V ' r- " -4 eTrrvaim-alncfc.orrit Ufl- f t ro.iuWBjg U1 mLnclij casa: B IK) S IMl - 1 ISO l) IS tMrmen til di-llrer th paper every ntomirig ta (my part of the city to oar ub imrn, and panic wuua it will ptcaat e it at la Crrtua Office, r Won?;,....... 1 arc "" ' On Vt fa. Kcw AdicrUicacali. Loat Ttita Ofrlo. Notice W. J. Worlry. Foe 8aleR. O. Millord. Starting, bat True Big 23. Pigeoa. wanted I. W. Kinder. Tows Lota for Sale Joha K. Coaaally. Montj and nv-c-rl(iee Cotton Pravlatoas a4 rodace. noilf tiDiut'imu. Nsw Yosa. April 10. Eschaagc dull bat arm. M ooey eaar, 8h. Sub-Trcasarr balance Gold, $133,644,- 0o; carmcr, fl,luu,uu. Government bonds, dull bat steady 4 per emu, per crata, l U7i. a Late buacl. dull and toatumeea. I'nlteel Mate llrul aer-lca tfav 11 em. AakcvUlc, M, C LATtrrM, U.M Norra. Lemorrrn 83.36 WBST. BLBVATIOB. S.soO Pin. . WeteorolosVal report for 14 hours ending at s p. apru iu, insv. tEMPBRAtt'8 8. Northern Espore, Shaded. 7a 9apaj Mai. I Mia. I Daily Mean. 3 e o6.aj7a i ja.8j sVea TiEVrTolNTT lia S3 REL7H6MIDIT7 ) pa. I Daily Mea 83 40.00 J BCIPITATION. aia aad I Snow Mdudaaaw. Kept ha. Daily Mean, lachaa. . laches. o I o I rao.os Weather-Fair. K.T. BUCK, M. IX. Observer. ABSO. Hl'MIDITVT Daily Meaa, 3.4641 BAROMBTKR. CointUd for altitude . .. A Ptarw Iaunp. . - Tat Calcium Lamp b all metal and k safe. -Gives light equal to til ordinary lam pa. Arc made to hang or stand. A child can put in new wick. NevcTgetoot of order. Will send a lamp to any bouae to oat for two dara and then aend and take them back. All are requested to try the lamp, and will be at no trouble ortx penae in doing to. Law 'i Silver and China House, Opposite Pottoffice, MX LOTS FOR SALE! IS 3-4 ACRES, - Lyiag aear tba "Oakland Inn," overlooking ta rirrr, spun which arc several aa beautiful aoecapted building lt aa caa bt found la or near the city, Apply to JOHN K. CONN ALLY, aprlt dim e tua SALB. to Severs! lae eows, frr.h to the pall. Apply aprlt dim aa i Pcrnlhurst. piOBONS WANTBD. lOc. each rlen for all pigeon brought wumu l DC ucit iu oaya 10 I18t I. W, SLl'liBR or J. Y.JORDAN, N OT1CB. TOat M the Srat Monday ta May, MM9, by virtue of the tai Hat, I will aril for caah at public aaetioa at the court houae dour in the city of Asheville, the following dcscrilied property, to-wif : On house aad lot aa the nrorjertv of T. I. VanOllderoa L'ollea and Davidson atrertain A.hevllle to atiafy the tana due for 1MMH, ol On Haadrad and acrraty-One lKillara aad ciMta. Alaa on aouat and lot aa th property of a. a, rurmaa on 1'inc airect, to aatiaiy tne taicaduefot INHT and tMHH, One Hundred and Fifty-Poor Dollar and KlKhty-Klght vrwta nno coaia. i me Aimi i anu. aprlldlt toata. Thla April 4, lMMll. W.J, WORLBV, Ta Collector, wat Ir W. M. Worley, U. T. C L"T- A ladr'l black ahawl. between Academy atrect and Mr. Woolaer'a. The flndrr will be aultaMy rewarded by leaving earn at j 1 i . . THla OFFICE. We are, showing exa'llent value in French Drees Goods plain, striped and plaid, and in striped Surahs for trim - V- J'fi4 . .i - .- mingej. - . Cliina Silks, both in plain and floured, are excellen property, and our line ein braces a iiuihIkt of choice ef fect. Ix)w priced Dix;hh Goods Worsteds, also Satines and Ginghams, will also be found in variety. A trifle early for White (ioods, but we have thorn, Spring Jackets, IleudeO Capes, Parasols and Sun Umbrellas. Secial value in two numbers of Persian Trim mings.-,r.: 5. .h.hepyood&co., Nob. 7 and 9 Patton Avenue MARKET BT TKUXRAPII. Ala.ClmaaA Waa lt)6 Ala. Claaa B.6a..lll Ua, 7a, aaort. luJV) N. C. Coaa., 6. lii N. U. L one.. 4a v , a. C. Browa'a...lotmKrailiac - Tena. net.. 3. 