- - 1 -Ik-!1! K Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A inarrel of pop. Ity, strength and wholesomencea. More eco nomical than the ordinary kinda. and cannot be aold In comiietition with the multitude of low teat, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Royal Bakino Powdek Co., 100 Wall St., New York. d&wtapr17 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Thho. P. Davidson, Thos. A. Jones, Raleigh. J as. G. M artin, Ashcville. AshcvUle. JJAVID80N, MARTIN & JONES, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Ashcville. N. C. Will or lice in the Xlth and 13th Judicial Districts, in d in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, and in the Federal Courts of the Western District oi Nortn Carolina. -Refer to hank of Ashcville. dtscl ri'l.IUSC. MARTIN. Attorney at Law. Ashcville. N.C. Titles and Conveyancing a specialty. Col lections made. Practices in all the courts. Office: With Gudscr Law Building. Career, McLosxl dtnovilK CHA. A. 1IOORB. HUFF IIUXRICK, HJOORH & MERRICK, lltftmpvB mirl rv,nntlnm at t.nw. Ashcville, N.C. Practice In the United States Circuit and nutrirt t'onrts atAsheville. Statesville, Char lotte and Greensboro, in the Supreme Court at RnleiKh, and in the courts of the Twelfth Judicial District of the State of North Caro- Sncciat attention riven to collection of Partnership docs not extend to practice In Buncomlie interior court. uiuvo T. H. COBB. TOBB & MERRIMON, J. O. 1IEKKIMOK Attorneys and Counsellors nt Lnw. Practice in all the courts. Office: Nos. 7 and , Johnston building, tit si W. W.JONKS. TONES J!t SHUPORD. GEO. A. BIIUFOBO. Attorneys at Law, " Ashcville, N.C. Practice !:i the Superior Courts of Western North Carolina, the Supreme Court of the Sfnli. mid til'.' I'cdernl Courts nt Ashcville. OlMce In Johnston liuililinjf, where one mem ber of the firm can always be found, dtuovll JOHNSTONE JONES, AfTOUXKV ANI1 COUNSKULOU AT LAW, ASHItVILLB, N.C irnn(i lii Hie United Stntes Circuit and District Court? nt Atlicvllle, In tne Hupreme Court nt Ivalcijjh, and in the Courts of the Twelfth Julirful District of theStatc of North Carolina, nnd elsewhere, ns his services may lie rautirril. Ianfltl CAN MEN LEARN TO FLY! Problem Agitating the Academy of bct- euco A Company to llnom Invsntloo. All adventurous aeronaut surrpmlivl In flying a eounlo of miles in tlio sub urbs of New York, with tho aid of a u(to nmcluno that had wines, nnd that seemed to uso them with considerable success. For somethinc' like a fenera tion the Inventor of this flyiiiij ma chine had been at work unon it. and bod been laughed at because of tt as heartily as ever the irrcDressible Keel v. of motor fame, was laughed at. But he was a fceotenman, who possessed true Scotch tenacity. He stuck to his idea and finally had tho satisfaction of see ing lis great wings beat the air over Coney Island aiitlcarrv it a consider able' Uistanco before it was thought well to let it rest. As a result of this there has been or ganized a company with a, capital of 11,000,000. the object of which is edu cate the public in the matterof flying, ii- i-.ii- .i ii i- auu to supply me wings mat win ue necessary. Even tho aucust academy of sci ences, which once every week discus ses subjects that most people know noiiung auout, anu wnose .icmoers know pretty much everything that mortal man ought to know, is Taking some cognizance- of the affair at issue, and in a quiet way aro discussing tne question as to whether or not man wiU be able to By. - Many or tno learned nrofessors insist that as man has by the helpof machinery been able to uroDel himself throutrh the water. .1 f . 