-A K K HP BEG Absolutely Pure. Tats powder arm varies. A autrrrt cat par ity, strength aad whulesusaenraa. More eco. on teal than the ordlnarr kmri ma -,.,... be sold tat competition with the multitude of low test, Murt weight alum or phosphate powders. Soid only ia emits. Royal Baaimo rownaa to., loe Wall ht. New Vara. riAwtaprtT PROFESSIONAL CARDS. .Thbo. P. Davidson, -, Tno. A. Jokb umi. jas. u. atiTM, Asnevtlat. Asheville. JJ A VIDOON, MABTIN JONBS, Attorney aad Coanaellofa at Law, , N. C. Aahevilie, Will practice ia the 11th and 13th Judicial innnrii, fa in ik mpreini Carolina, and ha the Federal Coarta of the ne Court of North tV eaters District of North Carolina. Kder to Baak of Asheville. dtael H. A. SUDOBB, H. . CaBTBB, JULIUS C. MABTINt GUDGBR, CASTER & MARTIN, 4 ! I.' i: . Attorneys at Law, A8HBVILLB, N. C. Olfce Soars: From t a. at. to 4 p. m. chi A. hoobb. purr miuci, JOORBk MBRRICK, Attorney aad Coanatllor at taw, l: IVAhe,ill,M.C. 4 Praetk-e In the" United State Circuit aad District Courts at Aahevilie, Statearille, Char lotte aaa oreenaDoro, ia trie supreme court at Raleta-h. aad ia the courta of the Twelfth Judicial District of the State of North Caro iaa. Special attention given to collection of slsaraa. ' ' Partnership does not extend to practice In dbbcobidc interior court. atoco T. H. COBB. OBB & MERRIMON, J. 0. HIBB1MOM. - Attorney and Coonaellors at Law. Practice in all the courts. Office: No. 7 aad 8, Johnston building. dtseA W. W. JOHSS. 010. A. IHUFOBD. JONBS St SHUPORD. Attorney at Law, Aahevilie, N. C. Practkt la tip Superior-Courts of Western North Carolina, the Supreme Court of the State, and the Federal Courts at AsheTille. - Office la Johnston building, whereone mem- oer ot tne nrm can always oe louna. dtnovll JOHNSTONS JONBS, ATTOBSST AMD COuXISLLOB AT LAW, .. ASHBVILLB, N. C. Practices in the United States Circuit and District Courta at AsherlUe, ia the Hupreme Court at Raleigh, and in the Courts of the Twelfth Judicial District of the State af North Carolina, aad elsewhere, as his services may be required. langaatl JJ H. DOUGLASS, D. D. 8. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 14 SOUTH MAIN ST., Over Grant Sc Wlngrrt'a Drug Store: Residence, No. 08 Bailey St. febiodly A DUTCH LULLABY. "tin, Blrnkea, aad 5od oaa Bight oalaad tar ia a aroodea sbos; Baited oa a rtvsr of Busty Sghs tato a ssa of dew. t henars you rotor, sad what do roa wlshr The old ama aakad lb tore. asss corns to Ash Inr th Iterrtnc Asa That as la this Beautiful sea; He of sUrar aad gold aav wa," SMdWyakaa, Blyokea, Aad hod. I TW old BMioB auuroed aad nana a nna As they racked la lbs woodea sbos. . Aad lbs wind that apad Un all Bight loag lhanof dswt 1 I Ths ottla stars was lbs barring Abb That nrad ia ths beautiful ana: "How cast your sets wharatar you wish. But Barer afearsd are wa;" Bo cried lb stars W lbs aabenaaa (bra Wyhkaa, Blyakea, Aad Nod. Al Bight long Utah- Beta they threw For lbs flab at lbs twinkling foaati Tha dows rrooi ton sir cams lb woooan abos. Bringing lbs Babaniiea bomet; sH K Brauy a sail, k As Kb could act be; sons folk (bought twas a dream Ibey areamad. .Of sBittng ibat bsautirul sea; But 1 soall aaass yoa lb nahrma tbrsat Wyakaa. BlyBkaa, Aad Nod ' Wynkra sad Blyakaa an two MMs eyes. aau nod a utus head. voodra airoa Uiat sailed Um aklea Is a wa obsb trundle hud : So abut your eyes while motbar sues Of woaderful eight that oa. yoa abail an tb BsaaUful thing .. As you rack on lb misty eea. Wawalbaold aboa rockad lbs oaherroea tbras. wynkaa, Blynkea, Aad Nod. -Chicago Dally Mwa A Gas Fanaa. It ia common to hear about "a solid wall of bayonets in war time. but at the barracks is a rentable wall of them now. When the late war was declared off the Union government found itself in possession of a vast number of muskets, useless because there was nobody to be shot with them. They wens stored