t;:s daily citiztjx ill be pnl.n.hed errry morning feirept Moa ca at lac following rule miiK tly tmh: Cxii- car . ..'! OO r i inuni , 3 (Nt three HooLli. . l.BO iik XI , BO we rr. 15 I Hir earners mill deliver tlx paper erery morning ta erery part of the city to our eab cniieT, and partjrn wanting it will please ail at ta Ciruaa Olnce. Pw AdrrnlKmcnts. Seal Estate 1. aV VYaUon Notice H. ft. Harkins, Mayor. A rents Wanted B P. Johnson Co. The Lart school National Garment Cat to r Company. V. M. C. A. TUc Importance of Its Organisa tion In Ashevllle. Alitor Citizen : The tardiness with which the young men of this community tnke bold of, and co-operate with the efforts bring made to establish the Young Men's Christian Association, is simply, because they do not understand the ob ject for which the Association was ori ginally formed. It is a separate and dis tinct organization, and is not, and neTer . was, intended to interfere in any way, with the work of the chnrch. Etctt effort made hitherto in the name of the Y. M, C. A., has been to all appearances. to establish in oar midst, a society whose soke aim was to inaugurate a perpetnal re-viral, thereby administering to young tiiea in and out of the church, so good a thing as religion in doses "ad nauseam. While "Religion la the chief concern Of mortals hen below," Our merciful Father in Heaven does not require us to be perpetually on our knees. I tit gives us the harmless pleasures of lite, which are, so to speak, sandwiched be tween seasons of pious thought and re ligious duties. The real object of the Y. M. C. A., is to re.ick young men in toe cities, resident or who have come from the country to live, or remain for a time who have neither home, nor home ties, have no place of resort, and have not the in clination nor means to unite with any of the dubs, and furnish such persons witn a rendezvous, where they could at no cost, or a nominal one, siend an hour r a quiet evening, where would lie tound the newspapers, peiimlicnlsaud standard enrrent literature of the day. Such a re sort would save many a young man un- ncquainted with the inhabitants of llace, from not the possibility, but the probability ol lulling into evil company led astray, spending bis earnings in tin l nr room, gambling saloon, or jierhaps, places of worse resort to lie found every city ot any considerable sue. Many of these associations hare a gym minium, and also at stated times, en gnge noted persons to lecture on religion, literature or science. Tlie association is a worthy one, and will repay those engaged in tlie work in the good result obtained for tlieir outlay In time, trouble and means. They have succeeded else where; why not in Asheville ? 8. Wbi.i.kb MARKETS) IlV TEUXIliFII. Money and rcarltle-a Cotton rrovlnloitM and rrodacc. HOKST ANDHCl'UTMUL, New Yo, April a. Exchange dull bat strong. ... , . . Money easy, afjao; cioams; oncrra at J. rnib-Ttratury balances Gold. $138,163, 00O; enrrenCT, 01 000. Government DO da. dull bat steady t per cents, $1.2S; per cents, 91.ua. State bonds, dnll bnt steady. Ala. C lass A 2a3 lo5h!N. V. Central I0TI4 Ala. Claa B.6..1U IN. W. pfd. 4S Ga. 7a, mort 102V, Northera Pae. am, N.C. Cons., 6a. 123 N. P. pld rXH, N. C. Cods., 4. Irs V, Pacific Mail . So 8. t. Brown'...104,!ltendins; - T Ket . 