DAILY -1 jlAJi! VOLUME IV. ASHEVILLE, N. C, SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1889. NUMBER 308. I KCOMB8 UUANCB. TRADE REVIEW. A Fall and Enthaalaatlc Meeting of BwcvalM FftfMCff The regular quarterly meeting of the Buncombe County .Parmer's Alliance was held in the court house yesterday. It was largely attended by many of onr beat farmer, and wu a very interesting session. The meeting was called to order at 11 o'clock by the President, Maj. D. H. Blackwell. The other county officers were present and ia their various posi- R. 0. Dm CO.f WEEKLY K rOKT OF THE CONDITION OF Bl'UNEM. Tks Velante of Trad Large. A thoasra nk.es) ' Centlnne to ' Shik-Uinii Railroad Earning Trade T -Kaceo at a Few Points Money Market Easy With Light . Demand, Etc. New York, April 6.-R. G. Dun tions, Alter the formal opening ol the ----"7 "r .i 1A ' amancc w ruiw H11""1"1' prices continue to sink, though the vol- showing that the twenty-seven subordi- umc of trade, both domestic and foreign, nate alliances in the county with a mem- continues large. Railroad earnings show . r i nm .,, 1 2in , Rn rrnrr- an increase of about 15 percent over last lrship ofl,000orl2(,wmaivjwe- r for Mllrchi K far reporU have tented by their several accredited dele- ad yet stocks are lower gates, excepting two. Beside the 110 and some have been sharply depressed, delegates there were a large number of though at later quotations partial re- alternate, and others, aggregating. bout J! 300 of our leading farmers. The various m, though at Cleveland it is fairly Mainiittm made their renorta and the saiat'actnrr and clearlv larger than last day was spent iq a way both interesting J?- At Atlanta it is satisfactory with 7 . ti spring business well sustained ; at Oma- and profitable to all. mMmd good . at Kanga, City Thos. Halt Weaver resigned his post- improving, and at St. Paul trade in dry tion as county business agent on account goods and clothing is very active. There of his inaccessibility to Asbeville-the ts also some imptovement noted at De , . .. . ; . f troit, particularly in ship-building, lum central trading point, and pressure of Philadelphia reports lar- other duties, and N. Plumadore was ger building operations than ever and unanimously elected in his stead. Justi- real estate transactions of $4,000,000 tied bonds for the secretary and treasurer for March with dullness in drug lipuor, , . . ... tobacco, cattle, iron and coal trades, to the amount of $2,000 each, and bum- thougn K)me activity is seen in structu- nes agents bond for $5,000 were made ral iron and better feeling in dry goods. within the alliance in a few moment's Money markets are easy with light lime, and properly .worn to, and ac feJT cepted by the executive committae. The have improved somewhat at Kansas secretary reported that about $155, had City and Detroit, but have fallen off at been received during the past quarter. I ''aJlt". ..... i n i . . , . . Wool has declined for nearly all qua! several .mpori.ni roK.mc.ons were . f Myt Mexican ad Tcian . offered. Among them was, one petition- whicj, are . ihttde stronger, an average inn the Board of County Commissioners lot' l.Oi. The quotation is 24.8 cents to aid in the improvement of the public against 25.1 cents March 1, but it is , tf v thought that the outlook is favorable for roads, and another looking to the eatab- demand wben tbf cw cljp ap. iadnKtlial School for tllC I maniifaptnrina ahltllltfl r4n. Ultl-IV.. - - Kail, lUlM WPUI.lin.-l.HS of the enuntv. These, and time unprofitable and depressing innu- otber resolutions adopted, were the sub- en are felt in several branches of the ul ' , dry goods and clothing trade, not the ject of considerable discussion. least being the accumulation of stocks . A call was made for a meeting of the which the open winter left unsold. The u8iness agents of the sub-alliances, to demand for woolens js very moderate and ". . .t..ni o.:j a -i m orders for importation are restricted. oeiKia.n.ncTmcu.. -.,. Cottong are dull and print cloths weak M 11 o clock. at 3.87 cenU per 64s., but raw cotton is Alt the next regular meeting of this an eighth stronger, the export demand i- th. Ami: Priilav in Inly, the an- continuing in excess of last year's. mwvrwt - -. . - - J J J ' I " . ' .. . ; ..c ..a: ,:n u.m In the iron market pressure to ream is . ..