,. , :!.. r.-t . .' .. T;.e t't- i-'-.! . v. ' ' -' ; ', ' . y,.,; N !... ( . . . ( t . . , .ti. , .-111:1. tul. iii. 1 t ' r-"i 111 'a-:' 1 ", ' '''' I j .!..; . 'i I 1.. - 1 I- f .... i-1 "' ' , 'I I:-. 1 inH '.i,I.il ti.e '...lt.!i."l - I jU-.ni.uid Pi.--. hW!i m j-( 'V I l.i-v. 1 t'...ri .ill ' . -1 1 1- v.i: il Y" ' ' j; fi.7 ..Vi '!'.. i.-! . tw 1 H ir ii.i.ii.-'.. . I ; , .'.::.!- . ,1 r. ; " t-r .!!. .'..-.n: :-.r r.-iiii; '".-'" t tl-r i :1 v to fill-"!,''! s. 1. 1... I ..if- 1 K v, 1.1 ;. a-i. 1.-1:1 at .i ' uf .1.1 -. I :,i rrsf dixi niv. ."CV.' ui:,ci:u..wi:ot:s. A i E'er Cent. ihiU li: .. !,! i.i it-t SU.mliv l.i-ti !..,,,, ;..,.( .iw,! I im in) .!.!'" .V r'l.nVui'v iiK'i'isf htM-k of DiM'.-is (lond.s Th coiiiini'ii' March 10, mul ; r.il'lcq.l.iin l! ni.'-.s- .1 I 1 ' I S i I 1 1 1-! 1 1 IK I U Hi lUS- every i-'irt TUflCl. f;f ,'i ,t'tini.!c, run. tii.'J'1 Ail t sriisr ,.i,a v! by this firm -i umntMma. um. ;in iiiiHinv; upon lliis nisirkfl, iUU oino to mako u chano SO ('.'11 1 , 1 . in- St'MSOll tin ruu'.v. makch iw-.- Iu,1,r. T. I.ii.coi:i t.) i'rcit ?;iit,,;,' Fred I), '"nii'.t l.i Au-iiia, V.'.-.llar Maine solicit-r t,f the trc. !'i:ry, ir.di .ate that, the gnimlson of 'H 'i Piipccannc ii i;ot . insensillc to hereditary claim. . Tlsc iiiiisons (.I'l.ouii.iii.'i will i-diWiitc tho lOdlli aaniveip.-ny of the- i.iati;'iir.i t1on ns Prtsiilci.t of t lit- I 'nik-il Kta-lcs o! Cii-orfjc Wa-liintoii, tin- prratis.t mason einco Jofni the Ilnjuiitt. The inlialiilanta of Rio JaiK-ir.i ruv ly ing at tin'' rate of.O'Wn mnmh of yil luw fever mul other (iiiltiiiic iIiscims. Could not the President 1c induitd to give Elliott. F. Slifjiard the lira: iiian mission? liiidiop Eymau's discovery th.it ea nuts tire pd ns a soiinrfic is :ittrni:tinj; nlmosf ns much jitUntiMi an didtltn. Clinsjmnn' first MiuouiKfiniiit of the tobat'C'J cine, ltut the timely waruin;; of the Washington I'ost to ki p the nhiieks out of the Ixtl should he well heeikil. - Aa attempt in to Ijc made to revive the old Whijf party in Alabama. A merlin;,' has Ijcx-it called (it I!iniiini;h!im, nnd in vitatimis have lui n Kent to .ninny Iieiutv-r erats, onee Whigs, v. hi vokd fir"Tip-. IKVanue and Tyler, too.'' A rcmiui eetit'e v.i'.l hardly .nerve lt viuili.-.e a new patty, nnd old Wliijja, 11s n rule, iii'e not thes'irt of people to tlesert their rolors orratlur their color upon the hetls i l n rever.w. The ehief tluiniH to distinction pos wascd ly Mr, AlleuThorndyke Kitc,iioiii inaled far the Kufwinn mission nre tl cd itorship of the North At iieriean Kiiiewj the supposed luithoifihip of the iiilirtive "Kiehmond" letters attaeUiiif; Fiert tmy Hitynrd, mul the ftut, nevi :rnecnii'pli.slitd ly any other AineritaO, of hreahinx the hanlt at Monte Cailo. He wan very n-Rtive ul one time under 1111 id'ti:ed Miuliliiilg hv nimistr.f, I'lielllK - Sir Julian I'minei-foli- ticdittd with the remark, in relntion to hm appojnt incut Minister of ire.it Hiitain at Wasdiiiijjton, "The poi.ition has Ixeii the iimhilioii ol'my life.." No doulit he will lie received in Wiishiugton with aa grcnl lie(irtii:e!i ns hitt pleasure in comimr 1 It- lin hud a lii illiant ttueer in Enelish ofli- eial ife. in n (iistiiij;tii;,lieil iitithurity itjmti international law, has rent sochd ae complishnientii and n dan'liter who in i!eerilicd as a most atftu live woman. Special (lisprileheM from Ottawa and .Montreal to me Jiiwltui rust eoneiu- in stntinj; that the Canadian covtinnirut has conrlnded to renew for the euniiny tiiMHiin the eouee-tsions ollered Amiiiean lislivrmcn in the irjeetcil trealy. In oiher wordu, the Canadian 'yoveininent pro ptiws to carry into effect its own stipula tions in the treaty, In spite of its rejection