1 T y f j 1 4 4.. ' 0 1 A r FSl'MB Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of par ity, utrenirth and wholesomencs. More eco- nontKai than UK ordinary Hinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low teat, anort weignt alum or phosphate powders. Bold only In ran. Motal Hakinu Fiiwdb CO., loo wail at.. New York. d&wtaprt7 PROFESSIONAL CAKlkS. Thko. F. IUviikhin, Thos. A. Jonim, KaKlKO. J". maRTIH. ASnCYIIIC. Asheville. JJAVIDSON, MARTIN & JONES, Attorneys and Councilors at Law, Asheville. N. C. Wilt pr lire In tlie 11th and 13th Judicial District. nid in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, and In the Federal Court of the Western INstrHt oi North Carolina. Krfcr to Bank of Asheville. dtscl H. A. OUDOBB, . H. a. CaBTBB, JULIUS c. MARTIN. JJITDGBK, CARTBK & MARTIN, Attorney at Law, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Office hour: From V a. m. to 4 p. m. V'aAs. a. sioorb. . oorr nitmticK JJOORE MERRICK, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Asheville, N.C. Practice in the United States Circuit and District Court at A sh'riIle,Ststi-villt. Char lotte and Greensboro, ia the Hu pre rue Court at Raleigh, and in the courts of the Twcllth Judicial District of the 8 lute of North Coro- ina. ... .-,.' :.- -... . Kiiecial attention given to collection ol claim. Partnership doe not extend to practice in Duucomue inienor -oun. utuca uuut Newfound laoda. Many year giro, whila living in JWon, I knew slilp master enjagwl io tint Newfoundland Untie, to him 1 rave an order to buy (or me id thai unuoi uia native nogs, and ci- wyvw-u vu jrei one oi uie well kuown biff, long baired animala Tlie captain, however, brouirht man fomula of a smooth, aliort haired breed, which uu kuu was considered by gunners in Newfoundland as the best of water does. When a namia r,.. ... about the size of a small rtoinler. an eighteen or twenty inches, with short black hair on body and tail, the lutler straight, ears small and rather pointed sod with wild and somewh:it wr,lHh eye. like that of an Indian do She was rather savage io temper, except to mvself. and wnuM fln-.i dog of either aex When she was about a year old 1 took her with Jo Chicago, and the first time I had lier out duck hunting she brought out my ducks like a trained retriever. mu;;n sne uuu never before seen a ft-un Hred. 81 le could swim and dive like an otter and no crippled bird could escape her. She would dive oil of the Chicago pier and bring uu s wKiin .l.;i r ii.. i. ... r ' " iufaK. iiviu uie milium in eigll teeu or twenty feet of water. In those days plenty of ducks could ht ftuniH on the river just outside tho villugo, for vmuigu was men nine more in IMU. On the river banks lived Irish squat ters who kept geese, and the Brst lime I took Fan along the river she atlarked a flock of tame geese, killed the gan der and brought Lim to me. and I had to pay the enraged old woman who ownoa uie geese. -Forest and Stream. Railroad Ticket to all nomti hoiiL-ht. sold and eichanTrl. 9 N. I'ubiie Square, ncrt to Barnard Uuilding. aU New Orleans Pica rune: Olfice-arrkcr ho get left will act tin the inaugural bawl Oh, yts, there will be dancinir. There are times when a feeling of lassi tude: will overcome the most robust, when tne system craves for pure blood, to fur nish the elements of health and strength. The brst remedy for purifying the blood ir. J. xl. McLean s oarsapariUa. Philadelphia Press': It hanuena not in frequently that a cashier who run short in bs accounts rans long m his travels. How Doctors Conquer Death. Doctor Walter K. Hammond savs: After a lonir experience I have come to the conclusion that two-thirds of all the deaths from coughs, pneumonia and con sumption might be avoided if Acker's bnglish Cottjrh Kemcriv were only care fully uacd in time." This wonderful Ketn- :ly is sold umlrr a positive ganrHntec hy C. smith & to. T. H. COBB. J. O. UK HI