4 ' daily citizs:n V .11 lie (...-!' I.! every mnrnlnefe.rrpl Won i. 1 si Uie billowing rates smelly tm'h: .eYr... h'l Mmth .... 8 M IhM Month.. M l.fill OtM-Mtinth AO (JM ik. IS Inrnrrirn will deliver the paper every morning Ifi rvrry part irf the city t our ! .riir. and partus wanting it will please rail at the Cituss Ottic. Kcw Adsertluementa. Notice-!. B. Bustle. for Krnt L. A. Farinholt. li iUM-MiMini Merrick. Weavers Wanted Brookside Mill', Knox- vtlk, Tcna. Vine Tabic Cutlery Cheap. A bigger bargain than ever before 20 sets (only) of fine Russell steel and ccllu old handled; knives at $2 a a let. Thirty acts of fine whitchandltd knives at $1.35, A few pairs fine canrcrs to match, very low. Wonderfully low prices on best plated knives, forks and ixoni. Rogers' triplt-platrd knives at $2 a set. Every thing in Crockery, Class and Lamps, a - Law's, 57, 59 and 61 S. Main St. The Aanevllle Dally Cltlaen Give The latest local news. The freshest State news. The best ffenerul news. A first-clan telegraph service. Full Washington reports. ('eneral and ipeciul comments. The largest sulMcription list of any secular paiier in tbc Mate. The beat advertisimr medium in the . State. A full staff of able editors and corres pondents. The neatest, newsiest and most enter prisms paper in North Carolina. Its efforts arc always devoted to tlie upbuilding and development of the re sources of tbc State, particularly the Western section. Subscription, $6 per annum; $3 six months ; BO cents per montti. FOR RENT For the Summer Months, A beautiful country home, containing llrr etegaat r.oms, steely furnished, situated in tkr beautiful Hooper's Creek Valley. 10 mile from Hcnderaonvllle, 13 miles from Ashevllle Railroad station and poatoffice near at band Beautiful lawn, pare mountain water and delightful scenery. Garden vegetables, fresh batter and milk can be hail every day. . Terms rcsounalile. Apply to L. A, FABINIIOI.T, Room 11. Mcl.oud Building, Aahcville, N. C. UrJOBBPH VOUNOBI.(M)I), Pletcher's P. O., Henderson Co., N.C apron lm IN OTICB. By virtue of a mortgage, with a power ol ale. eieeuted to the undersigned hv Wllllnm T. Wllkins, on the 17th dny of Novemlier, 1SS7. and registered la Book No. 11, on Page oa, ib tnc omn oi tne Register oi iicens ol Buncombe county, we will aril to the hluhcst bidiler fur eaah. at the eourt house door in the city or Ashevllle, on Monday, the Hth dny ol May, XHHU, eight certain town lota in the southern portion of the city of Aeheviilc.ncar fkmthsidc avenue, and on McDowell atrcet, bring lot. Noa. 7. , 10, IB, lit, IH, U and au of the McDowell Addition to the city ol Ashevllle. for a more perfect description ol won a urn. i a nrirti j mRiw tu sain morv gage, rnia in Dtnaay or April, ihhu. ay of April, lHHt J. H. HiibTIc,' C. U. BLANTliN, OKU. A. SHI PDHD, Mortgagees. aprfldln w BAVBRB WANTKU. Wanted Immediately, 10 6 rattan 6-loom Wearer an sheetings, steady work; all caaa j pays weekly. BKooKHinn mii.i.r, apr dSt wilt Kaoxvlllc, Tcnn. 1,500 To Disc ta one loan on Ashevllle real ra. taw. MUUKK MUKKICK. apron iw Aak Ttnw BsHailar for tha JAHE3 IIEANS C4 SHOE JAIIES HE Airs C3 SHOE. IcoortUitf t Xtw Vm4m, lie Ikhl and atviiak. it tum 1 1 l NIWIM, aWl ItKfll'lHKH proiw way ua. oral tun. S wra. li win Miiary Um avnt kaniklkm. JAMtsMKAN SUOK It alaolutaly Uia Imm ef Me BrM whlck i placed Mi' UN aurk4 AekmrfMhi ksanstt Sbm lur Bays 1. MEANS CO., B salsa. Fall llaea sf Iks sksvs akaaa for an'' v