Itv the Senate of the 1'nitcd Stales. In pursuance of this policy it is further stated that order have Iktii already in nurd to collector f cnslontH in Canada to ifsne to American vtmels liei n t:i to touch nnd trade and to felt in all the wa ters of the Ihimhsion. The (jklalninm tomitry, to Ik- opened 11 1 1 1 iy 1 1 it I 'resident's proclamation on Apnli'consistsof about 'J.iHXi.UOOam upon "which it is thought loi),(iiit.).o(m people will locate within sity days after the 22. These tsettltrit will iio'doulit get tojtetiier nt once ami ncnd tt delegate to Washington next winter. The oju'iiin;; oftht Cheiokee strip of ti.oiM.nno ,,cn-. will probably follow, ami some think that finally all the laudn described in the Oiijjuuil priuer lull win oe tiirown opca, tnakinj; n territory of 'j:i,i)iiil,i)0(l acres, which is n.iid to coiilaia umiie ol the bct lauds in the country. Thetc seems lilt..- doubt that the prop erty and fianehif.es of the TcnhesHcc 'Cial IrcnwV Kailmad . Co., have been bought up be some Northern c.ipitalisU, who. evt-r they mny lc This cmnpany'ti prop ei iy 'is 'valued at $ -i.iu (, nu. ami, follow iii It as it does, imiuediatelv upon the vi'dt to the Southern coabtind iron sections 01 Hewitt, Cooper and Carnegie, nnd thetc ilatttiine; utlerauces a to the .future ol those iuttrests in the South, the purchase ii most significant. Although it is nut known who ha?. hoiiy,ht up the coutrol in : Ititcivst. it is r.tilUusin-i'tiil thM !b w i'.t ;.n1 Co. ; t r ;:n i.,'tu-,u-.I Sn i;.'" The eoiiitidei.ei- ill the abandonment d work on the I 'an imn ranal and lla- le- fcilll.imr oi W11I6 I,!! tlie .Kie.OiiJ,!!,!. v.inal will prove Ibrtiajate for the lainr, It i Haiti, hi reauivin:; l'fM!Tp5:f ilMrt' r.Ft.CCoI and supplies ami la tii.'ihliitj.; 'the Ni.'.ira pia company to dictate the price at which tluy itiav buy the iiui!ic:iic I'.-tn-ma plant. Tilt i:;;mccis of the Nicar ;;ua route !i;,vcjt: ntaiie a must t'ii,"i r aini' icp..rt vh'.w in;; ,11. ion,' o'hec things h hv '.I c iiecetsai y citttim; may lie reduced .' tjc.i to 'JS miles. The i f- j r .. 00 1 . 1 11 ,.l 1 I .-I . - 1 1 f I : f 1 1 ' ::iL .', r. .. . . 1 , 1 , . .. 1 1 l I I 1 1 1 1 1 11 -. no . 1 1 01 1 i--. ,111 v J r 4 ... I a..... 1V1.,(.-T 1',lllll.l 1 ,(e 1 It i; a . ill !.t:.ll in il .'"t'V 'ri;1: , 11 ii,--,:!!, j . I 1. .ire v.cel:s ;:::o, when on his way j la' I II i i!'C:-Ht 'I I Willi til"' OOUS Will IM' KO!l ill H 'V , A:: :;:'... to Waslin-tou. Ji , ,,), p.;n , ,. ;HIK) ,lllt()i C( l II 11 1( 111 . . I !-.ii,.' i ! 1, co.-irvt the um- madt ol the . ... I .. 1 1... ,1 : . j;,..,, rOM 11IK1VC OniiTIKU I'OSt cr 1- a mi .line lo Join -nalisai. aim 1:1 n'ti! tomrr.t v.itli the condta-t of .rai !e l.,!ii,es men in other w: Iks ZJfl u! !arr;iiiow;,;tM.vI..H of Spring and inlnisin., au-1 I willst-ll you Bbu.c's U-.vv to pnnttliclctu-r; im.ccfl, j MnilliUT tUhl'lcS. It IS til i '";.v to 1 trove t'.i' !ftl'r'stnuinciu'f;h i . , i i -i i 4 i ,l..(Si; au.hontvro'n either! P'-a tl'St o'll M)SSllilc lo till the writer or rich i.nt. to make It public. KVSt filial H !tl,,. I 11., more ri-ht. in law or morals 1 4 1 ,w ,,,,,, 1 .1, ,, f , , :l VI lit I il II 1 1 ! e such ns-.' as it has of tins docu-1 .. , , . , WOI'IV Ol lin'SSIllilKII!, ir- laved. In stylo mid variety ;25c. you ever saw; former it.': :..: t. .,.,,1 t!.,.:, ! llll'li llll'.llil ItIM itlll . Oil l IIH .I ' n- M!a:u..xiyrs. A ? 7 I N C 1 " 3 1 1 C N i TO THE LADIES ESPECIALLY, 7,7:1;, 1 ; '.st mi:. IIOTLLS. STIIICTLY FIliST-CLACS rillV.TE BOAHD, V. W. ft'l.