t;::: duly citiz::n Will be pMHtrd errry morning (csrept Mon davi at UK follow lug rale mtiutJr h: .e Yer.... CX - Months s no 1 iirre Months. ....,...,. l.RO One Manth..,...,... 60 One Meek 15 Onr earner will deliver the paper every torniuK in every part of the eit jr to onr tub- I i M 1 1 , KIM! parilCV WMUB II Will IKI Cll at UM C ITU km Other. HARKCTi IIV TKI.l.t.U AI'll. MISCELLASEOUS. Mew Advertlaerrnenta. Car D. H. Rearan. IA anted Model Strain Laundrr. View of W.N. C T. H Lindsay. Money and ftccurltlea Cotton Provittlona and Produce. MnNNV AKnaRCf'KITIK. Nkw Voa. March Ti. hacbanue dull but firm. Monrveasy, 3a2W Sub-Treasury balnnre Gold, $151, 550,- Ooo; currency, $1 Government nomls dullann heavyrorronra per crnta. $1 UU: W per rents, ft l.Oi 7.s. Stale bond a, dull and featureless. Vol ted State Hlicrial .service Sta tion, Aahevllle, M. C. LaTrrrni. 88 8(1 Nobth. LouniTvns S.2.26 Win, Blitatkik, a,360 Parr. Meteorological report for 24 hoars ending ax a. ai.t Mam il. lt. Ala.ClassA 3aS 106 Ala. Claa H.5. 111 Ga. 7. mort lo N.C. Cona.. 6a.. .ln N. C. Cona., H . c. Brown'...in.1 Tenn. net.. Virginia o N V. Central 107ft N. Ht VY. pld Ul, Northern lac... ur S. P. uM 4 Pacific Mail a.'.1-, krailing... 4Vo Vi'.'.Knh ni A lie 17 48 ,K W. Point.. 2S'-d "TBMPERAT'RB. ' Northern Bipoaure, Shaded. 7 aral2pralpmlMa.Min. 82. B I H,3 48 1 J 83.5 J 29.8 T)BvrT-6lNT7 Virginia Cona... 3.1 Northwestern ...lo do pld ...13rtW I lei & Lack l .i 'i Bra Lake Shore"" Hit J- Central. Loo. Naab boa.i.mo. ratine Koea Island "' M. Paul 621. do pfd B'JV, Tea. Pacific 1S 27HITenaCoalAiIroa S7. V rmon racinc e.i w'i tiwunnnnoa Hotel. I'nexcelled ctaiainc. Popular with tourists, families and busines len. Electric can pass the door. KAWLS BROS., trbldly Propr". ASIIEVILLE AlJ VEK TISEMESTS. "BUY IIOSIE-MADE GOODS." II. T. COLLINS, President. K. U.KAGAN, Sccrcluiy ASIIEVILLE ICE COLlPflHY. Daily Mean. Btf.28 7am 28 2 k BXTlf v kiiriiTY j a Baa" himiditv. 3f aiT laily Mraa. I Dally Mean. 44J 4B.87 J I.8W7 ' f BAROMBTB." PBBCIPITATION. Corrected for alUtodt and temperature. Raia and 8now UelUdSaow. beptha. Daily Meaa. lachea. , lachea. 0 0 I - no.si Wcatacr Clear. K. . RUCK. M. I)., Oliarrrer. Kaaanlalng onr Street Hallway Aihevilte wai honored yeitcrday with a ririt by two prominent citizeni of our capiul city Dr. V, E. Tiinicr and Mr. R.T. Gray, of Raleigh. Thete gentlemen are connected with the Raleigh Street Railway Company, and having heard to much of our electric rail road, made a flying trip here to wet and investigate for themselves. On their ar rival here they were taken over the line in a special car by Superintendent Barn ard, accompanied by Mr. Davidson and Mr. Lewis, the latter electrician of the road. Tbey were shown the workings ot the system on the road in all Ht details, Then they were taken to the central ita tion and shown the Armington & Sims engine and the Edison dynamo. They eipressed themselves as not only grati fied but astonished at the successful working of the whole system and stated that tbey intended to do all in tbeii power to supplant the present horse sys tem in Raleigh by the same electrical