- : ' Ueenbere and at Philadelphia, and South. at which tme, Capt. 5. B. Alexander, m jron jg offered at 50c t0 $1 Mov tbe president of the State Farmers' Alliance, corresponhing Northern grades. Bar iron is expected to be present. remains very dull and rails have sold 200.000 tons. In tbe coal market noim- ... . i provement appears ana Between tne ei- A Btrans ntJ"J the companies and individual operators co to a taenp- A Large Failure In New York, j New York, April 4. A complete sur nrirtr wm occasioned amone the mer chants engaged in the shirt trade this af ternoon, by tlie announcement ol tne failure of Downs & Finch, shirt manufac turers, 43 and 45 Leonard street, who own three large factories, one each at lonesburc. Bordentown and Heights- town, N. J. The firm was regarded as the leadine one in the manufacture of ianc feiuits iu ine umtcii ouu, iu. was composed ot Daniel II. Downs ana Cornelius M. Finch, general partners.and Henry Rothschild and Jsaac Ireytuss. ipecial partners. The general partners made a general assignment, without preferences, to Theod. re F. Miller, 2;9 Broadwav. and the lialiihties are stated at between $400,000 and $500,000, and assets much greater. The Marderer of Sheriff ureenlee Lynched. Knoxviixb. Tenn.. Aiwil 5. John Wolf- nliareer. the escntwd convict who shot and killed sheriff Greenlee, of Grainger county, Wednesday, was taken to-day from the county juil at Kuoeoge anu hanged by auzens. w ncn cnjiiurea msi night Wolfinbarger was sunering from wounds inflicted by tbe sheriff's hssc. Citizens surrouiTdcd tlie jail last night to lynch him but determined to wait until daylight. The jail was strongly guarded ny citizens w prevent iim iicumc noon to-day nearly halt the male popula tion of Grainger county was in Rutledge, About noon the jail was nrokenopenann tbe prisoner taken out and hanged. The hanging was as orderly as a legal execution. THE PRESIDENT TIRED. STATU NKWS). HE WILL, TAKE A TIP BY WATER NEXT WEEK. Collector and Postmaster for New York Appointed A Thanh., riving Proclamation Naval Movement. Lenoir is to have a cotton factory. Tarboro is to be lighted by electricity. Tbe State Medical convention meets at Elizabeth City on the 16 hist. Track laying on the High Point and Randletnan railway has begun. Rev. C. C. Newton, of Durham, hits been apiwinted missionary to Africa. C. M. Roberts hns been re-elected keeper of the State capitol at Raleigh. Col. William Johnston, of Charlotte, is I on on an extensive tour through Mexico, Raleigh is to have an election on the school tax question on the second Mon W'mingtow, nril S The President has practically determined to take a few days rest and recreation outside ol" Washington, as soon as he can do it, without Siicrificing the public interests. He has been under a severe strain mentally and physically for the last eight months, and it is beginning to tell on his health. Friends and physicians have advised him to take a short respite I ja ;n iunt from official duties, and he has promised I to do so, at the first favorable oppor- 'The first car-load of machinery tor the tunitv. He made some inquiries about a Salisbury knitting mills has been received, trip to Fortress Monroe, and the rumor and will be put up at once. was soon suinca. imu nc was go.ng to The Richmond and Danville, railroad inxe a cruise m tne vncsupease oay on a mmpany wiU build fifteen new bridgc. .... , between Charlotte and Richmond. by, tlie rumor for to-morrow, and I Fortress Monroe as his destination. I Tbe Charlotte News,says that Mr. J Inquiry at the White House this after-1 B. Eodes is said to have bis pn)ers as noon, showed that there was no truth in successor to collector Kerr craige, the report as far as this week is con- The State of Education has cerned, There are several olmtacles in eliminated the "blue ltk speller" from he way of the trip being made so mo ; the Suu t of h()o the chief and all sufficient one, being the lack of an available vessel. Miss Helen Laurence, at the River There are two revenue cutters at Balti- View Knitting Mills, at Tarboro, knit more, one being out ot commission, eignty pair, oi socks iwonuay. anuiueotner unoerguing repairs, one Governor Fowle has anuointed Prof. Vennlne on the State Board BOULANGER'S TRIAL. DVSVTY aTBlEET. CHAMBERS VOTE THE DEATH BLOW TO BOl'UNOEH. Sentences) of Homo Balers Re ducedAnother Letter from Stanley, Etc. How Bach Do They Cool AahevlHs i-er asay. Who can answer this question t We will try. The merchandise of all kinds ia Asbeville is probably worth $500,000. One half of one per cent., or $2,500. Is Bhihskls. April 5. General Boulanoer I this extravagant? We think not. Go held a conference, to-day, in this city, and look into oar store windows, which manifesto will shortly be issued bv the then-goods; they are either empty, or (neraitfeTrtiUK of the vote in the Cham- partly filled with spiffs that are not fair oer, yesternay, saiKtTnwstnis proaecu-1 samples of the stock, bxanine tne Bano- iion, ana apieaiing to tneueoplF-Bgamst the government and Chamber. "The French government is urging Belgium to expel General Boulanger. Pas is. April 5.