1. Te CtT? 1 1h RoM -trniTrlv crer. 1 " 1 i n-4 ta rVeatrra i . o of r-i' men and anm b ta Its ititrret of ii.iic Ultrentv, bonnt mtmnmil, and TTM-TTjna tmiiutrv, ad It noma tta treating pab- U1 ' - .t Tae rrrrvo nat.lioHr tb rfianatrfcr o th A .-talrl WhH ft BOW corer the wiMxe world la in arope. It bu other lanii-t-a of advam-rd joarnaHara fur fubmn jt aew. r-a ai quarter, w it a orrrt inn g caxr fe, r y r- ra 41 ihnpf taa awaaarat pax. e-.wvi.aea coptca oCaaj nituoa will be arnt f v to M? Oftt armttne thrir addrcaa. a IwttT, HkirowTfar; 3 for all a'm , o frtiii fur one moata; 16 ecu ta for one weea. Camera will rfrtircr tat paper ia every part of I be city to aahacribrra, and par tare iuu it U1 pk-aae call al the Crrus VBca. Atrimns lim-Reasonable, and made known oa aiIeatioa at Una ofac. AH tranateat advcruaemcaU aut be paid la aa- FKJDAY, AFJUL 12, 1889. AN IMTEMEamMO OCCASION. The gathering in abort time, at A root, othoa interested in the fish in terest of the State ooght to be a notable one, brxaaae it will bring prominently be fore the public eye, at the moat suitable point for illustration, an industry capa ble of adding greatly to the rerentiea of the State, and demonstrating the numer ous aad otter ly variant resources of North Carolina. The point selected has peculiar advantages trr promiuatifly dis playing the nagnituoof the fish inter est. Avoca ttefcttdenre of the proirie torsfrflbe great fisheries chose, as the "subject of demonstration, Dr. Capehart and soa, ia in the southeast corner of . Bertie county, near the month of, the Chowan river, not far, also, from the mouth of the Roanoke river, and very near the head of Albemarle Sound, which stretches away to the cast to the extent of sixty miles until closed by the long, low, narrow sand bants which stand as a barrier between the inland waters and the turbulent ocean outside Ibrever bat tling to regain Ks lost ground ; for, when the expedition sent out by Sir Walter Raleigh approached the const, it entered into the waters of the sound by an inlet opening directly into it. This has been closed for perhaps two centuries; and vessels, and, what is more to oar pur pose, the fish enter into the placid sounds in search of their spawning grounds through the inlets lower down the coast Oregon, Loggerhead, Hatteras and Ocracoke. Into these sounds annually pour, from February to May.theswarm ing multitudes of shad, Herring, rock, and others of (cm commercial value, aim Ing air the Roanoke and Chowan rivers and their numerous tributaries, The head of the sound, to which the courses of these rivers converge, forms almost a veritable cul de sac in which the fish be come entangled for the while; and this feature, together with the fine broad sandy beaches, designated Inevitably this as the leat of the most constant and pro line fishing grounds. ' The numerous proprietors who engaged in the business, the magnitude of their operations, the vast stretch of their fish ing apparatus, the introduction of de structive methods of fishing, the incessant pursuit) night and day, from the begin ning to the end of the season of the perse cuted fish, and the obstructions opposed to their ascent up the streams to their spawning places, together wHb the agi tation of the waters by steam vessels. had brought about marked diminution in their numbers and loss to the proprie tors of the fisheries. Legislation had dime something to rectify some of the most tranaparcnt evils in the establish ment and enforcement of lay-days, and in regulating the character and position , of nets But the most effective remedy was sought, and eventually would have been attained, by the establishment of - the Fish Hatchery at Avoca, successful in high degree, so far asit went; abandoned became its fruits were not immediately apparent, r. ,. . We hope those who visit Avoca on the occasion to wbkh we refer, will interest