sys tem as is used on our road. Before they left they were given a ride around Asheville, up Beaumont and then along the Swannanoa, which yesterday was in its brightest phase. On the return Connalty's was taken in also. It is a matter of great gratification to note the pleasure which these cultured gentlemen from the eastern part of our State assured us their visit gave them. We hope to them and theirs here again soon. In the meantime, as regnrdstheclcctricrnilway, we are not selfish,, but how they will have one just as good as ours and just as soon as possible, . Columbia Register: The substitution of sound Democrats for a few of the Re. publican judges would have, raised the Supreme court in the respect of the coun try and in efficiency also. Flos Table Cutlery Cheap. A bigger bargain than ever before 26 sets (only) of fine Russell steel and cellu loid-handled knives at $2 a set. Thirty sets of fine white-handled knivesat $1.30. A few pairs fine carvers to match, very low. Wonderfully low prices on best plated knives, forks and $oons. Rogers' triple-plated knives at $3 a set. Every thing in Crockery, Glass and Lamps, at Law's, 67, 60 and 61 S, Main St. yANTKb. Two active white itlri, from 10 to IB yean old, to do light work In team laundry. Mobil btxa LAt anar. mar23d2t 17 I'atton Avenue. D. II. REAGAN, WITH ' HENRY S. KING & SONS, Hardware and Cutlery. BALTIMORE, MD. Refer to J. W. Htaruea. nar8Sduni Mem. ftt'har 50 , Western I'niiin . 84V Mob. ft Ohio 10 Cottonseed till Naih. Chat... bits CcrLihcatra 68 NoPac. lit mort 87,! cirrroa. Litmpool, March 22 Noon Cotton 3uiet, limited enquiry American miucninn 11-18; aalca 8.000; apectilation andriport, 8O0. Rcceipta, 7,400 ail American. Fatnrca cloaed Heady. 2 r. Amcrh-an niKKinna.D l i-io nam of to-day Included, 5.IHHI American. March 541-84 buycra; March and April841-A4. bur ers; April and Mar, 6 41-64, Imrcra; Mar and June, 5 4'-4, eclicra; June and July 8 43-n4. aencre: luir ana AUKuai o 3-n. ariiers: au- iruit and Septembers 41-44. arllera.Hrptemljer and uctober d 2n.o, aeilen; neptemiier o 41-84, buyera. Futurea cloaed Wady. Nw Y. March aa. cotton nn re ceipt 3S7; frroa 2738, Future cloaed dull, nalel 33,2H) bale. March ... (MJaiU.ooiBciit 9 UOa B 91 Airril lO.IMialD IM Oct 9 71a 72 May lO.OUalO.lOiNov 2a H.iH une..,... 10.1710 18,Iec .ti:ia 84 July Ii.24al0.25 Jan.. .71a 0.73 Aug lo.8Oal0.31 L'i.d.V..bu UaM.I. 'CI 11 . fi Ia. to-day 5o 'bale. laat rveninR 133 Mid- illing nplanda n.mnnnK urieana Bioortato Great Britain 3W, 735: Prance 102; continent lOMU; dock. e22,N2. Weekly net recelpu at thia port T.nj.t; croaa i,ho; ex port to Great Britain 15.H3S; Prance 1,400; continent 7,144; forwarded 7.32H, aale 8,- ion; apinnera i,i4(, ulliTin, March J J. totton ntnet,iutk; receinU lo4. NoavnLK, March aa. cotton quiet: iu 8-1 ; receipt 650. Baltimob, March 2. Cotton quiet, FOR MEN ONLY! rWil lilt o.ral a4 MSRVOUS BUUJITi riTTl) V WmltaM f lly a nd:tfru) U U XV t Irran r famai i Old or Yuu, Sakwa, il StllHimn lull. Union, lira M katom M StMaeUMaWktk.l RVfeVllMlrKailHIlANR PAHTkar SIIUV, tkralaMt uhUW Hliak THkTkT-amU kt tmt. a HMIr; lmm II BlMaa, Tvrvtlarto, rera I'aMlrlM. aafltaMa. a . MlaipliaaUaM, i yrwaawlk auM aaraUISlSAlW4IS fUM, 1.1 SfhlMawlv tnthaat Drun i cenness )P th Llasir Habit Posltlwslv Corad n sisamimiss ss. miiit Sttlll Ullini. 