"Xe- - r " " p Absolutely Pure. This powder never Tariea. A imnd ofpor- nj, sirrnxrii ina wnumomfttm. Morceco aoflilrml than the ordinary kinds, and cannot tie sold hi competition with the smltitude of low test, snort weig-nt alum or phosphate , powders. Sold only in earn. Ror al Bakimo foWDsa CO., lo Wall St., New York. d&wtaprlT PROFESSIONALJtARDS. Thbo. p. Davidson, Thos. A. Jonas, auon. jab. u. MimiL Aencvuie. Aaherillc. JJAVID80N, MARTIN as JONES, Attorney and Counscllora at Law, Asheville. N. C. , Will prat lice in the 11th and 13th Jndlcial Districts, mid in the Supreme Conrt of North Carolina, and in the Federal Courts of the Western District of North Carolina. Kcfer to Bank of Asherillc. dtsel . oudosi, juuus c a. . cabtsb. JUDGES, CARTER A MARTIN, Attorney at Law, A8HBVILLB.N. C. . . OSes boors: Prom 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. CONCERT MANNERS. CHAS. A. MOORS. DV'V MKanlCK. MERRICK, Attorneys and Counscllora at Law, AshTills.N.C. Practice fat ths United States Circuit and IMatnst Courts at Ashevillt.iUatrsvillc, Char lotte and Orcensboro, as the Supreme Conrt at Raleigh, and in the courts of the Twelfth judicial District of the State of Nrth Caro in a. ' " Special attention giren to collection of claims. . Partnership does not stead to practice la Buncombe Inferior Court. . dtocS T. H. coaa. J. o. MMtmmoa. 1V)BB MBRRIMON, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Practice ht alt the courts. ' Offices No. 7 and 8, Johnston building. dta4 sr. W. JOSS. 6 SO. A. SHUFOSD. JONBS ft SHUPORD. Attorneys at Law, Asherillc, N. C. ' Practles in the Superior Courts of Western Xorta Carolina, the Supreme Court of the State, and the Federal Courts at Asheritle. Office in Johnston building, where one mem ber of the firm eaa always be found, dtnoru JOHNSTONS JONES, ATTOSNIfY AMD COUHSBLUOS AT LAW, A8HEVILLE, N. C. practices In the United State Circuit and District Courts at Asherillc. In the Huprcme Court at Raleigh, and in the Courts of the Twelfth Indicia! LMstnct ut the state ot .vortn Carolina, and elsewhere, as his set-Tier may he required. latmauii JJ H. D0U0LA8S. D. D. 8. DENTAL ROOMS, NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN IT., Own Grant tk Wingert's Drug Store. Jtestdence. No. 98 Bailey St. fcblOdl It. H. RBBVBS. D. D. 8. DENTAL, OFFICE t In CrmeuUtjr Building, oyer Redwood's Store, """" Patton Avenue. asblSdly JJ P. BUHGLN, M. D. OFFICES New Grand Central Building, over Big 33 Clothing Store. . fcbl7dlm RAMSAY, D. D.8. Dental Office i In Barnard Building Entrance, Patton Avenue and Main Street. " frb2dly - Ifaar dealer say bs has the W. L, nnoes wiuiobs am p tits bottom, pat Iila dosra aa VV. Li DOUGLAS $3 SHOE Wit .mi u IB AND FA SVAI.I'B C 1 HO Uoannws, B QENTLIMIMs HiCVVFI' BWsw mm. r 1mm I.B9 WOBl li.OO and l An wane in W. L. DOUQLAO 03 GHOE LArDiVt. ssa r.4l- KMt Srrin. Baai Httaaj Haas. SWiMrtal.- ltMt I Knot soM byyoor stealer, arms KI.KRII1Q A WEAVER, 30 South Main 8trect, Asheville, N, C m -J .-. In IfWII eontpseti-d Blood Potass of bad type, and wo Irealed with meicury, pouun sn sn-iu nlxtnre,sTowlnit worse all ths tiro eared and tnllrely, and shra ol Uisarsadfslalsissi has retirraea. v j. t. WAuca, Jaa,lo,m Hobbrvilla, I". Kj Httle alses had whfts swemnf tn such an eitent tlnf ah pas Cfflf flnet to ths hn tof V r1") Mora than to Dimes of son (m loutof hrrli, and Ibodoelsr aaia a a nutation was tns oniy r7 m aava her Ufa. I refuaad las operailoa I and pnt her on N.8.S. ana sns w un nan KUH arm m aaswa n any child, stias AnKisOsssuira, Pes. II, Oolaal,0, Book oa Blond rtWaM ant frss. B-irr Sractrw 0 rMWra,AlaBta,. toaas f ths Ways ua Which hs Tkoulit- taaa sad 111 Krsd Anany Others. For etery one hundred music lov ers, there ars at least tea who may, ;tk -ii ,i i .i a i i - c mm mn icir iuuuiiuhb itr