: ; f ' i i i ' ' ' Absolutely Pure. Thta powder nerrr rlee. A marvel of por Ity. ettrnh and whnleeomeneiie. Moreeco omlcal than the ordinary kind, and cannot be aold iu eMnjietltla with the niultituik of low te.t, short weight alum or phosphate Piwdere. hold only in ran. Royal Hakiko Co., too Wall St., New York dfewtaprlT PROFESSIONAL CAHDS. Thbo. P. luvtoeun, Thob: A.'jimbs Raleigh. J A. O. MAtTia, Asheville. Asheville. )AVIl80N. MARTIN & JONES, Attorney aad Couaeellor at Law, Asheville, N. C. Will nriire in the 11th and 13th Judicial Dl.trxts, i-d in the Supreme Conrt ofNorth Carolina, and in the Federal Court! of the Wcatrrn Diatrict of North Carolina. -Refer to Bank of Asherille. dtsel THE UTTLE ONES. Tbe lUiie ones i paste, we so. ami huof woutxe nake m: el, awruun opte bar a Tiu-y from our uialm aeae ua KT oft ere half the slrhi a e ar. Tony t ua from our dnammr. AaJ must rta aod walk the Sour uaui utey ease thee- Railroad Tickets to all Points bouvht. sold and exchanged. 9 S. Public Square, next to Barnard Uuildinjt. all St. Paul Glol: There are no rounds nl drinks in the ladder of success. whe U. 1. 0UDOBK, H. B. CAST BR, , JULIUS ,C. I QUDGER. CARTBR & MARTIN, Attorneys at Law, . - ASH li VILLI, N. C. Oifice hours: From 9 a. m. to p. m. CHAS. A. MOUKS. DITPP HKRRICK. HjTOURB & MBRRICK, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, ! -v Ashevmc. N.C. . . . Practice tn the' United States Circuit and Pintrict Courta at Ashryille. KUtesvHIe, Char lotte and Greensboro, in the Supreme Court at Kaleiich, and in the courta of the Twelfth Judicial District of the State of North Caro- , Hia. . : Special attention'' given to collection of cluima. Partnership does not extend to practice hi Buncombe Inferior Court. dtocS J. a. msbbiuon. T, H.COBB. OBB 4c MERRIMON, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. " Practice In all the courts. Office: Nos. 7 and 8, Johnston building. dtsea w. w.jonbs, obo. A. siiuroKD. JTONBS c 8HUFORD. ,. f Attorneys at Law, Asherille, N. C. - Praoties in the Superior Courts of Western North Carolina, the Supreme Court of the State, and the federal Courts at Asheville. Office in Johnston building, where one mem bet of the firm can always brfound. dtnovll JOHNSTONE JONES, arroiNBr amd counsellor at law, . :.. ' abhbville, n. c. Practices in the United States Circuit and District Courts at Aiheville. in the Supreme Court at Raleigh, and in the Courts of the Twelfth Judicial District of the State of North Carolina, and elsewhere, as his services may he required. .' " ian23dtf rrhspi our rasbsna a deplore: utdulm la vishuur. Biaybs. " W- hart rrraelned hacbetor " T .' Whiiasiiunna, -Steep, aw babyr j wooder why we look a wife, While wrath within as suread kk And this of all Uw iua of lif s A squalling babs the worst hv A Bui wane (run death Is borerine: hicb (Fsrflkaant may that day be!) "Take all we own. 0. Lord- we cry. "But spar to as lbs baby " -Boston Courier. Thea.ee Beaton aad the Boy. Many years ago a slim built youth was trudging through the stiwts of New York, bent under tlie weifrht of a diwen conies fif Benton's 'Thirty Years in Con gjess,". bound together by a strap. Entering a small park )i rested on a rustic seal. Presently a largo man sauntered along, noticed the boy and hia load, sot down and began to question him. "Why are you losing timer" he asked. - "1 can make it up on the home trip ben I shall have nothing to carry. "Why are vou uot urovuliul with a handcart or barrow T My employers orovide none and I cnt alford to buy one." "Do you read The Bunt" ' "At odd hours I do." "Look in the editorial column iiv morrow and see what is said of vnur employers. " The youth ? did so. and found a scathing article denouncing the firm tor overloading its messengers and treating them like beasts of burden. But before the man