1...; DAILY CITIZEN V ill be piitltied errrv mnmine feirr-rit M OB da?) lit tne rolluwing ittrt ttm-tly cMnh: One Yfsr.... .. . Kl h i Momh. ...,... ......, S.OO 1 hire M'-nth..... ........ 1 fl One M on I U -.. . -. 60 C-nrUork 18 Oar carrier will d.-liver th paper every nontmi in every part of the eity to oar suo arrltier., and parties wtaua it will plcast cmll at to Cmi Office. New Ad'ertlaemcata. Prugs, etc. Grant's Dror Store. Notice A. B. Portua and others. Called SOU aimal vertiM SMav. tlou, AabOTtllc, N. C. LaTrrrnt, M SI Moctb. LoaorrrtDS S2.3A WT. aUHiwa, 3.350 FsT. Mcteorologiexd report tor 34 hoars ending at t a. -. klarcu l. iH. TBMPBBATtHB. Northern Bipoeure, tihaded. ruai. i.Uln. Daily Mean. S U.a . 83.5 'Tans 1 3 pa , a I a 8pm 46 "SBU Ht'MiniTV." ABSO. HUMIDITY. Daily Meaa. n Pally Meaa. 8634 BAROMBTBR. PRECIPITATION. Corrected for sJtltode and temperature. Rata aad Aaow Depth. Inches. 0 Melted gaow.l Dally Meaa. locoes. 0.13 3 80 Weather Clondr. K. T. RUCK, M. D., Otxsrrrer. TATE MEW. Rct. J. N. Stalling! has moved hU female college from Thotnasville to High Point. The Durham and Northern 'railway will be thrown odcu for traffic on the 28th tort. A local option election will be held in Raleigh in June. Durham will alto vote ' on the Mine question. Bishop W. W. Duncan, ofSpartanburg, 8. C, will preach the baccalaureate ser mon before the graduating class of the State University, Sunday, May 81. The Shelby Era says: Rev. E. A" Os borne hat resigned as rector of the Episcopal church and will devote his time to the churches around Charlotte. Many contributions for the relief of the destitute poor, white and black, in Orange county ,are being made. Julian S. Carr, of Durham, has donated car-load of corn. A factory for the manufacture of plug tobacco has been established at Durham, and is a new departure at that place, which has heretofore confined its manu facture entirely to smoking tobacco and cigarettes. The penitentiary authorities will next week begin work on the -Governor's mansion. Gov. Fowl will revive the , pleasant old ante-bellum custom of hold ins monthly reception! at the mansion when completed. , The shipments of shad from the famous fisheries at Avoca, in Bertie county, are greater than from any other place in the country , More than half of all the shad old in New York come from that place, More than 200,000 were sold last season by one firm in New York. Gov. Fowle has received a letter from the Secretary of War, stating that Colonel Rkhard Irving Dodge, of the Eleventh Infantry, would lie detailed to represent the regular army at the campment of the SUteGutird at Wrights villc next July. Colonel Dotlgt is a native of Rockingham county, N. C. The attendance at the State Conven tion of the Young Men's Christian Association, which begins at Wilmington to-morrow, will be larger than was ex pected. Over 150 delegates have given notice that they will attend. The work of the association has been widely ex tended during the past two years. This is the second annual convention. Chattanooga Times: Secretary Bluine and President Harrison decide that Fred Grant isn't competent to the duties of the French mission. In this decision the people will generally concur. Fred might do for a clerk, but he would have to be well bossed if the government got out of him the earning of even a small salary. His application for the Chinese legation was a characteristic exhibition of gall. Teacher ( Anarchist Sunday-school. Chicago) "Now, mem clulders, vat is bombs for?" Class "To trow ad bolicemims." "Das vas recht. Vy've trow at bolioe?" 