f i I p M IRcyal;:-! 1 N Absolutely Pure. This powder r varies. A niarrel of pur tr strenKth and wholcsomcncaa. Mope era. nomical than th ordinary kind, and cannot be eold In competition with the multitude of low teat, abort weight alom or phosphate nowdera. Sold only in cant. Koyal Baking Fowdbb Co.. toe Wall 8t., New Vork. dAwtaprlT PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Thko F Dafiuw". Tho. A. Jomis. Raleigh. J- O- Ma, Aaheville. " . Asheville. , JJAVIDSON. MARTIN JONES. Attorney! and Counaellori at lw Aaheville, N. C. Will practice In the 11th and 12th Judicial Districts, the Supreme Court of North Carolina, and to the Federal Court of the Western District of North Carolina. - Rcter to Bank of Aaheville. "tael JULIUS C. MARTIN, Attorney at Law, Aaheville, N.C. Titlea and Conveyancing a apecialty. Col lectlona made. Practices la all the courts. Office: With Gudger & Carter, McLond Law Building- dtnovJS CHAa. a. siooas. fOORB MERRICK, DIIVF MEKUCK. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Aaheville, N.C. Practice In the United States Circuit and District Courta at Aaheville, Stateaville, Char, lotte and Greensboro, in the Supreme Court at Raleigh, and In the courts of the Twelfth Judicial District of the State of North Caro. '"special attention given to collection ol partnership doea not extend to practice In Buncombe Inferior Court. dtoc3 t. H. COBB. spOBB & MBRRIMUN, j. o. matimoN, Attorneys and Counsellor at Law. Practice In all the courts. Oltice: Noa. 7 and 8, Johnston building. dte4 J W.JONBS. ONES SHUFORD. OBO. A. SHUFORD. Attorneys at Law, Asheville, N. C. Fractlee In the Superior Courts of Western North Carolina, the Supreme Court of the Ktt nrt the Federal Courts at Ashevnie, Office in Johnston building, where one mem ber of the firm can always ue IWUJIU. dtnorll JOHNSTONE JONES, aTTOaxBV ABB COUMSBLLUB AT LAW, ASHEVILLE. N. C. In the United States Circuit and District Courts, at Asheville, in the Supreme Court at Raleigh, and in the Courts of the Twelfth Judicial District of the State of North Carolina, and elsewhere, as his services may be required. )anU3dtf H H. D0UGLA88. D, D. 8. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., Over Grant Wlngert's Drug Store. Residence. No. 88 Bailey St. feblodly R. H. REEVES. D. D. 8. DENTAl, OFFICE I In Connally Building, over Redwood's Store, Patton Avenue. febl3dly ' . GARRATT, ARTIST. rlnokinir Court Ruuare, above Studio r"n,.tw.r'a atnre. Studio Hours from 9 to 3. i in Drawing ana rainunx CI Partlc- nl.r. nn .noHcation. feblSdly JJ F. BURGIN, M. D. OFFICE I New Grand Central Building, over Big 23 Clothing Store. TROUBLESOME NEIGHBORS. a could tlwre is this world be found Nxii HtUa ! of happy ground Wiwre villam pteaauns might go round V, u bout Iba viilagaiauiuic: Huw doubly Una Uiat siot aould he. hni all uiuttit dwell ui liberty. I m from t" oilier nuarry of mlps oodless iratuiog If K'0 a apot asm rwUly turns. ( air Peace inigut claim It as her owe. And in It aba miht (i bar Uiruoa Korarar and forenr: TIkv uaa a qurea to rM(ni and lira, WUU every oo would no, forRlva Tb little aliKbla Uary might receive. And ba offended never Tia Qiachlef uakera that reiuont Far from our hearts lb warmth uf Ion. And lead us all to dnapprova What givea aaouW pleaiuire. They seem to lake cos's part, but a besj Tliey 'va board our caret, unkindly Ibea They aouo retail them all again. allied wits their poisonous imswuiw , And then they've such a cunnlug ay Of tcuing UI uwanl tales; they nay "Doa't mention wbat CvsaakL I pray: -1 would out ten another!" Straight 10 four BdKhbor'a bouse luey go, Karraliug svarytliiug Uiey kuoa , And brsak tha peace of high and low, WUa. husband, friend and brother . O, that lbs mischief maklug rraw Wert all reduced to ou or two And they war pawled red or blue. That every on might know theuV Then would our villagers forge To ratre nd quarrel fuma ami fret, Or fall Into an angry pet With things so much below tbein. For lis a sad, degraUiuit part To mnka another a bosom auutrt, And plant dagger m soma heart . We ought to love and cherish Tlieo let us evermore be found . In harmony with all arnuifi, While friendship, Joy and peaco abound, And angry faeuugs perish. HI SINI.SH AND IM.l.AHl Kli. Tlx tics that ciinncct most businrss J nh.