L .... - ' f' - ! 'j H " rl fr.t x L f royal f;; ' j , f Is f'i'.W ; S AT THE FEP.riY" Absolutely Pure. Thi puwi'rr never vnriei. A marvel of pur ity, strength nml wholcsomcucRS. More ciro-nom:-al than tin ordinary kinds, and etui not be so, in competition with the multitude of low tent, short Wright alum or jihnsphatc PowiUm. Sold only in cans. Kuyai, Daki.no owhiiR Co., HfO Wall St., New York. . l&wtaprl7 PKOFliSSIOXAL CARDS. Thko. I Davidson, Thus. A.Jones Raleigh. Jas, O. Martin, AshcviUe. Ashevillc. JJAVIDSON, MARTIN & JOXISS, Attorneys and Councilors nt Law, Anheviilc, N. C. "WiW prut ice in the 11th nr.d 1'Jth Judicial ,., Districts. rd i,l the Supreme Court of North "mroIina. and in the Kedcral Coitus ot the -fWeatcni District 01 Pfortlt Carolina Kci'er to Hank of Asheviik (It sol JUMl-RC. MARTIN, . x Att.'trney j;t Law, Aslu-vil'o, N.C. Tilivs and Convoya;icin;; a fc.tn'ci.'tv. Co!- lecti''r." i:kuU-. I'r.'iciic'ft ill all the court a, tii:'i:;:: With Uuiit V-vurur, Mtl.mid !..iv r;r."utitiK. duio'.s . CIIAS. A. WOOKK. M'I-1- MKUKiCK. Attorney and Counsellors at Law. A;dicvilk N,C. ' I'rfU'ti.v u tlu T'nitcd fctitti-s Chcuit arid DiKtrir0Hirt!t tit A htitle, MaU'svil'c, Char lotte :md vire-'i'a".i,1:i Uk t'a ireme Court at Uai'-Vh, aiui in tUc courts of th;' Twelith judical District of la? State of North Caro. inn. HiKci.il atU'iiUtm sv'iit t el levin... ol c luii!4 l'i't tiiL'rsluT) tl-.ic? not evt 'iid t: practice in Buneomhtf Iinno, Court. tUocii T. U. COIHt. j 0. MHKtimoN. onn cz Mi::iKl.MoN, Attorney and CmurcUoni at hnw! 1'ifu'tice in all tlx eour'.a. Odice: Nus. 7 and Johnston lmiMiii;r. VV. V. JONKi; TTONIJS .S: SIIL'I'OIiD. GKIK A. PlIUI ORD. J Attorneys at Law, AsV-ville, N. C J'rietics in the S tcriof Courts ol Western - North- Carolina, tne hninxnie -Court of thi Stat mid the Federal Courts at Asheville. Olhee in ,fuhi.tn huil.Hn-j, where one mem ber ot the linn cju al wn v hv found. Ik n ItlNS'iMXIi JUNKS, Aim:: in a.Si cocnshu.ok at law, ASUI-VlU.Ii, S. C I'r.ieii.'i :: tin- I'liilci! StitU-s Circuit Tilbl 'istrk't Cnui-f-i ;il A -iK-vilU-. ill tt:c .uproii;. Ll.iir.'t :it I'm M ili, and in Uic C"iinn u:' 1 !i Tivt'ith jtvIU-ial IMtrK-t ..fthcStatci.f vortii J:i roHfwi. t - .-h iv. a:: ycrvi: tnrt-- liiiiv.l. . ian2:Viil Z'MV.l f.OO.MC, . HO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST. O.vr G::u:l . 11 M Dnilf L's Dr-.is Stor.-. St. Mil Oil ly K.-l.lci. N.i V? 11. KUEVi;;-., D. I). S. fil CmifiaHy 'nil.li!i;:, over U.-ilwooii's Store I'atton Avenue. d.-iadl y frr F. liiJuow. m. i. N :v.- Oraml Ccr.lnil .liuildin;;, over lli Ulotiiiiig rtore. J- HOU' ltt'MNKSH INK I'l.IMStm: I He Vnu Wml.l Tliii.V, l l.ri,! v. ..ii ( l li'iiiy. I, Ml TIl.i I. S,,t v,.. Gn,;!:io v.oi III u! (h n :ii-i. The (.'T" u-y linn up (.n t!,n i;r,i cur Hit s, i:l H'," :.lioui. ,1 a linv ii-, j, nl li; u ivtimUvil liiil tit iho lux in ti.e ffi-rv liu:i-.o lit U,.- loot of r.,,o- veil stivrt yt(opil.iy. "Can't lo it," Mid the forrv nwslor; .'-'liavi'n t pit Vtn lo sjKii'O." "Wlmt'ro you givm' il,':" I'ltui-iid! tlio boy a-i heauuiii dovil his dirtv (inpew arouml the bill. 'You've Ki't ili-ad loads of Vni over Ihfiv, .imiIv you're tmi uifau lo jrlvo Vm la ii fel tow. mi mis tne Uoy laud' maooatitl dartcil iuto llie.stii i.t Nearly cverv ouo imn-im-s that wo hnve ennios by tin- thn'iv.ml," said the forry muster , a Sun Veportor, "buttho fact is wo'ra utarlv always short of pennies.'' "And doing a pemiy biuiinuw, to) It dop-irt soui possible." "I ktV.v it doesn't, but 1 can mako you understand it very tUsily. Just stand hero for ten minute s tiud keep tracK oi uid monev 1 tuiie m. uml vou It i-l!'! l.ll .'I 1 :naTal! docs. audi alv:i :t v.l.u '.!;. lie is the V. il Tie'.ets I I'iVd. H- r.iri'l . ;n wears 1 .e urn'. Ii'il i lliii:!;:i he s ,M i;e I tu Harnard bail. IMMllt ' .'. I'.iM; iii'j lioti!,., iSiiare, al I- THE PAGODA AT RANGOON. THE WOMEN OF FRANCE. MISCELLANEOUS. tMiay? :s "Dm- t-iwn is iiuieh iiuiix . r. siKToti.s than y.iuis. Our i:iiiKlci''ii a'.iry is nearly twiee as mm-li." Jenkins -"IVi liiips so; lust ouri'etslils uioiiey." A full line uf J. r.