Absolutely Pure. Till!" Hi ilcr never varies. A marvel of par tly, slrt-nKtlt und wholeomcni.-ss. Morecco notniial iluin (he ordinary kinds, and cannot lie mild In i-omisrtilion with the multitude of low tr-t, short weight alum or phosphate powder. Sold only In rnna. Kovai. Baking i'owiikr Co.. 10(1 Wall St., New York. dftwtaurtT . PROFESSIONAL CARUS. Thko. P. Davhhmin, Thus. A. Jonb Kaleigh. Jas. (t. Martin, Asheville. ' , Asheville. , JJAVUISON, MARTIN 8c JONKS, Attorney and Counsellors at Law, Asheville, N. C. Will pr mice in the 1 1th and 12th Juilicinl IHstrit-ts, i-d in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, and in the Federal Courts of the Weatcrn IMstrict of North Carolina. Kefer to Bank of Asheville. dtael rULIUSC. MARTIN, , Attorney at Law, Asheville. N.C. Titlea and Conveyancing a aiieclulty. t'rncticea in all the courta. Maiwtiaueeue Recall Cold Weather. During l lie cold -U an old Like capluin ami a Hamburg fanner were swapping tits over a stove in an fctk llm t grocery. "WV don't have an t cold weather those days," gays the captain. "1 re member the winter of '42. Whiter hadn't fairly net ia. It was in Novem ber, and I win coming down from Sandusky, thinking muybe I could makenne more trip before layin' up, but off I'rewiue Isle the weather changed, an' 1 ui Udliu' you the truth, sir, when I aay it trot so cold Unit a two inch hawser a new line the men wa trying to coil on the deck broke square off like a pie slum." The Hamburg muii khikeda&Bolemn ax if he wus trying In sell Block in the llanihurg gold miuo. Hp exectoru,Uxl in the box of aawdukt and replied: " 'Forty-two was jest good snug wintry weather It wu'n't uolhin' to 158, which I reckon you don't remem ber abouL 1 lived' ut Willink, an' was di'ivin' team that winUirfor lin dor Roe. "It was so cold that winter that one day right in the dead of the January thaw it was, too-- a I was drivin'a yokeo' steers in tun wimkI lot, the off critter got lazy an' I up with my whip to touch him a bit, but I'm tclliu' you, sir, lie never foil the IonIi." OKI Hamburg paused for so lone that the marine Ananias, though with evident reluctance, was moved to re peat: "Never felt the lasht ' "No sir," with another long pause. "Why not" asked thecupluin when be couldn't stand it another niinuta. "It was I hat cold, and all of a sud dint, sir, that when 1 raised that there whiD stock the lash cot frozen in solid, in the air." And just then the stove exploded. Buffalo Express. Ill Ml Ml .HH AN1I PI.IUHI BH. She -"You ore sure you love me ?" He "Love? Wliv, I mil rauly toilie I'nr you." She "When we're married will you always up nd start tlie kitchen "lire?" lle-'-Lr er pray lie reasonable, my der." Knilrtmd Tickets to all points bought. sold and exchanged. ! N. 1'uulic Square, next to lianiuril lUnkliii. al Mr. Lowcut "I'thcl, toothless graci ous, are you going in that waist?" Mrs. Lowcot "Certainly. w Mien ol incse flowers do you think most suitable tor a corsiuje lKiuiiiet ?" Mr. Lowcut "Wear tlie blush roses, lor heaven s sake. Better Thau ttulcide. Professor Arnold savs: "An incurable dyspeptic is justified in committing sui cide. We will guarantee to cure any dys- eptic within threc months by Ackers l-.nglish Dysiicptic 1 anicts, i.e. Miiun Ut Co. fcbMuwlw lections made. Office: With GuUgvr Law Building. Col ic Carter, Mcl.oud dtnov2S CHA. A. BOOHS. DCF MKHKICK. JJ(H)KU & MURHICK, ' Attorney! and Counsellors at Law, Aahcville, N.C. Practice In the t'nlted States Circuit and IHatrict Courta at Aaheville.Stuteaville, Char lotte and OrecnalHiro, in the Supreme Court at KalelKh, and In the courts of the Twelfth judicial District of the Stat of North Caro-Ina. Kuecial attention given to collection of claims. Partnership does not extend to practice in Buneomoe interior court. utocs T. H. COBB. J. O. MKKKIUON. QOgB He MURRIMON, Attorneys and Counsellor afVa w. Practice in all the eonrta. . Office: Nos. 7 and g, Johnston building. dtsc4 W. W. JONKS. TONUS t 8HUFORU. cko. A. sin Komi. Attorneys at Law, . Asheville, N. C. Prattles in the Superior Courts of Western North Carolina, the Supreme Court of the Stair, and the Federal Courta ut Asheville. Office In Johnston building, whereone mem. ber of the firm ean always lie found. dtnovll JOHN8TONB JONBS, A rroitMllV AND COlNSKI.Lim AT LAW, ASHHVIL1.K, N. C. Practices In the United States Circuit and . District Courta at Asheville, in tne Supreme Court at Raleigh, and In the Courts of the Twelfth Judicial District of the State of North Carolina, and elsewhere, as his services may be required. (aniJSiltl JJ H. DOUGLASS, t, D. 8. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., Over Grant Wlngert' Drug Store. Residence, No. H Ilailcy St. felilodly H. RBBVB8.1). tl. 8. DENTAL OFFICjK I In Connally Building, over Redwood's Store, Patton Avenue. will 3d ly Pottery Colors, There is a pathetic instanco of eon- his unappreciated in Hugh Robertson, a venerable Scotchman who has de voted his life to reproducing the lost colors to pottery. No labor has been too arduous, no sacrifice too great, that be might achieve the choice tints un der glace, and yet for more than a year ne lias ueen too poor to nre n is Runs. He lives in Chelsea, a suburb of Bos ton, and among the quaint, shambling buildings, where he sought the phif . .A. :. i.; i i.i -...,., UWUUI B BUFII17, ia 1113 IIUIIIOIO which holds a collection of rare cera mics. These represent his attempts to catch the coveted red "sang-de-bo3uf,"that wonderful tint produced by the Chinese 600 years ago, and re discovered once or twice since thiit far away Mini; period. Only four siiecl mens of the Chinese "ox blood red" are owued in America. Mr. Robert son's vases show the whole gamut of reds, from tho dull liver shade through glowing tints to the perfect "sang-do-uteuf," and then descending through the scale to purples and browns Pro fessor Morse, of Sulem, has one of the most complete collections of Japanese iiottory in the world, which will prob ably be secured for the Boston Art musuem. He pronounces some of the Chelsea ware as marvelous examples of the famous "ox blood red, and agrees with Mr. Robertson that its attainment is a happy accident, whose chemistry has not been formulated. I hope this may reach the eye of some connoisseur of ceramics, who will gladden the old potter s heart by appreciation, and bis purse by buying. Worcester Spy. Why Do They Advertiser The man who conducts his business on the theory that it doesn't pay, and he can't nli'ord to advertise, sets up his judgment in opposition to that of all the beet business men in the world. With a few years' experience in con ducting a small business on a few thousand dollars of capital, bo assumes to know more than thousands of men I'lii'adcliihiaii "I notice that Rev. Mr. Stnug has lieen ortcicd $10,1)00 to go to Australia: (Jnod Minister "Ti lire cli?" "Yes, on Sundays: but he is to play in the Australian nine on week-day. There are times when a lecling of lassi tude will overcome t lie rivst robust, when the system craves for pure blood, to .fin nish the elements ot hralt h and strength. The best remedy lif purifying tlie blood is Dr. J. it. McLean s aarsapanua. lid ward (who has taken his girl to Ilel's and iriven her 'a' $30 dinner 'Well, darlmi;, what "do you think ol llelmonico'8?"Girl "I think that French i waiter has the loveliest eyes I ever saw." Sick headache, biliousness, nausea, cos- rtveni-ss art nromotlv and uirreeaoiv I banished by Dr.J H. McLcan'sLiverand tuaney nueis iiuiie pius.j Insurance Officer "I understand that Mr. Kk-hman hasn't a cent of insurance on his life. Why don't you go lor rum ? Airent "Won't do. He was born lucky, and makes money out of every- tinny: he touches, ii we suouiu insure Kichmun to-dav ten chances to one he'd die to-morrow." John T. Raymond's Hotel Joke. I heard a funii storv the other dav about Jimmy ligott, that clever actor, who lirst came to this country I thinlt wilh Mrs. Landry and afterward act ed with young Solliorn. Jimmy l'i- gott was at one time very well known in the gay set alxiut London, and like many another good fellow lost his money and had to turu round and muke his bread and butter. Just be fore he came to litis country he met John T. Raymond, whose advice he asked about the hotels and other mat ters. This is tlie result: When Mr. Pigolt eot here he stepped into a cab and requested to be taken to tlie Hotel Tombs I" Tlie cabby asserted that he did not know of any such