HON. OBB & MEKKIMON, 1 ... Attorneys and Counsellor at Law. Practice In all the courts. Office: No. 7 and 8, Johnston building. - dtae r. W.JON BS. fUNES & 8HUPORU. oho. a. auuruRu. Attorney at Law, ... i ' Asheville, N. C. Practle In the Superior Court of Western North Carolina, the Supreme Court of the State, and the Federal Court at Asheville. Olticein Johnston building, whereone mem ber of the firm can always be found, dtnovll JOHNSTONE JONES, ATTOBNBr AND COHHSHLLO AT LAW, - . - - . ASHBV1LLB, N. C. Practice in the United State Circuit and District Court at Asheville, in the Kupreme Court at Raleigh, and in the Courts of the Twelfth Judicial District of the State of North Carolina, and elsewhere, a hi services may be required. iantfSdtf . H. DOUGLASS, D. p. 8. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., Over Grant Wiagert's Drug Store. ' Residence, No. OS Bailey St. febKXlty R. U. REEVES, D. D. S. DENTAL, OFFICE I In ConnaUy Building, over Redwood' Store, Patton Avenue. ebl3dly f. BUROIN, M. D, f OFFICE I New Grand Central BulldingT over Big 22 Clothing Store. fcbt7dlm F. KAMSAY, D. D.S- pcntal pfflct? In Barnard Building Entrances, Patton Avenue and Main Street. irtaaahY Uia trOttoia. t him dowa as a bu the W. L. Po-jrua :i. L. DOMCLAS SHOE -vjfBtt .11 tiuHi In Ciinitres: Blitwa uo UW V. L. DOUCUQ 03 QHOE i.AIVt as BTisnHal. Bw Stria. Be rit4ai , ,,.v .,Poralebt HltRRING A IWKAVKR) 30 South Main Street, Asheville, N. C japlfldly Tba Ceeeintrla Dvchsss of M on trass, tffl 1 m a m iuo uucness oi Mouirose is vary fond of dress. Her favorite color Ss scarlet and when this elderly Indv (she is 70, 1 believe) is gotten up In a toilet of her favorite hue. sunnleniented with a scarlet ulster, her apiearance is cenaimy peculiar, tine is extremely popular with the lower orders, to whom her grace is well known by sight from her constant frenuentation of race courses. Curiosity took her to go io take a loon at the great Socialist aemonstration in Hyde park. On ai rivimr there she was instantly an. proatilurd by a number of roughs, who proceed od to give her some good natured advice. . "Now. your grace. dont stay here go home and take care of yourself--it isn't a fit place for you." Well, boys, IU gt," answered tlie lady good hunioredly. Audasshe turned awav some one in tho crowd cried, "Three cheers for Caroline. Duchess of Montroso! an a)))eal that met witha heartv resiKinsn "lniuciiie a meeting of British Socialists cheering a tlucnessi continued my informant. I liuvA hMti tfltt hut I Irnw with what truth, tnat the Duchess of Montrose is the lady who became. some thirty-five years ago. greutly at- tacnea to James tsucnanan wnen lie was United Suites minister to London, and who would have married that gentleman had not her relatives strongly opposed her alliance with an American. 1 heard this story several years ago in London, but the nunie of the huiv was lint then stated. London Cor. Philadelphia Telegraph. ... i . Paul's Jealous lit. Lucy Hooper, writing of Pntti's re cent performance in Paris, says: "The diva was far irom feeling content with her reception, though she was enthusi astically applauded and received myri ads of Dououets. But Mine. Patti ii not only frenniedly jealous of any prima donna whose renown so much as approaches her own. but she can not endure that any singer in the com- nany. male or female, shall achieve a success while singing with her. On .i a . . i . v - .1. n l- me orsi iiiedi jean ue Rescue, Romeo, won such a triumph, especially in the balcony scene, that at the close of the act Mine. Patti went into hyster ics and declared that she would not finish the opera an apology must be mada for her and the audience dis missed. It took all tlie persuasive powers of the directors to induce the jealous ittle woman to bring the perr formance to a conclusion. Mine. Patti. who is 47 years old, is beginning tq fee) the advance pi time, and