3a 7J. rkh. All..... 19 Virginian ... . w. routu. ao Virginia Cons... 85 Northwestern ... 104 do pld ...137V.I Kock Island.. ot. Paul do pM.. ,loit. DH A Lack 137SiTex. Pacinc..- Brie 27tyTeanCoailrc East Teas. 9 ll'nion Pacific.., Lake 8bore -lOlHi.S. I. Central.-. Lou. A Kash oStaiMo. Pacific 7V4 hlem. A Char.. oOVWctr Lnioa.. HS Moh. A Ohio...... 10 Cotton-aead Oil Nash. A Chat... 3 Certiocatea.... B7Vs NOPac.latmort 87Vtl Bid. Fine Tabic Cattery Cheap. A bigger bargain than ever before 26 sets (only) of fine Kusscll steel and celltt old handled, knives at $3 a a set. Thirty sets of fine white-handled knives at 11.33, A few pairs fine carvers to match, very low. Wonderfully low prices on best plated knives, oi ki and shmiii. Rogers' ttipit-platcd knives at $2 a set, Every thing in Crockery, Glass and Lamps, at Law's, 57, 50 and 61 S. Main St. An agent has appeared in Raleigh and : issued a naming blood red circular invit ing the negroes toetnlgroiit to California and offering the strongest inducements in the way of wages. He proposes to visit Newhern, Washington, Scotland Neck, Wilson, Rocky Mount. Wcldon, Llunbeth City and other points in the eastern part of the Slate, and will con duet monthly iwrties to California, Th l.nt Clan. We art informed by the National Gar ment Cutter Company here, that they only intend to get up one more class in garment cutting; and then will move to a new field. They had intended to stay here for some months, or until they had thoroughly worked the county, but or ders were received last week telling them to close out the work as soon as possible. The success that has attended tlieir work here has been truly marvelous, and speaks very highly of the Garment Cutter, for no real success ever attends anything that is without true merit. All who have not already taken the system should avail themselves of this lust chance of so doing. The time has come when yo i can no lon ger delay tlie matter, if you want the system. The instruction room, on Col lege street (Hendry block) is likely fitted up, and no lndy can hnve any objection to attending the school. Tlie sign, "Na- tionnlGnrmentCutterlnstructionRoom; hangs over the doorway leading up to the room, which is open every Thursday and Friday. 17. TO 191(1 A MONTH ran be mad f ll III lU working for lis. Agenta pre ferred who ran forntah a burn and girt their note nme to tne bnalneaa. Spare momenta may lie pr.intnl.ly employed niso. A few acanctcs in towns and dtica II. P. JOHN- vu nniw main ., Hicnmuan, va. N. H l.aUirs employed also. Never mind i aenuing atnmp tor rir. Come quick, oars Air bit., II. P. J, A Co. aprSdum wc N OTICB. At a reanlar meeting of the Monrd of Alder men, held on the lftth day of M anh, 1 BUM, It wan ordered that two votlna tdaeea beentau llihed in the city, for holding mnntrlpal elee- unv (w ur m inc coan tioasn anti the other at the Buncombe Warehonse. All to. tern Hring east of Mala stmt arc to vote at the Court Hons, and all voters Hring west of Mala street are to rote at the Bunmmbe XAarehonse. A new registration of all voters nrina in tneeity was also ordered. Mr. A. .1. Kummey was npiHiinted registrar for the western uirtlon of the city, and Col. 8 llu- itiw nrwin wan i port olers living in the corporate limits of v :i " iMiire io mate lorward and Save their name enrolled in the aew regla JrJ"ho'ii. whether they have ever regis. i, . y ' regniar election far Mayor sad three Aldermen, Monday, May M. H. HARK INK, P. M. Mil. I. Kg, Mavor. City Clerk. aurltdlm eastera i appointed reaiatrar for h iHia oi I lie city. 