The CrnrFi I the moit eitmrivrtT rirm-1'itr-i and v nkl read newspaper ia Wcatcni S"ih C arootia. I ia dtM-ctvoa of pohHc mm and Karrt lain tivintrrct of putjlic intfKnty. taonrvt ovframent, and proiTOoa ituiuatrr. and It know no cntoaul alktpuaccla treating pub lic (. 1 at cmiBM pahlithra the dUpatchea of the Mx-inti'l I'rr. a hirh. now cover the hole world re iu tu. It ha other tanii- k.m of advanced jotiroalitra (or gathering new frm nit quarter, with everything care oHt edited to occvpv th maikt pac. rietninea coptc of any edition will be tent re to any one arndrng their addrrna. Tumi taily, 0 for one year; 3 for tlx Mioatha; BO rents for one month ; 1ft cent for o.e week. Carrier will deliver the paper ia every part of the city to anliaerlbera, and par lies wanting it wiU pkaac cail at the Citou lice. Apvibttmxo Hats Rcaaonahle.and mane iiiei oa applkatios at thia office. AH transient advertisement mast be paid ia a4- WEDNESDAY. APRIL 3, 1S89. F.PITORIAI. NOTF ' lov. Fornkcr, l Ohi, is mcntioiietl as the prolnl'lc German minister in place of the rejected Ilulstrad. RrlatiTc intend" miiUstiuj tUenvillof Jamrt Rowan, u Louisville, who be queathed Lis valuable tstnte to Ms far mer stores. Mrs. Sully McCill, the ugetl wife of a Union soldier, wo murdered in Pcricr county, Tenn.. and robbed of $250 she bod just draWn at a petition. t . The Tennessee legialature has voted $10,000 to finish a Soldier'i Home. The proposition to admit I'nion soldiers waa , roted down liy a strict party rote. - ' . It ia reported that pool or trust rep resenting a capital of $200,000,000 trill lie established in the intereit of the great electric light conipaniea in the near fu ture. ' Tlit WuJiiagton corresX)nJents l-gin to talk of a growing disaffection in Ke puUkan ranks. There is a general re sentment of the "personal and seuti mcntal" considerations w hich are said to have influenced the President in many of his appointments. The Grant nomina tion is most generally criticised, and that of Lincoln was made without the advice of the Illinois senators. A district attor ney was appointed in Indiana on the strength of his friendship to Mrs. Rosaell Harrison, it ia said, and the influence of Mr. R. Harrison is traced ia many of the northwestern territorial appointments. Senator Matt Quay was already sus pected of a half alienation from thePri- dent, and his vote on Hp''tii ts inter preted i a, hint limt he is ready to iden Uly himself with an opposition if the oc casion demands it. New Spring Glylcs. I?v an inHwtion of the im- mpnse etock of Drena Good at the establishment of IJos tic Bros. & Wright, you will be irapresKed with the re- senae displayed by this firm wnt above original cost. I MISCELLAXEOUS. A io Per Cent. Sale To commence March 1 6, and continue for 90 days. All good will be sold at 10 per JrfJant x1ollowini ntal discussing the question of "following the New Orleans example of giving policemen a life tenuredunng good behavior in order to keep them out of politics. Ballot reform is meeting with much favor in the Missouri Legislature. A bill comprising the essential features of the Australian system hat been favorably reported to the folate, and will prolin bly be adopted by both branches. It is said that Payne will be a candi date for re-election to the Senate from Ohio, and it is suggested thut Murat Hnlstead be put up against him to try the Issue between them at to Payne's election by the use of money." :. S . Joe Smith, a negro of Plummerville, Ark., who is said to have been working up the case, iu connection with Pinker' ton's