TIIi; DAILY CITIZKN Will be published trery morning feirept Mon davi at lilt following rates tlmtly emih: One Year fill fK) Ris Wonthi 3 OO Three Months 1 0 One Month. 60 One Week 18 Our carriers will deliver the paper every morning in every part of the city to our sub scribers, anrl parties wanting it will please call at the Citkbm Omce. New Ad vert litem e lit. ' Announcement- A. Whitlock. kua Away C. M. Hampton. Attention, Kir knights C. D. Btunton. MAMKicTM in ti.i.i:ghaiii. I'nlted State Hlsnal (terrlcc ttta- tlon, AsheTllle, N. C. LiTrrvna, 33.30 North. Loxnrrrna 82.28 Wilt. ELBTAT1UM, 2,350 PkBT. Meteorological report for 34 hour ratling at p. m., March 37, lttHt. - Money and HecurUlea Cotton I'rovlMlona and Produce. 1I0SEY ANIISEtlKlTlKS. NbwYobk. March 27. Uschange dull but firm. Money easy, 2a5; closing riffrred 1H. Sub-Treasury balances Gold, $133, So7, OOU; currency, 17. 11 7.IMK). Government bonds, dull but firm per centa, 1.2'Jij; per cents, fl.UM. 8tute bonds, quirt. Ala.CIassA i'a.1 ln.Hsi.i. . lemrai im, Ala. Clam H.Ss 111 S. He W. pfd. 6'Hi I, a. 7s. mo rt Northern 1'ae... 354 MISCELLANEOUS. Swannanoa Hotel. Unexcelled cuisine. Popular with tourists, families and business men, . Electric car paaa the door. KAVYLfl BROS., fcbldly Propria. TEMPEHATIKB. Tiorthern Kixure, Stisdcd. 7 am ! 2 pm Opm Mm. I Min i Daily Mean. S9.2j63J 53 3 68 :i0 . i 61.6.1 ' tlEVV POINT. " Tarn as 3pm 34 BEL. 11 U M I Dl T vrj A nso. lit' M1IHTV Oaily hi can. DU..'I3 PRECIPITATION. Kain ami 5now Welted Snow, Depths. Incbea. 1 Inches. 0 0 Dally Meaa. 3-370 BAROMETER Corrected lor altitude and temperature Dally Mean. 30.06 Weather Clear. K. v. RUCK, M. I).. Observer. PROHIUITIOX THIS YEAR. Hit Advisable for the Prohibition. - lata to Demand au Election, We arc told that petition nu beinireir- culiiteil, asking the county commissioners to order a local option election in June next. We sincerely hope ther may not secure the necessary number ol signa tures, to accomplish this end. To explain our reason tor this expression, it is need ful to refer t' the laws on the suliiect In lNNH,ccordinKtothestatutethenin force, an election was held, which all agreed should settle the question for two years thereafter. The majority at this election was in favor of license. The re cent session of the Legislature sow fit to amend this law, so as to place these elec turns, on th out! numbered years. I other words, they decreed that an elec tion might be held in 18K0, and not again until lH'.ii, and so on. Of course, we have no idea that the Prohibitionists of Asheville are at all re sponsible for this Legislative nnu-nilineiit we are sure not one ol them knew any thing about it, hut we ask: ought they to avail themselves of the act when its ef fect it to violate a distinct understanding between the contending parties a year ngo ? We advise them stronglv not to do so. We understand that if there is no election this year, there can lie none tin td lNM, but we submit that it would lie better to yield thut point, rather than give even tlie shadow of truth to the charge, that either lrnrtv had failed to