'J,Rl,"TBB' BALB. . Bjr vlrtneofa power of sale contained In s f ewted to m by Jamea H. Me- -"u ania n, Mivoaneii nia wile, on rst day ol J one, 1NT, to seen re the pay. ' I "Ttsln moneys lo I'lvsaes Uouliledar. deed of trnst is recorded In Mortaan Connell and Rutk H, AlrCoanell his ine nrsi an inent wnn neeo oi trust M recorded In Mortgage Book No. Ill at fas Am r..n " T thr,,mofthe Hegiatrr of Heeds of "inn- LTlTrrS'"' of Knr,h t orollna, I will ell at Mllk' aw-tion ftir rash at the Conrt eli'l,X'irJ?.,,W V'TAshevillr. the prop! rrty deserllwd la sawl used uf tmat. via : Be ginning at a stake i. the eastern mar nof l.t street, at I. It. g.y. northwest cSrne? r"""?"1" " d marala of Ka.t street stake la the nd In the HI 10" west. BJU wet to """a Bisrrlo or But I. "''" oi seory street : thence with w7lT"Ml,.Ki1', 'hence "ay's lint sonth A" east th man M it w sat This March IR.'ibmu.' .. v AUUHLL, Trasttt. COTTOg. Livsspool, April a Nooa Cotton quatt limited inquiry Amcnraa mlddliag o 11-18; sales 7,000. Kpecnlatioa aad export BOO. Receipts, M.OOO: American 2o,oO0. tores auiet but steady. r. . Amerknn middling, B11-16D. tales of to-day included, 04O American, April 644-M, vaJae; AprU aad May, 6 4. 6. valnei May and June 8 ao-A. sellers June and July 6 46-44, sellers; July aad Aa- Sast B 46-64, sellers; August and September 43-64, sellers; September and October 8 29 64. bnrers: October and November S '12. sellers; September 8 4344, sellers. Futures closed qniet. Nsw Yobk. April 3. Cotton Net eeipts 9.6M3; gross 7,117, Futures closed Juiet. Baku 11,800 balsa, pril 10 OSalO.OAIOct W sy ....... 1 (1. 1 1 a 1 0. 1 3 1 Nov.... June. ....... 10 toa. 101 lllee.. July 10.23alo.ZBJi Aug.... ...lO.SIalO.BaiVi 8cpt .0. I Feb., .. 9oa ti .. .60a B.61 .. o.flla .63 .. 9 7oa 9.73 .. .77a 9 79 April 3 Cotton onl steady,. Bales to-day 174 bales; Middlin: vpianas lu s-ia; miaaiing unesH to 7-1 in 3 Cotton quirt bat 17 llini Biports to Great Brttal Nsw Vosk, 9.935. Franc 1.51S. Continent 3,065. Stock 660.3H1. OALVsaroa, April 3. Cotton qniet; 10& reeeipU 404, NoaroLg, April 3. Cotton steady, 10; receipts 24M. BALTiMosg, April 8,Cotton quiet, 10 14; receipts none. BosTon, An-fl 3 Cotton qniet, 10a 104a; reeeipU 2011. WILMMOTOM, N. L., April 2. COttOS quiet but steady, receipts 4 Pull .Ml Mil, AitrM A 10; receipts iio. April 2- 3. Cotton quirt. Cotton firm, v; 1. Cotton steady, Savannah. receipts 918. Nsw Oslbans. April V IS 18; receipts l.OoH. Mosii.1. April 2. Cottoa steady, receipts ft 15. MBurilie, April 8. Cotton quiet but firm; v in-iu; receipts au. Auoiista, April 2. Cottoa steady, 10 1 16; receipts 216, Ciiabi.bstom, April 3. Cotton firm; I0Vi; receipts ian. rsovinoNi and raonveg. IlALTiyuig, April a. Flour quiet but ranter. Wheat Southern quiet bat steady, Pull 93nl.03 Longberry MBal.OS; West em easy; No. 2 winter red spot H7V4at4 Corn Southern steady to firm; white 42a43; yellow 41a42Vi; Western spot strong. Fu tures steady. Cincinnati, April 3. Flour heavy Wheat uun ann lower no. 2 rea trUrysug. corn light, in demand No, 2 mixed 84Vaa38, Hall easy No. 2 mixed 36. Pork quiet 14. to. ,ara