1 T - 1 i.i 1 were u no reason way uo suouiu uui conquer the air in the same manner. But many more of the professors shake their heads in solemn negation when this argument is advanced. Still tne bcotcu. inventors success has created an impression. His fly ing machine is cigar shaped, some 6Q leei in tengin aim z ieei irr diameter. Its wings work -actly like those of a bird by the aid of a propeller worked by electricity, and tno passenger is carried lustcs an eacrlo en, : lea its nrev. It is a peculiar attuir, but has been mora successful than anything of its kind, and Itfncetho arguments among tho scicntiile professors. Most of these professors believe that man will be able to fly by mechanism only when i r j " v-a mat mecnanism is muuo wier uiutui tho bird. One of these learned men, discussing the matter the other day, expressed this opinion. He said that from the earliest time tne dominant wish of man had been to fly after the manner and method or the bu-u. IIIMM SI ANO n.l Asl Hl.. Railrond Tickets to all points bought. sold and exchanged. 9 N. Public Square, next to Itiirnurd Building. 14 Giles Doesn't your wife allow you to smoke in the house ? Henpeck Not un less she wants the bugs smoked oft her plants. Eauter Cards) and Booklets. A large assortment at all prices at Law's, opposite postoftice. There are said o be no flies on "The Belfast Spider." A full line of J. Faust & Sons' custom inde Gents'. Ladies' and Children's Shoes, all warranted, can be found at Drown, Gudger Si Lo. s. al The crocus is lifting its head above the soil in this locality, and other things ten us that the house-cleamnir period is thundering down the grade. Liudsev's Views of Asbeville nnd V. N C. embrace every point of interest. T bey are for sule only at his Studio, opposite the poBtoflicc. Lounger (to faro dealer) There's a V you dropped on the floor Dealer Never mind. If any one picks it up we nre sure to get it. Dyapepala, Despair, Deatb, These are the actual steps which follow tniliin-stinn. Acker's English Dyspepsia Tablets will both cheek, ana cure ion most fearful of diseases. Guranteed by T. C. Smith & Co. A CHINESE MILLIONAIRE. LOVE'3 LATEST ALLY. Burlington Free Press: "Whom the gods love die voung" does not refer to the favorite of the gallery gods the dnnscuse. New Japanese Wares and funs in great variety at Law's. The base-bull plnyer takes a club in his hand and goes on to the diamond with o irrwwl henrr mul vet the scoter and the spectators hold the cards. " There arc times when a feeling of lussi-J tude will overcome the most robust, when the svstem craves for pure blood, to lur nish the elements of health and strength. The best remedy for purifying the blood is Dr. J. H. McLean's Snrsapurilln. A former Tcrrc Haute shoemaker is running a mining camp saioon out in Arizona. He used to sen poois unu shoes, now he sells booi and shooU. Sick headache, biliousness, nausea, cos- rivenesa. nre nromot V and aCTCeaoiy Most models of the air ships that have banished by Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and I ii l 1 - f . l- I r , r.-li . I1..! 111., i ueen aitempieu uavu ueii uncr iuo tviuney i nicis uluc pu.; JJ II. DMDOLA8S, D. D. 8. DENTAL P.J0V.3, . NO. 2 SOUTH MAIN ST, ' Over Orant Si XVingcrt's Drafc Store. Kcsidcnce, No. 9M Bailey St. feblOdly J II. lU'.F.VIiS, D. D. S. OFFICE 1 in Connolly Building, over Redwood's Store, ' Vatton Avenne. .icul3dly D. T I'. DUKOIN, M 1X1 "- OFFICE i ' H-.vt Ornml Ccutnil nuildiiiH, over Bin 33 Clothing Store. fcMTdlm J K. ItAMSAY, D. D.F.." Deutul Office i In Bnrnsrrt Building Entrances, Tatton Avenue und Main Street. febaOdlv J A. TUNNUNT, Arcltect nnd Contractor. .., a..ifi..ntir,t,a nttil rstlmntes fur- nlthcd. AH work in my line contracted for, ... eh-irircs for diawiniis on contracts nwnrdiil me. inline: No. I'J Hendrv Wock, North Court 8'itmiv, A ihcvillc, N. C. Iebl9rtly INSVRAS'dE. jpIRK I ISt'RANCE. FIltK. LIFE. ACCIDENT. bird of flight, and particularly of the sea bird, whose ability for continual flight, owing to the power of lighten ing its body, is well known. "Should man ever fly successfully." said the learned man, "ho will have to do it by means of mechanism modeled after the elastic and muscular form of the sea bird." The authorities tell us that