es,amolc..vcnteit-s f iL'slroii. Wright, ., A8MHVILLK, H.C. fcbaid.lm tu th aat HUNT. Two large square Moms communicating ; Southern exposure, with board. Apply tu C.J. McCAI'K, sprtdtf 74 Main Ht. dJOOD BOA H D And nicely furnished moms can be had at reasonable rate by applying at the lingk House, over 441 and 4 a. Main stm t. aprsddt M. O. NliVII.I.K. STOCK OF GOODS FOR SALE. Wishing to enter into the maniifncturinK husineas, I olter my stock ol Clothing, Boots, tihuea. Hats and (tents' 1'urnishliig lioods, for sale. Gaud 6'land, CAeap A'cat, mud Tkree l ean' Lrase. A good chance for anyone wishing to ester Into business In one of the healthiest cities in the world. Poaaesslon given at once. Aver age sales amount to IliJ.ooo per year. Have a good trade and will Ik willing to turn it over to purchaser. Apply to or address - M. I.HVV, aprftdiit ' , Aahcville, N. C. ' QPKRA HOl'UKi Three Night Only, Tl'imt'AY, W UtiNI!KIAY IDD Q 10 9,11 anu Tin K8UAY, Ar III 9 lUQslli TUB PAMOl'S TEr.iPLETOtl OPERA COMPANY, Always the Best, Now Better Than liver. Tuesday Night Mancnt. Wednesday NiKhl....,.,..,. .Mtltaelo, Thursday Night. ... Olivette. The abort Operas Presented with Star Cast. VNIQVB TA0 aBTTlNOI UkANUCHOKi'a! "St PTlce.............'. 50 and 7s Ctsw Reacrvcd Heats Bow OS sate at Sawyer's, THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, . koomt oa Mala street, opposite the post ern re. Open dally, except Snndsys, from 10 a. m natil t p. s.. and 4JMJ until tt.ao u. m. Tne terms of aaliscriptlon are: One year tl, mo.., StAo; s stus., (I ; 1 mo., SUcu.; oauy a eta. kliMM fi lSAB tflwalitM. n I) t VUw-prr" lent. C hartes W, W .'.olse v': Scc.anrj Trrs , 1J. S. vauua; Ubrarton, Miaa K. J. list.n. I Itisrn ana rnntoes art socntaiiy invited to mapsi-t tlx catadogvt aad tnaerll lis their naasea as members. rbtWU WFsm m-'. JV s-m wnn aarsMMHir MAHKICTW 11V TI.I.Ilf.MArif. Money and wecurltleu Cotton I'roirlitlon and Produce. Mousy sndskositiks. Nrw Vohk, April B. Kxchange dull but M'inrT easy, UHt; closing oncrefl at dVj. Sub-Treasury balances l.uld, l "i.l,;ili6,- Whi; currency, SlH.'.iiifi,oil. t.overnmcnt homle, dull hut sternly, prr otnli, 11 ait,; ly -t crnli, at. tin. state bonile, rnllrrly nclcc-tei Ala.Clana A XiJ lor,',, N. V. Central 107 Ala. Claaa H 5 1 1 1 N. At W. old ftoH fll 1 4 87 2111, A4 ('.a. 7, miirt im'ti Northern fac... N. P pld I'artlir Mall Kraillug Kith. Ac Alle K. Ac W. Point.. Mock Island Ht. Paul N. C. Cons., Os .l'i tN. C. Com., B S. C. Brown's...!" Tenn. Hrt., lis Tl Viririnlatis H Virginia Com... S-i Northwestern ...lof.'! do old ...i:i"Vj do tifd 104 liel St Lai a " Tea. Paiilic SH TennConlAclron 37'i I'nion Panne Kit Krie KHi baet Tenn UV, Lake ftlmrc 101 t.iN. I. Central Dini Lou. Ac Nanh n'aj.Mo. rannc 7IK tMrm. Ac Char... mi Western Tnlim.. Mob. c Ohio iu Na-h. c Chat... HI Cottun-ared till Certilieates..... 86H NoPac.lstmort HUVil COTTON. l.irK.nl'iMil.. April 8. Noon Cotton u,uict but suaily Ailicncaa miuoiing o?t; air speenlation and eort 6oo. Keccipu, 11 ooo: American H.aoO. futures ouiet. J r. u. American mlilulmg, n.. Hales ol tonlay lo.KH) and mclwled v.ihki American; April 3n-ti, nuyers; aorn anu aiuy, o o. uuycrw: Aiaj biiu juiw w mmi, lune and July 6 1-04, sellers; July and Auuust a e.H.o. aruers; aukuii unu wiiwni ber 50 11. buyers; tkptembrr and (K-tolier 5 Hi-fi, buyers, October and Noyemlier S 24- &4. sellera; arpteniocr o o-o. ouycrs. r a- tart's closed atcaiiy. Naw Yima. Auni