themselves to the extent of acquiring full information on the subjects presented for their consideration. We feel sure they wilt be convinced of the wisdom of urg ing the broad policy of removing the question from local or sectional consider ation. Our State is so vast in Hs extent , so diverse in its production, so opjiosite in ks Interests, that Its separated part are with difficulty brought into common sympathy, often unwisely arrayed in hos tile interest. But the broad minded statesman and the intelligent citixen must be convinced that what benefits one part, benefits the whole. Neglect. of. this principle has retarded the progrcs of the , whole commonwealth. North Carolina has by far the finest natural fishing grounds on the wholi coast of the t'nited States. Her land locked bays and sounds, opened to the ocean by wen defined, permanent gnte ways, arc the natural resorts for fish most -rallied for human food. Judicious measures may perpetuate that supply, may increase it inimitably, may add vastly to its already large commercial im portance; and doing so, add other large sources to State revenue, and diffuse the burdens of taxation over a larger class of subjects, and hght those of the whole, as the influence of the Western North Caro lina road, carried to completion against sectional hostility, because providing few subjects for taxation, is already bringing about, when development of values is be ing made under the light of knowledge and facilities of access. , Petersburg Index-Apicali How does the senate menace the pence of the nation? What are its extraordinary powers that can disturb the machinery of government ? With the solitary ex ception 'of withholding its assent from some nomination submitted by the presi dent, there is not a step it can take, re lating to the affairs of the people, but can be checked by the co-ordinate branch of the national legislature. Its legialu tivs functions are even more circum scrilacd than arc those of the bouse of retiresMitatiwn, and in no respect is its dignity as a part of the governmental machine snore prominent than is that of the house. The peace of the nation might be menaced by the president; by the Senate, never. - r iioiA.' i ak::ad. TlKiebas been a Rrrat misOke made somewhere. A kooU many peoi'Ie have txn under the imjtmssion that Western North Carolina, with its mountain alti tudes and biacing air, was healthier than the eastern part of the Slate, but the im pression most be effaced at once by all who bare no local prejudices one way or the other. Commenting upon the re markable figures concerning the exemp tion of Western North Carolina from consumption submitted by Dr. Marcy to the International Medical convention, and published in the Citizen a few days since, the Elizabeth City Economist makes the very libera concession that the figures make a very good "compara tive" showing for Western North Caro lina, but adds: ''But we are satisfied from long obser vation that the death rate from con sumption in Eastern North Carolina is less. In fact that great scourge of man almost unknown in Eastern North Carolina, which is owing to the mild winter climate, the sorter and more hu mid atmosphere, the abundance of the food fish and oyster supply, and to the softening influence of the hearth-laden (jull ettreamtaat passes near the const, We thin we are within bounds in say- lig that this county which contains more than ten thousand of imputation has not had a death from consumption during the year. We once heard W. W. Cherry, a distin guished lawyer of Windsor, the county seat of Bertie county, containing a popu lation of about 800inhatntants,say tnat tn its whole hwtory of near 100 years, it had but one remembered case ol consump tion, and that was a case of an old wo man who died of consumption at 75 years." Dr. Marcy 's figures, it will be re mem be red, showed that 'Western North Caro