the fly insr machine is of Drehistorical orirrin. We are told also that some 400 years B. 0. a wooden pigeon was mauo to fly with considerable success. As this exploit was accomplished mora than 2,200 years before tho trial of our Scotch inventor's machine we have not much to boast of. Just what will come of the discus sion at the Academy of Science re mains to be seen. Nothing at all may come of it in the end except a good deal of theorizing:. But in tho mean time Patrick C. Campbell, the doughty Scotchman, who is tne inventor of a machine that made tne successful Uignt through the air. is coiner right ahead and is terribly in earnest Ho has worked nearly all his life on his inven tion, and now. backed as he is by a capitalized company, ho thinks he sees success ahead. jncw xork- mail ana Express. The Midnight Sun. Imagine yourself on a ship at anchor looking west or straight in front of you. There is a broad expanse of sea a little to your right hand, behind you will be tho rugged coast, and to your left the lonar. narrow nord between the islands and tho mainland that the steamer has just traversed. You watch the sun as it slowly, slowly sets; tne islands and the coasts look like a ncu dark purple, and the shadows cast by the ship's mast. etc.. crow longer and longer. After a bit, when the sun has sunk apparently twelve feet from the horizon, it stops and seems to remain stationary for about twenty minutes; then the verv sea culls hido away, whilo the air all of a sudden strikes chillv. Each one has an awed, ex pectant lueling; tne tourist steamer broods u silence that may be felL Soon tho sun rises very slowly once aeain, and tho yellow clouds change wil l ns uprising to even greater beauty, first to tlio palest primrose and then to a bluish pink. '1 he sky, which was lust now roso color, be comes trr-iiv. then Dale emerald irrecii. and lastly blue. Rock after rock stands out, caught by tho sun's bright wiva nml tho TH'irni of dav hus betmn once more. "Jubilee Juunt to Nor way." 'At what nee were vou married ?" she asked inquisitively. But the other lady was enunl to the emergency, nnu quieiiy responded. "At the parsonage. I'lnmlMK Fire In tlic Veins. We hold positive proof that Acker's Knirlisli Blood Elixir cures all blood poi sons where cheap snrsaparillas nnd so called purifiers fail. Knowing this, we will sell it to all wlio call nt our store on a positive guarantee. T. C. Smith & Co. Doctor (to sk-k contortionist) How ore you feeling to-day, my friend ? V-opiunionisi cry pounj, uuviui. I'm so weak I can't even raise my foot to my mouth. ' " A new and oerfect lamp, at Inst, sent to any home ibrtwo days trial. Enquire at Law's. 57, o ana oi ooutn ainin street. First sweet girl O, did jrou hear the news .' Mr. Niceteliow, wno lsengngeu o Clara Vere de Vere. hueeed her so hard last niht that he broke one of her ribs. Second sweet girl my luck. 1 might have had him myself. Philadelphia Record. ULLIAM &"CO. At the Bank of Athcville, ARHKVILLE, N. C. represent the foltowlnircompani". vis. Vtllf CASH ASSRTilMV. a. . :.. .,1 nf r-ullfornia $2,497,833 Continental, of New Yord Himlmr.;-llrcmen,of r.crmany London .vmrnncc,of L'ngland Niapnra. of New York Orient, c-.f Hurt ford Plimiix. of Brooklyn St. l'niil Hire nnd Marine, of Mm- iu-Motn... ,........,.,M'-.. Poutlivvii, of New Orleans Western, ol Toronto ." Mutunl Accident Association. F.lmi l.He Insurance Company. iltuiat2. 