act absolutely in good fuith towards the other, biipKse the case was reversed mid the last election had viven a niniori - ity in fnvorwf prohibition ? In that emit we would huve given to the limine men the same advice we now tender to their adversaries. Never five nnv mnn nn ex cusc to intimate that vou failed to abide by an agreement, either written or ver bal, wliethcr expressed or only implied ''i'iutjmtitia ruut cutltim." . T. W.I'ATTON Fin Table Cutlery Cheap. . A bigger bargain than ever lx'forc 20 sets (only) of line Kukm'H steel and cellu old hnndlcd knives at $2 a a set. Thirty sets of fine wliite-hnmllt'd knives at $1.35, A lew pairs line carvers to match, very low, Wonderfully low prices on liest plated knives, forks und spoons. Kogers' tnplt-platcd knives at $2 n set. livery thing in Crockery, Ohms and Lamps, at Law's, 57, 59 and 01 S. Main St. It I'N AWAV, All (irrsons in the mate of North Carolina are lorbiililrn under pcnHlty of luw tnhnrbi In any rcapet-t Aureim Hampton, who la li every rrsiiect lieyoud control. marSNdJtwlt C. M. HAMPTON, TTBNTION, NIK KNIGHTS tvrene Comniundrrr No. (I, K. T., will meet in their Asvlniti thlscvenlng at ".o'clock In regular coni-lave. All Sir knightsnottned Knight Tempi r's drum uud other Import . nlulit Tempi r uddier uud nt business. Hy order of H C It CI1A8. U. lll.ANTtl TON, Recorder. ANNOCNCISMENT TO THE UDIES ESPECIALLY, We mt'ploiiHt'd tonnnounco Hint our stock of Millinery is now in and ready for insiKH'. tion and would bo pleased to have tla ladies call. r j i . i uunmpiinon 01 ha ving a tlecml Grand Openim? has to lm foregone, as Mrs. Mat ISair is no 1)unv with oi ders that we have not the timo to give it projH'r attention. Also wish to announce that our stock of Dry (loods, Fancy (Joods, Parasols and sjecialtieH are oxn for in ...I it' i i . i i siR-cuon. un our tiianks ftr past fa vol s and wit h a detenninatiou to merit your continued itatronagis KesKct fully, A. WHITLOCK. l'NTRV noARIi. A lady will nceoiniiiodnU- two boaidcra. a hon dlatnnce ill the louiilrv. Northern Mikliic. Cnll nr ndilrrM "lniARIi." Ilniel r. ., N C, 3 mile, wot of Anhcvtllc. mur'JTilllt N.C. Com.. C... 125 N. C. Com., ! 8. C. Brown's... lo5 Tenn. Set., 3a 72 ViririnlaOi Virginia Cona... 35 Northwestern .l'3 do pld ...13i Del t Lack 13H Erie U7y East Tenn U Lake Bhore lot Iu. & Nash., Mem. a; Char C7 Mob. & Ohio Nash. Chat... '.'.. NOPaclstmort 07! N. P. pld l'acific Mail.. Reading Rich. Ac Alle.. R. & W. Point.. " ' 35 3', 1 35H Rock Island tl St. Paul C24 do pfd U'Jlj Te. Pacific 1MU Tenn CoalAi Iron Si)& rmon Pacific b.f N.J. Central I ot 'biMo. i-acine ejHI western union.. oyj i cotton-seea oil Certificates S54 LlvKKPOOL, March 37. Noon Cotton- steady, fair demand American middling- 5 I 1 1-Ki; saleslo.oOO; speculation and export, looo. Receipts, l,ooo Amencan 1 1,700. Futures firm. 2 p. at. American middling, ft 11-16 Rales of to-day included, h.loo American. March 841-61 liuyers. March and April 51-6, buy ers; April and May, ft 41-64, buyers; May and JU1M&42-64, sellers; June and July 5 43 6, sellers; July and August 0 43-64, aellers; An