t:.:: daily citizen Wilt he f.'.H-...! every mnrnln rcicrpt Mon dvl at tli following rates tut telly cmnh: 'ue Vrnr . ........ ffl.OO !- Mum h ......... a Mt 1 litre t nil.. ...,... I SO ( me Moi.i ti.....w....i .......... GO OnVirr 15 iinrtnnnn will rirlirer the paper every morning in every part of the eity to onr sub-si-nlwr., and partus wanting- it will please en at the Citukm Office. Mew AdvertlactueniM. Ready Ceo. T. Jones & Co. l ulled State ttlgnal aer-vlce tita- Uon, Aahevllle, N. C. LiTlTt'ns, 88.36 Nosth. LoNflrrrs 83.26 WSST. ttLSVATloH, 3,:&0 FST. Meteorological report tor 34 hoar ending t p. m., April 8. lt(8. M4HHI T8 HV TI.I.I.tiKAPII. Money and Hecnrltlea Cotton I'rotlaloni and Produce. MONIT IsnSSC CITIES. Niw YosK, April 8. Klt-hange dull but firm. Money eaiiy, 3a4: dosing offered at 3. riub-Treaaury balances Uold, 153,140, 0Ol; currency, 1H,14J,(HK). Government bonds, dull but strong 4 per cents, $1 4U per cents, state bunds, dull but featureless. Ala. Claaa A !ia5 103U N. Y. Central loei ri. at v . pio o" Northern 1'ac... 3 .S. r. pld " Pacific Mail 3H Krading TJUittKh. At Alle 1 4M k. at W. Paint.. Sl.Hi 7 am 83 8 THMPERATl'RnV. Northern Eiposnrc. Shaded. 2pm 9pm I Mai. 8M.8 163.3 8t. )83 3 point: Min.l Daily Vleaa. I B2 S2 0 7am IS 3El5 KBL. HL'MiDITVr 3 p raT Daily Si eaa. 32 S0.67 PRECIPITATION. Rain aa.l Melted Sao. . Inches. 0 fiaow Depths, laches. U I 0pm 8 I 23 . ADSO. Hl'MlDITV. Daily Mean. , 1.737 barometer" Corrected for altitude and temperature. Paily Mean. 80.30 Wmther-i-cTrar. K.. . RUCK, M. Obarryer. North Carolina Medical Society. ' The annual meeting of this body will bt held thi year at Elizabeth City, com mencing on tbe 16th inst. Several Ashe fflie physician will attend. Special rate hflrt been given over the Richmond and Oanvflle rood to Raleigh to delegate to the conrention. The rate from Asheville to Raleigh and retnrn ii $11. 20. Ticketi will be placed on ink from April 10th to 16th inclusive, and will not be good re turning after April 22, , , , . " The oCTwreat for Thirty Years. Stai'NTon, Va.; April 8. The teverett snowstorm prevailed Suturday known here for thirty yean. Twelve inches of now fell but melted rapidly. Tbe streams are iwollcn. Ala. Claaa B.SL.IH lit. 7s. mort lo'JVl N. C. Coua., 6m..l2J tN. C. Cum., tin 8. C. Brown's.. .H44 Teno. Bet., 3a.., Viruinintia Virginia Com... 33 Mock Island.-.. VI Northwestern ..JM'i St. Paul ....... 6 do pld ...13. do pfd 104 Del a Lack 1334 Tel. Pacific 30 Krie 3"4jTenn Coal Iron 37 tut Tenn t Cnionet'acitic . 6oU Lake Bhore 10iy.N. j. Central 96-t, Lou. a Nana...... 6fiMo. Pacibc U Mem. Ac Char... 60 Mob. a Ohio 10 Nash, a Chat... HI NO racist mort bUl TAaaea Western Union.. Cottoa-aeed Oil Certificates..... 84 6S Richmond State: Whiuw Ricd, editor of the chief Republican orgaaot this country, gets one ol'tlut Hour missions of the firat-clitM. He nuked to be tent to England, but the Fretiikut eud him to Farli. A editor of the Tribune Mr. Keid refusea to employ aumbeni of the Typographical Union, but preierf to run a rut allice. Hut sow tliitt fretideut llarriaon it in, he tUica not concern him elf much about the biteresta of labor. - COTTOH. ' LivisrooL, Aprils Noon Cotton steady witn lair aemana Anicruan miaaiiug Bales 13.0iHi.aiicculatioa and export 1.6O0 Kcceipta, 36,Ooo: Ameruan 24,600. Futures closed firm. 3 r. m A merit an middling, 6-V. Sales of to-day Included ,MHI American; April 6 50 4, sellers; April and May, 6 60-64, sellers; May and June fii 61-64, sellers; June and July 6 61-64, sellers July ana August o omi, sellers; August and September 