f p "7 7 t : ,-,! !fl - Vo . VOLUME IV. ASHEVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1889, NUMBER 313. ON THH ROU. or HONOR. Graded School Children Who Wn Distinction Marks Dartnn; March. During last month the following pupils received citlier good or excellent marks oa all their studies, and were neither tardy nor absent: Orange Street School Clifford Ander son, Jaatrt Jones, Victor W unlock, Sudie Israel, Fannie Kiraberly, Berta Smith, Joe Srrirr, Dan Sevier, Cam Featherston, Willie Williams, John Wagner, Charlie WadddL Albert Summey, John Osborne, Kobt. McConnell, Lawrence Coolcy, En- gene Chedmter, Otho Atkins, bra Branch, May Nichols, Ada Reynolds, Mary Sevier, Akcc Stockton. Genie Smith, Kay Whit lock, May Jones, Lntie Smith, Louise t) ranch. Lvnn Baird. Francis Gndger. McKee tiatch, Guy Rankin, Engene Car roll, George Fortune, Tom Nichols, Fran cis Smith, Effie Barnard, Pearl Jones, Liuie Stenp, Carrie Wagner, Nora Ware, Cieddie Whiteside, ' Mabel Kandolpb, Henry. Myers, Maggie Weaver,. Hester Moore. Rena Rav. Minnie FitzDatrick. Ada Gndger, Edith Randolph, Blanche Randolph, Arthur Penland, Snced Adams, . Cora Fulbright, Addie Fortune, Hattie McConnell, Julia Adams, Dnisy Buckner, Bonnie Fitxpatrick. Cora Fortune. Min- ' die Franklin, Bessie Lindsay, Ada Mcln- tire, Clyde Moms, Hallie Newland, Mag ipe Clayton, Nora Dockery, Baily Buch anan, Dan Cook, Earl Hall, James Ware, loe Hatch. Arthur Nichols, Willie Lynch, Hersa Gndger, Alliertus Fortune, Min - nie McElrnth, Julia Schartle. Academy Street School Carrie Rollins, Fannie Tones. Dottie Atkinson, Nettie fjevy, Delia Miller, Tbcssa Farrell, Bessie Ycatman, Claude Clayton, Clyde Mears, iVeorge Hampton, Alex. Gilbert, Cora rrry, Connie White, Gertie Bartlett, Maggie Farrell. Ada McCanless, Roxiv HstcWnson. Charlotte Atkinson, Emma Davis, Harry Boyd, Willie Chedister, Bes- ate nova, ex. Langc, jamcs nuiiun, ivn- tie Rollins, btnel I ones, Maggie Led lord ' Koma Courtnev, Eildie Miller, Lawrence Chedister. Edward lones. George Jones, Otto Killian. Edith Bartlett, Ethel Dea rer, Lovie Gilbert, Mary Hutchinson Isabel lones. Martha (ones, Mabel Levy Nora McCanless, Nellie Mcintosh, Came Miller, Lillie Perry, Cora Stockton, May Ward. STATE KKWS. THEPKESIDEWTAUCIPUIN TO A Nl'THERK REFl'B. LICAN. A line of rail war between Wilmington and Jacksonville, Onslow county, has been decided upon. , --. the first chargc'of k-e was taken from The works are a success. Col. E. J. Parrish, of Durham, has tendered his resignation to the Governor as colonel of the Third Kegunent, N S.G. Ex-United States Marshal D. Settle, of Greensboro, will remove to his old home in RockiiiKham, during the next tew ..days.' .: Tvre Glenn, Esq., the new marshal for the western district has fled his official bond, and been inducted into office at Greensboro. TV Greensboro District Conference of the M. E. Church, South, will hold its ' next session, on May 2326, at Madi son, N. C. Bishop Cranberry wiH presid The Vading of the Southern and West era railway from Shelby towards Mor- gantonhas progressed so rapidly that t eighteen miles of it have been finished. The removals of route agents on the various railways in the State are quite rapid. In nearly every case the Repub licans who were displaced are reap pointed. , ; , ' . ; The twmrts from the mat fisheries on Pamlico and Albemarle sounds state that threaten offish is verv large and nearly fanhle the usual Quantity of shad will be . snipped North. The Republicans at Raleigh have or ganized an association known as the Carolina Club. It is' composed almost entirely of office-seekers and has n mem bership of 120. . Governor Fowle and staff and the Governor's Guard will leave Raleigh for New York on the afternoon of the 27th instant, going via Greensboro and Danville. The Governor will1 remain in New York six days. , The date, July Dth, fixed as that npon , which the encampment of the State f.nurd at Wriehtsville is to begin, will stand, though it is rather too early. It was so fixed alter due consideration, the . Adjutant-General states. r SAT ON BY HARRISON. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET. The Ann ea cenrt Martial A Dem ocrat Declines to Realsra Ask. lac for Relief (General Washington Mews. Washington, D. , April It. The Star this evening prints the following: 1 he rresKlcnt s policy with relation to Southern appointments has been made clear to Southern office-seekers here, and there is not a little unavauingdiacontent. He has declared his intention to select none but men who have the resjwet of their neighbors, and who are' intelligent and capable. He wants to recognize young men, and progressive men, who can do the party good, and win not act merely as leecnes lor tne party because oi what they ean get oat of it. Any dis tinguished ami capable man wbo is a Renublicnn in nrincinle. whether so bv avowal or not, mar be selected for ap pointment. The idea is to get nd ot sell- constituted leaders