mioay, oe) rPSfArded a terrors lo the other DUioty. They are clever people in their place. but tost place teenu to be outxule Uie wsljs of the concert room and remote from the auditorium where ears eager ly drink in orchestral orotber har monies. They may parses fairish manners at home ana in society, but their lack of breeding riawa.to the sur face in a most agpressire way when the well behaved ninety wish to enjoy, undisturbed, the musio they have paid to bear and haw a right to enjoy. Of the ten detrimental ones, probably half will devote themselves to the most maddening form of ill manners in the concert room, and unfortunate is the music lover who occupies a chair uirectly in Ironl or Uie ill mannered one. The rear rung of that chair Us good root rest, but the root which it sup ports does not rest. . It is the pedal ex tremity pertaining to one of the pests or ine concert room, that root will lap, tap on the rung of that chair. keeping time with the music, a leath ery baton that moves the occupant to murderous thoughts, aud makes any enjoyment or the concert impossible. The owner of that foot (man or wo man), is sublimely unconscious of, or at least inditfereut to the torture he inflicts. There is where his. or her, ut ter lack of good breeding is clearly manifested. ( If the victim is fiery of tern per as well as devoted to music, and determined to get the full value of his dollar, be will say something forcible. and there will be a disturbance which will spoil the pleasure of a score of people in the vicinity or the detrimen tal foot. If thesutfereris of a meek and forgiving nature he will remain si lent, but his pleasure is ended and his memories of that concert will be pain fuL - Another form of the concert room terror is the young person who bums the sir or the theme in process of play ing by the orchestra or soloist, She is proud or her own attainments, musi cally, and regards it as her mission to let' those near, her know that she Is quite familiar with the melody being performed, snd can follow It with her unmelodioas hum, rather easier than she can roll off a log. So she hums, snd a sound ss of bee in sn empty keg falls upon the ears of those near her. Each and all of her victims would like to bos her ears, and it is s pit t they cannot carry out their wishes. The hummer simply proves, not that sne is a music lover.outan in Drea per son, s vulgarian. The late comer aud the man that treads heavily down the aisle, are each terrors of the concert room. They never think of stepping lightly, And the dread squeak of their boots is something to make men swear snd women thank them for doinc it. Then there are the persons who whis per loudly, who rattle programmes. who do evervthinir but srive close at tention to the music. The latter may be unworthy of such attention, but consideration for the feelings of others marks the true gentleman and gentle woman, and the absence of tins qual ity from attendants upon concerts is something that calls ror reform. ruts- burg Bulletin. "Professor Huxley on Faith, I may have the most absolute faith that a friend has not committed the crime of which he is accused. In Uie early days of English history, if mv mend could have obtained a few more compurgators of like robust faith, he would have been acquitted. At the present day, if I tendered myself as a witness on that score, the judge would tell me to stand down, and the young est barrister would smile at my sim plicity. , Miserable indeed is the man who has not such faith in some of his fellow men only less miserable than the man who allows himself to forget that such raith is not. strictly speak ing, evidence; and when his faith ii disappointed, as will happen now and again, turns Timon ana blames the universe ror his own blunders. And so. if a man can find a friend, ths hy postasis