'Tecause dey represents Law, und ve must hate all Law.' "Das vast gout. A craxv man jumps up with a knile and begins to slush aroundl. All (rushing out)-" Bolioe! Boliee! Bolice!" A hnanctal report states that "money is off." We suppose it is the same old story : The cashier has gone to keep it ironi Dcing lonesome. The Samoan commissioners chosen t represent our government at the Berlin conference will not start for that place until the middle of April. . JacliclesM AdvcrtlaliiK. CREATES many a new htmiitet; ENLA KCES man n old businest; REVIVES manv a dull huiunru: RRSCt'ES many a hmt butinm; -SA VES manv a failing business;, , I'RESER VliS many a large business; SECURES lucres in any business. To advertise judiciously, use the col umn of" The CitiMen." Every boly rends It; and in proportion to the returns it yields trivet tisers, its rates are the cheap est in the countt r. Fiao Table Cattery cheap. A bigger bargain than ever before 211 sets (only) of fine Rusocll steel and celluloid-handled knives at t'J a set. Thirty sets of fine white-handled knives al $1.33. A lew pairs fine carvers to match, very low. Wonderfully low rices on best plated knives, forks and spoons. Rogers' triple-plated knives at $2 a set. Every thing' in Crockery, GIum and Lamps, at Law's, ST, 59 and 01 8, Main St. JOTICS, ALL TAXPAYER I BT ieewt set nf the Legislature, I am torcrd to advertise for sale all property t,vm Z!1.' 11. m " " "rat day tH AinrM. tb.ib.vl peoposa strictly to en. "'TT'.w V"Tmr. " VTmi who have aot Kid their tax, aae who do aot wish to re their proisTty advertlsee), aaasl pay Uv April 1, 'ay xvut hate aad savs tmni.te, . . . KA.( ItlM-U-H, dthrirl " City TaslbiuxU. INANCE AND COMMERCE. TIIK WOHI.D'1 MAKUKTH BV ifCMiCRAPH. ' u Vpiut $4 crlUea-CoMon- HOHIT IHDIECt 'lTmt. NiwYou. March . Bxchange dull but Arm. Monty easy. Ia34. Rub-Treasure balances Gold, 1151.852-, 000; currency, $17.1 75.ooo. Government-booas ouii. not iitnj---i per cents, 1.8U"; W per cents. H O,'-,, btate bonus, auu, on Ala. Class A SaS 105V) bat stead r. ,;N. V. Central,. 10, 4!l.4 Ala. Class fl. 6s.. Ill is. at w. ptd Ga. 7s, mort 104 Northern Pac... N. P. ptd , Pacific Mail , Reading I Rich, at A Me R. W. Point. I Rock inland N.C. Coos., 6s.. .124 N. C. Cons., 4s t7 BUS B. C. Brown's...lofl Tenn. hrt., 3s 72 44 tj 2-14, ei1 H4 Virginians 4M Virginia Cons... 85 Northwestern . . 1 01, St. Paul ,.i:4i do pM 13VlTex. Pacific do old Del A Lack....... Brie Bast Tenn Lake Hhore Lou. it Nash.... IM4. ,. 27VTcnnCoalatIroa SUV, V I'nion Pacific B.'lVi ,.lXti!N. J. Central 94 0U','.Mo. facinc ti'i Men. at Char. 82 Western I'nion.. 5-t Mob. at Onto. Nash. At Chat... 03 Cotton-seed Oil Certificates 55 NOPac.lstmort K7Vil COTTOK. Lrvgaroot,, March 19. Noon Cotton auiet. rather caeier American miauling, 6 11-16; sales 7,ooo. speculation and riport, 500. Receipts, 27,000 America 24.WOM Futures closed auiet. 3 P. H. American middling, 3 11-lfl. Hales of to-dar Included, B.ttOO American March S3N-4bnrcr: March andApril SSMU.buy- ers; April and Mar, 6 3x-tt4, buyers; 1ay and June, 6 3u-o4, sellers; June and Jul 8 4U-4, sellers: luiv and Auicust a value: At rust ana Heptemoero sellers; uctooer o 25-04, buyers; Hcptemoer oju-o,. sellers Futures closed dull. Nkw Yos, March 19 cotton Net re ceipts ia8; gross 3253. Futures closed teailr. Bales 70.oo nairs. March ... W.R2a l4lcit:..... 9 S5a 9 7 April .t)5a 9.HOct B.tttla .6H Mar....... I0.04N0T 9.5H June lO.llalo 12, Dee 0.57a 59 July... 10.17alll.lH,Jan tt.7a il.6U Ana.... ..1u.2na10.2n Kiw Vosk, March 1 9.-Cot ton Head jr. Rales to-day 8O0 bales; last evening corrected 000. Midillina unlamla 10V4: Orleans 104k. lis nortsto Great Britain 17.075; Prance. 