-mst & S'l is' custom made dents', badie.-i' and ii jjri- Slices, all waiTanled, rati lirnwii, Giuli;er ccCo.V. Cliildren's t'tmnd at A writer says: When talking to a pretty jjirl, keep llw lips aiiart." 'I'liat fellow doesn't liall tnnh rstaad his busi ness. L Advice to SlotlicTH. Mrs. Wiiwlow's Soothing Syriuish.ould always lie used for ehildreu uetkin,!;. It soothes the child, sohtns the jri'ins, al lays idl pniii, cures wind colic, and isthc best venieilv lor diurrhieMi. 2m. abottie. can lk'tire il out. The reporter kept tally as directed. In ten minutes forty-esix persons passed tlio box. The larfrest bill that was of fered was a $2 bill. Two fares were taken out, and four pennies had to go with the 41.5)1 change. Uno faro was taken out of n$l bill, and two pen nies went with ilio IT cents change. Four lifty -cent pieces for four fares en tailed n outgo -of two pennies in tho forty -seven cents change to each pas senger. Threo single ftires wero taken from threo quariei's, and the change in each instance' contained two pen nies. Tuvhtber quarters were offered itnd two fares were taken from eacll. tnakiug necessary, the return in lht chan;;v of eight pennies. Four dimes were oli'ercd foV four single fares, nnd eight pemiie:; went in the change, and two dimes for two fares each required tho -return of ight iiennies more. OHigle f :cs wero taken from eleven 1 I1'-- .! H. live cent p'-ccs, aiul twenty .vo .eiv flies went in chaiij-o, Thirteen passen gei.3 laid down i.. vc pennies each us they pr.ised. This buaines) occupied just ton mimites, and a single examination sliowshow it affected the stock of pen nies. bixly-ixio pennies were paid out to make pettier change, ami only thirty nino were reeeivotl, showing a decren'se of twenty-seven pennies. When tha ferry ina.iter had a inin ute f leisure ho looked nl the figures. "That U a little above our nt i rage,'' he said. "Wo usually pay out from ICO to 150 muro pennies an hour than are received. Our bigge&t outo is ott Sundays mid holidays. Then we start ofl with 30 in pennies, nnd beforo tlio dav isdono wo frequently runshort" New York Bun. Man Help! Help! Save me, sonny. I'm drowning. IioyCan't do it, boss. . Had said he'd skin me il 1 went on the ice any more. lsiieiinta, nenpnlr, iK-ntl:. - Tiice arc the actual steps v.dncli follow indigestion. 'Acker's IIii.-lir.li HysM.psia Tablets will both cheek and cure this most fearful lof diseases. Guaranteed by T. C. Smith & Co. New Vork. Weekly: .liuks-"llello, Blinks! Hear you had u Rreat time Ret timr married eloiied with the girl fatlitr nnd miither furious gave chnse, hut they didn't catch you, did they?" I'.links (sadly I No-o," " There inv times when a leeliugof lassi tude will overcome tlieniosi robes'., when ti.'; system er.'ues for pure blood, to fur nish the dementi: e'l health and strength. Tlie Ix-st remedy i'n' ntirUvjug the Hood Lean's t-'ars.ipau'la. . jor : n mis. what t unr 1 gave you : I u.ni'i think ol it it 7d 1 in A H:NN8N'T. r ' Architect hskS Coulratiar. l'liins, s;.eeitications nnd estimates Cur-. llKlied. AH work in lily line coutraeted lor, unit no eliinsn.8 for drnwiiiK on contract! o warded mc. Uelei'ences w hen desired. Offiee: No. 11! Hcn:lr l'.loel'., North Cmie .S juniv, Ashtvilic, N. fcblDJly J- Vi KAMPAV.i. W.sT". , tO::i-:'l ' isetUal Office i BIu Cnrnard Hiiiidiiii,- KiUrnnetp, ration Avenue iind Mdta Street, fc'i'-'tidl v . ; , . Ono II nnd red mitl Eaten Ycnra Old. In small cottage way out in tlio, suburbs of New Orleans, where ti:e air in pure uud tho ruUdoncc uro acarce-t there departetl this life recently c.t tho wonderful old t:go of 107 years Clem-, cutino Iiindry, icr over 10 years a resident of Kcw Orleans. This aged colored woman was born in St. James parish during the year ITi.