o. cotton ei re ceipts l.BHti; gross Futures closed OUICt OUtSU-ailV. tUtlCS UU OHIO. April Ill I I a HI. 1 " Ct..,, VI.IN W.I-9 May 10.16al0.17NoT U.iWa u.bft lune lO.a;ia,10'tilec W.lla .6ll July 10.30alll.31 Jun. ......... U.7a K.7'1 AUK ...HI.!lOUlU..1il"CO......... " Brut tt.uau V.4March ti.Ha w tl'J Nsw Vim a, April 8. Cotton quiet but tirm. Hales to-iluy 107 bales, Middling up lands loi,t, midilliiig Orleans Ht. Meekly net receipts at this port H.H.17. Gross 'AiM'io. hilMirts to t;reat Britain 12.7U7. Fruncr 1.613. Continent 11 ,5iMJ. Porwardeil ti7. Hales 3.iir3 nirinners Total net re ueipuat all ports for. to-day 7.3HO. Biports to t.reat Britain 4,355 Continent B.U34. Ktock 0HW.O7J. OiLVasToa, April 6. Cotton firm, 10; rciTinta W3. Noayoca. April 8. Cotton steady, 10 1- lti; receipts t,2. lULTmoaa. April 8. Cotton tirm, 10 8 IB: recelota nolle. Bostoh, April 6. Cotton firm, 11; re- ceiots H7. VVii.uiNOTos, N. C, April 6. Cotton unlet but steady. UW. receipts 17. l'iin.iaxriiiA, April 6. Cotton quiet, lOtw: rrerliits no. Havahnh, April 8. Cotton tirm, Os reeYliits Hllo. Nhw Iislkans, April S. Cotton stcudy, 10 l-lll: receluts Htil. Mobil a, April 8. Cotton firm, 8 18-16 mxipts . MKxl'iiis, April 8. Cotton tirm, 111; cciots3liN. AnousTA, April 8. Cotton steady, 10Vk; receiuts 144. Cmahlsston, April 6. Cotton noiiiinul loVv; receipts aaTv- - - - - VKOVISIONS ANII rSOIHICH. IIaltiuiisk. Auril ft. Plour dull, hut easier. Wheat Houl hern tirm, whuU-iI, Pultx U3al.on; Longlicrry UAat otj, Western liriner No. a winter red spoiH7ii. Com Soulh ern, white lirni 4Va44; yellow easier 41Vna Sti'?; western nrm. Cinciknati, April 8. Flour dull but heavy Wheat dull but Heavy No. u nil huhuii Corn stronger No. 'J mixed 34Ua.'tfi. Onts stronger No. Vinised V7. 1'ork quiet, 1U.78 Lard in lair demand rt.hiy Bulk meats easier snort ribs li. 37W, bacon easier; short clear 7.U2W. Whiskey unclianued. Ciiicado, April 6. Cash quotations were Hour steady and unchanged No. u spring wheat, tHaUlVi; No. J ml, uiauii4. No 4 Corn, 8.r.i. No. II, lints, a,. Mess pork IV 3naiy.4ii. Lanl. ii.un. wiiort rins, ii.in H.K8; shoulders 8.6oA.7S; short clear n.BO an lUVs. W hiskey. 10:1. St. f.opis, Mo., April 8 Plourqulet but auitand unchaiiKed. wneut casn lower am very dull options higher; May wasunsettleil No. u red casta VI tasked; May t S,M1 c. closed UlVfc nskrd;June H5j. Corn hlglier but linn No. J mlied cash ;niV; May Ho s.'lo'i,; closed :lo,:i7Vi,July am,SJ. Oats dull No. 2 cash lf'V; May JO'n- W hiskey steady 1. OH. Provisions linner Kencrally4iut quiet. Pork 13.00. Lard prime steam uum loallv o.7tl. Naw Vosk. April B. Southern flour dull and unchunued. Whent spot firm t higher iiu UIHI s ITM, n , ynn , vitne. vin siiot active nnd stronger No, U, 43tn43iL4 nievator options uuu; iva up on April changed on other months; closing steady April It, May 4:iVjh4:iS: June 43 oats spot slrouuer and uulet. . Hope quiet but steady. CoHee options oisrned firm at Una 146 points up; closed barely steady at Voalti points up. ehtgiir raw barely steady and quiet. Kenned tirm and quiet. Molasses, quiet, 811" test, SI.V New Orleans dull Klce steady but quiet. Cotton seed oil tirm Hosia stsaily but quiet. Tunentine lower and quiet 4na!Hy Beef quiet. Preighls sleany. cotton a-tnu. THE LOCAL MARKET. f coskxctsii uaii.y.J king 11 country produce: Cabbages, nicely trimmed, ier lt..., Horghum Molasses, iMrrgal....;.-..