V il be r : i-d everr moraine lei refit MuB d ) t Ui It.uowwg rale ut('r cash: I Wr 0" 1 fcioitihs M fy 8 H 1 nrre Month .......... 1-80 One MonlB.... .....' 61) UMknt. : 1 Our carrier, will debver the paper every asornliig ia ereey part of the eitjr to OUT sub rnticrs, and parties wutlaf it U1 please oil at ths C'itiiks Ofhue. Mw AdTertlacntents. Trustee'. Bole D. C. Wxddell. For 81 Cheap J. H. Woody. Notice to Tiim-N. A. Keynolds. Election of Olivers J. U. Barnard, Capt. Vailed ItalM iarttatl acrrlc Mv tlsa, AahCTille, K. C. LiTITTTtlB, SO S KoT. Uhoitoh 83.26 Wsm. bt-svsTto. J. 360 Put. Uetcoroloekal report for 84 hoar rod inn at p. March 15. 18. TBMPBRATURB. Wort hers Bipnww, Shaded. 7 am oslBpmlMsx. 1 j 81. a Mln. Daily Mean. 44.3 i ' 51.4H 4S Bj6S "DkWp6Tnt." 7 a m SI 3pm 87 4V KL. Hl'MItilTV. A60. Hl'MIDITV. 3 p m I Daily Mesa. Daily Mean. 1.919 BABOMBTER. PRBCIPITAT10N. Corrected for altitude and temperature. Rain and I Snow Melted Snow. Depths. Dally Mean, lacbca. Inches. 0 Q 39 92 Weather Fair. K. f. RUCK, M. D Observer. A Cnseniptl Admlaatlon. In a Charleston special to the Atlanta Journal, Dr. T. B. McDow, the slayer of Capt. Dawson, is quoted os follows : "They say that money is the root of all evil. I think that is mistake, and that women are. A woman is at the bottom of this. It Is no doubt a great fault bnt it is nerertheless true that I am addicted to the sin of running after women. Cap tain Dawson has a French governess for - bis children with whom I had an affair, and yesterday I met her by appointment and took tltc car and rode to the termi nus of the railway with her. . We were shadowed by a detective and tlie matter was reported to Captain Dawson." Colonel Daniel S. Lamont has entered the law firm of William C. Whitney and 0. II. Payne, in New York, and began business on Monday, If the good work goes on of investigat ing our relations with Canada, we may in course of time be able to investigate our relations in Canada. . :; . Those who think of going to lower California to get rich by digging gold should think twice before they start and then not start. Mrs. Harrison is said to find much pleasure in art matters, and is quite a painter herself. It is hoped that six will not pnint the White Ho ise red during Benjamin's sojourn there. The rush to get 6fRc has become so headlong that the President has been obliged to deny himself to callers whom he does not meet by appointment. This will not be interpreted as an indication of Jacksonian firmness in the White House. It is a retreat in the fiu-e of the enemy which may possibly be followed by surrender. . Nw Items) Offered at Law's Clearing Sale : Seven best plated Gravy Ladles at $1, worth $1.75; odd patterns triple-plated Forks and Spoons at half price, Sic. ; best plated Butter Knives at 60c., worth from 75c. to $1 each. Odds and ends (fiu goods) are being all closed out al most lor a song. iau and examine goods. Tbcy are all laid out on separate tables. At Law's, Opposite Postotice. jpOR 8ALU CHEAP, A good second-hand Surrey, used In private family. Apply to J. II. WOODY. marl6d4t JOTICB, ALL TAXPAYERS! By a recent act of the Legislature, I am forced to advertise for sale all property upon which the taxes are unpaid, on the first day of April. This law I propose strictly to en force. Thereiore, all