i.. 1; u I I'M. :;a:LL.v:rMrs. II. T. CoLU; I'u -.;:. nt. : .v- .'', t M..o t . , i. ,.i a ra it. a . i J V 1.1 - ' ,: 'i no (. , ;,. ,n 3 1 nrrr Month. - l.f.O ituc Moutli w. tire Vi eck. - 15 Our earner will di-livcr the pulicr every morning in every part of the city to our ul arnlieTs, and parties wanuujr it will please rM at tbeCmiEit timer. New AdTCrtiBi-mcnlH. Hoarding Mrs. S. Stevenson. lHaaolutiun Perry If Kofiert. Carolina (saloon Frank o'lmnarll. Wae-uns for Bale I'. C. Mclntire at Bro. Milch Cows fur Unit Asheville Meat Mar ket. r.trliM n.1 hitra Painter A. P. Ktevea- I'nlted Mtatca (signal dcrvlcc Htm lion, Aftheellle, M. C. LaTrrt'Di. 33-10 North, lonum'iil 82. 26 Wht. Elkvatiox, FaST. Meteorological report for 2-4 hour, ending at B p. m., March 30. 18H9. TEMPEBATUKB. Northern Biposr.e, fchaded. 7 am I Snml'.iptn I Mai. I Min. I Daily Mean. ( 07.3 I o.z i.l.o i do. 47.2 L 6 "tlEW POINT. 7ara I S3 L BEL. HLMIIMTY. 2pm St 0pm Ipi 3(1 Daily Mean. 33 ABSO. lirMIUITY. Dally Mean. PRECIPITATION. I BAROMETER. Corrected lor altitude I and temperature. Kain and Melted Saow Inches. 0(12 8now Depth Inches. Daily Mean. 80.30 Weatuer-l'air. K. r. RUCK, M. D Observer. Col. Hay on U HI one v und H.cuT '! Coltou 1-ro laioua and I'roduce. mMi Axiikicomu. h'lf Vott, March :o. linhanife dull hut firm. Money enir, 4. fctib-TrruMiry hnl.niors Cold, $ 151. S0'., (xmi; current v, $1 7.1 1.1 .' Government bond, dull hat strndy to firm 4 pcr."ccnt, Al.l-.ii-j: 'i per cenls,t 1. State bond, nexlrt tel. Ala. Class A Jn5 Iii.'.Vj S. V. Central 100, Ala. Clana II. us 111 iN. AcVi. pin Ca. 7, wort I o-t i r Northern ... S.C. Cnn.. OS.. I-"' S I" . pid N. C.Cous., 1M1 ,. Pacific Mail A r flron n'a...lo4-i. Neadinir Tenn. Set , 3s 71" j-KK-h. At Allc VtriniaCa 4t ;H. e W. I'oint. Virginia tW. .'" K.rk Uiand Kr,nliiHlrm ... 1 0.1' k St. I'aul to ..1,1 ... 13111. i do pfd ld & Lack i:iiVTe. Pacific h grit "TtjTcnnCoalAcIron 3H .'. Tnn (l Tnion Pacific Zt' Lake Shore 101 U N. J. Central. Lou. & Nash el Mo. Pacific 60S Mem. AcChar 6 (Western I'nion.. 4 Moh. eVOhio UljCotton-sred a Oil Nash, at Chat... 02 Certificate...... 63, Nopac 1st mort hi i Ijvami:i:ioa a. .. I. .is Vnescelled cuieinc. Popular with tounaU, faniihd and luineta men. Electric cara poaa the door. KAWL8 I1ROS., Irhldlj Prtipr-i. 4'.'j 3B' 4:1'., 154 "2"... ,.loS Ihe F.lcctlon lion. Editor Citizen: I waa iupriaed to notk-e in the Citizen a few days ago that a petition wat lieing circulated asking the commissioner to allow an election on local option in June, From the iact that I had hem called . in conaoltation on the matter immediately ujion receipt of the information, that by the amended .statute, we were allowed that privilege, and the unanimous voice was that we could not conftistculy on an election this vni-t liia ltf(irw aliv U'f titiM niin ntir duty or obligation to those holding opposite views to ourselves. We made it no i licit ion of success, or failure. We arc always ready to take the chance. Where this petition sprung from serins to be as hard to ascertain as that long mooted oucstion, who struck Hilly Patterson ; Apropos of this, I have been approched once or twice and cautioned not to have prohibition mentioned in the approaching municipal election, and I announced. that we