-T. , than i'.'would have to appropriate ii.cu'.i id Mr. Itlnine'ii'purse, know- to :a i!HI,! the e it;;; il to ! e la i. wouin an nontsi man ..s'uriie ovviicrship mul control of an overcoat ant! the contents til its pocket, if one were h.oajctl him by a hotel clerk, with the remark: "Secretary Maine left this in his room?" We think not. The latter was as alsulutclv Mr. Maine's us his tonl, his (-liocs or hispocketbook.nnd who steals or turns one 01 these to sue 11 v.!- as to deprive us owner incrcoi. or to embarrass and annoy him, issimply a tiuct, liothnv: more nor lci. Surely the Times has not sufficiently c'li.Mitcrcd now iiiiicli ev orn pmrntil- itin rould sulTerif restricUd ininntter ol news by the keruples of ordinary gentle men. Imagine for n moment what the humiliation of Mr. Ilctmett would have been, if after returning the letter to the clerk, that morale should have sold it to Mr. I'ulizcr. ' '' p;oo(Ls '.loser than any iner- o woiiian, who is: chant in Asheville. The best Rod .Flannel at l.est (Ihmhams at 7 a re n I'iot 1 onouirh t his seast m ! to suit the most exact inp;. ! Indeed, their hojuities iat so; lJ., , , . 1n , liewilderin- that at firt J price 10c. ;lanco;i choice setmiH quite; Calicoes 5, ( and 7e. impossible. A careful inspec- T .. , tion, however, l.i'in-sto.itfht! K'S of I,,ne theo.ldestHhatle.siind(uaint-!vi10eH at 10 per cent. est eaecT ', especially m rat Anion;; the latest novellies for chut .'i entertainments is what is known us the "Merchants Drill. " Il consists of a num ber of well diillcd yoim Indies, represent in;; different biar,ehc3 of I)iisiuts5, wear in;; coti'.umes furnished by thenierchants Il lias Ikcu t;iv'.u by the yotint; ladies of churches in Uich'moml, Norfolk and other fciliea, and has proved a ,'raiul "success. An idea of the costuir.es worn is found in the description of one representing the grocery btuouevs. An exchange says the youu,! lady was (Messed in a pink sateen dric;t, fuigel !eevi.n and hanil-painted float. The dress was trimmed with dried tipples, beans, cakes, crackers, cigars and advcrtlsim; cards. She wore a hat made oi'ciblia;.v, trimmed with spring kale. prhfc is usually offered fur the best cost ume. Philadelphia Kceord: It has lieeit )en erally held that it was only unions the Latin races that an oH.ralie singer re L'eivcd really enthusiasticeucourni;''iiient. But what shall be said of the scene out side the Metropolitan ()iera Home on Saturday afternoon '.' "A lar;;c tmuil ol nun ic loveis in fashionably cut Liwns wailed until Heir Alv.uy ipiitteil th Metropolitan throiiKh the r.ta('e doo-, and, f.i: ti lling thcm .i hes upon him at Ik ftiadf tits wavld lnscarriae, iii'Ctd ami kised him in the public M recti." Did Paris, I'lorcnee, Madrid, or lliicnon Ayres tvtr enact so remarkable an inci dent? And will this fashion Ix; pennit teil to extend to favorite singers of the othtr sex ? A joint stock company to control the orange crop of Florida is the latest thini; in the way. of trusts, which, since the change of administration, seem to have revived with renewed t'uerjry. In fiuther ance of this xruud scheme for cornei in the market on the ; children tC thecountry it is also proK:',i d lo erect in Florida an enormous warehouse, in which thcwhole crop is lo be packed and thence fenl hv fa-.t trains for distribution in all the cities and towns-. The syndicate is lo fix the prices both for the wholesale and retail trade, so that the stability tif the market may tv.muiutniiic.il at all times and in nil iilaees. t, . 