-41en. Boulanger has Is- some silks on the shelves, and you will BcTChcir injury. See how care fully our drggatfrhare to protect their toilet article, and consider how many sued a manifesto dated Brussels, April 5. Je, are lost in consequence n4 T will say our estimate of damage k not exaggerated, Then, what about onr visitors ? Shan we expect them to look on as with ad sin'big eyes) whea those' same eyes arc filled with grimy dust ? We believe a day of dust with them coats as $2,500 more. How long shall this continue? How much would it cost the city to water the He says that in their robust sense tbe electors know how to deal with the tis sue of falsehoods and abominable slan ders against him. - The government has extorted from an infatuated parliament consent to prosecute him before a court of poHtical enemies not be fore a court pf judges. All acts imputed to him as crimes were well known wben he was appointed Minister of War and therefore his colleagues were eauallv I PlliltV. A1I th vmiUmiii nnA riliimnv in I the world," he says, "will fail to turn us I streets thoroughly, either irora tne city from our object, which is to obtain an I mains, or by water carts? Probably How the Calliope Escaped. Sydney. N. S. W.. April 4.-Bcforethe hurricane burst every precaution had been taken by the commander of tbe Calliope to render the vessel secure. Five anchors had been dropped, but when the storm wa. at its height four of the anchor claims snapped and the vessel be gan to drift. Thecaptain then determined to leave me reeis, ana, ir ihissiuic, renin the ouen wa. This, he eventually suc- ceeded in doing, working hi. way out at the rate of halt a knot an hour, i re- roendou. sea. broke over the vessel in flicting much damage, but fortunately not n life wa. lost. Thousand, of people nocked to the water side toluv to sec the Calliope, and all united In praising the pluckincss ot her captain. The Buffalo Strikers. Bi'pfalo, April 5. The three lalior strikes in Buffalo are still on and there is no material change in the situation. In those of the painters and carenter and joiners both sjdes remain hrm. l he strike of the Erie rajt way switchmen does not hamper the operations of the rood to any extent. One striker is under arrest for trying to force a new man to quit work. Another passenger train was de railed Inst night and an attempt was made to burn a box car. The strikers emphatically deny the charge of being connected with either outrage. ot them uld soon be put m condition U u Ludl ()r J()hn IfrTucUer and for the President s use, and orders to that effect may be issued in a few days, provided the President decides on the trip by water. There are also two light- bouse tenders at rnorioik, en tier ot which could be utilized if desired. There is usually a naval vessel in this vicinity; ju the summer time, for just such trips as have been recommended to tlie 1'resi- dent, but it so happens that there is . none here al the present time. It is, however, very proliahle that the President will leave-the city, fori The Superintendent of Public Instruc- a few days, by the end ot next week, but I tion is issuing 30,000 copies ol the new it is not likely that any definite arrange- school law, The law appears to give ment as to his destination or means ot general satisfaction, . ...ail... i . r 1 1 tranportut.uu w, u ..,., ,ur severa. . . . f . Prof. F. P, of Health. Mrs. Edmundsun, an insane woman living at Bullhead, Greene county, com mitted suicide by throwing herself in an old well, Wednesday. - A plan is on foot for tlie establishment of an industrial school at Maxton, Roberson county. $40,000 wjl be ex pended for buildings. honest republic and legal exercise of uni versal suffrage. I'akis, April 5. Bouches. the dismissed public prosecutor informed Boulanger a fortnight before his flight that the gov ernment intended to arrest him. Paris, April 5. The Senate will begin the trial of General Boulanger Monday next. During the trial no session of the Chnmlier of Deputies will be held. Count Dillon and Rochefort have persuaded Bou langer to withhold his proposed' mani festo,, i ne tiouinngtst electoral cam paign has been .u.pended for the present. Paris. April 5. The Opportunist and Radical press regard the vote in days, I Sunday school convention is in session at Charlotte. A large number of delegates and visitors are in attendance. It is now very probable that a third I story and tower will be added to the Wilmington enstom-house, court-house, I and post-office building. . who undersell at pleasure, the situation pA-nt Bm. of tlx First National is discouraging to those who are trying , ,4u;.Z k.. mviytd from Prof, to maintain prices. Sales of copper Bank, of this aty. has ma rrom rro.. no J.N. Tiernan. of Salisbury, as Aztec goo, Q(.wt of a gettlement between the syndi cxhumed by the latter gentfcmaa 4ttrtng catc