of all his hopes, the mirror of his ethical Ideal, In the Jesus of any, or all, of the Gospels, let him live by faith in that ideal. Who shall or can forbid him I But let him not delude himself with the notion that his faith is evidence of the objective reality of that in which he trusts. Such evi dence is to be obtained only by the use of the methods of science, as ap plied to history and to literature, and it amounts at present to very little. Professor Thomas H. Huxley in Pop ular science juouuuy. . Ufa an ths Planet Man. There are continents, seas, islands. shores, peninsulas, capes, gulfs, clouds, rains, inundations, snows, winters and summers, sonncs and au- tums, days and niirhts all are there exactly as with us. The years are longer, consisting or 8 by davs; but the iwasons in intensity are absolutely the tame as ours, ror uie inclination or its ix is is the same. The days are also ifle longer, since the diurnal rotation m : Mars takes twenty-four hours. thirty -seven minutes and twenty-three seconds, but the difference is not Treat. And all this is known with precision. The diurnal rotation, for instance, is determined within the tenth of a second. New . York Tele gram. To Brlilas Mm English Channel. Boms vears aco plans for a tunnel under the British channel were put before the public and the vast project would doubtless have been executed but for the caution of the govern ment authorities, who feared the dan sera of an invasion through such roadway. Now comes, a project, which seema to. bs wei reckoned. or a pnogo about S3 mile long fiom CapeQrisnes toKolkestone. The estimated cost for 'bridge 100 feet wide, with four lines of rail snd carriage way, is $73,000 000. Even if Uie cost should be sev eral times this amount, it is likely the trsfllo would lustily the expenditure. Rnilroad Tickets to all points bought. sold and eichanprd. U N. Public Square, next to Barnard lSuiltlinr. alt A kiss is mid to be something which 'comes by male but never by post." This an error; we have often known kisses to come by the gate-post. There are times when a feeling of lassi- ude will overcome the most robust, when the system craves for pure blood, to fur nish the elements of health and strength. The best remedy for purifying the blood Dr. J. H. McLean s bnrsapttnlla. K Nevada man who had seven homely daughters, got a paper to hint' that he had seven kees failed with eold in nis cel lar, and every girl was married in 6v months. How Doctor Conquer Dasth. Doctor Walter K. Hammond says: After a lone exnerience I have come to the conclusion that two-thirds of all the deaths from coughs, pneumonia and con sumption might be avoided if Acker's English Cough Remedv were only care fully used in time." This wonderful Rem edy is sold under a positive guarantee by T. C. Smith SW. Cholly (jocularly ("Take that pencil ont of vour mouth." Billy "Say, mis ter, who owns this mouth?" Cholly A syndicate, probably, judging trom its sue," f Sick headache, bih'ousnrss, nausea, cos- tiveness, are promptly snd agreeably banished by Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and ruuney nneti jnttie puis.j Many Americans are colonels, majors, and so forth, but those who go to Canada for asylum are mostly skippers., Careteaa Mothers). Manv mothers have permitted their children to die before their eyes when they fnurht have been saved. Any mother who keeoe house without a bottle of Acker's English - Baby Soother at hand, runs a risk which she may some time regret. It has saved the lives of thousands of children, and is doing so every year. For sale by T. C. Smith & Co. If fun you'd be at, go, joke with a cat And play the old game with its paw; rBut joker, beware I If you value your life, Don t joke with your mother-in-law Even the most vigorous and hearty people have at times a feeling of weari ness and lassitude. 