detective, of the assassins of John M. Clayton, hat been shot and killed by white man named Dnn Anderson. A Washington telegram to the Atlanta Constitution says that senator Colquitt'i mixing up in the Republican scramble for offices has caused no end of indignation and the conduct of the distidguished Georgian ha become common talk. Mary Anderson sails from New York to-day for Europe, the having so far re covered as to I able to make the trip, And it being thought that change of air and scene will be beneficial to her. She . will not attempt to appear on the stage for many months. Suicides for which no reason can be. discovered are now attributed to cigar ette smoking, Such is the cause assigned for the suicide of a young Memphis book' keeper. Would tt not be well to prohibit the manufacture nnd sulc of these deadly articles? A man and his wife, aged seventy and seventy-five years respectively, walked from Bradford to Pittsburg, lost week They told a Hlice official iu the Inttc city that they were bound for St. Joe Mo. i to n home with a daughter, nnd that they intended walking the entire distance. - 1 - Jay Gould, it is said, lins submitted through Washington Davis, a railroad contractor, a proposition to hand over $11,000,000 in gokl. with Interest from 1KH0, if the Central UIhw I'nio of New York will adopt a plun for co-oieratlv industry proKrd by Mr. Gould. There it a suspicion, however, that this an nouncement, having been made on the 1st of April, it in the nature of a joke, The impressible Looter Tanner ha been spanked early in his official career, The order of the Secretary of the Interior directing that no imiiortant removals be made in bis department except by iiistruc tionof the Secretary is taid to be innnted rebuke aimed at Tanner, who lint been boasting of the clean sweep be intended to make, aiid who bad to be chained down m his effort to reorganize the pension office during the first week of liitndniiiMxt ration. t s It is announced from Ohio that the Taync and Thurman factions, which have been at war fur ninny years, have decid ed to bury the hatchet, nnd a a result Mr. Allen W, Thurman, ton of judge Al ' len G, Thurman, it to receive the Ilem cratic nomination for Governor, and Hon. Henry B. Payne ia to lie returned to tlie I'nitcd State Senate, should the Democrat! secure a majority in the Ohio legislature at the election next Novem ber. Printers Ink, issued by Geo. P. Rowell & Co., of New York, the celebrated ad vertisingngrnti, tys: "There are only six papers in the country to-day having each a circulation exceeding 100,000 copies daily. Tliey are th Chicago Newt, the Boston Globe and Herald, the New York New and World, The Phila delphia Record. Only one of these The Record is a morning paper; one the New York News-it an evening paper: while four-tht Boston Glohessd Herald. the New York World and the Chicago KW-jii.t aadeWHirttf." THICHAHSACHlHIiTT El.r.C t TIOM LAW. - Among the provisions of the Massa chusetts election law, receutly ailoptcd, an. I whMi is the Australian system with mmlilicntior.s, nre tlte following: "W'htu fKe ballots nre printed and offi ci.iily ofthcnli'-.