had left the hov in the park he asked him to took at the portrait in the front nart of the books and see if he recognized it. The bov complied, then hurriedly looked at lus chance acquaintance and said in aston meni: ' Why, it iayou T "You are riirhti I am Thomas H Benton." . The boy was James Eairan. now a wealthy liquor merchant of Chlcaga MJhicago Times. faets Aboat' Immigration. One-fifth of the immigration to this port from Europe last year was from two countries which hare only r cenUy begun to contributajo our pop ulation-luny ana Kussia. tne re port from Castle Garden shows tlmt out of 383,030 immigrants for the year w.bM were Italians and 82,1137 were Russians . The immigration from these two countries was as nigh' as that from Germany, and the immigratiou from Italy alone was just about equal to that from Ireland. We are informed that very nearly the whole body of immigrants class! fled as "Russians" belonged to the Hebrew race, and that they find life here so much more de sirable than they found it under the czar of Russia that they are encour aging their brethren whom they left behind them to follow their example in coming to America. New xork Sua JJ H. DOUGLASS, D. D. 8. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST. Orer Orant & Wlngert's Drug Store. ' Residence, i(o.9H Bailey St. feblOdly Re H. REEVES, 1). D. B. DENTAL, OFFICE I In Connolly Building, orer Redwood's Store, t'atton Avenue. . KblSdly J J K, BUKOIN, M. O. OFFICE I NewOrand Central Building, over Big 22 Clothing Store, ' febtTdtm P, RAMSAY, P, D.S. Pental Office i In Barnard BulldlnB'-Entrances, I'atton Avenue unit Sialu Street. ftbJIKlly If any deaW says he has the W, I. Pouglaa heae with eat aanae aad priee stawipeoV as the bottom. But fc.Ua dews as a fraud. '".' I ;...'i)i: ill" ''V V W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE Wat In the world. FOR GENTLEMEN. Jfrramfne his EM rilCNniNH MANIt-HKWKn HHVBl ;IJM POI.HIK AND FABMrBS' SHOB, f .ft0 KXTRA VAU'B CAl.r HHOK. iii ai nutu ar f sj u a w J Ulf HL" Su vTUtYniiiumnn a p""'w mim S.00and Sl.l BOV9 SCHOOL SHOE. AU iumIb in Oonxms, Button aad Laos. , V. L. DOUGLAS G3 GHOZ ld,".i. . Itaat MatarlaL Brt Style. Beat Flttta. , uaot sola by your am, . , . :. W. U IXJUGLAS, BKO0KTOK, VAM, ,' : Forsaleby nERRHVG eft WEAVER, 80 South Main Street, ' Asheyille, N. r 0 aV. Ttr little boy, I yssrs old, was ick f with a Ulsriws for which, doctors " f- no name. The Balls came oil hut in- ft) tm. and me pnwrs cams ea wi wre hM l Vsnt. iot I yurs h n(Tfirj'd drilfillr:hoa iittliig' sad I nn 'iutlAM Swllt'g Hpoclle IS ths chief csom 0 kis usproremmt. Of kis uapromnmt. Jobs Dsi Jsa. IS, lf)fl. . - fen, Bt SINl.tS AND rUUsl RC. There are times when a feelini? of lnsai- tude will orcrcomr the mmt robust, when the system era yes for pore blood, to fur nrah the elements of health and strength. The best remedy (or purilying the blood is Dr. J. H. McLean's Sarsaparilla. Pittsburgh Chronicle: The hotelcWk's training consists largely of inn tuition. Haw Ooctom Conqater Death. Doctor Walter K. Hammond savs : "After a long experience I bare come to the conclusion that two-thirds of all the deaths from coughs, pneumonia and con sumption micht be avoided if Acker's English Cough Remedy were only care fully used in time." This wonderful Rem edy ts sold under a positive guarantee by Richmond Disiuili-ht The turfite refers to hisVilc'i 9-o 'clock. vn,wn as a home stretch. " The Delicacy oir Woman. 