10 dispel this feeling take Dr. J. H. McLean's Sarsaparilla; it will impart vigor and vitality. Bl shni:sm AND rtKASt Hl- Aa Eusllaa Karl la a Frsstaai Priaaav The involution, which ended by hnpruoning several hundred English men in Pans alone, began by liberat ing two, if not three, who had grown gray In captivity. The Earl of Massareene, with thoroughly British obstinacy, had remained prisoner for at least nine teen years rather than yield to ex tortionate creditors. One version of his incarcerutioD is that arriving in Paris a young man of 23, be was de luded by a (Syrian with a scheme for importing salt from Asia Minor, and signed bills to a large amount Rut- ledge, however, a tellow prisoner, who describes Massareene aa the sen ior inmate, doing the honors of the place to newcomers, dispelling their melancholy, inviting them to supper, and encouraging them to narrate their adventures by giving his own, makes him speak thus: "Women, wine, gambling, rascally lawyers and doctors, lastly my own a ,,r . . . . j . L ' lollies oeuoia wna iou au uiy ueiug immured here; but the malicious peo- le who have plunged me here will e out of their reckoning. Thanks to my philosophy,. I am quite com fortable and hope to teach them pa tience." According to the "souve nirs" of Nicholas Berryer, father of the Legitimist orator, Massareene had been cheated at cards, and had signed bills for the amount, spent f-1,000 a year In prison, kept 'open table, and had a carriage and boxes at the thea tre for his mistress. He had attempted to escape, it is said, in woman's dress; but the turnkey who bad taken bis bribe of 200 louts betrayed him. His chief creditor was a man of consider able influence with the parliament of fans. Resigned thencerorth to bis fate, remittances from his Irish stew ard enabled him to live luxuriously. air John Lambert,, a raris banker. himself destined to imprisonment in the Reign of Terror, writing to Lord K.erry on Aug. lb, 177U, sayst "My Lord Massareene s affairs are always (sic) in the same situation, xou know he has miscarried in the scheme of escaping from the Fort I'Eveque, where be is still detained tor want or fighting (endeavoring?) to sell his Monughan estates, or to borrow 15,000 or 20,- 000 which ar necessary to extract him from ji present troubles." luun burgh Review. , Nurse Mercy, children ; what are you doing? Mart hen a Ua, we re having a game ol Administration i that s all. Nurse but what are you sitting on your little cousin for, and bumping his neaa against tne noor r Martbena w hy, he e playing I'resi dent, and I'm Secretary of State. Advice) to Hothera. Mrs, Winslow'i Soothing Syrup should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, al lays all pains, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy lor diarrmea. 25c. a bottle, If health and life are worth anything, and yon are feeling out of sorts and tired out, tone up your system bv taking Dr, j. ii. McLean s sarsaparilla. Courtship A period during which two people of opposite sexes are blind to each other's imperfections. Marriage A cere mony tnat restores their sight. Dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, distress after eating, can be cured and prevented by taking Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Fillets (little pills.) Chathard "How beautifully the roses bloom on Miss Sigourney's cheeks!" Saysit Anyhowe "Yes, I always did admire handpainted flowers. Better Than Bloody Battles. General Wheatcroft Nelson savs: "Mv experience in the English army as well as in America, convinces me that nothing so purifies the blood or adds to the health, vigor and life as Acker's English Blood Elixir." This great remedv is sold under a positive guarantee by T. C. Smith & Co. ... - aSleClrlc lllttera. This remedy is becoming so well