-ited. tl-y urc folded Itiiu'.liwite. (til tiie util es ol nil the can- ilaUstortbcdiRcrciit offices being on one ballot. ) They are then sent for dis tribution through the city and township clerks to the various polling placet. Be sides being open to inection in the sec retary's office, specimen ballots are re quired to be posted at all polling placet four day t before the election. The list ... . ... j . i t will nrooaoiv oc prinica aiso in inc cui- amns of the daily press. On the day of e cction the votrr, upon going to trie polls, enters' first an outer room, where, if lie bat been registered, hi name is checked off. This beinir done, be oastrt into an inner room, where a ballot it banded him, and with this he retires to a stall orovkkd with a desk to arranged that be cannot be overlooked, ana. wun oencil mnrkt hit ballot at t lie names lor which he votes. He then folds his ballot anew and deposit it personally in the ballot box. These provision are designed to enable the voter to cast his ballot without the bias of any influence whatever beyond hit own convictions. They are probably not very well calculated to facilitate tlie workings of the ''floaters-in-blocks-of- five" system, nor especially adapted to citizen who are equally without convic tions and tlie capacity to read print Naturally more objection will be found to them down South wheie a majority of the Republican party might fuia some difficulty in correctly marking their bal lots than in enlightened Massachusetts, but ret even a Southern State could hardly be accused of defrauding anybody of the suffrage by adopting a law de signed exclusively to secure intelligent, honest and safe voting. . ' Health tHsUltttIca and Immigra tion. (Kkhmosd Plapatcb North Carolina is not only one of the richest and most progressive of the Southern States, but she takes care not to hide her light under a bushel. She is generally well represented at every great national ' or international - gathering, whether commercial, manufacturing, set entitic, or what not, and seldom fails to have some one push her claims to the front and tires her advantages. A few years ago Western North Carolina was comparatively an unknown region. Now lew portions ot the country are better know to proa)ectors, land-buyers, lumber-getters, and capitalists interested in projecting railroads, and physicians, which last are doing a great deal to set tie up the section and make it a place of summer residences for northern people. iu iiic iM aHaiun ui uk cmmiariiin ap pears a paiierontbecllinatlcsnd sanitary qualities of Western North Carolina, which wns read before the International Medicnl Congress at Washington. Itii tlie production of Dr. Henry 0. Marcy. distinguished physician of Boston, and while it might be called a splendid adver tisement for Western Notth Carolina and its resorts, it contains some striking suggestions to Virginians, lr, Marcy (lean in statistics, and among other In teresting statements makes the following: The number of deaths in every thousand trom consumption in New bnginnd u nearly 250; in Minnesota and California, 1r.1l' in U.,it iuiLi a,M 1'w ti iimmm 1IUl Im Western North Carolina, UO. in putting upon thia market ara going to make a change sn tnr v in the season the newest styles of Spring and in business, and I will sell you Summer fabriC8. It is the flfiai,in8Pr than nnv mer- grentest help possible to the svKtprr.atic woman, who is chant in Asherille, .... l i. i ..ii i. lT "" ',T .!: I!" I The best KM Flannel at WUirv Ul UlX'Oluun.iiili ur layed. In style and variety 25c. you ever saw; former their Gingham nnd Satines . are varied enough this season i",,u oot to wilt the niost exacting. ivst (Jinghams-at Gtf, indeed, tneir iwauties nre so . bewildering- that at first and 8&c. ; old price 10c. glance a choice seems quite ('ftiilK)eg 5 q anj 7P, imnMHniJp A fiirinl msncc- tinn . however, bniif-stoliirht Big lino 'of Ladies' Fine theoddestb.;l(l(sul.lqunint- Shoeg a w wnt est, efltK'ts. esneciallv in Sat- 