t:::: daily citiz:. TV Ormww U the moat extensively circu lated and niij read acwspapcr la Wester fuwth Carotin. lUtlianiMdiofMSlif W1 and meaaarrs I M Iw Inu-mt i ptaoltc latrTity, k- urt llomiMt, u4 rcMDrrow iuatrv. and it a sow. ao pcnuaal auuiaacc ia treating pub- hi 1 a i mm tMbH.hr th. ,41. .1 , VZSTS7, ZJIT, to aaontTl ainaH tnr 1 , I gathcrtaa 7",, ""- quanrr. vita every thin, care- I Sally to oorupr the n.llr. .pace. free "'r"?."1 T. --i)ar, fc,roaari a' for r 1 wk! " " P"1" il at the Crruaa uau maat be pud at a- THURSDAY, APRIL U, 1889. rMCOMBB MANl FACri KK. The county of Buncombe, in Ha eradual steps m man uJact urine; induatry, made I a early and very unique record. The ortj waa organized in 1791 : and in ITad A.he.tbe.goyernoroftbe Nritmd for h.. actton. State of North Carolina, issued . imv I i dHftfa, that. J. puraoanc, of an act to I ! proy-Je for the public aafcty by Krantbrf8an " going to make the boycott encowagemeBt to certain maosfarturea, 4 jacoDoyier.oftbecsntyof Buncombe, I htriag rtlubitfd U hia Kirrll. a.m! ItZTZr -f -.-". -nuaMo.cerUncate to the ef- ect tkat bt had made 663 tmunda of Rood merrhaot.hl, rifl i titled to the bounty under the act. , j-vhiki, npiiir It the peculiar feature of this enter. pne that the infant industry of the new cooniv abotild haw fall. . - aaaayv BB) WBIIIM channcL The rerolution waa oyer, and the people were eultiyatinir the arta of t-wx wnn great aasiduity; the distant rumore of troubles with France muat ke rumbled with yery faint echoes on: the mountains; Indian disturb- . amorr mear Bot matis:lng: i the rifle. ntK.!. ' -mit.iiwimi rroany Sup- plied With powder from abroad in the in- tercaaogce of trade. We do not know I what tamed the senlua of the Buncombe manufacturer to such novel dlrectfan. aMringaJl 6ur wan, necessity has com-1 peucatac resort to bom industry audition continue to show a steady con- Anmimi L - f! . . - . I sVaaa.iAa Tka tltnMMt AHI ttt Mft IttA iik m : itjf, ot cif choice, and with the return of peace, an such Industrie were gladly and prowpli abandoned, Only up here in time 9 peace, as U up here the standard oi uoertr was iiiHnta.1 anrf invuj..n I Hs stubborn defence made. Afterwards, we near no more of Jacob ujrier, no more of Buncombe gunpowder. - l 1 DC Baate of fiuncomM became widely known nthrrwia I . 1 phrase for a fone tint. notalwavaa,wvt I in aasociation pkasant to tlx ears of its I cttiiens, Now it has come into ret.i.tr : I His grown teto fame,, Shorn largely of W temtonnl magnitude, it i no longer the ;'8tat of Buncombe," but.havingeet una In r :i r I if m ihimi imiiiiii hi miiaiM loiiBiiiisiiiiiiii I rountic tbat have grown to creatneu I nt prosperity, shel retains her oreemi-1 nencc in both, the most populous, ttse most jwoiperous, the most wealthy of all. trengthened rather than weakened, bv I ner liberal apportionment to her chil-1 area; but ttls just to My that her great. nes is not due to the energetic example of Jacob By ler 'The seed of manufuc-l tures, town in eun uowder. has not a I yet abundantly geminated into a hill crop of peaceful industries. The tlmes.lTbete 1 no more striking example of however, art evidcnUychanirinff: a newl1"'11 tnnn the persistence with winch S)irit has been awakeoed, not only with tnc knowledge of the possession of treat advantages for. very varied mannfae. tures, but ia tb growinK wide facilities for their