who bring the party into disrepute, and to let downfall bar riers that keep white protectionists out. It is reported that tne president spoke verv nlainlv to the Southern leader, who .S3... . . . ... called with a delegation lately to about the appointment of the patronage ... I. . of his State The same leader had been there many times oeiore and was as suming to control the patronage oi the State. Now," the President is reiwrted assay ing, after listening to him for a moment Yon have been here several times, ana have heard vou. I know you Mr. , and know of you very well.. -I do not think you are the sort ol man to dis tribute the patronage ol that Mate." - THB AMIES COl'BTIlARTiAL. Washington. April 11. The court- martial appointed to tryCapt. Amies for conduct unbecoming nn officer, and gentleman met at the War Department this morning, and tne members oi tne court qualified. In response to a question as to whether he nan any objection to the composition of the court. Opt Armes re-ilied in the negative, but sug gested that in his case the curt had been placed before the horse, and not tie nut Cant. Bourke and Col. Gibson, who had . . . . . , made chances .aguinst mm, snouia oe standing upon trial. He referred to Cot Barr as the olticer Who nan been secre tary of War for President Lincoln. The defendant announced that he had se lected Cant Knox, of the Hrst Cavalry us his counsel. Inasmuch as Cnpt Knox was a mem Iter of the conrtmartial it was necessnrv that he should first be relieved. The iudee advocate tneretore securea tne consent of the Secretary of War to the arrangement, and Cant. Knox was re lieved by special order. He stated that he was not prepared immediately to proceed In the case, and the court adjourned until to-morrow. Specihcations ot charges SpeeaUUion Yesterday Anion- the Balls and Bears of Wall Street. New Yosk, April 11. The stock mar ket again demonstrated its inherent strength to-day, and in spite of heavy re alizations from trading element again scored material advance. Remarkable strength of London market for Ameri cans still continues and foreign houses here were liberal purchasers to-day of their specialties, most compicnous of which were Uotnsniie ana Kasnvuie Lake Shore, St Paul, Reading, Erie and Union Pacific. Steady demand for stocks from domestic sources continued also and after cessation of selling move ment market rapidly advanced. Lon don quotations this morning were to V4 higher than our last figures, and this market opened upon the same plane but owing to heavy realizations of larger traders, there was no strength in early dealings, and this encouraged demon stration against the list oa part of bears. Movement was soon over and tne mar ket became aall except in lew specialties. Depression lasted until the lost hour when buying oi Heading by some oi inc most prominent brokers and Philadel phia initiated an upward movement which extended to entire .list. Mar ket develoued more animation -than had been shown at any previous time of day and marked advances were made all around, Rock Island being specially con spicuous with a jump of 1V4, while Atchi son reached i per cent above its lowest price of the forenoon. The highhest nrices were reached shortly before the close and realizing sales shaded list off small fraction but the. close was active and strong at about prices of the day The great feature of the day was activity and strength in unlisted industrial shares and, as yesterday, sugar trusts were leaders continuing their rapid rise of yesterday, and alter opening at HWi, ramdlv rose to Uov, without break. Cotton oil was also active and very strong in the afternoon, closing with a gain of H4. Manhattan was weak. All the rest ol the active snares are nigner and San Francisco, preferred, rose Vk, Chesapeake and Ohio first 1, Rock Is land, Omaha and Consolidated Gas IVi each, Burlington and Atchison l each, and others fractional amounts, Total sules 281,000 shares. ? THE CHICAGO BXCHANGE. Yesterday's Movement In the Ureal Central Market. -. Chicaoo. April 11. The operations in wheat were quite active to-day, being nnnciuallv for lulv. which at present attracting tbe most attention. The feel ing was weaker and prices ruled lower. May closed and June lower than yesterday's closing. July opened a lower, sold off 14 more, advanced V, de clined Ufc, advanced ,and closed flow er than yesterday. The weakness re sulted from the renewed desire to sell The feature of trading in oats was in creased business and a decline ot on Wckorjr ra. We nr authorized, tq announce Mr, J. it. Hall a candidate for reflection to the Mayoralty of Hickory, - Hickory Driving Park Association has Just been organiicd with fifteen member. i. i,wt. mrr the Improvement of the horse, both in breeding and keeping. Mr. Robt. T. Wakeman, of Bridgeport Conn., subscribed 100 shures of Pied mont Wagon Co.. stock last Tuesday Glad are we to have Northern inv inent m the South. On last Thursday night