-n with the pubht. advcrtiac. Railroad Tickets to nil iinm botn;ht, siiUf ami exchanprd. 9 N. I'ublic Square, ' next to Barnard Iluildiug. Siraiif;rr (in New Yurkt "Uiin't you otten wish tlice elevated railroatU were ! underground ?" I New Yorker "No, but we'd like to put tlte official under ground." ) A full line of' J. Faust & Sons' custom made Cents', Ladies' and Children's Shoes, all warranted, can Lie fonml at Brown, Gudger & Co.'s. at First Fiend "I hute that nan so that even now when he is in domestic affliction 1 wish he could be hurt more." Second Fiend "Ti, at 't easy enough. Stub hiui wijh letter of condolence." PhysloaJ Culture for Ladii-s, I have been somewhat uui-nrised (turinir my stay in hlausaa Cil;. torn how little iiiUiivsl ig taken by the Iwlitw ii physical culture, which in the larger cities of the east forms such an important part of a girl's education uowuuays. iuooiu iuta tnut a woman ia man's inferior physically, is pretty well exploded since the proper sort of physical training has been made avail able for women, iu point of fact, 1 believe the reverse is ime us far as mere slrunirtli of muscle and limb is concerned. In one tif niv classes iu Boston. 1 had a pupil. Miss Anne Le Castron. who, while hardly able to lift a ten pound dumb bell when she lirst began to )ractice by constant training became able to handle heavier weights liiuii most men can. In Ber lin another jiupil of mine, Miss Bertha Wurttnoi', in uluss exhibition car rietl off the Hrst honors for all round athletic work, winding up by defeat- 'n' seven coniesiunia m u live mile walk. There are great possibilities for women iu such acourseof truiniiig. Professor iu Kansas (Jity Journal. Au Inipravcmant hi ITopellera. One of the crreat ditricullies encoun tered with the oi-tliimry screw procller ill use is the liability to be thrown clear of the water by the pitching of me vesvi iu noavy sea, inereby rocg ine and wrtnchinir the machinery. aud the ease with which it becomes disabled by fouling with cables or bv striking any heavy floating obiect A Scotch mechanic, however, has in vented a method of olacinir the Dro- peller, which entirely does away with ooui of tnese oujecuons. At the stern of an ordinary vessel the kocl is di Tided into two sections, leaving i space wherein the propeller is placed, Sluices are left u the sections of the double keel, through which the water may readily pass. By the working model of tins invention it has been de monstrated that much greater forward speed can be secured with no greater expenditure of power, while tho speed in going astern is fully equal to that secureu in naoviug aueaa. win r ran cisco Chronicle. ' Would you make vour bens lay ? If so, buy a pack age of Imperial-lira Food, I which is invaluable hr young chicks and ! moulting fowls, put up by F. C. Sturte- j vant, Hartford, Conn. For sale-only by ! r. L. Jacobs, -f Can Whitclnw Reid his title clear. To lodgings at St. James ? i Chicago Tribune. ! If not, it will be very queer He's boosted by St. James. Advice to Mother. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrupshould always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, al lays all pains, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy tor diarrhuea. 25c. a bottle. An examination in tbe public schools; Professor to pupil: "In which of his battles was Gustavns Adolphus killed?" Fupil, after reflection: "I think it was in his last battle." Better Than Bloody Battle. General Wheatcroft Nelson savs: "My experience in the English army as well as in America, convinces me that nothing so parities the blood or adds to the health, vieor and lite as Acker's English Blood blixtr. This great remedy is sold under positive iruarantee by T. L. smith & Co. ' - Grocer What kind of tea will you have, madam f HUick, I suppose, as I'm in mourning, No sensible man prefers wealth to health. Some