distribution. The time is near at hand when Buncombe county will re- sound with the song of machinery, and her fabrics be distributed to the end of10 phyMcai trengtn. I lie met is not the world.' But let it be remembered that the first step in manufacturing enterprise was more in the direction of discord rather than harmony. MAKCH WIND AMD flRKsK Ther is always a certain amount of atmospheric commotion in the spring of tin; year, usually in March, sometime, a this year, postponed to April, associ ated with the vernal equinox, the begin' ning of the sun' northern course in his annual round... Whatever the cause, the fierce "March winds" are ure to come, sooner or later;' dry winds some times, again With snow or rain. In whatever form they arc always to be dreaded ; for with them comes the imminent danger of fire, at such time getting beyond control swept by the rage of the furious wind. As such time the h of any American town hang on a thread. A mk falling on a shingle roof is fanned instantly into blase; and a continuity of combustible present Itself until the conflagration ex hauata itself in want of further fuel. Last week, or rather on Saturday and Bun day, anxiety might rest on any counte nance, for the whole country was wind swept from the Lake to the Gulf. Afire might break oat sodden and unexpected a an explosion j and no human effort might tay its course. "A the returns come in", the anticipations of ruin arc largely .realised. Happy arc those com munitie who CAjna through the peril un harncd.. , The number of those who did suffer, and suffer very greatly, ia unusu ally grcfti. The beautiful city of, Savan nah mouin tb destruction of it fairest postion, and of it most costly and ven erable structure j and a direct pecuniary loss of a million and a half dollar ; the town of Satitbficld, ia thi itate, was nearly, obliterated, suffering a foaa of all Ha business houses, of more than one hundred thousand dollar in value. . Nor folk kit by one conflagration to the ex tent of $500,000 ; Louisville. $100,000: Boaton, several hundred thousand; be side innumerable other fire of minor con. ' sequence, all occurring during the preva lence of the same gale which i chitractcr Ued under the common name of "March wind," a wind rejoicing a a giant to run hia coarse, unbridled and unmanageable. Against such, eternal vigilance i the only ecurlty. A 6re starting during the prev alence of sock has Hs own wild wilful way. Negligence k anawered oy the old proverb, "it Is no m to lock tb door after the horse is gone" I OITOBIAL POINT. The noble Lord Beaumont who married a daughter Quern Victoria'! milliner, has appealed to th Home ofLordi to declare marriage nail and Toid an account of I certain letter which hi wife ha written frmfllt Hc,Hit- TbfT? " charEt M nniailDnillK - s BEBinsi 11K wire. The Rood people of Fayetteyflle are iaking of having a grand affair of tome kind on the 21rt of November, by way of eekbrating the adoption of the Federal Constitution by the StaU oNorth Caro- in, that being the one hundredth anni- ...... nf ft .