easier o.vo. nuia man is anu baroa steady and unchanged Whiskey firm 1.011. ' Nsw Yosa, April 3 Southern flour dull and heavy. W heat spot quiet, limited export and milling demand Nu. a red, ST Corn spot quiet out steady No. 2, 42443. Kle ystor options dull and easy; AprU 48; Ma Jun 43Vs. Oats spot quiet, barely steady. Hops steady and quiet. Codes op tions rioueu swaoy at luaio pointa up, sugar raw nrm una quiet; rennea auu anc suchsnged. Molasses, foreign firm, 80 test IfiVji SBkcd. New Orleans quiet. Vice quiet nut ateaoy. cottoa seen oil dull. Tur pentine, moderate demand, 4a. Beef Bams quiet 13.ooslS.oU. Freights taay. votion ji'ioif. THE LOCAL MARKET. fCOXBBUTID PAH.t.1 The following prices cgn be obtained for country produce: Cabbages, nicely trimmed, per !b. ..1H Sorghum Molassrs, per gal...,,..., 2oa80 Sides llacun, per lb , M(4a9 nan poiaiocs, per uu.... , .......ooailo Wheat, per bu.... I.OO Flour, per ewt ........8.BOa3 60 Corn. perb.... ..aoaBfl Chickens 13 Ho 30 eggs, per uoi 7 an ? utter, perm 20a2S urnliM, per tm ;.,.. us Carrots, per bu.. 70 Parsnips, pcrbu 70 (Inlons, pcrbu , 1.00 low t'eas, perim , , 70al.00 Lelcry, per bunch , ,., Beef, per th gross......... 34 Mutton, per lb aross.. 8a4 Apples, per bu 7ft l,oo Ducks. 20a28 Turkey, dressed, 10 live 7Sal.2A Brans, per bu 1.00al.78 Onts, per bu , 40aBO nay, per ewt HOal.OO 1 N. MORGAN & CO., No. 3 Barnard Building School nnd Collctre Text liookH, a full line. I'oeto. His tory, Komuncp. lJiojrranli Travel and Novels. Familv Bibles, S. H. Bibles and Test aments, Oxford Teachers Uibles, onir Books of al kinds, larf?e stock Stationery . 1 1 1 w m i uiaiiK liooKs ana umce and School Supi)lifs. New line Ladies and Gents' Pocket- books just opened. Fancy uoous ana Dolls. fcblOdlv MISCELLASEOUS. Swnnnanoa Hotel. raexcened cuiaioc. Popular with toaristx, families and busiaeaa lea. Electric cars pass the door. 1AWU BROS., (cbldly PropCs. GRANT'S If yoor prescriptions are compounded at Grant's Phar macy yon eaa positively de pend upoa these facta: First, that only the Parest aad Best drugs aad chemicals will be ' used. Second, they wilt be coanDouadcd carefully aad ac curately by sa experienced . prescription 1st ; aad third, yon will aot be charged aa esorbb tant price. You will receive the best goods at a very rea- DRUG , sonablc profit A fun line of Patent Medicines, Toilet Arti cles, AVer's Becamier Prepara tions, Scott's Electric Csrlers, ' etc., ate. ' We have the agency for Hum phrey's Homeopathic Medi cine. 1VAI'LT8 OLD STAND. 34 a Main St. Prescriptions delivered to any part of the city free of ! charge STORE. marSOdly WE WISH To direct attention to a lot of very OTYLISH TXRtss.ngoDs J. V. BROWN Will continue the nndertaker's business at his old stsad over J. K. tllckcrson A Co.'s llnrdwitre Store, under tin flrra name of J. V. 11ROWN & CO. Having thirty yesrs' experience as under- tnker and embalmer, and uncqualed facilities ur buying, can aalely guarantee, satiifactioa Call promptly attended to at all hours. Brerythliig pertaining to the busincsa al- wavsoahaad. frblSdam N OTICB. Will collect debts fur anyone in the cit per cent, (ioixl facilities for reutlna anil lecting rents on house. W1U aeU fumlini. uii weesiy pnyments, Heferences given. I. B IOHNMiN. At Itlair's Furniture Store, n i-atloa Avenue. martaditm LOTS FOR SALE. From one to twn acre oa North Main street. Desirable pruiierty. Auolv to Jag. Lusk Sir'Jilnt JOt)D IKlAKtl " And comlbrtnlile moms ran he had by as pirin at NO. 88 WIHIUFIN T frhJiMllin we Man THE ASHEVILLE LiYrARY ASSMttflOlir Rooms oa Mala street. OnrWsamlt ksa lm.k om. " Oiwn dnlly, except Rnndnva, from 10 a. m snlll 1 p. m., and 4.80 until '. 