649-64, sell, ers: Hcuunibet and October S 36-64. sellers; Oc tolier and Na;ember 6 at) -64, sellers; 8ep- temlicT 6 49-6A.1 sellers. Futures closed arm. Nmw VoaK.Airil 8. Cotton firm, bales to. day 361 batka: mldilhna uolanda 10 6-16 middling Ucfataris lo 9-10. Total net receipts at all porta tor to4jay664. Ki ports to Great Britain franc ooo. toauneot i,- 718. HtLk&13. Nsw VkK, April 8. Cotton Net receipts nni; gross a, whs. sutures ciosea sieauy. Hales laXJtoO bales. April lO.lial0.3OIOct 9.76a 9.77 My...10.i3al(l.ftiNov. ........ 9.67a 9.68 .. 9.67 9.68 ... 9.77a 9.78 Aug.... ...IO.JsH) .3 Heb,...... 9.96a 9.97 Heut 9.97a He) March 9.93a 9.93 . . . w n . .. .1 U , n. . ti ... .111. ' rtceipu 63. -noiiruLK, April 9. Cotton steady, iu a 16: receipts 98. rULTtMosE. April 8. Cotton firm. l0;re- ceiptaiii. Bostok, April 8.--Cotton quiet and Arm, 1U; recelpu 47V. Wilhihoton, N.C., April 8. Cotton firm 9'; rrceiots 78. PHiLAiiti,PHia, April 8. Cotton steady, 10 7-10; tceipts4SU. Katanmih, April 8. Cotton firm, 9 11-16 receipts 7. Nsw OaLBAjM. April 8. Cotton firm, 10- 3-ll):mxlots 1.613. Momlb, April . Cotton firm, 10; receipts 108. i Mimphis, April! Cotton nrm.lOVi; re- criptswiw. ' AuuusTA. April 8. Cotton firm, 10W; re ceipts 4M. C ha ml kston, April 8. Cottoa Inaitive, 10Vs; receipts 171 Jane........ ,10OUec... July. lo.3Hslo.37 Jan.. f rin Table CnUery Cheap, A bigget bargain than ever before 26 els (only) of line Russell steel and cellu old handled knivct fit (2 a a set. Thirty ets Of fine white-hundlcd knives at$1.35. A few pairs fine carver to mutch, very low, Wonderfully low price on belt putted knives, forks and spoons. Rogers' tiiplt-pluted kurve at $2 a act. Every thing in Crocktry, Claw and Lumps, at Law', 67, G9 and SI 8. Muin 8t. . ' Fresh Florida Vektetablca. Mr. D. W. Chandler, the live produce commission merchant, at 14 Hendry blocks yesterday received a consignment uf ' Florida tra wbtrric of ticellent flavor and quality; also large shipments of new cabbage, lettuce, English peas, etc., all fresh, crisp and hue. If you wish a good dinner to-tlny, get out the market basket and call on Chandler early this morning. He keep lot of good things to eat, aud the prices are reasonable enough to keep you in a good humor the trstofthe week.. . . Harmons amd rioDvea. BALttMo S.April 8 Flour dull and low r: Howard Mtrart and Western sutler 3.7Sa . 23. Wbeia eouthern scarce; Fults 94a 1 .(3,Longter.ry 93al .OA; Western quiet and easy No. winter red auot April 86U. Corn kioutlsera, quirt but hrm; white 43a 43Vi; yellow 43ai4: Western quiet firm. CINCINUA.TO, April 8. Flour heavy family 3 84a3.H6 Wheat dull and lower No. 3 miied Si. Corn steady No. 3 mixed 33 Oats lumep No. 3 nil ltd 334- Pvrk dull I2.63tk. Lard (lull 8.73. Bulk meats dull ahorCulis B.37U. Bacon lower short clear 7.40. Wbiskey 1.03. Ciocaoo, April 8. Cspss quotations were hs follows: Flour dull ao4 unchanged. No. 3 spring wheat, linv; No. 3 red, 86W. Corn Nm. 3 34'. Outs No. X. S3. Mess pork il.si'std.uii. Lsru. n.nvihSfi.BD. nnort mis AJittaa.lO shoulders 6.60aV.76; short clear U.nOMM.e3U. Whiskey. 