the stockhold mm nfth PW-Hmont Wagon Co., in coiin l jtwmhlrd. brought to a close the final arrangements of tl re-organita tion of the company. The following officers were elected : 1 IV Hull President. K. Shuford jce-Presiih:nt. , I QUI ICU 1 1 W 1 11 IIIV IVHVnvu WOIIV fcV WVMi against Armes are pulling the nose "' influenced by the favorable showing Gov. Beaver. Of Pennsylvania, and bring- by the government cropreport.and ina uutn i"-p...n.Bv. ....... , cioudy weather and rams in some sec- """"i" "" ' ttons. suriace uecuuuiv waning on and failing to prove them. behalf of local operations developed ratb- ASKJHft roa THB kBLlBF of capt. winpbr. heavy selling, especially by some two Col. Julias Allen, of North Carolina, or three floor traders, with good buying has made application for relief to the I by others. President h behalf of Capt. Wm. A. Win- uniy moderate business was iransacico der; late of the United States Army, in corn, fluctuations being connnea wnn From papers presented, it appears that in narrow limits, and tradi jg chiefly of a the applicant served eighteen years in the local character. Ihe leeiingwascompar- - , ' . . 1 1.1. l I ..... H army, beginning wun inc war wm i- i "v,j . ico. During the civil war he was desirous nrn.nm tn tk (rnnt. hnt be fell nnrfer the suspicion ot disloyalty because msiaincr, juiic, uu ts uh juij, . Gen. Winder, was an officer in the Con- and lack of demand. At the decline, sell- federate Army. Although President Lin- ers tried to buy back a pan oi tneireany coin -was satisfied npon assurance of sales, and in so doing caused a reaction Captain Ithen lieutenant! Winder, as to oi Wta weakness in more aeierrea. i nc hisjoyalty, secretary oianion mmn iuiuk o.i v. "-"ji ...3-1;. Cln.r mnt in CaUfnrnia. This I ceded Vi from outside figures. was done, and in California the charge ol Mess pork was quite active and irregu disloyalty was renewed, finally resulting lnr. The opening was 10al2V4 lower, . u ,liirli he was honorably ac- and a further reduction of 10 was quick- quitted. While on this duty he received ly submitted to. Later the demand im- the formal tnanKS oi tne juaryiano kkio- i h1"""-" rv-v, - "6"-" lation for gallant services in connection 2Va5, and the market closed steady. h. f hin-wrecked crews. Lard was easier, fluctuating within After this Capt. Winder resigned and now, narrow range, anu timing a uicuium as his papers recite, broken down in figures. health and fortune, he seeks to be rein- Short ribs were fairly active, and closed stated in the army and placed upon the at medium prices, retired list. KKrnRTAHIRS TO THB COMMISSION Lieutenant Parker, of the navy, will nccomnanv the oauioan commission which sails from New Vork on Saturday, And the Conductor and Kngin- in the capacity of secretary. He has eera go ont o ninae. heen attached to the Adams tor three w.., i..'i 11 i a.t years, and it is expected that his knowl- ni ht pregjdent Lowry, ofthe Muineapo- the stay of the Adams at Apia, win be sucd an oWe. -ucihg the wages af all of DMistnnce to the commission. Lieu- , tl. ,.i; .m tenant Buckingham, now naval attache u'niay qnTal, the horse, cable and mo at ine uniicu sjibot "V"'1 T- ";";. tor lme, and t 11 qonhdent y expected to uui iiuiii huoh. . brecimtate a general Strike, i ne com REDUCED THEIR WAGES in a similar capacity, will join the com . ' . 1- , . !.. . I mission at uei nn, ana aiso aci u vnc ca pacity of secretary. IB OKCLINKS Til KKIUN, lerome B, Burke, chief of the Ganctte division In the patent omee uns been pany jg prepared for any outbreak, notified by the commissioner of patents K lnjtorBand engineers on the K. C, JHxqn--Sfwetary, II, U, i . AnernethvrTreftsury, (, H, Oeitner kupenntendent, The dwelling house of W. H. Wllfong n hnrtlermnnrlnv morning. LoSS7.lO, with $500 Insurancs. The fire originated from a defective flue, - S Th Deadly Oreenback. ,,' From Cenrnt Literature. Tbe last Item of news from the labora tory is that the deadliest of Iwcteria live ., . and multiply on the bank notes that we handle. Probably there it not a viler article that we ever touch than a bank II mrte. Curried in the Dockets of the most '( Heprons and loathsome it passes through the pocket ofthe refined. We would noi think of taking a pocket handkerchief ' that had made any such round without washing; and fumigating. We could not - Heiritlilced, to put on tbeshirtof atfnmp, but tW mbi,ey bf tbe JisertWd Biid;con; tannnnttTK goef ailhout' a thought into pur imwr rrKH, Vfh 5 m n- do, n)t thnk o,r caf. 1 ', : , , o,lcl)nond Real Eatale, HiOHNONh. Va.. Anril li.