TIIU DAILY CITIZEN Vin be piildi-hed every morninfr feicept Mun tf t) at ttic lulluwing rau mrKf r m.' . Vriir Ill 00 r Months 3 IX) 1 ree Alnths l.AO ixi Mom h.... fiO OixHcrk 15 Unmnkn will deliver the paper every mmnn in every part of the eity to our eub acrilirrs, and parties wanliug it wilt pkaae call at the Citukm Office. lTATi:8VILI.I-; LANDMARK. A Bold, OuUpokeu IH-inocrallc Paper Alter Oar Own Heart. W especially admire and ojiirove of nn ctnwriui in ycaicruay .uaieiviiic Landmark. Like all that iti honest edi tor, Mr. JuKih I'. Caldwell, ever say or write, it li iilain, traiKhtlorward, and to the point. It mar be that we differ with Mr. Caldwell in some thine, but tar be it from us to attribute to him any other than honest view, or to threaten to "read him out, a the saving coes. "Read the Landmark out ol the Vcmo cretic party," quoth ye ? Well, we have known aome other men not nearly o able, but we hope oa sincere a Mr. Cald well, who were to tie "read out" became forsooth, tbev law fit to express nn opin ion on the expediency of certain measures dnnne tlmr tiemlency in the Legislature Mr. Caldwell ventured to dissent in opinion from Mr. Carlisle and Mr. Mills, and forthwith certain ol our htate pa per, said he must be "rend out of the Who, we ask, is authorized to do this wholesale "rending out ?" What does it mean that such men as Joe Caldwell are to be "read out ?" We know him to lie a straight-forward Democrat, no doubt more strict in his party views than some others, and prrhoiM appreciates more fully than they did, what, was best for both bis pnrty and bis nation. We are always willing to heed and try toairree with, such a man as that, but now ne is to be "read out of the party;" no doubt by men, like some of our friends, who are now democratic "all the way up, and all the way down," whatever that expres sion may mean. All we have to say is, that we can shake hands with Mr. Caldwell. We will try to do nothing to forfeit his Rood opinion. When we are ''rend out" we will bctr him not to be ashamed of us. When be is "read out" he may lie fully certain we will not be ashamed of him ; but we deorecate the dav when these self- appointed "readers" are allowed to as sume the belra of the Democratic party. Lest these expressions may not be thor oughly orthodox we athx our hand. , T. W. PATTON, The missions to Mexico, England and Spain are in reality the most important in the U. 9. diplomatic service. Fine Table Cutlery Cheap. A bigger bargain than ever before 20 sets (only) of fine Russell steel and ccllu old bandied) knives at $2 a a set. Thirty sets of fine white-handled knives nt $1.35, A few pairs fine carver to mutch, very low. Wonderfully low prices on best plated knives, forks and spoons. Rogers' triplt-platcd knives at $2 a set. Every' " thirijj in Crockery, Class and Lamps, at Law's, 87, 59 and 01 8. Main St. A CARD. Iamfow receiving; 'i new and Helocted stock of MILL! NEHY and NOTIONS wlii.1i was purchased for cah in (lie Northern markets by Alius Kate liolzeu, an experience. and popular Milliner from Ualtimore. who is with me and will take groat pleasure in waiting on her numerous customerst to whom she has given general satisfaction in price and tii.ntn. Thanking a kind public; for incur generous patronage ana Hoping to receive my share of the trade. 