(iiintum hv ntir ?vLatf I , j . Gor. Taylor, of Tenneaaee, Yrtoed bill t tnuwed (or the removal of the StaU peni- tfntiary. Aa the bill was passed by a k"F majorhj of " legislator and the Trt wai tent in after the time for ad- jottrnment had been hied ana a quorum f to 01 had- b?B eYCTe,7 ' Tla ;rr l2 weapon for reyenge. A aub-Alltance in I Mecklenburg pasaed a resolution tevertiy I dwndemning the CharlotU Chronicli: far orial uturaea. andthe h Nubiect of boycotting the Chronicle wti hnt it waa yery ienaibly de- n'"" " I Cided that aoch action would be unwise, iknprudent and unjurt. Those fricmls of the Key. JoaepbA.f 11un.la.wlwi haw honed that the re- porta of hia back-sliding would proye eianaeroua, are we rar aoomco to aiaap- po'ntnnt A Baltimore dispatch gives the latest account of the unfortunate " While stopping in that city been- icreu a samunwucre ik uiaua, Bu..u, .U fc..,l,t .n,l wnH -n h, k.. j ing hia throat cut and being turned into the street. He was not fatally hurt, ho w- w. ! The volume of Dfltionul bank circuk- .i i .i i nftK, Comptroller ofthtCitrrency, was $221,- 052,179. This shows decrease of $3,- i60,4-W for the month and of 31,902,- of the circulation based on United State uonns amounteu to eiiin.iud.us. inn represents a decrease of $2,6H0,717 for the month and of $2-1,549,337, for the yr. ' 'farm waatra in the United States are I enormous. In the Kiiuth it li estimated tbat for every bale of cotton made a half-ton of seed i produced and mostly wasted. At ten dollar for' each bale there bu been wasted in seed in twenty K"t hundred and seventy-five iilliu. rfMaM Hall 1u .t. u. a .. n" 111 ' " 1 " .u etover of more than two hundred thou a"" lre miles In cereal I wasted lcntltnii.tea at trie low rate 01 one aoiiar I P1 acre whetlier used fur feeding or fcrtilixing, the loss portion would repre M,t the enormous sum ol eight hundred ll1,ion ' dollar for the past twenty year' ; It is curious how strong a hold wmie I old fallacies have mmn the popular mind people will continue to talk of fiirming being the healthiest ot au occupations. J A writer in the Progressive Farmer in a I three column elegy upon the decline in I xwer and influence of fanner (peaks of l th mor "norkable in view lf tn fnrt thnt they have always excelled lK,roe 0,,t by comrative statistic. The "f fnrmfr " horter than those of irofrdtinnl men, and it ha been king acknowletlged that during the lute war the men of the cities and towns showed superior endearnnce to the men of the country Lord Dtiurnven, owner of the cutter Valkyre built expressly for a race to re- enpturie the America' cup ha sent a formal challenge to the N. Y. Yacht Club, His propositions are these: He want five races or, rather, the liet three in five to win ; he want all of thera sailed on the outside course, starting from the Scotland or the Sandy Hook lightship; he want the course to be square or triangular, except for one race, which be i willing to sail to windward and back he proposes a mean of the British and American avntema nf tnenaiiremetit fur time allowance, but ia willing to accept the New York Yacht Club rules; and he imposes that in case of accident either bout shall tie granted a reasonable time for repair ln-lore the next race. A correspondent of the Progressive 1'aruier call attention to an act of the the General Assembly of 1871-72 making it the duty of every railroad corporation in the State to make an annual report to the Governor stating the amount of capi tal a by charter ; the amount of ctock ubscribrd ; the total amount of capital dock paid in; the total amount of funded debt; the amount of floating debit the average rate per annum oi interest on funded debt; ami In detail