gus! nnd neptcmher A 41-64, sellers; Keptem- GRANT'S If your prescriptions arc compounded at Grant's Phar macy jou can positively de pend upon these facts: First, that only the Purest and Dcat drugs and chemicals will be used. Second, they will be compounded carefully and ac curately by an experienced prescriptionist ; and third, yon will not be charged an exorbi tant price. You will receive the beat goods at a very ren tier and October 6 2H-64. sellers; September a 41-64, sellers. J-utnrcs dosed quiet but steady. Nbw Ynrnc, March 37. Cotton Net re-1 ceipta350; gross 3039; l'uturci closed steady. saiea 4u,uuu nates. March .10.03alO.O48cpt e.NOa 9 91 April 10.03'' (let 9.70a 0.71 May 10 lnalO HINov 0.60a 0.62 June I0.l7a10 li,Dec 0.61a 0.63 July 10.34al0.25 jan 9. 71a 0.72 AUg 1U.3UH10.31 NBW York, March 37. Cotton steady. Rales to-dny 766 bales; Middling uplands I0V; middling Orleans Kl-V Exports! to I Great Britain 12.171. France 4, 2U7. Conti nent 1. mock SM6.642. Oalvsston, March 27. Cotton quiet, 10'i; receipts 614. Nuskoi.k, March 37. Cotton steady, 10; receipts 364. Ualtiuobk, March 37. Cotton quiet, 10 3-16; receipts none. Boston. March 37. Cotton quiet, 10Va li'fli; receipts doa. Viilminotom, N. C, March 37. Cotton aulrt, '; receipts 31. Philakklpiiia, March 37. Cotton quiet, ii'MI, receipts i dii. Bavannam, March 27. Cotton quiet, OH: receipts J, Nkw Oblkans, March 39. Cotton firm, '.; receipts l.a.-.o. Mohils, March 37, Cotton steady. receipts mbmpiiis, March 37. Cotton nuiet. D R U G sonable profit. A full line of Patent Medicines, Toilet Arti cles, AVer's Recamier Pre pal a tlons, Scott's Blectric Curlers, . etc., etc. - Wc have the OKency for Hum phrey's Homeopathic Medicines. ASHEVILLE ADITRTISEUEXTS. "BUY HOJIjMIADE GOODS." Full Roller Process. We Guarantee Satisfaction. Ask Your Grocer for Asheville Milling Company Flour and Sleal We make the following grades of floun t Roller King, Electric Light, Carolina Belle. Take no other. Cash Paid for Wheat, Corn, Oats and Kye. Horse and Cattle Feed Mixture Ground to Order. Do Custom Grinding for Com Rye and OaU. Mill and Yard at Old Depot. ASHEVILLE COAL COMPANY,' II. T. COLLINS & CO. Superior Hard and Soft Coal at Wholesale and Retail. Office: Barnard. Building, Pntton Avenue. Yard: Old Depot. DltVAULT'H OLD STAND, 3 8. Main Kt. Prescriptions delivered any part of the city free of charge THE ASHEVILLE SANITARIUM, ASHEVILLE, N. C, , BeaUtifUllr located in a grove Of oaks and white nine, with nn H,,.f n anlu th. liici oi un. in. nvtwiu streets, near tue rcmaic college, ana only three squares from the I All modem and latest Improved methods for treatlnc chronic diseases of the lungs to throat and nose, by the inhalation of vaporized and atomized fluids by the pneumatic and vU,,,Pu pf.aiiu, oisu Lumiwanii uxygen in connection witn the vaporised Bal sam (the balsam obtained from the natural balsam trees near Asheville.) STORE. We also manufacture a Home Treatment of the Compound Oxyiren cases, equal to the office treatment, and will be sent on application by 1" " r which is, ia most express, on receipt of 