place. "Then" said Pigott "to the Hotel Ludlow, Ajntin cabby insisted on his ignorance. "Well, of all stupid cabman 1 ever came across, this is the Stupidesll What hotel would you recommend? rilou-l lum.8ir.!: "Dum yourself," 6aid I igott, getting out of too cab and posing himself for alight the cubby was quickly off the Imix, only too ready to oegiu, and it was only .uftcr the surrounding cab men hud explained that Pigott realized that he had been sold by his friend Mr. Raymond, and that the cubby's intentions were quite houoruhlo. That same afternoon the genial I'.iijjlish man went U the ticket, ollico to in quire the price of a ticket to Bait Lake, as he had a brother there, and he thought he would like to spend the atteruoon with him I tiis astonish ment when he discovered that the ticket would be in the neighborhood (if $200,. and that he could scarcely be there in time for dinner, can be better imagined than ' described. New York Cor. Chicago Herald. . Kapepayr. This is what you ought to have, in fact vou must have it tofully enjoy life. Thou sands nre searching for it daily and mourning because they find it not. Thou sands iiMn thousands ui dollarsaresiieni annually by our people in the hois? that tliey may nttam tins boon. - Anil yet it may lie find by all. We guarantee thnt Hlectric Hitters, if used according to di rections and tlie use lwrsisted in, will bring good digestion ami oust the demon I)yscpsia and install instead Hupep- sy. We recommend Licctric iiitieri lor Dyspepsia and all diseases of the liver, stomach and kidneys. Sold ut 50c. and $1 K-r bottle by F. L.Jacobs, druggist. II V' MURGIN' M- a OFFICE I New Grand Central Building, over Big 22 Clothing Store. Iehl7dlin J. P. KAM8AV, D. D.8. Dental OIBce i In Barnard Building Entrancea, Avenue und Main Street. feli-'Hill.r I'atton Ifaoy dealer aarl he has tbe W. L. DonrlM Hhoea without name and price stamped oat tbe bottoiut pot bun dowa aa a fraud. W. L DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Kxamtne his w.oo IkS (T fin as iSSkw mmom. 4.IW hanimikwku r'iSJ!Yav 53jtO 1'OI.K'K AN1 FAKMEKft (tHOJJa. ii.no rxTRA vai.uk cai.k shok. X.n Tv Tk 1 .s. i r i- n ' " ' ' ".'i atiAva !I.OObimI mi.tH HOVl W HOOI; SHOES W. L. DOUGLAS 03 GHOE laRW Beet Material. net Style, Beet FiUinf. "jTu'j&WhAii: iaocKxta. mass. For tide by IIERRINO WRAVER, 30 South Main Street, Asheville, N. C jan19dl "How did vou find society out in Chi cago?" "Oh, there's a good deal of it there, but they have such strange ways. "How so?" ''Well, if a man goes to an evening party and keeps his coat on the entire evening, the company concludes right away that his shirt is in tlie wash." If health and life are worth anything, and you are feeling out of sorts and tired out, tone up your system by taking Dr. J. II. McLeun's Sarsapnrilln. California Alta: The next is the Li Conirress. Indue: Kuliard l'lgott and tlie London Times have blown out their brains. Dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, distress after eating, ean lie cured and prevented by taking Ur. J. H. Mclean's Liver mid money i uicts vntiie puis.) Chicago Tribune: There is much in a name. Dr. Larver and jacK tne Kipiier are acknowledged .champions in their resiH-'Ctivc specialties. Tlie First Symptom of Deatli. Tired feeling, dull hendache, pains in various parts of the body, sinking at the nit of the stomach. loss of aniietitc, lever- whose hourly transactions aggregate' ishness, pimples or sores, nre all positive more thaii Ins do in a year, and who evidence of poisoned blood. No matter THE BArirtlNG OF THE DOOR." MISCELLASL0U8. Crime and Its Treatment. Time was when folks afflicted with disease were put out of the way, not as lk rgh's men kindly kill a dis abled animal to mercifully end its dis tress, but because deemed unlit to live. Now the crowning glory of our century is its mugmncent hospitals. Time will be when our prisons, the dis grace of this grand age, will be changed to humanitarian institutions for the control and cure of crime, in stead of pest places for its punishment anu propagation. btalcsiiien and reformers nre bemn- ning to consider that our system of so ciety is really accountable for more crime than it prevents. Judges and juries are frequently