'Like the lily once mistress of the field, woman often hanes her head and per ishes, trusting to innocence and love to protect." Her eye may if row dim, her cheeks pule before her hps will reveal the secret of her suffering. Appreciating this element in woman s nature, lr. K. V. rierce has prepared a remedy, colled Favorite Prescription," adapted eajie- dnlly for tlie diseases and weaknesses pe- t'ulinr to women, and placed tlie same on sale by druggists. Ask tor the ravonte I'rescnption, and yon can cure yourselt without publicity, and without heinK 8uniect to tne examinations ol sureeons. r ull directions with each bottle, it is the only guaranteed cure. See guarantee on every oouit .wrttuner ? A Norristown Herald : Aydunirmnncan't take his girl out skating this winter, but he can let her slide. CnL Lice's ttoeiautie Han-lace. An incident in LU.'uri's life which Glustrales his aerretiye power, which-is enenUairy necessary in ft private seo- reury. is found in tlie wsy in which he was married. II J wife was tearhing music in a female seminary of the Methodist persuasion in Indianapolis when she attracted tbe attention of Mjv Ilalford, and a warrn attachment sprung up between them. Miss geraia s parents removed to Franklin, Ind.. and subseouently to Eltrin. Ilia. but separation did not cool the ardor ol tne youtiK people, wno correspond ed regularly, although the parents of tbe young lady bad no idea lliat mat ter were assuming serious shape. Mias Fitzgerald at length wrote that her family were to go to Chicago on a vuut, and she would accompany them. They proposed to remain about three noura in Indianapolis on ineu jour nev.- i Ualford thought that would be a good opportunity to. nave tlie nuptial kaot tied, and he made his arrange ments accordingly. When the family reached Indianapolis, Ilalford met his fianoee at tlie depot, put her into a carnage, and they were driven to a ministers bouse, where tiiey were When her family were ready to resume their journey, Uteiruaue-hter (now Mrs. tlal ford), although the old folks knew nothing of the affair, was st tlie depot to avuoomoaiiy them, Ilalford bade his bride good-by, she was whisked off ny uie train, anu ne reiurnea quieuy to nut work at tne journal otnee. He didn't see his bride for six weeks. By that time he had made arrange ments for oer reception, and he went ...ti i w nor uuine in tuviu w lown uer. T j "l.L I There he revealed their relations to her parents and took his wife to her new home.. But one or two of his most intimate friends had any idea that he was married untti he brought bis wile to Indianapolis. Washing ton Biar. STATE KKWt. MISCELLASEOCS. i7) 1i 1.BOO FERT ABOVE TIUB-WATBK HICKORY, N. C. CLrvtATR UNSUKFASSUO. Sick heudiicbc, biliousness, nausea, cos- tivencss. are prompt! v and aerceablv nniatl meda man and wifn luinihl hv Itr I 11 M..I I on, I ? . -i i. 1.-! I t.?l! . .1 . ituincy i iiKis iiittie puis.i New Orleans Pkuvune: There is but little poetry in a gas bill when tbe meter is out ol order. . Even the most vigorous and hearty people have at times a feeling of weari ness and lassitude. To dispel this feeling takcltJ. H. McLean's Sarsaparilla; it wiu impart vigor and vitality Rochester Post-Express: men do not have to wait for cold weather for a these. '. , ' Gov. Fowle has appointed S. M. S. Robinin commutctiouer of wrecks for the Fifth district. The Mecklenburg Presbvterv is in ses sion at Matthews Station, Mecklenburg county, this week. . A local option election at GoUUboro as been onlcred to be held on the second Th City of Hickory can justly Uy claims to many pleaeaat aad aatural advaataxes ae a WaycuityT COmmiMiOBCT" M '""W "rt f ""'U and la.id situated -lti.onth.ere.tofoa.ofth. princir! A portrait of John Hall, one tthe first nine R.dg, in the west, and diridln, the be.utifuj three judges of the supreme court of the tawua Valley. For hunting and fishinc thl eectioa of Western North CaroUaa U greatly Ik ded1nT.Preientt, t0 St4t bj OUd- -ri-hbo'iD d "d in a. anUmited variety of ,w . and fish. Ahretn Charlotte laesday dest roved l the residence and store belonging tol George Etheridge. The loss is $1,500; partly insured. In Vilkes county, Tuesdav, John