1.40O: continent. 8.897: stock. 84H.tt.15. Oalvbston, March 19. Cotton quiet 1014; receiota 147. NoavoLK. March 19. Cotton easy: 10; receipts 647. Baltihosb, March 19. Cotton quirt. 1014: receipts Boston, March IB. Cotton quiet, loll; re ceilits83H. wilmihotom. N. C, March 19. -Cotton lower to sell ': receipts 87. PHil.suai.rHiA, March 19. Cotton quiet, lok: receipts Havanmah, March 19. Cotton quiet, 9H receipts loon, NswOsl.KAHU, March 19. Cotton steadier, 94; receipts 7132. MoniLB, March 19. Cotton, quiet, 13-18; receipts 18a. Mrmphis, March 19. Cotton steady; 18-18; receipts4oft. Auiujsta, March 19 Cotton dull, 10 1-16; receipts 44- Chavlwton, March 19. Cotton steady tuft; receipts 104a. t-SOVISlOKS AND PSOIH CS Nv Vosk, March 19. Houthern flour dull and heavy common to fair, 3a3.40; good to choice, 8.Soa3 88. Wheat spot moderately active, lut lower; better e&port demand No 2 red HHHuoiS,; elevator op tions utiiouucq ireeiy, loreiKnrrs cniet uuvers lonirs realiini(, declined s!4, siieculation more active No. 3 red March April nu's, way i, June v j. corn spot weaker, quiet No. 3 red 424a42H; elevator options wens ann quiet, w,avt lower, Man-n 42W April 42V4it42?4, May43Vt, June 43a4314 sCramer mixed April 41Vsn414s. Oats spot steady and quiet; options dull and unchanged Marco anil April ,-iiih. May now, June :i( No. 9spot31a:i2: Western mixed 2Vs33. flops quiet ana steady .orte options closed etcany, n points down to o points up; Irrri lar cables; moderate business; March 18. 78 A R nril 18.70al.7B, May 18.70nl8.HO. Spot 10 barely steady and quiet, lair canities 16.70nl8.NO. nugarraw, sironu; u trokum su-ady and quirt. ; falrrenningSVk. Pe y and quirt. Prelvhts steady St. Lot'is, Mo., March 19. Plour easv dullness ugnt. r nrat casn aemornnied; op tions lower. There was a weak opening; par. tlitl recovery was followed liyanother relapse and then the market was very weak; the close was 1 lower fur Mny lt for June. 1 for July.andlfor August No.3 red caah 9014 aikcd; Mny WOV1M12, closed UO'a, askedjune 7H'tl July HOhiaNl. Corn lower, quirt no. -d mixed casn xnt, April 'dv, May HOlfcn 8014. Hats quirt and steady No. 3 caah vsv,; amy unawiM,. w niakcy strnily l.o.'l Provisions dull and weak J'orkl2 6ll. Lard prime steam nominal n.oo. llama Klatou Cincinnati, March 1U. Plourdull. Wheat easy No. 2 red Boauo. Corn flnner No mixed B4a26. Oats higher, stronger No 3 mixed 2Mu2U. pork Arm, 12.50. I.artl 0.M7Vs. Hulk meats fair demand, unchanged Bacon steady and unchanged. W hiakrv 1.03 Hogs common and light 9,75a4 70; packing and butchers 4 BOa4.NO. Chicaoo, March 1 a Plour dull and 11 n changed. Wheat U!U.nlia,; No. 2 red, H.Mi-i a.iV. Corn No. 2 S4. Oats No. 3 24., Mess pork ll.tto. all . 95, Lard 6.M5. Hhqrt rllM6.ona8.lo. Shoulders 5.5()aB.7fl. Rhort Clear o.2oau.B7tt. w hlskey steady 1.03 THE LOCAL MARKET. COKSgCTSU DAILY The following price can lie obtained for country produce : Calilwgrs, nicely trimmed, per lb 114 mwiaiwn, per gaj ,na;ill Sides Bacon, tier m . HUn Irish potatoes, per bu... Wheat, per bu Plour, per cwt HOnHA l.tM ..3. 50aa.no corn, pernu... ..HOaHA Chickens... 121,1.21) Kggs, perdoi 9al0 nutter, perm ,...20a2i TurnlM, per hsy y8 t.ar-ots, per iiu , , ,..7 Parsnip, pertiu... , ,, ,.,7t! onions, perliu , 1 (hi Cow Peas, tier bu 75al.OO t-eiery, per uuncn. Beef, per m gross Ha4 Mutton, per lb aross .8a4 "PP'ra, ier on 75al.tR "ucks,... 3lia3fl 1 ursey, ni-essea,.. 