11 uies. 1 lowers m ox moou on a French gray background; a n exquisite pattern with bor der of palms; odd mixtures in rersian tints; ivy leaves, del icate spni vs. Aii endless va rietv and heaut iful enough to commend themselves to the most fastidious. In American (iitifi'liams we find "some nov elties, which are exact copies of I' reach patterns, yet won derfully cheaper. Certainly plants and stripes seem to lie tlieraive. I J road plaids ami crochet stripes-are all to be seen in numberless shades. Sol id colors of ( ! iiifi'ha ms with dainty trimmings of white will be charming for younj? Misses. Wihl rose find" ocean blue promise to bo (he most popular shades, though their Scotch Zephyrs wii! be prefer red by some. Prominent it itioti the Summer fabrics are the lino and delicately tinted challies. Those with cream white grounds are cov ered with dainty ferns, trail ing vines and sprays of wild roses and wheat heads, and will nmkc charming' gowns for Summer wear. These cos t iimesnill forKibbons in num berless b vs a ml loops, shoul- tler kMtits.-NlernT-bows nnd nock' rosettes. Tin; orettitt ribbon for trimming purposes is I he crown idge. The litur Dress Goods, in l-louncini;s, Iteiijes, Henriettas, Cashmeres nnd Silks, with evcrv shade of ti iintllins were caie fullv stlectcd in New Vork, for the Best Trade of Western North Carolina. The I.uiillnn Store of the city for l.ailiis i 2.) H. Iilaiti Street. The grctiti-st variety of iliev tooils, Mich as latoiiH, Stationery, I'ltncy ;ood, Tovm, I'aintitiKi V.nm aviilKi. I riuiu. VCi stern Norlli Curolhui lews, Nioeliies, lit,'., lite. Warnev's Health Corsets ..i 1 1 n Warner's Coraline Corsets Warner's Flexible Hip Cor set at 85c. A splendid Corset for 40c. A very good Corset for 20c Nice Summer Silks at 20c. per yard, that cost me 30c and o."ie. Table Linen -the best line in the city w ill have to go at 10 per cent, above cost. It is impossible for me to give all prices. So you set competition cannot reach these prices. Big line of Cliil dron's and Misses' Hose a half what they cost. I am going to change my business, and I will give more for a dollar than any house in Asheville. ... W. II. LEA, 17 N. Main St. No goods sold to any one on time. Cash, or no trade. MOD EL STEAM LNDRYr No. -2 I'tttton Avenue, CJt tUvood & Htikclcntlirr, t'roprieton. ? A-All urileii prumptlv attrndetl to. leliUHy Wo are ploasod to announce that our stock of Millinery is now in and ready for inspec tion and would be pleased to have the ladies call. Our intention of having a Special (Jrand Opening hits to be foregone, as Mrs. Mae- Nairisso bnsv with orders' hat we have not the time to give it proper attention. Also wish to announce that our stock of Drv (loods, Fancy (loods, Parasols and specialties are open for in spection; With our thanks for past favors and with a determination to merit your continued patronage, Respectfully, A. WIIITLOCK. . II VEST I i:-',uetvi..irH to V.'it'ti 1 li.t'.wjn) I , I KEFEi! TOEWXOF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE 9" TiiiynioMAS liorsi;. 1 . XBAK TtATTI KY I'XUi:. Is now under entirely new mai:a;;emcnt., and will lx' kept in strictly fiist-ca-ii stvlc. I j TBASsii'ST (it u::r.x t ah iioakui-.:::- , kv.s I Northern Cooking Loatit ;i cnrt.'iy t'i;:ct-d at 8 Vvr Cent, Iviitcs "cat-oti-iblc. Natarv l'uli ic. Cnaieii-finmrs ,1 Dcci's. Villi INSURANCE. OI'FI'CK ' MoiilIieaHt Court Square, I!!!(i01I FACTOR Y. HAM On rs I.OCKWOOD. 11AND-11AI.K nrooms, WhisUt., Hcartli and Ceiling; Itroomt u Mill tint! I-netory prailes a njiceialty. Quo tation! and samples tree. leblCdly -5&n. 31. Ciickc, Jr., REALESTATEANDMiNERALBROKER, AshcvHle, N. C. , Can t'. you one iniilion nerci t-f l:iud, in trails frum CO to 100,000 aero. Have a number of oily, lots. Improved nnd unim proved, Avhidi 1 im sell on Ihc best of tcrnta. If you want a large or Ftnrll farm call on me. If you wur.t ii:in'inl of nny kind, yott need Kthuj i'nrthrr. If yott wtuit timber Umds, this is h e a d't 1 1 f 1 c r s . 