anj producers, causes stagnation archaeological mearekes recenUy made here and white lakf j? sold at 15y4C. for SZSt- . queeriy eomcted April, thequotatio. Mr 0, M, R Jl, -figure, and must be over a thousand ha8 been inactive and a shade higher, rears old. Portions of the figure have js 50c. lower. Pressure to sell . .'aeenbrokenofrorwornaway,butenough abroad and hf of ,mZluhfl .. . . j. . r i.ft tr. irrowmgout of tbs Pan. 0 mculty have ol the cast tn is maae u. t.jr ,, .Krthe price of coffc half ft pept, demonstrate that art was not altogether thougn a stronger feeling was afterwards thr tvnnte nf the time when I The averam orices of all commodr ' .,t0tw,n was made. I ities have again declined over a half of and thegeneral outlise m prepossessing. January 1 over fivs per cent. Tbe Around the bead is aa won band, and in mo,t important change is the fall of 2 the cartilage of the nost and ears are fix- cents in wheat which naturally weakens the cartilage oi inenoK anu asdraam of expected famine give place ed a number of rings and gewgaws. No twtjl0f iarge unsold stock, doubt many a devatee of the sun has wor- 0B fcand Reports fc-om growing and shipped before this creation of a superti- .owing regions contmue t9 frfsM0 tious artisan of a superstitious race. WiymtylWtJe tnL Tiernan wU. furnish president tW iBreese with a historical .ketch of the ng- .uan.nrtlv surplus stock on band- iire, which will be published in these col- Corn has advanced lVe., export demand ,, : the futart continuing, and oats a fraction. Favor- Simns in the future. able cropprosperts, though distracting The city Council. tn sneculators tend strongly to sustain ' ' . .. ..... the confidence of those who look for tm- Tbe regular session of the city aiitbon- -fmnt n R branches of legitimate tira held last evening, wa. of a more I U,,minraM kxiiort business distinctly im- .miri character than usual. Principally proves already and for the past five routinebwastranted Z$F$ffi Our dusty steeftji were considered, and gf for tbe .ame week Inst year, the i-hief of police was ordered to begin Meanwhile, in part because changes in epriakling early this morning, The free treasury ruling, are expected, imports " w. tendered the have been a little smaller man last year. tnerchants for their relief, of which, no doubt, they will quickly avail themselves, fcSd the trouble be ended. more L.ignt wa uukc,, mv One More Republican. St. Lotus, April 5. The official vote of last Tuesday's election reveals the fact that the Republicans elected one more officer than previously reorted. Joseph A. Wherry, (Republican l for city register is elected over Daniel O'Conner Tracy, (Democrat,) by eighteen majority. Myor-ekct Noonan, will be inaugurated next Tuesday, . A Formidable Hand Car. Savannah, Ga., April 5. A freight train of the Savannah, Florida & West ern Railway, collided vyjth a hand-car at the junction, four mjle. ftouth of Savan nah this morning, wrecking the train. Isaac Coleman, fireman, was instantly killed, and James Perry, conductor, was fatally scalded, and died in a few hours The accident occurred in a heavy tog. committee, while acknowkging the m- eity, were obliged to report nnfavor abjy.owing to a scarcity of means. They, however, recommended one more arc lamp for ftyeamore street, and the remov al of one to Cosmopolitan circle. And, its usual, the Board did the right thing. tV Irft them tunneling with a few little Williams bills, we mean, erceanU and Corporal Galore, At the regular drill of the AnhwiBe Light Infantry at their armory last night, the following sergeants and cor- 'Mipl appointed byCapt. Barnard : IstiSJTgeant W. F. Kimberly. nd " T. P. Cheeseborougo. flrd v ), M. Lorick. 4th CD, Clark. Also the following corporals; J st corporal B, B. McDowell, 2nd " J. L. Wagner. - Srd i. " k. S. Stewart.' 4th " JohnMalloy. Aa snportant Meeting. The Preside, Mr. H. T, Collins, gives aotiss that them sytfl be an important " Tieeting of the Board of Directors of the V, M. C. A., at 3:30 o'clock, this after- MHon, in the office of J. S. Adams, Bsq, In the LtzsJ Block. A full attendance is de sired. A Chaasje, The business management of the Ashe- viHt Paptist has been transferred to Mr, B. K. Iass, a practical printer, and soiHn-taw of ihe editor. This change was made at the request of Mr. Cbas. D. flantna, tot former manager, whose bus iness interests otherwise present him from giving it tbe attention ft demands, The Rochester Strike. Rochester, April 5. The street car strike is still on, and both sides are firm. The company has twenty-three cars run ning to-day, and the strikers are quiet The barn men, about one hundred and sixiy )ri number, joined the striker, this morning. Last night two turn-tables on the outskirts of the cjty were, stolen and