few have both : very many haven't neither. Well, you may have first choice. Which will you take? Health." Very well: what's your ail ment? "A little of everythinir." What's the cause? , "Mood out of order, kidueys weak, digestion bad, heart s action irrei'- ular." Yes, and every disease can be traced to these same sources. Just take a tew bottles ot Brown s Iron Bitters, it will remove the cause of disease and re store vou to robust health. fcbl7dlm A. TKNNBNT. Architect and Contractor. Plans, specifications and estimates fur nished. All work in my line contracted lor and no charges for drawings on contracts awarded me. .... References vhta desired. Qlnce: No. 13 Henarv mock, Square, Asheville, tl. P RAMSAY, II. D. 8. Dental Office i In Barnard Buildlnft-Bntrances, Patton Atrcaat and Main Street,... f febaedly INSURANCE. 171 RB INSURANCE FIRE, LiIFE . ACCIDENT. PULLIAM CO, At the Bank of Asheville, .A8KBVHXE, N.C vis. l.S1 .061 AH 1,03U,U33 Represent the folluwinit compnnlea, - " nut ' CASH ASSKTS IS AnKlo Nevada, .of California 22'222 Continental, of New Yord ,MV, 8J3 Haiiiburg-Birmen.oHjcnnany J lfSou. London Assurance, of England J'5S?'b5 Nlaaara, of NewYork ....n..r (Went, of Hartford I'I iiS Pharnlx. of Brooklyn 6.06V17" St. Pul Plre and Marine, of Ml nesot Southern, of New Orleans. Western, of Toronto. Mutual Accident association. i litna Life Insurance Company. I dtmar3tt - . ... ' TJ1B AMurancc Bocletjr or " tisitao STATSi. Asts ....95,4.' Surplus SM,7Mf7 Outstandin)iAsaurance...i54eii,IS55 Written In 1HHM IVlM'MJ'00 Tontine Polldee with 15 and 20 year Pf- flndsarethe moat popular and profltabla tifm of assaranee. Tot esatsplea, rate, etc., confer with R. D. Monroe, Afftt Ashevltle. K. C. Offlee with Jnrlge Aston. fcbaaddm A ubatltme far Coffee. The Paris correspondent of The Glasgow Mail writes of the discovery of an extraordinary nature made in the island of Reunion which threatens to make havoc in the coffee trade. It is said that a plant called the wild or ange grows on the island. It produces a fruit which U green at first and af terward bluish, verging into purple as it ripens. Hitherto the product of the plant has not attracted any particular notice in a commercial sense, but it lias recently been tested and found to )0ssess qualities which will render it an admirable substitute for coif ee, the use of which will place within the reach of those who hitherto have not been well abletoatford thehiirh prices which in many places are asked for good cotfeo a beverage which will be in every way me equal or tne latiar. Tho flrovenunent of the colony is said to have tho matter iu hand, and about 21,000 ucres in the highest portion of the island are now under cultivation for the growth of the "wild oranges." Cautionary Signals, ' liverylxHly is superstitious to a greater or loss extent. Every man has a superstition of some sort, tliough they will not own it. One of the niostcoro mon of the petty superstitions is in volved ju theansweringof invitations, 8oino men do not hesitate to write posi tively that they will he there, but the great oiu.jo.rity modify this by saying, "God willing." or " if uothing hap pens, or something of the sort. These men lirinly believe in the old sayintr that "Man proposes and God disposes, and they ure tukiiig nocliuuces. Those who haviMiccasion to receive responses to iiiviiutrons will notice that these "cautionary siguals" prevail. Chi cago LloPdld. A FaaMas Trie. TVv were all Boston boys, and neighbors, playmate and constant comrade. Applrton was a man of re markable wit and quaint originality. with strong literary ana smsuc tastes, which, however, did not reach the point of high creative power. A syb aritic temperament, favored Dy pros perous circumstance, held hi m satis fied all his life within the conservative circle of the most delightful social comiMtnionsliip, in which tlte wouder . . . s a . . m was lhalllie latent lorvesoi nis nature took no definite and enduring form, so that "Tom Appleton" remains only a marvelous memory, a man tenderly beloved in life, and now affectionately remembered. Butin