lina had six deaths from consumption in the 10,000 population to ten in the Aiken section of South Carolina, eleven in the Thomusville section of Ocorgia, thirteen on the Peninsula Of Florida and eighteen on the main kind of Florida. But it seems that they don't have any at all in Pasquotank. THE NKORO;i.KlT OUT. The Birmingham conference is now on. In pursuance of a policy which is under stood to receive the endorsement of the President, and to be in direct line with the idea which has guided and will guide him in the distribution of patronage in the South, the Republican party, in Ala bama is to be reorganised on the protec tive tariff bas-s, thereby to be relieved from being called a negro party. It expressly declared thut no negroes are to be admitted into the conference. If they desire to co-operate in a movement the first idea and the first utterance of whkh is fa snub them, they must form separate organisations. They must of course give up all idea of any pnrticipa I ion in the offices all of which are reserved for the exclusive use of gentlemen whose only motive for becoming Republicans is their conscientious conviction that unless the high protective tariff is continued their beloved South will suffer, and who to avert from her the unspeakable evils Which would follow lower prices for the necessaries of life, are willing to incur the odium of being called Republicans and the burdens and cares of office inci dent thereto. Who can withhold admir ation from the pioneers in such an heroic undertaking as this? Of course the negro being largely interested in protected man ufactures and well accustomed to get nothing from the Presidents he elects, will be glad to avail himself of the kind permission given him to form separate organisations. Friends of Mr. George Bancroft, the eminent historian, are greatly alarmed at his fccbls condition, and it is feared that the end is not far off. There are no special ailments other than those that accompany extreme old age. a a The mouths of the subsidy hunters are fairly watering for the approaching Congress of American nations. They exjiect to humbug all the Spanish-Ameri can countries into giving tliem subsidies, look for great things from the iiniro pol icy of the secretary of State, and want the entire internal revenue receipts to pny Tor their private enterprises. - ... - The news seems almoat too good to be true, but there is a possibility that the Chicago Big Four, who are rolling in the wealth mude by buying cattle cheap ant selling beef dear, may soon encoanter competition that will comiiete. Against Armour and his monotmliNtic associates may he pitted Flagler, of the Standard Oil Trust, with laS.OOO.lKK) of capital at his Iwck. a a Col. Dudley is shocked at nllcgrd elec tion irregularities of the ballot in Ten nessee. He will apiieal to Comrrrss through the national republican cotir- mittec to assume authority over Con gressional elections anil gerrymander tin South so that twenty-five Republican Congressmen may he returned. The Col onel it will be renKmbered, is wanted in Indiana to answer charges of corrupting the elective franchise. a a a ' A Senator who has known Blaine for twenty years, and who is also well ac quainted with the leading- men in Wall street, said the oilier night, in comment ing upon what he regarded as "Blaine's peculiar and uncoinlortable, poaition," that bethought Bluine would leave the State Department very soon, perhaps next month, and that he would not be surprised if his friends, Gould and Hunt ington, who are interesting themselves in the re-orgniiiiation of the Atchison, Toirka & Santa Fe Kiiilrond, should put mume at the bend of it. "The election is the second week in May," was the Sena tor's closing remark. The "Rebel Girl" "Gnarantces" "Re liance" in an "Havana Puff," and the Daisy fjueen" of our "American Drug gist" can be found by lovers of the weed t