sign of death, relied Brnnt, who is. somewhat superstitious. "It wasn't this time, for my revolver missed ore, and bet ore could shoot again the beast was gone." Look Out for Short Mills. A local businessman has lately beeu twice made the victim of a fraud that is uot common among crooks in the "green." Un presenting money at the bank for deposit, he has had $3 bills returned as worthless because they were too short. On examination it was found thut a section from one-half of an inch to one inch in width had been cut out of the bills, and that tho remaining sec tions hud beeu pasted together. The illusion waa increased in a way that its very simplicity was doubtless the reasou of its success. The letters taken, from the words "United Btates" by the section cut out were crudely reprinted with pen and ink on the shortened greenback, and in the majority of cases the holder would not detect tne traud unless tlie bill were measured or held up to the light, when the junction of the two parts could be plainly seen. the bills tnus mutilated had had in one caso the letters "ted" removed, and in the others the letters "st." The object of the operator is finally to get enough sections to make a new (5 bill, which by skillful pasting could be easily passed under ordinary cir- cumstui 1 ces. Springlield Uepu blican. Kinma Abbott's Husband. -Tlia lulu IT.iiiNins Iwirinr. Watliaw.11 the husband of EmmaAbDott, Qrstsaw thesiiiger when, as the traveling sales man jof a drug firm, he was forced to sH)t)d a night in ft country town, and went 10 tne scnooi House to near a musical entertainment. The principal performer was Miss Abbott, who was working her way to New York to ob tain a musical education. She sold her magiiiticent head of hair to meet first expeuses, and then with her fa ther, the keeiier of a small music store at Fooriu, Ills., started for tho metrop olis, ir i vine concerts on the way. wherever opportunity offered. Mr. Wetherell alter ward met Miss Abbott when she was siutrinir in Rev. Dr. Chapiu's church in New York, and so interested some rich men in her that they sunt her to Europe, where she af terward became the proteire of the Baroness Rothschild. The couple were married in Loudon lateen years ai and when Miss Abbott returned to this country Wetherell became her busi ness manarrer. tie was most honor able In all his transactions, and met with great financial success. He left a fortune estimated at over $1,000,000, Uiicago Ueralo. No sensible man prefers wealth to health. Some few have both; very many haven't neither. Well, you may have first choice. Which will you take? Health." Very well 1 what s your ail ment? "A littleofevervthine." What's the cause? "Blood out uf order, kidneys weak, uieestion bad, heart s action lrrejr- ulnr." Yes, and every disease can be traced to these same sources, Just take a tew bottles ol Brown s Iron Bitters, It will remove the cause of disease and re store vou to robust health. Bote Host Doctors) Conquer Death Doctor Walter K. Hammond says "After a long extierienc I have come to the conclusion that two-thirds of all the deaths from coughs, pneumonia and con sumption might be avoided if Acker's English Cough Remedy were only care fully nsed in time." This wonderful Rem My Is sold under a positive guarantee by T. C. Smith & Co. A Georgia man owns t mule with two tails. There are 110 flies on the beast. Burlington Free Press. A Missouri editor who was fined $16. for kissinu a widow against her will, printed an anti-sugar trust editorial in his next issue headed, ""Give us cheaper sugar," Texas sittings. Better Than Bloody Battles. General Wheatcroft Nelson says: "My experience in the English army as well as in America, -convinces me tliut nothing so .purifies the blood or adds to the health vigor una lite as At-acr s i-.iil'Iihii uioon blixit ." This grcut remedy is sold under a positive guarantee l'y T- C. sumo Co. Youthful French Criminals. Of Sit. 000 criminals artv&ted in Paris 111 the course of the year- the figure itself seems incredibly large Iti.tMHl had not attained the litre of 20 There is juhlnow an epidemic of crinu sol violonco perpetrated by young men. and n tin- thieves and assassiusul pit s ent lined in French prisons were sort-. . ceording to their age it would be found that the very large majority were made up of youths-biHweeu Hi and 20. Theso statistics were supplied by tho iironccuting counsel in the lusi judK'iuf scitHiilion thut has come belore the Paris courts, and the course of the trial supplied the explanation ol the fuel It was a murder case of ex trnordiimry brutality. The victims were an old woman of 78 and her lodger, the organist of the parish church, an old man of 70. The itiiii inn I was the son of the parish Is-adle, and the motive for the murder was