had no desire to do so, and never did unless forced to, but I think the facts bear me out in saying that, nearly always men of pronounced views are selected as candidates and we are urged to supimrt them for the sake of hnrmony, ncll! that is gettingto bejust a little bit old, and while we do not de mand prohibition, we do want men hav ing other qualifications than that of being pronounced opponent of that cause that many of us hold very dear to our hearts. We hope the proper inference will le drawn in time. Well ! some one says what have you to do withit; you're no voter. Truecuough. I'm a taxpayer all the aine,mid I have a good many friends posing in the same attitude, nnd we haven't yet held any formed meeting, since the return of our representatives, tendering them a vote of thanks. They were asked to do some tiling for our releif, but we were com forted with the cold, chilly interroga tion would it not I unconstitutional ? "Tasntion without representation" con stitutional! shades of the great and good signers of the Declaration of Inde pendence, that instrument we hold as sacred as liiierty itsell dclenil us! Kenpcctfully. JamiisM. Rav. narrlaite I.tcvnae. Was yesterday imnicd to the following couples by register Mnckey :. R. W. Boone to dn Lunsford. When the elephant travels he doesn't bother about having his trunk checked New Orleans l'icnvune: A drunken man is always rich in his mind. He . sings no song of sixpence when he'schock lull 01 ryc rine Tabic Cutlery Cheap, A bigger bargain than ever liefore 26 sets (only) of fine Russell steel and cellu- oiu handled knives at 92 0 a set. Thirty acts of fine white-handled knives at$1.35 A few pain fine carvers to match, very low, Wonderfully low mices on liesl plated knives, forks nnd spoons. Kogcn' tnplt-plnted knives at $2 a set. livery thjng in Crockery, Glass and Lamps, at Law's, 57, 59 nnd 61 S. Main St. COTTOS. I.irmrool.. March So Noon Cotton I dull and aomewhal inactive American mid dhnK 61 1-101): aalca tl.oot); peculation and eiportOOO. KcccipU, 8,200 All American ftitnrea atjfailv. 1 30 r. . u. American middlinr, S11-16D. Sale of to-day included, 4,!X)U American; April 8 44-C4. huyera: April and May, 6 4-4-64, huycra: May nnd June 8 43-64. sellera; lime and lulr 0 4H-C-4. aeliera: luly and An- gut S U-04, aellera; Autcuat and Septemlwr j 543-114, aellera; September and IKUiler 0 .J H4. arllera: IHliikT and November 8 22 64, ellera; Beiteoilier 6 4-64, seller. Future closed quiet. Naur Yuan. March SO. Cotton Net celpta 1H4; groa 3M1. Future irrignlur, doainaeaar. Sale 15.OO0 bale. April ......10 07nl0.0Miept D3a 0 4 I Mar 10.13al0.lKKt !:72a 9.73 June 10.20ul0.2HNor 0.03a B.64 July 10.27al0.2H,Dcc 0.04a 9.6.1 Aug lu.oaiu.o.jan v. torn w.ii Mav Villi. March SO. Cotton firm; ".alee I to-day 207 halea; Inat ereuinn SU3, Middling I upland lOo-lo; mlfinilnx urieana iu I Hi porta to (Ireat Ilrituin ll,4-4). Conti-1 nral .1 7H7. Htock &7 3.1U5. UaLreaTuM, March SO. Cotton nrra; loi; rreriota U8U. nuhvulb, aiarcn ou. vottun accauy, au, receiut 430. ll.LTiMoa, uan-a ao.-t.onoq quiet lot.: receiDta U73. Bihiton. March 30. Cotton quiet. H"i 104,; receipt 777. WILHINOTON. K. .'