1 ' . i i it- .. tt.iil r ines. r owers m ox dioou on uarners iieaiui vorseii a French giay background; an exquisite pattern with bor. der of palms; odd mixtures in rersian iinis: ivy leuvws, uei- icate sprays. An endless va riatv and beautiful enough to commend themselves to the most fastidious. In American Ginghams we find some nov elties, which are exact copies of French patterns, yet won derfully cheaper. Certainly TilmriH nnd stnoes seem to be the rage. Broad plaids and per yard, that cost me 30c crochet stripes are all to be ftnd 35c Bwm 111 iiuHiueiifiss wimura. Solid colors of Ginghams with Table Linen the best line dainty trimmings of white . oitvwin have to iro will be charming for young ,n tne Clty-Wl11 nave 10 s M isHes. iV ud rose and ocean at 1 0 per cent, above cost Donular bhades. though their r Itw impossible for me to Scoteh Zephyrs will be prefer-give all prices. So you see red by some, rromineni , among the Summer fabrics competition cannot reac ai-e the ne and delicately tll08e prices. Big line of Chi t.inrjw. frinll ma Tlifiso with 10 cream white grounds tirecov- dron'H mid Miw;s' Hose a 1 x :i I ereu wiui uaaniy ien., in u- bft,f what they cost, ing vines and sprays of wild roses ami wneat ueaus, unu T m (rft!no. t f.hnTlfrft niv willmttkecharminggownsfor . Summer wear. These cos- business, and I will give I mciro for dollar than any LK?nt?OH UUYVBH.UU IUUra, PI1UUI- der knots, sleeve bows and house in Asheville, neck rosettes. The prettiest ribbon for trimming purposes is the crown edge at f 1.10. Warner's Coraline Corsets at 85c. ' Warner's Flexible Hip Cor- sdtat 85c. A splendid Corset for 40c. A very good Corset for 20c, Nico Summer Silks at 20c UlSCELLAXrOVS. ANNOl'NCEnEJiT T3 Tt'I U::ES ESrillALLY. We are pleased to announce hat our stock of Slillinery is now in and ready for inspec tion and would be pleased to have the ladies call. Our intention of having a Special Grand Opening has to be foregone, as Mrs. Mnc- Nair is so busy with orders that we have not the time to give it proper attention. Also wish to announce that our stock of Dry Goods, '""ancy Goods, Parasols and specialties are open for in spection. With our thanks or past favors and with a determination to merit your continued patronage, Respectfully, A.WHITLOCK. Th finer Dress Goods, in Flouncines. Beiges. Henriettas, Cashmeres and Silks, with every shade of trimmings were care fully selected in New York, for tlie Best Trade o Western North larouna. W. II. LEA, lj N.Malp U No good sold to tiny one on time. . Cash, or no trade The Usdlnt Store of the city fur Lsdles Is ESTADROOK'S, M S, Main Street. Th greatest variety of nice goods, such as Hooka rUatlpnCDi Fancy ftopcln, Toys, Paintings, Bnaravlair. Frames, Western North Carolina Ly. Aihevllle, Ar. Salisbury, views, Novelties, tstc., mc. MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY, Ko. 28 Pnttop Avenue, Girdwood Sc Stlkeleather, Proprietors. 0AII orders promptly attended to. febiHljr UIC1IMONI) ft f)ANVILLB KA1LROAD COMPANY. (Western North Carolina Division.) P4SSKM0KI PtrtBTllSNT, AsiiaviLLB, sj. C, Jan. 1, 1880. PASSENGER TRAIN BCHEDUl-B. is BrrscT Jan. i. 189; Everyone Is pleaurd and all satisfied with what tlurv buv st this utace. . I Their tock Is of the btt nnd prices always reasonable, uuaintas men 'iu nun the lar-1 grst and best line of blank books and Office fttatiomry in v. n. v. Atucllo Didn't rcn the Musi, Waihlngtoa Critic.) Tliroiigh the half open door in the h til Arno tlie murnicr of a low. musical voice floated into the hull way, Tll'door o)iened into an