T.::: l:.iil.Y citiz::?. THr Cmus Is the mrMit eitrnaivelv rinu luted and i4,ly read newspaper In Western lv 'i ill 1 arotma. Its fiuion of public mrl and nfiium Is in the Intrrrsl of puhlk. iiitririity, honest ftiverninctit, And proniMTotta industry, and It nowa no personal alua-tancr in treating pub lic issura. 1 Mlirilm publishes the dispatches of the AMM-iairl Prrse, Khkk now covers the whole world in ita arope. It haa other faeili tiea of advanced journalism or fathering new ftmn ail qnartera, with evrryuitngcaj-c fuilreOtted to occupy the amsllest ae. h xxi mm copies of Any edition will be arnt free to any one nendrnc thetr address. Tiiat-Daily, rt lor one year; $3 for ats anon the; 60 cents for one month : 15 cents for on week. Carriers will deliver the Jier tn ex err part of the city to aultsrrihrra, and par ries wasting It will please call at toe ClTllas Office. ADTirosjM RsTnn Reasonable, and made knows on application at thia office. AM transient ad reruaracn ts must be paid la an- SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1889. tXHETARV TRACV, ON. PKF.U General Tracy, promises to be worthy ucccMor to Wm. C. Whitney, a secre tary of the United States nary. At least he starts off well and is not letting the grata grow trader hit tret in preparing for the coaatroction of the new vessels authorized by -the Fiftieth Congress. Those who are not conversant with the condition of oar nary ftiur years ago. when secretary Whitney took up the work, can hardly realize what a prodig ious amount of labor was done by him and what an impetus he gave to the need of creating a new and substantial nary. Secretary Tracy assumes the of 6ce at an opportune time, he seems to fully recognixc and coincide with - the views and work of his predecessor, and we are glad to see him go to work with his coat off and in a business like manner. Let him and his successor continue the work with the same enthusiasm ami business like methods inaugurated by ex Secretary Whitney, and at the expiration of that time the United States will pos sess navy of which no Power need be ashamed. Last week the friends and neighbors of secretary Tracy, in Brooklyn, gave him a house-warning, and in the course of his speech the general said : yivyvw w buikiv to tin; jnuiuinr that the navy yards of this country dur ing my administration shall not be asy lums for inefficient and incompetent and worthless mechanics, (great applause and cheering) whether they are republicans or democrats. And further, gentlemen, inexperienced as I am aa to the duties ol the new office, I propose to rid myself ol every obstacle that shall prevent or hin der m the least degree my powers in the discharge of that high office." When ex-secretary Whitney tookcharge of the navy department four years ago he made no pretentions, he voiced no such sentiment aa the above, but bis every official act viewed in the retrospect, is in exact accord with those principles. Sec retary Tracy baa outlined his policy and made his promises. Will he adhere to them ? We art inclined to think he will, judging from the present and the imme diate past. If so, he will deserve and re ceive the approbation of all fair minded men. There is no reason why we should not possess a navy which in every particular would excel that of any other country. There is not a single feature which Amer ican genius and skill has not invented and which cannot be made right here at home. Our mechanical engineers are not surpassed by those of any country in the world. Our marine engineers are also com tug to rank with the best. We have made great progress in this respect during the last few years. A noteworthy instance being the fact that an American marine engine builder recently took the contract to build and equip the huge machinery of the compound engines and boilers lor the new cruiser Maine. In the