person who have not paid their taxea, and who do not wiah to have-inetr property advertised, must pay by Aprif 1. Pay yew taxes and esv troulils. N. A. REVNOLDH, dtaprl City Tai Collector. "JMtl'STBB'B KALE. Br virtue of a power of sale contained In s deed of trust executed to me by James II . Mc Connell and Ruth 8, McConnell his wife, on th first day ol June, 1HH7, to secure the pay ment of certain moneys to t'lveaes Doublcila v, which deed of trust is rccored In Mortgage Rook No. 10 at Page 801 and following, Ta th office of the Rcgialcr of Deed nf Bun combe county. State of North Carolina, I will sell at public auction for cash at the Couit Hon door In th City of Aaheville, the prop erty described in said deed of trust via..- lie. ginning at stake in th aatera margin of nasi street, at 1. a. ai a northweat corner, and running with said margin of Eat street north IS" west, U'J fcet to a stake ia the eastern margin of East street and la the southern margin of Sency street; thence with the southern margin of neuey street north 84" east, lr6 fcet to a stake la said margin of Neney street, said J. B. Ray's corner; tlienc with said I. B. Ray's tins south 4- east 714 fret to a stake, another corner of said J. K Ray; thence with auiU J. K. Ray's line to the beginning, on the 17th day of April, 1XN9, to the highest bidder. ThiMnrch 18. INttU. " D. C. WADDELL. marltldMt we mt Trustee JJLBCTION OK OFFICERS. The annual election of officers or the Aahe ville Light Infantry will be held at their Arm ory on rnaay evening, March 22. All mem her are hereby commanded to be present at ivu van, ciy ururr 01 J. H. BARNARD, Cpt Com d'g. F. M, K1MUKHLY, M. S. niartttdtlt N OTICU. By virtue of a power of ante contained in deed of trust rxecuted bv Jonathan Moonry '" nainH n. nuunri, nia wile, tne Unilcr signed will eell by pulili auction for cnah at theconrt house door in the City of Aaheville, N. C, oa the uth day of April, Ihnu, t c im ., proved lota, known a Noa. sn and S in Shelby Park, corner William and Silver street in the city of Aiheville, and more particularly described ia a deed of trust registered in the oc of Regiaterof Deedsof Buncomlie county . . mnw in,, u i rie reconisoi mort ssifes, to which relemics I hereby made, to satisfy the sou sevurrd by the said deed ol trust, together with the costs ant! expenses Incurred by reason of the same J. W, CORTLAND, marOdSt sat Tru.tee. snd WkWha Hah. Is snrsd si bosm with KB. swosnraaik asm rata. B MW00M.gr. H Q, fcblOdawly tn th sat yt" WOLPK, rUIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. fllVnds of cement woik doue. . tsavM tX. "wmujiug promjiuy t with W, U. Weaiall Co. . hbOdBas JOTICU. During temiMHwty absence from the city, ssr, uo y. acott 1 isHfshw at iinstsrvvard pe,r eirrt ui attend to m bustueaa. 1 II1LJZ Vs4sasvsa sLIm FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Till-: WOUI.D1 HARUETD HV Tl l.l (,HAPH, Money an- Secnrltlci Cotton ' troilon and Produce. MOMir ioncrim. New York, March 19. Exchange dull bat steady. Money easy, l',2H- Rub-Treasury balances Gold, 151,77, OOo; currency, 17,133.imri. Government booda, dull, hut atrad y 4 per ornta, tl 3uVi; Vi per renu, 1 07V. elate bonds, neglected. Ala.ClaaA 2aS 108 Ala. Claaa B. 8a 111 (ia. 7a. mort. mS S.C. Com.. 6:..1J N. C. Cum., 4 5 4. C. Brown,...lo5 Teno Set.. 3a 72 Vlridniaea 4M N. Y. Central 10 4U astj BN'k S.MS, l4 24 .S. ft W.pfut Nortbern Pac... N. P. old I'acinc Mail Heading Hlch. At All 11. At W. Point., VirKima Cimi... 38 Mock 111 and. K.'U Sort li we tern .l(i4ist. Faut - oi, do old ...13d do pfd . 