him, as in the others, were the stern old Puritan conscience and truth fulncsa, a scorn of dishonor and indi rectness, yet blended with such (fUavity and accomplishment, such grace of miud and rectitude of life and delight in refined enjoyment, that la no other group of friends in New England, prob ably, were the characteristics ana en gaging qualities of Puritan aud Cava lier more happily combined. Their careers were widely severed, although Boston was always their home. - Phil lips passed on to the renown of a great orator and leader in one of the noblest causes in history; Motley won the highest laurels of literature in the works which record the defense and development of liberty in Holland; Appleton placidly drifting with the current of bis time, watched with the keenest interest and admiration the cause of both, and if perhaps he some times felt, with Brownings rictor Ignotus, I could nan painted ptcturcaHke that youth's men praise so. there was no hint in word or manner that he regretted any prize he had not won. ding after the college days, and after Motley's first unprosperous literary ventures and his diligent study in Euro lie, he sent Appleton the sheets of his "History of the Dutch Repub lic." Appleton received them in New port, where he read them with de liirht and one morninir, burstine into the room of friend, he exclaimed, I she with unwonted enthusiasm, "I've read I Tlio it all, and; by Jove, Motley baa done it at last I" George William Curtis in Harper's Magazine. A HAPPY TRYST. MISCELLANEOUS. With Made the millarl daughter, Wkua eoa birds rs a-uig, I wandered aiid the vavuur aura. With ha goUta uu-eilnr; And dowa Um created hlluade awept Tha reUow aunilshfs uda. And Ol the irrav oat world looked bright Aa wa walked aids by slda. With arm around her lissom rust, I whtanar'd words aadeartiur; And sweet and low her answer oama- Aaaost too low for hearlnc: Ajk! hide and ansa lbs rrolK: wiixl Plav'd lukl tha rust Una- corn; And O' our beans with lota were full Osj tha fair summer mora. But ah. tovn "a wtni are very fleet, And eweaUat hours har aoduut; Too sosa w beard tha old mill a sails Beneath thev labor beadlns; But loo batons wa left Um corn Uj genu Made 1 list. And Ol a thought tut Ussrlfd sheaves Bad aa'ar hid happier tryst -Abeam Lent Smith. The Rector I can't iret the.clasn of the hymnal open, Mr. KagTvts the Sexton (divine into his pockets- Try this, sir. Merit Win. We desire to say to our citizens," that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumpton, Dr. King's New Life Pills. Bticklcn's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, und have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfac tion. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow tlieir use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on tneir mernts. r. L. Jacobs, Druggist. 'Pshnw." said an up-town ladv to her husband who had been criticising her at tire, "what does a roan know about a woman's clothes, anyway ?" "He knows the price, my dear." he replied gently, and she retired. A ttafe Investment. Is one which is'enaranteed to brine you satisfactory results, or in case of fail ure u return ot purchase price. On this sale plan vou can huv from our adver tised Drugjjist a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery lor Consumption, It is guar anteed to bring relief in everv case, when used lor any affection of the Lungs, Bron chitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, .perfectly safe, and can always be dejiended upon. Trial bottles free at F. L. Jacobs' Drug Store. Vou woula oe sorry to lose your sister, wouldn't you, Johnny ?" asked the visitor suggestively to the little boy who was entertaining him in the drawing room. "Nope," replied Johnny. "I guess I could stand it, Mr. Hankinson. Maw savs I've got to wear short pants till after Irene's married." Sound Sleepers. - Mr. Boyle says that it is one of the amusements of West Africa to show strangers how aFantee boy can sleep, A friend of his wishing to rouse some servants and send them to close the shutters and lock the