matter of steel cruisers and arma ments, torpedoes und torpedo boats and cruising monitorsand rams, in which dur ability, efficiency and sjn-ed. are impor tant factors we have long held the lead. England haa a powerful navy but many of her ships are ponderous masses ol iron and oftentimes un wieldly beyond meas ure. To-day, the Sultan, a huge iron clad battle ship of the British navy is aground in the Mcditerancuii. The Eng lish are strongly talking of building a fleet of less un wieldly ships and il so will come to the United States for "pointers". The development ol the navy department in every branch is a just source of pride to every American. In taking up and vigorously pushing to completion the work and plans of bis predevess jr, secre tary Tracy is to be commended and we but voice a universal sentiment When we say, speed on. IU. MK IN) IT f President Harrison has received a strong appeal from the nmny hundreds of American residents in China, and es pecially the missionaries, urging him to retain Mr. Charles Denby, the present minister of the United States to the Ce lestial Empire. Mr. Denby was assigned the Chinese mission by ex-President Cleveland. He has proved a worthy and competent diplomat and given the best of satisfaction to the natives as well as to the foreign residents of the Em pire. . On account of the peculiar character of the government and people of Cbiua, this is one of the most important of the for- cign missions to nu, 11 Air. uenoy nas proved an able representative, and un doubtxdly be has, he is the right man for the position and should be reappointed by Mr. Harrison. But, with all these facts in his favor, which ought outweigh any partisan prejudice in the considers tioa ofan appointee, will he be returned ? We hardly think he wilt. Premier Blaine is not doing business in that way. - A maa who will appoint bw own son to discharge the duties of aa official posi tion for which be has not the f rst quali fication, will not be apt to retain a Dem ocrat In office, even though be be of pre emioentebjlity. ' . ' The administration .Jjas dout a com. UKsdable act la uaasiBg daa si tte npuli. cant for tin Cans nriaeioo, thai Of Frederick. 0. Grant, but If not tdtroxau tiousU ny go farther and furc worse in the aclrctMin of a minister, lor the sous of then- fathers, were never to promiscu ous at Washington its at present. t'trnJait IWraam wmi civil ectvk. reformer when in the lulled States Sin ate, at least he voted for t tic lull, und his party inserted a civil service plank in their platforms of 1HM, and 1 HhH, but where is the practical part of it; echo answers where? Byre-appointing min ister Denby to the Cliinecse mission Presi dent Harrison would not only aert his independence from the rule of the politi cians, but would be rewarding a faithful public servant who has demonstrated by bis officiul career his eminent fitness lor the position. Charles Denby, the present minister to the Celestial Km tire should by all means be retained in the diplomatic service. INTHK HOI MEOr HIKFRlENDtl Speaking in reference to the apjKiint ment of Walker Blaine as examiner of claims by the President, the Washington Gazette (Rep.) says: 'We confess, the appointment sur- prises us. We expected that I resident Harrison would select men for office pos sessing at least some of the requisite quunncations, una mni nis appointees would be men of standing and character. and not merely the sons of his Cabinet ministers. w hat soet ial influence is back of this appointment is a matter of specu tion, but it is unfortunate that the Presi dent was led into making such a bad selection at the very beginning of his ad ministration. V EDITORIAL, NOT KM. Ohio at lust gets one place that of second assistant post master general. It caught it as eager as a hungry dog would a bone. . ' s s a- . Senator Evarts, of New