1 remain Itespectfullv, MISS NKLLIE LAllAKllE mar3dt)t CONTRACTORS. Proposals lor the erection of dwelling house for Jno. B. llrown. Ki.,onhls lot near "Beaumont" will be received by the umlcr- aixneuuii Apni d, tnnv, at tne western Car olina nans, where plans and spectHcatlous can be seen. J. R. KANKIN, marl HUH w ATTENTION! SPECULATORS AND HOME SEEKERS Viiu ran't Ami nny where nronud Ashcvllle a nicer or uiore convenient little home than the on I now lie to call vour attention to It contains 11) acres, one-half liottom, ilry and rich; comfortable house; nn eicellrn't young orchard, beginning to bear. plcntv of water, and good water. Nearlv all the lime set in lira., and clover. Bee the place There la a bargain la it. I am coins' West tma mast and will sell. I may be seen at Jam Uuttrick' store, West Knd Patton rftrrane. Kcapcrtiully, martirdM A. M. B A I.LEW. "A HBW DBK,cererulyprepared"blcad ! members or the Ashcvllle bar (on unci parcumem anil neavr nal paper), cor erlno all necessar nnliit. lu.t nut mul mw on sale at the office of the Citukn Publish. w Cn . Nn. a North Com .mure ,iiin ANTED. Rnrnlture and all kinds of household goods for which I will pay Ijlieral prices. 1 hose staring anything in the above line, which "7 ra oisiios. ol, will ao well to call on tone. p. 1 l.ANCK, Igal lluildlng, under Owyn West. U0d.1t ran lb. only. I PfKITIVF rriosTerAitnto AirHnoni nrUvllllK Osssrsl aa II KHVOUI USBlLITTi PJTTTe"P Wsskass sf lssyaiis Hits: Insets yU-aVliX'.flrrarssr Il(mun ia Oil or fousg, SaSsM, SnSto StlllmiR Ml.. M .rr4. Hi U Salain ui sivmsoti WBAK.t siHtvsuirvs uswiss a SAHTsar Bony, Hllll IIHSk TRSATSkllT IbwIH hi B Sf. bilMltnll Maw Tmlli. arf hnkalHMilH, tHHrinSia, aS, rIUiMull, ss rMlkBllS ssM) anss tMnm Ull lililUl CO., Sill I At, 1. 1 Mldnwlt tilth sat All eyes fitted and fit guaranteed. A com plete stock of the above gooils at GRANT'S DRUG STORE, 24 aoi'TII MAIN S.TBKRT Oculists prrscrlpttans a Scialty, fMa7dai T, i!cKEANii; ; -- MKHCIIANT TAILOR, NO. 10 I'ATTON AVltNUH, Beg to amtnnne that he has received hi aamplea for the ensuing siiring and summer and aaa the public to call and esauuie. PBCIAL ATTBNTION OIVRN TO CI.BAN , INO, RBPAIKINO AND ALTBHNU, kw"tT'Ars ashassaasaa if AKKKTM liV TF.IJKCKAFH. Money ana ttecisrltteav Cotton IrovlHlona and Prodgee. UOair AMDSSCUS1T1ES. KivYois, March 29.T-E ichange dull but steady to llrm t 8lltja.DV. Money easy, datl. Hub-Treasury l.nlances Oold, 182, H18, 0Hl; currency, SlU.tmrt.OlM). Government bonds, dull but steady per cents, $1 MVt; Vi per ccnta.f l.UM. blatc bonds, dull snd featureless. Ala.ClsssA 2a5 HIAiN. V, Central lOflV. Ala. Class B.6S..1I1 IN. Ac W. pld tia. 7s. niort m-iVi Northern rac. N.C. Cons., 6s...lS N. P. pld N. C. Cons., s I'HH I'aciflc Mail 8. C. Brown's... 104 Heading...- , 2.1 U snii 431 Tenn. Set., as 71iKicn. e All.. ViririniuGs 4H H. Ac W. Point.. 28 Virmiiia Cons... 31 Kock Island HI HC Paul 61i do pfd loo Tex. Pacific i TcunCoalAtlroa Union Pacific 6V N.J. Central...... S4 Mo. Pacific 6ft Westera Union.. IM Cotton-seed Oil Certificates.. . 