doors, said to him, "I'll show you something which you wouian l oeueveon hearsay. Thereon he grasped a boy oy the heels, dragged him a yard or so, turned him over, and roughly lifted him to a sitting posture; the youth sat up, rub bed his eyes, scratched his head, and wept to sleep again as be lay. To an other he did the same, with a like re sult - Having thus got the two alongside, fust asleep, he drugged one on top of the other, and left them a moment; they slumbered placidly in that posi tion, tie then ran aiahck at them, be ing in slippers, and upset the pair, and ordered them loudly to close the shut ters. They both got up, eyes wide open, and apparently conscious; one walked gravely down stairs, the other retired, with all semblance of reason, to the pantry alomrsida. - The one who went down came up again in two minutes, still with his eyes wide open, aud leisurely lay down to sleep again; the other we found fust snoozing In the pantry on a stool. We took them up, and shook them violently; they rubbed them selves, and went to sleep again. Dragging them into the dining room, without a word, they silently set about their work, fastening shut ters and doors. "Do you think they are awake?" asked my friend. "Tell them to get you something." I did so. No response. I repeated the order. They quietly went back, their work completed, and dropped to sleep upon their mats, fast stupe lied with sleep all the time. Youth's Companion. A fretty Llttla Sown. A boy carrying a largo bouquet of roses, some phlox, heliotrope and pinks entered a Cottage Grove avenue car yesterday. Among the passengers inside wu a little girl of possibly 6 years of age. The little oue was as pretty a blondinette as one can see, and her woolen dress, spotlessly white, setoff her juvenile beauty perfectly. Everybody was admiriur the child. No sooner had the Bower ooy entered than the car was filled with the per fume of the roses and heliotrope. The little girl soon discovered it and quick ly gave up her observation from the car window. She approached her mother and began leasing for some of the flowers. Finally when she found out that her mother could not procure any of the much wished for roses the child went right up to the boy. "Will 'oo dive me turn flowerst" she asked. The chances were nine to ten that the boy wouldn't irive any. But it was. perhaps, because the little girl was so sweetly charming that he detached a couple or handsome red roses and gave them to her. Triumphantly returned to nor mother. roses were Dinned to her bosom. At Twentieth street the boy got off. Quickly the little cii l jumped on the seat But it was on the wrong side irora that on which the boy was. She jumped off, went to the other seat. and looked out of the window. She saw the boy, and he. uoticine her. waved his hand. Then she. putting ner rosy lingers to lier mourn, threw him two, three kisses. It was so sweet ly, gracefully done. Then she settled dowu and inhaled her flowers. Chi cago Tribune. BLAIR FURNITURE COMPANY, NO. 37 PATTON AVENUE, Wholesale und Retail Furniture Dealers, And Undertakers. Prompt attention given to all orders day or night. fcbldly Residence t 39 Penland Street. ' THE W1NYAH SANITARIUM," ASHEVILLE, N. C For the reception of patients suffering of diseases of lungs and throat, and conducted upon the plan of the sanitaires at Goebersdorf and Falkenstein in Ger many. Ours is the only such institution in the United States, and endorsed by the leading members of the medical profession. Terms reasonable. KARL VON RUCK, B. S., M. D, Their Deaths foretold by Cheat. Robert Withers, 81 A. Vicar Of Gately, England, in 1706, relates, in publication of that time, the followiug Singular story of the supernatural : "Mr. Grose went to see Mr. Shaw on the 2nd of August last. As they were talking in the evening Mr. Shaw says: 'On the 21st of last month, as I was smoking a pipe and readinir in my study, between eleven and twelve o'clock at night, in comes Mr. Naylor (formerly fellow of St. John's Col lege, but who had been dead for four years). When I saw him I was not much affrighted, and I asked him to sit down, which, accordingly, he did lor about two hours, and we talked to gether. I asked him how i( fared with him. He said: 'Very well.' Were any of our old acquaintances with himt 'No' (ati which I was very much alarmed), 'but Mr. Orchard will be with me very soon, and you not long after.' As he was going away I asked him if he would not stay a little long er, but he refused. 