-.', and sti-tngo to say lias never left her nstivo (rttite silica tliut time. Her many chil dren and grandchildren remember hearing tho old lady speak of Gen. An drew Jackson's great victory ut Chnl me'to nnd tho ontlmiiiastk; mmmcr in which ho was received by tho popu lace, and tho many other- incident?) of the long ago that arc only remembered by a fdw. During tho days of slavery Clcmcutino Landry was owned by Ilr. Vallerio Gaudet, vX that timo u promi nent citizen of Kcw Orleans. At tho timo of death tho members of her fam ily amounted to about llfty persons, among whom thero aro at present liv ing four of her children, the oldest of whom 19 70, eleven grandchildren ranging between tho years of L'O and S3, and twenty-four great-grandchildren between tho aea of 13 and U. Herald of Health. Stofah: 1 s : lio you tlm.K ol laat li.nvkiiis I wcakir) at nil. I'm trying to forget it. tiiek lieadnehe, I ili n.sr.ess. eansea, cos-livcuei:-, are nr.iniiittv a'reea!i!v 1) ii'ishcd by Dr. J. U. l.ea.iV. hive: ai.d Kidney I'ihets i little piiis. ). ' . Western, eonstilaei.t -"S ) you'ie a Democrat ? (live mc vonr liaad!" Wnsh iugton llelle (abK-n'.-mimli dh'V "Ask rim." Flatt'.liiic E'ir' in tiic VeliiM. We hold positive proof that Acker's English Wood lvlixir i-nus nil blood poi sons where cheap sars.'iparillas and so-, called purifiers fail. .Knowing this, we will sell it lo all who call nt our fiore on a positive guarantee. 1 . L. Nmlli iY to. Kditor of Fashion Journal (lo assist ant): We ought to have mi article oil How to l'ut on Cloves. V..o ....aid you lecommcud to write il ? A?tstttHitKtiirr3nhn l.tiiillivmi. rjaH'jijiii ;vieisi citttcr iiiK'ruc- . . Uoii I-t.n.iisst.. Tlirnuliic Ooll un.l Sllxrr lulu CrurllilM In Mako a lllril a Wing. Acorre iponilen', of nn Indian paper describes a ceremony which took phico I at Kaiigoon. It hceins that in n re cent eirthquuko tho bird's wing of gold unci precious stones crowning the great lUngoon pagoda was thrown down nnd injured. Tho trustees of tho building called on the people for subscriptions for a new ono, nnd in threo weeks a sum of nboiit Hl.tKK) rupceet wns collected. It was notified that tho melting of tho gold and silver would tako place and that it would be tho last opportunity of contributing, hi ono of the largo rooms of tho .uigoda two largo cruci bles , wero placed, one for gold, tho other for silver. Hundreds of men and women, girls boys aid small chil dren passed by, dropping their silver or gold ornaments into tho crucibles, or handing their precious stones to the clerk for tho purpose of being set in the bird's wing. Women gaylv dreised and covered with jewels panted by, and, taking a couple of gold bangles from each nrm, throw them into the not, or tlicy toon oir rings, and, handing tho stones to the clerk, added the gold to tho melting mass. Those who had no gold put ru tiCii coins into the silver crucibles nnd handed over others to tho clerk for tho use of thepagoda; even the beg gars canio and added their mites. All parted with their treasuro with out a sigh, and, in fact, seemed glad togivo it for such' a devout purpose. All their good deeds aro so many rungs niounteil on tlio ladder towards heaven. 'The Shans went in a body of twenty men ami presented a diamond weighing seventy-live carats, which is to bo placed us tho chief ornament ill the wing. Tho silver melted amounted to 7,!5SO ruiiees, that collect ed to 3,523 rupees- tho gold melted to KJ.SOO rupees, nnu tho precious stones given wero valued ct zU.OOO runccs. Tho wing that fell down was valued at 122, 50(1 ruK.es, and tho one to replace it will no worthuu.uuu rupees. -.The umbrella ornament at tho top of tho same pagoda (the Sha w-da-goan) is fcakl to have cost King Mindino Min six lacs of rupees. It is of pure gold, ricuiy sci wuii gems, aim is actually (ifteen feel high, although at iu pres ent elevation it does not seem two feet. Tho pagoda itself is S28 feet high, and tno hillock on which it stands is uhout 1Q0 feet. . Tho pagoda is surrounded by tho barracks of tho British troops, and the magazines ore said to bo iu tho hillocks on which it is built. St. James' Gazette. A Soldlcrs Romance. IMulitl of lh CUIra Tlial Thar So Munjr Mwlciipt Among TIkiu. Do