is con sequently twice as cantankerous and quarrelsome as sne ever was perore. ft is pow a question, as to her succes sor n the role of Juliet There is still talk of the unlucky debutante, Mile, Darclee, whose breaking down at tlie dress rehearsal brought about the en gagement in hot paste or pime. imtt But it is also whispered that Mme. Marcliesis Australian pupil, mme, Mclba. will be culled upon to assume the role. Chicago Journal A Maine Mother. Capt Davis of the five masted schooner Governor Ames, built at Wahloboro, Me., had a rcnmrkablo mother, cue was not content wuu bringing up her own eleven wins mid daughters in tlie way they s hould go. hnt onnnnxi two or mree ihiiit iiiu- iln Hhe was the doctor of I ho whole noin-lihnrhnnd. Phvsil'iull i V.IMV feW and inexperienced, as is u ml in small onnntrv n aces, and MI'S I'.tvifi wua always sent for in a hurt y one was sick. Many w she saved from death given up for dead by evn IS now B very nrauni western state. Often 111' two calls for her at om-c case a Couple pi peti cui Provnlence Jnumnl: Happy thought suiH.se we put on a bounty of a cent a pound on woolen vara, iind darn tbe expense. Sick headaclir, biliousness, nutwea, eos- tiveness, are promptly and agreeably iMiiiislicri hy Dr. J. H.McLeau's Liver au'd t-:.t ri:ii.. i i:. .1.. ..:ti. i ivioiKy 1 iiit.is iiiiik; iiiis.i LiiwiII Citfecn: They have "potato socials" in Kansas. The name mny be from the fact that young lolks go tltere to pare. . Even the most vieorous and hearty lieoplc have at times a feeling of weari ness and lassitude. To dispel this feeling take.Df. J. H. McLean's Sarsaparilla; it wui uopart vigor ana vitality. Bitighamton Republican: It was a mean editor that headed the account of a death from tremens "Spirited Away." The Delicacy of Woman. "Like the lily once mistress of tbe field, Ml HINI.HM AMD ri.tCAMl RU. An I r Ursiiiiusllc tHatemcnU Is there anvthing is this world so vile As tlie pesukut prettem vf potent bile? t have it, we bate it, we all revile The noxious nnunra, as did Carlvle. But why bewail what soon is mended ? I Take P. P. P. and have it ended. All praise the power of "Pierce's Pellet,' Viiut people buy and druggists sell it. Burlington Free Items: SKAking of tramps, why is one of the hirsute frater nity like a bAird of cider f 'Because be is sour after he has worked, CaureleM Mothers. Many mothers have permitted their children to die before tbcireyes when they micht have been saved. Any mother who keeps house without a bottle of Acker's English Baby Soother St hand, runs a risk which she may some time tvsrret. It has saved the lives of thousands of children, and is doing so everv vear. For snle by T. C. Smith Lo. ' Ttrre Haute Express: "Our dear sister," said tlie Nebraska pastor, "has gone to a better landVthat is, if there be any hetcr land thnn can be found right here in the Missouri bottoms. Msicklca'a Arnica Salve. Tlie I test salve in the world lor cuts. bruises, sores, ulcers. Kilt rheum, fever sores, tetter. chapied hnnds,. chilblains, corns, mill all skin eruptions, nnd nn- lively euros piles, or no wiy rtiinroil. it is iriuirnnteed to give cr(ex-t satisfnetion, or money refiindcd. Price 2i rents per box. For sale by V. neili. rl;iw Ringhamton Republican: It detracts somewhat from the interest of the report that a man bus been found with two hearts to learn that they were both up his sleeve, ( . . , . . v Dyapepala, Despair, Death. These arc the actual steps which follow indigestion. Acker's English Dyspepsia Tal&ts will both' check and, cure this most fearful of diseases. ' Uarauteed by T. C. Smith & Co. iiuriPintcYS' AMW Vii.aMllUl .W For HortM, Cattls, &hp, Doc, hogs, Poultry. i0 V ACilt BOOR aa Tr st ates! af Aalalsaa4 C har Seat mii-r", l ivnt'"s, InSsmmslUa. 1 s . h.iu.i dli-HlMHliia. tilt frevsr. B.B.-K rams. l.a.ee.. K Sraatalii MISCELLASLQIS. 3 Tf 1,800 PKHT ABOVBI UUIl-WAItM. J u HICKORY, N. C. I CT1MATW. D. V. (,'.