known nd so popular as to need no speeia I men tion. All who have used l.lntnc Hitters ng the same song of praise. A purer metltemc doe not exist and it is guaran teed to do all that is claimed, hlcctric BitteTS will cure all diseases of the liver nd kiduevs, will remove pimples, boils. salt rheum and other affectionscaused by impure blood. Will drtve malaria from the system aud prevent as wellascure all malarial fevers. For cure of headache. constipation and indigestion try Electric Bitters, bntire satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Price 50c. and $1 per bottle at F. L. Jacobs' drug store. Who killed the greatest number of chickens? "Hamlet s uncle did murder most foul." Anecdote of Ueneral UranU General Grant, on his return to this country, is said to hare been severely af flicted with a cough contracted while crossing the ocean, and which had stub bornly refused to yield to any treatment A friend procured lor him a bottle of Symphyx, and by its use in a lew hours ie was entirely relieved. He remarked to his friend : "Men look upon me ass great soldier, but this bottle ol" Symnliyx is greater than I. My calling has been to destroy men s lives, but this medicine is a victorious savior ol men. 1 ahull never be without it again." d&w Lovely Daughter Father, Jack wishes to man-y me now, instead of after Lent b ather lnd?ed. By the way. Manon. have you ordered your Easter bonnet yet? Lovely Daughter No. FatherThen tell Jack that he can marry you this week. Dyapepaita, Deapalr, Death. These are the actual steps which follow indigestion. Acker's English Dyspepsia Tablets will both check and cure this most fearful of diseases. Guranteed by C. Smith & Co. A writer says the prettiest hand is long, nnrrow and tapering; but when a man is playing euchre he prefers a "lone hand." Nornstown Herald. Boston Herald. 5',T-t!"I"4.4 t.:u3TA!:au:n::HT REALS INBTiAMMITIOV. OLD BORIS CAitD EUtAaia"! Utt-lCT JIS Ass Epigrammatic ntatetnent. Is there anything is this world so vile As the pestilent presence of potent bile f We have it, -we hntf it, we all revile The noxious nausea, ss did Carlyle, But why bewail what soon Is mended f Take P. P. P. snd have It ended. AH'prRise'the power of "Pierce's Pellet," Wise people tiny snn druggists sen it. THome is the drnrest - place oriefirh; cormeiiiieritlv many people hoard on account of economy. Flaming- Fire in the Veins. We hold positive proof that Acker's English Blood Elixir cores all blood poi- soiib where cheap sarsaparillas and so called purifiers fail. Knowing this, we will sell it to all who call at our store on a positive guarantee. T. C. Smith & Co. Anthony Comstock will doubtless soon turn his attention to those who in hotel fires barely escape with their lives. Is Consumption Incurable T Read the following: Mr. C. H. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with abscess of lungs, and friends and physi cians pronounced me an incurable con sumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption: am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medi cine ever made. Jesse Middlewart. Decatur. Ohio, savs "Had it not been tor Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption I would have died of lung troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in the best of health.' Try it. Sample bottles free at Jacobs' drugstore. "Domestic economy consists in doing without things." It was first practised Dy Auara ana fcve, The Delicacy of Woman. "Like the lily once mistress of the field. woman often hangs her head and per ishes, trusting to innocence and love to protect." Her eye may grow dim, her cheeks pale before her lips will reveal the secret of her suffering. Appreciating this element in woman's nature. Dr. K. V Pierce has prepared a remedy, called "Favorite Prescnptkin,' adapted espe cially