Fur-I row, a negro, was shot in a iiuarrcl by a I negro named Bates. Both parties were I dnnking. rurrow will die. Prof. F. P. Venable. of the I'ulvtrsitv. has gone to Eurojie, wlierc he will rvintiin I until about oepterabrr, engaged mnnilv mine prosecution 01 studies in tneocr- man aiuvcrsilics. Will Roach, of Keidsville, while couiv ling cars at the Air Line; JniK'tiow, m-arl v.nnrHitc, Mttuninyi nml ins arm so badlv crashed that amputation, between I l I I .. e . tucciouw auuaiiuui .11 WW it amputation. U-twecn 1 ' - n y " " r ulilcr, was found neccs- I fvil I " . I .JLxlaMa. o 'i . t fLrt-Lf-' timer, an aged preaclar J H M' t-7-?' 'T pf r-, 5)WN y.dieii in bis buggy. tj&Jr'W? JtT4tZ,& sary. Rev. William Turner, of Forsyth county day or two ago while tm bis way home from church with bus wile, tie was sev enty-three years of age and had preaclicd nity years. The Salisbury correspondent of the Charlotte Chronicle says: "From the best sources, and those reached by first- class politicians, you can count on Hon, U A. Hinnlinm beinir the Internal Reve nue Collector for tins district. SOT If health and life are worth anything, and yon arc feeling out of sorts and tired out, tone op your system by taking Dr. J. 11. McLean s barsapanlla. Boston Transcript: Mrs. Munniwell wants to know if the last lunar ecKpse was partial or imnartial. . " I .i it li i t I I . . ... ii. i ' - . i ue tue une wmcn neia ner, out me uuziucbb, nuusca, urowsincss. oistress atrain. waaan otco.1 n wu miw. h a after eating, can be cured and nrevented Ha bad nothing with him tocutit, V.r J, ,VT" " ",,cr ",IU ana as tne boat was tasting disappear : L i i. . i j i , ma uoiuw iuo Burioce, aim uimseii with it, he grabbed the rope with a Oaawwd See Rle life. The East port. Me.. Sentinel relates this exciting incident of the great 'Wednesday storm" of Ausrust. 1888. If ever a man escaped "by tlie skin of his teeth," here is an instance of it During the severe blow, the Qshinir schooner Randolph, anchored at liar bor Delute, Csmpobello, dragged from her moorings and went adrift There was uo oue on board, as the crew all lived near by, and were ashore for tlie night. . ,: ,v In the morninsr the skinner. CanL Malloch. went in search ol his craft. and found her on Spruee Island Point Ue boarded her and hoisted the fore sail. A stiff breexe from the west car ried ber off the rocks, but as a hole had every year. been stove in ber bottom, and she was I Co half full rA rnfnf. alia jtenaivAi an1 I sunk in ten fathomi of wnt J Boston Courier: Cant Malloch iumned into the boat which was made fast to the stern of theaSohooner. . He tried in vain to un- An Kphrraautitatlc Htatement. Is there anvthint; is this world so vile As the pestilent presence of Ktcntbilc ? we nave it, we Date it, we ail revnc The noxious nausea, as did Cnrlylc. But why bewail what soon is mended ? Take P. P. P. and have it ended. All praise the power of "Pierce's Pellet," n ise people buy and druggists sell it. The "HICKORY INN" is built of Brick, 8tone and Iron, ha. all modern ImprovcaKata, Gas and Electric Bells in each room, and la well heated by furnaces; Hot aad CoM Water Bath, and Toilets on each floor. U ekuajitly furnished throughout. Tbe tabic will be sup plied with the best the market aS'ords. Bacurskintsta to or from Asheville can stop over at Hk'kory. Por information as to climate, etc., address FRANK LOUGIIUAN, Prop'r, RATES a.S0 to 3.S0 iWr Dav. iinaua sl per wccK. HICKORT, K. C. Hoston lost: Love is eeiicrous. sings the poet, but nevertheless there is I more or less Cupidity connected with it. Carclesus Mothers. Many mothers have permitted tlicirl children to die before theireyeswhentftey I mieht have been saved. Any mother) who kceiis house without a txittle oi l Acker's English Buhy Soollier at band, runs a risk which she may