obstructions placed on the tracks in many place., The strikers claim that roughs did the work. Motion Refuaed. Charleston, S. C, April 5. Judge Witherspoon, ot the Mate court, to-day rendered a dicision in the cased of Shepard & Parcher vs. the Pacific Guano Co., on a motion to refer, the suit to the master in the ritate .court. Judge Withersiioon refuses to grant th motion and thr case therefore goes bock to tne U. e. court, NKW YOKK APPOINTMENTS, Washington, April 5. The President has appointed Joel B. Khrhnrt, Collector of Customs, and Cornelius Vancott post master of New York City. CENTENNIAL THANKSGIVING. ti. .. r. . ii : . ..l t : : -.1 late this aftermJon by the President of . T N.a8hc"unt ' Kold-mincs are yield ing well. The output from the Mann tire VIIUCUOiaiCB. I . w. . r i , , , , , , , i niriiii: it'll iiuiiv, mi cAniiiinc, is tvuiiu A I'koclamation: A hundred years .i,m . jov h h, ri mfir i.nstno nave passeu since tuc Koverniiicnt oi i n,1v . : (air forefathers was formally organized. I At noon, on t ie thirtieth dav of Aiml. u pepintenacni n. m. wnnernnsri seventeen hundred and eighty .nine, in the ceived instructions to change the plan of city of New York, and in the presence of the public building at Charlotte, so that an assemblage oi neroic men, wnose pa- me mwer pic tramu i k a mi. ir . j J? .... L-.l J ii. ..i..:..T. L.I..L Jin Lrf . triotic oevoiion nuu icu vnc colonics iu i ui.tc. v., ,y victory and inaepenaence, ijeorge w ash- !t ig leameed that on account of failing ington took the oath of ofhee 'as chief tedth Coionci v. V. Kuhardson will magistrate ot the new born republic. i9Qoa the pogiu,,,, f marshal of ." " '" . . " the Eastern district. In that case Joshua o'clock in tne morning, in aiitnecnurcnes B Hill will be at once apixiinted to the Ik. .. . , 1 . . n ra-owi. In. I lint. I.Iub.i... I ... ui niv viij, uj a h'v" .uK-uig vacancy on I hp government and itshrstnresident. The centennial ot this illustrious event in i ne aemana mr puouc improvemenis is our history has been declared a general rapidly on the increase in this Mate. A holidy by act ol Congress, to theendtnat numnjr oi town, win in may vote on tne tlie people of the whole country may join tjuestion of the issue of bonds for street in coinmcmoniLivc ecrvmc npjroriatc i iiiiiv..i,iv,i.wt v,wi.i,v wnvmv, to the day. In order that the toy of the I sc. occasion may be associated with deep thankfulnesss in the minds ot the people lor all our blessings in the past, ayid de vout supplication to God tor the gra cious continuance in the future, the rep resentatives of religious creeds, both Christian and Hebrew, have memorial ized the government to designate an hour for prayer and thanksgiving on that day. now, tnereiore, i, Benjamin narnson, President of the United States of America, in response to this pious and reasonable Chamber of Deputies, yesterday, author nine the prosecution ol General Houlan- ger, by ti e government, as a death blow to Boulangism. Count Dillon and M. Kochetort will lie prosecuted by the gov ernment for their connection with the Boulangist movement. TUB REPORT BELIEVED. Bhi'sskls, April 5. The report that Henry M. Stanley and Emin Pasha were Tbf apprehension of a stringency in money murUiM about April 1 has now passed and heavy liquidation in securi ties on foreign account causes as yet no such withdrawal of foreign anpital a. has been feared. Distrust as to some American securities does not as yet seem to have prevented the continued invest- Lrfiim monev in other securities in liiatlsl nf mnnv kinds and industrial enterprises generally,, Th prevailing nenei tnat in spite oi wwn' the business of the country Is to be on the whole prosperous this year and that large crops will revive traae oi an sinus, has its natnrai enecx upon tne minus those who find no more promising field for investment abroad. Secretary Windom nas maae it crcur that he will not at present pay over 10H for 3H per cents or purchase per cents in pwfcreoce and during the past week treasury nas laken in nuuwv uui half millions more money than it nil. paid out. Business failures occurring throughout the country during last week number for the United States 187, Can ada 35. Total 222, against iw last week. The extensive protierty of the Butti more Gold and Silver Minring and Smelting Company, near Lexington; will he sold at auction on Mav 6th. to satisfy an execution in favor of the Silver Valley Mining Company Company E, First regiment, from Elizabeth City, will go to the inaugura tion centinnial at New York. This is the third company that has announced its intention to go. Possibly another will reauest. do recommend that on Tuesday, come in and make a battalion of lour - . - . r , . i i j . . April 30, at the hour ot U o'clock in the componres, or auout two nunorea men morning, tne people oi tne enure country The Memorial Association of no repair to ineir respective Places oi oi- wiminton has invited General William Vme.,!"u0rr'P VWf" "f mvoro1 .oa RuffinCox, of Raleigh, tq deliver the that the blessings of .liberty, prosperity aMnm on Memorial clay, May 10th. and iicace may abide with us a. a peop e, The . the i-Vu,.'