-?The ten v acrs lot hriongina to th Cnniederatf Koier Hm, prHPrty nuruhased five with small fluctu ations. FROM OMR THE SEA. SIR CHARLES RVSSEU. CON. TINl'ES HIS IjONO ARGV NENTi , French clumber 6f DesMstlea Ad- Jonrned Mary Andetsoa Isn- orosed General sTotv '. iara Hews. London. April 11. Sir Charles Rus sell continued his speech to-day. He de clared that the publication by the Times ofthe forged letters and articles on 1'ar nellism and crime wss a serious and reckless columny. He characterised the manner adopted by the prosecution in abandoning the charges based on the forged letters, and the tone of the Times apology as most ungenerous. Pamell's only course now, Sir Charles said, wss to rebuke what be believed to be a foul plot against him. w nere ain tne money come rrora mat was ased to ferment that plot ? Houston did not venture npon an enterprise in volving tbe expenditure of thousands of pounds as a private indivndal, it was an association representing landed interests of Ireland that supplied funds that had lound a ready tool in Houston who had pursued a course such as would have been followed by a man who was lending himsen to deliberate lorgcrtes. 1 Houston had destroyed all documents that night incriminating him and all letters which it would be dangerous to produce, and bad resorted to every device in order to render it impossible to trace the course l his relations with I'igott. air Chnrle detailed the history of the forged letters and promised to produce evidence that would aliord tbe lullest vindication for Parnell and his associates and show conclusively that they were far from the remotest conectton wtth crime. ' London, April 11. In the House of Commons this evening Balfour said that Lord Londondery originally took tbe office of Irish Viceroy for two years, but had consented snncr pressure to retain the post for a longer period. The Viceroy had not yet tendered his resigna- tion, but the government could not as sume that be would continue in office. London, April 11. Dispatclics from Siain announce heavy gales off the coast interrupting telegraphic communication delaying mail steamers and doing a great deal of damage. A number of wrecks are reported. Dublin, April ll.i-William . O'Brien was taken to Galway to-day. The police guard allowed no one to converse with the prisoner. several town commission ers who approached him were struck by the police with their swords. Une man was seriously injured. Twelve tenants on the Alphert estate were evicted to day. No resistance was offered. Ot'BBNSTOWN, April 11. Miss Mary Anderson, who arrived here this morn ing from New York on the steamer Ger manic, is in better health than when she sailed. Pabis. April 11. M. Rowvier. minister of finance, has prepared a scheme for the renewaj ot tne privileges oi the uankot France. The Chamber or Deputies has adievraed until May 14. The Temps snvs that tbe government is disposed to agree to Germany s proposal for an interna tional conference on the slavery question. Pabis, April 11. A rumor prevails on the Bourse that an attempt has been made upon the life of the Czar, but no confirmation ofthe rumor has been re ceived any quarter in Paris which would be likely to be promptly tnlormed in case of an attempt to kill bis Majesty. Pabis, April 11. A Strike among dock workers at Marseilles has spread to all men in that city employed on docks. Strikers are becoming demonstrative and threaten to attack otheers ot various steamship companies. Authorities have placed gua-ds at offices. Pabis, April 11. Seventeen members of the Rouiamrist nartv will he indicted bv the Senate court. They will deny the jurisdiction Ot the benate to try them. Pesth, April 11. The appointments of Count Szapory as Hungarian minis ter ot agriculture, industry and com. meree, Herr Weckerle as minister of finance, and Herr bulngyi as minister of justice, have been announced, ut the Ul(v cial Lazeite. Caiiio. Anril 11. 0w.mii to the scarcity of water, the area of cotton culture thfn season ui nuch, restricted. Havana, April 11, hnck of earth quake was fek at .Hiigua Tuesday even- It, PBTRKSBima, April 11. M. Pan icker, minister of roads, has died from pneumonm. Small Hopea of Settlement Either 1st St. Loala or Buffalo. St. Lm is, April 11. The carpenters strike is still on with no evidences of weakening on either side. Both the Masters Builders Association and the Carpenter's Brotherhood hold regular meetings, the latter daily, but they can sot come together on the one point of recognition of tbe Brotherhood. On hours and remuneration Doth agree. East-bound train No. 63, of the West- Thi. mnmimr the striker, to the number NortB Carolina road, arriving in the of about 1500 paraded the streets at- city at 1.32 o'clock yesterday afternoon, trading a large but undemonstrative was crowded with passengers, some des- crowd. The men in line were very or- tined for Asheville and others for Salis- derty; no evidence of lkiuor to stimulate . , , enthmaasm and not a shout or least bury. the terminus of the road, where semblance of disorder was - recorded dur- tlicy were to change cars lor Greensboro, ing the parade. A general meeting of the Raleigh, Golilsboro, Morchcad City, Wit Master Builders of the city will 1 held mington. Richmond. Old Point Comfort, Saturdav night for the purpose of dis- " th, 2tti.. iinHf nouihle