elegant apartment deco rated with rich draiery and bijouterie that gave tlie place nn air of vulitptuoua refinement. Seated on a soft turkish rug of luxurious squnshiness a wraith figure sits; the luce of exquisite sweetness, yet with an uncanny brilliancy almut the eyes, it is lit up by the fitful glow yf the firelight. Upon the little hands rests a head whose gold enmeshed tressss fall a glittering shower over sculpturesque arm and iu the other is n dainty circular box with grooves of scrupulous exactness, through which brilliant colored globules wheel and circle in bewildering mnii ness. "My God," says tlie fair girl with a smothered sob"l cannot do lU-I can not." Slie gives the dainty circular lx a swift whirl, gases at it' with took of in tense determination, and drawing hcrv self up to the height of her scornful stat ure cast it from her into the fire as if it were a thing too low hr her superb con tempt. For an instant her face rests in her hands, theu with trembling steps sh propels her slender figure over to tlie nearest table, sits down and writes an other uovcL It is Amelie Rives Chanter, and she has been trying to get tlie "Tigs in the Ten." Art tttmlio over store, where visitors can ft-b I .1(1 Obtain ipt ul sk'tflies 1st oil or water color. Danville, Lynchburg, nnhinKton Baltimore, I-bila., New York, Boston, Richmond, j a 30pm 7oOnm nr,ni "1 No. 51 9S5pm 37ara 0A7am 12Spm 7 3npm UUOpra aooam 0 'iOam 3 aopm 11 KalciKh, M ifiililiitMiro, Wilmington Jiq. S 140pm 643pm 102Opm 100am 70Oam 8 29am 1047am 1 iiOpm 900pm S 15nm 1 02pm 31Upm (tOOjiis Tlie "Rebel Oirl" "Oiiaranlees" "Re linnce" iu an "Havana Puff," and tlie "Daisy (jucen" of our "American Drug gist" can be found by lovers of the weed at F. L Jacolia' drug store, where tl.ere is also a complete line of drugs' and drug gists' sundries. Tlie famous Excelsior Water direct from Saratoga Springs, N. V., Vichy, Deep Rock, Scltier.Tnte Spring rind Sodn Wnter nlwors nn dmuglit. Anecdotes of Oencral Orant. General Grant, on his return to this country, is said to have been severely af Dieted with a cough contracted while crossing the ocean, and which had stub bornly refused to yield to any treatment. A friend procured for him a bottle ol Symphyx, and by its use ia bjw hours he was entirely relieved, lie remarked to his friend : "Men look upon m as a great soldier, but thia bottle of Symphyx it greater than I. My calling has been to destroy men's lives, but this medicine is a nctgrroys saviirr of men. ! shall orrer be without it again." d&w tnMARKTa Lv. Asheville, Ar. llcndcniotiville, Ar. Rpartnnb'g " Charlotte, '' Columbia. Charleston, " Angusta, " Savaanah, " Thomasvilie.Ga Jacksonvllte " Atlanta, 'I "Kb.' BS 830am 9 L'Oam Mfioam OSOpin Montgom'y Mobile, New Orleans 4Opm Diopi 909pm a Ifiam 1 40 pin 120O 1040pm 7 2Sam 1 Oflpin 7 2tl All eyes fitted and tit guaranteed A com plete stock of the shpys goods at GRANT'S DRUG STORE, !I4 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Oculists' prescriptions a specialty, frb7dm I.v. Spartanburir, Ar. llrndrrsonvilie. BUCKLANll, 'merchant tailor, NO. 10 PATTON AVENCB, Hcks to annonnce that be has received his samples fur the enraing spring and summer and asks tlie public to call and examine. 