-. Htiles Bacon. N-rlh , Irish potatoes, prr bu ., 'V iina.HO NI,H UOHIlft w neat, ier ou 1 01 Hlour, ier cwt... Corn, rbu. .......... Chickens Kgga, per dos Butter, per lb Turnips, pee bu.;i.. Carrots, per hu, I'arsnliM. iieri , . , ii.fioall.no HI Is Aft ...IVji'Ji 7 . ....'jou'jn j .acVt'illl ; Ml 70 70 l.OO ,....7ft1.0o 4 ,,Lwp"ilU'S to ffu'-,, ,-udions', perbu Cow Peas, rr hu.. Celery, ier tiunch... lieel, ter m gross,, Ms Mutton, prr Ib gross.,,. Apples, per bu..... liucks Turkey, dressed live Ileans, prr bu............... 3a Tnal.iNi UusJS to ....TSal.un .I.IHlat.TS ;-. On(lO oats, s-r iu.., liny, per cwt Mtial.lHi OTICB. Will colliH't debts fur anvone In the city for percent, tiood tncililii-a for renting ami col lecting rents on hmisis. Will sill lurniturr ou weekly liayinetits. I H I11IINS11N. At Hlnlr's p'urniture Store, .IT I'altim Avenue. Rcfrrcnivs given. ninrtiHIm LOTS FOR SALE. l'roiil one to two acres on North Main tree I. Ik-sirnlilc proirrty. Apply to Jan. Lusk. aprWiint KICK I UK SAI.Ii. Address TATK i HICK HON, apirmlilw tu th su Morgautou, N..C N OTICU. Ite virlur of a oower of sale contalneit In a deed of trust executed by Jonathan Minme.v and Snmh li Mnonrv. nls wile, the under signed will sell lv pulille nucllod ftr cnsll at the court house door in the City of Ashevllle, N. C, on the Hth day of April, tHNU, two im proved lots, known as Mos. Mm and 311 in Shelbr Park, vomer William and Silver streets In the city ol Ashevllle, and moreparticolnrly di scrilied In a deed of trust registered in the office of Register of lieeilsol Huucomlie county in Hook 13, Pag 17, ol the records of mort gages, to which reference Is hereby made, to satisly the note secured by the sold iced of trust, together witn tne costs nnu expeuscs Incurred by reason of the same, jt n, con 1 i.Ann, mnrlliUt sat Trustee. pKfttTlili'8 SALB. r rly virtue of a ttowcr of sale contained In a deed of trust executed to me ly James II. Mc Connell and Kuth li. McConnell his wile, on the lirst day ol June, 1047, to seenre the pny. metlt of certain moneysto I'lyses IHiubleilny, which deeil of trust is recorded in Mortgage Hook No, mat Page Mil and following, In the other ol the Hrgister of Herds of llnn- combe counly, tttale of North Carolina, 1 will sell at public auction for ensh at the Court House door in the City of A.heville, the proK erty described In said deed of trust, vis.: lle- f inning at a stase in tne eastern marginal iast street, at J. U Kay's northwest corner, and running with said ntargiu of Host street north 1H west, it J 1, (ret to a stake in the eastern margin of bast street ' and In tlie southern margin of Heney street ; thence with the southern marsiia ol tieavy street northnS" east, villi leet to a stake In said margin of arnev street, saiil J. h. Kay s corner; thence with said J. It. Nay's Hue south " east IN feet to a stake, another eornee of said J. K May s thence with said J. K. May's line to the Ix-sinnlng. on the 17lh day of April, IMMU.to tin hisbest uiducr. ThisManh lit, ihhu. U. C W AHUKI.L, surlsdM we sat Trusts. M1SCELLASE01S. Suaimaiioa Hotel. I'ncicrUcd ruUinc. Populur with touiiaU.famlliraand buBtnci men. Hlectric cart iom the door. HAWLS HK(iH., khltiiy Propr. GRANT'S If your prescriptions are compounded at Grant's Phar macy yon can positively de pend upon these (acta: First, that only the Purest and Best drug and chemicals will lie used, second, they will he comunded carefully and ac curately by an experienced prracriptionist; and third, yon