hit- Norfolk. Washington, Baltimore, Phila- e . r I j..i..l: i v v-t. STRIKING CARPENTERS. TENNESSEE'S GOVERNOR. ARRIVAL. OF HON. ROBERT U. TAILOR IN THE CITV YESTERDAY. Rr. Cannon Receives His Cons mission At Opera Hall Yester day In m Charlotof Song Death or ting upon some plan to bring out a set tlement of the strike. President Cook, of the Master Builders Association says. ', that he does not believe the master builders will recede from their positioa and the prosiects for a settle ment of diflerencs are very slim. delphia end New York as the time-card reads. Among the passengers mentioned above who stopped at Asbentle was no kta a personage than Hon. Robt. L. Taylor, Governor, for the second time, of the State of Tennessee, and .widely known all over that Commonwealth as the "fiddling Govern or.'' As he alighted trom the coach be 04 BUFFALO, Bi'FFALo, April 11. The strike of aild universally popular journeymen carpemers sr a uiir. ii .ui lay is not progressing as favorably or u raoidlv as the men could wish, al- kCh!1 n'lrferTt"1?! rn,,y VA "f eW.bosed maset leather belt, win make builders have signed the agreement. In quaintnnces and friends for it must be I.. D . . . tainment. Tbe music was very well rendered, and the drollery of tbe operetta brought ont with excellent effect. This concludes their engagement which baa been a very successful one. A single sug gestion may be pardoned. Would it sot be well for tbe actors to guage the depth of their cosmetics by the sixe of the thea tre in which they perform? ' A BUU.DIK0 BOOM. ' ' Asheville continues to improve, and, in ' support of this assertkm we havt only to point ont the great number of build-' ings of all kinds' now going p m tbe city. Elegant private residences, tene ments, store bouses, ware bouses, etc., arc being erected all over the town. As architect told ss yesterday that he would, during the next test days, snake plana and specifications for about eighty thou sand dollars' worth of new aaildmgt is the city. Aad this is tbe way that Ashe ville grows, j - j HBW UlflFOBMS. o ! Sample uniforms for the Rescue .Hook . And Ladder fire company were received yesterday, and the selection of a hand some black helmet, extra , heavy bine flannel shirt, with monogram and gilt department buttons, black pants and order to force obdurate masters to terms ineedilr it is proposed to call out all hands in the planing mills in the city. A big meeting of the strikers and mill hands is called lor to-mgm to occiue on future action. ftt'SS. HARRISON ARRESTED. quaintances i remembered that not many years ago the Governor was a resident of the City Among the Hills; and that it was in the 'State of Buncombe" he wooed and wed ded the brilliant and accomplished lady who now presides with such elegance and grace over the executive mansion at Nashville Miss Sallie Baird, that was. Gov. Taylor is here on a visit to his family who have been in Asheville for several weeks visiting ' relatives and friends, and will not return to Nashville Steve Elklma and Judge Araeu Go on Hla Bond Which Fixed at Ss.ooo. New Yobk. April 11, Russell Ham- son was arrested this afternoon in the office ofthe ludge. in the Potter building, , , t 1 !' 1 t on a charge oi naving puonsneo in i uniu ounuay. paper, the Montana uve mock journal, The Governor wns seen by a Crnam representative yesterday afternoon, and an article taken from a Buffalo uaiier, .w..ainiv ...(111 U.rMI 1 1 Ifthtl S.- ll II V Uf Crosby, of Montana, with having stolen was jiromijed an interview this morning d of Buncombt M Oy : I - i . . 1 ... I. ........ m lo.lt, I J fl ft-1 I ... I. ..A. u.U IM 1. MAMtw'. iaatu I the Rescue boys the handsomest uni formed company of firemen in the State . Tbe uniform, with the single exceptioa of pants, arc furnished by tbe City Council, and right well do the Rescues deserve the . Rift. DEATH OF A CHILD. ' Little Josie Mackey, aged four years, died at tbe residence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mackey, oa Haywood street, yesterday morning about two o'clock, of scarlet fever. The remains fere taken to Weaverville and interred yesterday afternoon. ; ; i OLD RBCOBDS. We yesterday saw an old volume of iewels from a Washington lady. Hani t ... .1, L! . I . L. son came on irom nasningion iubi nigm for the purpose of having the papers in the suit served upon him. The warrant was issued by Judge Beach of the su preme court, who fixed the bait at $5,000. Stephen B. Elkins, vice-presi dent Rice of the Park Bank, and W. I Arkell, of the Judge, became Harrisons bondsmen CIGARETTES PROHIBITED. nan v claims it is losing money and that it must retrench in order to float bonds With which.to build new cable lines. -The men are sullen and uncommunicative, but no serious trouble is feared, as the com- The motor that if tendered, his resignation wouia ,ine went a gtrike at ,, to-day,and be accepted. Burke, however, declines to at 1-45 O.cloc, a) the conductors and resign and