F, L, Jacobs' drugstore, where there is also a complete line of drug an 'rug giata' sundries. The famous ftxctisior Water direct from Saratoga Springs, N. ., Vichy, Deep Rock, Srltser, Tate Spring and Soda Water al w ye oa draught. c.:i:at i;r.cia.::::::;T! Till! PAnTY CI VIDEO I THE KIT It'lil their moetinpj at tin1 Court House hint niht. Not a woman present or invited to attend, so TIIK LADIKS Ield a meeting of their own, and amidst much excitement pasHed tho following renolu tions : Resolved 1, That for the next sixty days we, the ladies of Asheville and surronndingi country will buy our bnrinir Dress Goods, Dress Trim mings, Kibbons, dloves, llandkeri'liiefs, Table Linen, Napkins, Towels, etc., at lios- tic Bros. & Wright's Dry Hoods store. Jbvtolred 2, That after a careful inspection of all the new goods in Asheville this season we find none so pretty or near so chea p as those kept uy jo8bic iros. a wrigui. IleNolvedft, That in the Ions run we find that it pays much iettr to buy good goods and from jwrsonal experience we know that the goods sold by isoHtic uros. & VVnirlit are first-class in every particular, and they give perfect satis faction. 1 IlvHohwl 4, Thatweadvist our husbands, brothers and sweet hearts to buy their Clothing," Hats, Shoes, etc.. of llostic Uros. & Wright, for they have just received new goods in all these; lines, -'and are selling very low. Resolved S, That those wantiiiir Blenched Domest ics Quilts, Lace Curtains. Kuirs Trunks. etcv will do well to buy of llostic Bros. & Wright for they carry a full line o! these goods at bottom prices. Resolved G, That llostic Bros. & Wright struck the keynote when they adopted for their motto "Quick Sales and Small Profits," and just so long as they fight under that banner, just so Iongwil we inarch under the same. Respectfully submitted, Mary J. Blank, Secretary. Asheville, April 6,1889. Kaatcr Cards, Easter Booklet, Kaater Novelties) A lame and fin variety, both Porcticn and American ; also FINE STATIONERY, ARTISTS' MATERIALS, . FANCY C.OOD8, BOOKS, -AT- ESTABROOK'S, ta S. Mala Street. All ejre fitted and At guaranteed. A cum pie tc stock of the abort gooda at GRANT'S DRUG STORE, S4 KOHTH MAIN 8TRBKT. ' Oculists' prracrlutloai a specialty. ftl.V7.Klm Employment Agency. CHAS. E. LAKE & CO., 84 a M.AIN ST. Mnk and female nrrvanta fur all klada of cmiHoymrnt lurnlalM-d on nhurt autli-a. Servant, wanting positions apply act. marl7Ulm FOR RENT For the Summer Months. A beaatmil country boom, containing fin rk-aant raora, nicely rurnhacd, situated la the pcaatiful Hooper's Crack Valley. 10 mltra flrom HeanrrsoBTtllr, IS ailWs from Aaanllht. Railroad nation and poatofflcc near at hand. Beautiful laws, pare moaataia water aad dctlgntful scenery. Garden , vegetables, fresh batter and milk can be Sad every day. Terms reasonable. Apply to L A. PAKINHOLT, Room It. Mct.ond Building. AahcTllle, N. C. OtJUHBPH VOl'NOnUXIII. Fletcher's I. O., Ilcadersoa Co., N.C. aprodlm JJOT!CB. Br rlrtne of a mnniir, with a nower of air, .merurcn to in anneraigneil ny William r. m liama, oa tne 17t day of November, 1SHT, and realatered la Book No. 11. on Pane (MA, la the onus at the Rrgiatev of I iee.lt of nuaronin county, ant arm aell to the hlaheat hubter for caah. at Ihf aourl bona, door U IK city of A.hcvilk, oa Monday, la at day of may, in, aa. certain town twta la the southern portion of the city at AaheWUe, near Honthald avenae, aad on Mel well afrert, betas; lota Na. T, , 10. 