103. bt. Lotus, mo., April M.nonr quiet an nnchanged. W heat lower, rains in West an Northwest and threatening weather here caused a break in prices, all markets suffering a decline anil the close was at declines irom Hatunluy oi SI Vii for May. 1 for June and Au ut and 1 lor July: No. 3 red cash 88; June AO irn I,.u,msIC.. O mi ..ri ...k HULL flo4,; May 804.. (lata lower No. 3 rash 33a26; May3Au2il. Whiskeysteady 1.03 roviaiona dull. For'e 13.73. Lard orime strain nominal at u.03i. THE LOCAL MARKET. tcomucTitn dailv.I The follow in k prices can be obtained for country produce: canuagea, nicely trim men, perm.. H.irithum Molasses, per gal. 8ldes Bacon, per lb ., Irish potatoes, per bu. r. neat, per uu... OTICB. Will collect debts for nnna Us the cHy Ibr Kr cent. Good facilities for renting and col ting rents on houses. Will scU furniture on weekly payments. I. B. JOHNHON. At Blair's Furniture More, References dent. 87 Fntton Avenue. marlsdtlm Vr.1a R. PEIINIMAN, 1R0PU18T0R OF THt'ASHEYIliE BRICK WORKS, Afshevllle, N. Cs r. o. bos i". rlSdly 1H 3nam KV.s , 60aH3 KM! ,3. 90a3.no nllaftA ,...13Vaa30 10 30a3A 3A 70 70 I .(Ml ,...7Aal.0O 4 3a4 Mutton, per It) groas .Ss apihcb, per uu ,., , 7nal.oo I'ucks , 30a2A 1-urkey, dressed - 1 ' live 76al.2A Bean, per bu , ....1.0(lal.7A Outs, per bu , 4tiaAO Hay, per cwt 8(lal.oo Flour, per cwt Corn, perbu Chickens , Fggs, per dor Iiutter, per It, Turnipa, per ha.,,,,,. Carrota, per bu.. Parenipa, perbu Onions, perbu , Cow Peaa, per bu.. t-eiery, per bunch.. Beef, per Iti gross., Swannanoa Hotel. Vnexcelled cuisine. Popular with touriata, families and business men. lilcctric cars pass tlio door. RAWL8 llR(a.. . Wildly ' Fropr's. OFFER EXTRAORDINARY ! For the next thirty day w-s win sell 40 lots in rkotil'liCT PAHK, Weat Asheviilr, on such favorable terms that homeseekers will do well to come and deal with us. Only io Per Cent Cash Will he required, and the balance ran lie made payable MONTHLY U' desired, with 8 per cent. Interest iroin unte ot trnnsirr until pant. These iots ar valued from $130 uptotS.ooo and the prices set upon them are based ui actual sales of similar lots adjoining. The lilcctric Street Hallway Is being rapidly pushed to Froanert Park, its proposed terminus, thus bringing these lots In quick and easy communication with the aquart, and otner principal parts oi tnc city We Have KnUrc Confidence In the value of these lots, and hence have no fears la Waring nlrw-teuths of the purchase money at interest. 1 he nrst to come will si cute i hulse of lota Apply to ' GWAN & WliST, iua3adtf , . .. 8. U. Court aqiukr. WE WISH To direct attention to a lot of very omisH FVRESS not be matxhed or the MISCELLAXEOUS. Our new etock is nearly all in and opened up for innpec- tion. We have had to move pur Clothing and Hats for inen and boys down stairs. Although our store room is one of -the largest in town, we were too cramped and needed the extra room on account of the variety and extent of our stock. We have almost everything. Our Sat- ines at 9 cents per yard can- in Asheville money. They are really worth 12c. We have recently received from the manufacturers in Cincinnati the prettiest lot of Picture Frames (all sizes) that, has ever been in Asheville. We guarantee to sell them at one-half the price usually asked for such goods. We ask especial attention to our line of Underwear for Ladies, both in . Muslin and Knit; Goods. We have pver 100 dozen Hats, Crushes, from 45 cents up to 98 cents, usu ally sold for 75 cents to $ 2 Goods . all . perfect. Straw Hats, 10 cents to $1, worth 25 cents to f 1.75. Don'tbuy 4a? yourself a hat until you price ours. Sun Hats for Ladies, all colors, 25 cents each. Very respectfully, ; GEO. T. JONES & CO N. Y. Office, 400 Broadway. ASHEVILLE ADVEKTISEMEXTS. BU Y II03IE-2IADE G O OBS." H. T. COLLINS, President. L E.EAOAN, Secretary' ASHEVILLE ICE GO ' If i 1 1 Full Roller Process. We Guarantee Satisfaction. Ask Your Grocer for Asheville Milling Company Flour and Meal We make the following grade of flour Roller King, Electric Light, Carolina Belle. Take no other. Cash Paid for Wheat, Corn, Oat and Rye. Horse and Cattle Feed Mixture Ground to Order. Do Custom Grinding for Corn Rye and Oat. , Mill and Yard at Old Depot. . Pure Ice made from Distilled Water. Office: Barnard Building. Patton Avenue. . 