declares ms nreniionio om.w drivers on the Fourth avenue and Tyn tlie commissioners to dismis mm, ll ne so dale avenue rtreet car lines struck. All desires. Burke is a good army ninn.and the reRt of tne drjvers and conductors in was at one time, commanaer 01 ine ire- rft are expected to follow suit nartment of the Potomac, G. A. R. TO BB OFFICIALLY PRESENT AT THE CELB- BBATlON. fiereetnrv Tracv has ordered the board of inspection and survey, of which ad- nresent at the celebration in New York v ....... . i :.,jt.u.i-.i' The Pbllbeck Mnrder. Special to Charlotte Chronkli. Shki.bv N. C. Anril 10. Chas. Car son hlins Armstrong, negro imjicated in the murder ot larmer rnnneck in No- yember last, who escqpeo; irotn ial early which will apiear in to-morrow's issue. He was tired out with hit long ride from Nashville to this city, and repaired at once to tbe residence of his brother-in-law, Mf. 'H. Baacom Carter, 113 College street, where he will remain during his sojourn in Asheville. Gov. Taylor is a gentleman of pleasing address, being considerably above the average height and build, and his record ,w.n 4li ti.atitifr a rift atm ill eveeniive The Btlcblx-an lalslatnre Takes I ' . e..!Lrr u J the Initiative. - - I 1 K,cav imu", ' Laksuio: Mich.. April ll.-The House ice proven to the people of the entire this morning passed the Jackson cigarette South that he is one of its brainiest and bill, which prohibits the "nMmuartnrt, I aWeK meB , . ItMnini fr.r sal n. trivinor flwnv nfl . any cigarette or any imitation thereof h. m. s. pinafobb. composed in whole or part of tobacco or Manned by as jolly a crew as were ever any substance in ine lorm oi a cigamic i pipea on a ecu, ana commanoea ny as containing narcotic smenUor rice I cever an adniiral as ever issued orders paper or any paper oesignen iorcgrcr fl . .. . wrappers. Hall yesterday afternoon, with the en- bound, which bore the date of 1794. They were probate court records, and were made when Samuel Ashe was Got ernor of the State, and William White Secretary... r,:n . .- 1 A COMrBTtTIVB MILL. ! The regular monthly competitive drill of the Asheville Light Infantry will be held at, their armory in the Johnston building this evening, . Tbe drill will be ' made unusually interesting owing to the fact that the company gold medal, now worn by private Lindsey, wiH . be awarded to the most proficient soldier ia tbe "manual" at the exercise this - evening. It is also reported that a court martial for the trial of derelict Light Infantrymen will be called daring the coming week. First lieutenant Merrick will probably preside. No detail ha yet been made by the commanding officer for reportoriai. RirrugB, LoA'prll Vl .lR Keif V Co. of "f f 1 court-m'artia!, however. n ,i , 1 1 . L I II1U111-111HBL UCnK. OIK TV BB lUITllUTII i uraotora, nave suspcnucu imncnv. , , , Linbilities 90.000 pounds. and in holiday attire, and tbe merry New York, April 11. Robt Kell doing scenes that were enacted upon the quar business as Kell & Co., importers of wilinot forgottten soon by rtreetTnd TSrnfoTdgknd: has foiled. who were delighted looker-on. Sir A cablegram from England received to- Joseph i'orter, K.. I-,, u., iMr.jonn lem day announced that the Bradford house pleton), Josephine, (Mis Herminie Pa had .uspended and on thi information lacio)( Raph Raekgtraw, (Mr. Bradly), Znt .in.t the oronertv in thi. city, were the leading spirits ofthe play. Their on behalf of Laxard rreres tor S'JT.lKZ. acting ana singing was most cxcciieni, The sheriff thereupon took possession I indeed, and' tbe support they received ofthe Broome street store. With this from the other member of the company CAlXUllUll, Ull IU1UIUIH.B RIV HUH w due abroad. was all that could be desired. Tbe Tem pletons have given Aahevillion three night of legitimate amusement in a manner that cannot fail to win for them I the highest encomiums of praise and I genuine appreciation. We can say noth ing complimentary abontthem that they do not fully merit, and it will always Mew Orleans Races. New Yobk, April 11. The attendance at the race to-day was large, the weath er fine and the track last. First race, half-mile Wrestler won Lady Blackburn second. Mis Gibson third. Time. 51 seconds. Hennil raiv thrre-lnnrt tin mi e ntuart won, Lucy Howard second, vnuncy give us picuaurc w wciwuhh: mr. uipi third. Time 1.16. ton, hi wife and company, to the "Me- TMrd race, mneana seveniy vnni Probn won, California second, Effie H. third. Timel.7. Fourth race, mile Castaway II. won, Select second. Allahene third. , Time tropolis of the West." Bespeaking for them packed houses wherever they shall appear, we await with pleasant antid ilution their coming again to this city. Tbe combination leaves on the noon train to-day fo Salisbury, and our A Graeefnl Act. Special Correspondence to The Durham Plant Washington, D-. C, April 9. It was a very gracclul act on the part ol Messrs Kwart and Brower to ask that Miss Nannie Hoke should be retained