up for awhUe in ranous arsenals, until radical im provements made them utterly worth less. And when an old fun rets .11 r . . wortniess k w rnt' snoot intense worthless thing extant. So these runs ipwoon Simons wers not worts pur ing rent for storms-. At this nlace a fence yas built with theni. , The gun barrels, with bayonets fixed, wers stood up four inches apart for S Quar ter oi s mne, aim men secured Dv bars oi iron, lorfrea from old guns, with noies pierced to admit the old mus kets. It is the most formidable feucs I ever saw. The bayouets, which in many, instances have given death wounds, are rusted now until thev could not be removed from the bar rels. The posts of this unique old fence are of old cannon. BL Louis Globe-DemocraL Railroad TiikcU to all iointa hounlit. sold and exchanged. 9 N. I'ublicSiiuarc, next to Barnard Building. al When the price of tea is too high the tea can only be used at high tea recep tions. It. H. REEVES, D. D. S. DENTAL, OFFICE I In Omaajly Building, over Redwood's Store, v) e Vattoa Avenue. !ebl3dly F, BUKU1N, U. D, """" OFFICE t - New Orand Central Bufldidgi over Big 33 Clothing Stow, fchlTdtw f . BAMSAft-D, 'J ' : Th Wroag root. "Dat eands dat," said s colored man who was broufirht into the central sta tion the other day as s suspicious char acter. "Whatr asked the sertreanL "Dis vere." was the renlv as he rtm- duoed a rabbit's foot and tossed it con temptuously on the desk. "Dat ar" da Off hind, fut of , rabbit" "What is it good fori" "Nufflntsil f "What do you carry it forf "Boutrht dat fut of an old Kentucky a w . . ... J Blirirer, who said it would keep ghosts off." well, hasntur s - . Wet, de gliosts hain't come, but de purliceman has. Walked neut up an grabbed me 'fore I knowed il What'i de good to keep de ghosts off an' let ds coppers grab yet Doan' believe de rabbit s loot no mo . You 11st keep iL Doan want nullln in my pocket dat walks me in yere an' sends me up rursix monina ueiroii f ree i ress. Dental I .....J Office i In Barnard Bulldlnir Bntrancea, Patton Avenue nd MiB Strt, IfwftJiTaB'tn n - ; a. iM Dangers of Tra Sawing, , In California the saw has largely supplanted inesxein Bringing down redwoous, out the cnange u severe upon tlie woodsmen.n After being sawed put-iiy inrougn, a tree is lorceo over by j iuHerting a number of steel wedges in the serf, which are driven in With steel sledges. They are set in as close together as possible, snd the driving of the wedges frequently re quires three hours or more. The con stant contact af the steel sledme with the steel wedros results in ehinmnar off fragments which By with great force, snd In numerous instances be come imbedded in In nesh of the workmen, requiring, surgical ope ra tions to remove them. . . Many eyes bsve been lost In this way. .while arm and shoulder wounds are frequent, Some means of protection against the sharp missile is needed.- Northwestern Lumberman. Bl tsIXEB! AMD PLEASl BKi DEEP SEA' DESOLATION. Straaga aad Start Uag Stgbk Datb W taw Unas, Despite the fanciful pictures which some writers have drawn of the ocean bed, its desolation, at least in its deep est parts, must be extreme. ' Beyond the first mile it is a vast desert of sums and oom, upon which is constantly dripping a rain of dead caress, sea from the surface, which rjutasses supply the nourishment for the scanty fauna inhabiting the abyssal region in some Blaoea more than Bvs miles from is sunshine snd the microscope re veals that the slimy matter covering the deepest ocvaa bed is very similar in comptwition to the ancient chalk of the cetaceous period,' while mixed with it here snd there sir minute me tallic and magnetic bodies which hsve been proved to be ausl trow meteor ites. At long distances s' phosphores cent light gleams from the head of some passing fish which hss strayed thither from S higher and happier sons, ) r ... But it is