1 ASHEVILLE COAL COMPANY, Hs T. COLLINS & CO. Superior Hard and Soft Coal at Wholesale and Retail. Office: Barnard Building, Patton A. 'Tie. Yard: Old Depot. sis s s i jf HERRING & WEAVER, THE SHOE STORE, NO. 30 SOUTH MAIN STREET. While -we Hare the Finest and Most Fashionable? Good In Onr Line, We also have the cheapest. Call and see us. THE "BONANZA," THE LKAIliaU . WINE .. AND . LIQUOR . STORE IN THE STATE. FINE SAMPLE AND BILLIARD ROOM. J. A. MARQVARDT, M'K'r. I NO. 43 S. MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C. C. Waddell. President. W. W. Bamard. Vice President. Lawrence Pulllam, Cashier. . t s ; THE BANK OF ASHEVILLE, ASHEVILLE, N. C. DIRECTORS I , I SAWYER, J. G. MARTIN, J. L. CARROLL, "T.'w PATTON, W. W. BARNARD, P. C. WADDKLL, GEO. W. WILLIAMS, of Wilmington, N. C. DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY Oldest Bank In Western Carolina. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. SURPLUS FUND $20,000. FITZPATRICK BROS. & ROBERTSOII P Dealers In Wall Paper, Window Shades and Patent Hangers, Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Masnry's Mixed Paints and Colors. Window Glass, both French and American We keep in stock St. Louis and Kentucky Lead. febSdly sOOODS D. II. REAGAN ' WITH ? HEKHY S. KIN3 & SONS, Hardware . atttl Cutlery, - BALTIMORE, MD. Rrfer to J. W. tame. niarli3dm OTICB. N' At reirnlar meetln of the flonr.l ot Abler men, held on the toih day v March, '., It wasuukred that two rolin places berstaU Ushra in the city, Ibr holding municipal elec tions, one to be at the Court House and. the other at the Uuncvmbs Warehuuse. AU ru lers living east of Mam street an to rote at the Court House, and all voters living west l Main street are to vote at the Huucomlie V archottsr. A new registration erf all voters living In the city was also ordered. Mr. A. T. hummer was appointed' registrar fur the western portion ol the city, and Col. S Hu low Krwm was appointed registrar lor the eastern porvun sv lli stty. " All voters Hvlnu in the corporate limit, of the cMy art miaired to cHite lorward and have UK-lrgamr enrolled oa the new tvn!. tration bouks, whether thry have ever rrttis. treed brrstorore or wot. 1 he n ulr election fur Msor and thnsAldeeinea, Monilay, May 1M. H. sXliAKKINB, P.M. MILI.BR. , 4 Mayor. City Clerk, apradlm wTsciiAlirti .'.'IMIT TAILOR ftbaodly TtXilluBt.' TYLISH JlRESS VJOODS Recently, opened. Amung them are several desk-able things of which weennnot get future suppnrs, so think our patrons should be ad vised to that ellk't. In SATINES AND GINGHAMS We uflkr uiiukiimI vbUio. Also ettruordiunry value iu i im: c assiii:ui:s, For Truawrm stud Suits. Very dcsirnkle SPRING WRAPS for Ladle and Misses, at moderate flHures, II. REDWOOD & GO, $1,500 To place In oar lonn on Asheville real ra. ate. MOOKl) i MliKRICK. aprndlw JtH'lD BOARD Ami nicely fiirnlnhril rooms ran h had at rraminalile rates liy sooWlna at the Bank House, over 40 and 4 a. Main street, aprstltlt k. o. NHVI1.LU. THE NEW BRAZILIAN FLOUR CORN SEED, For Sal at Cooler's anil Mrllnnald's grocer ies, rkiuta Main slrmt. IkwTt fall to try It. T. R. IHiNltMIN, aurda2w Asheville, N. C. GRANT'S If your prescriptions art compounded at Grant's Phar macy yon can positively de pend upon these facts : First, that only the Purest and Best drugs and chemicals will be sard. Second, they will be compounded carefully and ac curately by aa experienced preserlptlonlst ; and third, yon will not be charged aa exorbi tant price. Yon wilt receive.' the beat goods at a ery rea- D R U G sonabl profit. A fall line of Patent Medicines, Toilet Arti cles, Ayer's Recamler I'repai a- , tlona, Scott's Electric Curlers,, etc., etc. We have the agency for Hum- ' phrcy's Homeopathic Medi cines, 1 VAULT'S OLD TAND',. 