3t'M la s tm aj e4rt artM.arhisr !, wlthtNiiuaknowliiieoftlM)Mi. oa lakiaf i It UateauluUly harm lee and will n4e4 a penniBent ami wly eura, whether UiuaUMtlsaoderatsdrluaeroranslnhniir rr2?-L,,m." F""-"i """GUARANTEE eompVaU cure la r y lausnvs. 4s pan IwX hOiiOl IPICIFIC CO. lt KM It. CtaslaastLa SeblMawly tvthaat R 8AL8. Honarhold and Kitchen Furniture All new and dcsirai'le. Hour from 10 to 1. 44 Philip tract, Weat Aibevllle. ar22dBt Jl'Nll'8 T. HMITH. JkOTICBOP IUHBOH'TION. Notice la hereby (Wen by th lata Hmt doinii buaineaa uiuirr the name and ilvle ul the Aaaerillc Lumlier and Manufacturing Company, eomMard of w. B. Man and John F. Oram, that the pannrrahlp hereto tore eiiaUns between them ia thi day dl solred by mutual eonacnt. Th blne will b continued by W. B Mara under the old Arm name. Allllabil I tie of the late Arm are nviunird by him, and all Mil dot to aald law firm are payable to blm. Partiea wlahina to are Mr. C.rnnt will And hint aim at the Conipaiiyn onic; J P CHANT, W. B.MARX Aabtrllk, N. C, Feb. 27, '89. marl6dl w JaOTlCB TW neceaarv lin.OoO harlni beta nth. scribed, the luow-rilver to tb capital Mock of The Carolina Mining, Manufacturing and lasproTemeat Company, will Bieet at th of ftce of Wat. M. Cocke, Jr., at a o'clmk p m. Saturday. M arch 23, 1 hud, for tb purpoac ul ergauiiius a per charter. A. B. rORTl'NB, H.M RAMSKIR, tnrfM4t AV' dTltHHM fconi tutictj dow-- :'J3Tf.!:au:;i::.Eiif IltAI IHrXAtTHATnm, pLI BOREft. tAU? UdJlCt WUirL l()',,alO,; receipt 1232 otoh, juarco celiiutll. WILHINOTOa. N. C . oniet. 104: receipt 1U4 KHiLAuaLPHia. uarcn SH; receipt mh. fcUrAaaAH, March ;otton quiet, 0T: re- March 22. Cotton otton quiet, 22. Cotton firm, .'otton ateady, 9 firm, it. hiiih o.J. Mny 43 1. optfona dull, but 13-18; receipt 177U. Naw 0laki, March 22 13-18: receipt 1U0. MuRiLB, March 22. Cotton, ta-18: receipt. 2 MaupHia, March 22 Cotton ateady; 10 1-18; receipt 170. Auoihta. March 22 Cotton Arm, lOVi; recelpu 1H6 CHaal.a.ToK, March 22 Cotton firm, B,; receipt 628. j raovuioa and psoDtica. Nsw Yobk. March 22 Mouthers flour held Armly. Wheat mil more active fore. port; l.alU higher No 2 red P2I4R92T.; .. I ......... vi.. rj H, LI -..U li ' J,. A ...I (I'll. May t8'i. June W41k. Corn pot firmer anil moderately actlvr,-No. 2 red 424424; elevator option iluil, Vhul4 higner, rtrin March 42 Vj. April 42Ua flat .pot nrm anil quiet; r Mrcn an:, April ouv MHI nof No. 2pot8la2; Western mlted 2UUn33 Hops quiet and ateady KiMit kiu about teady, fair cargoe In,. Btigar raw, atrong ana nmner; luirrrrinitiirri't. frrtu-nt steaav KT.Loi'ia. ado.. March 22. flour demand good, trading active and valuea troiia. neat nmner: anntner auvancc in cntcairo ami the locul market uigner No 2 red caan 112; May UlUnUHU, June HUUatlo. Corn lligher No. 2 crn.ll 21H-,, May !ilwHtHi: Inly 82Un.t2U. oat better No. 2 cnmi 2.1 J0 oniet Jobbina 12.60 nry salt mea t a iio ea hOu!iirio.l2 Wa5 . 