some time regret. It has saved the lives of thousands of children, and is doing so For sale by T. C. Smith St Although experience is an excellent thing, it does not help a girl who has had a plentiful variety of it in counsnip to a spceay marriage. A BLAIR FURNITURE COMP AH Y, ' Haterlal In a Steamer, The amount of material necessary in the construction of a 1,200 ton steamer is simply astonishing. It takes 40.000 lineal reel of timber, Z5 tons for bog hains, and in all 60 tons of iron, 120 bales of oakum to calk tbe seams, and fully tS.000 worth of paint The cost of such a boat at the yards runs about $80,000, to which an additional 125.000 may be added for f u rnishing. It takes generally about Bye months to put up l.GUu ton boat' and it should last ten years with ordinary care. When the hull of a boat is finished every nook and corner is filled with salt, about 100 barrels beinir Used for a 1,200 ton boat This is done to prevent the rotting of the timber, and, strangely enough, the cabins and upper works usually decay mucn sooner tuan tne null.-uiooe- Democrat Nltro-Cilycerlne for Disease. Nilro-srlvcerine bids fair, say the doctors, to become an important rem edy for diseases of the kidneys; and ex periments are now maicing in cases oi Untrbt s disease. Witro-glycenne of pure quality, possessing all the explo sive jwwera of the substance, is pre Darco in alcohol (which removes the explosive quality) in the proportion of one purt of the nitro-glycerine to ninety-nine of alcohol, and is then preiiareil with sugar or milk in tablets. Thus nrcjwred, it is called "Trinitrin." -F niludclpbia limes. - . A New Gunpowder. At the Royal Powder factory of Wcttcren. in Belgium, a new gunpow der is being made. They call it poudre papierj or paper powder, and it is claimed that a charge of 21 grams (39 grams; k18! r,ua B,lu" ber, nn initial velocity of 6C0 yards to the bull. This is equal to, if it does not Ixt.L tlie Ielxil powder. The ad ditional advantages are attributed to it of not smearing the barrel, or pro ducing no smokf, and of causing little recou. U rank Uesiies tNewspajier. Shall We Dane? Dr. Alva 11. Doby says that a typ ically healthy woman can dunce with impunity, just as sho can ride a horse or play tennis, but, lie adds, compara tively lew American women arc typ ically healthy. Moreover, a woman in a bnll dress is almost invariably iaced loo tichtly, and he never knew w i - i j j:j i a woman wno uauccu who uiu uuv dance too much. Annals of Hygiene. Kidney Fillets (little pills.) Pittsburgh Chronicle: The favorite hvmn of the eum-rhf wine maiden in "Oh . r P" - ' ' mat win ne jaw-niu. Better Than Bloody Battle. General Wheat-croft Nelson savs: "My ! experience in the English army as well as in America, convinces me tnat notmngso purines the blood or adds to the health, vigor and life as Acker's English Blood Elixir." This great remedy is sold ander a positive guarantee by T, C, Smith & j CO. Electric Bitter. This remedy is becoming so well known I and so popular as to need no special men tion. All who have used Electric Hitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is euaran-1 splendid set of teeth with which nature teed to do all that is claimed. Electric ..:U.J 1. : 1 l... I n;ttr will all rliaiB f tlu. Il..r uiHiuiKiuwrai luruuuiniuiiii. snu uj m.,..v,. nr. m a a n a k we w. a dint of vigorous gnawing, finally suo- and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, (Wholesale and Retail Furniture Dealen, eeeaea in cuiung in two a nine "r" .Nr.; I NO. 37 PATT0NAVENUE, Merchant Traveler! Even the moth has his sphere in society. He very fre quently appears tn a dress suit. Flaming Fire In the Veins. We hold positive proof that Acker's btiL'listi uiood ivliicir cures all blood poi sons where cheap sarsaparillas and so called purifiers tail. Knowing