not until we have mounted a good deal nearer the surface that the scene changes for 11 te belter, we now meet with forests of brilliantly colored sponees, while the phosphorescent an imals swimming about are much more numerous, and the nearer we get to the littoral tone more and more phos phorescenl lights appear, till at length truly animated. When only l.xuu feet separate us from the sunshine we come uiion the Hrst seaweed and kelp (l.HXJ feet is lbs deepest limit of plant lire in water). but we roust rise still another 1,000 feet and more, and get as near the top as 18U feet before we una any reel buua inar corals. r A plants do not live in deep sea the deep sea animals either prey on one another or gel ineir rood from dead organisms and plants wmcn sink down to, the bottom. Thus Maury says: "The sea, like the- snow cloud with its Bakes in s calm, is always letting fall upon its bed showers of microscopic shells Am EpIaTVonBBaatic MatcrnenU Is there anything is this world so vile s the pestilent presence of potent bile ? We have it, we hate it, we all revile Tbe noxious nauscn, as did Ctirlyle. But whv bewail w hat soon ts mended ? ake P. P. P. and have it emled. Af! praise'the power of "Pierce's Pellet," ise people buy and dniihls all it. There are times whea a frelinif of lassi tude will overcome the most robust, when the system craves for pure blood, to fur. niMh the elements of health and strengui. The best remedy for pnrilying the blood lr. J. H. McLean s barsapanna. , Dinks was asked the other day to give an epitaph for a iiet fawn, whoa demise was a great gnej to tne owner, ne nn mediately oroooaed : "The deer departed," which so pleased the mourner tnac site forgot to weep. How Doctors Coaejaer Dcatk. Doctor Walter K. Hammond says After a long exnerience I have come to the conclusion that two-third of all the tenths from coutrhs, pneumonia and con sumption might be avoided if Acker's Kngliah Cough Ketneny were only chit fullv used in time." This wonderful Rem edy is sold under a positive guarantee. Jy T. C. Smith & to. The leweler'a Weekly says: "Gold trarter dasDS are richly chased." The hasing on a windy day is ranenougn. Sick headache, biliousness, nausea, cos- tiveness. are promptly and agreeaoiy lhe tceM immsnea ny it. i. n. mcuenn sLdvcrana Miiney i iiicts (iiiiic pins.) Texas Sift incs; Friend I)o you live hapjiiiy with your husband? Muscular rem ale (M course 1 do. id like to see him try not to live happily with me. Eves the most vigorous and hearty people have at times a feeling of wean ness and lassitade. To dispel this feeling take Dr. J. H. McLean's Sarsaparilla; it wul impart vigor and vitality. Every man who buys his clothes st Wanamaker'i gets a chromo picture of a post omce. The Dcllcaicy of woman. "Like the lily once mistress of the field. woman often hangs her head and per ishes, trusting to innocence and love to protect." Her eye may grow dim, her cheeks pnle before her hps will reveal the secret of her suffering. -Appreciating this eiemeni in woman s nature, irr. R. . w . . . 4 t. ...i Pierce has prepared remedy.' caned """y V" '"" """"'""If 'Favorite Prescription," adapted espe- oojiti neuuii anu aoyasai sones Bars eially for the diseases and weaknesses pe l f"eiy rudimentary - yes; -but these cuhar tn women, anrl nlnced the aameon I uimu -creavurra iuve very long isgi sale by druggists. Ask for the"Favorite era, which help them to grope their wsy Prescription," and vou can cure yourself along the bottom. Uther deep ses an without publicity, and , without being I imals, On the contrary,' have eno suinect to the examinations ot surgeons, mous eyes, and these very likely con full directions with each bottle. It is the grereite around such of their number umy guaranuxu cure, occ guarantee op i gg are ptiospiioresceni, and may per everjf uuitic wruunrr ., f Professor "Can you tell me who was