called upon to condemn unfortunate creatures of cir cumstances less guilty of oll'onse against their fellows than those before whom ' they are arraigued. Did all wrong doers escu'ie detection, as doubtless the majority do, lucre would be d criminals nown; while if tlie consciences of men were incased in flats all would be criminals alike, here would be no honest men to bring tlie guilty to justice. Let all who read reflect upon this. . He who robs you wrongs himself worse than you. You may recover your proerty or purchase more, but he Las corrupted his conscience, ruined his reputation, assassinated his man hood. He has inflicted upon himself a misfortune, while you have but sus tained a Hjcuniary and perchance a trifling loss. 8. LL Preston in Jour nal of Health. SUM T0SL9 003H1 The world onght to inne for me In the cars ivhlch waa so had ss to le bf (lie physicians j ent io he trusted . One me a eouv of sn ariver- Bwlfl's bpeelHe. and 1 relief from the nrst few rrsdnally forced out nf aona enrcq eiaind and months since I ami Uk had ne slgu ot return of tb di sV Vi so mow ii. know what S. 8. B. hv nf nislik-nant Cancer be cxxldrrra mcura In Clitouio, whom 1 of my iik;niHirs som tliwmcnl In frt&Ttl tc Ihvu taking H. r--: d ae Ilia 'iMins my syrto a. ami I wa well. It n-w U-n llniiri.H.n. ami i nwdriil dlMioau, have made their millions by pursuing a course that he says doesn t pay. IF advertising doesn t pay, why is it that the most successful merchants of every town, large and small, are the heaviest advertisers? If advertising , i .i. . i r aoesn i pay, who uoes tne most, nusr nesst If it doesn't pay to advertise. why do the heaviest business firms in the world spend millions in that way? is it because they want to donate those millions of dollars to the newspaper and magazine publishers, or because they dout know as much about busi nessasthe six-ror-a-dollar storekeep er lu a country town, who says money spent in advertising is thrown away, or donated to the man to whom it is paid I bucli talk is simply ndicu lous, and it requires more than the av erage patience to discuss the proposi tion or whether advertising pays or not with thut kind of a niau. His complacent self conceit in assuming thut lie knows more than the whole business world is laughable, and re minds us of the man who proved that the world dixisn't revolve by placing a pumpkin on a stump and watching it all night. Jrmceion Eixciiatige. A Touch Watch Story. On his last birthday, a month or two ago, a youngster in knickerbockers who lives in the East End received from his father a silver watch, the price of which, it is safe to say, did not exceed $15. ' It will not surprise you to hear that the boy took the watch to pieces after it had burned in his pocket but three days. Whon every wheel lay in his hand the boy naturally fell to thinking how ho might put the watch in running order again. Lie must oe someming oi a mechanical genius, for he succeeded in got ting the dismembered works in side tlie cu.se in some sort of shape. It is hardly a reflection on the boy's skill, either, that after tbe mechanism was put together it failed to respond to the winding stem, uui the boy perse vered. He detected the root of the trouble in the balance wheel, which seemed to interfere with other parts of Kie setting, bo at the balance wheel e tinkered, until to his unfeigned as- loiiitiliinciil, after ho had jacked up the wheel with a bandngo of cotton pirvatl. tiiewatch began to tick again. -rauiuirg tnspatcn. how it became poisoned it must lie puri fied to avoid death. Acker's Knglish Blood lilixir has never failed to remove scrofulous or syphilitic poisons. Sold un der positive guarantee by T. C. Smith & Co. fc1i5dawlw In the spring the young mnn's fancy Lightly turns to thought ol ties. Anil the startling hues he favors Makes a bald man s hair arise. A Scrap of Paper Haven Her Life. It was just an ordinary scrap of paiicr but it saved her life. She was in the last stages of consumption, told by physicians that she was incurable and could live only a short time ; she weighed less than seventy pounds. On a piece of wrapping uaoer she read ot Dr. King 9 New Discov ery, and got a sample bottle; it helped tier; she bought a larjic