8PBCIAI. ATTKNTION OIVKN TO CLEAN- REPAIRING AND ALTBRINO. JanildU Employment Agency. " CHAS, E. LAKE & CO., 3 8. MAIN ST. Male and S-male servants for all kinds of employment furnished ou short notice. Hrrvnntawantlng positions apply here. mar!7dlm r. Asheville. Ar. Hot Springs Knoxviue, Chnttnn'ga, Nashville, Memphis, tv. Ashtvit.e. Ar. Hutupriugs KOoxvllIc, Louisville, Cincinnati, Chicago, 8t. Louis. N0.J86 f40am' 0 20am 1 10pm 0 ISpm 010am 7 40am 1 iopm 0 40am 030pra "MlRPrtTBRi Kb" Ha' 444pm OlOpm 830pm B40am 1143am S 30pm 444pm TlBam 1143am 0 30pm) T sopni No. 34 340pm 607 pm No. 64 708pm 840pm Lv. A.lKvllle. Ar. Wo vnrsvllje 1 No. A. F. STEVENSON, CARRIAGE : AND : SIGN ! PAINTER, GILDER AND VARNISHER, Is prepared to do all kinds of Painting. Bring os your old-looking Carriages, Bretts, Bar rys, Boggles. Carts sad Wagons and have them varnished or repainted, so they will look as good as new. All work warranted sot to crack, blister or (oom oft until It wears obT. Terms reason able. Shop on Harnett Hill, Eagle Street, mar.lldflm Js Cs DROWN. MERCHANT I TAILOR, s Fatton Avenue, (Nt to Grand Control IlotrU Spvsdly f No. 600am tasum Pftpw Lv. Jnrrctfs, Ar. Wavimville, 1 " Ahcville, MT- sMcepIng ears on all sight trains. JA8. L, TAYLOR, W. A. WINBURN. O. r. A. II. P A SOL. II AAA, T. M Schedule Street Railway. To take effect Friday, March 1, at r) Jpg. i Car WoTS Court House , .i.g.SO a. I ! " r .' mw " ,.,..,...M...S.1MI I . a (ul Prom then till 7 p. m. car leaves court houi every aw minutes. Alio, car leaves Court honor at 8.00 n. and 9.00 p.m. PARR, FIVB C?ST?i yAOONS FOR 6ALB. One good new two-horse wagon for mora es man cost; two nearly new one-horse m a oorgniB. Also one phaeton nearly new, a great bargain. Apple to , P. C. MclNTIRK ft; BKO., marSldaw Ashcvill Meat Market. The City of Hickory can justly lay claims to many pleasant and natural advantages as a healthful resort for tourists and invaUds, situated as it is on the erest of one of the principal mountain sporo which extend, to the Blue Ridge la the west, and dividing the beautiful Ca tawba Valley. For hantingand fishing this section of Western North Carolina is greatly noted. The neighboring mountains and streams abound In an unlimited variety of gams and fi.h. BROOM FACTORY. HANFOAD N.LOCKWOOD - M AMD-MADS Brooms, 'Whisk, Hearth and Celling Broom a. Mill and Factory grades a snedslty. Quo tations and samples tree. lebl&Uly JASIES FRANK, - DBALBBDI FAMILY 6R0CERIES AND PROVISIONS Agent for Reems Creek Woolen Mills. North Main street. - Asheville, N. C IcblOdly THE 01 3& S') FEF.T'ABOVEt TIIlK-WATfcK. 1 HICKORY, N. Co unRPAED. lllll1 SliUlUIt rill 11 '-Yf The "HICKORY INN" is built of Brick, Stone and Iron, has all modern Improvements, Gas and Electric Bells In each room, and is well heated by furnaces ; Hot and Cold Water Baths and Toilets on each floor. Is elegantly furnished throughout. The table win be sup plied witri the best the market affords. Excursionists to or from Asheville can stop over at Hickory. For information ns to climate, etc., address FRANK XOUGIIRAN, PropV, RATES $2.50 to $3.30 per Day. HICKOKV, W. s,. $13, $13 and ill per wees. KEAL ESTATE. Waltkb B. Cwm, W. W. Wsst. GVYN & WEST (Successors to Walter B.Cwyn) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE' . HOTELS. STRICTLY REAL ESTATE. Iroants Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Pub.ic. Commissioners ol Heeds. FIRE INSURANCE. THE THOMAS HOUSE. NEAR BATTERY PARK, Is now under entirely new management, and will be kept in strictly first-class style.':-:s:;:":- rrrr. --4:- TRANSIENT OR REGULAR B0ARDER8 TAKEN. Northern Cooking. ... Rates Reasonable, MRS. E. LACY & SON. Proprietors, dtf " ' ' A DELIPHifUL EXCURSION I OFFICE Southeast Court fyfjuare. CITIZEN PUBLISHING COMPANY, No. 0 North Court Square, Is prepare! tfl do higlugrade work at LOW RATES lVause they have a Wm. Cocke, Jr., I REALESTATE