Aristophanes and how lone be lived ?" Student "I'd like to accommodate you. Professor, but the truth is I don't know as much about him as you do." If health and life are worth anfthine and you are feeling out of sorts and tired out, tone up your system by taking. Dr. J. 11. Mclxan s barsapanlla. The desperate man who lately staked his all on a game of poker in Virginia, was probably a shoemaker. Boston Bulletin. , . , An experiment proves that a tin v shell would take about a week to fail from the surface to the deepest depths. Since sunlight does not penetrate much farther than the littoral xone there would be beyond this perpetual darkness v but for phosphorescence. haps follow the moving lampposts about wherever they may go. And so bright is mis light on many of the nan brought nn by tbe dredge that during the brief' space the animals survive it is notditncuit to read by it. The reasons why nshes and mol hisks llvinir more than three miles un der water are able to bear a pressure of several tons is that they have ex ceedingly loose tissues, which allow tne water to now through every in terstice and thus to equalise the weighl When the pressure is removed they perish. In tbe Challenger expe dition sent out by the British eovern- ment all the sharks brought up from depth of a little less than three-quar ters of a mile were dead when de got to the surf sos of the i Magazine. ey . Catholic Dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, distress after eating, can be cured and prevented by taking Ur.J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Pillets (little pills.) The Rev. Dr. Alban Cope (firmly, to eloping couple). "It is impossible. I will not marry anybody in Lent!" Will Marigold (urgently). "For good ness' sake, doctor, can't you do it just this time ? We won't troubleyon again!" Hastier Than Hliuidi narttlatau General Wheatcroft Nelson says: "My P"- lie attributes this frightful exiierience in tbe Englisrrarmy as well as condition pf a (fairs to the dissipated in America. ninvim-M me rhiir nnthintran lifa led here bv the women of the ii Tv- purities the blood or adds to the health, per tendom. '..The endless ; round of vigor and life as Acker's Enurlish Blood balls and receptions is such a strain Elixir." This great remedy is sold under upon them that they must seek relief a positive guarantee by T. C. Smith & in some way. r They begin bjr taking . Tl Optus Basil ta Waahiwgtaw. One of the leading physicians of the national capital remarked to tne today that if a brand was on the forehead of every woman who used opium some form, society here would go to . Indianapolis News: These are days when the truly rural Hoosier brews him self sassafras tea, and dreams of garden- truca uiat makes the heart glad. Flaming; Fir la the Veins. We hold positive proof that Acker's English Blood Elixir cures all blood poi sons where cheap sarsaparillas and so- called purifiers fail. Knowing this, we will sell it to ail who call at our store on a positive guarantee. T. C. Smith & Co. "Hello, Jones! I hear that Charley has married Miss Smith. Who solemnized the marriage, Mr. Textual or Parson Creed ?" "Neither, my dear boy. It was Miss Smith's mother. She's living with tnem." . , . , . - AIISCELHSEOVS. l.SOO PHRT A ROVE TlbK-WATBH. HICKORY, N. C. f CT-IM ATR CNSUkl'AiiSBD. Magistrate ( to elderly witness: "Your age, madam ?" Witness: "Thirty." Magistrate: "Thirty what ?" Witness: "Year." Magistrate : "Thanks. I thouirht might be months." Carcleaa Mother. Many mothers have permitted their children to die before theireyeswhenthev might have been saved. Any mother who keeps house without a bottle of Acker's English Baby Soother at hand, ran a risk which she may some time regret. It has saved the lives of thousands of children, and is doing so every year, horsalcby I. t. Ninth ft t.O- , ..: . Washington Post : Four cyclones are I npproflching Washington from ns ninny ilillcreit points ot live -oimia-s. lliev should he tekgrHplicd immedi.