7, Del Si Lack 137,;Tex. I'acinc. H Brie nvVj'Trnn Coal iron 3 Kaat Trnn fciW.l'nion Pacihc 63 Lake Khor 1004 N. J. Central 92, Loo. St Naah SM Mem. Ik Char 64 Mob. at Ohio B'i Nah. St Chat... 03 Mo. I'acinc 61H Western L'nlon.. SAW Lotton-aceu OH Crrlincaecs 88 NOi'ac.lstmort ti7V JE. Dir. " COTTOB I.iTiiFouL, March 15. Noon Cotton Quiet, rather raairr American middlinii. 0 ll.ltt:aalc 7.0UO: speculation and export. SOO. Receipts, 80,000 American att.ooo. Fu ture cloeed iteadr 2 r. m. American minium, s l l-is. nam of to-dar included, 6,5oO American. Murcb buyer: March ana April oi n. ouy en; April and May.S t!4, buyers; Mayand lunc. S 42-S4, seller; June and July S 43-64, illcra: July ana Aujfust o ---, sellers; au- gut and Septrmtier S 42-04. seller. Mcptrmlwr and Octotiers 2H-a, aiue;neptemiicra 41 84. sr lent. Future closed nrm. Kkw Yokk. March 1ft. Cotton eaay. Hale to-day 4u4. Middling uplanda lu, Orleans HJi. tlx porta to 1, real nniain, . 3,tfa; Prance, 48; continent, li),S))2;tock,fl73.73u, Weekly act receipts at thl port, S,25N.Tro. 9I,S72; exports to Orcat Hritain, 20,7ttf: Franee. 73H; continent, 14,1; forwarded S.imu. sales, S.aiiO; sirfnncrs, 2,311. Haw voan, Marcn 10. cotton Net re ceipt 470; gros 682 Futures closed barely steady, nates 22,400 bales. March ... U.P7a 9 1H inept 6 01a 9.93 9.71a 9.13 9 61a S.63 tt.2a W.64 U.71a 9.73 April ...... 111. oalo.oj iHi.. May.....10 loalO lllNoy. lane 10 17al0 IN, Dec.. July 10.24alO.23 Jan.. Aug iii.siaiu.axi fULVssTOK, March IS. Cotton steady 10 3-l; receipu 730. , Nokpolk, March IS. Cotton quiet; I014, receipu 7S4. BaLTistosg, March 13 Cotton unlet. nrmrr, losaiov,; receipts 7.1 Bostom, March 18.' :ottoa firm, 9; re- crints 339. VViLaloiOTOS.N C. March 15. Cotton firm, 10S; receipts 74. PHII.SOKI.PHU, March 13.- lotton quiet. 9As: receioU7MO. fcUVANNsH, March IS. Cotton easy, 9 13- 16; receipts lo2 Nw OuLitH), March IB. !; receipts 44 1. Lotton steady, 9 Mohils, March IS. Cotton, rereiou lo.'tu. dull, MKMPins.Msrch 13. Cotton firm, 10 1-16; receipts 47. Augusta, March 15. Cotton firm, 10!,,; receipts Soft. CiiABLsrroK, March IS Cotton firm, 9V; receipts a jy. . piovisions and paooucs. NswYnsK, March 18 Southern flourdull, heavy. Wheat snot heavy and quiet No 2 red 91'a9:u; elevator options freely oflered at lower prices, close being twu under last night. steady speculation and export; No 8 red March HI',; April 924,. May 93t4. June 94 Corn spot dull, Vsal lower, weak option null. lower, teuuy. Ainrcn April su'a.l May 4HA.at.HV,, closing 4.1. Oats, siwt dull, lower, options moiTeratcly active, April 30n:i0U, May closed Wi. June IHH,, No. 2 spot Hla.llt,; Western mixed 2Uu3o. liis 3uiet and firm. Coffee optionsclosed striidy OaHO points below yesterday; March ltl.MO all) H.I, April IB.HoalH.90, May l6.N3a IS. 93, June ia.90al.9n. spot Rio easier 19 Sugar, raw, strong, 4, refilling A 3-ltl: ecu trtfugals, n test, 6 1S-1H; refilled active, W Dinner; -. otiao-, extra c oy; wniuex. trn -C" 6Via a id. Loi isvill. March lS.