10 " I've 75al.25 Beans, per bu , 1.001.7(1 itata, per on 4oa8i nay, per ewt HOal.oO A CARD. I take great pleiiHin-e in an nouncing to the ladieH of Arihevillt) and vicinity that 1 am now ottering one of the largeHt and most fashionable stocks of Millinery and fancy goods that Iuih ever been shown in this city. 1 have just returned froniUnltimore and New York, where I have selected the latest styles and shapes, for which i will be pleased to give my prices. I nave a full line of Stamping Patterns. Mrs. llerndon will be pleased to se her friends and the public generally. Thanking my many cus tomers for their generous patronage, 1 shall strive to merit their future favors. Yours lvspectfullv HKTT1K V. linOWN. JhJoTICUOK MSMtiLl'TItlN. Notiie Is hrtvhv dim l.v I..1. a-K. doing hualnras nn'dir the name and style of nanvTiiie kuwoer ami Mnnulcuiing Vomnaiiv. eotitrM.M-H r tt- u iUP. ....1 John I-. rttitnt, that the twrtnrrahip hrrrtn. tore exiatlng between tht-tn is Una day dis solved by mutual consent. l ne ouslnriw will be rontinurr) liy w B. Marx umler the nld firm .M.... AiitiKii ".J ,?f 't" ,"u nrm n nwimed by him. ami all bills due to said late firm are payable to him. Patties wlvhlng to Mr r.rsnt v. Ill Bud biw aim m i lie v-ompany omce. J V. GRANT, B.MARX AahsMUe, N. C, Pb.2T,'S0. msrl.ldlW J0T!Cll. The arreaary lin.oon having bees sub. rrllml the auoacrtlirrs to the rsisinl st.nk of The Carollaa Minina, Mnuulacturing aud Improvement Companv, V.III meet at the 01- IT m i.Kit.ir , hi jni'tat p m. sr. Marrh 'JH. , for the purpose arter. eg orgauiilng a Nf charter. A. B. PtigTt'NB, II. M. BAMHHuit, Ahll OTMktSg. arH0dt MISCELLAXEOCS. Jiwannanoa Hotels s I'nexcelled cuisine. Popular with tourists, families and business Electric cars pass the door. BAWLS BROS., (rbldly Propr-s. GRANT'S If your prcscriptioas are compounded at Grant's Phar macy yon caa positively de pend apoa these facta : First, that only the Purest and Beat drugs and chemicals win be used. Second, tbey will be compounded carefully and ac- ! curately by an eipericnced prescrlptlonist ; aad third, yoa will aot be charged aa exorbi tant price. Yon will receive the best goods at very re a- DR U G ' sonable profit. A full line of Patent Medicines, Toilet Arti cles, Ayer's Eecamler Prepaia- . tlons, Scott's Blectrie Curlers, etc., etc. . We bare the agency for Hum phrey's Homeopathic Medi cines. UsVAULT'S OLD STAND, 24 8. Main Bt. Prescriptions delivered to , any part of the city free of charge STORE. anarSOdly WM, R, PENNIMAN, PROPRIETOR OP THE ASHEVILU BRICK WORKS, Anhevllle, N. C. P. O. Bog P. mar!3dly A NEW HOTEL IN BRYSON CITY. The Swayne House. One of the best in Western North Carolina. Hummer and winter resort. Nature's sanita rium. Scenery and water unexcelled. Terms moderate. C.KO. N. BLACKBURN, Prop'r, marlSil.lm We are now receiving a great many IIANDMODIK NOVELTIES, But cannot mention In detail, because of the press uf work consequent upon receiving and marking. H, REDWOOD & CO, Clothing:, Dry Uood, Small Warea, Halt), Shoes, aud Carpet. Jl'HNISHBD APARTMKNT8 TO LBT. Rooms can he had at No. 67 College Street ,,.wn tne I'avnison nouse I newly fumishrd. Mrs. Krwin has charge of the cul inary department and will furnish first-class tame ooarti u desired at reasonable rates. miiinrr on tne premise. RbVa-dltn N OTICB. The Ptinromhr County Medical Rociety meets the first Monday In each month at T.30 P.',",V. ny pnysician or good standing and eligible to memlirrship In the Btate Medical Society of North Canilina, and residing in nmem nortu laroiina, may become a oer oi inta aociety. fehaiuilm M. M. PLBTCHBR, Sec ODD JOBS AT 000 TIMES. L. V. Rrown oners his services as a first-t-lnaa Nim-htniat, eiecliilly on