6SH Northwestern ...10Ji do old .. .l.Ti Del Lack 18l Brie 7W East Tenn , Lake Shore 100v Lou. Ac Nasn ot Mem. & C har..... 66 Mob. ekOhio 10 Nash, at Chat... i)2W NOPac.lstmort 71VI COTTOg. Lirnrooi,, March 2ft. Noon Cot ton ?uiet. limited Inquiry American middling 8 1-16; sales 7,00(1; speculation and nport, 0OO., KeceipU, 2,00O Amerkan 3O.SI00. Future quiet but steady. 3 r. H. American middling, 811-18. Bales of to-day included, 6,300 American. March 644-A4 sellers: March and April 644-4, sell er; April and May, S 44-44, sellers; May and June S 44-04, buyers; June and July 0 4B-64, sellers; July and August 6 4S-64, buyers; Au gust and Beptemlicr 042-04, buyers; Septem ber and October S 20-04. sellers; September 6 42-04, buyers. Future closed quiet but steady. Nsw Yohk, March 29. Cotton Net re. cetpta 1 707; gross SN.'i7. Futures cloned quiet but steady. Hales S7, M00 bale. April 10 0710.0HlHrpt S.92a B 93 May lU.1310.14IOct.. Jnue...v... 10.21No. July 10.2N,Oe.., Aug ...10.33al0.34 Jan.. 0.72a 0 74 6Sa .6S 9 65a s ee 0.74a B.7S rOVISIOKS AND i-SODUCg. I.ouisvu.LS, March 29,-Oraln quiet Wheat No. 2 red 0S. Corn new No 3 mixed Oats No. 3 27. Proisioa arm. Bacon clear rib aides 7.2R; dear sides, 7.78. Bulk meats clear rilM 6.70. Mens pork 18.SO, ugar cured hams 10.6Oall.aS. Chose leaf lard 8. OS. Baltihoss, March 39. Flour dull and lower; Howard street and Western super 2.f7a3.AO; eslra 8.6Oa4.50; family 4.6Sa 9 28; city mills rio brand extra 8.80a6 80. Wheat Southern slow but suady, PulU OSal.OS; Longberry 9Hal ofl;Westeru Irmer: No. 2 winter red spot, March and April HOnBOV'i Cora Southern, active and firmer; white 41S43; yellow 8442; Western firmer. Cimcihmati, March 20. Flour dull and lower family 3.0Oa4.1O; fancy 4.804 68. Wheat dull No. 2 red 84. Cora dull and easier No. fl mixed 88. Oat dull and lower No. 2 mixed 27. Provision firm and unchanged. Whiskey quiet at 103. Hugs in good demand and Arm: toaimon ancT light 4.00a4HO; packing and butchers 4.HOa40S. C llic aoo, March 29. Cash quotations were nour steady anil unchanged. No. spring wheat, 1.03al.02i4; No. 2 red, 1.03 ai.u-iv. no. corn, s4m. no. a, uats, ao. Mess pork, 12 Hoata.Sft. Lard. 7. (18. Short rilM, 0 30a6.88; shoulders 8 BOa5,73; short clear 0.624. Whiskey, 103. ST. Louis, Mo March 29. Flonr dull but unchanged. Wheat higher No. 2 red cash U2; May U2lia94; June t)7tyi8V. Com eitreinely dull, No. a cash Atiril 2V.: May 80. OaU steady cash 3SVk: Mav 2(l',i. Whiskey steady at 1.03. Provisions steady nnd firm but quiet. Pork 13.00. Lard 8.7fla0 HO. Dry salt meat boxed shoulders fl.87Vi; longs 6.87Ha0.4O; clear ribs 6.45a0.S0; short clear 8 Oa6 07U. Ba con boxed shoulders 0.12V4; long 7; clear mis 7.UOB t. iu; snort clear T.ao; nams quiet but firm 0.78a9.7SV4. Nuw Vouk, March 20. Southern flonr weak. W hent Stiot dull; No. 2 red, March nnu Apm corn poi steady; No. a, t(,r nnlliina Arm b n.l ni.L. March and April 4214, . Ostsnrtjint dull snu heavy; options auii out easier, March, 80, flops quiet and steady. Coflee options clos ed steady at 8540 points below yesterday. Sugar raw firm and quiet. Molasses, foreign strong. 