-Orain quiet Wheat new No. ,1 mi un. com new mixed 43 Oats No. It mixed 2Htj. Froviaions steady Damn -clear rib aide 7.27; clear ides, 7.60 Bulk meats clear rib 6.73; shoulders 6. Mess pork 18.60; sugar cured ham 10,80a 11.26. Choice leaf lard 9. Hai.tiuiik. March IS. Flourfiilrly active, weak. Wheat Southern quirt: Fults t.ooa 1.07: Limglierry 1.02al.0M; Western atrady at a decline No. 9 winter red spot 9oy4a WOlj. Corn Southern, inactive but firm; white 40S42, yellow 3Ua40; Western, stead v. Cincinnati, March IS. Floor very dull Wheat in moderate demand No. 2 red, 93. corn weaker No. 2 mixed, 34. oauatronirer cane No. 2 nilaed 2HVvn27, Fork atrady 12.2Vt. Lard 6. MS. Bulk meat and bacon Arm and unchanged. Whiskey steady 1.03. Hogs in gooddemnnd. lower; common and light 4a4.7S, packing nnd butt her 4 tioa 4. NO. BT. Louis, Mo., March IS. Flour quiet and eaay, with light demand, and trading In wheat cash lower; options fluctuated consid erable; owing to continued fine spring wheat. lower cables and decline in all other nini'kets, selling wa free enough to run May down IVuilVs, and July S'v, the market Im proved later, and May and June closed Vj lower, aud July 1-18 better No. 2 red cash 92H: May 92ati:, closed 92SU2 bid; June S9A.H90; July Sits. Corn lower No 2 mixed April 29V,, closed 2MVj. hid; MaySoA,. lists lower No, 2 cnah 23, bid; May 2S,a2!iVs. closed 211, bid Whlakry trady 1.03. I'ro vision very dull. Fork 12 60. Lard prime team, nominal, 11. to. nrvsait meats shoul der, 6.23. Longs and ribs, H .lo; short clrar. S.30. Bacon boxed shoulders. 6.121,; longs ami nns, n uoan 97; snort clrur, 7.12ij7 13, Hams ateady, loa!2. Chicauo, March IS Flour ateady and unchanged. Wheal No 2 spring 93t4 No. il red, u;n. corn No. 2 U4V4. Oat No, 24tt. Mrs pork 12 13. Lard l NUi,. Short no 0.10. nnoiiinrr 0.00. nnort clear, u (12 u Whiskey 1.03. THE LOCAL MARKET, (vomiSCTgD IIAILV.) The following prices tall lie obtained fur country produce; Cabbages, nicely trimmed, pertti...v 11 Sorghum Molasses, per gal.. ,....23a30 Sides Bacon, per lb NV4n9 Irish potatoes, per bu ;. OoailS Wheat, per bu 1 00 Flour, per ewt , a.SOaS.SO Corn, pcrbu...., MOailS Chickens 12V,a20 Kgga, per do.... uhIO nutter, ier lb , 20a2S TurniiM, fier bu a3 Carrots, per bu .....70 Farsnlia, perbu 70 Onions, pcrbu 1 oil cow I'eaa, er Im .....TSal.tM Celery, per bunch.,,.!.., , 4 lieel, per In gross , ,.3b4 Mutton, xr lb vrtiss , 3 11 Apples, ier uu T.IhI.in Ducks ...... ....20u23 1 lirscy, llressed , ,,, ,.10 " live T3i "A Henna, jar bu Loom 1.7,1 Oats, )ier bu , AOuSO Hay, per ewt , ,,80l.oo - Ask Tour Retailor for th JAMES MEANS $4 SHOE at THK J AMES ME AKS $3 SHOE. Aocordlng to lour Neda. s Uslit snd aty .ah. tin,, lit... sMklng, sixl Brot'IUKS i psrnNUysuy the Srst llnis g biirn. It sriu istisiy ths stoat tIIOE ia stssiluletjr tin olr alius of ha prlrs wnnik luu svsr bwn ulamil m. kteuslrejynn ths Biarkrl rawnicQ uursisuiy . is cunsawreu ossrs oat wars ipeesf J. MEANS etc 0.. Baalaa. Vail lias af tks aksvs shoes lar sal hr For Rale bv UoMtlc llrort. A: Wrljctit, ASIIHVILl.H.N. C. frb2td;lui lu th sat FOR LlEtl OtlLY! ru,,,'asrlsa4 hKkVOUt DkRliiTTl flTTTi1 T? '- f RiHtysa Rise; Erf Mis - VI XV ij sf Irrsrs sy IseMsea Is Old or Teun. I nasi,. hAW aASH.mss.il. ai,, u i s.isnr-4 SleMw1Sakt.l hli VSMlH n IIHu ,y A rSTWl Boltf. tlwlut!, wtlstllM NBK