., siarcB ao. t-OltOU teadr. I: receipt fiH. pfIil.4UHi.PHU, March 30 Cotton quiet, 10: recetotsK. BAV4NM41I, March SO. Cotton firm, (),; reeelllta 7441. " Nuw Oai.a.N. March SO. Cotton quiet but firm. U 10-10: rcceilit Mohii.b. March 30. Cotton firm, I)7, receintatfl. a Mtui'iiia, March 30. Cotton firm; 0 15- 10; recelliUO IU. AtioiiHTA, March 30. Cotton ateoily, 10 1- 10: reeeiuta 204. CiiAii.KToa, March 30. Cotton firm, 101,; receipt. 1S1. I'kOVUMON 4SI I'kOWCB. BAi.TfUtms. March 30 OTour Plat, uu chntiKed, eicept aprinK wheat; atraixlit 6a 8.2f. Wheat Southern alow, I'ulti I) .'to 1 OS; Lonrherry unal .Ofl; western dull; No. 2 winler red sunt, HO Corn Bouthern Ann: white 41a43: yellow 41a42: Western firm. CmciXNATi, March 30. Plonr dull Wheat heavy No. 2 red 3. Corn sternly No mixed !l.tn38!4. tint dull and lower No, 2 miied 20a20V I'ork steady 13. 30. Lard dull. Hulk ntrntsand bacon steady and un chantrcd. Whiskey firm 1.03. CitiCAOo, Marcli 30. tasn quotations were fiotir quiet nnd steady No. 2 spring wheat, l.oonl.oo'i; No. 2 ml. 1 ooal.001,., No. 2 Corn. 34. No. 2, Oats, 25 .. Mesa pnrk, 12 H0nl2.Hfl. Lard, 7.02,j. Short ribs, (1 2.rmil.:io; shoulders 8.8iiiio.7fl; short cenr .02ian.7B. Whiskey. 10.1. 8T. I.ot'la, Mo., March 30. I'lotir quiet and steutly but lltichnilKed. Wheat Cold wave waa not cold rnouuh, and u-ith hrlaht clear weather, fine crop reports and wrak antl dechntnu markets claewncre, there wna iiressuie to sell new crop option mat iirouitht a decline. At the close July was 4a and Auutist and year t below yester day; No, ml easn vhm. asaea; mm a; rlosvd l'3. Corn dull but firm No. 2 mised cash end Ain-d Sli. oats firm No. 2 cash 23a2tl bid, Whiskey steady 1.03 Nkw Vosk. March 30. isoulhern flour dull and tinchniiKed. Wheat Sptit gdull but easier; No. 2 red, HX.aMU store. Optlom dull und Irregular iH lower; closinje steady. Corn Spot a shade firmer out qmet; No. 2, 4J'ia42S. Itlcvntor option modirntely ac tive and stroniii-r, Aprti4ait,u4ai,;Mny ;it.. Oats spot dull and steady; options tinner hntuuiet, April HW., Mot 3)Vj:io--,, Hops sternly antl quiet. t-onec options closed steady at onio points down anil iircuuliir, Muar raw tiuiet and firm. -Molasses, fotv eln firm, 80" test,' 2?Hju2o. Cottonseed oil nrm crude 42Vin4;i yellow 00. Kosin quiet and steady, Tiirticntinr, loneranddull 47Mi. Ileef quiet. I'reiKhls sternly. Cotton 3-IOD. ' THE LOCAL MARKET. (COHRKCTKD IIAII.V.l The foHowhiK pricea can be obtained for country nrotiuce : Cabbaicta, nltely trlinnied, iertl , t1- HorKhum Molasses, per gal.,. 23a3o Hides llac-on, (lerlti (-1.41111 Irish potalues, per lin otiuon W heat, ier bit l oo Flour, per ewt 2 SHu3.ftO , lioadn ..........121.41120 7aH 2t)a2.1 23 Carrots, er bu 70 Parsnips, iierlin. ............ ...,.,. 70 Onion, pcrtm ...1.00 Cow I'eas, ier bti , 781.00 Celery, r bunch....,., .....4 Beef, jier lb Kross ..;;.,."i,',..,,..."i.3n4 Mutton, tier lb aross. .....,,.,.,... 