not trust our newspapers. Above all shun those journals which pretend to describe society. . Tlio society thai they kuow, tb ouly society that they ran describe, is not society nt nil ; it is Uoiicmia. luey uuk, it is true, or a live duchess, but they havo only seen their duchess from a distance. She was in her box, they were all away below in tlio stalls. The woman whom they really know is Marguerite Gau tier, and ami it is Marguerite to whom they as sign the ducal name Most frequently they do not even tako the trouble to And a fictitious trademark for their wares; they fur nish vou without disc-uise. with the scandal of tho world of pleasure, a per fect series or orgies, a liacclianalia or courtesans. Thereupon you say to your self, ibis is a great uabylonl indeed it is not; it is only a tiny corner of Babylon, no bigger than a nutshell a tiny corner, such as may be found In London, in Rome or in Vienna. This corner is a trifle larger in propor tion as the town is more famous and attracts more foreigners. But this is not the immorality of Paris, it is the immorality of the world i nay, it is not Paris nor is it the Parisian woman. There is no more amusing madcap than the Parisian courtesan, and no more sensible and charming person than -the Parisian woman. Tlio two exist in two dis tinct worlds, and have nothing in com mon excopt thoir hats. We have, at tho outside, J.000 or 3,000 of the madcaps, reckoning in that number thoso who are oo the border line and who have one foot in each of the two worlds. It is a largo number, but only think wnai a Host or foreigners come to us. And yet tho madca attract more attention than our BOO, vou virtuous ransian women ami our 20,000.000 virtuous French women. Foreigners aro not tho only persons who muko a mistake about this mailer. In Franco itself tho novel makes such a fuss that many Frenchmen fancy that tho ouo class of women is the other. Our excellent littlo middle class women are judged by tuo standard of "Indiana." Fifty years ago thev were n . , ... I nit reading inaiuna wun fervor, rorcing tnemselvea lo find their own imago in it, Just as at the present day wo force ourselves for an hour or so to believe that Francois le Champi's peasants are men or nesn and blood. Nay, my dear ladiesLVou are not such Indianas nor such Francillons as all that. When you aro to see Francillon on the stago vou are to charmed with the nappy ending or the third act that Contains More Llthta Than Amy Other Water Vet covered. Open to-day from s."0 a. ami from 1 .ill) to o. 'ID p. r. respectfully invited. No. street. Sic sitiu over door. , in., to U, i. All ladies til, Colieee in:: is aa awful The sell'lositi' door ntri-ravation to the men wli out of yoi;r office 'ir.d aad will:! to slam the door. Ilc'.lerTtiiiii 141ool Ilatl!e:i. General Whcr'ieroft Nelson s-iyr: ' My expeiienee in the I'ltgliv-h siriny es v.vM as in America, convince.! etc ihat nothing m pitrifics'thc blood or adds to tne he.dili. vigor and life as Acker' laiglish lllnid hlixir." This great remedy is sold nadi r n positive guarantee bv T. C. Smi.li & Co. Col. Graves, speuker of the lower you forgive the Improbabilities of the oiner two. ueiinao maintains that your French virtue if a steadily di minishing quantity ; but at all events vou cling to what remains of it. Still, I am only now speaking of fashionable Parisian ladies, for the others keen simply to the old standard. Vico re quires littlo time to blossom, but it taxes long to spread lit roots. iort- mghtly Review. houso of tho Minnesota legislature. has had a strangely romantic career. He was agallant soldier in tho late civil war, and aroso from a privafo to the rank of colonel. Gen. Terry has re cently said of Col. Graves that he was one of tho bravest and shrewdest of the colonels with w hoso careers ho be; came familiar during tho war. "He's small in stature," said tho general, "but he was a groat lighter." Col. Graves first met uis wife upou a southern battlefield. Sho is tho daughter of Gen. Tntmaii, and she was tho wife of another man tho day sho lire t saw Col. Gmvoa. Theirmeet- ing was both sad and romantic. Her husband had been fatally shot, and winio sue stood hv luiiRidein anguish, waiting for tho last heart throb she knew must conic very soon, Col Graves was brought in. Ho was in 'K-miblo from :i fearful wound iu tho ISSL'k'ASCB... JflKt! !XSt:i4AXCE. 