'No, he had but three days' leave of absence, aud he had other business.' "Mr Orchard died soon after. Mr. Shaw is now dead. He was formerly fellow of St John's College an in- fenuous, good man. I knew him there 5 utat his death he had a col lege liv ing at Oxfordshire, and here he saw the apparition" Cincinnati Enquirer. VROTKCTINO PROPERTY 0WNBR8. THE "CAMARET" GUARANTEED ROOFING PLATES. We uut uuly aive the purchaser the beat Roofing Plates, but we protect him Pint By giving our guarantee. " Second By stamping each sheet with brand and thickness. Third By excluding wastes. Fourth By branding tht net weight of the 112 sheets on the box For the bcnctlt of those wanting the very beat Rootling Plates, we assert, and an PRE I'ARUUTU PROVB, that (excepting the "Oilbertaon's Old Method") then art ao other brands of roofing tin being offered In the market to-day, by any firm, under the (bar dtsVr ent guarantees given above by this house. ' MERCHANT & CO. Philadelphia, New York, Chicago, London. ' d&wtaprt . . Aa Amphibians Spinster. There is 11 inuiden lady in a city not far from Klbcrtoii who is so consti tuted 1I111I she cannot live outof water but n alim-i wliiloutatitne. After re hiuiniiii; itway from a bath tub for a couple 1 f hours she commences to fuiiu uihI inmost sult'ocates, and to procure ivlii'f must at once cover her enliiii lioiiy in cold water She has in her iimm u ihsiI of fresh wiitoi', and in this she snenda a greater part of her tunc, both winter midsummer. Other wise her health is very good. --Sayan- 'litis News CUCTJU.fi UllCIHIT RPOTTLT) ALWAYS BE KEPT IN RHQP, ITKJ1U3N STAllida khl) rAUlUUX I How Doctors Conquer Death. Doctor Walter K. Hammond says "After a long experienct I have come to the conclusion that two-thirds of all the deaths from couchs, pneumonia and con- sumntimi miirht be avoided if Acker's ...... rj . a English Cough Kemeny were only care fully used in time." This wonderful Rem edy is sold tinder a positive guarantee by T. C. Smith a: io- A.v,M,;iir has five firat-clnss private in stitntiona of tentning, which in character complete with nny 111 the world. LIUSTAIIG LIIIILIEUT Anecdotes) of General Urant. General Grant, on his return to this country, is said to have been severely af flicted with a cough contracted while crossing the ocean, nnd which had stub bornly refused to yield to any treatment. A mend procured lor him- a bottle ol Symphyi, and by its use in n few hours he was entirely relieved. He remarked to his friend : " Men look upon me as a great soldier, hut this bottle of Symphyx ih greater than I. My calling has lieen to destroy men's lives, but this medicine is victorious suvior ol men. I shall .never be without it again," d&w Ambitious Youth "I don't nee whv a white man going to any of the South Sea Islands could not, by his suierior knowl edge, rise to the head of a tribe and gradually add other tribes to it until he founded a State or a kingdom." Great Traveler "Many have tried it but they all got in the soup." UynpepHla, Deapalr, Death. Tlicse nre the actual steos which follow indigestion. Acker's linKlinh UyNemia Tablets will both check and cure this most tearful of discuses. Giiranteed by 1. 