80 test. 2H2o. New Orleans dull. Petroleum, fair demand. Cottonseed oil strong crude 42U43; yellow no. Kosin steady and quiet. Turpentine, lower anddull. a, iiceiuuu. rreigntsstsaay. cottons leu, THE LOCAL MARKET. fCOSRKCTBD DAILT.l The following price can be obtained for country produce: Cubhngcs, nicely trimmed, per tb... lty Sorghum Molasses, per gal, ...........2830 runes tiucon, perm..,. .Mao Irish potatoes, per bu ..80atl8 W'heat, iier bu , ,.1.00 Flour, per cwt 3 60s3 60 Corn, (terbu AoaAS Chickens ....12HU20 Bggs, per doi.... 7,H liuttcr, per Iri , , 20a26 Turnips, ier bu .,..,.,.28 Carrots, per bu ,..,....70 Parsnips, perbu 70 Onions, perbu , 1.00 Cow Peas, per bu 7Bal.0O celery, per uuncn ,, 4 fk-ef, per lb gross , , ,..,.,....3a4 Mutton, per lb sross 8a4 Apple, per bu........ 781.00 'ucs , , .0028 Turkey, dressed,....,...,..,,..., ,,10 live 7Bal.28 Beans, per bu 1.00al.78 Onls, per bn , , 40a80 Uuy, per cwt..... ., 801,00 J. N. MORGAN & CO., No. 3 Barnard Building. School 'and College Text isookh, aiuiiiine. l'oetM, llw tory, Romance, Biography Travel nnd Novels. Fnmili llibles, S. S. Bibles and Test- ainentH, (.ixiord Teuchera' BibleH. Soncr Books of all kinds, la rpe stock Stationery, unuiK ihjokh ana umce and School Supplies. New line Ladies' and dents' Pocket, books jiiHt opened. Fancy uoous and ikmis. feblodlv INOT'S DENTIFRICE fLI5HiJ.J LELLU x ur y. Of ASSOLUTSLV PURC iNaKCDKNT. CAUTiriCS THE TCCTH. NCaCIVEtTHC CUM 8. SvVECTCNtTHC BREATH NO IWJUBY TO THE ENAMEL AFC AND A0tEABUt7" WITHOUT EQUAL AS A TOILET PREPARATION. PRICE tS CENTS PER BOTTLE. 0L0 IV ALL ORUaaitTB. I. H. WINKEI MANN 4 CO.. PROP'S, LTIMOAC. MO. For Mile liy . J. 8. GRANli tlnwtniil'8 I PITH CHRBU IIV OLD SPKCIAL18T LI I V PHYSICIAN. II I II Bottle of metllcine Pre. We war. I II V rant our remedy tocure the worst ases, and the only ihvs4cians who do this to prevent your being Imposed upon by men using false names and who are not Doctors. Ilccnusc others failed Is no reason for not using this metlicine. tllv Kxmtss and Poat. ollii-e addrras. It costs you nothing. Addles n"n wniinii nurcau, vvi iiroaoway, New Vork. JaniiTdckwl "0l'NTR Y HOARD. A Ifidv will accommodate in lu.Bl-r. - hort distanr In the eountrv. Nr.nk.r. eooklns. Call or adilres "HOARD," llssel Hnn1-7anr asnevuw. lCmploymciit Agency CHAS. I LANE & CO., S B. MAIN BT. Mule and female servants air all klnris nf emiuayusent furnished on short aotlce. wrvants waaung poMtloa apply hers, MarlTals W i u 1 AIISCLLLASCOUS. tivtnniiuiiou IIolcls Unexcelled cuisine Popular with tourists, families and business nest. Electric car pass the door. BAWL8 BROS., fcbldly PropCs. GRANT'S If your prescriptions are , compounded at (Jrant's Phar macy yon can positively dc- pend upon these facts : First, that only the Purest and Beit drugs and 'chemical will be used. . Second, they will be compounded carefully and so curately by an experienced prcscriptlonlst; and third, yon will sot be charged an exorbi tant price. Yoa will rcoeiv the best goods at a very rest- DRUG sonablc profit. A full line of Patent Medicines, Toilet Arti