liottle; it helped her more; bought another and grew bet ter fast : continued its use and is now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 14-0 iHHinds. I-or lull particulars send stamp to W. H. Cole, druggist, rort finiitli. trial Dottles ol tins wonderlul Discovery free at F. L. Jacobs' drug store, Pittsburg Chronicler Six feet four inches is the stature of the new Ilritish Minister. He is tall enough to be ad dressed as His Highness. Even the most vigorous mid heart v people have at times a feeling of weari ness and lassitude. Til dispel this lecling take Dr. J. II. MclCim's Sarsaparilla ; it will impart vigor nnd vitality. past mending ! 1 am t'nele "FriU, you are Monev, money, alwuys money glad I have not got many such nephews!" Nephew bxactlv my sentiments, uncle; so glad 1 m the only one 1. Iarenln Criminally Liable. More than half of all dentils occur tic- fore six years of age. An annv of inno cent, lovely children are swept needlessly away each vear;- Parents are criminally resiHinsihle lor tnis. 1 he death rate ot children in England is less than hall' this, Acker's English llaby Soother has done more to bring this about than all other causes combined. Vou ennnot n fiord to lie without it. T. C. Smith & Co, Mr.' As DoTliu. "able, Mich., Deo. , " fttnd fnt book on Blond Discern imd t'nncx.. mahed free. iTniBwirrtirw-iricrn. llnjwtirS, Atlnia,0 HucKlen'n Arnica Halve. Thi- tiet nlve in the world tor cuts, Schism' aores. ulcer, salt rheum, lever lores, tetter, clinpH?d hands, chilblains ,,,,.1 nil skin emotions, and pnsi- livplv puree nlles. or no nay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, , m,.nev refunded. Price 25 cents rr box - For al by F. U Jacob.. daw In railronil euchre the trniu dispatcher frequently orders it up. Texas Sifting. Excited Citizen Say, do you know where tlie nre is Policeman Yes, nor. I do. "Well, where is it, then ? Spcakquick!" "It out r Anecdote of General Grant. Oencrnl Grunt, on his return to this country, is said to have lieen severely nf- Dieted with a cough contracted while crossing the ocean, and which had stuf)- borury refused to yield to any treatment A mend procured lor mm a liottle ol Symphyx, and by It use in a lew hour he wn entirely relieved, lleremnvked to hi friend: "Men look iiikiii inc nsn great soldier, but thi liottle of Syniiihyx i greater than 1. My calling ha lieen to destroy men' live, but this medicine is a victorious savior ol men. 1 shall never be without It again." driw That Talkative Barber. Clothes may not make the man. but they have everything to do with his general umicarance. Enter a barber shop any day when the chairs are full, scan the heads of the customers as the v lay buck in the chairs, with the towol and dusterclose up to their chins, form your idea of the appearance of the man when tie shall nave stepped out on tlie floor, and in nineteen cases out of twenty you will be surprised. In the nrst pluce all idea of his size is hidden under the duster. In recognizing a friend you do so as much by his size and manner as you do his features. You readily recognize an acquaintance from a rear view as be walks on ahead of you. In the barbershop you will see a man. with a massive No. head, and when he steps down you are as much shocked to und that it is placed on a 5 foot 6 inch body as to learB thai the boyish H head in the next chair is on top of a 6 foot body. You will see noble, high browed head that vou are sure must belong to some distin guished lawyer, and you are knocked out when a policeman or the engineer from next door in Ins blue flannel shirt emerges from under the covers. Another thing that amuses me is the failure of - mends to reoomiize each other while, in the barber chairs, and that luipK'iis twenty times a day, the recognition only following whon one or the other comes off the chair. St. Louis Globe Democrat. The Eaatern Incident Which FumUhed the Theme of a Hruttlsb Song It is not generally known thai the in ciduut which forms the buIijih-I of the droll Scottish song, "Hie Harruig of the IVxir," which also ocelli's in the "Nights" of Btrapurulu, is of eastern origin. In an Aruoian tale a ihih-k-head having married his pretty cousin, gave the customary fea.it to their re