4,875,623 1.120.BO4 1,8-18,905 2,337,4-92 1,067,092 6,004,178 l,541,06t 439.GH4 1,039,232 , THE- EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society or THE UNITKD STATB. Assets 9S.04.9; Surplus ao,794.7V OutstonilinirAssurunc.S49ia,',',"0,YX Written In 1HHH IM,9$3.535." Tontine Policies with 15 and 20 year pe rlods ure the most popular and profltauie form of ossnrnnce. For examples, rates, etc., confer wnn 15. D. Monroe, AgtT, "oflles tlh Jiulisc Aston. Ashcville, N. C. fcu2:iuum yK. WOLVB. PLAI AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. All kinds of cement woik done, lohliiiiii and kalsomlnlng promptly tended .o. . Rstd nee, Clnvton Bt. Ordera can he left with W. II. Wrstall tk Co. fchOdOm A Great Free Library. - Tlio reading room of tho Cooper Union library is open until 10 o'clock every evening. I dropped in there about the otner nigni w consult an authority. The big room was filled with readers. I consulted tho work I wanted and then waited until 10 o'clock to see how tho assemblage would break up. Suddenly tho still ness was broken by tho sound of a bell. InUmtly books wero closed, the pernio inknio- an eairer ixirtiuor Iook: chairs wcro shoved back, and tho vol umes earned up to the librarian s acsK, where they were exchanged for round iprnvn checks, which the readers re ceive on entering and givo upon going not. Tlio svstcm was perfect, and the order was such ns an army might envy. New York Star. A Prematura Discussion. Hiss lnighty Have you decided to lake an v part in tho discussion, "WJiat will wo tfo in Heaven?' Good Minis ter No, mi-k 1 am at present much mom fntr;rl ill tllO ClUCStioa, "What shall wa do to get thcrei" New Vcrlt Weekly. How Doctor Conquer Dentil. rwtnr Waller K. Ilammond says An..rn1iiiiirrxiierienccl have come to the conclusion that two-thirds of nil the deaths from coughs, pneumonia nnu con .nmntl.in niit'lit be avoided il Acker I Entnish Coii(,'h Kcmetiv were oniy fit fully used in time." This wonderful Kcm- Better Tliau Bloody Battle General Whentcroft Nelson says : "My experience in the English army as well ns in America, convinces me tnat notningso ounfies the hlood or adds to the health ' : i i:r.. ia'. t?i:i, ninnJ VlUUr U11U I1IC 11B rttRl O Jlvuvi Elixir." This great remedy is sold under a positive cunrantec by T. .C. Smith & Co. i , Pittsbure Chronicle: One of the mem bers of the West Virginia Legislature is named uaraen. tie is, oi course, a culti vated gentleman. If health and life nre worth anything, and you arc feeling out of sorts and tired out, tone up your system py taxing iir. J. II. McLean's Sarsapnrilla. Doctor: "Why do you think your hus band's mind is wandering?" Mrs Cutem : "I know it. When I went to give him his medicine just now he called me darling. lie has not done that before for years. Kpocb. The transition from long, lingering and painful 8ickncsslo robust health murks nn epoch in the life of the individual. Such a remarkable event is treasured in the memory nnd the ngency whereby the good health has been attained is crate fully blessed. Hence it is that so much is heard in praise of 1 he Electric Bitters. So many feel they owe their restoration to health, to the' use of the Great Alter ative and Tonic. If yon arc troubled with any disease of Kidneys, Liver or Stomach, of long or short standing, you will surely find relief by use of Electric Bitters. Sold nt 50c. and 51 ier bottle at F. L. Jacobs'. Tha Raaldaaca and Mannar of Ufa of th Calattlai Vaadarbllh I visited this afternoon tho Vandor- bilt of China, llu is o relative of the Chinese minister at Washington, and bis grandfather died less than a gen sration ngo leaving an estate worth W.OOO.OOU hard cold dollars. His name follow Juu; and lie lias acres of houses in tho busiest part of Canton, his own residence occupies tho site of a good sited farm, and ho has diamonds and pearls by tne cupful. One of his dia raouds, a ring which cost GO,000, was tent to Fjigland to be sold not long ago, uiul it is proDamy now in me gwel casket or one w tne monarens oi turopi: llo lias plantations oi nee fields ami maiiv acres of tne cnoiccsl tea gardi'iis. tlis money is well iu vested .:utl he would approach the wealth of Jay Gould were it not that the officials every now and then come down ukii liim for a gift of from $10 QUO to liKi.uw and no dare not rciuse. This rich man is now 4S years old, (hough ha docs not look over 85. lie is a typical Cliiiiuniuii of tho literary class, hxs u broad, hizh