72W.Hk. at All N. . Central...107 N. A W. ptd tilt 61S 8f, Northera t H. P. pid Pacific MaiL Virrinuioe Viraiaia Cone North wee tern do pid Del ALaca... - as ..iai ..Ida ..lSoNl R. A W. Point., Mock island. 81 Paul do pfd... Tea. Pacific. 16W 104 Brie SMVaiTenaCoalftlroa 37 Baat Tcaa nijUnion Paafic... 61 Lake 8hire......10UN. I. Central.. vov, Loa. A Nah...... 64 I Mo. Panlic 7(( Men. A Char. noiwcatera l nion.. no UnJi a, Ohio 1 1I it:otton-accd Oil Naah. A Chat... Wl Ccruncatc. 564 MO fac latmort a tAaacd. corroa. LlTaariKH.. AorU 10. Noon Cotton, boat- aeaa aood at hartlcnine rat American mid dling S 13-16. iialea 15, (xm); epeculatioo aad export lw. Keceipca f,iMf, Anmcu o, 71K1. fa la re aoaca atrong at advance. 3 V. . American mtddling, 6 13-16. Bale Of to-day inciuoeo lu.uov Ancncaa. apro and Mar. S 63-64. borer: May and lone 6 53-44. buyer, June and Inly 6 63-64, buyer.. July ana Auguei o oa-rt, oujrera; auguat ana aepienoer ooi-oo, aeiwr; acptcmocr aa October 6 Sa-4, arllrra: October aad Norca ber 6 3a-64, calac; aCpleaibcr 0 ftl-o, aril . r-uturea cloaed weaa. Maw Voaa.April lo. Cotton Irat. Sale to-day 6O0 balcaj middling apianda middling OrtcaaalOfa. Total act receipt at all porta for to-day 4.716. Biport to Ureal ontaia a.oav, onuacnt otocaouo, 064bale. Nam Vol a. April 10. Cotton Net receipt 4.V70; groa 4.V7U raturc aoaca barely lead, oalea llU.noo bale. tni ......iu ifoaiu.xiliict v. ma v. in a 10,a6al0.U7INoT..... .6oa 8.67 Jane........ 10.84 llec 07a 0.6s July ......,,10 4)al(.l Jan... 9.77a .7N Aua.... ...lu.4aiM.7ir'eo... v.noa Sept W.UOa W.WHiMarch 9.w4a D.V6 04LTktok, April iu. vottoa nrm. luo- 16: reveiuU 1161. NoaroLK, Apni to. coiioa eiraay. luvi, receipu 130. VALTiaoaa, April iu. coiioa nrm, 1W7, receiota 6ott. rHMTon. April to. cotton quiet aaa arm. lUtyaitn; rconpta lao. W ILMINGTON, N.C., April 10. Cottoa arm 10: reccipta 71. FHILAIlKLrHIA. APTU lO. COttOB Dnn, 1014: reeiDta3(7. batAmmah, April lO. cotton nrm, V'A, receiDU Sl7. Maw OBLBAMa, April iu. cotton atcaay, lOVi: reccipta . No .'uilua arm, 1014; re- obilb. April 10,' oelnta 86. M BMrHia, April iu, c otton arm, rc erlpta403.. AuouaTA, April 10. Cottoa Arm, 10 8-16; receipu 3M7. Chablbctom, April 10. Cottoa Irm, 1014 revet pv oa. - - - . raoTiaioKt and raooticB, Baltihobb. Apr 10. Flour aeglected. alow Wheat southern unlet and nominally eaaier Pulta B3al.01: Lonibrm 3al.(3: Weat- ern atrongi No. 3 winter red pot B7V Corn noutnern, active aad arm; wait i;yeiiow 4Ua4314: Weatern cay. Cincinnati, April iu. riour wra(. wneat quiet No. 2 red MS. Corn u uk t No. 3 mixed as. oat auadv no. u muea xtm. t-ora quiet 13 HO. Lard ateaily 6.MO. Bulk menu lead. Bacoaatcady. VYhinkey l.os. Hum, active eommoa and liicht 4.00a4.H6. aaniiiowai floor atcaay noiaera oner al IAa3S reduction. No. 3 apring wheat, h6ta tin. no. v red, BO.axo. . cora no. 3 94V. Oat No. 3, 36. Mea pork, tl.HSall.tMl. Lard. 6.M3V4. Khort rili. S.lrOaA.OO; ahonl dera 8.87HaS.fiOi abort clear 6.37Va SO, wniaaey, lua. bt. Louia. Mo.. Aurll lo. Flour aulet Wheat No. 3 red caah H7U aaked: luiielUa RAV. Cora No. 3 mlied cnah 803n, May SOU. Oat No. 3 caah 3d; May 3nM,a 2V4. WhlakeyaUatlv 1.03. Proviaiona dull and weak. Pork 13.80 aaked. Lard prime team nominal o.ou. Nbw Vobr. Aurll 10 Southern flour dull Wheat dull No. 3 red Ho1HH. Corn fairly active No, 3 43V.a43V Option lea active and weak April 4a4. Oat Arm And mod erately active option weak aad active- April SlaaiH. Hop ateady, 17a33. CnAVe