this,' we will sell it to all who call at oar store on a positive guarantee. T. C. Smith & Co. New Orleans Picayune: A man troubled with the big-head complaint feels very small alter be Has been cured. strand rope and freeing hia boat, but not until bis head bad been drawn uhder water a number of times la bis efforts to cut the rope. SeaiethlBST la a Nasaa. James Smith suffered some trouble from his surname. Sydney Smith is reported to have named his sons Doug las and Wyndham, not that he had any connection with those noble fami lies, but to distinguish them from the other Smitha James Smith, .when a solicitor, was very much troubled by another James Smith, who came to live in the same bouse. Deeds and confidential secrets went to the wrong Smith.- James Smith determined to put an end to the dilemma, and told the new arrival he must leave. "Whv 1 I J w 1 aS 11 e . a snouiu i leaver said we intruder. llTl ea. . mf ".Because, . said james Hmitn. "vou , . r .. are dames ine second, and must abdi cate." There is something in a name. impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all I malarial levers. For cure of headache. constipation and indigestion try Electric Bitters, bntire satisfaction guaranteed or 1 money refunded. 1'nce 5(lc. and ?1 per bottle at r. L.Jacobs drug store. Ladv "Biddv. have vou seen the little stutted bird 1 had in my bonnet ! Biddy "Yis, mum ; 1 put it in the soup tn H..L. 11 a Kill. w Hinnv it u u.iiv .iv.ivi, . Dyapcpala, Despair, Death. These arc the actual steps which follow indigestion Acker's English Dyspepsia! Tablets will both check and cure this most fearful of diseases. Guranteed by T. C. Smith Bi Co. TOWN LOTS FOR SALE I Aiid Undertakers. Prompt attention given to all orders day or uight. Resideftce i 39 Penland Street. frbldty STARTLING, BUT TRUE. THE BIG 22,: 18 3-4 ACRES, la Conanmptlon incnrablef Keao tneiouowmg: Mr. t. H. Morris, The Duke of Newcastle, of borough U-ylng near the "Oakland Inn," ovcriookinn Nrwm Arir. anva w tn riiturn ujif n I : I i i 1 I abscess of lungs, and friends and physi cians pronounced me an incurable con sumptive, . Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption: am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my tarm. It is the finest medi cine ever made." lease Middlewart. Decatur. Ohio, anvs Had it not been forW. Kin it's New Dis covery lor Consumption 1 would have died ol lung troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in the best of health.' ' Try it. Sample bottles free at Tacobs' drugstores, , Mrs. Fnnirlc "Well, this ia atranire!" Mr, FnngTe "What is it, my dear? ' . "A man in Paris hus taught an ape to black his shoes." "Oh, there's nothing remarkable about thnt nivdenr.rveoiWnhirdr.fmni,v. V"0 nd djd not bear. As he passed .hine, through the waiting room to pu foiaoneo y es.tr-"? I (ii t,m iimle our with wrle Sim I mItot . tlie well ft P Uie ltva M s snaiinf hi eon Inrt wHI ct Snes. Tlie nlcerverdeepiWI pln liii a Ai rlinwrtl bo Aielliutln to keel, I pre hiss tifisHiMlBe,aaele'"wU. . . JVh, X '(, , Jons r. iisaas, Aabnrn, Ala, Heat for hooks nn UlnoS PMam A Skin PlereaM, 'ree, Bwin arson Ve,, AUeuta, tie, . Ian inrhenii . LeIIlTAe0 LIssIa.ea-UT KF Ata rNTLAMaf S.TH1H. OLD anUES CAk0 BUfiAaTli .ln-nCT UHtbl A 6t. liouls sportsman recently pro cured in Oregon a trophy that is one of the giwtest curiosities of its kind in the world. It consists of a large and mrfect nair of caribou ilntlers, which are entirely covered, With tine, close. growin 01 uair. c '- ' 1 ' . -' i V A Lime crow hclotis-lni ta farmer neer Hitlwwnv. Out. has Ism taught tndistiiiguis'i colors, and will pick out' from a pile of crtielesor various co or ono of any color usked for. AnecdoTrw0-neraf Orant. "General Orant, on bis return to this Ziin i anid to have been severely af- c;m-a uiiih a