forehead, thin yullow cheeks and eves that sliino as Brightly as his choicest diamonds. uis nuir is iiKe jet anu ins cue reacucs to his ankles, tie was dressed in silks and furs wliou he received me, and he had a tight, round black silk skull cap on the lop of his head. Ho shook his own hands before his breast in Chinese salutation when our American consul, Mr. Sevinour. introduced me to him. and thou he reached out his long nailed lingers and grasped my band a la Americaiue. It was iirhis trrand residonco on tho banks ot tho Pearl river iu the heart of Canton. We walked through wililcrut'ss of buildings devoted to tho sorvunlsuud relatives of the family bo fore wo caino to the ivceution room. How Oua supports about 400 of his poorer relatives, and when a man makes u, fortune" in China his wholo clan settles down upon him. In the various courts all Kinds of work tecmod to b? going on. Heroscrvants were cleaning tho (ish for tho family There rieo wivs Ix'ing ground into Hour and dried in gi-cut baskets, nnd just ill I . next tne reception room wo iiearu tno buzzing of Uubel. It was How LMu s childix'ii being taught by their, tutor, and like all t;iuneso children, they studied out loud, singing their lessons out nt the lops of their voices. Now and then the sharp flatter of tho ruler could be heard when ono of tho boys made a mistake-, and tho father told me that he intended to have his boys educated at tho Hong Kong for eign college and to finish them off in America and England. Ho talked English himself and he is among the progressive of the Chinese. As we sat and chatted tho choicest of Formosa tea was brouglit in, tho leaves of which were, I judge,' worm about (20 u pound, and wo seated our selves in black ebony chairs, which in couples were ranged on tho sides of small tables, and sipped the tea from covered China cups without saucers. There are no easy chairs in the Chi ese gentleman's house, and this pal ace in China had uncarpcled Doors of stone, and its walls between mo rooms were of colored glass framed in ebony. Borne of tho curious shaped panels had pictures painted on them by Chinese artists, and tue cuectoi tno wnoio was the finish of a fancy store room yet unoccupied, rather than that of u com fortublo homo. Borne of the finest rooms looked out upon a littlo lake of lotus plants of perhaps an acre in extent, and there were glass covered corridors which ran arouud this. Tlio chairs sat against the wall, and their unbending backs wero straight up anu down. There were no cozy nooks such as you I! ml in our American homes and the soft tints of our family life were not found iu the picture. Nearly every room contained an American clock, and some were hung with glass chan deliers. I went into his mother's bod room, the best in tho house, 1 doubt not, and where How Qua pointed as he said, "Thero my mamma elecpa," was a platform between four posto, which was covered with straw mat ting and upon which was a piece of Doivcldn of about tho shape aud clzo of a live-cent loaf of bread, and this was 'tlio pillow "of this rich Clurtcss lady. Fi-.'.nk O. Carpenter. She aid not wander la th wood, Uenmlh Ita bnmltnft boturh, Tha wbile Im tells his tale of krr And pledgoa aoleinn tow. Ene- will not walk upon tha shora Where Ocean's tlreloss Toica Would drown the km sod Cor words that bad Her secret soul rejolee. Not o'en the twinkling stars ahoi, Nor yet the timid breexe. Shall be made silent partners in Such preckwa things as thesa, She'll hear no word Ull they are eat tihut up within four waU. And then she'll mles no syllable That from tha loved lips falla And while aba treasures up each oath Within bar bean shell laugh To think they're also registered Upon her phonograph And should h e'er go back upon Hal word al e'U bring a breach ,- - Of promlao suit and reproduoo ' In court each silly speech. . Boston Globe. MISCELLASEOC:. ROO (COO LB UiITEl From I tou ml Knob Mineral Springs, EIc wcll County. N. C. Contains