913- marSOdly and I and Arm, firm; W:.; receipts 403. AtiupsTA, March 27, Cotton quiet striuly 10 116; receipts 73. Charleston, March 37. Cotton tOVii recelptsl38: PSOVISIONS AMD PSODtJCB. IUltiuosb, March 27. I'lour. Inactive. tending lower. Wheat Ho ut hero flat, Pulti W7B1.00; Longlierry 9Ual.07 No. 3 South ern 1 IHI; Western easv; No. 3 winter red spot, March anil April HUt.noo. Corn Houtnern, active and hnnrr; white 41a43v; yellow 4i)a42; Western firm. Cinciknati, March 37. Flour dull and weaker. Wheat dull No. 3 red OS. Corn firm. No. 3 mixed 8Aa354. Oata easier- No, 2inlirn 37a37t. Pork quiet but firmer, 12.K7'.. l.aril Hrm, 7. Bulk meats and ba con stemlv flfifl ,n,4i.nu.,l u-kiaku Am 103. Hogs dull and lower; common and iignt 4 us; pai-kluR and butchers 4 UOa4 Hft. were flour notninnlly . unvJiBuged,. No.. 3 I WE WISH To direct attention to a lot of very Onr success here for the naat three rears with this treatment hn. K m nhM.n.i i inx corrd many cases that were pronounced hopeless, whose names and residences can be r V " oaiuiunuin. ay fiermission we reter to tne lonowlng wcu-known -- "i-" o. . niun, timivui ,j. a. Hcea, .icra ti. u. tourt : kct. li. C. Ran kin, pastor First Methodist Church: Rev. W. A. Nelson, nutn. vtrmt rk.. . u t I l-.llin. r.nt N.lt A. 1.1....- ' r r , r- -- Board and Treatment furnished to patients at reasonable prices. In addition to bonding our patients, we have a number of elegantly-furnished roomi commodate boarders, who desire a nice, uuiet nlnre awav frnm th iinM. viM new turniture, good tare, first-class cooking, at reasonable prices. Also, hot and cold baths. II. T. COLLINS, President. E. E.EAGAN, Secretary ASHEVILLE ICE GOLlPil.l Y, Pure Ice made from Distilled Water. Building. Patton Avenue. Office: Barnard D. C. Wad dell, President. W. W. Barnard, Vice President. Lawrence PttUiam, Cashier. THE OA! OF ASHEVILLE, ASHEVILLE. N. C. DIRECTORS i . P. 8AWVER, J. 0. MARTIN, J. L. CARROLL, T. W. PATTON, W. W. BARNARD, D. C. WADDKLL, CEO. W. WILLIAMS, of Wilmington, N. C, DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY Oldest Bank In Western Carolina. INCORPORATED It ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE ' CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. SURPLUS FUND $20,000. FITZPATRICK BROS. & ROBERTSON, OTYLISH rwRESs TYLISH atRESS VJOODS Recently opened. Among them are several desirable things of which wecannot get future Dr. T. J. HARCAN, Proprietor. Dealerp In Wall Paper, Window Shades and Patent Hangers, I - . PainU, Oils and VarnUhes, Masnry's Mixed Paints and Colors. Window Glass, both Ciiicaixi, March 37. Cash quotations were flour notiiinnlli . unvJiBugetl, No. 3 spring wheiit.tiiinmnj; No. 3 red, OfiaUWts.' Mo. 3 Corn, 3434?j,. No. 3, Onta, 2BU. Miss pork, 12 7oal3.78. Lord, 7.o3n7.07tJ. supplies, so think our patrons should be ad vised to that effect. In Khort ribs, B.30n(1.35; shoulders, fl.oono.73; short rlrnr 6 U2Ha6.7a Whisker, 103. Ut f ,,,. LI.. 1I.H.L ill 1 , a and quirt and unchanged. Wheat higher- SATINFS A N fl filNRHAMS the oimi.Iiik was excited nnd sliorulv hiirher. H I H t 0 rtllU U I 11 U II H nl 0 under urgent demand induced by fcurs of a ury weniner scare, mere was a rapid drop n-lll-M Ih. Mri. I .,, ,, .. ... 