-itrlv thnt the Administration ran do nothing for them at present, fut that their applica- iion win oe pui on inc. Klectrtc BIHera. This remedy is becoming so well known and so optilar as to need nosprvinl men tion. All who have used Klcctric Bitters sing tbe same song of praise. A purer meiuoiue does not exist and it is guaran teed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other aflectionscaused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well ns cure all malarial fevers. For cure of headache. constipation and indigestion try Electric ! Bitters, fcntire satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Price 50c. and $1 per! bottle, at f . u. Jacobs drug store. Fleecy (to milkman V Is'noae vouhnvr bard work nowadays in getting to town with the roads all frozen up. Milkman Ah! Hut that isnt the wors of it, Mr. Fleecy. The pump freezes worse i nan in roaos ao. . Dyspepatat Despair, Death. These are the actual stei which follow indigestion. Acker's English Dysjieiwia Tablets will both check and cure this most fearful of diseases,. Guranteed by i,v,oihiihki.d, The City of Hickory can Justly lay claims to many pieaeaat and natural advaatage a a healthful resort for tourist and Invalid, situated as it ia on tbe crest ot oa of the principal mountain spurs which extends to the Blue Ridge fat the west, aad dividing the beautiful Ca tawba Valley. For hunting and fuming this section of Western North Carolina I "greatly noted. Tbe aciuhboriug mountain and atreams abound In niimii ---i-t- - and Bah. saaa - ...w - r - mj ai tJt 1 Mm Tbe "HICKOKY INN" is built of Brick, Stone and Iron, hasall mooer 'imprOTementa, Gaa and Blectric Bells la each room, and la well heated by furnace; Hot aad Cold Water Bath and Toilet on each floor. I elegantly furnished throughout. The table will be (ap plied with the beat the market affords. Kxcursionists to or from AahevUlc caa atop prer at Hk'kory. For Information a to climate, etc., address .t. t, ' . FRANK LOLGIIRAN, Prop'r RATH f2 BO to 3.0 per Hay. f lo, glH and per Wect, HICKORY, M. C. HUMPHREYS' OXXOPATSIU TSTSlIKa&T STEC1TXCB For Hortss, Cattls, Shssp, Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. 300 PA UE BOO K SB Treat I anst af ABiBtalaaad Chart Heat Fre. (vaia-Fevera, t'Snaettloaa, InSasimalloa, aiaai Hpniniiiis. miia r.Tr. eumaiiBBB. Barges. ft n. Bira m r. pile ar npsik neuyaraa. U.-Miararrlase, llnwiarrhasns. H.-ilrlaary and KldneT Dlseasas. J. -frapilve IMseaiwa, Maags - K-blaraa al Diieallaa. las, laaraeas, K kea eaaaer, Nanal Dlacba a ar Urahs, Waraia L-Csaghs, lleavss, Paeuuiaala. He ar Brirrarka. BaaaauJkLj A iu,dJafi" ar . . ;. ... . . tMahla Caae, n . mw win, nim-itnv. Witch Haael Oil and Mwllcalor, Manual. Price, S1B1 Bottle (owooass I . .0 - Mai kr Dragglstai ar Hsrat npsalf s K eralM af Prtca. Swnphrey Mad. I Co., I0 Fulton M., H. BLAIR FURNITURE COMPANY, T. NO. 3T PATT0N1AVENUB, 12 inuurnEisYS' HOUXOPATHIO f I SPECIFIC No. 60 ! in 3D Mrti. Tha nnW imopsaawfiii mmavlv lor Nervous Debility, vital Weakness, Cd Prostration, rota ow work or other eaossa ear vmI. or t risls and laraa vial noadar. fur Sa. SoLS-Bv bBnOQl'rB. orssat postnaid on raoaiptaf ansa. a nasi w., iua nasi .,. POKBALBBY J. 8. GRANT) . 2-i 8. Main St., Aahevillc, N. C. dtuthsatftwtaprao . . ,h iiii mi. . 'i , , , ra '...M-n j , , in v!tI1. i Wholesale and Retail Furniture Dealers. And Undertakers. Prompt attention (,'iven to all orders day or night. Residence t 39 Penland Street. fcbldly ci (-!;( Drunkenness 0 STARTLING, BUT TRUE. 17. L DOUGLAS $3 GHOE sow OENTLKMIrsV Tie at fa thm wortd. T.fmntun S4O0 RANIMiEWKD WHTSHW 11 :tJM IOI K B AND.FABWFPlVf.?tSa . 