the cost of road and equipment; characteristic of rend ; doing of the year in transports' thin and total number of miles run; e penses of maintaining andoprratingtbe road; receipt during the year from freight, pnaaenger and other soiirce; dividend on stock, amount and rate wr cent; the nmulier of jwrsons injured in lire and limb, the cause of the injury, etc., and many other things too numerous to mention. The correspondent ak why this law i not enHirced." " " The "Rebel Girl" Guarantees" "Re liance" in aa "Havana Puff," and tlie "Daisy Uueen" of our "American Drug, gist" can be found by lovers of the weed at F. L. Jacob' drug (tore, where there is also a complete line of drug? an 'rug gists' sundries. The fanuin oxwisior Water direct from Saratoga Si ning, N. Y., Vichy, Deep Rock, Seltxrr, Tate Spring and Soda Water alwys oa draught. CHEAT EXCITEMENT 1 THE PARTY EI VIDEO I THEKEN their meeting at the Held Court Houae last night. Not a woman preHont or invited to attend, so . THE LADIES Held a meeting of their own, &n(j ajnijjjt mUth excitement . passeu uie ionowuig rvtioiu- . foot'w 2. That for. the next MXtv daV8 W6, the liUlkjH 0f Asheville and BUlTOUTlUing ountry WJH bu T OUT Spring Dmw Good". DreHS Trim- mingfl, Ribbons, Gloves, if .ii'..i,:..r. fr ,,M!' iyn" - ""7!. r 'pT'fl. , ll K JruB. a i iju m 'J iinnin mwrv. ' . . - - ' , . . 4,iu c,wvo ui "t'.nc uun BeflHOn W6 find noneHO preTTV At t a or near HO t'lieup tU UUim t'l by JJ()HtlC lirOH. & Wright. r i lo rrt. i : it. l nwuivcu o, I Iia-Liii uiw iuiik ITUl We niUI Uiai 11 DUVB IUULI1 letter to OUV good goods and iroui Ji;ruiuu enrrn;iuw we knOW that the goods Bold by Uontic Br08. & Wright are firet-elaS8 in every particular, ft , . , rwnfrw.t. untiu r""."" I faction. Resolved 4, That we ad vine our husbands, brothers and sweethearts to buy their i it j c nr. ? 1 x a oi dohuc itros. cc v ngiiD, ior they have lUBt received new goods I In all thene lines, and are Belling Very lOW. . naanJtm1 n 7?eom 5. That those W0,ntmg ISleOChed iOmeHtlC8: tuuw, vm viDf iiu,d Trunks, etc.. Will do Well to buy 01 JJOHtlC lirOB. & VVnght laiii mm m lor tliey carry a IUU line Ol these iroods at bottom prices, Resolved 6, That Bostic BfOB. & Wright stl'Uck the kevnote When thev adODted for their motto "Quick Sales ftn(j ymall Profits, and JUSt L,0 jonc ft8 tney jjnt under I - ' ' . ... that banner, just so longwil we march under the same. Ilespectfully submitted, Mary J. Blank, Secretary Asheville, April C, 1889. The Leading Store of the dtjr for Ladle ESTABROOK'S, aa . Main Street, The greatest variety of nice goods, such a Books, - - Stationery;, Paintings Kagravlng, Framca, Western North Carolina Views, Novelties, Ktc, Etc Kvtrynne Is pkaard and all tinned with what tnev huv at this nlace. Their afiK-k of th heat and price always reasonahic. RMim mra will ami tnc lar arat and brat line of Blank Hooka and Office watioaery m w. n. c Art Htartlo over utore. where ylcMtor can obtain local sketches In oil or water colon. fcbldU All eyes fitted sad St guaranteed. A com- I 4rte stock of the abpe goods at ... , , , GRANT'S DRUG STORE, a bovth main 8TRRBT. OmtttW preacrlptloas a specialty. tb!i7dm Employment Agency, CHAS. I LAKE & CO., S a MAIN BT. Male and female srrvaat fiie aU kinds of employment rurnlaned oa snort notice. Mrrvanta wanting poaitkn apply bete. marWdlm FOR RENT For the Summer Months. A