tSC1BSSV-SMSI. SB s ssf. ttoii k 1 , -. ii w. m i.w,riiw . . ... s.bll..SNrMy,a una V -""Pa . -V a rumi iiiiti, 5 it JkJOTICBOF IilSSOLfTION. Notice is berehy giren by the late firm doing" buainr untlrr the name and style of the Aatieville Lumlier and Manula,-tunnaT Company. comHaed of W. H. Marx and limn r. Diani, inai me iHirrncrntp nrreio- fore etiatlns between them ia this day dis solved Ity mutual consent. The buaine will ' he continued by W. n. Marx under the old firm name. Amiabil ities of the late firm arc assumed by him, and all bills due to said late nrm arc payable to him. parties wishing to see Mr. r.rant will And him still at the Company' otjice 1. r. I1KA1 1 . n B M A W X Aaheyille, N C , Pel) 27,'HU. marl.'.dl w 'ANTED. Dairy to furniah Hotel with milk. Apply to RAWLS BR IS., mrl.d3t Bwannanoa Hutcl. 6. S. FEHSUSCN & m, Rent Estate Dealera, Wayue-wlllc, N. C. - lat aunt of th vary bra farms- ia Hay wood county for sale on reasonable terms. Parties wanting homes bad better see them at once. marl5d2t MISCELLANEOUS. Swannanoa Hotel. t'nexcelled cuisine. ' Popular with tourists, families snd business urn. t Electric cars pass the door. i RAWLS BROS., febldly Fropr's. IR.PEIIIIIf.lAli FROPRIBTOR OP THE ASHEYILLE BRICK WORKS, Asheville, N. C. P. O. Box P. mart 3d 1y A NEW HOTEL IN BRYSON CITY. The Swayne House, One of the heat In Western North Carolina. Summer and winter resort. Nature's sanita rium. Scenery and water unexcelled. Terms moderate. GBO. N. BLACKBURN, Prop'r. mar18d3m G OOD BOARD And comfortable rooms can lie had by np. plying at NO. 85 WOODF1N 8T Kiiaodim wefrisu IJOAKD, With or without rooms Apply to M KB. c H LBK. mnrl2dtt 20 Flint St. We are now receiving a great ninny HANDSOME NOVELTIES, But ennnot mention in detail, because of the press of work consequent upon receiving and marking. H. REDWOOD & CO., Clothing-, Dry Goods, Small Wares, Hats, Shoes, and Carpets. pi'RMMHKD APARTMENTS TO LKT. Rooms ean lie hail st No, 6T College Street (known as the "linvldaon llms'i ....I- furniahrd. Mr, lirwin ha charge of the cul- V "epartnieni anil will rurnlah Hrst-class tame miam 11 arairrei at reasonable rates. (inquire on the premises. fcb23-dlm All eye fitted and fit guaranteed. A com- plete slock of the above good at GRANT'S DRVG STORE, 24 Rot 'Til MAIN STREKT. Oculist' prescription a aieclulty. feb27dUm )I8SOI.I'TIO.N N0T1CB. The coiwrtiirnihlp heretofore existing un der the hrm nnmr ol W. II. Weatatl , Co. V."".,.n rtr ,'i""",ved by mutual consent. . II. Wcstitll will collect all accounts diw the said hrm and settle all s.vounts against uml hrm, w. II, WKSTALL, s. . . v' " WOLFB. Murcb 1. lMy. . W II Wrstall will continue the business of lumlier, naah, doors, blinds, cements, nlsster and etc . at the same place, and he asks a continuation of the very liberal patronage of the public which has heretofore been be stowed upon the old tirm. martodlw N OTIC It, The IliiucomW County Medical Aoetetv inert the lirst Monday in each month at 7.30 p. m. Any physician of good standing and eligible to membership in ths State Medical Society of North Carolina, aad residing ha Western North Csrollna, may bscomsssi em ber nf I his society. ftbaodlnt M. . FLRTCHSR, Sse. JOTIC. Will collect debt, fi.r an roue In th city fur per vent, (torn! tartlitie fn renting and