3u4 Apples, per bu. ... ..,73al.oo liucks , 20a25 Turkey, ttn-ssed , 10 live,.,.. i. ..71X.'J Mentis, per bu l.UOnl.7.1 Oats, per bti , 4oa50 Hay, per ewt HOnl.oo GRANT'S If ycrar prescriptions are compounded at Grant's Phar macy you can positively de- "fy pend upon these facta : First, that only the Purest and Beat drug and chemicals will be used. Second, they will be compounded carefully and ac curately by an experienced prescriptioniit ; and third, yon will sot be charged an exorbi tant price. Yon will receive the best good at very rea- DRU G sonable profit. A full line of Patent Medicine. Toilet Arti cles, Ayer1 Recamier Prepara tions, Scott' Electric Curler, etc., etc. We hare the agency for Hum phrey' Homeopathic Medl- "iiuy iiorij v . " r GO Oi::;." Full Roller Profess. We Guarantee Satisfaction. Ak Your Grocer for Abbeville Milling Company Flour and Meal We make the following grades of flom: Roller King, Electric Light, Carolina Belle. Take no other. - Cash Paid for Wheat, Corn, Oats and Rye. Horse and Cattle Feed Mixture Grovuwr to OrtW. Do Custom Grinding for Corn Rye and Oats. Mill and 1 urd at Old Depot. UkVAI'LT'S OLD STAND, 24 8. Main St. Prescription delivered to any part f the eity free of charge STORE. marSOdly WE WISH To direct attention to a lot of tcry Otylish DRESS iOODS RESS VJ000S JJI880H TION NOTICE. The firm of Roberts l'eiry Is .hlsduy ills. Biuveri ny niuliial consent. All m.mii the firm should be paid to W. (V Perry, who w ill settle all indebtedness of anid firm. The oitsiiiess 01 the nnn will be continued by W O. Perry. - . W. O. PERRY, mar20dlw M. B. ROUHRTH. JUII.CH COWS FOR 8AI.R. Bis fine milch cow giving from three to .. .-. .,.. v, 11 H T . AlipiV IO P. C, MclNTIKII A HRO., Asheville Meat Market. yAllONH I'OR HA Lit" " One good new two-horse vi .ou for mud ich tnaa cost; two nearlt nrw nn.h.,r. wagons, at a bargain. AW one phaeton ... h, , m grvni onrgain. Apply to 1. C. MclNTIRK A IIRO,, Biartldaw Asheville Meat Market. MRS. S. STIiVKNSON lias removed to the Johnston tlulldlug, Pat ton avenue, corner of Church street, where she I prepared to keep regular or transient miarucrs. Table furnished with the best the market n fiords. Term seasonable. ni nr3 1 d 0 in A.F.STEVEISSON, CARRIAGE : AND ! SIGN ! PAINTER, GILDER AND VARNISHER, Is prepnred to do ull kinds uf Painting llring tin ronr old ltMiklng Carriages, lirrtt, Hitr rys, Iltiggir, Carts and Wagons and have them varnished or repainted, so they will look as good its new. All wutk wnrruutcd not to crack, blister or come oil Until It wear on". Terms reason able. . " Bhop on Harnett Hill, Eagle Street mar31dUni OOD HOARD Recently opened. Among them are evcrnl desirable things of which weeanuot getfuture supplies, so think our patrons should be oil B.C. Pdent. W. W. Barnard. Vice Prudent. Lawrence Palliam, Cashier, i THE BANK OF ASHEVILLE, ASHEVILLE COAL COMPANY, II. T. COIXINS & CO. Superior Hard and Soft Coal at Wholesale and Retail. Office: Barnard Building, l'atton Awpiue. Yard: Old Depot. HERRING & WEAVER, " ' ft THE SHOE STORE, NO. 30 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Wlillc we Have the Finest and Sloet FashlonablelGoods iu Our Line, We also linvc the chca)est. Cull and see us. vised to that effect. In SATINES AND GINGHAMS We oner unusual value. Also eitraortllnitry value In FINE CASSIMERE, Fr Trousers anil Suits Very ilcairable BrniNfi wraps for Ladies and Misses, at moderate figure. II, REDVO0D& GO. Corn 1 KTbw Chicken ; I'KK Pr dt'i HuUct, kt 1h.... TuniiiK, prr bu... WM. R. PENNIMANi I'HOI'KIKTOK OP J. N. MORGAN & CO., No. 3 HariiardllulldluR;. School nnd College Text Rooks, afulllino. Poets, His tory, Romance, Riofrrnphy, Travel nnd Novels, Family Rilles,S. S. Riblm