hrantUul eoantrv home, roatalnlna Sve rk-gant nomt, ntotly ramhrd, altaated ia the brantlfnl Hooper's Creek Valley, 10 miles front llrnderaoaville, IS ainea fram Asheville. Railroad station aad postofltoe near at hand. Beautiful laws, pure mountain water aad delightful scenery. Oardca vegetable, freak butter and milk can be had tvtry day. Terms reasonable. Apply to L. A. PARINIIOtT, Room It. McLoud Building, Asheylllc, N C. Or JOHBPH VOl'NOBMXIO, PVther's P. O,, Heailrrsua L., N. C. aprSdlas N OTtClt. By virtue of a mortgage- with a nowey of ale, titrated tn the umleralgned by William T. Wilatas, n tha ITUi day of Novemhee, lH7. aad rralatend ia Bonk No, ll.na Paay 54.1. la the ofhev ot the Rrgtatee of lareda of Hunromlie eouaty, we will aril tfl th hiirheat btddrr Hr aaah, at the eowrt howar dooria tb city of AahTTtlle. oa Mawlay. the 6th day a Slav, tHHU, eight certain town lota la th aoutnrra portion of the city nf Aaheville. aear authile aveaae, aad oa MrlioweH atmet, bring lota No. T, , 1. IA, lft, IN. 19 aad BtutM- Mcliowell AdilHtoa to the city of Aahevllla, ae a am urrrt deaeription of which rrarrrare Is hrrrbr made to aaiai m ort. gage. This the 6th day of April, 1 n ijr of April, tN J. B. BOSTIC. C. t). BLANTON, oho. a. am ptar, Moetgageea. aprSdla, MISCELLAS'EOUS. A io Per Cent, C ile To comment-e March 1G, a? continue for 90 days. All goods will be sold at 10 per cent above original cowt. I am going to make a change in business, and Iwillsellyou goods closer than any mer chant in Asheville. The best lied Flannel at 25c. you ever saw; former price 33c. Best Ginghams at G, and 8$. ; old price 10c. j Calicoes 5, 6 and 7c. rLlr4f?-3f Irtidies iihe hoes at 10 r cent. ' , Warner's Health Corsets at f 1.10, Warner's Coraliue Corsets at 85c. - Warner's Flexible Hip Cor bet at 85c. A splendid Corset for 40c. A very good Corset for 20c. Nice Summer Silks at 20c. per yard, that cost me 30c and 35c. ' - Table Linen the best line in the city will have to go at 10 per cent, above cost. It is impossible for me to give all prices, so you see comiietition cannot reach these prices. Big line of Cliil dren's and Misses' Hose at half what they cost. I am going to change my business, and 1 . will give more for a dollar than any house in Asheville. W. n. LEA, 17 N. Main St. " No goods sold to any one on time. Cash, or no trade MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY, No. 83 Pattoa Avenue, Calrdwood & Stlkcleather, Proprietors. sjar-An orders promptly attended to. ; (rbU41y u ICHMOND DANVILLE RAILROAD COMPANY. (Wester North' Carolina Division.) PAasmtnss rPATUKirr, - Asnaviu., N. C, Jan. 1, 1889. PAS8BNOBR TRAIN BCHBUULB. In Bpvkct Jan. 1, 188B: No.Bl No. (13 Lv. Asheville, Ar. aaHabnry, " Danville, " Lynchburg, " Waahlngtoa " Baltimore, " I'hila.. New York, " Boatoa, " RkhmondT" 95fipm 4.H7am 97am !24Apm 7 aftpm aopm 3Mlam S'iOam 3 .lopm 1 40pm 6 4.'lim 10 JOpm KM lam TOOam a 'jnam 107am 1 DOpts 900pm .130pm 8 ISam Rak-lKh, 1 Guldslmro, Wilmington T 80am I 1 O'jptn 1146am 810pm I SIMiprn "No. BS Lv. Asheville, Ar. llendersonvlllc, Ar. 8partanb'g 8 30am 9 3oam 11 50am 530pm 440pm BlOpm 1 Charlotte, 1 Columbia, ' Charleston, Augusta, Bavannah, Thoaaasrille, Oa Jacksonville BOSpm S 15am 14t)pm laoo m Atlanta, MnntgonVy Mobile, New Orleans 1040pm 73Sam 1 55pm T2ipm J No. 84 Lv. Bpartanhura;. Ar. Ilrndrraonviile, J-Jtaheville, 84npm 