AND MINERAL BROKER, Asheville, IS. V Can sc yuu due million acres of land, in traitts from SO to 100,000 acres. Have a number of city lots. Improved and unim proved, which I can sell on the best of terms. If you want a large or small farm coll ou me. If you want minerals of any kind, you need go no further. If you want timber lands, this is headquarters. In fact I can suit you in anything you want in my line. Services of a first-class civil engineer and practical aurveyoy engaged to show sp all property when required. I have had fifteen years' experience In the real estate business, and think I know what will please.' Prompt attention to. all Inquiries. feudly W. CORTLAND, Real Estate Broker, INVESTMENT AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, Patton Avenue, Barnard Building. febOdly D. S. WATSON, Real Estate Agent, Offers f6r salt the best lot in Asheville for a Hotel two acres on Patton Avenue between Pailey and (trove streets. Also, some very fine residence lots for sale centrally located. oooti business lots for sale at the Old De pot. Fine fanning lands, timber lauds, etc., for sale, near (he city, POR RENT, Four splendid houses furnished and nnfur nMied, for rent. U.l. WATSON, 'dtmy Asheville, N. C. ASHEVILLE TO HOT SPRINGS. Round Trip Tickets only $4.80, Including a full day's board at the MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL. The Baths In Marble Pools and Porcelals Tub. are the finest and most luxurious in America. The Hotel i NEW AND FIRST-CLASS In Every Particular. UNEXCELLED IN ITS CUISINB. The pines is a charming spot, nestled, among and sheltered by Pine-clod Mountains, where there Is no fog, no dust, no malaria Pure and abundant w, ,,, ,bsoitel perfect drainage. dtjul29 WCIILAND HOUSE, Corner Main and Depot, WAYNESYIUB,U. LXSVRAXQE. piRB INSURANCE, -vr-- - FIRE, LIFE. A(TIDEr , Rooms newly the mnrket RATI" PULLIAM & CO. AttheBaniftfx,!,, vllle. FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENT, 1 MRS. 8. STEVENSON Hstrstaovsd Uths loha.tou Bulidlsg, Pat. too svenM, corner of Chorea street, where he Is prepared to keep regular or transient boarders. - , Table nnilsked with the beet the ajsrket affords. Terms rlrasokabk aarldss ASKUVILLa, N c Represent the follow mg companies, vli. Anglo Nevada, of Callfomi. " '- I Continental, of New VnS " 3,I7,S3 I Hnmburg-BWm nrX."" " .7R.V2.1 oo tarnished. Fnre tlie best lords. Good sample room. r-' ACTION GUARANTEED. ns: $1.00 per day. 0. D. L. ALLEN & SON', Proprietors. A NEW HOTEL IN BRYSON CITY. The Swayne House, One of the best in Western North Carolina Summer and winter resort. Nature's wnlt!: moderate Cnr and otCT ". Terms',3d3mBONDLACKDURN.rrop-r. London Assurance of Rn i 1.1 !I0, Niagara, nttS"11 J (inent, of HnrtfoM a s:,7. nr 11 !9 4H2 - l,n17,B!2 O.O04.1 7 nnt-"'T"oaMnri'".ofWl0. RoHtbern, Of New' "iVrL.' l,Bl,Oftl Mutual Acviden s.:-:;'- ."J0,aaa THE- EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society or TUB VKITIO STATSS. Assets Burplns 95.04 s,oa.o6 Jt-Wth'an"an'i"othwc, Wris"-H Tontine P.Mrt Ii VI".'. .iM.1.0 Foresaroples, rates. eU., confer rlth E. 1). Monroe, Ajf t OBcSwUb Judge Astos. Ashrrille, N. C. HDUSdani nfllN0T'S Ma nrriTimirti A TRUE TOULCT LUXURY. Or Sot.UTLY PURS iNONCo'lKNTSX tAUTIFItS THC TEIThT MMIRVESTHE GUMS. SsVCETENS THC BREATH. JINJUfly TO Tut ENAMEL Fe AND AGRABu" WITHOUT EQUAL A9 A TOILET "REPARATION. fwct as cents per bottle. OLD ST ALL 0HU0QI8TS. . . WINKEI MANN 4 CO.. vriisosg. Mo. ' For sale by . J. 8. GRANT, dawtntiSH KS0 SJ,

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