84 8. Main St. Prescriptions deUrtred to any part of the city frej of charge STORE. mnrSOdly OAK STREET INN, ASHEVILLE, N. C, Beautlfullv located In a grove of oaks and white pine, with no dust or noise, at the cor ner of Oak and Woodfia vtrects, near the Female College, and only three squares from the court house. We have a number of elegantly-furnished rooms to accommodate boarders who desire a nice, quiet place, away from the hotels. Nice rooms, new furniture, good fare, erst-class cooking, at reasonable prices. Also, hot and cold baths. Dr. T. J. HARGAN, Proprietor. COMPOUND OXYGEN ANDMEDICATED BALSAM VAPOR. All modern and latest Improved methods for treating; chronic diseases of the luntt throat and nose, by tbe inhalation of vaporised and atomized fluids by the pneumntic mid compressed air apparatus; also Compound Oxygen in connection with the vaporised Hai ti ithe balsam ootmneo rrom inc natural uimu w. umi nniKint..; vum .iu. m..Hiw4iiw a Home Treatment of the Comoound Oxviren. which Is. equal to the offlce treatment, and will be sent on application by express, on receipt of price. $12. Our success here for the past three years with this treatment has been phenomenal, hav ing cured many cases that were pronounced hopeless, whose names and residences can lie obtained Dy caning at me oanuanum. dj i:iiui.,oi iem n luiiuniun nui-.n-mi, gentlemen of Asheville: B.J. Aston. ex-Mayor; J. B. Reed. Clerk V. S. Court; Rev.G.C. Ran kin, pastor First Methodist Church; Rev. w. A. Nelson, pastor First Baptist Church; H. T. Collins, Capt. Natt Atkinson. ' . , . . T. J. HARGAN, M. D. LHWIS MADDUX, Pres. L. P. MCLOUB, Vlce-Pres. DniCTORs: Lewis Maddux, M. J. Bearden, M. J. Pagg, J. 8. H. Reed, Geo. 8. Powell, C. M. McLoud. B. I. B. RANKIN, Cashier. ,J. B. Ray, J. B. Reed Ql'HRA HOVSR, WESTERN CAROLINA BANK IASHEVILLB, N. C, FBBRUARY 1st, 1889. Organised May 1st, 1888. CAPITAL, 50,000. - SURPLUS, f 5,000 8TATB. COUNTY AND CITY DEPOSITORY. Does a General n Business. Deposits received. Exchange bought and sold. Col lections made on an Visible poinU. The Saving Feat receive special attention. On all sums in this department, deposited for four months or onger, Interest at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum will be paid. Special attention given to loans on real estate, which, will be placed for long time on real sonable terms. Open from 8 a. n. to 8 p. m. On Saturdays the Saving Department will be open till 6 p.m. febadtf LUMBER YARD. GEO. F. SCOTT, (Successor to Doubleday & Scott,) North Public Square, WINDOWS, - BLINDS, - Glass. Putty, Lime, Plastering Hair, Shinties, t.Rths, Fencing Posts. Material. "0rlrra will receive prompt attention. DOORS, All kinds of Building feblOdly W. T. PKNNIMAN. W. B. FBNN1MA. PENNIMAN & CO., JOBBBR8 AND DBALBRS IN- HI A! RID WIAiRlE ASHEVILLE, N. C. : AGENTS FOR DUPONT POWDER' CO., RICHMOND STOVE CO., CORTLAND WAGON CO., ' OLD HICKORT WAGONS, STUDEBAKER WAGONS, MOLINE SCALE CO. ENGINES," SAW MILLS, ETC. M'CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. feb9dly ' Anything in the Jeweli Line at LOWEST PRICES For First cas Goods. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING, BURT DENISON, feblOdtf 18 Patton Avenue. WILLIAMSON &SON, (Successors to Hart & Williamson,) MANUFACTURERS OF. Three Night Only, APR. 9, 10 & II. Tt'BSDAY, rVKDNBSDAY ahu nil ksuav, TUB FAMOUS TEMPLETON OPERA COMPANY, Always the Best, Now Better Than Ever. Tuesday Night Wednesday Night..., 1 nursuar MgnL Mascot. Mikado. m.M....,,,.at..OII )((. The above Operas Presented with Star Cast. t'NIUl'B 8TAGB 8BTTINO! GRAND CHORUS! 1 ricrs 50 and 75 ctr. Reserved Seats now oa sal at Sawyer. A. F. STEVENSON, CARRIAGE : AND : SIGN i tLTITUf, GILDER AND VARNtSKER;, Is prepared to do all kinds of -Palu Una. Rrlna- on your old-looking Carriages, Brett. Onr. rys, nnggies. tarts and Wagons and have them varnished or repainted, so they will look as good a new. - ,.. All work warranted not to crack. - ur crime un until it wears on. Terms able. Shop on Harnett Hill, Baste Street marUtdtlm ret. yBAVBR WANTED,. Wanted hnatrriiatel in a. .... i j. vreeaiy. ape dot w 3t ady works : all BRH)KSII)DMII,1,H, sxaoxTUIa, Iras SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, .Mouldings, Stair-Work, Fine In terior Finish, Mantels, Etc., ASHEVILLE, N. C. t AGRN M r-bli' The tluriere I'nmn Sieel and fin Shingles, rioor una lieartb Tile. (ebiliyl AO K NTS k M F RS. OF Byrkit'a Tatent Sheathing Lath. ASHEVILLE ARTIFICIAL STONE AND TILE WORKS. ortland Cement, Rtoae Blewka amd Tllea, exceedingly handsome in apiiear- aajei of Various designs ana eOKirs ana very uumnre wi in ynrus, murwwu, niHirs Public Bulldlug.Halls, Porches, Rntrances, Basements, Butcher Shops, Ace. Special ea, colors and design for HEARTHS. Jlandsome Carriage Block, with name. CI .ST GERMAN PORTLAND CEMENT AND GOOD BUILDING SAND FOR SALE. Samples of Blocks, etc., can be seen at office over J. 8. Dickerson's Hardware Store, on Pi ibllc Square, corner of South Mala street, r. u. not oj.. C. E. MOODY. mar3Ad3m "' ' FITS pirn nsHi usin, oHhn Asm CURBD BY Ot.D SI'KCIAUST I'H VSICIAN. Bottle of medicine Free. W war ran, n., n-mertetoeurethe wtirnt s, and the only pbrsicians whudo this to ent vonr oelng impoaea npon n.v g false names and who are not Doctors, use others failed la no sensor lor not I this medicine. tv Kspress susd Pnat ' address, it cost you nothing. Adibrss el Medical Bureau, al Broadway. New aa27datwly A. TBNNKNT, Architect and Contractor. Plans, specifications and estimate tut- nished. All work in my line contracted for. and no charge for drawing on contracts awarded me. Hrn-rence when desired. Office: No. 11 Hendry Block, North Court Square, Asheville, N. C. Icbludly PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING, TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORKT. Plans and Specifications Furnished on Application We have thorough mechanics In each line who have had many years' experience in their We can safely guarantee onr patrons satisfaction In our work, a low figures. business, BALLARD, RKCII J&lBOYCE. feblSdly . C. II. CAMPBELL, Manafaetarer and Wboleaale ahlppor of . GINGER ALE, , , CHAMPAGNE CIDER, LEMON SODA, , S AUSAPARILLA, MINERAL WATERS, l TONIC BEER, V 1 CARBONATED WATER IN SIPHONS. Factory, ai Haywood Ht. P. O. Bo 4. ' THE WINYAH SANITARIUM,"' ASHEVILLE, N. C. For the reception of patient uflering of disease oflung and throat, and conducted upon the plan ot the sunitaire at Gberi1orfand Fa1kentein in Oer . rnnny, Our is the only itch institution in t lie United States, mid endorsed by the lcudinn member of tint tiKtlrt al protssion. Terms rcnsonable. . . KARL VON KUCK, B. Sn M. f).

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