'firm life, accident. PULLLAM & CO. At the Dnnk of Asheville. ASHKVllJ.U, -N. C. - Represent the following companies, vis. :' FIHB. CASH ASSETS IN 11. . AiikIo Ncvnda, nf Cniifuruia, S'J. 4117,8:13 Continental, of New Yortl.,.. 4,K"n,02:i II nmliurtf-Ilrcmcn, of Clornmuy 1 ,1 HO, 004 London Assurunee. of lillglnnd 1 X V,WTi Ninjcnra, of biew York 11,2:17, iliy Orient, of Hartford l,GU7,00a Phinnix, of BrTioklvn .-. G,IK',1 71) 8:. Paul I'ire nnd .Murine, of Min- nenoto, : 1,51 ,001 Southern, of New Orleans 41si,nH( Wctern, ot Toronto l,oni,i!3a Mutual Accident Aswoclntlon. J Ktnn. I.Hc Insurance CotniKiiiy. " dtmarSO liinplrstlcii from Dreuuij. Binco Robert Louis Stevenson wroto "A Chapter on Dreams," audgt.ve the littlo Brownies of hia sleeping . brain tho credit of many of tho faiicii: :l cre ations of his waking hours, icve.al well known novelists havo iva-owl-edged to tho dret-.tuiug of Tlio Duchess, iu a recent newcp&per ar ticle, wrota that tit least two-thirc' a of tho innumerable characters v.'ho li'.ira iu her iiinuiucrablo uovtls liavo been spun from the etuli' which drex.ua uro mado of, and if Kho meets an iuercst infi. man or 'woman, who is in tho least Etiggealivo of iiiutei i:d, and goea to sleep with thin r.ov,' piuv.otudity resWy p'.iote-re.p'i'.e.l in lier mental camera, i-lio is nrctty Kf.ro to drcatn it up into Eihapa licforo tho tUv.vii of da;'. Cur re ul Litcruttuv. Tho J.'oinejiaa rniaaut. Tlio Koi we-inn pc.-.sant has n do cided cptitudo for- tr.-.diug and for travel, r.ud in. consequontly naturr.Uy inclined to l;iiovvled. dv.c;'.tioti i tnakins tteady pvs.'.'i't.'EJ in tho coun try ; every ouo can iviid and write, and on every I'arms'.ead one or mora ufiws paperj civ regulurly tuUeu. Tho'hus-uitaad-ttcimuta or coti-ofs) oven aro bo- friniuug ta Buuixniw w iiowopapcra Thealistnl-ininded pickpocket r that he had manv inomentu of lion. Iflieidthand life are worth anything, and yon are leeling on't of sort- atnl tired out, lone up your system by t.ikin;:' Dr. . II. ".lebeaa's S.os.'ipaiilia. Aiigelin i Certainly. When yoarswect- liearl grows cold vou r.re .jus! iin :t m tiring liini. I.pocli. The tiansiiion from loa". liugeringaud painful sickness to vohui-.t health marks an epoch in the lifcoflhc individual. Such I a remarkable event is treasured iu the memory nnd the aeer.cv wheveiiv the good health has been attained is grate fully blessed. Hence it is that so much is heard iu praise of l lie nieelri.- Bitters. So many led they owe their restoration to health, to the" use of the (heat Alter ative anil Tonic, If you are tumbled with any disease of Kidneys, l.iier or Stomach, of long or sl'ort standing, yon will surely find relief 1-y use of lileelric Hitlers. Sold at Me. a'nd !?1 per bottle at F. I. Jacobs'. John Wanainaker l.e.na'1 liie without a dollar in his ii'iekei. So did we. Come on witiiout portlo'li i. Diziiiucs?, nan-en, lrwtiuc.-t, diitus after eating, can i.e eared and pivvenied by taking lr,J. II. 4M:i.c ill's Liver and. Kidney l'ilkts (little pills.) I lady wjio is now his wifo becamo ac ; ununited under circumstances most terrible, but later on the friendship l ined j ripened into love. Mrs. Graves is her niiac-! husband's senior by fifteen years. She I is nn estimable lady, and is' highly cs- loomen in .eniin i ny society and charitable circles. It i.i probaoy not lifii ur.s finitlly snveil by the insertion ol a s ilver tune into tho bullet wound which passed through tho left lung. Apparently tho wound does not trouble him now. Ho is a very active man, and Ins general amiearanco in dieatesthe healthv, well kept business i man ot sii. :,iiiineanolis Journal 110O i(!!00 LITIl IVATEH, 7rom lloutul Knob Mineral iiiirlns, EIc- Dowcll County, N. C. DIRECTIONS, Drink fm-l.y of this to the exclusion of all other water. 