'In favt I can suit you in nryU'.in;r ki want ill ;ny line. , . PervictR of n i'rst-tlaKS civil enjnnt-cr and prticlital i-nrvL'yor ciritd to tiow up nil property v.lien required. 1 have had fitteen yciitV expt tit'i'.oe in the rt;:tl e-italc busiticaa, ait:i think I Vr.o'w what will please. Prompt attention to r!l in. (uiric. - fchL'ldlV- ' ;r JAMS FRANK, DHALER IX Agent for Kcenis Creek Woolen Mills. North Wain Street, Anhcvlllf, N. C. feblOUly J V. CDKTLANI), Real Imitate Broker, INVESTMENT AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, ratten Avenue, Itaruntd lluiklin. , feli'Ji'.ly 1 3 "M. ( Uiad " in a recent letter from North Carolina writes: "When we of the North refer to -the Smith the tierti always eomeii into the ;ncstioii. His status and his future tire ivi,'irded by tw as a j;rcal ii'obletn. We arc tmieli worried over il at times. It is a matter which should he and can be left with the South to take care of. The Southern negro is a theory vil!ii!'.. lie is a solid substance to the Son! hcrnei . He knows mote nlmnt him in a day than we do in a year. He has H"t more cxeiiM-s lor his fnilin;slhanany Novi hern man dare nrj;c. He treats him move kindly ilia,, we do the s.-iine'race at the K01 tii." i t 'a Thursday what is known as mod era boiiilon became for the fust iinie an or;;ai,i;cd political whole. Hitherto it lias ihtii compose,! ol the umall nn,t;iii;il "Coy" and nnmti'oiis ji,u ishes, ctich iiiuiir control of it own vestry an aj; i,ri .;o;c of villages mown together in cvt i t tiling but local e;overiniient. Now thetc is a (lomaivation in certain respeds beittc; a the '"City" and the rest of l.im do.i, so iliiltetdt is it" to rub out the old lines in rnjjmid. The new London council, vvi' h full municipal authority has biyim its sessions, Tyre t'denn, the newly appointed lr. S. marsiKii ior tlie western district ot Novtti I C v t iMtne is it, iist-it atut nil (jatistieil with what thev line nt this place. Their stui k ii of the het unit prieeii ritwnvs niwiiiliit.ie. llusinesrt men tiil liml titular K,st and lie1! iine if Ittnnk lloeks mul OM.ec ssatintn-rv in W. N. t'. Al t tttuilH) over stnre. wlK-tx' visUun e.nw dlitaiu tueal Ht.etelies in oil ur w ater u.ltin Ii til I. Ill STH3X ASiEAS?. Do you wisli lo build a lioust1? If so, wi'itn'oi'priccs on himhcr to A. V. SHIMON. Hickory, N. who luis'ot it, unl who invented and is now iisinu I ho lonj' sonht for Perfection Dry Kiln, tin1 hest in 1 he world. (liven lum ber dried lo perfection in 10 hours. I'sual jslock on Iiand .1(10,000 feet. Duildiiifj; 11111 torial. line (piality Wainscot in.ii', Ceiliii''' and I'looriiif;' a specialty. -Correspondence solicited..,.. riwirUOtltl' A CAMII. v 1 I am now receiviii''' a now and selected stock of MILL1 N'h'UYand NOTIONS which was purchased for cash in t lie JSJOTIVH. IW virtue of n decree of the Superior Court of Huneomtic count v, rendered nt the heeem- her Tcnn, IMS, 1 will, cm the 4th dav of April.' lHi, at the residence of t I ViinOilder on Conine strt-et. rin the city of Whi ville, sell, nt public auction for cash,, to the highest htilifer, all the furniture and LhntLUrt, conveyed hy T I Vant.Uder nud w ife in certain deed "of trwnt to me This f'ti 1 uiturecmtidsts of carpt ts. ehaim, bedroom, lihrnry, hull nnd parlor sets, nnd other usual household furniture At the same time nnd place, nnd under the mm rnc conditions and in the fume manner I will rent nnd lit the said resilience for the term of one venr from the date of nale For further particulars, enquire ot the un dyNiiiiied nt Ills oilier or of J S Adnms, attoiiuy nt law, ur Moore t MerrK'ki nttor ncys at l:i w. nt tlu-ir riJtpective ollices V W liAKNAKl) March 8, lt niarl)dtHpr4.. THIS J. W. SCHARTLE, ERCHANT TAILOR 4a Main St. lei.