80 p. m. The terms of sutiacrlptlon are: One year S i, m" l 0l'i . t 1 mo.. SOrt.; Olhcera liirlKNU lm.l.l.. a .-. Vke-l-resldent, Charle W. WhWy": arc ana Trea. D..Wat;Ubrarlan. iim U. J. Citiiea and visitor ar cordially Invited I'T.'IV rrlb the, ssxe as me sabers fcueHf TYUSH sLTRESS VJOOOS Recently opened. Among them are several desirable thing of which wc cannot get future supplies, so think our patron should be ad vised to that effect. In SATINES AND GINGHAMS Wt oner unusual value. Also extraordinary value In FINK CASSIMEREM, For Trousers anil Rults. Very desirable SPRING WRAPS for Ladles and Misses, at moderate figure. II, REDW00D& CO WM. R. PEI11.1AN PROPRIETOR OP THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS Anhcvllle, N. C. r. o, p. marl 3d ly OFFER EXTRAORDINARY ! For the next thirty dsn we will sell Ait lot la PKOMPKCT PARK, West Aahevllle, oa such favorable terms that homnreker will no wen to come aad deal with u. Only 10 Per Cent Cash Will be required, and the balance can be made paraoie nun 1 mli 11 desired, with N tier cmt. imcrrei irons naie 01 tranaieruntll paid These lot arc valued from (ISO uptoS, sen 3.O00 upon and the price art upon them an bm actual Bale of similar iota adjoining. The Electric Street Railway I being rapidly pushed to Prospect Park, its jpoaetl terminus, thus bringing these lots Quick and easy communication with the square, and other principal parts of the city. We Have Entire Confidence l Ik MiIh. nCth-u I..- ..J I I ' - . ... ... m ti .i nence nnvc no wars in leaving nine-tenth of the purchase money at Interest. The II rat to come will Be rn re rniHc 01 lota. Apply to GWVN Jk WEST, tr.sr33.ltf B. B. Court Square. ASHEVILLE AD VEK TISEMEXTS. "buy iio:.ie-;iade Goons." Full Roller Process. We Guarantee Satisfaction. Ask Your Grocer for Asheville Milling Company Flour and Heal Wc make the following grades of Horn: Roller King, Electric Light, Carolina Belle. Tale no other. ' Cash Paid for Wheat, Corn, Oats and Rye. Horse and Cattle Feed Mixture Ground to Order. Do Custom Grinding for Corn Rye and Oats. Mil and Yard at Old Depot. ASHEVILLE COAL COMPANY, H. T. COLLINS & CO. Superior Ilartl and Soft Coal at Wholesale and Retail. Office: Barnard Building, 1'atton Aqtw. ' Yard: Old Depot. HERRING & WEAVER, THE SHOE STORE, NO. 30 SOUTH MAIN STREET. While we Have the Finest and Most FahionableGood In Onr Line, We also have the cheapest. Call nnd sceus. .. D. II. REAGAN, -WITH HENRY S. KING & SONS, Hardware and Cutlerv, BALTIMORE, MD. Refer to J. W. Btarne. mariia dam N OTICB.