607pm TOOpm No. 80 740am 9Jtam 1 10pm S 15pm 70i 9 ioam lloum No. 83 I No. 54 Lv. Asheville, Ar. Hot Springs " Kaoavllle, .Chnttanga, " Nashville, Uemphl t. Asaevu,eT"' ArHutMpriag " Kaoitllte, " LoulsviHe, " C'inciuajti, 444pm 7 05pm niopm 40pm eioirpm 8 40nm 11 45am 444pm topm 9 50pm 715am llfSaai lopm) 7ipm foam asopa " t-auago, jillRPHY BjlANCfi No. 18 Ly. AhelK Ar. vVYnrnIUc, " JaryetfS, Mitftam 105,'lam 84Wpm No. 1JT Lv.Iarvett'a, Ar. Wavneavllle. " Aaheville, SOOam 1 26 pm fl 45pm Blwaiag ear aa all sight rraias. . jno, fa, a s. i uirn, o. PA a a t vi vi j-tm W. A. WINRl'RN, I. P A. SOU HAAS, T. M. Schedule Street Railway. To take (Sect Friday, March 1, at S.SOa. at, Car leaves Court House...... AO a. m " " " " 7.oo " .. h m aiNJ .. " " " " a mi Prass then Mil Tan. car leaves court hotne every 30 miautea. Alan, car leave eoart house at 8.00 p. m. ,Su y.w p. m. PAR. PIVR CBNTS. yAttONs ppa bai.8. One good aww tAMiorsr wgta fur m baa thaa coat ; two nearly new oar-t wajtiwa, at a Bargain. Alao oae uuc Marly new, great bargain. Amly to v. c. mcIntirk a hi., marSldJw Aaheville Meat Mark MRS. H. STEVENSON Has removed to that Johnston Building, pat, ton avenue, corner of Church stmt, where she Is prepared to keep regular or transient boarders. Table faralahed with the best the market affords. Twsss reason ahla. atarSldSas MISCELLAXEOIS. HEAD QUARTERS i For White TarCamphorette, Wliite Tar Fa.wr,- White Tar Soap, and other White Tar r I preparations for disinfecting, or filling insects, for pre- 1 uting Moths in clothing and woolen goods of all inds. These are products of Tar and contain in con- ' ' densedform and crystalline urity the principal ingredi ent to which coal tar owes its insecticidal and antiseptic properties combining the convenience and cleanliness of camphor with the efficacy of tar. T. C. SMITH & CO a, DRUGGISTS, AHhcvlllc, ;. . N.C ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE LADIES ESPECIALLY. We are pleaded to announce that our stock of Millinery is now in ami ready for inflec tion and would be pleaml to 4lw l.xlwul .ill ' miicureiiKiK-ovuii. Our intention of having a Smdal Grand Opening has 1 io tO be foregone, a8 MI'S. MtUS Nairisso busy with orders that we have not the time to give it projier attention. Also wish to announce that our stock of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Parasols and specialties are open for in spection. With our thanks ior past lavors ana witn a determination to merit your continued patronage, 'Respectfully, A,WI1ITL0CK. BROS FACTORY. HANFOAD N. LOCKWOOD. -v nnn-usna Broorna, yirnlaka, Hearth and (Celllnx Brooms. Mill and Factory grade a specialty. Quo- i Md umiilM fr... . 'ChlAillv taUa agd samples free. fcblddy JAfICJ FRANJK, mwf f!" 111 Agwit Jut Barm Cftrfr Woolen afuls. North Mai Street, . AtherHle, N. C. ftbtodly TLANTIC COAST 1.1 NB, On and after this date the fnltowing sched ules will be run over Its "Colombia Division." No. BS Leave Cnlumliia 8.811 p. m. Arrives at Charlraton 9.841 p. m. No. 83 Learea Charinton 7.10 a.m. Arrives at Columbia. 