More Llthla Thau Any other Water Yet covered. Dlaw A Tribute to Electricity. Electricity is a servitor quite as will- intr to enhunco man's pleasures as to add to his comforts. The stage has taken on a new beauty and brilliancy since the advent of the incandescent light The lightning's Dash is perfectly im itated, the wiu-o-tno-wisp is iiutiiiuiiy counterfeited, and such effects are pos sible as were not dreamed of tenor live years ago. The same subtle force winch makes me inunuer ciouu ma jestic, and which rends the rock v cliffs and splinters tho oak, lends brilliancy to the ballet ana encnantmeni to me spectacular drama. In electricity man has discovered a servitor more potent, more willing, a thousand times, than that wonderful slave of Aladdin's lamp, whoso powers make one of the most fascinating tales of the Arabian Nights. Pittsburg Bulletin. What She Heard Through the Telephone. The wife of a business man was in her husband's houso one duy when he was discussing through the 'phono an importaut matter of business with another rrcntleman. There was some advice given back and forth, and the conversation was of ouito a spirited order. Finally tho husband of the ludv. thinking tho last word had been said, called his wifo to tho instrument and requested her to try iL She put tho 'phono to Uer cur, anil was startiea hv iicirniDr tho reumrn. cominrf irom tho other end of tho wire, "Well, you mirrht as well keen vour shirt on." W nether tho lady was satisneu that tho telephone is a great invention I havo not heard. SL Paul Pioneer Press. DIRECTION!, Drink freely of this to the exclusion of nil other water. F.our to six goblets -per day give best results. Send all orders to T. C. SMITH & CO., DRUGGISTS. - - Ashcville, N. C. General Agents for North Carolina. None genuine without our label. Beware of spurious.im- itations. it k M ! "I BLAIR FURNITURE COMPANY, NO. 37 PATT0N AVENUE, Aud Undertakers. Ao Oft Told Tale. I read , tho other evening a tale of how, when tho queen was at Berlin, dim insiwln ftomn marvn loilRlv rich and costly brocado which had been Wholesale and Retail Furniture Dealers. manuiaciurcu lor ono oi vne iwuir childs. aud then remarked to the Em press Frederick: "Ah I there you are, my door. Such people as these can afford thatsortof thing, don't you see." Of coui'so. this anecdote is uuro lictiou, being, indeed, simply the hundredth hash up of a story which has at inter vals been told about everv Prominent royal personage of the lust twenty years. London "-Truth. Prompt attention given to all orders day or night., - - Residence t 39 Penland Street. fcbldly Why I ires Burn Brlghtl; In Whiter. There aro several reasons why a fire burns so brightly in frosty weather. First, tho air oeing cold is denser and tho heated air and gases from tho fire are comparatively more buoyant. Conseouontlv tlicro is a greater draught. Then tho air being denser contains moro oxveen in an caual vol ume, and that gas being quickly sup plied, tho combustion is fiercer and moro perfect. Iu frosty weather, too, the atmosphere is comparatively free from moisture, which of course has a tendency to damp a ftro. New York Telegram. - ASIIEVILLE MUSIC HOUSE, 35 North Main Street. Ptanoa A. n. Chase, Smith, Chickering from $225 to $G00, according to make and style On Instalments. Organs Mason and Hamlin, Wilcox & White, Kimball. Every Instrument Warranted for Six Years From $05 to $150 Sold likewise on Instal ments. BailJ OS-Prom $2.50 to $12.00. Gultara-From $5.00 to $25.00. Ylollng-From $2.50 to $25.00. FltlteB Harps, Accordeons, &c. Strings for nil instruments, warranted not to An American Woman. break by pro)cr use. Tlio representative of France at the Tuning and Repairing by an expert. For descriptions, catalogues, terms, blank capital. Uount fcjala. has eono to fans 1, ,i.i.. .