York, says he will not resign his senatorship for the St. James mission. Well, William, you haven't been asked to, vet. s s The Pennsylvania Legislature has pass ed a bill appropriatinj; $1,500 with which to celebrate the anniversary of the adoption of the first protective tariff in this country. Rats. s s A party of Yale students, ninnies we ought to say, pulled over the' statue of Prof. Benj. Silliman which stood in a conspicuous place on the campus. Who says that higher education is a failure ? s s s In sixtecu days occupancy of the presi dential chair Mr. Harrison made one hundred appointments. That isn't bud for a new hand, and if the President con tinues to swing the officiul guillotine at the same rate for the next sixty days, there won't lie Democrats enough left in the public service to make it it-Rin-ctuble. s s If you want to know how it feels to be struck by lightniiiu just ask Geo. W. Cannon, who received a shock yesterday afternoon after this fashion ; "Wasiuniiton. March 22. lBK'J. ... "Ceo. W. Cannon: You have just been appointed post master. H. U. Ewakt." George stood up under tlie shock like little man, and expects to be behind the desk after the first of April. a s s Internal, not external, affairs chiefly concern the people of this continent is the cry of about ten thousand Republican office-seekers who are standing with thumbs up wuitiug for a postofficc. Hen am in sits iu the big chair with n map of Europe in his lap, while Premier Blaine stands by his side with a copy of Dud ley's "To Whom Belong the 8poils,"giv ing "points" as to the parceling out of the foreign missions. It is a "Divided House" at best, and will always be. s s s Work will begin on the erection of the Thomas A, Hendricks monument at Ind iunapolis early in June next. The struct ure will lie computed and dedicated in October by an address by Senator Tur pie. The monument will consist of the statue of Mr. HendriclksTirtccn feet high, in brtinic, cast in one piece in Rome, the pedestal of red tinted granite tuktn from the Ilnvoni quarries on LnkeComo, Italy, and the figure of History, in a sit ting posture, set within the pedcstul in front, and perhaps the additional fiirure of Justice on the opposite side of the jied estal. It will lie a unique and. imposing statue and commemorates the name of one of America's ablest statesmen. The I'ouiliiu Minister an Aristo crat. Sir Julian Panuccfote. the new British Minister, comes of an old and disliniru- ished family. There were Paunccfotes in the West ol biiirlitml when the "Domes day Book" was written. One Sir Grim- bald Pauncefote was knighted by Sir uiiwaru tioiiun at the taking: ol liloucrs- ter Castle during the war ol the Barons, and obtained from him thelioncels which have constituted the armorial brariugs oi the lamily ever since. hir lininhald married an heiress in the church of Much Cownrne, in Herefordshire. There is still to be seen an efligy of the Pauncetote who suited with Prince Edward to Tunis iu 1270 l.nd was taken prisoner hv the Saraccnes, and whose wile is stip- posea to nave oiitaim-tl his release hv sending her right hand as a ransom to the lnlidels. This incident gave rise to the legend of the "couped" hand, which is still implicitly believed at Much ' V 1 T I . -wprsnic iicw iors innune. rrutta of the Hlesuted Tariff. The owners of a factory for making felt boots in Northern New York propose to remove their establishment across tlie line into Canada. By this change they will escape the heavy duty on wool which they are obliged to pay in this country. While their raw material will be thus cheapened, they will be able to send their manufactured products over the line and sell them to American con sumers in spite of a duty of 67 per cent. In other words, tlie manufacturers iu Canada will pocket the amount of the tax on wool, while the consumers in the