1 1 I I. a Urn sharp and active dciiiiinil wns develi w otl" n"al value. Also extraordinary opcil for May and It ailvsnced raiiiillv. The close was 3Un3hj above yesterday nnd June lonty to i thnitirl. the flose w us firm at above yesterday No. 3 red cash H3l.i: Mht llot;M(i.'iL-- ..l,...l 3'i bid; June closed Hlilj liiil. Corn firm, a siuiiie iH'ttrr no. u mixeu rusn 3HVi; Mny I 3o'B; June H,. Onts higher No, 3 cash ). uiti; May 2tii,n27. Whiskey sternly A .O.l, HERRING & WEAVER, THE SHOE STORE, NO 30 SOUTH MAIN STREET." While we Have the Finest and Most Fashionable' Goods In I Our Line, - We also liarc the cheapest. Call ami sec us. French and American. We keep ia stock St. Louis and Kentucky Lead. fcbSdly W. T. PSNNIMAK. W. I. PBMHIlf AN, PENU1 & C0., jOBBIIS AND DBALBKI IN- H1ARIDWIAIRIF! value In ASUEYIIXE, N. C. FINE CASSIMi: RI For Trousers and Stills. Very desirable THE LOCAL MARKET. fCllSKKCTKU DAII.T.1 1 he following prices fun be olito.tjicd fur ciMimry prooucc: t- iititiaKis, nicely tiiinmed, pertti Uj ..iH'iioii niomsiics, per gai. .,,3oa;i0 Hides ibicon, tier lb htnt) Irish potatoes, per bu OoatIS Wheat, iter bii ,'. i oo I'lour, per ewt ... a.BOa.1.50 t orn, per Iiu (Marts Chickens.. l3Via30 l!gg, iierdos , 7hs iiiuter, M-r in .y. o0ll-.,n Turnips, tier Iiu 'J Carrots, per lm X.. , 70 i-arsuips, ierliu ,, 70 Onions, per Iiu t.oo Cow Peas, tier Iiu Xv....tat.0 Celery, Hr bunch . . 4 llecr, H-r lb gross aa4 Mutton, is-r lb irrosa .,..,.,.. 3a4 Apples, ki bu 7nat.ou Itiicks Turkey, dressed "." 10 " 7nal.3o: Beans, tier bu l .ooni 7 On Is, per bu 40aS0 uny, per ewt Mini 1. otl THE "BONANZA," SPKINO WRAPS for Lndirs and Misses, nt moderate figures. K. REDWOOD & CO, THE LEADING WM, R, PEN NIMAN WINE . AND .. LIQUOR . STORE IN THE STATE. FINE SAMPLE AND BILLIARD ROOM. No. 43 South Main Street. ASHEVILLE, N.C. A0ENT8 FOR DWONT POWDER CO., RICHMOND STOVE CO.. CORTLAND WAfinM fift OLD HICKORY WAGONS, STUDEBAKER WAGONS, MOUNE SCALE CO. ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC. M'CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. ftb9dly I J, A. HARQl'AKDT, MailUhter. Anything In the Jewelry Une at LOWEST PRICES"' For First Class Goods. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING. -. , ... 4... . ...... BURT DENISON, ftblodtf 18 Patton Avenue. I'ROl'KIHTOR Ol' LI5WIS MAIiDt'X, I'res. L. P. McLOUB, Vice-Pres. HTATB NtCWM. THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS I. B. RANKIN, CashUrr. ,J. 8. Ray, J. B. Reed Win. P. Citiinthiy hits resik'iieil the ures- idinoy of the Carolina Oil ami Creosote CompHiiy, of Wilmington mid is suc ceeded by A. A. Thomas, of WoHliinuton. I). C, Solicitor Argu, of the Riiku;h district, will try another of the ninny cases against the Raleigh lMinlt-lKioillersiii thnt city on Muttirtlny, This one will lie on a charge that of false pretences. Kev.T. 11. J'ntclmrd, delivered a lec ture oh "Naples, Vesuvius and I'oiniK'ii, t Charlotte, Tuesdar cveniair. . Asheville, N. C. P. O. llox