1A, 1, IS, IS aad in) of the McDowell Addition to the city uf Aaheellle, for a more perfect dencriptlim of wBH-n rrwrrnc m nereny mane to said mi This the Ath day of April inns. . r) mostic, ', l. BLANTON, UUU. A. SHIIKtlRrL prMtai Murtgaaaea. UL;crLL.vxois. UtCLEa'tJ .018' EASTER OFFER FOR. CASH ONLY. 2000 yards Fruit of the Loom Domestic, 8ftc. by tho bolt, 4-A wide. 104 Mohawk Valley Sheet ing at 2Gc. per yard. i(5-in. Pillow (Rawing at Best Lonsdale Cambric at lie. jht yard. White Quilts from 55c. to f 2 60-in. Conestoga Ticking at .'35c. . ) Nice Pereules, from 7c, to lie W.H.LEA 17 N. Main Street. A new lot of Hall IJazaar forms just in. , Also, a complete line of fish ing tackle. MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY, No. S3 Patton Avenae, Glrdwood St Stlkeleather, proprietors. SjSr All orders promptly attended to. -febUaly - ICHMOND Ik DANVrtXB RAILROAD COMPANY. (Western North Carolina Division.) PASaaansB IIRrAaTHBNr, Ashsvillb, N. C, Jan. 1, 1MH0. FA88BNOBR TRAIN 8CHBDMLB. Is BrvacT Jan. 1, 18H0: Ho. 81 OSopm 437am B7am 13npm 7 3Apm S'jopm SlMiam S !i(lam 8 3(ipm 8SOpm 7 (10am llaoam No. S3 I.v. Asheville, Ar. Ha llahtiry, " Iiattville, " Lynchburg, " YYaskingloa " Baltlmu i " Fhila., " New York, " Hoaton, Richmont " Rab-lKh, " Ooldalioro, 'Wilmington 1 40pm 4!tm inaopm KMlnm 70nml f Vnam 1047am 1 VOpm BOOpm 8 lftam 103pm 3 10pm OOpm " No. 85 I.v. Asheville, Ar. HcnderaonYllle, Ar. Bpartanb't '" Charlotte. S30am 920an linoam 8 30pm 44)jim 9 10pm BOhprn 6 15am " Colnmbin, 1 Charleaton, AuKnata, " Havannah, " Thomaavllle.Ga " Jacksonville 1 40pm i km) m Atlanta. 1040pm 7 3Sam 1 8(1 nm MontKom'y, Mobile, 1 I" New Orleans 7MOpm I No. 64 Lv. Biwrtanhnric, Ar. Hcnderaonviilc, " Asheville, 840pm A07pm , Ttitipm No. 60 1 No. 83 No. 84 I.v. Aahevllle. 740am 444pm loom BSOpm 8 41 lain 1148nm 83(pm 444pm Htim HAOpra 7 18am 1 1 4Aam 70pm SSOpm Ar. HotHprmgs 30am 1 lopm 618pm 610am T40am 93" lam 1 10pm A 40am 6 3t)pm 7 4flptn Kaoxvllle, " Chnttan'aa, " Naabvlllc, " Mcmphia, t.v. A.hevil.e, Ar. IliitHprins-s " Knoavtlle, " Lonlavllle, " Cincinnati, " Chk-avo, " St. Loula, ,1ilpm J l aopm MIIKI HY BRANCH. No. IS v. AaheviHe. ft 35am Ar. VYararavjMc. 1053am 64Wpm No. 17 Lv. Jarrett'a. SOOam Ar. VYayneavilkt. i 35 om Aahevllle, .945pm f Bleeping cars oa all alght tralas. J AS. L. TAYLOR, W. A. WINBI'RK, U. r. A. It. p A. SX1L. HAAS.T. Vf. Schedule Street Railway. To take effect Friday, March 1, at 8.30 a. m Car leaves Court Hoase .to a. m. " ...7.oo 1 : aim i " , . a IM, From then till Tan. ear Iravca mart knnae every i minntea. Aiao, car leaves conrt aoasc at S.00 p. at. MSB, riYB vKNTo. w AflONR FOR RALB. One aood aew Iwo-hneae waaoa r,,r mM-h leaa thaa coat ; two near I v new one-horae wagona, at a twraaln. Also one phaeton nearly new, a great bargain. Apply to r. K. MclPiTIRK at BKO., marStdSw Aahevllle Meat Market MRS. 8. STEVENSON Ms removae to the Johnston Balldln, rat- t"S avenue, .corner of Charch street, where ah. la prcftaflef S keep rvrolar or tranaleat boardeea. ' ." Table rnrnlabea wit the beat the market Term, reaaoaabla. nsarRlaSaa KISCELLASLOLS. IIEADQUAItTERS For TarCamphorette, White Tar PajxT, White Tar Soap, and other White Tar preparations fortlisinfectiiig, for killing insects, for pre venting Moths in clothing and woolen goods of all kinds. These are products ' ' f - of Tar and contain in con densedform and crystalline purity the principal ingredi- ent to which coal tiir owes its insoctieidal and antiseptic projiertieB combining the convenience itnd .cleanliness of camphor with the efficacy of tar. ", ' s , ' : ' T. C. SMITH & CO. DKUGGISTS, Asheville, - N. C. ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE LADIES ESPECIALLY. We are pleased to announc that our stock of Millinery is now in and ready forjnspec- tion and would be pleased to have the Ladies call. . V Our intention of having a Special Grand Owning ha to be foregone, as Mrs. Mae Nair is so busy with order that we have not the time to give it proper attention. Also wish to announce that our, stock of Dry Goods Fancy Goods, Parasols ant HIeeialties are open for in speetion. With our thanks for past favors and with a determination to merit your continued patronage, . llesiRjctfully, A. WIIITLOCK BROOM FACTORY. HANI ORD N. LOCKWOOD, HaNo-MAUS Brooms), 