. and .l ih,.f 11.. hnnH msnlonl hs im i.nthol.'. " . ... . ' ' tiiiu iiini, Alia iiauu uinj i.citj uo pittue r '..t-A - J. j i .1 j oi ngnteusncss una goou uceas. Appomattox." In witness whereot. l have hereunto set l my hand, and caused the seal of the There is a remarkable state of affairs t'nited States ol Amenta to be affixed. m tne mnston section, oome negroes Done in the city of Washinton this, the are aspirants for office, and they have fourth day of April, in tlie year of our employed a man who was fromerly a Lord, 1889, nhd of the Independence of civil-service examiner to instruct them, the United Spates one hundred and thir- In addition to this queer movement they $25 per day at the most. Messrs. Mayor and Aldermen, we appeal to- your mercy in behalf of onr merchants and onr vis itors. LAKGKSVr DBAl7 VET HADC. Addltle il Bdaeatloaal ractlttiee tor Ashevllle. On yesterday we saw a deed made by Mr. Alexander Garrett, to the Home Board of Missions of the Presbyterian church of the United States, conveying to the that body the Oakland Inn property m the town of Victoria, the cotunderatio being eighty thousand dollars. It is the purpose of the new owners ol this valuable and beautiful property te establish a high grade seminary far young ladies, which will be eaHed , " THE OAKLAND IKSTmiTB. ..... Every branch of a thorough ed tics tion ; marching toward Zantilmr is believed in I will be provided, and also facilities for in. official circles here. Surprise is expressed, I ,t ; .11 inHustrial studies, calcu- nowever, tnat unun rusiia snouia nave lated to fit the students to fin the posi tion of the housewife. AH these advant ages will be within the reach of thoseho will avail themselves of them.- t- We nnrlemtand that this School wiD bt ical Sticiety has received a letter from op(.nc(i abot,t the first of September, and ?2$!lt-J U will be. valuable addition to ourtd- ica results of the explorer's march. The icauonaiinsutution,oi ai,i"i letter wilt be read at a meeting of the so-1 we have reason to be proud ciety Monday evening next. abandoned the lake provinces. The ivory in tne possession oi tne party iscsumaieu to oe wortn a,uou,u"virancs. ANOTHER LETTER FROM STANLEY. London, Aprils. The Royal Geograph- 8ENTKNCES REDUCED. Bovlb, Ireland, April 5. Cox, memlier of Parliament for East Clare, and Tully, editor of the Roscommon Herald, were recently sentenced to to four months im prisonment under the Crimes act. They appealed and their sentences have just been reduced six weeks each. CHARLOTTE Bl'ROtVARIKs. ROM. R. TAMCK. Oar Old friend It was a most cordial greeting which welcomed Gen. R. B. Vance as he stepped from onr electric, railway cars at court square, yesterday 'afterswon. Crowds quickly thronged arooad him, and his genial face showed hisappreeiaUoBof the Chief Heaver's Return to Ashe-1 warm hand-shaking, of which be was the vllle what he aajra About recipient the H.lor.cklC. At hisown h. ha. delivered Chief W. H. Deaver, of the Pinion De- his office to his Successor, Mr. Robt. J. tective Agency, has just returned from Fisher, of Chicago, who for some time, Charlotte, where he went to investigate has been a member of the Board of Ap- the cracking of Jno. Parrior's safe on the peals of the patent office. 7th of March. He found that Pinkerton Gen. Vance has been away from his had sent a man from Philadelphia, and home, almost continuously for many thatJackWrenhadsentoneofhismenfrom years, and we trust his return to his Richmond ; but with all these, no tangi-1 lovely place on the French Broad, win be ble clue could be obtained as to the idea-1 as grateful to him as his presence will be tity of the burglars. Pmkerton's man I pleasing to his hosts of friends. gave his opinion that a professional bur hi. subject will lie "Urom Petersburg to A Tied IeglHlalnre. . Providence. April 5. The town of Fostecaelected a senator and representa' tive to-day, both Republicans, which makes tbe legislature tied on joint ballot. Senate: Republicans, 23; Democrats, 10. House: Republicans, 24; Democrats, 37. There are fourteen more of the post poned elections. Another Bklpper convicted. Baltimore, April 5. Cant. Benjamin G, Mann, of the oyster boat Intripid was tried and convicted in the United States district court to-dav. for cruelty to Patrick Halpin, an oyster dredger, in his employ, on the 22nd "of last month. The court sentenced him to