rniiirh contracted while crossing the ocean, and which had stub bornly remseo to yieiu iu an; "p'.in" k trirnA tmiciirrd lor him a bottle Ol Qm,,l,,.. ami iiv its use in a tew hours lie was entirely relieved. He remarked to hi. friend : "Men look upon me ass great soldier, but this buttle, of mphyx is greater thnn 1. Mycnmng ns necn iu destroy men's lives, but this medicine is S victorious savior of men. I snnll never he without It again," nrw STACGLIIilSEliT mongenng celebrity, was once asked for a day s Ashing by a newly ar rived cleriryman. The renlv was: ine Lnike of Newcastle cannot oom- ly with Mr. Nose's request P. B. inding Mr. Nose's name is Rose, he is pieasea to grant tne request" tempie rar. Aa Rnmble bat True Bern. At an obscure station in northern Iowa three years ago there were two ladies waitimr to take a train. A tramn drunk enough to be ugly and Quarrel some, wnose band, like lshmaers, was against every man, came in and amused himself by directing insulting remarss to mem. ine operator was receiving an order to hold the.coming Alter a sojourn of one year in this glurluus climate of North Carolina, has passed the follow. : ins resolutions, to wit: To sell all goods, comprising a full and complete lint of Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats. Trunks, Valises, etc., at lO per cent, above actual cost : - To select Thursday of each week as Bargain Iay, on which day all goods go at net cost the river, upon which are several as beautiful The success of Hlg Ti has liccn moat Battering, and to keep the ball rolling goods will be sold cheaiier than has ever been oflcred to the trade in the history of Asheville. The Big 33 unoccupied building sites as can be found In gets there. Ell I ' ' , ' Call and be convinced tliut the above statements arc not merely idle talk, but facts ttnde- nluble. Yours to serve, . -. or near the city. Apply to JOHN K. aprll dim ex sun CONNAIXY. DIG 2. ?()R HA LB. Several Ane cows, fresh to the nail. Apply I to k. o. MIl.rilKll, aurl 1 dl m ei sun I'cruiliurst. J3IGEON8 WANTED. 10c. each iriven for alt nlirconfl hrouiflit I witnm tne next iu aays to list 1. W. SUUUUK or J. X. JUK11AN. THE CAROLINA SALOOII, Has the Flncwl and Lai-gent Stock of A Millionaire In m Minnie. Instances are on record where toilers in gold mines and diamond fields, who, by one turn of a spade, a single movement of tlie hand, have been transformed from lienniless laborers to millionaires. But they were not so lucky as istheconsumn- tive who finds a menus of restoration to murderer, no repining at his own fate. I I.I. 1 . I . . . . 1. . i . V. . 1 1 , ' I . , . - T.. neuun, wno icanis mat. ine arena aisensc sent no 1081 message 10 tne loved Ones irora whit-M nesunersisnottncuraiiie.ur. whom this coward's act had bAmft I'tcrce's Golden Medical Discovery will He simnlv extended tha flao whinh h. nuM nnnaiimitlinn I uhtiH M Imiiit wi,lnla t I .iil I f . .. b i. s vm.v ..,... , ,..., . RU nom in tne laaiea and anv ni waiting room to nut out 'i n .! ... . . . tne rea nag tne ladies appealed to dim. He ordered the fellow out and receiv ing abuse in return attemnted to nuah him through the open door, when the brute pulled a concealed dirk and stabbed him. The operator, knowing it to be his death wound, made no out cry, had no word of reproach for his GILT-EDGE PROPERTY FOR SALE WHISKIES, i BRANDIES t AND i WINES, AT AUCTION, lUouday, 13th day of May, '89. liver llrought to Ashewille. nmr.llilly and nothing else will. Por all diseases of the blood, such as blotches, pimples, eruptions, scrofulous sores and swellings, it is uncqualed. it is guaranteed to cure hi nil cases of diseases for. which it is rec ommended, or money paid for-it will be promptly refunded. iff "Put it out" (ell lifeless at their feet -Oftkes (U T.) (Jot. Minneapolis Tri- Dune. . '" ' Thick. Mortar la Brickwork. 