cles, Ayefs Recamler Prrpnia tlons, Scott's Electric Curlers, . " etc., etc. - We have the agency for Hum phrey's Homeopathic Mciti dnes. , UsVAULT'8 OLD 8TAND, 34 8. MaiaSt, Prescriptions delivered ,to ny part of the city free of charge STORE. marSOdly WE WISH To direct attention to a lot of very STYLISH TVESSsPOODS TYUSH loRESS VJOODS Recently opened. Among them arc several desirable things of which we cannot get future supplies, so think our patrons should be ad vised to that effect. In SATINES AND GINGHAMS We offer unusual value. Also extraordinary value in FINE CASSOIERES, Par Trousers and Suits. Very desirable SPRING WRAPS for Ladies and Misses, nt moderate figures H. REDWOOD & CO. Vr.l. R. PENNIMAN PROPHIBTOB OP THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS Atthevllle, N. C. P. O. Ilox P. martSdly FOR RENT. That hnmtsome A room cottage No. 30 tienmen Avenue, recenuy occiipleu by Mr. I. P. Clinton. Piisscrsion given immediately. Appiy w 8. P. VRNABI.K, nir!i2d0t No. 18 Bearden Avenue. 00D JOBS AT ODD TIMES. L. V. Brown offers his services as a ftrat class Machinist, especially on nil kinds of nne ngnt machinery, and work In wood or metal, Has some experience In opening and repairing Fire proof tiiifrs. making Models. reiMilring eninreyor' Instruments, etc. He can show specimen of his workmanship, irom a xey to a steam engine mat will con vince an v on of his skill. No work solicited. except sucn a requires skill and genius to ex ecut. Office at J. ft. IMckcrson At Co.' Mnnlware Htore, Anevtne. N. t. . mar Jill m OFFER EXTRAORDINARY I Por the tient thirtv ctnv. u-UI . 11 J.4 lot in I'KOSi'KCT'PAKK, West Ashevillr. on such favorable terms that homcseekrrs will do well to come and ilcnl with ns. Only io Per Cent Cash Will be required, and the balance can be made navame mun i iilv if t esirei I. with H oer vr-ni, mirmi in imxr ot rmnsiernntll nniil. These lot are valued from 9t30 nptoS5,(MM ami tne price set noon mem are based upon actual saic oi aimiiar tots atuoining. The Electric Street Railway t twin ranliltw ti,.tiMt n lHn.nn.1 H..b 1.. proposed terminus, thus bringing thrs lots in nines sun easy communication with the square, ana otner principal parts ol the city. We Have Entire Confidence In the yalne or these lots, and hence have no ears in leaving nine-truths of the purchase uiunrv m uurrrsT. i ne nrst to come will at cur choice of lot. Apply to GWVN & WE ST, mar33dtf R. B Court Square. D. II. REAGAN, WITH- HENRY S. KING & SONS. Hardware and Cutlery, IlALTIMOKIi, MD. Rsfrrto. V. Htarncs, niara dUn N OTICB. AIXTAXPAYKR8I IW a recent act of the 1 ulBl.. t ... fim-nl to advertise for snle all miierty npoa which the tases are unpaid, on the first day of April. This law I propose strirtlv to en force, Tuerelore, nil wr.ms who have not paid their taies, and who do not wish to ott incir property aavrrilKril. must pav by April I. Pay yor lanes and sure troulile. N. A. KKVNOLUn, tart Cltjr Tai Cgllmer. ASHEVILLE AD "UUY II07.1E-MADE Full Roller ProceHS. We Guarantee SatiBfaction. AhIc Your Grocer for Asliellle Milling Company Flour and Meal We make the following grades of flout: Belle. Take no