-. - iv Mtlt." 1TUSID. CIV., UUUKEWt --w - - r 1 ... ii... ,.,ii.ciTn 1 uii u luui'iiiuiiiua iyv w vuiiuuniisj ja201amd&wiy U1IU BUIl. kAIVUIUl VIOlbillK AltlVA ....n iii tho French capital have met the Countess Sala there. Sho is an Amer ican, a nati.vo of Bt IjOuis, and is said to bo a beautiful and accomplished woman. Tho reason sho does not ac- compauy Count Bala to this country is uecauso suo wisncs w Bupcrinwuu tho education or her sou, unu the "THE WINYAH SANITARIUM, " ASHEVILLE, N. C. cxaniplv cf u ilau Viv.-l:. ij. 1 Tlio Luiu'.ou Tlitrtacn Club. ITio ljondon Tliirtcen club. wKlch has ju; t iiiuugurtited itself after tho u EiiMiic.r liisutuuon iu I belicvo, cxclutivcly !. los. t.nU I uni sure lliey t i l h ixvvery few ladies , v. 11 ir luviletl. Women ...... !i m.-ira f.u)erHitious . i .... I WLU-uiatie- .! 1..: u...uol;v Ihinwi they do .. 1 i ! t tq.'vl I KhoiilJ not i i:v-i..'!v, foi- 1 kui a linu be 1.; i.sl ;.i.d CKKlked lis- ; Il;c;::v'::s peoule unuur I !;;.., !v:.Ul Ij i.:t iliiwu r, l.i vxlk undt'i lad- ye: unl pays ar. Kow York Star. at ,'U 3TAHG LlillMEIlT CTTBES nOLLOWHORN, CAKEDBAG8, CRUB k HOOF DIHJCABS IN CATTLE 1 for tho are v. , woul fo.:-,. evo:t Ii-,,; 1 1 1 1: ,;w v 1 .1 ( K I. . Ul'...- iiiKi Oil 1 i-iv...y:, I tli:ur-;.j viii.M d.. I r..ii , edy is sold under a positive guarantee by T. C. Smith & to. The Nipsic war story may have lcn started hv some patriot who had taken a nip ana was sick. The circus was a new tiling to Bohbv. When he npiironched a giraffe he stood in open-mouthed astonishment. "Why, pa." he exclaimed, "this thing doesn't belong to the lower order ot animals docs he t" Harjwr's Hazar. Dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, distress after eating, can lie cured and prevented liv taking Or. J. H. McLean's Liver and Ividney I'illets (little pills.) Tlielr liuHlnean Booming;. Probably no one thine has caused such a irenenil revival of trade at F. L. Jacob's draff store as their tivina away to their customers of so many free trial bottles of Dr. Kini; s New Discovery lor Consump tion. Their trade is simply enormous in in this very valuable article from the fact that it always cures anil never disap points. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Broli chitis, Croup, and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You contest it Ixlore buying by Retting a trim bottle free, large size $1. Kvery bottle war ranted. Even the most vigorous and hearty motile have at times a feeline of weari ness nnd lassitude. To dispel this feeling take Dr. J. 11, McLean's Sarsaparilla; it will impart vigor and vitality. Itiicklen Arnica Halve. The licst salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and po' lively cures piles, or no pay requireu. ic is cunraiitced to give pcriecT-sausiiicunn, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by F. L. Jncolia. lnw ! ! Ji i.t dinner (untidy i..il...t-i.'.tiy now ciiU'ivnco id neue'.'ully to do all U10 (.'.her folks don'j lilio to j to rive tlictn u wish ufl.'i' t::v.it' own hca.i t I had better iwy, "ll.iv Ltl im;.: fro with them. ' Lon don i'lgcra. Severe. A fop's otTectations of modesty Bomo- timcs meet with an even worse recep tion than his onen vanities. "Aw, you know, saul ono or this frateniilv. "1 aw wcallv. I believe I was just going to say something ouito BlUDldl' 'Why uurt you say simply tuat you wpiw .roiiinr to spoaif ( askea a oj staiulcr. lontli h Companion. V rt (lilliort. of Lho Gilbert & Sullivan .mnn, does his writing at a I table HDoii whifh the light falls from a intillioncd window across his paper. His Iioumi is described as little short of a palace: but oven tho dwellers in pal aces must work, und Mr. Gilbert keeps himself busy, not only .;n writing ys, but in designing the costumes for the uclors and uctroKses. For the reception of patients suffering of diseases of lungs and throat, and conducted upon the plan ol the sauitaiie8 at Guebersdorf and Fnlkenstein in Ger many. Ours is the only such institution in the United Slates, nnd endorsed by the lending members of the medical