1. nmun 01 v.o. Street-car driver: "Me and that off harse been workm for the coninanv for twelve yeurs now." Passenger: "that so? The company must think a great deal of you both.'' "Well. I dunno: last wnke the two of us was taken sick, and they irot a docther for the harse. and docked me. Gid-ap, thare, now. Betsy." : Flaming Fire In the Veins). We bold positive proof that Acker's English Blood Elixir cures nil blood poi sons where chean snrsanarillna and so- called purifiers fail. Knowinir this, we will sell it to all who call at our store on B positive guarantee, T. C.Smith & Co Natural Osa la Indiana, Some idea of the vast importance of the natural gas interests of Indiana may bo gained from a study of the re port recently made by the state geolo gist, lie lias been collecting all the information he could possibly gel con cerning the subject, and from the re sults of his investigation we learn tbat the gas urea of Indiana is 1G5 miles in lentrth bv 65 miles in width: alto gether there are 881 paying wells in the district. The entire now of gas is placed Ht 000,000,000 feet of which, it 15 CUIUUIUlttU, BOUlPllllllg 11KB l,l"JU,illHJ feet tro to waste. The averatre flow of gas rrom each well is stated as being about 150,000 feet The report further nioutious me laci tnai during the past two years seventy-nine manufactories have located in Indiana, simply and solely because of the fact that they coulu obtain this fuel. Theircombined capital is stated, in Fire and Water, as reaching $4,500,000, and it is said that they will employ 5,800 men. Scien tific American. . Strangulation Produce Coloration. The question is asked whv the face of a person who is straueled turns black f An answer to this is as fol lows: Blood is of two kinds, arterial or bright blood, and venous or.dark bioou,-''! ne brilliant color of the arte rial blood is due to oxvsrcn which it carries from the lungs to the tissues: tuese roo 11 01 11s cuarge, anu 11 Hur ries backfcto the lungs as dark venous blood for more. If this regular course of nature is arrested by strangulation, which means the compression of tho jugular vein, the venous blood ia re tained above the ligature aud becomes less and less oxygenated. If the liga ture is very tight the carotid arteries will also be blocked, and no more ar terial bit od will reach the head and fuca And so tha result of strangula tion is blackness, or rather purpleness, of the fuco the outcome of an excess of venous blood and deficiency of oxy genation. New York Telegram. A National Flower. Moro than ten years ago the writer maue a suggestion concerning a na tional flower and referred to the fa vontes of other nations. It attracted the attention of a few botanists at the time and there the matter rested. Of late the subject has been revived and various flowers have been men tioned, many or litem have only a local reputation, or are to be found only In small quantities and in certain sections of the United States. Like Dr. 01 ivor Wendell Holmes, whose poem all must remember, I desire to recommend the Golden Rod. It is found hi all arts of the United States, and, the botanists tell us, in a hundred varieties. The Golden Rod ia mr irotn ocing me "coarse looking herb" which Webster defines it, but is beautiful in every tviie, from the tall spikes 011 our wave washed shores to tho delicate fern like blossoms which defy tho artist s skill. As America is called the "Land of Gold," and is rich in resources, why not take this royal blossom for our Horal emblem? It represents strength, ueuuiy, uniiiuncy, ana uinniie vatr ety, with powers of endurance calcu lated to cliullenge admiration. De troll h'wua lMa MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY, No. 23 Patton Avenue, (Urdwood & stlkeleather, Proprietors. fjiJr-All orders promptly attended to. I'cbOVly 'RUSTBB'B BALK. Bv virtue of a deed of trust executed to me by A. B. Ware and wife, dated February 7, ana uuiy registered in book 12, rage 218. to secure the uavment of certain notes mentioned therein, I will sell at public auc tion lor one-nan casn ana balance in six months, on the premises or at the court honse in Asnevnie, n. v.., on Wednesday, Marcn ail said property lielnK situated In .the City of Asheville, on French Broad Avenue and Wil liam Street, adjoining lands or W. M. Cocke, Jr.. and Messrs. Bulrd and Alexander; con taining; two acres more or leas with three dwelling houses and other improvements. I MS tne iin aay ol February, iw. 1S1DOK WALLALH, feblUdlm Trustee. N OTICB. Bv Tlrtue of a decree of the Suoerior Court of Buncombe county, rendered