1 Ml rlTKA VA1.IT0 Al T MIO. kl.SK WtKKI"S;MAN'l N I mi.i Aa Interesting Clock. k clock ntt-nily tmtonUHl in Francs ts sn imitation of a tambourine, on the parchnionl head of which is painted a oircle pf flowers corres)onl-. tnff to the hour ttsrures of ordinary dials. On examination two bees, oue la fire and the other small, are discov ered crawling among the (lowers. The smalt' bee runs rapidly from one flower to another, completing the cir cuit lrj an hour, while the large one takes twelve hours to eoniplete ths circuit The parchment surface is un broken, and the bees simply laid on it, brrt two-nianeu counwted with the clock work inside the tambourine1 mots just' under the membrane, and ths insects, which are of iron, follow them. f rank Leslie s Newspaper. 5 HOYS" S HOOL SHOKsb AllaaadelaOoasresa, BaUoa as io. .. v. i-.potsB.iJW- Lf-i IjIIUC lAotii.., Mesa Sf earl at.' Bwat tfrvtak to bltaiwata IIbm aoM br Tur doauv, writ. '.' .L. .. -HHlfr'1 IIKHHinti A Wiuinri, SO Bnttth Main fttreet. Asheville, N. C japlMly 1 ttttla bo. S rears aM. wa ate riO, a - - ie whtrh anetma ha a 1 a aaaaa. Tbs Balls aaaw at bU Ing L I sis, ssd IK Sxer of to U 1 sMdM) Mb, roe I years bs sufand dsaadt llrt I Bow aMtla well, and 1 aa aatMed Swift' SpacIS b la eaaaf aaass sf ka) lpnnent . I t i , ism linax. to. im.Vk,vm. III if P 1 BAianatn av r.l Hilar k" linlaiiSU aTlik he-nd ieeta. Iw rasa It of the aaiitta of a rail aoaiiag hi eon. lad with seat Ante. TW nloeeawer o-p ao palw Inl arSi .tiawed as aaeliaaatna In heal, 1 gsraaiat Swift a Sprrlns, aad ia kow Well . ' Kb. y. tfosB F, liaaaa, Aabnra, Ala. HraA tor brs na flW P.Wiii Hkli, hlat'savib free. ' ' -u-- Uplfr BwMr AUatn, tfs, - Ian iiHtf """ ;.'j3Tr.!:3u::!:.:EiiT rrr.ATJi rKrLAMtiAnfiif, otn tviiiEa CAKXD LliEAJS m .ArUCT WTtal A ReaBodT for BheuniBtlaaa.. .. Among ths poor a iK)j)ular remedy for ruenmgtistir sod other aches and Wains, says The. Londoi Hospital, js a, pkjetj pf "hew flannel, sopM o tlS parf sffapted ue. 4'rS why hew flannel is selected, the explana tion given will probsblv be that there js mysterious "oil" In new flannel which is eoo4 for thepnin; but ass matter of fact ths merit seems to eon list in the power of Irntutinir ths skin arhirih new flannel nosso-iPS in s rreater dcirree thsn old. It is in such1 cases S mild counter irritant. -Tm Fl8f.-:... i ; s majIaIm Aoaaata-sil fsraint. - (Wml Crant. on his return to this mnntrv.is said to have been severely af- flirted with a couirB contracien wnne rvoaamK the ocean, and whk-h had stub bornly refused, to yield to arty treatment. A friend nrocured for him a bottle of Syrhphys, and hr its use in a fcw hmirs waserrtirelv relieved. HeremarVWtrt his friend: "Men look tipoS trie M A sohjier, hut tliis 'lntltk P- Bjfmphyg i BTcatef tliafl . My culHmr ha been to destroy nten'i lives, hut this mpljaiie is a victorious savior of men. I ihall oeter tie without tt BBnin.1' oik r.:03Tfli;aLi::i::EiiT finom.T) ALWAT8 BI KEPT Vf FHOP, UTC1UCN, BTAWJt AN1 fAt;tVB I Is Conaamptlon Incarable? Read the folio wine: Mr. C. H. Morris. Newark, Ark., sayg: ."Was down with abscess of lungs, and friends and physi cians pronounced me an incurable con sumptive, Began taking Dr. King's New mscovery tor consumption; am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm, tt is the finest medi cine ever made." lease Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, says: Had it not been for Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption I would have died of lung troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in the best of health. Try it. Sample bottles free at Jacobs' drug store, Puck : If your laugh is loud, it is low, Butifitislow.it isn't loud. The Eng lish language is a fine structure, but when" we nave to talk straight logc, we getier- any use urccK, unrBCivcs. A Sf uiloriiilre In a Minute Instances are on record where toilers in gold mines an dihiuonfl field rjia, by one turn of aspade, a. suwk movement oi i or ntinu, nave ucen