profession. Terms'rcasonablc. KARL VON RUCK, H. S., M. D. A bucorr.tibii OtKiurreuuc. Iluucefort'.i wo must no longer talk of "r.iTaiifi'ii!':" or.r furniture, for the civri ctitullu cf art. 111'. Oscar V ude. hu.i i r.ivided us with a now expression for tliJ negligent way iu which it ia lho fashion tJ fccatter tho minicryuo little clit-uu, cabiiiols - r.ud C'rccua which bbjvladt'.ou tho heart of the mod ern liousj'v.'ifo. A laly, well Luown in sociuly, having bought u iiuinbor of JainuiCKO gci'coiis, was found one afternoon by the great testheleinusinjy 011 suitable pobilionsior her puruiiasca. Oh. Mr. Ti do." exclaimed she, ' I m sorry you should have uuen orougui into such u confusion, lint ns you are here, do bo uiiid and help iivj to arrange them. 'L A pained pxpitwuioii passed over lho poet u face. ' Oil. i -i-V. cried be. "don't arrango thuui. Ixt theinoccur."- Philadelphia Telegraph. As a remedy for sties, M. Abadie lifts found great elliciency in borocio acid ono part dissolved Iu thirty purls 01 distilled water, dropping on some of this Mtl'.ition with a wetted piece of wiuldiii-' several times a day. It is said unl only to cll'ect a cure, but to prevent any recurrence of Uie troublo. V h-' ,-'V' .'U3TAIIG LliliLlEIIT IH FOB, MAN A BEAST. FENETEATE8 MUSCLE FLBEE TO THE YEUY BON. UUSTAilG UlliLlEirr BTTOULD ALWAT8 BE KEPT IN BH0P, KITCHEN, dTABLK ANU AI71UU I At a niecting of the Academy of Sciences Ihu prince of Monaco read a naner deiiiiiiistrnliiiir the missibility ol Khipwrrckwl people, who have taken to the boats and arc without provis ions, being able to sustain Hie wiui what tliey could catch in a dragnet trailing overboard over night Tim ihiiiirpr from rases onlv in con nection with house drainage areid to be comparatively easy to avoid, the main consiuuraiion ueiiiguvunuuuuur, thorough ventilation of the pipe. Carelesit Molliern. Mnnv mothers have tKTitiittcd their rhllilren to die before theircves when they might have ljcen saved. Any -mother who keen, louse wiliioui n imiiii: 01 Acker's Unglish Hal.y Soother tit hnnil. runs n risk which she may Miiif time rpt'ret. It has saved the lives of thousands ol children, nun cioiiik every yenr. i-or sine ny 1. i. nu to. When an editor is sent to jail he ought to take his lilts with him. The eomnlicated diseases brought on hv intense study, thought, care, anxiety, etc., arc often of the most serious na ture. Heed such symptoms ns loss of memory, universal lassitude, nenrt dis ease, kidney complaints, liver troubles and a general breaking down 01 neunn nml strength. When thus ufflictcd, when the icnit exertion cnunes great fatigue, when life foenis n burden, use the reliable strengthening tonic, Brown's Iron Hit ters. It will afford you sure relief. SilKPAHIS, MANN & JOHNSTON, ' FUNERAL -IIR EOT OR 8, EMBALMiNG AND SHIPPING ASP ECI A I.T Y. ' 3I 3i PAT TOK A V 15 N l' IC JI V. n. Brcwton will atlciidCallw Way and Nlgltt. mnrL'lilly - ' I'ROTKCTINO PKOl'BHTY OWNItRH. . THE "CAMARET" GUARANTEED ROOFING PLATES, . We not only give the purchaser the best RoottnK flute". Nt w protect him- First Dy giving our iruarautet, , Second Ily stamping cavil sheet with brand and thickness. t Third Dy tidudinj; wastes. Fourth Dy branding tit net wdght of the IU sheets on the box For the benefit of those wonting the very best Roofilng Vlates, we assert, and are PRB FAtlBI) TO I'KOVB, that (cscrpttng the "Ollbcitson's Old Method') there are no otner brands of roofing tin bclug offered la the market to-dny, by any llrtn, under the four diner- ent gunrnnteea given above by this house. muuciiAn i oc tui UUSTAfiQ UHiyERT O0ST&ISG UHH.1EHT ccni:s nu:. uunxs, cuts, cokxs, heals ini'lammatkin, ow mRja, liUVIttEM. I HILULAlNH & FU03TBITli8 1 CAKKD 111UAT J & INbliCT, bVthM I Phlladchihla, New York, Chicago, London. d&wtaprl QOSTAiiO UaiHEHTHUSTAHQ UMBEuT imniMATISM, LAMP. BACK CTJltV.fl FOOT HOT, HIIOULDEU-KOT, FP40INT8. BIHUN HA UP' BCJtKW-WOKM ANP SCAB IN BUEEP I rrnr.3 ANU laTIF