col- m,,K iviiis ou niiuat. on w eel ly payment. Will aril furniture J. It. lOHNSgiM. AMIE '1LLB AOVEkTISHMESTS. "I1UY II1.3XE-3IADE GOODS." Full Roller l'roti'ss. Your Grocer for We Asheville 3Iilling Company Flour and Meal We make the following gv ules of floui Belle. Take uo other. Cash Paid for Wheat, Co 1, Oats and Ground to Order. Do Custoi Grinding Old Depot. ASIIEVIL LE COAL COMPAJSY, H. T. COLLINS & CO. Superior Hard and Soft Coal Office; Barnard Building, Pa' ton Avenue. THE ASIIEVILLE SANITARIUM, ASHEYILLE, ,N. C, Beautifully located in a grove of oak and ner of Oak and woounn atreeta, near the Female court house. All modern and latest improved methods for treating chronic diaeaaes of the lungs throat and nose, by the inhalation of vaporised and atomized fluid by th pneumatic and compressed air apparatus; also Compound Oxygen in connection with the vaporised Bal sam (the balsam obtained from the natural balsam trees near Aaheville.) We also manutarture a Home Treatment of the Compound Oxygen, which is. In most cases, equaj to tne omce treatment, and will Our success here for the past three years with this treatment has been phenomenal, hav ing cured many cases that were pronounced hopeless, whose names and residences can be obtained by railing at the Sanit uium. By permission we refer to the following well-known gentlemen of A.heville: B. J. A.ton, ex-Mayor; J. B. Reed, Clerk It. S. Court; Rcv.G C Ran- Collins, Cspt. Natt Atkinson. Board and Treatment furnished to patients ,.." - wvMuuisi kn.iivB iter. iv. In addlUoa to boarding our patients, we have a number of elegantly-furnished rooms to accommodate boarders, who desire a nice, quiet place, away from the hotels. Nice rooms, new lurniture, good iare, first-clitss cooking, at reasonable prices. Also, hot and cold baths! Dr. HERRING THE SHOE STORE, NO. 30 SOUTH While we Have the Finest aud Most Fashionable Goods in Our We alio have the cheapest. Call and mMmtMMMiMjOHiui...,..,...,,,,, THE BONANZA," T l-w .l 1 rss., ... . '"""u ' ' Afiu LIUUOK oTORB OF THB STATE, No. 4; South Main Street, ASHEVILLE, N. C. THE "HICKORY WINE AND BILLIARD ROM, - - - FRANK LOUGHRAN, 'un .. ' LI! WIS MADDUX L. P. McLOUS, Vice-Pres. Disbctoss;. Iwis Maddux, :.J. Vrarden, H, H. Reed, Geo. K. I'owell, C, WESTERN CAROLINA BANK A8HBV,LI.B. N.C.. FEBRUARY l.t, 1NS9. Organised May 1st, 1N88. 1 Wo.ooo. . 8TATB, COUNTY AND CITY DEPOSITORY. Doe. a General Bunking Buibie. Depoalu received. Bxchange bought and sold. Col lection, made on all accessible point. " The SavlngFeature will receive .pedal attention. On all sums in this department, deposited for four month or longer, interct at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum will be paid. Special attention given to loans on real estatewhich will be placed for long time on real sonable terms. Open from 9 a. m. to 3 p. ra. On Saturday, the Saving Department will be open till H p.m'. fel2dtf WILLIAMSON & SON, (Suoifssors to Hurt & Williamson,) slANUFACTl'RKRRUP SASH, DOORS, BLINDS Moulditgij, Stair ...rior Finwh, Mantels, Etc., ASHKVILLK, N. C. AlSKNTH FOR The Buckeve Pnino. Steel and tin Simple, Moor ana Hearth Tilcg.. I'tbtdly STOVES, AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. PlumbliiK, Stcnm hi tl ;Mi I lug:, .""''lgtlll. ...ml Guarantee Satisfaction. Ank : Roller King, Electric Light, Carolina Rye. Horse and Cattle Feed Mixture for Corn Rye and Oats. Mill and Yard at at Wholewile and Retail. Yard: Old Depot. white ite pine, with no dust or noise, at the cor Collcge, and ooly three squares from the be sent on applies tioo by express, on receipt of a. nelson, naator Ktrat Hnntui fh.ia . u i- at reasonable prices. T. J. HARGAN, Proprietor. & WEAVER, MAIN STREET, Line, gee us. .........,.,.....