4 'our to six goblet a prr (lay give best results. Send all orders to T. C. SMITH & CO , DRUGGISTS, - - Asheville, N. C. ', General Agents for North Carolina. None genuine without our label. Iteware of spurious im itations. BLWR FURNITURE COMPANY, NO. 37 PATT0N AVENUE, Wholesale and llctail Furniture Dealers, And Ifiirtcrtakem. Prompt attention given to all orders day or night, Residence i 39 Penlanrt Street fcbidiy- SitiU' .1 i the When a married look after tier ri; usuallv left at lion worn; flits, i e with n lines out to ..-r liiiihand is his wrongs. . - THE ' EQUITABLE LIFE Apsiirnnce Society ' orTliscurrnDiiTATin. - Awt $.-;,oji,22.36 KTl"" , zo,74.73.i!; (Lwr tlimeiiuv utlierConiniinv l O tttiuuliiiKAswuuec...$:vi,ait,li6.00 wltu; H,,H. I3.1.9.IJ..VJ5.O0 Tontine Policies wltli in uiul "JO year tw- r od are the most popular anil profitable 'nil ui HHsurancc. For examples, rate, etc., confer with 13. 1. niouroc, AkU, . A.i,vitii. n r OBicc with Juilce Anton. Icb23ilt!iii ooka they cau get from tho pariuli li brary, or voi,' often limy buy thcinfor Ihcmcelve.s. Tito lacdu-u literature) of tho couittrv has penetrated into every valley, aiKl: is now .generally toujjht by tho wcil u uoa'uioii' tho Ssuautry. llaricr'a .iiagaziue. yE. WOI.FB. PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL TUSTEHER. - All liiiuls of cement woi k oomc. InhlnnK anil kalnoiululiiii oionoitlv nl t adeil lo. " "enl.lenrr. fl:o ton St. )nhr enn Le left W til W . 11 W'. inll - t'o. O-hlicllim fT-er.Llns In lliu fjinsulur. TliatAvorlhy chip of on old block, Dtunai. :lio yotiugor, inherited no sinaU hhuru ol ,thu p.'.tonnJ gift of K partec. Jlany year n;;'u, when tho pair wero traveling in Spain, they i-mo to u part of Alio country said toby itifebtstl by brigand;;. " VV" hat idiota we were, " cs clutnted 1unius tho mm, "to forgcl our pistols I" "You might as well speak in Iho Lingular ntuiibia'," quietly tug gcstoil Dumau tlio fati'.err "True," re plied Iho son, with a smile, "i idr.nd corrected.- I ought to havo s:'.id, what nu idiot yon wero to l'orgct thttn !" San 1 ruueisco Argonaut. How noctorn Conquer 3. :h'!i." Doctor Walter K. IlatittnotK' rays: "After a lorn: experience I have c?mo to the coiH'lasion that two-Uiirds of nil tin deaths from coughs, pneumonia n iu con- Riimjitioii nnglit be nvonled it . icncr s limiiish Cfiugh Hetuedy were only, care fully used iu time." This womlerlu" Kcui cdv is sold under a positive gwirantcc by T.'C. SniiLh U: Co. Tiicir ltnlus) Hoouilnj,. " Proliahly no one thing lias caused su'di n general revival ot trade- at i. L.Jacob s drug store as their givim; away to their customers of so many free tiial bottles of Dr. King's Mew Discovery for Consrmm tion. Their trade is s'miply cnoraioiin in in this very valuable article from the fact that it always cures and never disap points. Cinmhs, Colds, Asthma, Iirou- ehiiis, Croup, and all throat and lung disease!! tpueirly cured. You can test il before buying by getting a trial bottle fiee, lai'ge..ji!.e ..JL.. livery boUle war ranted. She (looking up Irom paper! Well, trul h is stranger than fiction. lie (throwing paper on ground ) Yes? and a darned sight rarer. liven the. most vigorous and lie.-.rty people have at times a IW-ling of weari ness nnd lassitude.. To di'pcl this Uxiiug take Dr. J. II. McLean's San.nparilia; it will impart vigortind vitfdily. Mrs. fsancsoti"Meiii t.?nr, lecd'c Isaac vnnts von new vlanncl shirt. Mr. Isaacson Yell, I'm vent ing von off dem vdty-cent iion-shriukablc vons, mid veil id is vashed leedlc Isaac gau hafid. Build lag kJM. Tbo business of building shins has prospered in Great Britain dunnff the past year. It is a uoble trade, ana em ploys a large number or ine most skill- nil mechanics, un the little river r'u1 . .JV"""". . ic.ei.n KHO munched in ltioH, of winch 175 were steamers and 127 were sailing ships. ir i . i- ii, most of me steamers were cunt or stoel. which has now become tlio