as post master at Lincolnton, N. C. Their re quest will of course be complied with, and MiHSHoke will continue to run the office indefinitely. North Carolinians In Baltimore. On Monday, Ih Kemp B. Batchelor, of Raleigh, received a gold 'tnedai the university prize, at the Hult(noxe imv At tlie nn,te 'mc, Qt MAden, of Charlotte, received the ilegree o( M, V. ,;At the meeting of the Alumni Associa tion, iat night, Or. R, H Lewis, of Ralegh, delivered the oration, . In Favvor of the creditor Richmond, Va., April 11. The court of friends in that town little dream of the appeals has just decided that iht general , hamx that isin gtore for tncm mortgage creditor of the Shenandoah , , v Valley Railroad Company are, to the ex- mis evening tent of $1 90.0(H), tntitkd to the benehts akounp the and security of the first mortgage. It also decided that the car trust has no lien upon the proierty and franchises of the comnnnv for the rent of their cars ami .L . I'-.' 1 I.. I fM.l. . k..t.1., .tl mat ivirniicriy ini vivi wiw-i" "1 income mortgage ncnwi have no security out ina,t o m nwn mnri(tKt, on tlie 20th inst.. and ha instructed the in March, was arrested at 1 nlock last commandant of the New York navy yard, night.pear King' Mountain. Armstrong to send all of the vessel in the comnn-1 had been working on a tarm nearClover, sion to an aiichorage jn tit North 8. C lnce hi escaiie, and yesterday . " ,..ii. .if . i li nyer, I sent worq to ms wne wi mti mia at bunp ufrHHino'i i King mountain, i ne message was TIm bond offerings at the treasury taken to the officer, and deputy heriff rwlnv nLMrreented IH.aajau, ac- w. 8. Marnier and T. C. Black arrested eetited $506,250: four tier cents, nt uim at night. He will lie tried for - 1" . .... ..wt I tanir. 1 . . Al. , A. ..e 12Httnl2'J. ana sjt.iuv iuur-niiu-ii". ourgiary. i nere arc aooui six cases oi at 108. burglary against him. MOONSHINERS CAPTVRED. Bnt Other Make Their Eacape- IMatlllerlea Destroyed. Loi'isviLLB, April 11. -A posse un.ler to-day for teiice. U. S. deputy mnrshnj . v. w amies ami . mit K. M. Brown which started from Saltersville the first of thi week has captured a moonsniner strong hold on Cars Creek, near Hindmnn Ky. The leader of the outlaws bad been warned and nq mnnr pneir eiy.B. Amorig the1 were two Woan and fijyo Adam Wbo were jri the tmrtjby whit! dcimty innrshtt Wjreuian wa waylnid ,..u.l ilnlv live men were cap-. tuned and ent to I'restonlmfg as prison ers and none of them was ol any tmoot, tance. Illicit distillerie in the netghbor- a c i nmher. were destroyed and all of them burned, Th deputy marshals party nuninrreo iwniij-ii " 3 .ii . ulth nn re- Swan Oeta Fire Veara. Boston. April 11. Edgar Swan, of Lynn, ex-cashier of the National City Bank of Lvnn. appeared before Judge Nelson in the United States district court He pleaded guilty to two indictment, one' for embexxle- ment, and one for misapplication ol fund belonging to the bank? A number of persons addressed tht C(tVrt on behalf of'8wanyask"ng fo. A light sentence. Tbis seemed to havt; some uinuepce on (be Judge, for tbe prisoner was gen 6v vears in Lawrence mil. lightest sentence perniissnhle. Swan' defalcation amount- .A . T. 7 OiUl l.i.t It. ninviulm.1 an. curities and iiroperty to the amount of $:H,0iml kaviiui a net dehciency ot A 9,000 Fire. BiBMlNiiHAM. Ala., April 11. A special to the Age-Hernld from Clanton, Ala., say! A saw mill, planing mill and half a million feet ol lumber belonging to 0. A. Dukes, tour miles southwest of here, were totally destroyed by fire this morn, ing. Loss 125,000. No insurance. A Dismantled Vessel. Nob folk, Va.. April 11. The wreck ing steamer Victoria Peed arrived here to-dny, having, in tow the huU of the si. in Alice M. Minott, of Bath, Me., be- fore reported dismasted off the; Ca.roJiu-H coast, every pnr neig gu,nc. New. Yobk. Anril 11. The governing committee of the stock Exchange ha de cided to suspend business of exchange on uood ttniuiy, also, on tne amn ana 30th Instant, because of the centennial celebration. Thei.iKhUhip Mneed. Philadelphia, April 11. The five fathom bank Llghtshtn wns placed on her station to-day by the lighthouse steamer Zixaaia. . Jndlelsma Adrertlalna. CREATES many a new business; UNuAKiiliS many an oM oosneM,' Mi VI VES many a dull baainen; KliSCl 'ES many a hat business,' SA VliS mnnr s fio'inff biMtiteaa .' r RESERVES many a farce buttons, SECURES $uceem in mnr business. To mtlrertite judidounlr, use tbe cot- amntof'ThtCititen." Everybody rtmdi it; mnd in pronoi tion to toe returns ft jkklt mdm titer, it rate are the cheap est in tat count r. , The Temptcton Opera Company play to a Salisbury audience thi evening; : Regular meeting of the City Council at the mayor's office at eight o'clock this evening, ' The only marriage license issued yes. terday was granted to Doctor Mull and Ellen Aiken, both of Buncombe. About one hundred spectators wit nessed s splendid amateur game of base boll on Bailey street