mere theft. The bouse wiir broken into ul night, the old man struck down and left for (lend 011 the staircase, unci then the old woman brutally nun dered. The hoardings of both- a few hundred francs-- were carried oil', and the thief arrested in lied the same' day with the money In his Kssessi(ju und his Hollies stained with bliss! At the triul it was proved that a long cum-r of crime ciilniiuiiled in this hon-ible and nu-rceiiury outrage- the evidence was convincing, and the jurj Imiud the murderer "Guilty with exti-iimit ing ciiviinihtiiiices." To English read ers the - verdict seems inconceivable. Even for French readers it has to he explained, and the explanation adds tu the i!lli-ultv 1 he prisoner ivu.i mi WINYAH SANITARIUM. " ASHEVILLE, N. C. For the reception of patients suffering of diseases of lungs and throat, and conducted upon the plan of the sanitniiTS at Guebersd.orfcnd Falkenstein in Ger many. Ours is the only such institution in the United States, and endorsed by the leading members of the medical profession. Terms reasonable. KARL VON RUCK, B, S., M. D. TOBACCO! 18. and A Grain Problsm. St. Paul grain men have been vex ing their souls over a. problem touch ing a grain bin and its contents, the solution of which has dawned upon not a few of thein. It is this: Given a bin; dump into it, separately, five distinct qualities of wheat, for in stance; open the spout at the bottom and the query is: "Which layer of wneai comes out tirsw tne unini tiated sav at .once. . with few exnen- tious; "The first layer at the bottom, 0 courser YV. A. Van fcilyke was de termined to get at the facts, aud watched the bin with his eagle eye very closely the other dav, after hav ing caused a layer of barley to be placed on top of several layers of dif ferent kinds of wheat. The spout was opened aud the barley came ru suing oui nrsu -bl raui nonecr r ress. "How do you fcrl this morning "Rocky." "Why so?" "Becnnarthe baby frit 'rocky' in the cradrl nil night." San Francisco Wasp. . Judicious Advcrtlalir. CREATES many a new business.' ENLARGES many an old business; REVIVES manr a dull bwinea: . RESCUES many a lot business; S.-l VES mnnv a falling builnes: PRESERVES manr a tarcibu$lnet SECURES Miiccrss ia any butinen, To advertise ludichutty, use the coU nrnni of "The Cklitn." Everybody read It; and In vronoitlon to the returns ft I yieldt advet tiaen, it ratet are the cheap- I ent in tne cotinti v. He the 1 mil long, face of young criininu fair hair, hint a- young gi men prisi Is. - Loudon News. eyes, No A Stona with rvciillar imll lea. Tho Washington Star gives 1111 in teresliug uccotint of a stone belonging to the chief clerk of the wardepmi ment. 11 weighed about a pound, und was M-rlmis 13 inches in length. 2j in width, und I ol an inch tlneli. Un picking it up from the desk, when his utU'i'tiou was called to it. a reisirter noticed that it bent slightly at the mis, and had the feeling of an ehistii substance. On removing the wrumicr, .. . . t mwever, it wrs seen to be a limit 01111 met niece of sandstone, of a liirht yellow color, with the ends cut to points. 1 he texture of the stone was lino, and presented no evidence ol strulificutioii, aud was smooth over the entire surface. A knife bltidei.mdi no impression oil uie particles I lien was no umim us 10 us belli" 11 genuine .lone, but it, nevertheless, nosscssei the flexibility of a piece of Indm nil lier. When taken lit the limul 11 111 shaken in the direction of its lint sin face il would bend buck and lort; with a dull mullled sound. 'Hi movement was more of 11 laxity 111 lli udlifsioii; apparently, than un eluxli city, w nen lieiu tiori.onlally nvmn end the other would drop and reiunti 111 tliut position. With the two cud Alplan-UHl ou rests, the free cenle ouui no pressed nail un tiieli be low the middle line. With one end held liniily on the desk the other could bt bent upward over an inch. Tli iiiovt'ineul was uot conli ued lo llii-mie liirccliou in tho plane of the Hat sue aces but the entire stone i-eemed to ne constructed ou the principle .of un inivcrsal joint, with a movement mi--eplible in. all directions under prer; ,uro. . . A Singular SMH-laclr. Tlie following grunhic descrintion of the present uppeiirant'e' of Ijahdiii 11 1 - I coin tho pe.11 of a rcccnlivsulf ut of riiuiiigliui "I liuve just returned from 11 visit to Uanduisaii, the seem- of thu (rieut eruption, a niurvclous mu wom'erful and amazing sight., .it looks just u-;if all the nuvvii'sol ull the worhl had been tit work for 11 lliousatid years. 1 Pnlhier estimates that 7tHi,ii(Ki fOO tmisof stutl -were burlud iiitothe air und scattered binudint over uu area, eight miles by sis, ull 111 live minutes time or so. Ucrtmnly a mountain 1,500 feet high is leveled to thu ground, and on the Uoor where the mountain stood liugn volumes of steam are roaring out, us if all the (ires of hell were underneath, as I dare say they are."