puona oaiu iiointa aown; Apni in.ona 16.60, Bugarraw tronger fair refining 61; reflned Arm. Molaaar. forelirn. aulet AO' teat IS. Kice ateady but quiet. Petroleum tradv and aulet refined 7. Cottonnred oil tendy crude 43Ua43i yellow SO. Hoaln auictout Bteailv airained common to good. l.lSal.l7Vi. Beef dull city eitrn Indin me iB.noai4.ou, rreignt atcaay. cottoa 8-161. Orala 3I.I). Swannanoa Hotel l'na celled roUlne. Popular with tourist, famlHca and buinca lea, Blectrlc can paa the door, RAWLS BROS., lebldly Propr'a. THE NEW BRAZILIAN FLOUR CORN SEED, For aalc at Cooler' and McDonald' grocer- in, bouib Main .trrci. iN t inn to try it. apridawSw T. R. DHNIHt A.hevllle, N. C. N OTICB. Will collect debt for anyone In the city for Crrcnt. Good fncilltle for renting and coi ning rent on houeea. Will veil furniture on weekly payment. I. B. JOHNSON, At Blair' Furniture Hi ore 87 Pat ton Avenue. Reference given. mar!4ilnm JkJOTICB. At a regular meeting of th Board of Alder men, held on the lBth day of March. 1MHU, It waa ordered that two voting place bceetali ll.hed In the city, for holding municipal elec tion., one to be at the Court Houae and the other at the Ituncotiitic Warehouse. All vo ter living eaal of Main alreet are to vote at the Court lioue, ami all votera Hvlng weat of Main atrcct are to vote at the Buncombe Warehouae. A new regiatration of all voter living la the city waa alo ordered Mr. A. T. Bummey waa appointed regi.trar for thr weatern portion of tne city, and Col. B Hu low Krwia wna apiointed regi.trar for the euatern portion of the city. All voter living In the corporate limlta of the city art rcuuired to com lorward and nnve tneir name enronen on tne new rrgw- tration lioo... whether they have ever regli tered heretofore or not, The regular election for M ayor and three Aldermen. Monday, May th iw. . it. ei. n a km in a, P. M. MI1.I.KR, Mayor. City Clerk. apr3dlm J. W.SC1IARTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR fcbyodly 4 IS. Main St. E MPLOYMBNT WANTUD MISCELLASTOUS. Our new stock is nearly all in and opened up for inspec tion. We have had to move our Clothing and Hats for men and boys down stairs. Although our store room is one of the largest in town, we were too cramped and needed the extra room on account of the variety and extent of our stock. We have almost everything. Our Sat ines at 9 cents per yard can not be matched in Asheville for the money. They are really worth 12. We have recently received from the manufacturers in Cincinnati the prettiest lot of Picture Frames (all sizes) that has ever been in. Asheville. We guaranty to sell them at one-half the price usually asked for such goods. We ask esHxial attention to our line of Underwear for Ladies, both in Muslin and Knit Goods. We have over 100 dozen Hats, Crushes, from 45 cents up to 98 cents, usu ally sold for 75 cents to 2. Goods all perfect. Straw Hats, 10 cents to f 1, worth 25 cents to f 1.75. Don't buy yourself a hat until you price ours. Sun Hats for Ladies, all colors, 25 cents each. Very respectfully, GEO. T. JONES & CO, N. Y. Office, 4CG Broadway. ASHEVILLE AD VER TISEMESTS. "DUY IIO;iE-IADE GOODS." Full Keller Process. We Guarantee Satisfaction. Auk Your Grocer for As!ieille Milling Company Flour and Meal GRANT'S If your prescription art compounded at Orant'a Phar- - macy you caa poaitlrely de pend upon the facta: Pirt, tbat only the Pareat aad Beat drug aad chemical will bt uaed. Second, they will be compounded carefully and ac curately by aa experienced prcacrlptioniat ; aad third, yoa will not be charged aa