2A ; long n. Knar. mi; clear nnan.iionn 37 c..; anon clear 8.45ail.60. liacon boaedhoulilen tin 0.12U; long 6 Mflull 1)0; clear rib 6. U3; abort clear 7. 10a 7 18. Ham 10nl2. Baltimoks, March 22. Flour fairly active and Ann. Wheat Houthem, firm; Fulti l.OOal.UH; Longberry l.i)2al OH; Weatern trong; No. 2 winter red Mit 91h1I2. Corn Southern, Arm; whitr41a43, yellow 40a41H; Weatern strong. Chicaoo, March 22. Flour Arm and un changed. Wheat No. 2aprlnKl.tH1Vil "l7. No. S red .O14,al.017i,, Corn No. 2 84. oata No. 2 244. Mc pork 12.38.al2.40, Lard8.tt6nli -' . Oho" Hi,e.20aH.ao. Hrv houldrr ft BOaB.78. 6bort clear aide 6.S0 an.2k. n u,.., 1.O0. CIKciNKATt, Mrth 22 -Flour heavy Wheat dull No. 2 red KB, Corn No, 2 miied H4tv Oat, good demand No. 2 mixed 2H14. I'lirk quiet, 12H2C, Lard Arm 0,77V,. Bulk meat Arm; ahort ribs 8.37 1), Bacon steady and unchanged. Whiskey 1.03. Hogs good demand, higher; common and light 4ai.Ni, packing and butchers 4.ho4 U5. GRANT'S If your prescription are compounded at Grant' Phar macy yon caa positively de pend upon these fact: Pint, that oaly the Purest and Best drug and chemical will be used. Second, tbey will be compounded carefully and ac curately by an experienced prescrlptlonlst ; and third, yoa will not be charged an Mortri tant price. Yoa will receive the beat good at a very rea- DRUG aonablc profit; A full line of Patent Medicine, Toilet Arti cle, Ayer" Recamlrr Prepaia tions, Scott' Electric Curlers, etc., etc. " We have the agency for Hum phrey' Homeopathic Medi . cinea, , UbVAULT'B old stand, 34 8. Main St. Prescription delivered to . . any part of the city free of charge STORE. mar20dly Full Iloller Proceiss. Your Grocer for We Guarantee Satisfaction. Ask Pure Ice made from PistillM Water. Building. Patton Avenue. Aslievillc Blilllng Company Flour and Meal 1 We make the following grades of flonn Roller King, Electric Light, Carolina Belle. Take no other. Cash Paid for Wheat, Corn, Oats and" Rye. Horse and Cattjc-Feed Mixture Ground to OrtVr. Do Custom Grinding for Corn Rye and Oata. Mill and Yard at Old Depot. D. C. Waddell. President. W. W. Barnard, Vice President. Lawrence Pulliam, Cashier THE BANK OF ASIIEVILLE, bittAlay 2(Rirt.it,U. Wh.nkcv1.UsH. Fori i.aru tiummHtiy THE LOCAL MARKET. ICOkksCTIP 1HILV.I The following price can be obtained for country produce: Cabbages, nicely trimmed, ptrlti.... 14 8orghuin MolasNca, per gal.. ,..25a30 Hide Bacon, perth Hl4nU Irish Htaues, per ba OonftA Wheat, per tin , 1.00 Flour, per cwt 2.803.50 Corn, perbu , HOatIS Chicken 12W&20 ligg. per do.,,.. , 7aM Butter, per 111 20n25 Turnip, tier liu 25 Carrot, per bu , 70 I'arantpe, erbu 70 Onion, perbu ,., 1.00 Cow Pea, perbu TSnl.OO Celery, ier bunch 4 Beef, per lt gross 34 Mutton, per Iti groin..... 3u4 Apple, per bu 751.00 I'uckt, ...2028 Turkey, drraacd,.. 