- Hv virtue of a decree nflh aM,irl,. rA of Huncomlie county, rendered at the llecem- oer lerm, ihnm, 1 will, on the th day of April, 1MNU, at the rcsttlrnre of vantiimer on Colleire street. In the city of the hluhest blililer. all the .. chatties, ennyeyed by T I VanO.iliier and wife in certain deeds of trust to me - This furniture consists of carpets, chair, bedroom, library, hall and parlor acta, and other usual koaeebold furniture At the same time ml ulncr. and n,w tk same condition and In the aame manner I will rent and let the said resilience for the term of one year from the date of sale Foa further particulars enquire al the un ueralirned at hi orhc or of J a Adam. attorney at law, or Moore m Merrick, attor neys at law, at their respective office W W HARNARD Mar-h a. land marudtaiw. J. W.SCIIARTLE, .BCIIAIIT TAILOR fcWtodi 4a N. Main St. OAK STREET INN, SHEYlXIfE. IS. Ct Desutlfully located la a ffrpre of paka and white pin, with so dust or noise, at the cor ner of Oak and Wood ho streets, near the Pemalo College, and only three .quarts from the We have a numlier of elearantly-furnisbrd room to accommodate boarders who drain nice, quiet place, away from the hotels. Nice rooms, new furniture, food fare, first-class snAhlnu n asiaajisisiMA at 1 . a t- t 1 t 1 ' '"'""I IRCa-, AIIUi HU. UU VUIU 0(M. Dr. T. J. HARGAN. Proprietor. COMPOUND OXYGEN AND MEDICATED BALSAM VAPOR. All modern and Imtrst Improved method! fof trratlns chronic diieasea of the lung- .sw auu uus-r, vty iik inniuAuun oi Taponsca ana acomiica nuioi by tne pneumatic and vU.U..snu a NimivuR, u vunpuana uixR"i in ronnccuon witn me vaponierl Joal am Hhe balsam obtained from the natural bnlam trm near Aahwlll ) We also manolacture a Home Treatment of the Compound Osyca,' which Is, equal to vm.w bum 111 uc vrui ou appucntioQ oy express, on receipt 01 price, f la. Our success here for the past three years with this treatment has been phenomenal, hay, ing cured many cases that were pronounced hopeless, whose name and residences can tx obtained by calling at the Sanitarium. By permission we refer to the following well-known .miKUKu ui niucTiuri a. j. Aiwa, ex-Mayor; j. n. Kcea, ciera 11, h. court: Kcv.ti.C. Kan, kin. pastor First Methodist Church; Key. W. A. Nelson, pastor First Baptist Church: H. T. woiiiub, i.api. nan AtaiuBoa. T. J. HARGAN, M. D. THE "BONANZA," V WINE . AND LIQUOR STORE IN THE STATE. FINE SAMPLE AND BILLIARD ROOM. J. A. MARQUARDT, M'kT. I NO. 43 S. MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C tnWIS MADDUX, Pre. t. P. McLOUB, Vlce-Pre. DmKCTOBS: Lewi Maddux, M. I. Beardcn, M. I. Fbkk, J. Keen, Ueo. H. 1'owell, C. M. McLoud. H. II. K. T. E. RANKIN, Cashier, , J. B. Ray, J. B. Reed WESTERN CAROLINA BANK IA81IBVILLB, N. C, FEBRUARY lt, 1889. Organised May 1st, 1888. VAPITAL, 950,000. . SURPLUS, $5,000 8TATB, COUNTY AND CITY DBPOSITOKY. iioes a uenerai tinnkiiiaj Ilusincss. DcposiU received. Exchange bought and told. Col. lection made on oil accessible point. The Saving Feature will receive special attention, Ou all sums In this department, deposited for four months or longer, Interest at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum will be paid. Special attention given to loans oa real estate, which will be placed for long time on real lonnble terms. Opes from S a. m. to S p. m. On Saturdays the Saving Department will be open till a p.m. fcb2dtf WILLIAMSON & SON, (Successors to Hart & Williamson,) MANUFACTURERS OP SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Mouldings, Stair-Work, Fine In terior Finish, Mantels, Etc., ASHEYIIXE, N. C. H. T. COLLINS, rrcsiciait. E. E. LAG AN', Sccrctaiy ASHEVILLE IGE CO LI PA II Y. Pure lee made from Distilled "Water. Building. Patton Avenue. Office: Barnard D. C. Waddcn, President W. W. Barnard, Vice President. Lawrence Pull lam, Cashier. 