exorbi. taat price. Yoa will receive - the beat good at a very rea DRUG aonahle proAL A fall Hoe of Patent Medicine, Toilet Arti cle, Ayer'a Recamier Prepaia tlon., Scott' Blectrk Curler., etc., etc. We have the agency for II urn-' phrey'i Homropathia Medi cine. DlVAULT'S OLD STAND, 34 8. Main St. Prcacriptlonir delivered to any part of the city free of charge STORE. maraud ly QPKRA HOVHIii Three Nlft-hta Only, Tl'KHKAV, WRKNK8DAY IDD 0 lnf.ll iu iii d luaiii AND Tlll'KSDAV, We make the following grade of flour: Roller King, Electric Light, Carolina Belle. Take no other. Caah Paid for Wheat, Corn, OaU and Rye. Horse and Cattle Feed Mixture Ground to Order. Do Custom Grinding for Corn Rye and OaU. "Mill and Yard at Old Depot. . . ASHEVILLE COAL COMPANY, II. T. COLLINS St CO. Superior Hard and Soft Coal at Wholesale and lletail. Office Barnard Building, Patton Anue. Yard: Old Depot HERRING & "WEAVER, THE SHOE STORE, NO. 30 SOUTH MAIN STREET. While we Have the Finest and Moat I'aahlouable'Goods in Our Liue, We also have the cheapest. Vail and tee ua. THE "BONANZA," THE l.EADINU ' V WINE AND . LIQUOR . STORE V IN THE STATE. FINE SAMPLE AND BIIXIARD ROOM. NO. 43 S. MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C. J. A. MAKQVARDT, M'Kr. OAK STREET INN, ASHEVILLE, N. C, Beautifully located In a grove of oak and white nine, with no duat or noiae, at the cor ner of Oak and Woodan atrecta, near the Pmal College, and only three fquarca from the court honar. Wc have a number of elegantly-furnished room to accommodate boarder who deal re a nice, quiet place, away from the hotel. Nice room, new furniture, good fare, nrat-claan cooling, at reaaonauie price. Also, not ana coia Dtn. Dr. T. J. HARGAN, Proprietor. COMPOUND OXYGEN AND MEDICATED BALSAM VAPOR. All modern and latent improved methoda for treating chronic dlaenaea of the lung tnroat ana note, ny tne innaiation oi vaponaea ana atomixra aula oy tne pneumatic and compreaaeo air apparniua; aiao uomimuna uaygen in connection wun tne vaporised rial am (the balsam obtained from the natural balaam tree near A.hevllle.) Wc alao manufacture a Home Treatment of the Compound Oxygen, which la, equal to inc omcc treatment, ana win oe eent on nppncntion oy eipreta, oa receipt ol price, 13. Oar Bncceea here for the Daat three veara with this treatment haa been ohenomenal. ha v. big cured many caaea that were pronounced hoprleaa, whoae namea and residence, can be obtained by calling at the Sanitarium. By permission wc refer to the following well-known gentlemen or Asnevuie: b. j. Aston, en-iuayor; J. n. Kcra, ciera V. a. court; Kev.O. C. Kan am, paator rirt Metnonin t-nurcn ; kct. w. a. Nelson, pastor Flrat Baptist Church ; H. T voiuna, vapt, rtatt Atainvoa. T. J. HARGAN, 91. D. LIIYYI8 MADDUX, Pre. L. P. McLOUb, Vlcc-Pre, DlBgCTOBI: Lewi Maddui, M. J. Bearrteu, M.I. Pagg, I. B. S. U. Heed, Ceo. 8. Powell, C. M. McLoud. 1. B. RANKIN, Cashl.r, ,. B. Ray, J. B. Reed WESTERN CAROLINA BANK IA8UBVILLB, N. C, FEBRUARY l.t, 1880. Organiacd May lit, 1888. CAPITAL, f 50,000. . - . SURPLUS, 5,000 STATB, COUNTY AND CITY DBP08IT0RY. Don a General Bg Buinea. He poult received. Bachangc bought and cold. Col lection made on an ..iible points. The saving Peat receive .pedal attention, Oa all sum In this department, deposited for four months or onger, Interest at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum will be paid. Special attention given to loan on real catatc, which will be placed for long time on real aonable term. Open from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. On