p. innrl3dly FOR RENT. 1 hat handsome 8 room cottage No. 30 mniedintely. Hcnrticn Avenue, recently occupied by Mr. R 1. vinion. I'ossersli.n given lm Apply to marilUdtit 8. K. VliNAIIt.K. No. Id lleardrn Avenue. SNOT'S DENTIFRICE A TRUE TOILET LUXURY. or AssoLUTttv punc Inomcdikntb. BtAUTIFItS THCttTHr PRtSCPIVtS THE GUMS. KWCETCNtTHC BREATH NO INJUflV TO THE ENAMElI" AFE AND AGRf. CABLE. ODD JOBS AT ODD TIMES. I V. Drown Offers his servh-rs n Aral. cluss Machinist, csiecially on all kinds of nue nunt macninerv. anil work in w,,oH nirtai. tins some ciprrtencc In i(ienliiK and ,v, rire i-rooi eiaiea, makinK Models, n-pnirlim Snrvevors' Instruments, etc 11. cnu show specimens of his workmanship, from a key to a steam enjiine' that wnl con.l vince any one of his skill. No work .,,ll, lii except such as requires skill and treniiis to ex- Otllccnt J. If, Mckerson k Co.'s HunUvarel sttone, Asheville. N. C. mar3dlm OFFER EXTRAORDINARY!" for trie next thirty ilnvs we niii ...11 xi lota In I'KOtifKCT I'AkK, West Asheville. on such rnvornble terms that hoinrseckers win no wen to come nut! deal with us. Only 10 Per Cent Cash Will lie required, and the bnlnncc can bemadc payable MONTHLY If desired, with H tier Hume-Tons: Lewis Mnddux, M.J. Brardcn, M.J. Pauir I E 8. II. Reed, Geo. fl. Powell, C. M. McLoud. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK (ASHISVILLE, N. C, FEBRUARY 1st, 1889. Organized May 1st, 1 888. t-AniAL, fscooo. . . SURPLUS. aU.000 STATE, COUNTY AND CITY DEPOSITORY. riiia n.n.,v..l lin..l.i n 1 ,. .,..., u.,uK uusiness. iicposits received, tsxenange bought and sold. Col lections made on all accessible points. The Saving Feature will receive special attention On nil sums in this department, deposited for four months or longer, Interest at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum will be paid. eipccitu attention given to loans on real estate, which will be placed for long time oa real sonable terms. Open from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. On Saturdays the Saving Department will be open till 6 p. m. lebUdtf LUMBER YARD. CEO. F. SCOTT, (Successor to Doubleday & Scott,) North Public Square. WINDOWS, - BLINDS, - DOORS. Ptty, Lime, Plastering Hair. Shlnaths, Fencing Posts. All kind, of Building sWOrders will receive prompt attention. . w. Ja .. feblOdly PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING, TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. WILLIAMSON & SON, (Successors to Hart & Williamson,) MANUFACTURERS OF SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Mouldinffs, Stair-Work, Fine In terior Finish, Mantels, Etc., ASHEVILLE, N. C. WITHOUT EQUAL AS A TOILET f REPARATION. cent, inicre.t irom date of trnnsleruntil paid. pon 1 nrne iota are valued from f 1(10 uptoS.1,000 it up PRICE 88 CENTS PEN MOTTLE. w ANTHli. i..7frnl wl,'r "' laundry hand for the llk'kory Inn," llliknrv, N. L Apple lo FRANK I.OI lillRAN. FOR SALE. ..ni'?h".1'.1 K1''1"" t'uniltnre. All new street, West Ashetllle. marajdut JI'MI'H T. SMITH. Employment Agency. CHAS. I UNE & CO., S4 k, MAIN IT. . aad female arrvant. for