for the diseases and weaknesses pe culiar to women, and placed the same on sale by druggists, Ask for the "Favorite Prescription," and you can. cure yourself without publicity, aadi without being subject to the examinations ol surgeons, run directions with each bottle. It is the pnly guaranteed cure, See guarantee on every bottle wrapper. ' Ella Wheeler Wilcox asserts that when one weeiis, one weeps alone, but as we in fancy listen to the low, mournful wails of the disapixnnted otficeseekers along the Washington turnpike we are djsposcd to doubt Klls's yerstity, Bncklen'a Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, charted hands, chilblains, corns, ana nn skin eruptions, and posi tively eures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give iierfect sntisfact or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by P. L. Jacobs. daw Crius la Paris. . A species of crime which is increat inc duilv is that stvled drama d'amour. It was Chambigo, tiie sorry- hero of the Algerian tragedy, who set the ball rolling, and now his example is being followed by no eud of disappointed lovers. Here again the cause is mainly due to the clemency of both juries and judges. The press, too, has much to answer for. 8uch is the condition of publio morals that fashionable writers do not hesitate to treat these offenders as "martyrs to their affec tion." They are pitied, and, in fact, almost petted, aud extenuatiug cir cumstances are voted them unani mously. Today we have another case of a young soldier running away from his regiment in the company of a con cert hall beauty, and blowing out his brains after having shot her through the heart In 11, la I n ul n ri .A Ii nitrn imm tViA "i. 1 ,ui. iihiwu iiwnvioi. lug V 111 prit did justice to himself, but had he only wounded himself like urtambige, he would indubitably have " got off with little or.no punishment. Love or what is called such Is made to cover a multitude of sins; and the veri est scamp who pretends to have lost his heart is apotheosized like a hero. Morbid sentimentality is the vogue of the moment. It is played on the stage and pictured in novels. Everybody is affected with it, and under its bane ful sway the sacred ties which form the foundation of virtue and morality are being swept away. ISO wonder. then, the "love tragedy" has become quite a fad, and the heads of school dovs and cms not to mention adults. who ought to know better are being turned topsy turvy. But if the law were enforced as its makers intended it to be, aspeedy improvement would un questionably ensue. London Ulobe, On of ths Sevan Richest lien. The Chinese minister Is a mandarin of such high rank that he stands fifth only from the emperor, and rumor has it that he is one of the seven richest men in the world, the seven including the famous Rothschilds. His jewels are magnificent, and it is a well known fact that he was one of the heavy pur chasers when the imperial regalia of ranee was oronen up and sold, lie is a man or middle height, with phe nomenally small hands and feet. piercing brown eyes, a fair skin and two dimples that make his smile doubly pleasant His manners are ex quisite, and 1m carries his hospitality 10 me point 01 interpreting nierauy the flowery phases of his native land. tie is an immense favorite id society, His taste is perfect, and Uie rich and harmonious toilets he wears are the envy and admiration of all colorists. lie speaks very good English, and has a distinct lisp, which he exercises very cieveriy at times. uoeion journal. :.u3TA;qlii!i:.:eiit BiIOTJLD ALWAYS BE KEPT IN SHOP, KITCHEN, STABLE AMD FACT0BY. I MISCELLANEOUS. j 1 i m ;i, i 'w - i ir 'r . 