all kinds of fine light machinery, and work la wood or metal. Una some rxDcrience fn onrnins- and rcpniriiig l'tre Prool twilea, making Models, rriuilring Miirvryors' InBtmmrnt. etc. lie enn snow, soecimens Ol his workmanship from a key to a steam engine that will con vince any one oi nis inn. no work solicited, except such as require skill and genius tu ex ecute. tiiticeatj. B. IHckeraon A Co.' Hardware more, asnevtue. N, c marUdlm ILBCTitiNiipoirpiciiHa " The sumial ekxtion of nfficvrs nf the Ah- vine i.ntni iniantrr win ne neiilat their Arm ory on FriduY eveumg. March Hi All mem ber aw hereby vniiimamUd to be present at IVII Ill UMICf l I li BA.ARH. Cap Com'd'g. P. M. KIMUBKLV, O. 8. marlttdet Employment Agency. CHAS. E, LANE & CO,, 3 S MAIN ST. Male And n-malr srrraaU fbv aQ kind of eoiployment furnished n .km astir. tkTv.?3! ti posiUons avply her. mUXl rdlna A 0R0 TO TMI WIS! IS lUFriCIEMT. G.A.MEARS ha purchased a large stock of spring Mtlti ery, mdudlag th latest no ve Hiss, aad ka ecured from th Noeth ft Jt Mllliaer eytt la ArtWvuHj. fciarlTdtt ASHE VILLE A I) "BUY IIOJIE-3IADE GOODS." Full Holler Process. Your Grocer for We Asheville Milling; Company Flour and Meal We make the .following grades of flout: Belle. Take no other. Cash Paid for Wheat, Corn, Oats and Ground to (VriW. Do Custom Grinding for Old Depot. ASIIEVILLE COAL COMPANY, Ha Ts COlXlNS A CO. Superior Hard and Soft Coal at Wholesale and Retail. Office: Barnard Building, Pat ton Avenue. THE ASIIEVILLE SANITARIUM, ASIIEVILLE, N. C., Beautifully located in a Brave nf oaks and II i nwuiiaiirau,iitarua rrmaic yoiicge, ana only three souarcs from the Ad modem and latest Imp nrflfM mth.wla v.l u r -fi---"""' , vinniuiiu am itk h I k in nhtmlimA r. .k. . . .. , - - . u ... vim uiuiri We also manatactar a Home Treatment w ww uvsimciii, sua wui price, (til. Our success here for the oast three years !Tif.lTiSi?,nf.t?v?tJ'p!.unoandhopelc"' whu" m an1 residences can be Tum Tfrf r.kiu. . a """"m- ?J C- - - ... j . n.mu, M-maiui F-VrJW X'XS?1 Chwh-W- Board and Treatment furnished to patients .JB ad5,tion, t bp"!'" our patient, we have a number of elegantly-furnished rooms to accommodate boarder, who deaire nice, quiet place, away from the hotel. Nice room ww lyrauan, gouu tare, nrst-ciass cooaing, Dr. HERRING THE SHOE STORE, NO. 30 SOUTH While we Have the Finest and Moat Fashionable Goods in Our We also have the cheapest. Call and THE "BONANZA," THE ' WINE AND . LIQUOR . STORE IN THE STATE. FINE SAMPLE AND BILLIARD ROOM. No. 43 South Main Street, " ASHEVILLE, N. C. J. A. MARUl'ARDT, Manager, LKWIS MADDUX, Pre. L. P. McLOlTS. Vlce-Pre. UtRSCTOK.'- l-ewi Maddux. M.J. Bearden. 8. H. Heed, Oeo. 8. . Powell, C. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK IASHBVILLB, N.C, FEBRUARY 1st, 1HM9. Organised May lt, 1888. w" 1 Al" SO,ooo. . 8TATB, COUNTY AND CITY DEPOSITOR Y. Doe a General Banking Bualnes. Deposit received. Exchange bought and old. Col lection made on all accessible points. The Saving Feature will receive special attention, flsall aami la Ihli il.na,.i A.,., :t I t r. . . , , , . ... ......... uv.mu of 4 per cent, per annum will be paid. . Special attention given to loans on real estate, which will he placed for long time on real .enable terms. Open from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. On Saturdays the Saving Department will be open till 6pm febadtf ' t WILLIAMSON & SON, (Successors to Hart & Williamson,) xfANt'FACTTRBRS OF SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Mouldings, Stair-Work, Fine In terior Finish, Mantels, Etc., ASIIEVILLE, N. C. AfiKNTS FlIK