and Test ainents, Oxford Teacliers' RibleH, Son?? Rookf, of all kinds, hu Htock Stationery, Rlnnk Rooks and Oflieo and School Supplies. New line Ladies' nnd Gents' Pocket hooks just opened. Fancy Goods njul Dolls. frblOdlv , QOt'NTRY IIOAKH. A lady will accommodate two boarder, n short distance In the country. Northern cooking. Cull or address "IIOARH," Uniel ii., iv . .. j nine west 01 Asheville. niara7il3t THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, AghcvlUc, N. C. P.O. Ilaxl marl3dly FOli RENT. Thnt hntiUon. H room cottajrc No. 20 IVKnien Avenue, rtwntly omipied by Mr. I P. Ctaxtuit. i'tmiKTMii'ii' kvr .ninu-diutvly, Apply to S. 1'. VKNAtU.Ii. mnrU-'dOt No. 18 Itcanlrn Avrtiuc. ODD JOBS AT ODD TIMES. L. V. Urown offers his services as a first- cluss Machinist, especially on nil kinds of line iiKltt machinery, ami work in wood or metni. tins some experience lit opening nim repairing Fire I'rool tsities, making Models, repairing Kurveyoi-s' Instrument, etc. He cun show sieciineus of his workmnnshlp, from a key to a steam engine thnt will con vince any one ol His skill. No work solicited. except such a require skill and genius to ex ecute. Oilice at J. It, Dlckeraon Si Co.' Hardware more, Aanevine. . t. mar2d1m Aad-eamfurlabU room ean I had hv nn- plving nt NO. M WOOUl-IN T. lelriiidliu we tri an THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Rooms on Main street, opposite the post olliee. I ipen dally, rteept Biindny. from 10 a. ra. mil II I p. to., and 4 until n p. ni. The terms of subscription are: One year fj mi..., $1. fit); a nii.s., (l ; l mo., (iocls.; daily ilets. Officers for lftatl President, H. R. Rawla : Vlee-ITraident, Charles V. Woolsry ; Rec. and Trena.. U. s. Watson, Librarian, Mis K. J. llau-h, t ill and visitor are cordially Invited Insct-tlie their to ins pert the catalogue and " as em oers. frbSdtf J. V. BROWN Will continue the undertaker' Inisliiessat his old stand over. I. R. likkerson St Co.' , Hardware Store, under tin firm name of J. V. HROWN & CO, llnvltig thirty years' esperlencK as iiniler- taker and cmtinlmcr, and iineqiialed facllitie for buying, can safely guarantee satisfaction. Calls promptly attended to nt all hour. verything pertaining to the business al- ways on hand. febiadfint "TICi: , Will collect debts for anyone In the city for iH-ri-ent. ttood Imilitics for tenting anil col. Ii-ctinn rents on humus. Will sell furniture on weekly payments, I. 11 JOHNSON, At ltiuir's Puniittire Stole, 117 Pattoa Avenue. References given. mnrl.OMin YANTtill. , i tiniittire and all kinds of household stochIs for which I will pay liberal prices. Those having anything in the above line, which they can dispose of, w ill do well to earl nn me aionee. r. L. um i, Legal Mulldlng, under Owyn a West, 3W3t OFFER EXTRAORDINARY I For the next thirty days we will sell il lots In I'KOSPHCT PARK, West Asheville, on such favorable terms that homeseekers will do well to come and deal with us. Only io Per Cent Cash Will lie required, nnd the balance canbemnde payable MONTHLY II' desired, with H ier cent, interest from date ol'trniisferuntil paid. These lots are valued from $1,10 up to $3,000 and the prices set upon them are based upon actual sales of similar lots tiiljulniiis. The Ivlectric Ntrcct