other. Cash Paid for Wheat, Corn, Oats and, Rye. Horse and Cattle Feed Mixture Ground to Onlrr. Do Custom Grinding for Corn Rye and OaU. Mill and Yard at Old Depot. ASHEVILLE COAL COMPANY, H. T. COLLINS & CO. Superior Hard and Soft Coal at Wholesale and lletail. Office: Barnard Building, Patton A vine. Yard: Old Depot. HERRING THE SHOE STORE, " NO. 30 SOUTH Willie we Have tbe Finest and Bloat Fashlonable'Goods In Our Wc also hare the cheapest. Call and OAK STREET INN, ASHEVILLE, N. C, Hcnutifully located in a Arove of oak and white pine, with no dnst or noise, at the cor nrrofdak nnd Woodlin streets, near the Female College, nnd only three iquare from the court house. We have a number of elrgantly-furnlahed rooms to accommodate boarders who desire a nice, quiet place, away from the hotels. Nice room, new furniture, good fare, first-clans coosinK, ui reosonnoie pneca. Also, not ana eoia oatn. . Dr. T. J. HARGAN, Proprietor. COMPOUND OXYGEN ANDHlCATED BALSAM VAPOR. All modern nnd latest improved methods for treating chronic diseases of the lungs throat and nose, by the inhalation of vaporised and atomised fluids by the pneumatic and compressed air apparatus; also Compound Osygra in connection with the vaporised liol. sam (the balsam obtained from the natural balsam tree near Ashcvllle.) We also manulacture a Home Treatment of the Compound Oxygen, which Is, equal to me urate rreaiment, ana win oe sent on application uy express, on receipt ol price, SIX Our success here for the oast three vears with this treatment has been ohenomenal. hsv. ins- cured many cases that were pronounced ooiainea uy caning at me sanitarium. y fenuemcn oi Asnevnte: b j. Alton, ex-Mayor; J. u. Keen, tiers v. a. court; Kev.ti. c. Kan in, pastor Hirst Methodist Church; Rev. VV. A. Nelson, pastor First Baptist Church ; H. T. .ouins, v.apt. nan Aiainson. THE "BONANZA," THE LEADING v WINE AND LIQUOR STORE v IN THE STATE. FINE SAMPLE AND BILLIARD ROOM. No. 43 South Main Street, ASHEVILLE, N. c5 j. A. MAHQVARDT, Hanascr. LItWIS MADDUX, Pre. L. P. McL0U. Vlce-Prcs. DlNECTOKt: Ixwls Maddux, M.J. Bearden, M.J. Pagg, I. B. . ,J. B. fttVr. I. B. Reed 8. II. Reed, Geo. 8. Powell, C. M. McLoud. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK lASHEVlLLR, N. C, FliDRUAHY 1st, 1889. Organised May lt, 1888. CAPITAL, $50,000. SURPLUS, $5,000 . 8TATE, COUNTY AND CITY DP.P08ITORY. Does a CrncrnI Banking Business. Deposits received. Exchange bought and sold. Col lections made on all accessible points. The Raving Feature will receive special attention. On all mm in this department, deposited for four month or longer. Interest nt the rate of 4 per cent, per annum will be paid. Special attention given to loans on real estate, which will Ik placed for long time on renl sonalile terms. Open from 8 a. m. to 3 p. m. On Saturday the Saving Department will be open till G p.m. fcbSittr WILLIAMSONS SON, (Sucv-csnor t6 Hart & Williamson,) SASH, DOORS, BLINDS Mouldings, StaiMVoik, Fine In- . torior Finish, Mantels, Etc., ASHEVILLE, N. C. AGKNTs FOK Tlic Buckeye Pump, Steel mid Tin Shintrle, Floor and Hearth Tile. frbl ASHEVILLE - ARTIFICIAL STONE Portland Cement, Utorse