favor- u . K. . . - I .1. . . ', i . iii... t,l n. , n.. I no umwi uiuiii uiiy vwutll. niiwn.ii. iiiiooui, vjiravesuiiu lue .1- m-. ifiif . I t vu U19 iiui ioj twui wcrv UUllft aunng um year, ana on mt wear 70, mattmg a toui or BU. llieso vessels alone would form very imposing fleet, and nearly all of them were uesijmed for commercial purpose. Great as the number of new vessels wee. It does little more than make good the losses in the Brit ish shiDDinu list br wreck and deoav. Moreovor, a oonuaaraDie nam dot or theso vessels were built for forokrn flims and fforernmenst, In any part of the world, if any on wants u pood steamer built h think first of tho srest shlD buUdinii Anna in the north of Britain, and one of them Is pretty sure to vet the contract Thoro was a time when the United States took the lead in this magnificent kiuu oi manufacture, anu people in England went down to the dock in Liverpool and London juit to see the beautiful clippors built on tho Herri inne, tho Hudson and the Eennebeo. It should be to, and will bo o again, wo truL before many year have passed. Youth' Companion. BmI Xt lrtnrM. Vheu Ealuh Red bought hi father' freedom of William le Butler. William guvo him uu acknowledgment for tho money and u written cerutloate or tno IraiiKaction, but. he did not sign hia iiuuie. Iu thoso day nobody signed thoir uanies, tot bouaus they could not writo, for 1 suspeot that just as largo u proportion of people ill Eng land could write well 000 year ago us could huve done so forty yoartairo. but because it wo not the fashion tu sign ouo tuune. instead or doing that everybody who was a freemau and u niuii of substance, in executing any legal document, aflbted to it his seal, and that stood for hi usrnaturo. People always carried theij-aeus about with mem tu a pun or small bag, and it was no uncommon thing for a nickuockct to cut off this baa and run away with th teal, and thus put the owner to very serious inconvenience. Tliis was what actually did happen onco to William le Butler's father-in- law, Ho was a certain Sir Richard 15el house, and he lived at North Tud denham, near Dereham. Sir Richard was high sheriff for . (be counties of Norfolk and Suffolk in 1391, and hi duties brought him into court ou Jau. 85 of that year beforo ono of tha lud'res at Westminster. I suppose while boiling, the stirring being after- tho court was crowded, and in tha ward continued until cold. Tho com- crowd some rogue cutoff Sir Bichord'e purao and niaue off with nu teal, I never heard that be got it back again. Historic Essays, En v. Augustus Jcs- 1'P . . ' . ASHEVILLE MUSIC HOUSE, . 35 North Main Street. Pianos A. B. Chase, Smith, Chickering from $225 to $000, according to make and Btyle On Instalments. Organs Mason and Hamlin, Wilcox & White, Kimball. Every Instrument Warranted for Six Years From $io to $150 Sold likewise on Instnl- nients. - Banjos From $2.50 to $12.00. Gultars-From $5.00 to $25.00. Violins From $2.50 to $25.00. Flutes, Harps, Accordcons, &c. Strings lor all instruments, warranted not to break by projicr use. Tuning and Repairing by an expert. lenses, etc., address, jn201nmd&wly s For descriptions, catalogues, terms, blank C. TALK. "THE WINYAH SANITARIUM, " ASHEVILLE, N. C. Tho DnUolti litl-BOli. st got buck from a northwest said a drummer to his friend in presence of a Mail reporter. "I extended my run nnd went into Dakota and Montana. Stopped in Bismarck the other day, ami it was awfully cold. I was nearly frozen after hustling aifiund town, and stepped into the Sheridan house barroom to get a blood tingler. A moment later a man clad in shiny black broadcloth strode into the place. 1 1 is feet were encased in a pair of immense cowhide boots, from mo leg oi one i.i winch protruded a razor, a butcher's t 'leaver and a club, and from the other the half of u:;cvthe bittde nnd another club. 'Strap'A'.l to bin back was a Win ched; grille; a belt contained a revol ver i mnl u U?n inch bowie, On his left haf.d was a pair of steel knuckles, his right vvi i t was encircled by tho loop oi a ii'.