Saturday the Saving Department will be open till 6 p.m fcbadtf THB FAMOUS C1T-ECCE PHCPERTY FOR SALE AT AUCTION, MobbOj, xjth day ofMajr, '89. Oa the above day w wM oAVr for sale at public avKtiua the ground without re serva, that valuable property oa College aad Bpruca street UfciBaUig to Air. Tboa. D. Carta. It ha a bona with 10 room aad all neces sary awitHoiMea; la 10 fret on College etnrct aad eMMi fret oa Bprwca, and within 78 yard of the Public auuarc Thi ta a ran chaac to bay a re.td.iKe, tiunln.aa lot or make aa iavestaaeat within the very heart of the city. Terra, of Male US par esat. caah, remainder la aia, twelve, eighteen and twenty-lour mouths' time, with a per cent. Interest, pay. able seaii-aanually, on deferred payment. The property iu be altered la lot aad then aa a whole a aay of aal. Both cttlaa aad atrnngrr are reqnealed to call oa aa at our ran aa Public Square, Bar nard new bsikllag, where all deal red iniorma tiva wlH be given. Title faaraatatd, , ' Matt Atkinson A Sons, ' Agents for Mrs. T. D. Carter, apriodlsi As traveling salesman, city aalettmau or clerk, baperiencc and rclercnee. Addre A. M. l.!'lh'KKK, apriodlw Clliiea tirtice JJTOSS HOUSB FOR IBNT, . T houae for teat. Location un a"" 'T- Poatontea aad dailv Caaa Craak, 1 aatlea abuv Dr. I- lelahea. tut hutaer tafoeaaatloa apply to ..a.. J. rf. YOt'KO, aprlOdltwlt Twawl.lt. C. 7M. R. PENNIMAN, PROPR1BTOR0P THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, Asheville, N. C. p. o. p. mariadly $1,500 To nlace la one loan cm A.hevllle real tale. MOOKB Ik M UK KICK, aprfldl w B RICK Pi 1 It SALB. Addrea TATK A tUCKSilN, pr3eod3w ta th aa Murgaatoa, N..C FOR SALE. Valuable Timber Land. 1 have for sale about 1 1 000 acres of land la Swain eouatv, near Paather Creek, the Naatahala river and the line of the N. C. R. M. A greater portion ol thla land coat raa the naeat timber that I know of in th Htat. prlOdtf JAM US 11. MARTIN TEMPLETON OPERA COMPANY, Always th Beat, Now BetUr Than Bver. Tueadny Night , VYedncwiuv Night..... Thuiaday Night..- .. Mascot. Mikado. Olivette. Th alwve Operas Presented with Star Cast. I'NIUUB 8TAGB 8KTTIN0I k GRAND CHORUS! Prices 50 and 75 Cts. Reserved Seat now oa salt at Sawyer's. A. F. STEVENSON, CARRIAGE : AK3 : SO : PAINTER, GILDEB ANO VaMUSHCR, Is prepared to do all kladaof rain ting Briag on yoar old-looking Carrtagea, Brttta, Snrv rys. Baggie. Carta aad Wagons aad have them varnished or repainted, to they win look as good as new. AH work warranted aot to crack, bl later or come o until K wears off. Term rcasoa bk. , Shop na Ramett Hill, Bagle Street, maraldnm POR SALB AT AUCTION. On Saturerar, April 18, at the Parutcr' Warrhouae, a Piae llano. Iiavis Carter will gladlv show thla aiuendld nMairaliaatra ment to any on wiahing to taajaiae It. aprllMat WILLIAMSON & SON, (Successors to Hart & Williamson,) MANUPACTURKRS OP SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Mouldings, Stair-Work, Fine In terior Finish, Mantels, Etc., ASHEVILLE, N. C AliKNTS n The Buckere I'ump, Steel and tin Shingle, Floor and Hearth Tiles. fc-bidlr AGKNT8 A M'k'kS. lip Byrkit' Patent Sheathing Lath, ASHEVILLE - ARTIFICIAL STONE AND TILE WORKS. PortliMid CCMCnt, Monc Blocks and Tllra, exceedingly handaom In apiear aace, of various design aad colors and very durable for walks in yard's, sidewalks, floor for Public Building, Halls, Porches, Entrances, Basements, Butcher Shops, Ac. Special alaea, color and designs for li BART11S. Handsome Carriage Block with name. EEST 6ER'AN PCRTLAKO CEMENT AND 6000 BU6 SAND FOR SALE. ,.f """ , h Sample of Works, etc., caa be seen at office over J. B. tHckerson's Hardware Store, on Public Sij nare, comer of Suath Mala street. . O. Bo 634.. C. E. MOODY. ntaKISdSai PITA CURBD BY OLD SPBCIALI8T L I VT ' PHVSICIAN. II I II "nttleofmedMae Pre. We wsr. III vaf rant our remedy tocur the worst caaea, and the only phvaMana who do thi to prevent yoar being Imnoard apoa bv ma nalng false name aad who are aot iWwtor. Beeauae other, mlied I ao reaaor for not aalng thia medicine. Give Barman and Poat omce addreaa. It eoata you ao thing. Addiess Aaahcl Medk-aJ B area a, KW1 Broadway. New aea. )aaa7dwly J4 A. TENNBHTv - Architect and Contractor. Plans, pecincation and eatimnte fur nlahed. AD work in aiy tine contracted fi.r. and ao rharaia fnr ,1 .. . . ' awarded .T Ketereni'ea when dealred. Orlieei No. l i Hendry Block, North Court Suuare, Aahevuia, N. C. ; fchlSdly II. T. COLLINS, I'residcnt. E. E.EACAX, SccUry ASHEVILLE ICE G 0 i-.". ''. Y. Pure Ice made from Distilled "Water. OxSce; Barnard 1 Building. Patton Avenue. , D. C. WaddrJl, President. W. W. Barnard, Vice President. Lawrence Pslliam, Cashier. iTIIE BANK OF ASHEVILLE,! ASHEVILLE, N. C. DIRECTORS I . P. SAWYER. J. G. MARTIN, J. L. CARROLL, T. VY. PATTON, , . VY. VY. BARNARD, V. C. YVADDKLL, GBO. VY. WILLIAMS, of Wilmington, N. C. DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY Oldest Bank In Western Carolina. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEKBLT OF THE STATE CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. SURPLUS FUND $20,000. FITZPATRICK BROS. & ROBERTSON, Dealers In Wall Paper, Window Shades and Patent Hang-era, Paints, Oils and Vamiahcs, M usury'. Mixed Paints and Colors. Window Glass, both French and American We keep in stock St. Louis and Kentucky Lead. IcbSdly s LUMBER YARD. GEO. P. SCOTT, (Successor to Doubleilav & Scott,) North Public Square, WINDOWS, - BLINDS, - DOORS, Glass, Putty, Lime, Plastering Hair, Shingles, Laths, Fencing Post. All kind of Building ,. . Material, , . ROrdcr will receive prompt attention. feblOdly W. T. FKNMIMAM. PEI1NIMAN & CO., JOBBBBS AND DBALBB8 IN- W. g. PgMNIHAN. HIAIRIDIWIATRIE ASHEVILLE, N. C. - AGENTS FOR ' DUPONT POWDER CO., RICHMOND STOVE CO., CORTLAND WAGON CO., OLD HICKORY WAGONS, STUDEBAKER WAGONS, MOLINE SCALE CO. ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC. M'CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. fchOdly .'.: Anything In the Jewelry LJne at LOWEST PRICES For First Class Goods. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING. BURT DENISON, act iibIIam a ... ' fehiodtf 18 Patton Avenue. PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING, TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. Plans and Specification- Furnished on Application We have thorough mechanics In each line who have had many years' experience In their business. We can safely guarantee our patrons satisfaction In our work, a low figure, , BALLARD, RICH & BOYCE, C. II. CAMPBELL, Mannfacturcr and wholesale Shipper f GINGER ALE, CHAMPAGNE CIDER, LERION SODA, SARSAPARILLA, . MINERAL WATERS, TONIC BEER,r CARBONATED WATER IN SIPHONS. Factory, 817 Haywood St. . bu- in i- 4. "THE WSNYAH SAa r ASHEVILLE, hV C. For the reception of patient Btiuering of diaeasrs of Inn)- and throat, and conducted upon the plan ol thMMitiijrttatGbcTndi jn Ger- many. Ourt is the only gueh institution in the tTnjtefJ Slates, and tnddnicd by the Wading member pf the medical prnfcuion. Ter mi reasonable. KARL VON RUCK, p. &, M. D. 1 -

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