'Whisks, Hearth and Celling; Brooms. Mm and Factorv urariea a aneclnltv. (tnn. tauona anu pampiea tree. KUiuniy JANES FRANK, PBALBB IB FAM1.Y-5BPCEE.ESAD PROVISIONS A grot for Rcema Creek Woolen Mills. North Mala treet, . Asheville, N. C IcblOdly TLANTJC COAOT Oa and after thia data the roHnnn .o, nles will tie rna over ita "Columbia IHvUion." No. 88 Leaves Columbia S.itO n. m Arrives atcharlctna...... B.80 p. m. - w v ..mum .... I 11 a. nt . Arrives at Columbia 11.88 a. nt innnecunn wltn tralna tn and .11 gitata and Columbia k lirrrnrutc Kailroada. M.n,.un in, Lninuttc. uratimltla Jb A T. M. BMBRHON. Gen. Pass, Aft. J. r. DnVINB, Gen. Bupt. YB- WOLPB, PUIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. Alt kinds of cement wot k none. Johtima- and kalaoanialaa nnunnil. traded to. V Kealdenre. I'lartoit Ht ' (Mm r. Ljt with W. H. Weatall Co. MMit. ANBW PKKD, carerutly prepared bv lead in members of the A.lwville bar (oa Mneat parchment and heavy Sat paper), cor . j inntB, jawi n.i ana now I on .ale at the otfc of the Ctni.it pi ai.MH. I im Co , No a North Cnmw Soaare. (laalatf KEAL ESTATE. Wli.TBS B. Gwrw. W. W. Wet. GUYii a 17EST (Saccraaurt to Walter B.Gwyn) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE. Loan Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Pub.lc. Commissioners ot iJecda. FIRE INSURAKCE. OFKICe-Santhcaat Coairtilqaiare. Wm. 91. Cocke, Jr., REAL ESTATE AND OERAL BROKER, Asheville, N. C Can adl yon one millioa acres of land, in tracts from. 80 to 100,000 acres. Have a number of city lots, Imiiroved and anim proved, which I can sell oa the best of terms. If yon want a larxe or small farm call on me. If yon want minerals of any kind, yon need go no further. If yon want timber lands. this is headquarters, la fact I can suit yoJ ia anything you want In my line. Servkcaofa flrst-claas civil engineer and practical surveyor engaged to show up all property whea required. I have bad fifteen years' experience la the real estate business. and think I know what will please. Prompt attention to ail inquiries. fcb34dlv JT W. CORTLAND, Real Estate Broker, INVESTMENT AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, Patton Avenue, Barnard Building. R-hOdly D. S. WATSON, Real Estate Agent, . Offers for tale the best lot in Asheville for a Hotel two acres on Patton Avenue between Bailey and Grove streets. Also, some very fine residence lots for sole centrally located. : (jood business lots for sale at the Old De pot. . Pins farming lands, timber lands, etc, for sale, near the city. FOR RENT. Pour splendid houses furnished and unfur nished, for rent. - D.8. WATSON, dtmnyl Asheville. N. C. INSURANCE. J?IRB INSURANCE, F1HE. LIFE. ACCIDENT PULLIAM & CO. At the Bank of Asheville, A8HBV11.LB, N. C. Represent the following companies, vis. : viva. casu asskts inTj. s. Anglo Nevada, of California, $2,7,H33 Continental, of New Yord s 4,878,23 Hamburg-Bremen, of Germany 1,12!1.6U London Aaaurancc, of England 1,8-13,5 Niagara, of New Vork 3,237.4!3 Orient, of Hartford 1,887,6112 PhtEnix, of Brooklyn 8,084,179 St. Paul Fire and Marine, of Min- neaota , 1,81 .001 Sonthem, of New Orleans 430,84 Wcatern, ol Toronto l.OJU.Maa Mutual Accident Aaaoclatton. Aitna Life Insurance Company. dtmar2ti THB EQUITABLE LIFE AsiHirance Society oy THB USITKD STATUS. Asseta ..099,O4,9.9A ""mjus 90,794,715.13 t'K .nitn any oilier v.oinpanv.1 OutstanlineAttiiurunce,..9s49,ai6,iai.ao Writt.il in ist8 1.V1.9.I.I.S31.00 luniine .