10 Hve 75al 25 Bran, iter Im l.ooal 76 Out, per bu 4iaflo Hay, per cwt , NOal.OO OFFER EXTRAORDINARY ! upon For the next thirty dnvs we will, sell 45 lot in PHUNI'HCT t'AKk, West Aahccille on such favorable terms that hotneseckers will do well to come and dcul with us. Only 10 Per Cent Cash Will tie reiiilrrd. and the bnlnnce can he made payaiue MtiN 1111.Y It rtcsiml, v ith H per n nt. interrai irom note 01 transfer until pulil 7 hese lots are vnlueii irom $lio iiplo,i,ioo and the pricea set upon them are based ut actual sule of lmilr lot adjoining, The i:icctric (Street Hallway I being ruplitly pushed to I'rosiiect Park, Its proposed trrnilnns, thus britiKing these lots In quick and ey conimiinicntion with the Mquare, and other principal parts of the city. We Have lintlrc Confldcnce In the value of these lots, nnd hence have no Irars In leaving nine-tent lis of the purchase money at interest. The ftrst to come will sr. cure choice ol lots. Apply to fiWYN & VKST, tt K. Court Square mar22dtf 1, INOT'S DENTIFRICE A TRUE TO I LET LU X U R Y. Of AaaottUTtkY PURC iNoacoiKNTt CAUTIFIES TM C THTH, MCltUVtt TH i CUM t. " "'" "" SwttTtNS THt'iwitATM NO INJUN V TO THE CNAMCU Aft' AND ACHHAiLi. VITMOUT EQUAL AS A TOILtf" rEPARA7ION. RICK IS CENTS PCR BOTTLC. VM. R. PENNIMAN ASIIEVILLE COAL COMPANY, H. T. COLLINS CO. Superior Hard and Soft Coal at WTiolesale and Retail. Office: Barnard Building, Patton Avenue. Yard: Old Depot. THE ASIIEVILLE SANITARIUM, ASIIEVILLE, N. C., Beautlfnll v located ia a grove of oak and white pine, with no dust or noiar, at the cor ner of Oak and Wood tin street, near the Female College, and only three square from the court nousc. All modern and lateat Improved method for treating iiation ot raDonaed and atomised fluid be compressed air apparatus; also Compound Oxygen In connection with the vaporised BaJ chronic diseases of the Inns inroat ana nose, ny tnc innaiauon 01 vaponaea and atomised nuida Dy the pneumatic and PRQPKIBTOR OP THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, Atshevllle, N. C. P.O. Box P. marl 3d ly 010 SV ALL onuaaiaTs. , H. WlNKCI MANN 4 CO.. CROP . CTIStOSt. MO For sale bv J. S. GRANT, dHWtrinH We are now receiving a great many HANDSOME NOVELTIES, Hut cannot mention in detail, because of the I-ttm of work conw(Ucnt upon receiving and marking. H.REDWOOD &G0., Clotliltig;, Dry Goods, Small Ware, Hats, Shoe, and Carpets. Jf? URN 1811 Ul) APARTMENTS TO LliT. Room can tie had at No. 67 College Street iknowna the "Daviilmn House") newl lunilshrd. Mr, lirwin has charge of the cul Inarv department and will furnish first-class tame board If desired at reasonable rate. rnuutrr on the premise. teb2S-dlm JkOTICB. 1 ne nunconitie t-cuintv Meillcal Society meet the first Monday in eachmonthat7.30 p. in. Any physician of good standing- and Medical eligible to membership In the State Society of North Carolina, ntid rrsidlna in Weatern North Carolina, may become a mem- oer 01 tnia society. Irb2tldlm M. H. FLKTCHKR. Bee. ODD JOBS AT ODD TIMES. L. V. Brown offers hi services s a 8rst- t-lna Machinist, esiarcinlly on all kind of nne light machinery, and work in wood or metal. Ha some eierience In opening and repairing Fire Proof Safra, making Model, repairing Surveyor' Instruments, etc, He can show specimen of hi workmanship, from a key to a Meant engine that will con vince any one 01 ma skill. No work solicited, except stick a require skill ami genlu to e ecute. -1 Oltice at J. K Dlrkeraon At Co 't Hardware