iriurmeu rrom penniless laborers to millionaires. But they were not so lucky as Is the consump tive woo tlnqs a means ol rettoratioa to health, who learns that the dread disease s soothing sirup, as a rule, to put them to sleep. This after while fails to act, then paregoric is restored ta From this it is only step to purs opium and absolute) ? ruin. Sams people buy Hie crude gum snd eat it regularly every day, while others buy laudanum iuid drink it in quarter ounce, half ounce ami even ounce po tions. : And then' there are Dover's powders and morphine pills, both of which act rapidly, and especially the Latter, 'lite habit seems more of s dis- than a vice, for tiis whole nature of ths victim undergoes a complete revolution, inoi-nl. mental and physi cal. Aft''r a short time the victim will saci-ilice honor, friends and fam ily for the fatal drug. There is ne cure, for even the asylums fail to ef fect a Nriiiuueiit cure except in rare instances. Washington Cor. Pitts burg from. ' Tlw Man with Mm Boot. Mr. CUvr.ro Augustus Bala's column and s 1. ilf i:i The Duily Telegraph is very, jiw t i-Uill. and is valuable only as ttn indication of the skill with hicli -tin- pi-.icliced i Journalist can woi-d spin on occasion. Many, many yeam agi u remember an old gentle man) wliottia-iied Mr. Bala's book upon Kui:i mill waned in rough several ingt-M ol iti-scriplion of his boots which lowed I iimi Mr. Bala's pen apropos of s visit to tlietrostiunoi Pyor. )is htid. uowu uif uooK wiui an, expression Of disgust, and. from' that, iiins onward 11 his death, the : old gentloroan ould never be induced to road an pihur ine that Mr. Bala wrote. He aiwjys aiHiKe or mm as "tnat man wvUt the (wots. "-Pall Mali Budget r thi Liqaor Habit. Positively Cared : - i ST MSsSiimill N. SslMT mill Vttltlt HelMoi toad, without um knowkidg b-, ,:t)' nembeslvsa Is Seas esffc ortta.orHiar. olaa M toad, without lh knowladimnf thanor. son taking If It la abaolutely harmless and will THE BIG effect a permanent and speaxly eura, whether thepatlBtlamoderaMdrlnkerorn slmhnllr 22a- w?!-JLT "vej f aiu. WbGUARANTEE , ..,,.,,.. , , ia every insiauca. as page uooK ' After a aujourn of one year In thia glorious climate of North Carolina, haa passed the follow. S oom Diet cure Id every Instance. 48 page I FREE. Adda in co&fldenoe. much specific copies it. ciaeinotaa fcbiedaarsg - ,,jl . ;i tuh(aat IsndWhtakavHaB. Ilaaauraoa boeo wita out pain. Book of pa. A 1 Uoulara sent FatKB. ISBSBSBiaBaBaaBSBBlB.H.WU(llJ.Hr,H.U 'iwua, baTtXOoe b WUUauaU 64, II Ulll III II Iff VbJ arhlOdawly tu th aat FOR HEM ONLY! 1 DIKITIVF Tor LOST ar FAIMtO HAKHOODi HrUwIIIII. Oaaaialaai SEB.V0US DEBLLITTi To sell all goods, comiirislng a full and complete line of Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hata, I Trunks, Valises, etc., at 10 per cent, above actual cost; . i. (jSi 'm i;1. To select Thursday of eath week aa Bargain Day, on which day all goods go at net cost. The success of nig Ti tins been moat flattering, and to keep the ball rolling goods will be sold cheaper than has ever litc-n oAcredto the trade in the history of Asheville. The Big 33 get there, Kill Call and be convinced that the above statements are not merely idle talk, but fact tasfe ninlile. Yours to serve, la Hoaar af Burn. A Burns masquerade to celebrate the birthday of the poet is so annual custom In lelie, Fifeshire., At the late oelsbralion twenty-four plow men, merchants and fanners, mount. from whkh he suffers is not incurable. Dr. ed sud dressed to represent UlS twinei I'ierce's Golden Medical Discovery will paj elasracters in Burns' works, parad- flTTT? V Weakasss af Bo4yai4 Sia4: Effant J SJ XljXa of Krrort or IxoftMM is Old ar Young. Basest, RoM. SMIHin fall, Kf.l.r.S. Hi. to llslars. KenarUMa !,! HKKUPP11IP USUI KB HTS.I loBI. iSMlnUlv asraniiHl noas tks.ibbst aeraw m a asa. la f trsai 41 BtatM, T.rrtl.H.1, aae rn4aa Csaatrin. DIM fehlftdawlT MIoistMSttea. ssS ae..r. asU UM MltWAl M, lllf All, 1. 