-'lHII) All ryes tit led nnd tit cunrniiteeil. A com pletc stock of the altovc good at GRANT'S DRUG STORE, J I si)fTt!"M AIN STUIiET. Oculist' prescriptions a fipeelulty, l'etit.'7dt'itn lsEIXH?; BEE. v in 1 lumsdiiv Mmu, in Johnston Hall, tho Younjr .Norlln'rn markets ---hv Miss oinairs fhristinn Temper 11 If I ' I I Mil .1 i " 1: t..... . 1 i ' ...1.. AsiuviiiexviioMv he inn eiever leiiow Kii ( olXiMi. an experienced anc( I mon will hnveanothei ni'ttlt.iDiliii- bis iHilitics., .,, CITIZE PUBLISHING WATSON, neal Kwinte Agent, (Not a Speeulntor.) liitvini; by prnetical experience thoroughly syf tei:::iti-,:ed my sale department, I offer HI'I-XIAL INliCCEMENTS-' To tlioje vic--liinji to Mil, ami 11AKOA1N3 to tliost v.-:.in.e to !,uy. 1 I::ivi; sume of tilt- best property ftir sale in Aslieviilc wbieh can be bought lowtlown. AIko. country property, Alar.iranese, Iron. ami TimlK-r I.ands. Call and exninitie my list before ptti chasing. ' 1). S. WATSUX, Soiitheai.t Corner Cotirt Square, dtmayl Asheville, N. C. f'eStedute Street RaUv.ay. To take eii'eet I'riday, Marc'i 1, nt 0.30 a. m Car leaves Court House r,.rio n. m " 7. no " " " S.ll'.l " " H.Ol) Prom tlu n til! 7 p- ear leuvt-s eourt house every r.iinutes. Al-o, ear leaves court bouse at 8.0.J p. and 0.00 p. 111. 1'AKli, FlVli CliNTS. 11C11M0N0 S: IlAWII.Li: RAILROAD i COMPANY. (Western North Carolina Lilvisiou.) l'ASSRXr.KU DttPAKTMKNT, Aimvii.t.i!, N. C, Jan. 1. 18SU, - l'AStfliXdl-K TRAIX SCIIKDl'LK. In r.ri-iiCT Jax. 1, JS.x'J: COMPANY, No. (i North Court Sijuare, Is prepared to do lii'h-Tade work a t LOW RAT and popular. .Milliner lVoiniSpellin,u' liee. TIih Hiiiulo 'en- 111. tit- 1. . !. ...' 11. I 1 11 i.i 1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 tore, i 1 10 is wiui ine, 1 leincn navinii cnaiitMiji'iHi tlie ri.e "Keiiei (ii.i" "titinmnteei" -Uc-iiiiid u ill lake .vreat pleasure , married li'enlloinoninthocon lest, much excitement is antic-inn tot I. Tickets lor sale at pst e.111 iK-h.itii.l l.yli.vers ot the te,l ; o-j von ot'Mcr.l I SJl t ISliU t toll ill j I iU IllK llMOl H aild .laCdllS li.inif" in mi 'ilnvmia Pull." mill the Ul Wall III"' Oil 1101' llllinerollS H.ikv Oiueil" i f utir "Ameikiin l'i itj;-j Cllst OlllCl'S, It) w llOlll ulie ll;lS .1 NO. 51 I No." S3 T Lv. Asheville, Ar. Salifbnrv, " Dnnvllle, " Lytutliim-, ' W'nshiiie-ton " It.'ittiriie.re, " I'hi'a.. " New York, " I'.ijstou, " Richmond. ' KaieiKli, " tloldslioro, " Wilmington Ufir.pin 4:i7am !l-t.7nin ItM-opm 7.'ir,pni oaopm ttdlJam 0 20am 1 40pm I 1, -i-.ipin ltiutipm 1 iroam 7 0Oam Hofmm 10 t",'ain 1 '-'opm aaupmi noopm JA tiOpin r. 13a ml' 50am 11 4 a 111 1 ntipm i itiopml HOOptlli 1 l.v. Asheville,' .r. Npartnnb'K J Charlotte, " Cotumhia, " Charleston. " Auiiusta. " Savannah,. M 't'h'svitle, l'a J Jaeksonviite " A tin 11 ta, ' Montotil'v " Mobile, " New Orleans Lv. AshcviMe. Ar. i tot Springs " Knox ville, " t:h.-ittan'r;.'i. " Nilshville, " .Meniplns. l.v. Ashevll.e," Ar. HoiSprinj;s ' Knoxviltc, " Louisville. " t'iiu.intiati, ' t lliea.ejo, " St. Louis, JNoJ-,u jX.,."na I 7 4o,iml -l- l lpmj tlliOami r, loprn 1 topm I h ollptn I U tfipni , .", t.'i.-un ! I 1 1 l.".aa! ! 'II Ham! fi.'iopmi S.tilam 1 1 .Kiam fi tiopm tioprn tliopin 'joripm 0 l.'ani 1 40pm 1JOI1 m 10111pm 7 -."1fi.u1 1 of, pin 7 'JOpm No. f4 7 Yi'pm !4opm dtf MKS. LACY & SOX. Proprietor". ,A DELIGHTFUL EXCURSION. ASIIEVIIXIC IIOTSFIIINGS.- Round Trip Tiekcta only 5.B0, Ineludlog o full day's board nt the MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL. The ftaths in Marl.