lations and frauds. When the festivi ties were over he couducmu his guesis to the door, and, from alu-cmo of mind, neglected to shut it before re turning to his wife. Lear cousin, said his wile to him when they were alone, "go and shut the 8trectdoor." "It would be strange, indeed," he replied, "if 1 did such a thin?. Am I just made a bridegroom, clothed in silk, wearing a shawl and a dagger set with diamonds, und am 1 to go and shut the doorl v tiy. my dear, you are crazy Uo and abut it yourself." "Oh, indeed I" exclaimed the wife. "Am 1, young, mlied in' a dress of lace and precious stones, am I to goand shut tlie Hirevi tUHtrf .mi. hi deed I It is you who have become crazy, and not 1. Come, let us make a bargain," she continued, "and let the first who khiiUs go and fasU'ii the door." "Agreed," said the husband, and immediately he tnt-uuie mule, und the wife, too, was silent, while they both sat down, divssexl as they were in their nuptial attire, looking at each other and sealed on npMisile sofas. - Thus they remained for two hours. Some thieves hupx-ncd to piws by. and, seeing IhediHiropeu, entered and laid hold of whatever cume to their hands. The silent couple heard foot steps in the house, but opened not their mouths The thieves came into room and saw them seated motionless, and apparently inditlereut to all thut might take place. They continued their pillage, therefore, collecting to gether every valuable, and even drag ging away the carpet from beneath them; they laid their hands on the noodle and his wifu taking from their persou every article of jewelry, while they, in fear of losing the wager, said not a word. Having thus cleared the house the thieves departed quietly, but the pair continued to sit, uttering not a sylla ble. Toward morning a police olticer came past on his tour of inspection, and seeing the door opeu walked in. After searching all the rooms and And ing no ixsrsons. he entered their apart ment and inquired the meaning of what he saw. Neither of them would condescend to reply. - The ollicer bo- came angry and ordered their heads to be cut olf. The executioner's sword was about to perform its ollice when the wile cried out, tir, he is my hus band. Do not kill him I" "Oh 1 oh I" exclaimed the husband, overjoyed, and clapping his hands, "you have lost the wager; go and shut the door," lie then explained the whole affair to the police ollicer, who shrugged his shoul ders and went away. St. Louis lio publio. The Fair Sex In rYanee. Place aux dames. Tlio fair sex of all classes of society are just now dis tinguishing themselves in tho French capital. What with lady doctors, lady artists, lady politicians, and lady agitators of all colors, they are mak ing remarkable progress. Should they continue to advance at the present rate, their male rivuls will have to look to their laurels. The Purisienne is evidently .determined to show that she is tit and able to become a public character. Tot) long has she been kept in the background to tend thoclnl (Iron and mend the stcx-kinirs. The time hasarrived to prove to the world, and particularly to their masculine tyrants, that women are really superi or beings, and callable of taking care of themselves in the struggle for life. They hare not yet obtiunod the right of political voting, und consequently cannot be deputies, but they look for ward to that victory at an early -riod. and say they will not be satisfied until they get it. They hold that, be ing forced to . pay taxes, they are en titled to have a voice in the a Hairs of the nation. In any case, they con tend, with some reason, that things "could" Bor possibly be worse than they are, and in nil probability would he infinitely better. Loudon Ulobe. THE GAROUiiA SU;, Has the 1 luct and I.nrgeftt Stock of WIIISKIKS, i IIRANDIi: S i AND i WINES, lCvcr Ili-ought to AfcheylUe. l'urtiva u lahiiiit u K""1 urtiele fur fuiuily or other uuriioaes, will find It to their interest to Klve me a villi. Kr-tjicctful!', nutratilly lr rank O'Donnell, Prop'r BLAIR FURNITURE COMPANY, NO. 37 I'ATTON AVENUE, Wholesale und Retail Furniture Dealers. Ami Undertakers. Prompt attention given to till order day or night. Residence t 39 Penland Streets ' Mildly "THE WINYAH SANITARIUM, " ASHEVILLE, K