1,000 FEBT AKOVBI Tlllli-W ATbst. HICKORY, N. C. o 8 CLIMATB UNSUkPASaBD. The Clt, of Hickory eaa jo.tl, la, claim, to man, pleaaa.t and aatoral aOraaUgr. a. a situated as it is oa the crest of one of the priswipel healthful resort for tourists and invalids. . -H-.. - i me nine King in the west, and dividing the beauUfoCa- tawb. Valle,. Foe hsntis, and fishing this srcUoa of Wester. North CroHn. t. treat!. The neighboring mountains and streams abonnd in aa unlimited variety f noted. and flah. .a raoi Hill -n - HimnTiiiy II ad lJJAft- HUMPHREYS' SlCEOrATSIUTlTSUQTAllT sTECHTCS For Hortsst Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. 000 PACE BOOK ea Treat. Beat ef Animals sad Chart Beat Free. mrs-Fetm. Concr.tlnna, Inflsmsiatlon. laiiK wi Ischarsca. A.A.-Kniii.l II in tun 1 1 In. milk F.r i. B. rMrnln, Lameness, Ithrsmsltsss. . . t. I) latest per, Kamii iiisckarses. D. D.- Ilaissr t.rss, Viarass, . 1L-resell. laee, Pneuuiaala. r. r. rsiie sr uriMa nrn . i.-ui lit- sr uripss, ntiia srarrlove, llemsrrh 51. 11,-Irlaarr ass hi . I. -r.rnaiire Itiaeaa . U.-UU.aaeeei lJlge IB. ases. tner Diseases. aeases. Slangs, geal lea. Ktnble Cev. wtth SnersSes, Xaaosl, , TnhHimV.iuiidl'i'.llralor, tr.00 Single B.n,isaTerS9dnsssa " . .(0 Bale) br Drngglatai er eal Prepaid oalteeelstaf Pries. Huffirhrtyi' Mad. Co., I OS Fullsn It, a. Y. 'nUHFUEETS' Eovtomsio f i SPECIFIC No.fi 0 la ua 90 rfiflrej Tha ntirv mnnisfnt nroaatlv tarn Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, mm and Prostration, tram orsr-worlc sr othtr ssasss. fl psr rtl, or a rims and israa vial powder, lor SoLOCY l)nrr,rl-Tft. orseatpostnstilonrsosipt Sn-Mrrl.'ito.U.,IUrrtSK,S,i, FORSALBBY J. 8, GRANT, 84 8. Main St., Aahevllle, N. C. dtuttrsat&wtnpran (iilPiiir.i asT Atlanta, Ua, firhlOdawly and 'Whiskey Her. Itaeursd at Some with ont pain. Book of nan Ueularsaent FKIt, B st WOOIABV. M.D. to th sat I JJb,liLaJLLaLaii. K-! . IJJjuJj! , The "HICKORY INN" is built of Brick, Stone and Iron, has aU modem Improruueuts, Oas and Electric Bells In each room, and is well heated by furnaces ; Hot and Cold Water Baths and Toilets on each floor. , Is elegantly furnished throughout. The table will be sero plied with the beat the market affords.- Excursionists to or from AshcriUt eaa atop e-rcr at Hickory. For information as to climate, etc., address FRANK LOUGIIRAN, Prop'r,, RATB& SS.AO to IS.BO per Day. io, sis ana ai per Week. HICKOH.V, Ms C ft A ft BLAIR FURNITURE COMPANY, NO. 37 PATTON,. AVENUE, Ask Tout Retailer for tha JAMES HE ANS $4 SHOE K THS JAMES MEAN'S $3 SHOE. According to low Heeds. JAMKg WTKANS M 8TTOK Bis Unlit and strUss. Itnu m,. stwkliis, snd KEGTJIBKS po " BKKAKINO IN,"be ng perfectly easy ths flrst dm It Is worn. It will satufV the most Ml. JAMES MEANS 8HOK is absolutely ths Wholesale and Retail Furniture Dealers And Undertaker. Prompt attention Riven to all orders day or night. V la.. "v ew tAKi-. - only shos of ns srk whloS s. has erer Seas Disord x- tsailraly on the narket at wnwn anraoiiity is eonuaarM osiin nwraout- arara ia.s-f Sa.Z" !tur7if -ew-- Itsaas S3 Shos Air Boys t. MEANS sV CO., Beatea. Pall Usee ef the ahsre shoes fer sale by For Bale Bostlc Bros. & Wright, A8HEVILLB, N. C. feb21d3m tu th sat Drunkenness Or the liquor Habit, Positively Cured I allrlSUTUIH N. NAINtf MUER UlCirifl. Heanbe flues la scsp el coffee er tea, sr hi ar ticles of lood, without the koowledm of the per son taking it; It Is absolutely harmless snd will effect s permanent sod speedy cure, whether the patient is s moderate drinker or sn alcoholic wreck, it NEVEft FAIL0. WeGUARANTEE s complete cure la every Instsuce. W jsge boos rKtt. AiiiiresBinoounaiince, BOLDEN SPECIFIC CO., I n Race It, Clnclnnitl.a feblSdnwly ' tu th sat Cost of Private Cars. Many extra vagant stories are in cir culation as to the cost of private cars, such as are used by railroad magnates, opera singers, imported actors ana millionaires, and 1 have often heard it stated that an average Pullman pal ace