store, Asheville. N. C. mnr2d1m FOR RENT. That handsome 8 room cottage No. 20 warden Avenue, recently occupied by Mr. P, 1 uaxton. Apply to mar22dut Posarraioa given immediately. B. P. VBNABLB, 1 8 Hearden Avenue, No, Employment Agency. CHAS. E. LANE & CO., ' 34 8. MAIN 8f. Male and tm ale servant for all kind of employment rnmisneo on snort notice. Servant wanting position apply her. marl7dlm A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT. G. As MEARS ha purchased a large stuck of Spring M Wi nery. Including the latest novelties, and ha erured from tb North th best Milliner ever In Asheville. asarlTdTt N OTICB, ALL TAXPAYBRSI NRW IHtKlV raremily prepared by lead ' Ing memlier of the Asheville bar tun 6net parchment and heavy 8at paper!, co ertng all neceasarv points, Just out and now ofi sale at the ornce of the I mix prntisn rsmcn , Nil Neirtk Crmvt Mijtiar (lanimf Bv a retmt act of H Leatslatsma. t a forced to silver) ise for sale all property apoa which the tnsea are untmid, oa the flrat dav of April. This law I propose strictly to en force. Thereiore, alt persona who have not I utid their taxes, and who do not wish to inv their property advertised, must pay by April 1 , Pay yvar tavar and aare trouble. Utpl CTt?o5urr Sara (the baltam obtained from the natural balsam tree near Asheville.) We alio manufacture a Home Treatment of the Compound Oxygen, which la. in most case, equal to the ofhee treatment, and will be sent oa application by express, on receipt of pnee, tu. Onr success here for the past three year with thi treatment ha been phenomenal, hav Ing cured many ease that were pronounced boneless, whose name and resiliences caa bt obtained by railing at the Sanitarium. By permission w refer to the following well-known Kcnuemcn 01 Asnevuie: b. j. Asion, ex-iuayor; j. a. Kceo, Clerk u. H. court; Kev. ti. c. Kan kin, paator first Metnodut Church; Kev. W. A. Neuron, pastor Pint Baptist Church ; H. T wouins, capt. natt Atkinson. Board and Treatment furnished to patient at reasonable price. In ndditlon to boarding our patient, we have a number of eleirantlv-furnished room to accommodate boarder, who desire a nice, quiet place, away from the hotel. Nice room, new furniture, good fare, flrst-claa cooking, at reasonable price. Alio, hot and cold bath. Dr. T. J. HARGAN, Proprietor. HERRING & WEAVER, THE SHOE STORE . NO. 30 SOUTH MAIN STREET. While we Have the Finest and Most Fashionable Goods In Our Line, We also have the cheapest. Call and see us. THE "BONANZA,' THE lEADINO v WINE AND LIQUOR STORE IN THE STATE. FINE SAMPLE AND BILLIARD ROOM. No. 43 South Main Street, ASHEVILLE, N. C. J. A. MARQl'ARDT. Manager. LltWia MADDUX, Pre, L. P. McLOUS, Vice-Pre. DikBCTOB: Iwi Maddux, M.J. Bearden, M. T. Fagg, I. B, 8. Powell, C. M. McLoud. J. B. RANKIN, "Cashier , J. B. Ray, J. B. Reed Office: liarnard ASHEVILLE, N. C. DIRECTORM I J. P. SAWYER. ). O. MARTIN, J.L.CARROLL, T. W. PATTON, W. W. BARNARD. U. C. WADDHLL, GEO, W. WILLIAMS, of Wilmington, N. C. DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY Oldest Bank in Western Carolina. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. SURPLUS FUND $20,000. W. T. PBNNIkUg. W. H, 1'KNNIMA.N. PENNIMAN & CO., JOHHRR AND DEALBKS IN- HAIRiDW ARE ASIIEVILLE, N. C. AGENTS FOR OUPONT POWDER CO., RICHMOND STOVE CO., CORTLAND WAGON CO., 0L0 HICKORY WAGONS, STUDEBAKER WAGONS, MOLINE SCALE CO. ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC. M'CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. ' fcb9dly . ' ' FITZPATRICK BROS. & ROBERTSON, Dealers in Wall Paper, Window Shades and Patent Hangers, Paints, Oils and Vamlshe, Masury' Mixed Paints and Color. -Window Gla.,' both" French and American. We keep in stock St Louis and Kentucky Lead. febBdly Anything In the Jewelry Line at LOWEST PRICES For First Class Goods. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING. BURT DENISON, leblOdtf 18 Patton Avenue. 8. H. Reed, Geo WESTERN CAROLINA BANK lASHBVILLB, N. C, FEBRUARY lit, 1889. Organised May 1st, 1888. CAPITAL, 50,000. . . SURPLUS, 5,ooo STATB, COUNTY AND CITY DBPOSITORY. ' Does a General Banking Business. Deposit received. Exchange bought and sold. Col lection made on all accessible point. Th Saving Feature will receive (pedal attention. On all sum in thi department, deposited for four month or longer, Interest at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum will be paid. Special attention given to loan on real estate, which will be placed for long time on real onabkt term. Open from a. m, to 3 p. m. On Saturday the Saving Department will be open till p.m. . febSdtf WILLIAMSON & SON, (Successors to Hart & Williamson, ) LUMBER YARD. GEO. F. SCOTT, (Successor to Doubleday & Scott,) North Public Square, WINDOWS, - BLINDS, - Glass, Putty, Lime, Plastering Hair, Shingles. Laths, Fencing Post. Material. ffHTOrder will receive prompt attention. DOORS, All kinds of Building fcblOdly MANUFACTURERS OF SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Mouldings, Stair-Work, Fine In terior Finish, Mantels, Etc., ASHEVILLE, N, C. AGENTS FOR The Huckeve Pump, Steel and fin Shingles, Floor and Hearth Tiles. AOKNTS a M'F'RS. OF Byrkit's Patent Sheathing Lath. febldly "THE W1NYAH SANITARIUM, " ASHEVILLE, N, C For the reception of patients suffering of disease of lungs and throat, and conducted upon the plan of the aanitaiirs at Otthtrsdorf and Falkenstrin in Or. mnnjr. Ours I the only such tostittrtion in theTJfrlteeJ States, and endorsed by the leading members of the n ctlictil profession. Terms reasonable. KARL VON RUCK, B. a, M. D. PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING, TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. Plans and Specification? Furnished on Application We hare thorough mechanic in each line who have had many year' exjicrience in their business. We can afely guarantee oar patrons satisfaction in our work, a low burures. BALLARD, RICH & BOYCE. febtedly C. II. CAMPBELL, Manufacturer and Wholesale Shipper of GINGER ALE, CHAMPAGNE CIDER, LEKIONSOOA, SARSAPARILLA, MINERAL WATERS, TONIC BEER, ! CARBONATED WATER IN SIPHONS. Factory, ai? Haywood St, ... , CLOSING OUT SALE OF 1 ALL WINTER GOODS, -AT- 22 THE BIG 22,-22 PATTON AVENUE. HrVwtarrrtfW

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