alt kind, of old by all D-.uao.iars. I. WINrtCI MANN 4 CO.. PROP'S, SSLTIMORI. Ma . For sale bv J. 8r GRANT, dtiwlaiil'4 FITS CURIill HY OLD SPECIALIST 1111, IK IAN. Ilottlc of medicine Km. We ir. rant our rcniedvtticuretht. cases, and the only phyatdnns whodo this to i"'"1" T"',r oeiiiK iniposetl umn by m.n V, " "i n no are not lHK"tors. rcniisc oinei-s iniitu is no reasot- Icir not ii-.ua im, nmiicine. mve usprrss and Post. . . a,l,lrrM. It costs you nothina. Addiess Asn bel Medical lltirrau, al Uroadwny, New ur" Jana7dcwly sMWhtak atah. Its rarsn at bom. with oataai Bookrfri Ueulsrssrat rSICa. (iilPilin and the prices set upon them are basei actual sales of similar lots adjoining. The Electric Street Railway la being rapidly pushed to lrospect Park, Its iroiHxed terminus, thus bringing these lots n times anil eusv Communication with h Stuart, and otlier principal parts of the city. We Have Entire Confidence In the valtir of these lots, and hn- hn.-. nn rears in leaving nliic-tenths of the min-hnse money nt interest. The first to come will sc. cure choice of lots. Aiinlr to WYN & WEST, iiinrSSdtf ' 8. H. C6urt Soiinre D. II. REAGAN. 7 WITH HENRY S. KING & SONS. Hardware and Cutlery. HALTIMORK, MI. Refi-r to J. V, fttsmes, niarlia dtim ACKNTS FOR The lUit kcve Pimni Steel nnd tin Sliinglcs, Floor and Hearth Tiles. frbldly 'AfiFNTS M'F'M. OF Byrltifi Patent Sheathing Lath. -ASHEVILLE Aliaaia, Us, h-hlnrlatvty a n at wool j,bt. M.Ul 0u WIUMnUM, tnth.nl yANTKH. A position as Clerk by Northern vonng ma. who has had fourteen years espcriruce .... . ... nuiireas sodat cm, h, it, n ;tfta 1 OlSes, JkOTlCIt, ALL TAXUAVIiltSI ltr a recent tnct ,r n... 1 M..i.i... 1 . . ''Tri! !L' ",Ut "" "' P'opertv tm 11 . ee nniiam. on the first dav of April. This aw I i,r.u. .....i- . . ' force. Therefore, all ta-rsons .hn ,..-. paid their ta.ca, and who do not wish to have their proierty advertised, must pay ,y AprU 1. Pay your Uses and save tronhie. . N. A. RBYNOLOHl dtaprt City Tax CoUector. I ARTIFICIAL STONE AND TILE WORKS. I-ortUnd cement, Wone Hlockl ,na - , .no.eg.nn,l color, and very durnbie for walk. In y.rd sidew.1,., 0oo "'r "'. .Kntr.nc. Basements, Butcher Shoe. &c. Bpecl " """' ir I. KARTII9. Handsome Carriage Blwk. with name. BEST GERMAN PORTLAND CEMENT AND GOOD BUILDING SAND FOR SALE Sample, of Block., etc.. can I. seen at office over J. . IXckerW. H.rdw.r, S,w, c. rnbllc Square, corner of Mouth Main street. P. 0. Box 03. msrSScISm C. E. MOODY. Plans and Specification Famished on Application W, have thorough mechanic. In each line who have had man rirV.. , ,, I business. We can safrlv n,.r.ni . . ... , . !"" sausiacuon in onr work, a low ngnrcs. BALLARD, RICH & BOYCE. ' fcblBdly C. H. CAMPBELL, Mannraaarer and Wholesale Shipper of GINGER ALE, CHAMPAGNE - --- i..-. j, . . - n, ... i .- .,.-.- V i..... LESION SODA, 8ARSAPARILLA, MINERAL WATERS, TONIC BEER, I CARBONATED WATER IN SIPnnNSJ fctory, T Haywood at. ... s JB VI aEPVA a-t CLOSING OUT SALE OP 1 ALL WINTER GOODS, AT- 22 T II E BIG 2 2. 22 PATTON; AVENUE, datsrtaprao

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