-le Pools ami I'oTvxrlaln Tubs are the finest nil (I tftost lllMiriom iii America. The Hotel is NEW AND 'FIRST-CLASS In I?vcry Particular. CNEXCKLI.ED IN ITS CL'ISTN'B. The place is a ehanning spot, nestled amonc; and sheltered by linc-elad Monntnins where there In no tog, 110 dust, no malaria. l'arc and abundant water, nnd absolutely licrfect droinnce. dtju.120 RICHLAND II0USK, Corner Main ami tyepot," ...WAYNI-SVJliL!;. N. C... Rooms newlv I'tirtiislieil. Tare tlie Lest the market afl'orils. Oootl sample room. SATISFACTION Ol'ARANTEiiD. Terms: $1.00 per clay. 0. D. I,. ALLI-X & SON, Proprietors. A NEW HOTEL IN ErlfsWciTYT The Swayne House, One of the best in ' Western North Cnrolino. Summer nnd winter resort. Nature's sanita rium. Seencry and water tincxeelltd. Term moderate. GliO. N. DLACKI1URN, l'rop'r. marl 3d il in THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Rooms on Main street, opposite the post office. tK-ii daily, except Sundays, from 10 a. m. until 1 p. m., and until 0 p. 111. The terns of subscription are: One year $2; (i mos., $1.50; .'! nins., $1; 1 mo., 50cts.; daily a cts. k tlflierrs for 1SS0 president, R. R. Ifnwls ; Vice-President, Cliarlcs W. Woolsey; Sec. and Trcas., U. s. Watson ; Librarian, Mini Ii. J. Hatch. J Citizens and visitors are cordially Invited to inspect the catalogue and inscribe their names as members. fcbsdtf OTICK. 7 4.)lltll J2iaui 1 lopm 4- 44itn 0 lnpm ir.ipm; 7 I oatn ii Mam , 1 1 4,nim O.liipinl RHOpm'l T -t " mi J 7-t."ipm'j tJV ,S!e pini; e.irs on all ninht trains. JAS. 1,. TAYLOR, W. A. WINIIL'KN, C C A. .-' p. p A. SOI,. HAAS.T. M RtH-anso they have a it 1,. m:"lie ilruir store, wlieie the If nls,'n eoinplele line (irilritgit ami tli tii;.. gists' Mitiiiiiesi. Tlie lainoiijt Pxeelsior Water iliieei I'tritn Saiatnjjit Spriitj;., N. Y., Yieliy, leep Uoek, Seltzer, Tate Spring ami S.nl'1 Winer iit'.vev. oil itr.iiii'lit. Aiu-ct:tt 'i ot Ci-iu-riil irntit. Cn'tKiat Ci.int, on his return to this I'tll Ull V iti U.'li.l tl, Il 1,,, Iu4.ll U,,,-1.IH,1 ,' .,f. Iluled 'with a eouull eontinete.l while ! fONTK ACTHRS. beers say the ,'iol.u. 111 (,l Kcut'iii.!; enjntal j enMiij; the ocean, and winch liml stuH In build t'nc eaiiid is Milved. It is t.t l c f '"'inly leii'seil to yield to any treatment .1,1 ! ,, ;,i, i. .1 . -,, 1,,,,.. i, I A bietiil 1 iiinvil tor bun a liottle ol price mul taste. Thankini;' a kind pnhlic for (heir jrt'iierous jiatronae, and hoping to receive my share ol' the t ratio. I remain, Respect full v, MISS -NELLIM LAHARRK. I'rur htuir inf iU'HllHHlllt I)riii' Stores. The first prize to bo awarded is on exhibi tion at Jacobs' Pharmacy. ATTENTION I ' SPECULATORS AND HOME SEEKERS VtM t'.m't find nnywhrrr nrotind Anhrvilltf n wivrr or more convenirtit little home tlmu llir our 1 now be! to call oiir ntn-uttonto It ctiUtins lo ocrtH, one-hnlf bottom, dry ami rkh; cotnfurtahle hounc; an vxcvtletit niUior . the erection of ,,. ,Kvclli.. ow 'kooo" " Xr " v ull i lie ,10. I I row,,. ,,,. ,n Hi. lot mar , .t , , nnU dolcr. ,- . 1 " win lv invmu 11 mi- miner- , i ,,., u a l,u,.,,.,l I, l ..i.. V, FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENT, l.Kkeai.al. with locks ti.Vl leet lone; Lv v "k '" ' "" 7" , ,U '"!" " '"" k -ieitim . ,mia , u V l, c nr. 1 , '71 " V ' " ' 7(1 t.t v. il. 1- HV 1 ' .,1,1 .. , f.vapl'.vx, iiiidl.yitstwlM a few ll.niril . llk.' wherv da. mi.1 .einel..n1i ' twiL?&t?,l w r .llkitv..,,Um0,Metoeep, Hel.t:is , he was entm lv ivlieveil. lleix-markedlo ! eio, Hr.een. J.B.'kaXKIN. 'iVemK- Ki".vciiullv ilieaut 1. 1 n k;i level ean.il ,'UT. s-i l',.n- j Iii iiieml ; "Men look upon ir.eusa ;rent ' ,""l lt''r,; . ; mnr'.'?il.'u '' A. M. 11 ami! v lis iiljiindoiieil.il will Itv reinem. 