will not be charged an exortd tant prior. Von will receive the best goods at a very rca- DRUG sonabic profit. A lull line of ' Patent Medicines, Toilet Arti cles. Ay er'e Kecnmier 'reputa tions, Hcott's Electric C Briers, etc., etc. We ha ve the agency for li u m phrey's Homeopathic Mcdt- . cinea. HkVAI'LTSOLUbTANI), 24 8. MuinBt. Prescriptions delivered to any part of the city free of charge STORE. mur'jodly WE WISH Tu tlircvt aUrntioD to a lot of very STYLISH rtvRKSapOODS TYLISH URESS VJ000S Ketejitly oiienrd. Among them are several desirnbk things of which we cannot get future supplies, so think our patrons should be ail vised to that elicit. In SATINES AND GINGHAMS Wc ctU-r uiiuhuu! vuluc. Alio ritraonlioary value tit 1 ini; cassimi:ri:h, l'or Trousers and ttuil. Very drslralilc NPRINO WRAPS for Ladles and Misses, at moderate figures. H. REDV00D& CO. WMlPENfllMAN . . 1ii...lC ( ......... ..i ijum'KIWk of - -- THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, Anheville, N. C. a. (. Hon I. marl.tdly OFFER EXTRAORDINARY ! For the next thirty davs we will sell 4A lots III I'KIISI'KCT PARK. West Ashevllle, on such favornbls terms that homeaeekers will do well to come and deal with us. Onl 10 Per Cent Cash Will I mpilred, and the balance ran lie made payable MONTHLY If itesiren, with M prr cent, interest rrom aate 01 transnr until nam, These lots are valued from $1Al uptof.VlMHI anil the prices set upon them arc based upon actual sales of similar lots ailjoinlng. The IClectrlc (street Railway Is being rapidly pushed to Prospect Park, Its proiHwed terminus, thus bringing these bits In quick and easy coinmunk-alion with the Square, and other trinctpal parts of the city. We Have Kntlre Confldenee In the vnhte of these lota, and hence have no fears in leaving nine-tenths of the parehase money at interest. The first to come will se cure choice of lota. Apply to GWYN WEST, marlMdtf B. B, Court Square. D. II. REAGAN. , WITH HENRY S. KING & SONS Hardware and Cutlery, HALTIM0RK, Ml. Refer to J. W. Startles. marsia iltlm ' N OTICB. At n regular meeting of the Board of Alder men, held on the lttth day of March, lsmw, it was ordered that two voting places be estab lished in the city, for holding municipal elec tions, one to be at the Court House and the other at the Buncombe Warehouse. All vo ters living east of Main street are to vote at the Court House, and all voters riving west ol Main street are to vote at the Buncombe arehousr. A new registration of all voters living in the city was also ordered Mr. A. T, Kummey was uppomtea registrar for the western portion 1 ol the t city, and Col. M Hu- low tirwln was appointed registrar for the eastern portion of the city. All voters living In the corporate Hmits of the city are required to come forward and have their names enrolled on the new regia- tratton nooks, wnetner tney nave ever regis tered heretofore or not. The regular election for Mayor and three Aldermen, Monday, May , lu H. M. HARK INS, F. M. Mlt.l.KR, Mayor. City Clerk. aprSdlm 7V7sClfAllTLE7" MERCHANT TAILOR 41 N. Main St. IrbilOdly ASUEVILLB AnVEXTlSEStF.STS. "DUY II031E-3IAIIE GOODS." Full Holler Phmiuh. We Your (iicxtT for AHhevllle milling Company Flour and Meal We muke the following jrrailcs of flour: Belle. Take no other. Cash Paid for Wheat, Corn, Oats and Ground to Order. Do Custom Grinding Old Depot. ASHEVILLE COAL COMPANY, H. T. COLLINS 9t CO. Superior Hurt! uutl Soft Coal Office: Bamard Huilding, Pattoa 