at the Decetn- oer Term, ihhs. i win. on the tn day of April, 1HM9, at the residence uf- T I vanuuaer on college street, in tne city ol A lie v tile, en, at public auction for cain. to the hlKhent bidder, all the furniture and chattlei, conveyed by T I VanGtldcr and wile in certain deeds of trout to me Th furniture connUta of cariM'ta, chairs, bedroom. library, hall and parlor acts, and other usual household furniture At the same time and place, and under the same conditions and In the same manner I will rent and let the said residence for the term of one year from the date of sale For further particulars enquire ! the un dersiKned at his office or of J 8 Adams, attorney at law, or Moore St Merrick, attor neys at law. at their respective office WW HAKNAKU March H, 1mq nmr9dtnpr4. OT1CE. FINE JOB WORK specialty; AT NO. 6, NORTH COURT SQUARE Notice Is hereby jfiven that application will he made to the Legislature of North Carolina for a charter in copo rating the Western North Carolina Medical College. J. A. WATSON, M. I)., S. W. HATTLK, M. !.. " T. T. M BklWBTUHK, M.'I)'., feblMdlm AND OTHBK8. J. W.SCIIARTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR Ji NEAT. A IMalntaratteU Friend. Tho man who never owned doer doosn t k now w lmt it is to liav a de voted und disinterested friend. Do you know ny creature half so faith' rul as old (Jin, or Nero, or JJruno. or Fido. or Towser, or Kattler? VVlieii youiilf you maltreated him dreadfully. You i-odo on his buck, you pulled his ears, you twisted his tail, you kicked him und cutfed him. But he bore your abuse patiently and was always ready to lick the hand that smolo him. lie bore do grudge against you, but forgot and forgave every tiling.- When you left home he was the lat one of the family to say goed by, when you returned he was the first to give you greeting. In youth he was vour comforter and protector; now he it your companion and friend, -New York Tribune. feltfodly 42 N. Main St. PROMPT. CTTOES W, uaujti 1 TJ L ATTblv I CareteM Mother). Manv iiMdIiers hnv nrrmitUrf thrir children to die before theireyr when they niiRtit have neen siivni. Any mother who keep house without n bottle of Acker's . English Baby Soother at hnnd, runs a risk which she may some time regret. It has saved the lives of thousands of children, mid is doing so everv venr. For snle liv T. C. Smith (k 1 n ' l.iU3TAI!G LKiiLlENT crnr.s wa ItfW, wrx, corks. Judicious AdvcrtUlna, CKEA TES many a new huxinega; ENLAkGES ninny an iM himinett; REVIVES many a dull businem; RESCUES many a hit busineu; S. 1 VES many a tailing business; PRESERVES manyalargtbtitintts; SECURES $ueee$i in any buiiatsB. To advertise judiciously, um tha cot umnt of" Tbe CltJaen." Everrbodv marf. it: and In oronottktn to tbe return it yields ndvet Users. its rates are the tbenn. ing eves). "Well ?" c m ine coumi r, I vusiumcr. iiu.suk: rum. Bucklon'a) Arnica Balve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, frvcr sores, Utter, chamied hands, chilblains. corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures pUes, or no pay required. ' It is guaranteed to rin perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per lies, ror laic try rU Jacob. daw Night Drug Clerk (2 A, M., with glur- I8TAI.Q Uir BIT. CU8TAC0 UfflBEUT ntipr. rrNiniiirrfl jf-ais mxAMitATioN. old bores is rem, nt aw tiUbUtiBAFlUUUa' BROOM FACTORY. IIANI OHO N. LOCKWOOD. ' HANU-MAIIK Brooiim, 'WhliikM, Hearth and Celling IlrooniH. Mill and Pnrtorv vrndes a succiattv. Ono. tatlims and snmples free. - febladly I ACCURATE. maWSM&JmL "f jiasastlilawiiiiall safc i. jui I f,i -7k - .'.' 1 Ail eyes lit ted and fit guaranteed. plctt stork of the abovs good st A mm' GRANT'S DRUG STORE, 84 BOUTH MAIN 8TRBBT. Oculists prescriptions a sieclalt.T. fcl!t7illtn ' A REAL PLEASURE TO DO YOUR .n.T v. ti w "aj an. . Ab you want it aud wbonyou riUSTAHG UIIinEUT CrRES BHEUMATI3M, LAME BACK AM bTUF JUlNXti liCy IM iLAHy r ant It. .. a. is. . t - aft ? riTiywxr viT.m5TiTvri'r iiiiiw ssaaaa.asjsa a QJTKIf.fi FOOT HOT, f HOUtDFlunot

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