11 55 a. m. Connecting with trains to and from all points on the Charlotte, Columbia Au guata and Columbia A Orceaville Railroads. Daily. T. M. BMBRSON, Gen. fut. Agt. J. P. DBVINB, Gen. Bupt. y4B.OLPB, , rum m wmmq. nmw. All kiads of atateat wH k dnw. trn'dcd'to - kalsomlalag promptly st- RraMrnre, Ctayto St. ' Older ran he left with W. 11, wraUllftCn. wlMKIHni ANRW DHKD, carefully prepared by Irad m m.mors of th Aaheville bar DM Sneat parchmrat aad haave Sat saner!. ertng all iniurt points, juat out and bow oa sale at the oAre of the Cmisn PnauaH nm Co, No. North Court Square, (iaaiatr KEAL ESTATE. wlt B. Cwn, W W. WT. GUYil & WEST, (Successors to Walter B.Gwya) ESTADLISIIED i88x REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE. Loans Securely Placed at b Percent. Notary Public. Commlsaioiwra ot Deeds. FIRE INSURANCE. OFVICK Boattaeaat Coart Square, Wm. M Cocke, Jr., REALESTATE AND K1NERALBR0KER, Asheville, N. C. Can sell you one million acres of land, la traits from 80 to 100,000 acres. Have number of city lots. Improved and unim m-oved. which 1 can sell on the best of terms. If vou want a large or small farm call oa me. If you want mineral of any kind, you need go no further. If you want timber lands. this Is headquarter. In fact I eaa suit yon In anything you want ia my line. Service of a firat-claa civil engineer and practical surveyor engaged to show up all property when required. I have had fifteen years' experience in the real estat business, and think I know what will please. Prompt attention to all inquiries. Itb24dlr VY. CORTLAND, Real Estate Broker, INVESTMENT AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, Pattoa Avenue, Barnard Building. fet9dly D. S. WATSON, Real Estate Agent, Offers for sale the best lot la Asheville for Hotel two acres on Patton Avenue between Bailey and Grove streets. Alao, some very 6ne residence tots for sale I centrally located. Good buaineaa lots fur sale Bt the Old Ds- not. i Fine farmlnK laad, Umber lands, etc. for I ,.rthr rilv FOR RENT. Pour splendid nouses furniahed and unfur nished, for rent. D. 8. WATSON, dtmayl Aaheville, N. C. INSURANCE. I JPIKB INSURANCE. FIUE. LIFE. ACCIDENT PULLIAM & CO. At the Bank of Aaheville, ASIIBVILLB, N. C. Represent the following companies, vii. : nan. CASH ASSRT in u Anglo Nevada, of California, g3.497.H3H Continental, of New Vord.. 4,M7,ff2: I Uamlmra Unmiafl nflrmanv 1,129,04 J;? 1.543,995 3.237.493 knnu, of Brooklyn::::::::::::::::; St. I'aul Pire and Marine, of Mln- 1,67,92 8,054,179 Srmthern. pf New 'oriea'ns! 1,541. OH 1 489,04 1,039,232 Wen tern, ot Toronto., Mutual Accident Association. Aitna Life Insurance Company. dtmar29 THB EQUITABLE LIFE . Awiuraiice Society " or TH UNITED STATUS. aos.eM,).) Surplus ao.794.7iS.iS ll.r)er tnau any other Company.) Outatnndmg Aaaurance..,549,ai,lo.CM wmirnm mm IMVJJ,S3S' Tontine Policies with 18 and 20 year aide riiMia are the must popular and profits lorm oi aaaurance. For examples, rates, etc., confer with E. D. Monroe, Agi., Asheville, N. C, Office with Judge Aaton. rei23tm OFFER EXTRAORDINARY ! For the next thirty day we will sell 48 lota In I'ROSPRCT PARK, West Aaheville, im-auch favorable terms that homeseekers will do well to come snd deal with us, Only io Per Cent Cash Will be required, and the balance can be made payable MONTHLY if desired, with 8 per cent, interest rrom ante ot transter until pain i neae iota are rainea irom ioo uptoso and the prices set upon thess are baaed i ooo upon actual sales of similar lota adjoining. The Electric Street Railway Is being rapidly punned to Prospect Park, Its propoard terminus, thus bringing these lots In quick and eaay communication with the annate, and other principal parts of the dtv We Have' Entire Confidence In the value of these lots, and "hence have ho fears in leaving nine-tenths of the purchase money at biuret. The flnre to Cora wifl se cure choice of lota. Apply to I miMiif p. b. court luare. 