4'niri HERRING & WEAVER, THE SHOE STORE, t NO. 30 SOUTH MAIN STREET. " While wc Have the Fluent and Most Faithiouablc'Gooda in Our We also have tiki i'lKapest. Cull and see OAK STREET INN, ASHEVILLE, N. C, Beautifully located in a ktotc of oaks and white pine, with no dust or noise, at the cor ner ol Oak and Woodfin streets, near the Female CoIIckc, and only three squares from the eourt house. We hare a number of elegantly-furnished rooms to accommodate boarders who desire a nice, quiet place, away from the hotels. Nice rooma, new furniture, good fare, first-class luuams, m rewHus iiuti. Also, not ana cola Dams. Dr. T. J. H ARC. AN, Proprietor. COMPOUND OXYGEN ANDlEDICATED BALSAM VAPOR. All modern and latest Improved methods for treating chronic diseases of the lungs throat and nose, by the Inhalation of vaporised and atomised fluids by the pneumatic and compressed air apparatus; also Compound Oiygen in connection with the vaporised Bal sam (the balsam obtained from the natural balsam trees neir A.hririii 1 We also manufacture a Home Treatment tu 1,1111. imuunih muu win uv rni un application oy express, on receipt 01 price. Sia. Our success here for the oast three rears with this treatmrni h hm hrn..m,n,,l hv Ing cured many cases that were pronounced hopeless, whoae names and residences can lie obtained by calling at the Sanitarium. By permission we refer to the following well-known gentlemen of Ashevllle: B.J. Aston, ex-Mayor; J. K. Keed, Clerk l. 8. Court; Kev.O.C. Kan- sm, poseur nrsi nnnnuin V.OUIVD, nev. w, Collins, Capt. Natt Atkinson. THE BONANZA," THK I.KAD1NU - -- V WINE . AND .. LIQUOR STORE v IN THE STATE. FINE SAMPLE AND BILLIARD ROOM. j. a. wARQi AWDT, wgT. I NO. L11WI8 MA1UJUX, Pres. L. P. McLOUH, Vlce-Prcs. T. B. RANKIN, Cashier DiRSCToas: Lewis Maddux, M, J. Beardrn, M.J. Pngg, J. B. , J. B. Ray, J. K. Reed 8. 11. Reed, (ieo. B. Powell, C. M. McLoud. J . WESTERN CAROLINA BANK IASHBV1LLB, N.C, FEBRUARY 1st, 1H8U. Organised May 1st, 1HHH. rlAi:aTIL' VrO' " - STATBcotTV eNti Does a General Banking Business. Deposits received. Bxchange bought and sold. Col lections made on all accessible points. The Saving Feature will receive special attention. On all sums in this department, deposited for four months or longer, interest at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum will lie paid. Special attention given to loans on real estate, which will be placed for long time on real sonabic terms. Open from a. m. to 3 p. m. On Saturdays the Saving Department will be open tilt p.m. febiidtf WILLIAMSON & SON, (Successors to Hart & Williamson,) oUNtiPACTl'NKRs OK SASH, DOORS, BLINDS Moultiinf?!, Stair-Work, Fine In terior Fininli, Mantt'ln, Etc., A8HEYILLK, N. C. AliKNTS POM Tlie BiK-keve Puinp, Steel and fin Shingles, Floor and Hearth 1'iles. febldly ASIIEVIH.E - ARTIFICIAL STONE Portland Cement, Mono Itlocka and Tiles), esceedlngly handsome in upiienr snce, of various designs and colors and very durable for walks in yards, sidewalks, floors for Public Buildings, Halls. Porches, Entrances, Itaoemrnts, Butcher Shop., ftc. Special slave., colors and designs for H BARTII8. Handsome Carriage Wiaks with name. BEST GERMAN PORTLAND CEMENT AND GOOD BUILDING SAND FOR SALE. Samples of blocks, etc., eaa be seen at office over J. B. IHekerson's Hardware Store, on Public Square, comer of South Maia street. P. O. Box 63. C. E. MOODY. martftldSm riTA CUHBD BY Ol.ti 8PKC1ALIST LI I V PHYSICIAN. , , rl I bottle df medMne Pree. We war- SB Ssf rant onr remedy to cure the wont case and the only phvstetans who do this to prevent your being Imposed upoa by men nsing false name, and who an not Imctocs. Beeanse others failed ta ao tor lor not sing this medicine. Oiv Bxpersa aad Post-oHi.