-1. tirer, liiM-kargi 0. P. l-rsfcs, V irsi, L. k.-t .as, Ji.taa, H.;, .ssjall V. f,-i olie .r l.rlswa. Bell, . i.-tl-arTlae. Ilewrt Sacra tars. alsw lleiaari hwcra. .- I rlsarv at Kisief lima L rua! Ifiseasea. nisss. laeasesal i;tavstlaa. suahla CaM. with Srarlflea. SUnasI Vi Urk lissrlOUsad alauicaur, Vrtcs,SHjiellvare9ayisaa ' flat a kr PrassUtai ar Vol Presala an Kerala af Prtea, ntrvV C., 10S ifulloa St., a. T. .110 The City of Hkkory can justly lay claim to many pleasant and aararal advantage a a healthful resort for toarist and invalids, situated a Jt la on tbe crest of one of the principal mountain spurs which extend to the Blue Ridge la the west, and dividing the beantifa) Ca tawba Valley. For hunting and fishing this section af Weatrra North Carolina Is greatly noted. The neighboring mountain and streams abound In aa unlimited variety of game and Ssh. !nTJX?3Z.7S' HOjeroPATHic m SPECIFIC h.UQ rlemojis Pcbill-y, Vila! Weakness, 91 tr w j Stvl vial imwtt, 14 tritiptiMHloarMip4tr' FOR 8ALB PY r j. GRANT, . 24 S. Mnln St., AnhrvilU-. K. C. Drunkenness ur at Liqtor rtiDit, foaiuveiy carN ; it MwmTaiM n. asiKr Mini sMtitii N saabs sera hi can at eaSos ar taa ar laat. I Sets si M4. without lb kuow latlxe of theper soa UUag it) It Is absolutely harmless aod will Bffec a aennanent and peidy cure, whslhei wepatMniiaa auHjerawarmieror an aiennoiic IT NIVE.a FAILS. wUuArtAf4TcE asa curs ui every insiaaoa. so ag uuua Addrea In eonfldeno, fSCIflC CO, ISA Bam K. ClnclatU,a fcblSdawly tn th.sst a cmnpleta Philadelphia North American : A recent visitor says tr.e Kinir ol Samoa wears woman often hanes her head and per-1 scarcely anvthine but chin whiskers and .:...-.. .....1 I .. ..: ..f I t., i...i:....- l. protect." Her eye may grow dim, her that he also wears a look of apprelien- cnccKS dhk ucitire iirr niai win reictu unr i sion lusi now. arret tit tier anfffriiiir. Aiiiireciatillir this I " 1 . i. -.1 r . , 1.1 I I . .. i- . lenient in woman's nature, llr. K. V. I l eneci neaitn orpemia hkh a jR-ncvt 'iercc has prepared a remedy, called condition of tne moon, rure oiooo con fuvtirite PntK-rintion." adaoted csne- niHTS every disease and inves tlew life to .itillv fiir i be ilisrnM-s nnrl wriiknesses ue- everv decaved or alTected iiart. Rtmno culiar to women, and placed tlie same on nerves ana periw-i uiKes-iim omuir. wrr ak hv dmirviaia . Aak fi.r the "Favorite system to stand tlie shock of sudden b Mrparnntiiin " mul vnn ran rure vourscil 1 niaivc cnanuca. in uranitiiuu use i without puUicily, and without being I Brown's Iroa BitterS will keep you In a aubiei-t to tlie examinations of sunreons. I nerfe-ct state of health. iJon't be deceived Pull rlin-riwina with each Imttle. It isthc bv other iron nrepnrtilions said to tie only guaranteed cure. See guarantee on jnst as gKid. The genuine is made only FOR UB. ONLY! I DfKITnnC arMBTarAn.IW9 HAirHOOI) w vi a. Osasrsl sa4 V SHV0US BaSlUTT l TTV,pWMswsfB!ysasaiBs: lftts v v fcw r arrsrssr asseswaia wiasr sosnf. iaaM, M BtSHIIU Still ko...rrd. H to lrf. HhrvKuiHrniiaiiiKKs riSTD.isosi. tkaamrlt asMllar TKU1 SkTSeU la S I XsWillrffr II W tVrrMi. siisajrlasaalrfc, I laaauwrnsuMta. at, lallrtplMkUiM, MS pratlfeafellc assiss) ass. assnsi tilt atlitu .,iiAi,a. a S-I.IHHnwlv tthai every bottle wrauner San Francisco Alta : It was a Scotch grave-digger who said. ."Trade's very dull noo, 1 nave na Durtcu a Kevin cretur for a fijrtnight." If health and life are worth anything, and vou arc feeling out of sorts and tired out, tone up your system oy inning ur. J. It, McLean's Sarsapanlla. , .. i Binirhamton Republican: Discharging a Government official is something like discharging a gun. It's the report of it that makes the noise... Dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, distress after eating, can lie cured and prevented by taking !r.J. n. Mckean's uver ana Kidney fillets inttie pws.j Burlington Free Press i The camel is said to have seven stomachs. He must feel like a walking beehive full of mad bees if be ever has the colic. bv Brown Chemical Company, Bnlttnuirc, Md. Sold by all dealers m medicines. TOWN LOTS FOR SALE ! 