three months in jail. Knoxvllle Enterprise. Knoxvii.i.r, April 5. West Knoxville, a suburb of Knoxville, to-dny voted on issuing one hundred thousand dollars in bonds for street improvements. The question was carried unanimously. Two hundred votes were ponea ror ponu. ana not a single vote against them, teen. Seal by the President: I!hn. Harrison. Jas. G. Blaine, Scc'y of State. MORE FWR PER CENTS REJECTED. Bond offerings to-day $2,000,000 four percentsat 129'4, arid $150,000 four per cents at l.iu; all rejectea. HE RESIGNS TO ACCEPT. Representive Ryan, of tbe fourth coiV gressionnl district of Kansas, has resigned his seat to go to Mexico as V. S. Minister. ARMES TO HE COl'RTMARTIALEO. The Major General commanding the army has decided to reuomincnd to the Secretary ot War that Major George A. Armes, retired, be tried uyocourtmiirtml, are holding prayer-meetings daily, at which they ask that the hands of the President may be laid upon them so that their services may be required by the Government. THE OKLAHOMA LANDS. Cotton Receipts since Wept. I. Wuiw Vnav: Aixil fi. The "following are the total net receipts of cotton at aU ports since September 1, 1888 : Galveston ....,.... 643,813 New Orleans 1.615.70& Mobile., Savannah Charleston ...... Wilmington Norfolk Baltimore New York...... Boston Newport News., Philadelphia West Point, Va. Brunswick.... ....... Mr. M vera' Description of the Mew El Dorado. Few persons in this neighborhood are probably aware of tlie wonderful at tractions of this section, located in tlie midst of he Indian Territory, and soon to lie ojiened to white settlers. We were among the number of ignor ant, and were much interested by a vivid on charges based oit iils conduct on in-1 description given us by Rev. T. M. auguration day, ana ni. as.auit upon Mvers yesterday. This gentleman siieaks 219.823 79i,425 895,796 153,668 70,806 86,457 168,833 84,302 103,064 45,157 393,848 . 87,315 Total 5.263,912 Fire In Chicago. How It 1TM Done. ' Murderers have discovered some aston. shingly vulnw able parts nf the anatomy of late. From apaiierthis morning we learn that a Georgia Colonel was Vshotin theticketoffice;"tlieothcrday a man was fatally shot through the door, and not long ago another received a fatal wound "in his window. New York vommer- dnl Advertiser. He was .hot in the suburbs.Uilcngo Daily News. He kissed her passionately uixw ner re- apiearance. Jefferson Souvenir. She whipiea mm upon ins return. Hawkeye. He kissed her back. Constitution. Mr. Jones walked in upon her invita tion. Electric Light. She seated herself upon- bis entering. Alhia Democrat. We thought she snt down on her being asked. Saturday Gossip. She fainted upon hi. departure. Lynn Union. General Deaver, NAVAL MOVEMENTS. Tlie cruiser Atlanta, now at Aspin- wnll. has licen ordered bv tclrernnli to New York. Although, sulncct to future emergencies, it is the present intention to send the Yorktown to new York on the 20th, so that the Intest efforts at naval construction may lie seen at the cen tennial celebration. She has been formal ly accepted from contractors, subject to s)ecial reservation, of money oa account of work to be done. TlicGermancovettc "Sophite.". which sail, from Zanzibar to-day for Samoa,, is atiotlsrr fltic ship, siiiienor to either, the Richmond, the Adams, or the Alert, which will consti tute the American svuadron at Samoa. She is of composite type, 14 knots Sieed, 2.200 tons burden, curries 8-six inch and two 3Vj inch rifles and four machine guns with torpedo outfit, and uses forced draft, which engineer exiierts here think contributed largely to tlie escape of the Knglish war vessel Calling, as it enabled her to get up steam in a short time. APPOINTMENTS. Win. H. Lamb, of Missouri, has been Y A mil 5. A Are in the refining kifwoTRmnnF. Swift's oocking cstab-1 The commissiuners of Wayne county hshment at the stock yards this morning have ordered a Uical-option election at caused a damage of $40,000 or $50,000. the towns of Mt. Olive and Fremont. an assistant sutierintendent of the railway service, vice W. C. Hickman, resigned, los. O, Smith, of Wisconsin has also been appointed an assistant suiierintendent of the railway mail service, vice. 1. L. Morse resigned. Hickman and Morse were appointed as sistant sujienntendents March 3, 1889, The party of ex-Senator Davis of West Virginia, including Mrs. McKee, the President's daughter, reached Jackson vine to-aay, after a careful inflection, made on two occasions, and asserts that, so far as he has been able to visit it, the whole im mense area of nearly two million acres. is one lovely, exquisite gnrden, the like of which he has not elsewhere seen in his extensive travels. His enthusiasm made us feel tike moving instanter, but there is never a rose without its