C l or the reception of patient suffering of diseases ol lungs and throat, and conducted uxm the plan ot the sauitaircB at Ou'bersdorf and Palkenstein in Ger many. Ours is the only such institution in the United States, and endorsed by the leading members of the medical profession. Terms reasonable. KARL VON RUCK, B. S., M. D. Marriage for Quarter. A story is told about a minister's marriage lee that causes amusement among the clergy. lie was paid $1 for marrying a couple, - After they de parted ho wasabout to hand the money to his wifo when the ,door bell was rung. The newly married wife said she wanted a certillcato. No marriage was good without 0110. It cost twen- ty-flve cents for a blank that would suit her.- Tlie rdverend srentlcman filled the blank out in the usual form. and sho went away seemingly satis- neu. A few days later she again appeared at tlie door. ''Mister," said the wo man, in an aggrieved tone, "I looked through tho papers and can't find a notice of our weddiag. You ought not to treat us different from other folks." So the dominie wnt to a news paper otlice and paid fifty cents to have a notice inserted. When lie reached home he hauded tho remain ing twenty-five cents to his wife with the remark: "Here, my dear, hurry up a tid tulto this before thut woman makes another call." Kingston Freeman. Sentimentalists liko Byron and Shel ley might huvo a horror of a woman who confessed to a heurty appetite; but tho women who till homes with sunshine are those who can both cook a good dinner and help to eat it Christian World. lie Clung to III Tormentor. A friend relates the following rather jocose incident: Proceeding down Joy street not long since, hisntleutiou was culled to a little l.egro boy who was crying piteously, and alternating his outbursts by munching a glowing bued red eper. The tears were streaming dowu his elxuiy checks and he was bellowing loudly about the burning sensation in his mouth and throat, totally oblivious of the fact that the pepper wu the cuuso-of - his trouble, and that be was continually aggravating the pain by endeavoring to masticate the pungent article. The narrator, noticing his trouble- and its causa, stepped forward and snatched the pepper frotn his hands and threw it into the street, where upon the black urchin set up a most vociferous howl and dashed after his treasure, while a burlv ncercss rushed out of a doorway, evidently thinking her child had been abused.- The well meaning pedestrian did not linger to explain. As he departed ho caught a glimpse of the ebomzed gamin ugiun in possession of the popper and yelling and munching as before. Adapting a fragment of a common quotation, it was a case where ignorance is bliss. liostou iiudgeL A Good Description. - Here is a good evidence of childish memory 1 - - - -.- The other day, at table, the talk turned on dress and appearance of cer tain tribes and races of men. A little Qvo and a quarter year old girl, who appeared to oe listening aucuuveiy. and who, two ycursuLro, had Seen real specimens in their western Ironies, was asked how an Indian looked. W ith out hesitation, she answered: "Liko a bundle of blankets with c bend on one end." Which was exceedingly good.nfter two. yours' interval. liostou Tran script. .. . . " , f.-f . i A" - iVaw"VrV,T-' I 1&1 , ri : SIIKPAKD, MANN & JOHNSTON, H FUNERAL - DIRECTOR'S, K3IHAIJIING AND SHIPPING SPEC I ALT Y. -31 3- JI PATJON AVliNUIlr- 11. ltrcv ton will attend mnrtl Calls bajrarMkKlsbt. irtldly KUMI1IHEYS HUEOPATHIw VETEUHUUY SPEOinCS For Horr as, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, Poultry, 'let.k 500 I'At.EUOOKon Treat- -a iiiiinl nf A iiimn 1m and tburl ricut free. --rrs- Fe-ers. rnniieilliin. Iiinniiiiiiallan, '..A.-fpinl ,iii iiluiiill, Milk l'rr. 1.H.--Iiriiitm, Ciisiii nesH, U In ii in hi i am, ('.- lliaii-niiM r, Nuaul llln liar.es. J. !. Ilois or tJllilis, Will ma. 'C. l;.-('iniitiiM. Ilriives, I'neuinnnlsU lr. F. i'ftll' or tirlpes, lli-lh a. he. ii. ti. IU ::rriiiK', lleniorrhniii-s. II. II. -1 rhnirv and Hliliiey DUeiisee, - I. I. I'l-HHiive liH.aMs. Haae .1. K.- Ili.