1TIIE BANK OF ASHEVILLE, ASIIEVILXE, N. C. DIRECTORS I . P. SAWYER. J. O. MARTIN, J. L. CARROLL. T. W. PATTON, YV. VY. BARNARD, D. C. WADDRLL, OBO. V7. WILLIAMS, of Wilmington, N. C. DESIGNATED -STATE DEPOSITORY Oldest Bank In 'Western Carolina. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE' CAPITAL STOCK 1100,000. SURPLUS FUND $20,000. FITZPATRIGK BROS. & ROBERTSON, Dealer. In Wall Paper, Window Shades and Patent Hangera, Paint, Oils and Vdrolshes, Masury'll Mixed Paints and Color. Wladow Glass, both French and American We keep in stock St. Louis and Kentucky Lead. AGENTS FOR The Buckeve Pumn. Steel and fin Shingles, Floor and Hearth Tiles. fcblliY AGENTS H'F'Rg. OF Byrltit's Patent - Sheathing Lnth. fcbSdly LUMBER YARD. GEO. F. SCOTT, (Successor to Doubledny & Scott,) North Public Square, WINDOWS, - BLINDS. - DOORS. Gtas. Putty, Lime, 1 Mantcrlng Hair, Shingles, Laths, Fencing Post. All kind of Building! Mutcrlul. Orders will receive prompt attention. feblOdlj W. T. rBMltlMAN, & CO., W. I. PBHKIHUC. -yoDUKUS AND PHALHRS IN HjADIWIAIRIE ASHEVILLE, N. C. -AGENTS F0R- PUPONT POWDER CO., RICHMOND STOVE CO., ' CORTLAND WAGON CO., OLD HICKORY WAGONS, STUDEBAKER WAGONS, MOLINE SCALE CO. ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC. M'CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. fcbOdijr Anything n the Jewelry Line at LOWEST PRICES For First Class Goods. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING. BURT DEN ISON. fcblOdtf STEAM AND GAS FITTING, TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. Plans and Specifications Furnished on Application We hare thoroaKli mechanic, in each line who hare had many years' experience In their busines. We can safclv guarantee onr nrrnn .nii.r.i i . . . - ------ -- i " iu uur worn, a low ngures. BALLARD, RICH JeblSdly & BOYCE. - ASHEVILLE - ARTIFICIAL STONE AND TILE WORKS, Portland Cement, Moat Block, and Tllea, exceedingly h.nd.ome in ...near. ance, of rariou. derigns and eolor. aad rery dursbie for walk in yard, sidewalk, floor for Public Buildings. Hall. Porch., Bntranre. BaaemenU, Butcher Shop, ftc. Special tse. color, and deigns tor HBARTI18. Handsome Carriage Blocks with same. EST GERMAN POHTLAKD CEMENT AND GOO 0 BUILDING SAND FOR SALE Sample, of Block., te.. eaa be seen at olllce over J. K. lHikerson'. Hardware Store, on Public Square, comer of South Main street. P.O. Box (1.14. marram C K OODY. FITS CUltBD BY OLD SPECIALIST i ii 1 nil. i an. Bottle of avMll.-iM Pree. W. .r. rant oar remedvtoevr.ih easea, aad tlie only physlrian who do this to 17 ili T "r'" Mnpoaed apoa by ima 7. - "e awn wao are aot Doctors. Because others failed is ao rrasm lor aot Ing this saedlrlne. Olr. Rspreu and Postl .,I,U nothing. Addirss J A. TBNNBNT, Architect and Contractor. JSZT' and estimate fwr- nml ' my line contracted for, lw.rrtedie" rK oa coatracta Mefrreaee. when dennd. -;AN.rr7B,ort- "VAST C. II. CAMPBELL, . lannfanrer and Wholesale shipper of ,3GER AL1S, CHAJIPAGNE CIDER, LEMON SODaT""'"" ''r SARsXpARItl.A,'"" WINERAI. WATERS, . TONIC BEER, 1 CARBONATED WATER IN 8IPHONS. rat.,,,.,. M-,wod.t. : - r.a.s,94. CLOSING OUT SALE OF r ALL WINTER GOODS, -AT- 22 THE BIG 22,-22 PATTONSAVENIIE. r" m nareaa, IV I Hraadwar, N d'wtapt20