car is worth 160,000. Stories are printed about cars costing all the way from 1100,000 to $300,000. The fact of the matter is that palace car costs 112,000 complete. The make up of all cars, regular or special, is about the same. - Additional cost is brought about by the internal decoration, and that must necessarily be limited. I doubt if there ever was a cur con structed that ever cost more than 135 000. To exosed that figure would re- Eire a decoration exclusively in pels and the precious metals. St uis Ulobe-Democrat FOR MEN ONLY! IDflCITIVr for tOST or FAIUHO ArfBOODi H rUl I lit n.iu,ai sad KEEV0UB DEBILITY ffTTT X1 Weaknsaa of Body and Hind: Iffoota v w mm or rrraST assesses lauia or loans. SaOMI. Snbl. BiHIIOnl) full, Rnlsfd. Msw Is Inlaw snd im.un wata.l mini Kiorr.li OHutas a rtsnisi Sour. lh.hl.ll ..r.lll. HUSK TKIITaitT-anM,ll. hi a r. Ih laallh lh SI aiIM. TrrHlsriM. Bud Vwrln CssslriM. 1m Ma writs UMS. SHk. fHll..lsasUiM,ssSsrMhHSlUd salsd) frss. iadnas ! MUI6M t0 1st I All, 1. 1 IH1Mawlf ? i , tathsat THE A8HEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Rooms on Main street, opposite the post office. Open dally, except Sundays, from 10 a. m until 1 n. m.. and 4.30 until 6.SO o. m. The term of auliscrfptlon nrc: One year fj; o mos., si -DO! o moa,, fill mo., oucte, dally S rta. Officers for 1 8S9 PYmldent, R. R. Rawta Vice-President. Charles W. Vt'oolacy: Sec. an. Trcns., I). H. Watson ; Librarian, Mlsa B.J Hatch. Citisena and visitors are cordially Invited to inspect the cntnloxiie end inscrllie their names na memiiera. feosutl One of the watch dogs at tha rail road station in Portsmouth, Va., was killed bv Icing run over. His mate went to the place where he wasburied,; dug him up, laid a piece of meat by bis side and then went away. Perfect health depends iion a perfect condition of the blood. Pure blood con quers (very disease and gives new life to every decayed or affected part. Strong nerves snd perfect digestion enables the system to stand the shock of sudden cli matic changes. An occasional use of Itrown'i Iron Hitters will keep yon in a tierfcct state of health. Iion't I deceived by other iron firepiirntions mid to fie just as good. The genuine is mfiilc 'only. hy llrown(.hcniicalv.otiiutny, Iuutiniore, Md, $nld by all dealers In medicines. .:u3TA:gli;;i::.eit W FOB MAS AHEA8T. FKNETUATF.8 MUSCLE A V IBfiK 10 IH VBX U0H& r.-.USTAtlGLIir.EUT tlTTira IIOTiLOWITQTlN. CAKED BA08, GKUb A UUOV it m CATTLE I I. N. MORGAN & CO. No. 3 BaruardBulldluK. , School and Colloge Text Books, afulllhie. Poets, IIin- tory, Itomancft, lJiopraph Travel and NoveK Fami BiblcH, S. S. Iiibles and TeHt- amputH, Oxford leaehei'H Itiblen, Soiiff BookB of al khidn, la rge stock Stationery Ulank Books and OHlce anc School SupTflies. New line Ladies' and Gents' Pocket books just oneaed, Fancy Goods and Dolls. CrlilOdlr Residence i 39 Penland Streets febldly CLOSING OUT SALE -OP ALL WINTER GOODS! -AT- 22 THE BIG 2 2 22' PATTON AVENUE. Hwtnpr20 IS THE CAROLINA , SALOON, Has the Fliicttt and Largest Stock of WHISKIES, t BRANDIES 1 AND 1 YINJES, Ever Brought to Ashevllles i'arties wishing a good article fur family or other purposes, will find it to their Interest to,, Slve me a call. KcsKctfully, mar31i11jr Frank O'Donncll, Pr9p'r. HI; t..i rrri afWawwwssssi , ajBSBsasMsaasjaasjaWNk 'an'.- SIIEPARD. MANN & JOHNSTON, FUNERAL - U RECTORS, SHIPPING r.USTAUG LIIIIuEtIT CUIIE3 riLES, HCHNS, cttts, corns. 1UU1KS, CUiLULAiMa AFHOyTDIXtd E M n A L M I N G AN D A SPECIALTY. Ji 31 PATTON AVENUE. P. Ds Brewton will attend Call Day and Night. maraidlr . ' HUSTAIIQ LIIIIL1EIIT HUSTAuQ 11! ii' CmiES REETTMATISM. LAME BACK AKUSTIFP JOINTfl. BUULNUAiO)' crmF,a foot eot, HnorttliiH-poT,,i SCIU&W-WOBM AND SCAB LSI BliLLP I 1 u., 1.1 ilJU

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