-,,, INN" HICKORY, N. C. PROPRIETOR. J. K. RANKIN, Cashier. , J. B. Ray, J. E. Reed M. I. Fairg I M. SlcLoud. E. . SURPLl'S, 5,ooo - Work, Fine In. AliKNTS R'f'ks. OF ilvi kit's I'ntent Sheathing Lnth. TINWARE, lttln;, Tin KMflfif, (.utu-r- &v. work, and do i, promtl). 11. T. COLLINS, President. ASIIEV1LLE ICE COLlPflUY. Pure Ice made from Di.stilltxl Wnter. Offit-e: Barnard Building. Batton Avenue. . D. C. Widdell. President. W. W. Barnard, THE BANK OF A.'iHEVILLIi, N. C. DIRECTORS I J. P. SAWYER, J. G. MARTIN, J. L. CARROLL, GBO. W. WILLIAMS, DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY Oldest Bank In INCORPORATED BY ACT OF THE CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. W. T. PgMNlll AM. JOBBBB AND HiA I RJ D ASIIEVILLE, N. C. -AGENTS FOR- OUPONT POWDER CO., RICHMOND STOVE CO., CORTLAND WAGON CO., OLD HICKORY WAGONS, STUDEBAKER WAGONS, MOLINE SCALE CO. ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC. M'CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. fehwdly FITZPATRICK BROS. & ROBERTSON. : Dealers In Wall Paper, "Window Shades and Fatent Hangers, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Maury' Mixed Faint and Colors. Window .Glass, both French and We keep in stock St. Louis and Kentucky sm si aa . ' Auytiung in me jewelry Line at LOWEST PRICES For First Class Goods. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING. BURT DEN ISON, 18 Patton feblOdtf LUMBER .YARD. GEO. F. SCOTT, (Successor to Doubleday & Scott,) North Public Square. WINDOWS, - BLINDS, - Glass, Putty. Lime, Plastering Hair, Shingles, Lath, Fencing Posts Material. p"OrderB will receive prompt attention. PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING, TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, ' ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. Plans and Specification Furnished on Application We have thorouKh mechanic, in each Une who have bad man, years' ex,iericncr in their business. We can safely gnarantee our patrons satisfaction in our work, a lo hgures. BALLARD, RICH & BOYCE. feblSdly C. II. CAMPBELL, Matinfaurer and Wholesiale Slilppe, of CINtsKR ALE, " 'CIIAMPAGNE CIDErT 'Ea,0.p? 0A,: NARSAPARILLA, " - MINERAL WATERS, TONIC BEER, CARBONATED WATER IN SIPHONS. Factory, Haywood Mt. CLOSING ALL WINTER GOODS, AT- 22 T H E B I G E. K. LAGAN, Secretary Vice President. Lawrence Pulharo, Cashier. ASIIEVILLE, T. W. PATTON, W. W. BARNARD, D. C. WADDELL. of Wilmington, N. C. Western Carolina. GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE SURPLUS FUKO 520,000. W. . ritNNIMAN. & co, UKALKXS IN- I WWRnE American. Lead. febSdly Avenue. DOORS, All kinds of Building: feblodly P. O. Box 8a. OUT SALE OF 1 2 2, 22 J. A. liKT. wasSwfT -- tail Stl .Al IMs'lAlM.l KbaMsrWi . tdtHM At Ws msrlTJJfsr. Turin COOPER,- . wVvVfrV. tin. ,19 Smith Main Street. PATTON AVKNIII5, Ullr,lblt n-dt'm 'rtrVwfirrtrVrt