-e aildresar. It cost, yon nothmg. Addiess Asahd Medical Bureaa, Ht BroaiTwar, New Vrk. Jaa.7dkwly (Juaruntoo Suti-ifiu tion. Ask Roller KiiiR, Ulcvtric Lijjlit, Carolina Kye. Horse and Cattle Feed Mixture for Corn Rye and Outs. Mill and Yard ut at AVholeisnie and Hetail. Yard: Oltl DejMit. Line, us. of the Compound Oxygen, which is, equal to a. nelson, pastor first Baptist Church : H. T. T. J. HARCiAN, M. D. 43 S. MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C. SURPLl'H, Sooo - WIV i.MJ2JTJW?-' At. K NTH a M'P'MH. Uf llyrkit's I'litent Sheathinj; Lath. AND TILE WORKS. Jt A, TRNNKNT. . - Architect and Contractor. Plana, specincatinn. and estimates fur wished. AH work in my tine contracted fue, and no charge, for drawings on contracts awarded me. WefcreucTS when desired Otnce: No. la Hendry Block, North Court qnare, Asaevuk. H. C. fcbliWl II. T. COLLINS. 1'rcsiil.iit: ASHEVILLE ICE GOLlPYi Pun let? inatlo from Distilled Water. Office: liarnard liuildinj?. Tatton Avenue. D. C. Woddell, President. W. W. Barnard, THE BANK OF ASHEVILLE. ASllirVILLU, N. c. UIKKCTOKH I . P. SAWVF.K, J. li. MAKTIN, J. L. CAKKllI.L. 11 UO. W. WILLIAMS, DESIGN ATED STATE DEPOSITORY Oldest Bank lu INCORPORATED BY ACT OF TNE CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. FITZPATRICK BROS, & ROBERTSON Dealers In Wall Paper, Window Shades and Patent Hangers, Paints, Oils and Varnisiira, Masury's Mined Taints and Colors. Window Glass, both French and American We keep in stock St. Louis and Kentucky Lead. LUMBER YARD. GliO. F. 8COTT, (Successor to Doublcil.ty & Scott,) North Public Square, -WINDOWS, - BLINDS, - DOORS, Glass, Putty, Lime, Plastering italr, Shingles, Laths, Fencing Posts. All kinds of Building Material. f0rder. will receive prompt attention. feblOdly W. T. r-KNNIMAN. JOHBHKB HIAIRIDIWIAIRIE ASHEVILLE, N. C. A0BNT8 For- DUPONT POWDER CO., RICHMOND STOVE CO., CORTLAND WAGON CO., ' ' OLD HICKORY WAGONS, STUDEBAKER WAGONS, MOLINE SCALE CO. ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC. M'CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. fcb'.lilly - Anything in the Jewelry nFoVFIrst' REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING. BURT DENISON, 18 Patton Avenue. rcblddtf PLUMBING, STEAM TIN AND SLATE HOOFING, ARCHIT 1'XTllRAl. IRON WORK. Plans and Specifications Furnished ou Application We have thorough mechuniin in each line ft Ho huve had many years' experience In their business. We can safely nuurantcc our patrons satisfaction in our work, a low hgures. BALLARD, RICH & BOYCE. feblRdly C. II. CAMPBELL, ,, , ,. Manufacturer and Wholeaale Shipper of ';" GINGl'R A LIS, CII AMPAGNU CIDER, 1.1'MON KOA, NAKSAPARILLA, 9IINKRAL. WATl'RS, TONIC BKUR, CARIIONATliD WATi;R IN SIPHONS. Factory, i7 May wood tt.' . P. O. Box aSa. CLOSING ALL WINTER GOODS, 22 THE PATTON HwtsprV0 !i. K.IiAGAN, Secretary Vice President. Lawrence Pulliam, Cashier. T. W. PATTON, Wl W. UAKNAkll, H. C. WADIllXL, ol Wifoiiilston, N. C. Western Carolina. GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE SURPLUS FUND $20,000. f febBdly W. I. VttNNIMlN. & CO., AND UKALKKS IN- Line at LOWEST PRICES Class Goods. AND GAS FITTING, OUT SALE OF- -AT- BIG 22 22 AVEN1TE.