1 Mier. lull this Imtlle ol' Svtupln .v'ls " 1".." ".'7 7 . i '"'":. '... r lace. West, may lie seen nt I'nil Pinion TLAVnC "COAST LINE. (hi ami after this dale the following sehed ules will t,c run overits'-ColumliiRliivision." No, n;t Leaves Coltimbin fi.ao p. m. Arrives nt Cllnilcstoii H.ai, p. ni. No. r.U Leaves Chnrlrston 7.1H a. 111. Arrives nt Columbia 11 fl5 a. ill Connecting with trains to and fnnn aii imintsoii tlie Charlotte, Columbia ic Au Hiista and Columbia ,N: OiccuviMc Kailronds. "Hailv. - T. M. li.MLHSON', C,c. Tass. Agt. J. P. DliVINli, Cm. Supt. P.t'CKl.ASI'ir t"- " Mli HCIIANT TAILOR, NO. 10 PATTON AVBSUB, tlcifs to announce tnat lie has received his samples for the cnsiiiue; spriiiR nnd summer and nsks the public to call and eaamlnc SI'C.CI AL ATTBN I'lO.N CIVKN TO CLVAN IXC. RBPAIUISU AND ALTER1XC. Jailed tt ami! ii aljiindoued, it will lie remrm. 1 soldier luted, ltmn Mucc am! plans lor a lock rttiial milislilitU'il. Anil now even that i given tip. .. - UVLLliWj . .! ft v t..,.. .1....... . , . . 1 r 1 1 .,. , - I " . a ,im l'i i.i', i.iictiniv pi'.Uiire,, II V lean i ;;iea;vr than I. My cnltimi lias Umi to i A i ine,i,vi ol' the Asl,!-,iiic imr 10,1 iiesuov men s lives, Mitt tuts liietlieuiv is must iu,eni, mil anil lier, v Hat p ipi 1 1, co OTICIi. a victorious savior td men, xc without it nKain." 1 Khali never il&w criim all nreesft.iry Hlnt. liii out mid now nil ill ntt ml to nil inv bUMiien. ' office in 011 s.il,-nt Jhe ulliiv of the Cli-lziiN Peliuiol- Wollc tmiliimit NO Co., No. n Nottli Cotnl Siuiitr. Imnintl inarVdat W O -TVOLl'B J. V. BROWN Will continue the undertaker', busincs.at his old stand ovrr J. K. Dlekerson&Co.'a Hardware Ftor-.-, under the firm name of J. V. I5UOWN & CO, HnvlnR thirty years' einerlenee as under- i taker nnd embaliiier, an 1 unciiualed faeilllies for buyitiR, can safely guarnntcc satisfnetion. A'nlls irromptly attended to at all hours. I Everything pertaining to the business nl- Iw.rioBhaud. . febi3dr,m N Will collect debts for anyone in the city for percent. Cood facilities for rent in 1; niulcol ieetinK rents on houses. Will sell furniture on weekly payments. J. H. JOHNSON. At llliur's Purniture Store, .'17 Pntton Avenue. References ui v-en. n,nr1 4.ild,n 1 'any denier says lie hna tho V. I. DonclM Shoes wllliout uaiuo nod price stumped on the bottom, put him down as a fraud. W. L DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CENTLEMEN. ... J1'?'.'" "", world. Tlxamlsn hi gS.OO OKNIUNr: II AN l-SliW KI MIOE. H4.0U II NI-H1SVHI 1 IT.SHOK. fl.BO l'OI.K I; AM) fA It l HtS' HIIOK. 4.r.O j:X Till VAI t VM V MIOJS. '. WORKlNOM-tN'S MIOK. Holland t 1. 7.1 IIOYM' Kf'lHMir, SHOES. All niuile in Ceu.vi-eiis, liiitton mid Lace. W. L. DOUGLAS' sW FOR LADIES. Beet Matorlal. Itest Etvln. Beat FiUinC U out sold by yuar dealer, write W. L. DOL'ULAtj, ItUOCKTUN. MAS& For salt bv HEHIUN'G & WEAVER, SO South Main Street, Asheville, X. C. janl'Jdly . . .-.'., , , v 1 vi'VI FHtfT'i Hrrnrie h s eiired mo ot a ni-.aim-1 lir-.-i'.i- .. ! ca in jr lei(, Hindi Mined i.iloleruii:!' p.. 1. II. wae Mini Kezi-ma ly (lie tl i :i fjur of iinm trcnte.l rj,e vn'i l: 1 n-;if. I eandiillr Confess tlmt 1 owe i;: t preseut pood lieull n o 8, K. H., 1 liK ', i i my etlimallou Is luvoloaWcaa ti liin . I lenmly. Jiis .liibu DsWitt, VOX V. 10t Ii t L, HU Louis Mo, Our babr tvhen two months old wns jtUekrd with ferofiita. which for almiS KJr A tinicdertrovrd lier fycslirtit entirely, ana R"'n ,lliil lift lit d. -milft nf li..r Ufa. ThO dilonhiled to relieve her, end f'v0 hwirr's t.piieirie, w'dch aooii eared lier entirely, and shell row bnl and fenny. a. V. Dti.K, WlH'a J'olnl, Tcsus. lfr"Scnd for book elvlni hlftnrr tills! Llieasi-s and a,rvlco lo FiiOerers, Dialled Ires. j ui pwirr DrM'ine e Drawer 3, Atlanta, ua ineJIOehrod (-w,.--.----.'---rr",i"-1i"T'!""1''I!

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