1 to th aat cure consumption (which is lung scrofula) and nothing else will. For all diseases of the blood, sucb as blotches, pimples. eruption, scrofulous sores nndsMxUitujs, it is unequaieu. , ifc 14 guarantee t vure in all cases of'disease for whkh ft i rec ommended, or m'iflvjf PHHJ iiir it will be promptly rewnoea. - , " ; Minister (dining with tbe family I "Donhy, I suppoae when you grow up to he a man yoa will want to be an earnest Christian, won't you?" "Yes, sir; if it doesn't interfere with being a,, tlrurh major."r-Lifc.ij' ' J ' The Iwsf shlve in the world for cuts rrt-fluars, ores, ukrrs, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chnppcd hands, chtllihtins, corns, and all skin eTpptgnut, aw4 P" tivelv cures niles. or no, nay reiuire4. It is trunrateH to Hive iierltx4aatisfctkn. ar money rcluqded. iVicc t at pee hog. Ftirsal py r. ta Jscobf.,.,, , F:uCTA!roLi;:i:iT CITRE8 HOM)wnoni, CAKED BAOS, GBUH A UOOF Mi Ui CATTLE I ed ths street headed bv a volunteer band and accompanied bv a crowd pf people, iiurns himself sppesxrvxl in MUe eoai, Druss Duuons ana Knee wwuumi ninisvLiier vusrsuierB were, Tom Otlliunter, Bouter Johnnie, Auld MckvUr. Horabook, Bonnie Jean the Lass o' liallockmyle. New, Qr uoapa journal. Ask Toor Ketailer for the JAHES HEANS $4 SHOE J AIIES HE AKS $3 SHOE. AeoariiBf U Itw Besdi . sneAMs S4 6TTOH k9'S r14 aad snllsa, Kits like a ,,.,.niL s BKOI'IKKa) U-liKgAKINUlN "l- perleetlTeasr ths first dms a worn.- Itwlllaatlriy the nvt Udioos JAMES MJEANS 13 SHOE is slisolulaiy Un) . oob asoa of Ha prlea which X. aa aver bam puuied es- kleusivetjoa tat Biarket 10 wnicn oarautnty . H ooiuidaml Defies. AskfM-fhs lane JUene gi Sana tor Boys J. HCAK9 CO B.ataa. Vail Haas ef, Iks abave sfcsos far sale by . For Sale Bostlc Bros. & Wright, ASHEVILLB, N. C. fcb31d3m tu th sat BIG 22. THE CAROLINA SALOON, Has the Finest and Lai-gent Stock. of U il v Sw JwcAb . Bweisia WHISKIES, t BRANDIES t A1SD t WINES, Uvcr Brought to Ashcwllle. 1,1,;. I'artle wishing a good artkU: for family or other purposes, will find It to their Interest to give we a salt. . ftcnxtfttll, . r '; - -'l : 1 '., JXM'i !..-..fti'tui i' PeHect keaUh depcntls untva a iwrfect condition oftke bjotwi. - Pure Wood con quers eyury dinsaar and gives new life to (Very OcvRved or anected part, tvtrong ocxvea anri nerfect diurs' ion enallr' the system to stand the shock of sudden cli matic chanues, Aa otx-nsional use of Prtiwn' Iron Hitter will keep you in S perfect state of hearth. Don't be deceived by other iron preparation said to be just as fKd. The genuine is made only VyBrownCrreTnlcalCrrmpany.Bnltimow.Iri,... nr..i i.-liu- ( Md. ,8oH by ftll-dealcra innwdk-ius-. J"V?W rV" K?m' C03TllC3U:3iIEBT W FOB MAW A ltF.A8T. rFNFTRATWJ saubCLEAyujiia tu xn vuiy. nuns. VaT Msar j ?. sr'arB No; J Baf-nard Dutldlng;. H:hool ftiitl Collt'ire TVxt DooXs, ufuUlino. lNwtH, Iliw- tory, Komancn. JJiournpliy, Travel nnd Novflu, Family anwntH, Oxford TtwherH iSiblPH. honir IJookH of all kindH, largfi Htofk Stationory Illank lJookfl and OfHti) ant School Buppliifi. Now line IjjuIuw' nnd Gent' lVx-ket- htioks iuHt oirfntHl. Fancy -fchlOdtv t.:i)STAi.'G li;:i:.:ent CVTLTA PILEH, BCRNR, C1TT9, COIINS. UltlJWUl, til I I.1H.AI N8 AfUOBXHim marSldly Frank O'Donncll, Prop'n 'jiaw! s.r,mM,;-'-, W HI v 111 ! rj v : .. SIIEPAUD, MANN & JOIINSTON, FUNERAL - DIRE C ; T O Si - EMBALMING AND S II I P P I N,G A SPECIALTY. 31- 4 -3 PATTON AVIiNVBr Pa B. Brcwton will attend Calls Day and Night. ,:,, '., , ,t ... . ,ateraid! ' " ' ' i-a ru mm a'naa. I . I . -m m nusmiiG lii!i::eht r.:usTf.i:3 u:::::::iT CmF.3 KITT.tTMATDiM, LA MR BACK CTTTtFS FOOT HOT, PnOTTtPFnTtnT, AND BTIFF JOIN 18. fiUB IK 11AUD' BCttEW-WOUM AND8CAB U tlU-Lf I

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