-i-.'UM's ol lliuealioii, llniile wtlh spcclfliii, atanunt, '. . Itch iiu. ill iUu.it tleillintiir, tT.00 V- leeKllKtl" lHl':iovert0s .00 Mnlrt lr PnnulMsi or frill l"n ;t rn Iterelnt nf Trie. Hun phrryb' Will. Co., 109 Pulton St., H. Y. sW2i im mpeTe ets'" ! KOMEOPATHIO 'fl ff c:i::n tin An mm w . TV WtlDr' ATM JB. s - . Avaa.jimA'v eue eM-Faa No. 3 Barnard Building; . School nnd College Text Hooks, ufullline. Poets, toiy, Ilomance, Biography, I ravel and Movels, Familv Uibli's, S. 44. Bibles and Test aments, Oxford Teachers' Bibles, nong Books of all kinds, large stoek Stationery, liiank Books and Utnce and School Supplies. New line Laflies' and Gents' Pocket- books iust opened. Fantiv (Joods and Dolls. feblOdlv In UBt) M i'("trf Pta onlv utiroMrtfttl remtdj lof Heryciis CeViIi:?, Vital Weakness, Jim 1'rofttmtiiM), ,ntii owr work or other ohuim. I (mr vuil. 'ir ft vinl. and lrrll powdnr, for riohu HV IMtt i.i. i' it orninliifintpaii1oti reociptul i0---Mlii'1f J'-dkiM iv., 1UU Vtiliaa St., , J, H. GRANT, 14 S, Main St., Aflhcvlllc, N. C. fttiiOiHtvw tnitr2i - l:usta:guiii:.:eiit TTVATA TXIirl.AVaf 4TIOV. OLD B0RE4 nusTAUG uniuEiiT hustaiig li;;i:.:eit nrnvst tfOT,IXWIT0HM. CAKEP BAOfl, W FOB MAN BEA8T. l'T;ETHATKa A low condition of health is common with many who allnw themselves to worry. Mental niu;iiish causes boilily iifTfritiKS. Anxiety anil cure ha broken down many constitutions. A train of disorders tismilly follows mental distress. Heart affections, nervoiisiiess, skTiUss iu's, lvnK-sia, liver eoniphiint, kidney troubles, etc., are - annular the list. A mire remedy for relievini' nil mctilid and physical distress is Hrown's Iron Hitter. It at onee strengthens every part of the Imdy, making' work a pleasure ami care unknown. - r.!USTAf.Q LimOEfJT pnOTTLT) ALWAYS BE KEPT IX SHOP, kUTCJiKN, H I' ABLE AND FAC'1'91UV I no Not Mufl'er Any l.onuer. Knowinif that a eoneh can lie eheeked in a dny, and the first stages of cotiHiiinp- tion broken in n week, we hereby iinrnii tee Acker's Iwiglish Counh Kcnicdy and will refund the money to all who buy, take it us per directions, and do not find our statement correct. T. C. Smith At Co. teb5dawlw " "Did the receive Vim wiirndv ?" "Did they ? Well, rather. They made it so hot I left on the next train. Here is a sou venir feather " Drunkenness Or the Liquor Habit, Positively Cared it tskxmnHiii m. Hi:r eeini uttint. II n(H) glrsa In cup ol todoe or Is, or lr Hclei of looa. without tlie knowledge ol the per. un taking It; It Is absolutely bannlesa and will effect a uenuanent awl sueeilv cure, whether tne paueni is a uioueraieunnseroran sirnnoiie wrack, it NEVER FAILS, We GUARANTEE complete cure In eei y lnataiuw. as iag book FREE. AiMressIn oostl'li'nee, gOLOEa) SPECIFIC CO, 1 86 Ru St, CIsclnnttLa A. F. STEVENSON, CARRIAGE ; AND : SIGN : PAINTER, GILDER ANO VARNISHER, Is ircpHiTit to rlo all kinds of Painting. Bring on your old-looking Carriages, Brett, Bnr rys, lliiKKles, Cart and Wagon and have them rarnished or repainted, so they will look as good aa new. All work warranted not to eraek, blister or rnine on nntu it wear or. Terms reaooa- alilr. Hhnnmi Itaii II ill U.il. I ' ' v .' ntaritldHm fctilttdawty tu th sat MUSTAKG UIIII.1EIIT CURES riLES, lmilNH, CUTS, COltNH, Ultll IbliS, CUIIJILAIN H A J'UWUITOJ FOR m ONLY! i DiKITIVF FertOSTorHtrtlWO atAlTHOOfli RrUAIIllC Ofneraland NERVOUS I1KBILITT PTTTJP W.,kn.M of Body anil His: Ert-sts J KJ AV -U orErmrnnrKs-raatsiaOl.srTauBC. RHHnt, S,.M. aiMHHIII full, Ki-.ln.4. Ilw M, K.ltr. .1,4 Mlr ll, Kll.l lVMli'SII IIBialS NTSIUVI. t. i. uiiii nost i-tssT n-a-au Is s s.r. fl.n lll fi -,ut 11 Bl.tr, TrrrHrl.i, .S Vnrrk l'4i-IH-, loams -rttouira, lllr,tili,iuili, anil (mllsillsl nMlse. aM-MsI,(l(ll.Alll0.lllltfall,l.k frh1.lawlT tnthsat J. V. BROWN Wilt continue the undertaker's business at his old stand enrer J. B. Dkkeraoa ft Co.' Hardware Store, under the firm name of J. V. HRO WN & CO. Having thirty Tear' experience aa mder taker and embalmer. and anequajed faclllti-e for buying, can safely guarantee aattafactton. Calls' promptly attended to at all hour. Kvcry thing pertaining to the' baehieaa at war on hand. SrhtSdSra UU3TAHG U1HL3EIIT C-l'UlCH BTIKUMATISM, LAME BACK A'l) T1FV Jt)INTh. UllU IN ' l.ii.iim . tii CUBES FOOT ROT, BnOULDER-ROT, BCUKW-WOEM AMD S0AS IK BUEf-P I

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