thorn," and this garden has its drawbacks, as will be seen by these extracts from a letter writ ten by Mr. Myers' brother: Washita, Indian Territory,! March 31, 1889. J Dear Tom : Oklahoma will lie oiiened on April 22nd, at noon, and I aim to cross the line in five minutes after it is open... l, now expect to camp on the border, but 1 may not remain in the country, as there is much excitement, and boomers have all good claims staked off already. I shall not attempt to make a settlement, unless I think life and property are safe, and at present, this is doubtful. I will not take my wife and family. The towns will likely be safe, but there is fighting and killing on the borders. Y ours, ever, - ' ' G. H. Myers, On the whole, we think our talents arc better adapted to booming Asheville. We are never so happy as when we are boasting of dear old North Carolina, and of Buncombe county, bo, we guess, we will stick here for awhile, and advise our friends to do likewise, gtar did the work, but our chief gives it as his opinion that the job was not done by a professional crook , but by some one in Charlotte who knew the weak parts of the safe. Mr. Deaver said to a reporter tast night: "The tools used were a 3-16 inch drill to make theholc, which was then cut out to the size of Vi inch to the com bination on the outside door; then with a small piece of octagon steel the combi nation lock was knocked out. The inner door was blown open with wood pow der. ' "The reasons why the party could not have liecn a professional burglar are many, vis : Because of the tools used; the familiarity with the premises; the knowledge of the habits of the police men ; the fact that It was under the very eyes of the officers, and the greater fact that while the burglar was at his work if the officers had stepiied into the door of the store there was no possible chance of escape, "Burglars who pride themselves on be ing adepts, never put themselves into cooied-up place. Then, again, it was about as easy to get into a money safe a. it was into this one that only con talned jewelry. The men who did the work ate in Charlotte, and ere long will be caught "Mayoi McDowell is the hardest work ingman in that city over this matter, and if he is let alone be will capture the robbers. There have been several rob beries there, but they have been of a petty nature, and the thieves wilt soon serving their terms in the penitentiary "The Pinion Agency has now a large force in Charlotte' of their own men, both white and black, and you may hear of lively times very shortly." Mew tMyto Floor! an;. Every addition to our manufacturing interests should be hailed with joy, and it is with special pleasure, .that we urge all passers-by to inspect the new floor now being placed in the Bank of Ashe ville. Its construction and material can be more critically examined now than when complete, and a close criticism is hat the contractor, Mr. C. B. Moody, invites. Its attraction to ns, is the con sideration that it is entirety of home manufacture, a new and valuable enter. prise for which we bespeak the support deserves. - Gen. Vance is stopping at the residence of Dr. M. L. Neilson, on Woodfin street, Mr. Geo. A. Smathers, of Waynesville, is in the city. - Rev. R. G. Pearson and wife left yester day morning for Shreveport, La. Mr. Pearson begins a series of meetings in that city to-morrow evening. REPOaTORIAL RIPrUEsV PlIRKLV PEMONALi The Weather. Washington, April 5. Indications for North Carolina Fair; slightly warmer; westerly winds. Condensed Telegram, Wyley & Greene, wholesale grocers of Atlanta, have failed with luibilitic. ol $75,000. Notice. The Convocation of Asheville will meet in St. Paul's church on Hominy creek, seven miles west of Asheville, on the 25th and 26th instant.. All the clergy of the Convocation are requested to at tend. Geo. H. Bell, bee. Con. By order of tbe Dean. No cases were tried in the police court yesterday. "'""' Attend the meeting to be held at tbe court house this evening. Don't forget the "Maacotte," at Opera Hall Tuesday evening. Tickets now on sale at Sawyer's. Mr. Geo. W, Cannon wilt assume the postmastership of tbe Asheville post- office this afternoon. A wire fence wiU be put ap in the court house yard, for the protection of tbe grass within tbe enclosure, to-day. The mail train over the A. ft S. road was three hours behind schedule time in reaching the city yesterday evening. Two car-loads of material to be used in the construction of the Asheville tele phone system, arrived in tbe city yesterday. Remember the meeting at the court bouse to-night. It to of the greatest im portance that yon should be present. Turnout. The electric cars now ma from Metkc's comer to the old and new depots this schedule going into effect yesterday i uig.