-Mo'cfiltiu' sitoi and ho pointed a a.i eaiioeT jwoivcr nt tho crowd. " 'Dub Dloonier, you come hyerl' ho ordered. "The shrinking form of a coven foot bull whackerudvanced from the crowd. and Iho walking arsenal grasped him by tho neck nnu waltzed him out and down tho street. lour Biiernt goes loaded," 1 re marked to my right hand neighbor. " 'SherilV bo blowcdl' ho replied. inei yer is our new parson, an lie s a niidlcr. "No backslider gets away from mm.' uncago .Vlail. , . Wiu PlnUh for Wood. uno oi tno most satisiactory wax Iiiiuhcs for wood is niado by boiling a quarter oi a iwuna ot white wax wun ono ounco o: peanasii and one quart of water. It is to bo stirred CFIiE3 nOLUlWUOIlN, CAKED BAOS, ORUB ft HOOF DISEASE IN CATTLE 1 A young man in town kind of (i ir.rtre to save ga by moonlight alone.'' '. t;. "meet icst; her IlueUlt-ii'H Arnlcn Sdlve. The best salve ill the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, letter, chnppcd hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and poi ti'.ely citis piles, or no pay reipiired. It is mtrmtteed to rive iirt-fectratisfaetion, or mow v lelimdcd. Price 25 cents per j The farm r tills tie soil nnd the bur. I,..-: !'',r sale l,v I'. Jneobs. daw I glar roils the I il! position it to bo applied with a paint brush, ufter which tho surfaco is rub ied . until dry with velvet plush. ueeontior and Furnisher. Carelt-MM Motliere. Manv mothers have permitted their children to die before thcireves when they by intense study, thought, care, anxiety. mil' it nave ncen saved. Anv moiner etc.. nrc oiten ot tne most serious nu- who keeps house without n bottle of turc. Heed such, symptom as loss of Acker s l.ntr is Ii llaliv hootner nt memorv. universal lassittxlc. ntnre an iiand, runs a risk which she may softie ease, kidney complaints, liver troubles time reerret. It has saved the lives of I and a eener'nl break intr down of health thousands of children, and is doing so and strength. When thus afflicted, when The complicated diseases brought on every venr. In ' ' For side bv T. C, Smith & the least exertion causes irrcat fatigue. when life seems a burden, use the reliable strcilKthtnmg tonic. Brown s Iron Bit ters. It will afford you sure relief. For the reception of patients suffering of diseases of lungs and throat, and conducted upon the plan o( the sanitaircs at Gctdiersdorf and Fnlkcuslcin in Ger many. Ours is the only such institution in the United States, and endorsed by the leading mcmlx-rso the medical profession. Terms reasonable. KAKL YON RUCK, 11. S.. M. I). " SHEPAJ5D, MANK &-JOHNSTON, mi ?j c r a - n ii! p n t n n s 1 U il L il n im ej I il ! u i y ii vf K m B A L MING AND SIIIPPINO A SPECIALTY. 3I 31 P A T TON AVENUE. ji P. n. Brcwton will ntteinl Cal!4 Day and Night. tnnrSldly , ' 1'KOTBCTI.VO I'ROI'ERTY OWNERS, : THE "CAMARET" GUARANTEED ROOFING PLATES." We not only lve the purelinr the lient Hooting Plates, but wt protect fcUn I'lrnt By giving onr guarantee. Second Dy itamplng each rticeAvTlli brand and thlckstH. Third By eicluriing wnitei. Fourth By branding tht net weight ofthe 112 ihecti on tilt bos For tht benefit of thoc wanting the very bent RooRlng Platei, we snert, and are PR 8 PARED TO PKOVB, thut (excepting the "OllbcrUon'i Old Method") thm art no other brands of roofing tin being offered In the market to-day, by any firm, nnder the four dlftr. cut guarantees given above by this house, MERCHANT Jk CO. Philadelphia, New York, Chicago, London. d&wtaprl KlSlItJ l-IV'l 1 1 i V ir!ni:?f'i,tf :fl 18 FOIt MAM A lll'.AKT". TF.Xr.ThAll'.S UU.'iCLEii 1 tbltjj'lu TIBi VtUY BOMli ft 1 R , liiW ti O& tJ.i :.iSiKr.ii.8 ' U IU HDdt't.D Abu AYH l!!. Kt:i'T I rui'. KITCIIKN, KI'MlbK AND VACTOHV 1 Wmtm UfSILlEliT QUSTATiG LIIIU.'.EIIT cvM-A vn.r.A, ni;iiNs, cuts, rortNs, Ili;lTsm,('HlUILAlNS4FKOSTBITK8 1 1IEAI,8 INFLAMMATION, OLD SORE CAKED littBAbTti AlNtiKCX BITH1 1 J !8 LU3I0EIIT Lilil rtmi' V ltlIF.IIMATl.SM. LAMK BACK (JURKS FOOT EOT, KHOTJLDF.Tt-TtOT, ANU STIFF tTUIN IS. BtUHNHAUV HCUKW-WOBM AND SCAB IN bllEKF I