-uuciea wtin in anil Mil year pe riiida arc the most popslar and proti table , ... MRU I ftfllXa Por examples, rates, etc., confer with E D. Monroe, Ag;t., Asheville, N. C. leliXHdllm Office with Judxe Anton OFFER EXTRAORDINABY I For the neit thirtv dnva we will aell ar lots In t'BOHPBCT PARK, West Asheville, on atu-h favorable terms that homeacckers win oo wcu to come and deal with ns. Only io Per Cent Cash Will he reunited, and the balance can hem.He payaoic mim i nt,i ii acairen. mltB H per mil. inurrcai irum ante oi trnnaier until paltl. These lots are valued from 1SU nutoS.viMMi ano ine price, art uKn them are baaed upon actual sales of similar lot. adjoining. The Electric Street Railway la beina ratildlv niMlmt it rmn. o.i. i.. ltroposcd terminus, thus brlnnlnR these lots in quk-k and easy communication with the Square, and other principal parts of the dty . We Have Entire Confidence In the value of theae lota, anil hmr frara in leaving- nine-tenths of the onrchaae money at interest. The nrat to come will se cure cnoice 01 mts. Apply to CWIN & WEST, mar33d tf ' 8. B. Court Square, JV) KENT. Two larar snnnre room, commnnleatlna . vu,k.h who iiu.ni. Apply to M K.J. McCAI'B, aprSdtf - 1 .74 Main St. THE $HEyif.LE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Rooms oa Mai stftrt, opposite the post Ottrn daily, eicept Snnilays. from 10 a. m. until I p. m., and 4.80 until 6,80 p. m. ine term, ot suiiacrlnttun an.: t .... daily i 7m' ' " f ' pun'i Oflicera lor lSKIVpr, Vka-Creaiilent, Charles omcera lor ISSp-Preaident, B. B. Rawls raiij, vnanes y . V oolacy : Sec. and Trsaa U.B. Watson iUbrariaa, UIm H.J. Trsaa., Hatch. Citieraa and vlaitora am nmliit. to la.tKvt tne calakHrue and iuaerll h. amca aa oiemocra, fcbHdtf D. II. REAGAN. -WITH- kekry s. ki:;s & SC"S, IlardTvnre and Cutlery, BALTIMOKE, MP. Rewr to I. W. Blames. auras dtla. HOTELS. STRICTLY F;r.ST-CU:S Pil.UTE e: '. .3?, THE TIIOilAS HOUSE. NliAB BATTERY PARK. Is now untkT mtirctv new management. and will be kept in strictly first-dusa style. TRANSIENT OB ItGl LAH BOARDElta TAKEN Northeru Cooking. Rate Reasonable. MRS. E. LACY & SON. Trojirictora. dtf A DELIGHTFUL EXCLTiSiCl I ASHEVILLE TO HOT SPRINGS. Round Trip Tickets only S4.S0, including a full day's board at the . ' ' . ' ' ' MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL; The Baths in Marble Poola and Porcelain Tubs arc the finest and most laxurlons in America. The Hotel is NEW- AND FHWT-CLASS In Every Particular. UNBXCELLED IN ITS CUISINB. The place is a charming spot, nestled among and sheltered by Pine-clad Mountains where there is no tug, no dust, no malaria. Pure and abundant water, and absolutely perfect drainage. dtjulO HICHLAND HOUSE, - Corner Main and Depot, '' WAYNESVILLE, N. C. Rooms newly furnished. Fare the best the martlet affords. Good sample room. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Terms: $1.00 per day. G. D. L. ALLEN & SON, Proprietor. A NEW HOTEL IN BRYSON CITY. The Swayne House. One of the best In Western North Carolina.1 Snmmer and winter resort. Nature's sanita rium. Scenery and water unexcelled. Terms . moderate. GEO. N. BLACKBURN, Prop'r. marlSdnm GLOBE HOTEL, Ilendcrsohvillc, N.C, , . Situated on the crest of the Blue Ridge Mountains, with an elevation of 3380 fret, dry air, pure water and saqdy soil, whcn mokes t a haven of rest for those sunerinn; from pulmonary complaints. For further information address ' Dr. T. A. ALLKN, Prop'r, apr4dlOt cronvUe,NC. j. c. buovn, MERCHANT t TAILOH, 93 Patton Avenue, (Newt to Orand Central Hotel, ' aprSdly - J. V. BROWN i Will continue the undertaker's bualnestiat his old stand over J. B. Dlckersoa & Co.'s -Hardware Store, under the ' firm name of J, V. BROWN & CO, ' , . ' a ' Jt Having thirty years' experience aa under. taker and etnbalmer, and anequaled facilities for buying, can safety guarantee satisfaction. Calls, promptly attended to at all hours. Bverything pertaining to the business al ways on hand. frhlSddm nninoTs M DENTIFRICE A TRUE TO I LET LUX U RV. or AMPt-UTti-y pom jwBFBifiTf CAUTIFIC!! THf TffTH. W 'WsUWY TO THf KNAIIlj,,' WITHOvf rcUAt M A Tplilf" r'tPMATIQf,. JMlltit M CEFITf fca aoTTtt" L T A LI VSUtdlSTa. M. WlNKCtMAIIN CO.. fntr-. itiwh. m For snlr by J. 8. GRANT, dawtaa2R

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