0. D. Detnnser in The Architect London, saysi One important rule has be observed in order to produce brickwork, vis., that the mortar should be as thick as it may be, or as I i; iT . . iicari v appruacning me solid lorm SS Avlo wothens. 1 consistent witt) tne degree of plat- Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syntti should c,ty ential for. Its proper distribu- always be used for children teething. It Monanq penetration Into the joints, soothes the child, soRens the gums, al- while the bricks should be thoroughly lays all pains, cures wind cone, and is the weiiea on ine sunace. By tnese means best remedy for diflrrhei '- bottle, the adhesion between them ia rendered Binghamptoo Republican ; The bustle is one of the things by means 01 winch art gets the bilge on natnrt, On the above dav we will nftr liir sate at liniinc auctlun on tne urounua witnout re- wrvf. thnt vmImmIiI firiim-rtv fin Cfilli'ii' Btlil npruce streets belonging to fttrs. inos. 11, give me a van Carter. It has a house with 10 rooms and all neces sary outhouses; is ISO feet on College street and BOO ieet on Spruce, and within 70 yards 01 tne i'uoiic cxiaare. 1 nis is a rare chance to uuy a restnence, business lot or make an investment within the verv heart of the city Terms of Bale -SIS per cent cash, remainder in six, twelve, eighteen and twenty-four montns' time, witn h per cent, interest, pay able semi-annually, on deferred uaynicnts. The pro,ierty will be offered iu lots and then as a whole on day of sale. Both dtisea and stranger are requested to can on us at our omcc on j-uimc square, Hur- nam new Dunning, wnere all uenimiinionna. tion wiu dc Bivea, Tiuee gnaranerea. i Natt Atkinson & Sons, I Agents for Mrs. T. D. Carter. spriuais J. N. MORGAN & CO., No. 3 Barnard Building. School ond Collpfxe Text Parties wlolihig a K'hmI article for family or other purposes, will find It to their m tercet to leicclfully, . ' ! Frank O'Djonncll, Prop'r. Angelina Do you love me. Ed win ? Edwin I would go through tbe fire for you. The Old Man (entering suddenly HAH right, my boy, that's just what you'll go through right now, i,Kres nim.j the more nerfect, and toe subsequent Hooks, ahlllline. I'oet, Hin mount of shrinking and settlement is toryi JtoniariCfJ, BioirrapllV, reducea to a minimum, f iVn.rin v., Uibles. S. S. Biblcm and Tewt condition of the blood. Pure Wood con- nmonfo flvfp! - Tmrinrn' .. S- . - I : - eaaaaas li fat I 1 V ' VrtVa Atn litt" everv decayed or affected part. Strong Bibles, BoniT UoOKS , 01 all jl!$lL m 11 1 -I J sT . r m J : 1.1 . eL. 1 1 I k 1 L t 1 a . ... . 1 nprvra ann rimer i nitrniiiin ciiaaiiKH inr irinda in ffni u t it L' .tiit i r ntiTxr Thebe.ttivein the world for ct., 2! S" rVtliUii Booku and Office and bruises, soirs.okTTs, salt SupplioH. Npw line sores, tetter. snapped nsmis, cm. mains, . - ncw,Te1 T ... rorne anil all akin eruntions. and post- i .j. u . uit?o - aim uniun lively cures piks, or no pay 11 iL,lmffl. ThTgenuine is made only bookg lUrlt OpeiltMl SlTffMC lryBn,wnChemkalCompany.Bnlt aild Dollfl. ZTvL 1VTZo. 11? Sold by all dealers mmcdicnes. fcbtMU Fancy SIIEPAllD, MANN & JOHNSTON," 1 FUliERAL-DIRECTORS, EMBALMING AND SIIIPPIN.G A SPECIALTY. 31 31- .31 PATTON AVENUE. P. 11. Brcwtou will attend Calls Day and Night. ' maraidly nusTAKG li::i::.eut nusTAna u::i:.:eit r.:u3Tnr:a li;:i::.eiit hustaiid uimm wsivx u::::.:::;t OITKEfl BIlr.l'M ATlnm, iUKi list; AXD BTIKK JOlNTi BUB IN IIAIU) CTTIE8 HOTXOWTf QltW, CAKKD BA08, 0BUB uoor wna ui uaxiuki to von Misr s nirT wrwvrtiiTii'a i;iibm 1'iijr.n, MtiKivn, is, t uttnn, I i)i:ill'.M kiikiimaiicuii, wuii jiUn, 1 sinwii.EAFiiiiLKTiiTnEVF.uiu)NR 1 Bituiyw, uuuAUi8ruotiTinm 1 ctium foot hot, Fnorr.nrn mrr, BCUEW-yVOUfct AND BCAB U tUiXV I

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