Railway la beiiiu rnpidlv pushed to Prospect Park, Its imposed terminus, thus briuirliiR these lots in quick and easy communication with the Silttnre, nnd other principal parts of the city. We Have ICntlrc Confidence la the value of these bits, and hence have no lears in leavlnH nine-tenths of the purchase money nt Interest. The first to collie will se cure choice of lots. Apply to . CWYN & WKST mar22dtf 8. It. Court Square. D. II. REAGAN. HENRY S. KING & SONS. Hardware ami Cutlery, BALTIMORE, MD. Refer to ,1. V. Stnrnes. ntai-23 ililin JkJOTICB, ALL TAXI'AYIiRSI By a reernt act of the Uftlslatnre, I Dm forced to advertise for sale all property upon which the tnsea are unpaid, on the first day of April. This law I prtiose strictly to en. .V . Tcwrefore. all person who have not Raid their taxes, and who do not wish to are their property advertised, must pay by April i. Pay your tax and nve troahle. . N. A. RBYNOLDn, tP City TaaCoUeetar. OAK STREET INN, ASIIEVIIXE, N. C, i. 1 1 i . i i .. - r.t -1. - kll. n! with ma H.l r tint . nt th cor ner of Oak and Woodftn streets, near the Femala College, and only three square from tilt court house. . We have a number of elegantly-tarnished room to accommodate boarder who desire a nice, quiet place, away from the hotel. Nice room, new furniture, good fare, first-class cooking, at reasonable price. Also, hot and cola bath. Dr. T. J. HARCAN, Proprietor. COMPOUND OXYGEN AND MEDICATED BALSAM VAPOR. AH modern and lateat improved method for alal treating chronic diseases of the lungs atlon of eanoriied and atomised fluids hv the pneumatic and compreaaea air apparatu; aiao componno wxyjren in connevvion wnu uk ihjjviu.ii . . ., . , . v.. i.aUam ,l,i .lin.l from th n.tsrsl hsluni trees near Asheville.) We also manufacture a Home Treatment ol the compound uxyven, wmcn , equtu io the office treatment, and will be sent on application by expreaa, an receipt of price, w, imr auM'.a heir for the naat three year with this treatment has been phenomenal, hav- Inft cured many ease that were pronounced hopeless, whose name and residences can be obtained Dy caiuna at tne nanitanum. oy permissiou we reier w me iuhuwipb u r . . . . . . . . . . . , I , .1 . I 1 f, o . U 1 ( ' LI ii . emttfmes un Asnevuie: tv. I. Aston, ex-mayor; j. a. nivn, vmi i o. kin. pastor First Methodit Church; 8e. W. A. Nelon, pastor First Baptist Church ; H. '. Collins, Capt. Natt Atkinson. 1 . J. UAKuAii i'l. a. THE "BONANZA," THE I.KADINO v WINE AND .. LIQUOR STORE IN THIS STATE. FINE SAMPLE AND BILLIARD ROOM. No. 43 South Main Street, ' ASHEVILLE, N. C. J. A. MAROVAUDT, Manager. LI. "W IS MADDUX, Pre. L. I'. McLOURJ, Vice-Prc. DikkctorsIwIs Maddux, M. J. Beardcn, M.I. Faun. J. It. 8. 11. Reed, Oeo. S. Powell, C. M. McLoud. 1. B. RANKIN, Cashier, , J. B. Ray, J. IS. Reed WESTERN CAROLINA BANK ASIIKVILLB, H.C., FEBRUARY lt, 1889. -Organised May 1st, 1888. CAPITAL, 850,000. - SURPLUS, 5.ooo STATU, COUNTY AND CITY DEPOSITORY. Does a General RaakinK Ilusiness. Deposit received. Exchange bought and old. Col. lection made on all accessible points. The Saving Feature will receive special attention. On all sum in this department, deposited for four months or longer, interest nt the ra of -t per rent, per annum will be paid. Siecial attention Riven to