'Jpp R0NT. Two lrg sonsre rooms communlcatln sonthcr cxpoaure, wt)t board. Apply to aprndt, ; THI AIHEVIOI LURART ASSOCIATION, Rooms oa Mala Btret nttnnaAtm Ih. oflic. Oiir daily, esrept Sundays, from 10 . at. intil I p. m., and 4.80 until S.SO p. m. Thr trrma tt .nlu.vt...., km. , - . . mw '.. s "a" y-o"i a moa,, ft; mo., oocts.; dallr il eU. officer hie 1BH0-Ptyeidcfft, h, R. Rawlai Vlce-Preaidrnt, Charles W. Woorsey; lire. and Treaa., D, a. Watsoaj Librarian. Miss B.J. Hatch. - CitisrM and vhrltnri arc eordially kavltrd to inaoart the calcine And iMHrrltt names aa members, febhdtf REAGAN, ..-WITH .',, . IlardTAare ftntl Cutlery. BALTIMORE, MP, RrwrtoJ. W.Staraes. saargS dttss HOTELS. ITRiCaT FIRSI-CUCS PRIVATE EC THE THOMAS HOUSE. NEAR BATTERY PARK. Is now u ruler entirely new management and will be kept in strictly first-clai. i TRANSIENT OR REGULAR HOARDERS TAKEN Northern Cooking. Rate Keaaonuhtc. MRS. E. LACY & SON. Proprietors, dtf. A DELIGHTFUL timW ! f- 1 hnV M.rtL "J-U ''f. if - ASIliEVILLE- ' TO . HOT SPRINGSa Round Trip Tickets only A4.SO, nactuOmg . fuU day's board t the MOUNTAIN PARK I10TEU The Baths ha Marble Poofs aad Purcelara Tubs are the finest and most luxurious U) , America. The Hotel I NEW AND F1KST-CLASS In Bvery Particular. UNEXCELLED IN ITS CUI8INB. The place I a charming spot, nestled among and sheltered by Pine-clad Mountain where there is ao fog, ao dust, ho malaria. Pure and abundant water, and absolutely perfect drainage. dtjul2tt RICHLAND HOUSE, - - Corner Main and Depot, WAYNESV1LLE, N. C. Room newly furnished. Pare the best the market affords. Good sample room. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Term: $1.00 per day. ; ' G. D. L. ALLEN & SON, Proprietors, , i, ' !.. , A NEW HOTEL IN BRYSON (IJY. , The Swayne Ilouse, One of the nest In Western North Carolina. Summer and winter resort. Nature's sanita rim. Scenery and water unexcelled. Terms moderate. GEO, N. BLACKBURN, Prop'r. mart SdSm GLOBE HOTEL, Ilcndersonvllle N. C Situated on the crest of the Blue Rdg Mountains, with aa elevation of 8880 feet, dry air, pure water and sandy soil, which, makes t a hayea of rest for those suffering from pulmonary complaint. ' ' For further Information address . ,. r Dr. T. A. ALLEN, Prop'r, HendersonTtlle, N. C, apr4dl0t . J. C BROWN, MERCHANT I TAIIeOR, 5 Ptton ATenne, (Next to Ornnd Central Hotel.) a or 2d 1 T . h ti .s i it ,r; !-,, , J. V. BROWN Will continue the undertaker's business at hia ' old stand orerj. B. IMckeraon A: Co!'S Hardware Store, under the firm same of ' .'. - ;t-: -.'i:V ' " ' -.,1t ii. f- ),) J. V. BROWN & CO. Having thfrty years' experience as' under- ' taker and embalmer, aad aaeqaaled fadlitks for buying, can aafcly guarantee satisfaction. Calls promptly, attended, to at all hoars,, Everything pertaining to the business J. ways on hand. frbloddm i. i-i - I .. t- ,tm'N( ni,M ' BUS or Asiurm' rnr.i.lfijakVcam CAUTiriCKTHK TCKTH. MlVtt THt ttUM. WO INJURY TO THt tNAMCU no aQattaiL:. ;- witmovtVou i a a toi ixr- ... rwcraaATioN. ' . r rt Ir!)n-i nriirif"rxiii Miifiiiyt ol 9Y au oauasisra: ' - " ' finifig'w., Porsaleb, ; ' J. s. ANT, dwtau2i