Block) ! ot rioti deslKns and eolor and rery durable fbr walks In yards, sidewalks, floors for Public BalMing. Italia, Porches, Bntrances, Basements, Butcher Shop, c. Special sites, color and designs lur HBARTI18. Handsome Carriage Dlbcks with name. BEST GERMAN PORTLAND CEMENT Sample of Blocks, etc., can be seen at odke Public Square, corner of South Main street. VCR TISLMESTS. GOODS." Roller King, Electric Light, Carolina & WEAVER, MAIN STREET. Line, see us. hopeless, whose names and residences can be permission we refer to tne following well-known T.J. HARGAN, M.D. I. I!. RANKIN, Cashier. AO R NTS A M'F'RS. OP Hyrkit' Patent ShcnthinR Iith AND TILE WORKS. and Tile, .xceedinly handsome In appear- AND GOOD BUILDING SAND FOR SALE. over J. E. Wckcrson Hardware Store, on P.O. Bos (13. C- E- MOODY. II. T. COLLINS, I'rcsitlcitt. ASHEVILLE Pure Ice made from Dmtilled Water. Office: Barnard Building. Patton Avenue. D. C. Waddell, President. W. W. Barnard, THE BAflK OF ASHEVILLE, f ASHEVILLE, N. C. DIRECTORS I . P. SAWYER. J. O. MARTIN, J. L. CARROLL, GBO. VY. WILLIAMS, DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY Oldest Bank in INCORPORATED BY ACT OF THE CAPITAL STOCK (100,000. FITZPATRICK BROS. & ROBERTSON Dealers In 'Wall Paper, Window Shades and Patent Hangers, Points, Oils nnd Varnishes, Mnsury's Mixed Paint and Color. Window Glass, both French and American We keep In stock St. Louis and Kentucky Lend. LUMBER YARD. GEO. F. SCOTT, (Successor to Doiibfeday & Scott,) North Public Square, WINDOWS, BLINDS, - DOORS, Glass, Putty, Lime, Plastering Hair, Shingles, Laths, Fencing Post. All kinds of Bnildinc Material. . tHf-Ordcrs will receive prompt attention. W. T. PKNNfUAM. -JOBBERS AND HIAIRIDWIAIRIE ASHEVILLE, N. C. ACBNT8 FOR DUPONT POWDER CO., RICHMOND STOVE CO., CORTLAND WAGON CO., OLD HICKORY WAGONS, STUDEBAKER WAGONS, . MOUNE SCALE CO. ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC. M'CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. feuttdly Anything in the Jewelry Line at LOWEST PRICES For First Class Goods. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING. BURT DENISON. tft Pslinn An..A ' feblOdtf PLUMBING, STEAM TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, Plans and Specifications We have thorough mechanic, in each line business. We can soTely guarantee our patron satisfaction In oar work, low figure. BALLARD. RICH & BOYCE. -feblOdly C. II. CAMPBELL, nanufa6turer and Wholeaale Shipper of GINGER ALE, CHAMPAGNE CIDER, LEMON SODA, SARSAPARILLA, MINERAL WATERS, TONIC BEER, CARBONATED WATER IN SIPHONS. Factory, I7 Haywood St. " CLOSING - OP ALL WINTER GOODS, - AT 22 THE BIG 2222 PATTONJAVENUK. E. E.EAGAN, vSccrttary ICE C0L1PAHY. Vice President Lawrence PulUam, Cashier. T. W. PATTON, W. W. BARNARD, D. C. WADDfiLL, of Wilmington, K. C. Western Carolina. GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE- SURPLUS FUND $20,000. fcbodly feblOdly W. ft. FKNNIUAK. & co., DBALBS8 IN- AND GAS FITTING, ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. """" Furnished on Application who hare had many yean' experience ia their o. Box m4. OUT SALE - - V, IrVwtnprao