loans on real estate, which will be placed for long time on re onable terms. Open (mm 9 a. m. to S p. m. On Saturday the Saving Department will beopentill 6 p.tn -' Irb2dtf WILLIAMSON & SON, - (Successors to Hart & Williamson,) MANUFACTURERS OF SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Mouldings, Stair-Work, Fine In terior Finish, Mantels, Etc., ASHEYILLE, N. C. siieville' ice gio Pure Ice made from Distilled Water. Office: Barnard iuilding. Pattern Avenue. ASHEVILLE. N. C. DIRF.CTOM 1 . P. SAWYER, J.O.MARTIN, J. L. CARROLL, CEO. W. WILLIAMS, of Wilmington, N. C T. W. PATTON, W. W. BARNARD, D. C. 'WADDBLL, DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY Oldest Bank in Western Carolina. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE; CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. . SURPLUS FUND $20,000. FITZPATRICK BROS. & ROBERTSON Dealers In Wall Paper, Window Shades and Patent Hanger, Paint, Oil and Varnishes, Mnurj' Mixed Paint and Color. Window Claw, both. , French and American We keep in stock St. Loni and Kentucky Lend. febSdly LUMBER YARD. GEO. F. SCOTT, (Successor to Doubleday & Scott,) North Public Square. WINDOWS, - BLINDS, - DOORS, Class, Putty, Lime, Mastering Hair, Shingles, Laths, Fencing Posts. All kind of Building Material. US-Orders will receive: prompt attention. feblOdly W. T. PKSXIMAM. & CO., w. R. raaNlaiAN. -J011BRli8 AND DRALRRS IN- H A R D W AiRiE ASHEVILLE, N. C. AGENTS FOR DUPONT POWDER CO., RICHMOND STOVE CO., CORTLAND WAGON CO., OLD HICKORY WAGONS, STUDEBAKER WAGONS, MOUNE SCALE CO. ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC febOdly M CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. Anything hi the Jewelry Line at LOWEST PRICES For First Class Goods. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING. BURT DENISON, feblOdtf 18 Patton Avenue. PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING, TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. PlailS mid SllPrinrnllntie 17ntitctAe1 na annllnntlna aamGFU.M UU ApUliVOUVU Vie have thorough mechanic in each line who h n v rtnti manv rwor' iut4aM Ua Kal- liusincas. We enn safely guarantee oar patrons satisfaction In our work, a low figure. BALLARD, RICH & BOYCE. febtSdly ACKNTS FOR The lluckcve rump, Steel nntl tin Shingle, Floor nnd Hcnrth 1 tics. febiliy AGKSTS A U'l-'KS. OF Hyrkit's Piitcnt Slieatliing Lath. - ASHEVILLE - ARTIFICIAL STONE AND TILE WORKS. Portland Cement, Htone Blocks and Tile), exceedingly handsome In appear ance, of varioas design and color and eery durable for walk, in ards, sidewalks, floors for Public Buildings, Halls, Porches, Entrance, Basements, Butcher Shops, te. Special siics, colors and designs for HEARTHS. Handsome Carriage Block with name. BEST GERMAN PORTLAND CEMENT AND GOOD BUILDING SAND FOR SALE, Sample of Blocks, etc., can be seen at office over J. B. Wekerson's Hardware Store, on Public Hquair, corner of South Mala utrret. P. O. Doi R34. C. E. MOODY. marSOdSm C. H. CAMPBELL, ManufaMurer and Mrtaoleaale Shipper of GINGER ALE, CHAMPAGNE CIDER, . LEMON SODA, SARSAPARILLA, MINERAL WATERS, , TONIC BEER, . I CARBONATED WATER IN SIPHONS. Factory, ai7 Haywood St. P. O. Box m4. CLOSING OUT SALE OF 1 ALL WINTER -GOODS, AT- 22 THE BIG 2 222 patton,;avi?nite. lwtaprvn