yesterday after noon, - J, '. Nearly one hundred visitor left the city yesterday, and about the same number arrived to fill the place made vacant by tbe departures. Mt. Hermon Lodge, No. 118, A. F. and A. M., will assemble at Masonic Temple this evening at eight o'clock for work ia the M. M. degree. The westbound mail train over the Western North Carolina road, due bere at 4.36 p. m., yesterday, was forty min ute behind schedule time. . Mrs. M. L. Townsend yesterday sold her property, located on North Main street, to Jesse R. Startles, the price ob tained for the same being $3,600. Nine dissolute women arrested by tbe Mlaoned bv Wild Parnnlp. St. Cloho. Minn., April 11, Sebastian Merdam. atWrman farmer, was engaged in plowing yesterday. Pour of his chil dren, pmying in ine ncm sun hhhjwihk the farrows, found roots of wild pnrsnhis, and all nte of them and beenme violently kk. Three of them died in terrible agony. Another, a girl, is still living and mav recover. The three cniiuren were buried in one grave this morning, at St. oseph. A Town Treasurer Defaults. PirntniTSC. Anril 11. A soecia! from East Liverpool. Ohio, says Abel Lodge, villain and township treasurer at New Lisbon, is short in hi account $9,000, over $0,000 of which i village fuuds. He ha been treasurer kir many year, and ha always bven regarded a a most honest and trustworthy man. No man stood higher in the villnge. Lodge de clares that he win make the deficiency good to his bondsmen. A whole Family Horned. Atlanta, April 11,The house of W. P. Ward, a house carpenter and mill wright, living in Robin county, was burned to the ground lust night. The entire family, consisting of a wife and five small children perished in tne names. The house was a small one with the chimney In one end,, and escape was bar red for this reason. WOK I.I) in a.chakiotof SONG. Manager Sawyer yesterday arranged date for the apieurance in thi city, of Philip Philips, the great traveler, and his I police in South Asheville yesterday after- intcrestinganditistructiveentertainment. I noon, wilt have a bearing before his It is a new and novel way to see the I Honor this morning at nine o'clock. . great sights ofthe world without the ex pense and fatigue of circumnavigating the glolie. From what we hear and read in our exchanges, we conclude that Phil in Philips present the most realistic view incident to a tour of the world in his new entertninmenUentitled, "Around the World in a Chariot of Song." Ar rangement have been made for him to give this imaginary journey, interspersed with his inimitable tongs at Opera Hall on Friday and Saturday evenings, April 19 and 20. - POSTMASTER CANNON. At two o'clock thi afternoon Mr. Geo. W. Cannon, tbe newly appointed port master for thi city, will take formal charge of the Aheville portoffice, Limeade made it annual appearance at the drug stores yesterday, and the pleasant beverage was eagerly sought by the warm and dusty pedestrian. PIHKLT FEBSOMAL. Capt. J. W. Cooper, cf Murphy, is at the Grand Central. - MnJ. H. C. Hunt is in Washington, and called npon President Harrison yes terday." . b Mr. and Mrs. Richmond Pearson re turned from Raleigh yesterday after noon. Hon. H. A. Gndger left yesterday for He re-1 Siler CHy, where be deliver a Masonic Mrs. Hart Dead. Chicaoo, April 11. Mr, J. F. Hart, of Brookliite. Mas., who was so badly scalded in the accident on tbe Chicago, Santa Fe & California railroad, near joliet, yesterday, died at Mercy hospital in thi city thi morning. Physicians ut attendance say that Mr.. Hart and the other wounded are doinu, wH and will . . . w- probauty recover ceived his commission, signed by Presi dent Harrison and postmaster general Wanamaker, yesterday, and was tbe best pleased Republican we have seen in Asheville since the election, except Capt. Wagner, who drew .the public building tuperintendency prize at a recent new ad ministration distribution. Mr. Cannon will make no change in the clerical force employed in the office at present, save that of assistant postmaster, the duties of which office Mr. E. B. I let tos, the new appointee, will enter npon to-day. "OLiyBTTB" LAST NIGHT. The Tempkton Opera Co., gave a sprightly performance of "Olivette" last night to a large audience, whose poa tsneous laughter and liberal applause testified to their enjoyment of the enter- erly winds. address to-day. He will return Sunday. Paymaster P. H. Hinman, U. S.N.,and wife, who have been spending several month in thi city, left yesterday for Washington. A. T. Harris, jr., of Richmond, and Alex. Harthill, of Louisville, prominent tobacco broker of those cities, were bere yesterday. , , Mis Carrie Holmes, a charming and popular young lady of Salisbury, who ha been visiting ber sister, Mrs. W. P. Snider, for tbe part two month, re turned home yesterday. - The Went her. Washington, April fi. Indications fir North Carolina Fair; warmer; outh- imaT wri,uw. . . 1

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