-North China Newt, .-,'. THE FARMERS' WAREHOUSE. TOBACCO ! We are glad to say to our friends and customers that all grades have consider ably advanced since Christmas. Bright ; wrappers, cutters aBd strips are hlghei " than they have teen In several years, and show that Asheville is the place to sell tobaccos raised in Western North Carolina and East Tennessee. Tlie exporters and manufacturers who need the type of tobacco raited in this section have their buyers on this market, and are paying more for it here than else where. We would warn our customers against the drummers and agents who are naid big salaries to induce shipments to other markets than this, by promises to sell at reduced commissions. After your tobacco is shipped it is from under your control and when you receive returns there is always an excuse for low prices, claiming to- bacco to be damaged, etc., etc. We have, with great expense, made the Farmers Warehouse The Leadlncr Warehouse In tU sta where you attend the sales of your own' tobacco, or have it sold in a few days after shipment. Els sew here we give a partial list of actual sales made since the holidays. d&wtuprl2 SMITH & ROLLINS, , Proprietors. PROTECTING PROPERTY OWNERS. THE "CAMARET" GUARANTEED ROOFING PLATES, We nut only (five tbe purchaser the best Roofing Plates, but we protect hlm 1'lrst Ily ffivlng our guarantee. - Second By stamping each sheet with braud and thickness. Third By excluding wastes. ... Fourth By branding tht net weight of the 1 1 3 sheets on the box! For the benefit of those -wanting the very best Roofiing Plates, we aaaert, and ars PRE PAKBli TO PROVE, that (excepting the "Olllwrtson's Old Method") there an no other brands of roofing tin being offered in the market to-day, by any drm, under the four diner ent guarantees given above by this house. MERCHANT ft CO. d&wtaprl I'lillmklpliin, New Vork, Chicago, London. IHKHL'Tomi: l.wi Mmlilun, M. I. Ilsarrira, M.J. Fagg, J. b. H. Keril, Uco. S. Powell, C. M. McLoud. LEWIS MADDUX, Prcs L. P. McLOUS). Viee-Pres. J. E. RANKIN, Caahkr. B. Rankin, J. B. Say, J. B. Rard WESTERN CAROLINA BANK lASUEVILLE, N. C, FEBRUARY Jst, 1889. Organised May 1st, 1888. CAPITAL, 30,000. , . SURPLUS, tvooo STATE, COUNTY AND CITY DEPOSITORY. Doi-s n Gciirr;il Bunking Business. Deposits received. Exchange bought and sold. Col- Mwtl.ms made nn all ai-cesstbU points. The Saving Peature will receive special attention. On nil sums in this department, deposited for four months or longer, Interest at the rate of per cent, per annum wilt Ik paid. Bttial attention given to loans on real estate, which will he placed for long tins on real sonablc terms. . (peu irom 0 a. m. to 3 p. hi. On Saturdays the Saving Department will be open till p.m. febjldtf - - CurcteM Mothers. Many mothers have permitted their children to die before theireveswhenthev miubt have beet) saved. ' Any mother who keeps house without a bottle of Acker' EneHsh Baby Soother at hand, runs a rislc which she may some time regret. It has saved the lives of thousands of children, and is doing so every year. For side by T. C, Smith & Co. " . ' AshrviHe lits five first-cl.iss private In stitutions of learning, wljji lilti clmrnclcr complete with nnv in tlif world I'HSTAKG LII'ir.EIlT 1 t.IUSTAt!0 LI!!luEtlT uUSTAl 1G LIlIluEIIT .lUSTAl'G LIIIILIEUT i UUSTAIIG LlillLlElIT airnrjl.D ALWAYS BHEniJ , n- oii.d mni nnirnntimnv rifrnnifm HEA1,H INFIjAMMAI hi.n. )LI miuto FINE JOI1 WORK V SI'EClAliTY, AT NO. 6, NOHTII COUItT SQUARE. N OTICB. DUSTANG UniDEKT rmwra Poor nm'T nirrmT.Tirn.noT. B v virtue of a deans of tH hnni, of Buncombe county, rendered at the Decem ber Term. 1SS8, I wUI, on tbe 4th Hay uf April, 1880, at the residence of T 1 VnnOtlder on College street, in the city of Asheville. sell, at public auction for cash, to im mgncn maaer, all the turn It or and ' ehattles, conveyed by T I Valildar aqd ' wiic in certain aecds or trust to ne This fumltan consists of carpets, ch sirs, brrxeia, . " "vary, nan ana parlor seta, and oUmt amsl . household rarnlture ' At the same time and place, and andar tat -. same conditions and In the same manner will rent and let the said srsMeme for the term of one year from the date of sale For further particulars -enquire el tne an dersiirned at his office or of J 8 Adams, attorney at law, or Moors MrrrlcK, attwr neys at law, st elr st'ctvs omcsa- - . . - . - . W.W BAKKARD,, WanbB. 1889. martrdUpr; OTIC. w1 11 1 st .jls, ai During my temporary ahsmre freas the city. Mr. Geo. F. Scott Will attend tomv bwim-ss. inquire at lumttrr yard, nrar enirrt hou"e,,J. J. A. TUNNBNT. murlOdlw. ... r.iusTAi:Gu::!::::iT CURES BHlfMAtlS i. AMR Li