United States will pay the high tax on the goods. This illustrates one of the beauties of a tariff system which in tax ing raw materials despoils Amer; can producers, as well as consumers, for the benefit of foreign iudustries. Philadel phia Record. The "Rebel Girl" "Guarantees" "Re liance" in an "Havana Puff," and the "Daiay Queen" of "Ainvricun Dnur- gist" cad be Ibund by lovers, of tlie wml t P. .Jacobs' drug store, where there is also a complete line of drugs ami drug gists' sundries. The fnmoui Excelsior Water direct from Saratoga Springs, N. Y Vichy, Deep Rock, Seltier.Tnte Spring and Botks Water lwi ys on dratui lit. The AhhcvlUe Post Ofiicc. Mooiv nifii have bH'ii Hunt ing for a jilaco, but Hiiiiill arniH could not reach the pa me and it took a Cannon to bringdown the Hull tliinp. Some who would have it oth erwiwe, thought the thing wan not "done up Brown" but in j the "Sweet Bye and Bye," we will forget who it was "got there," and only regret that I we, instead of Jxyingtomake money, did not give more at tention to . Saving Money. IJOSTIC BROS. & WRIGHT have just received their new Spring Goods, and will take great pleasure in showing the same. The Weaver did his best this weaHon, and How-ell we know he can do when he tries. Those who have examined our stock say our goods are much prettier thin season, and prices much loyvw than ever before. .Especial atten tion do we call to .White Goods, Linens, Haniburgs, Towels, Quiltn, Lace Cur taiiiH, etc. Our lHc."IIeiiriettaM "took the cake," and only go to pro ve that if you "wll them low they will go." ReniiectfuHv, IIoslIc UroH. & Wright. The Leading Store of the city for Ladies is KSTABROOK'S, aa 8. RIalu street. The greatest variety of niet Koods, such as Hooks, Stationery, Fancy Goods), Toyt, Paintings, IttiKravltik-s, Frames, Western North Carolina Views, NoYClttes, Etc., Btc. E ver von Is pleased and all Satisfied with what they buy at this viae. Their stuck is of the beat and prices always reasonable. Hnslness men will find the lar Kest and liest line of Blank Books and Office Stationery In W. N. C. Art Ntucllo over store, where visitors can obtain local sketches in oil or water eulura. . fcbldtf , FOR SALE. 600,000 BRICK, Brick Machine, Boiler and Engine, Yard and Clay, 1 Formerly owned by Isidor Wallach and known as the Wallach Clay Works. Also a four-room house adjoining brick yard, For terms and other particular apply to J. B. BOSTIC. snarl ttillw THE ALEXANDER HOTEL This hotel Is now open for tht aceommoda tlnna of hoarders ami visitors. Its location is one of Ihe most lieautllul in all Western North Cnrollna. The rooms are large, well mrninnni ami orsiranie. rne table supplied with everything the country anords. TKKM8. rrr nnv. f a ,Kl rer wees 10 m, Per month , 80 04) Don't fail to give it a trial. T. M.JOHNSON. Prop'r, marlOdTt Alexander, N.C. .' A 'CARD. I tnke grmt pleaMirein an ncmnriiiK to the ladies of AHlM'villoniu. vicinity that I am now ofiVring oiu of the Inrjypst and most fashionable stocks of Millinery and fancy Roods that has ever been shown in this city. I have jnst returned Troiii IJaltiniore and New York, where I have selected the latest stvles and shaH8, for which i will be pleased to give my prices. I nave .a full line of Stamping Patterns. Mrs. Herndon will he pleased to see her friends and the public wnerallv. Thanking my many cus tomers for their generous patronage, I Rball -strivB to merit their future favors. 