The Ottckcvr. I'unii, Steel and fin Sliinlc. Floor and llcitrtb Tiles. Mildly STOVES, TINWARE, AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. . PlambluK, meara an'd ;. I Bm,do, only the lle.t Workmen, do good C S. COOPI.R, VER TISES 'ESTS. Guarantee Satisfaction. Ask Roller King, Electric Light, Carolina Rye. Horse and Cattle Feed Mixture Corn Rye and Oats. Mill and Yard at Yard: Old Depot. whit niw m-r.t. M ite pine, College, rtyr ln.ailna .1. i .1 : . nd uijk in coiiikuoii witB the yaponsed v. .. , . . . ... Bui- wuwini rccs near n anrvuie. ) of the Cnaiimnnil n gen, which Is, In most oe sent on application by express, on receipt of with this i... t i . permission we reier to the tallowing well-known , j. 1. . HcrU, V.lcrB I . M. l-OUrt - Hev II I Ban- Nelo. P-tor Wrrt Baptist Church; if. T. at reasonable price, at reasonable price, aiso, not ana cola baths. T. J. HARGAN, Proprietor. & WEAVER, MAIN STREET. Line, see us. I.KAU1NU J. B. RANKIN, Cashier , J. B. Ray, J. B. Reed M. I. Faun. I U. M. McLoud. . SI RPLIS, 5,ooo tu, iuui niumna or longer, interest at the rate At i K, NTS A M'f'kS. OK Hyt kit s I'ii tent Slerntliiiitr Lath. UlnK, Tin Roofliur. tuitrr. work, and do It promptly. 39 Month Mftlit Ntreet. II. T. COLLINS, I ncident. AS1IEVILLE l'ure Ice made from Distilletl Water. Building, l'atton Avenue. D. C. Waddcll, President. W. W. Barnard. THE 6A1 ASHEYILLE, N. C. DIRF.CTOR8 I J. P. SAWYER. J. G. MARTIN, J. L. CARROLL, GBO. VY. WILLIAMS, DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY Oldest Bank In INCORPORATED BY ACT OF THE CAPITAL STOCK $100,000, W. T. rSNNIHAK. PENNIMAN & CO., -iOBDKR HlAiRIJD ASIIEVILLE, N. C. AGENTS FOR DUP0NT POWDER CO., RICHMOND STOVE CO., CORTLAND WAGON CO.,, 0LD HICKORY WAGONS, STUDEBAKER WAGONS, MOLINE SCALE CQl ' ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC. M'CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. ' feb9dly FITZPATR1CK BROS, & ROBERTSON, Dealers In Wall Paper, Window Shadetnd Patent Hangers,' Paints, Oils and Varniahes, Masury's Mixed Paint, and Color. Wind! French We keep in stock St. Louis and Kentucky Anything In the Jewelry Line at LOWEST PRICES For First Class Goods. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING. t , - BURT DENISON, 18 Patton Avenue. febllldtf LUMBER YARD. UEO. F. SCOTT, (Succtssor to Doubkdny & Scott,) North Public Square, WINDOWS, - BLINDS, - DOORS, Glass, Putt,. Lime, Plastering Hair, Shingly Lath., Fencing Posts, All kind, of Building Mr Orders will receive prompt attention. feblodly PLUMBING, STEAM TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, Plans and Specifications We have thorough mechanic In each li bsie. W. can .afely guarantee our patron, .oti.fnctlon in onr work. . low hgures. BALLARD, RICH & BOYCET feblodly C. II. CAMPBELL, . ManafacHarer and Wholrsuilc Shipper of .. - c.in;i:r ale. LEItlON 80I1A, SrARSAPARILLA, MINERAL WATERS, TONIC BEER, i CARBONATED WATER IN SiPIIONS.I Factory, i7 Haywood at. CLOSING -OF ALL WINTER GOODS, -AT 22 THE BIG 22, PATTON AVKNUE. E. K.EACAN, Secretary ICE C0L1PAI3V. e: laniard Vk-rPrealdtnt. Lawrence Palllam, Cashier. OF ASIIEVILLE, T. VY. PATTON. W. VY. BARNARD, D. C. WADDHLL. of Wilmington. N. C. Western Carolina. GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE SURPLUS fUND 520,000. W. g. PBNNlsMH. AND DBALBU 1N- WIAfKEE ow Glass, and American. Lead. febfidly AND GAS FITTING, ARCHITECTURAL IRON Wai, Vi Furnished on Application ne who hare bad many year' experience lu tbclr a. O. Box gS4, OUT SALE 1 22 ote V S-bTrMlm .,4 rlrVwtgjvrV''

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