1 ours fr'spwtfullv 1U3TT1E V. liROWN. poKSALB. A line JerseV null. 8 yean old, pure bred, aad of great benntv. , aUUvt SnVaNs WSaf MnVM t69X.W ' MISCELL.WTOCS. A io Per Cent. Sale To commence March 10, and continue for 00 days. All goods will be sold at 10 jkt cent above original cost. I am going to make a change in business, and I will sell you goods closer than any mer chant in Asheville. The best Red Flannel at 25c. vou ever saw: former price 35c. Best Ginghams at OK, 7 and 8jc; old price 10c. Calicoes 5, 0 and 7c. Big line . of Ladies' Fine Shoes at 10 jier cent. Warner's Health Corsets at f 1.10. Warner's Coraline Corsets at 85c. Warner's Flexible Hip Cor set at 85c. . A splendid Corset for. 40c. A very good Corset for 20c. Nice Summer Silks at 20c. ler yard, that cost me 30c. and 35c. Table Linen the best line in the city will have to go at 10 ier cent, above cost. It is impossible for me to give all prices. So you see competition cannot reach these prices. Big line of Chil dren's and Misses' Hose at half what they cost. 1 am going to change my business, and I will give more for a- dollar "than "any house in Asheville. W. II. LEA, 17 N. Main St. No goods sold to any one on time. Cash, or no trade. MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY, No. 28 Patton Avenue, . Girdwood & Stlkeleather, Proprietors, a-A11 orders promptly attended to. fcblHly , FITS CURED BY OLD SPECIALIST PHYSICIAN. Bottle of medicine Free. We war. rant our remedy to cure the worst cases, and the only physicians who do this to prevent your bet 11 ft imposcu upon by mm usina false names and who are not Doctors, Because otners lanea is no reasai lor not using thia medicine. Give Kxpresj and Post- office address. It costs you nothing. Addiess Asahel Medical Bureau, 2ttl Broadway, New York. Jan27dtwly QONTRACTOK8. Proposals for the erection of a dwelling house for Jno. B. Brown. Ksn.,onhis lot near "Heaumonf will ne received by the under sinned till April 2, lHMll, at the Western Car olina Bank, where plans and specifications can oc seen. j. is. KANKIN marlttd2w N OTICB. Bv virtue of a decree of the Suoerior Court of Buncombe county, rendered at the Decem ber Term, 1HHH, I win, on the 4th day of April. ihm. at the residence uf T I VanGllder on College street, in the city of nsneviiie, sen, at puonc auction lor cash, to the highest bidder, all the furniture and cnattie. conveyed by T I Vnnliilder and wile in certain deeds of trust to me This furniture consists of carpets, chairs, bedroom, library hall anil parlorseta, and other usual household furniture At the same time and place, and under the a nit conditions and in the same manner I will rent and let the said residence for the term 01 on.' year Irum tlie date of sale For further psrticulnrs enquire al the un, drrsls-ned at his oflice or of J 8 Adams, attorney at law, or Moore Merrick, attor neya at law. at their respective omcea W W BAKNARD March 8, isao mariltapr4. J. W.SCIIARTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR 4a Ns Main St. febSOdly BROOM FACTORY. HANFOAD N. LOCKWOOD UlNO-UsDS Brooms, Whlnks, Hearth and Celling; Brooms. Mill snrl Vmftnrv nrarlM Bn1.1aM r " 7 " ss, n "fvvii n . yuu ,.su.iss ssssvi miiiOT irer. rCOlUUlT Ail eyes nttefl and lit (uarnnteed. A com plete stock of the above gods at GRANT'S Dili G STORE, S4 SOUTH MAIN 8TRBBT. Oculists' prescriptions a spcrtaltV, JkjOTICB. - Notice Is hereby ,H-en that npplleatlon will be m.,1, to the l-cri.lstur, of North "anilina i-..n.: " " ,vi lh Western North J. A. WATSON M. D.. 8. W. BATTI.i.. M n , sir." MHHIWI(THKK,M, D.. wbMrlls MISCELLASVOUS. j J. N. IlfKlGAri tc CO., No. j Ilarnard Building. School and College Text Books, a full line. Poets, His tory, Romance, Biography, Travel rtnd Novels, Family 13ibles, S. S. Bibles and Test aments, Oxford Teachers Bibles, Song Books of all kinds, large stock Stationery. Blank Books and Office and School Supplies. New line Ladies' and Gents' Pocket books just opened. Fancy Goods and Dolls. fcbiodlv .JAMES PRANK, DIALS! IN FAMILY GROCERIES AX 3 PROVISIONS Agent for Rerms Creek Woolen Mills. North Main Street. . AshevHle, N. C fcblOdly THE CITIZEN PUBLISHING COMPANY, No. 0 North Court Square, Is prepared to do high-grade work at LOW RATES Because they have a FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENT. KE.KL ESTATE. WM TKlH. fiWVJi, W. W Wkt. GUYll '6 WEST, (SuLXYnaoni to Wa'tcr H.Gwyn) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE. Loans) Securely Placed at 8 Percent. Notary Pnb.ic. Commissioners ol Deeds. FIRE INSURANCE. OFFICE Moatbeuitl Court tfejuure. Wm. M. Cocke, Jr., REALESTATE AND MINERAL BROKER, Asheville, IV. C. Can sell 70a one million acres of land, in traAs from SO to 100,000 acres. Have a number of city lota. Improved and unim proved, which I can sell on the best of terms, If yon want a large or small farm call on me. If yon want minerals of any kind, yon need go no further. If yon want timber lands, this la headquarters. In fact I can snit yon in anything yon want in my line. ' Services of s first-class civil engineer and practical surveyor engaged to show np all property when required. I have had fifteen years' experience in the real estate business, and think i know what will please. Prompt attention to all inquiries. fcbadlT W. CORTLAND, Real Estate Broker, INVESTMENT AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, Patton Avenue, Barnard Building. fcb9dly D. S. WATSON,- Real Estate Agent, (Not a Speculator.) Having; by practical experience thoroughly ystematised my sales department, I offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS To those wishing to sell, and BARGAINS to those wishing to buy. ' t have some of the best property for sale in Asheville which can be houKbt low down. . Alto, country property, ManniuwM, Iron, and Timber Lands. Call and examine my list before purchasing. D. S. WATSON, Southeast Corner Court Square, dtmayl Asheville. N. C. OICHMOND & DANV1LLS RAILROAD COMPANY. (Western North Carolina Division.) Passrnukr Dkpartmknt, Aiiiikvii.i.h. 1. C, Jan. , 1HHQ. PASSENGER TRAIN SCHEDULE. In Bpfkct Jam. 1, 1889: No. 61 BSfipm 4 37am 9 4-7atn 123pm 7 3.1pm 9 20pm 3 OOam 6 20am 3 30pm 3 30pm No. 63 Lv. Asheville, Ar. Salisbury, " Danville, " Lynchburg, " Washington " Baltimore, " Phila., " New York, " Boston, ' " Richmond, 1 40pm 6 43pra 10 211pm 1 OOam 7 OOam 8 25am 10 47am 1 20pm 9 00pm A 15am " Raleigh, Goldsboro, Wilmington 7 60am 11 45am 102pm 3 lOpm BOOpm Lv. Asheville, Ar. Hpartanli'g "" Charlotte, 830am 1 1 Oam 8 30pm " Columbia, M Charleston, 440pm 910pm " Augusta, 41 Savannah, " Th'sville.Ga " Jacksonville 905pm 615am 1 4i)pm 1200 in Atlanta, Montgom'y Mobile. 1040pm 7 25am 1 55pm 7 20pm New Orleans No. 50 No. 62 No. 54 Lv. Asheville,. Ar. Hot Springs " Knoxville, " Chnttnn'ga, " Nashville, "Memphis, Lv. Ashevil.e, Ar. Hot Springs " Knoxville, " Louisville, " Cincinnati, H Chicago, " St. Louis, 740am 9 2iam 444pm 10pm 8 50pm 710pm 840pm 1 10pm 615pi540ain 8 30pm 7 4im 9 2am 1 10pm 640am 6 3opm 745pm 444pm 6 10pm 8"Optn 7 15am 1 1 45am BSOptnl 7 4-lptll Sleeping cars on all night trains. JA8. L. TAYLOR, W. A. WINBURN. G. P. A. D. I' A. SOL. HAAS, T. M Schedule Street Railway. To take effect Friday. March 1, at 6.30a. m Car leaves Court House ,.6.30 a. m. ' 7.00 1 8.00 ' " " " ..arm Prom then till 7 p. m. car leaves court house every 30 minutes. Also, ear leaves court house at 8.00 p. m. BUM CF.W . III. PARE, FIVE CENTS. TLANTIC COAST LINE. Or and after this date .the following sched ules will be run over Its "Columbia Division.' No. 63 leaves Cltlml)in, 5.20 p. m. No. 82 leaves Charleston' 7.10 a. in. Arrives atColumbin.. 1 l.ftft a m Connecting with trains to anil from nil point" on the Charlofctr. Cftuml.. a nnn toiuinitia rtt iiitxiiville RailroaiiH. . . T- M- BMBRHON. Oen. Pass. Agt. J. F. DKV1NB, Gen. Supt. J AUCKLAND, JtIKRCIIANT TAILOR, NO. 10 PATTON AVENUE, Brits to announce tnnt he hn .nii hi. samples for the ensuing soring and summer and asks the public to call and examine. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO CLEAN ING, REPAIRINO AND ALTERING, JKOafUU J. V. DROWN Will continue the undertaker's business at his old stand over J. B. DickersonftCo.'s Hardware Btore, under the - - - - flrnj name of J. V. BROWN & CO, - Siting thirty yrsi-t' exiterleac as anaeft. taker and embalmer, and snequaled facilities ... n .mciy guaraniee satisiactlon. Calls promptly attended to at an hours. Bverythlng pertainlnst to the business al- STRICTLY FIHST-CLASS PRIVATE EOAtiD. Tin: THOMAS IIOI SK. NliAK BATTI-HV PARK, Is now under entirely new niuiiHgemeiiL, and will lie kept in strictly first-class style. TRANSIKNT OR RtGl'LAK llOARltt.RS TAKEN r Northern Conking. Kates Kcasonalilc. MRS. E. LACY & SOX. . Proprietors. V' i" , dtf A DELIGHTFUL EXCURSION I ASHEVILLE TO HOT SPRINGS. Round Trip Tickets only $4.00, including a full day's board at the MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL. The Baths in Marble Pools nnd Porcelain Tubs are the finest and most luxurious In America. The Hotel la . NEW AND FIRST-CLASS In Every Pnrticu'.ur. UNKXCKLLKD IN ITS CUIB1NB. The place is a charming spot, nestled among and sheltered by Plne-clud Mountains where there is no fog, no dust, no malaria. Pure and abundant water, and absolutely perfect drainage, - dtiu!29 RICHLAND HOUSE, Corner Main and Depot, WAYNESYILLE, N. C. Rooms newly furnished. Fare the best the market affords. Good sample room. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Terms: $1 .00 per day. G. D. L. ALLEN & SON, Proprietors. A NEW HOTEL IN BRYSON CITY The Swaync House, One of the best In Western Norlh Cnrollna. Summer and winter resort. Nature's sanita rium. Scenery and water unexcelled. Terms moderate. OBO. N, BLACKBURN, Prop'r. mar13d3m THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Rooms on Main street, opposite the post office. -en daily, except Sundays, from 10 tftpn." until J p. m., and until 0 p. m. - The terms of subscription nre: One venr S2; 6 mos., $1.B0; 3 mos., Jil ; 1 mo., 5o"cts.: datlv 2 cts. Officers for 18K President, R. R. Rawls : Vice-President, Charles W. Woolsey ; Sec. and Trens., D. S. Watson ; Librarian, Miss B.J. Hatch. Citiiens and visitors ore cordlallv invited to insieet the catalogue and inscribe their names as mem bcrs. i'cbsdtf JkOTICE. Will collect deitts for anyone In the city for percent. Good facilities for renting und col lecting rents on houses. Will sell furniture on weAly payments. J. B. JOHNSON, At Blair's Furniture Hore, 37 Patton Avenue. References iriv. murlilHrn If any doa1ir says he has the W. I.. TNinrlaS Hhoes without name and pries stainpejoa the bcttoui, put blin down as a fraud. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CENTLEMtN. Best in the world. Ksantlne his 8Bi.no fxtua VAr.rK ai r shok. WO IIK I N O HAN ks 110" .00aiid SJI.7-. HOYS' M HOOL 8HOE8. All UlSUti ill t itnirn .. It.iti,.,. I .... W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE L A DRC8. Best Material, nst Bryle. Best FlttlnC. If swl wild by your drslcr, write m ixr v ..., .1 . . ........ . . For sole bv " HERUIXG & WKAVIitt. 30 South Main Street, Asheville, N, C. jantaiiiy wtns Ursrirtfi h enrsd ns of a maltgnstit hp'skint( out oo ray leg, which esnsed Inlnlt.ralile puln. It was called Rcma by the d c:or-four of whom Srsalnl n,e iiIlii.i relief. I candidly eonfess lltitt I nv n,y present good hsallh so . H. H..vltle., in my estuuatiou Is uivaluableaia LIihkI n nwdy, .. J" DsWrrr, .. ttn N. lutu hu, St Loaia, Ha. Our bsbv when two mmrta old was ill.ai.rd with Hrrofttls, which for slmta time dusrrayed httr eyenlahl entirely, led used as to tlr.tslf oT ,,. .Jn, d tetors ft.il,.,) i n,.ya lm ,M w n Hoist s hrsetrie, w' kh soon romf her nlirely, snd she Is now halt and rearty. B. V. UU.H. n tilt point, Texas. . tVBpnd for hnnk ril. ki!7- ( Mo,! lli.. .rt ..f...' ..Z - " 'in w PIIUt-KIKa iiuikd Ire Tuihii-ThPiu irtp'n t' X 10 1 citizkn rtmusiiNo m. Iwil HWmi fit