183-4 ACRES, Lying near the "Oakland Inn," ovarlooking the river, upon which are several as beautiful unoccupied building sites as catt be found In or near the city. Apply to ; JOHN K. CONN ALLY. aurll dim ex sua . . 8ALB. to Several fine cows, fresh to the Dail. aprll dim ex un Apply 11. Fcmihimt. piGBONS WANTED. 10c. each given for all pigeons brought within tbe next 10 day to list I. W. 8LUDBK or J. Y. JORDAN. THE SUN Par s88) And far the Democracy. Better Than Bloody Battles. General Wneatcroft Nelson says: "My experience in the English army as well as in America, convinces me that nothing so purities the blood or adds to the bealtn. vigor and life as Acker's English Blood Elixir." This great remedy is sold under a positive guarantee by T. C. Smith & Co. Philadelphia Ledger: It is not true that Anthony Comstock is back of the men who are leading the fight at Harris burg in behalf of dressed meats, Flantlnsr fire tq the yetna, We hold oositive oroof that Acker's I honest utmost, a ever, to ecure the triumph Enulish Blood Elixir cures all blood poi- the Democratic party and the !nt Kins where cheap sarsaparilla. and sc- n?T'" called purifiers fall, Knowing this, we The great fact of the year I the return to will sell jt to all who call at our Store on absolutepower ol the common enemy oi i an i , Vi ptnitnS V.O. 7 . uverthrow The Sun fouuht at the front for fifteen year, the memorable years of Grant and the Fraud Hayes, and Garfield anu Armur. r believe that th campaign for the a Democratic conirreas in l wu an a Democratic President In lfttt. should begi The Bun bt election, of a in ur aliiiut the fnurth of next March Sun will be on hand at the beginning and un til the end of the most mterestina ana import ant political conflict since tbe war, doing It a positive guarantee; For two yenrs I Ii 4tltimntUni wiuriI t' it cllHnlil-4 m; r r wt-rk list cl.!1liel r-otnl i d t"t If l.olo Jtfr (luring Ml l-i" 1 cnuM (isi.'iiiW lisnns in r.v i : fisrSnnmi; i c n'.tl ' pioviny'1!"''1'"'" miacrq in V a r iiiiiivNi n. v. n tin t; ail hy rt 'lrll" '. only In p"" I"'"- fmslly mk Swift's Bpaelflo, nd ra ' mprow. After w hile mi t M V"K I 'rr " wt Irs months hnvo been as will a I em fi-U bum the .flow of SwUf BdbcIbo. a.s,VM, ." T. Wji IikL . Book on kwu tnd Skin TOsraMs iHo . Bwu?t Brscuns Co., Altanta, 0 laa iaraan.1 f C t c' J a,, j(a. snow rvniii fnenq. v. lit'ii any : lilt' rion ()?; mnn, ai.v t'lsc, '.!:.-.: i of a .. v. o.ild b:t I i.i Oil!' -! ii i- a j' ilf i niiic (alio vun i-t''Mt hi nit' mjle pirqiigb, sinlr VteA of a 1 at tho birth, of every emm piim. in tm Tillaga for 0Yr ("Hy yeur.t. ! v. u. ton Journal. - - 7-. 7-'.-7- lat th Wor "I y Thra are tome nwu in t' v.-orl -I who fwuldn't tell yon Hu-.l tv. l , ivlH lines may oe luminuir - meet, without hUlll'I J v !!l an earnest desire to denounce t ' i-:t:ito- ment w a malicious no. ,ii. i nwy are always excellent people. Ixr.ttm Budget ' - A French, subterranean riv-r lias been explored for i mile or i Jy m MaTteL WDQ oenves rrui i i tMgafions Vaeory of hn i; ; canyons, -- itinlri of uenerai Orant, General Orant, on his return to tms country, is said to bavs been severely af- oi x.j ...uu . nnn,h mntracted wniie metro wuu ..s -, , crossing the ocean, and whah had stub bornly rehised to yieia to any " A friend procured for him a bottle of n . .nH hv its use in a few hours jie was entirely rrncvcu, Life : Chicniro is oraanlxinEB 400 of its w . i r own, composeo mostly oi successmi wheat speculators. They are, ol course, all hjgh-biad personagei, . IS VO"niptlen incurable r Read the following: Mr. C. H. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with alisccssof runt's, and friends and physi cians pronounced me an incurable con- . ii I I. U'l.w.l- Vn, SUmpUVC. ncjfnu luaittK vnit, Bivm UlSCOVerv lor V-onsurnptitinj am now un my third" bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medi cine ever made." Jesse Middle wart, Decatur, Ohio, says: "Had it not been for Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption I would have died of lung troubles. Was given tin bv doctors. Am now in the best of health." Try it. Sumple bottles free at Jacobs' drugstore. " . Merchunt Traveler: The lecturer who remarks, "There is much to be sad on this subject," and then doesn't say rt., is indeed a true pniiantnropisi. a. Bf lUlonaire In a xiite Inaifliicpa are on record where tttilcrsln gold mines an dinillttflvl ficMs, who, by oiietiirnpi asviaup, a smH'v movement ofhfl liaud, tiavebfcn trniislbrmetl from iienupess moiirer n nimiuimua, ui they were not so lucky as istheconsump. live who finds a means of restoration to health, who learns that the dreaddisense from whk'h he sw"rs la not incurable. Dr. ricrce's Ooldcn Mcdknl Dla-overy will cure consumption (whkh Is lutig scrofula) and nothing else will. For all diseasesof the blood, such as blotches, pimples, eruptions, scrofulous sores and swellings, . ' J la I- .n.rXM.JUjl 4-A j4m in nil cai of &wtnn for VhuA it to w oinmendcd, or money laWfot M .1.. aA-awlawt ' .,('! fir," UggJfsg i ' I I it B. M.WOOIXBV. M.U Eaaarta,ta. OfflOSWt WhllhllBV JESf The 'HICKORY INN" a built of Brickt Stoaejand Iroa, baa all saodara Improveswata, Gas and Blectrk Bell In each room, and Is well heated by furnaces; Hot and Cold Water Bath and Toilet on each Boor. 1 elrtrantly furnished throughout. The table win be sup plied with tbe best tbe market affords. Excursionists to or from AshcvlU can atop over at Hickory; For Information as to climate, etc address ' - FRANK LOfJGIIRAN. PropV, KATlia-S'J.on to S.R0 irr Day. ! HICKORY. M. C. Sin, Sis anu sl per week. . , SrhlOdawly -A A A Ask Tour KataUar for tba JAIIES IIEANS $4 SHOE JAIIES HE AITS $3 SHOE. AecerdlBf t Xoar Seeds. AJM MKAM8 IB0K iMIWbtsnd stylish. It fits likes nu - UKKABUNU IN."t)- psrteetlysssy Uw Srst thM It rera. ltwUissusrths matt bur a fAi Is wcm. aniaioos. wAala.9 aaEANS SHOB a sbauluulr tha to shu of Ss Drtos wkleh ih ever been Dlaoed s- tsulvely on tta Burket k. hi which durability r. Tsawt' oasuosrbefivt BLAIR FURNITURE COMPANY, v AaawSisIaaiaa lUwKSassSa-aay NO. 37 PATT0NA VENUE, Wholesale and Retail Furniture Dealer, J. HKAKB etc CO. Bsslaa. Fall liasa af tha aaav skae far sals by ' Pot Sale Boatlc Broa. ft iisht, AbHUVILLB, n.c. febaldSm tutbaat And ITndcrUikerss Trompt attention given to all orders day or night. It is the same old enemy that Democrats now confront, and he will be intrenched in the same strong position. It has been carried once by brave and hopeful fighting. Do you not believe with The Sun that the thing can be done again ? Wait and see I The hope of the Democracy 1 in the loyal efforts of a united press, cherishing no memo ries of past differences in non-essentials, for getting everything but the lesson of experi ence and that victory i a duty. Probably yon know The Suu already a a newspaper which gets all the news and prints it In Incomiiarably interesting shape; which chronicles facts as they occur and tells the truth about men and event with absolute rcarlessncss, making the completest and most enlertainlnir iournnl nublishcd anvwhere on earth; and which sells it opinions only to its subscribers and purchasers at two cents a copy on Sundays four cents. If you do not know The 8uu, tend for it and learn what a wonderful thing it I to be in the unshine. Ilailv. tvr mouth ..$0 SO Daily, pcrycar ..' 6 OO Handay, per year....'....'.'...'..' ' on Dally and Sunday, per year 00 I tall v and Sunday, per mouth , 0 70 Wecklv Bin. one year' t 00 GILT-EDGE PROPERTY FOR SALE AT AUCTION, Mondays 13th day of May, '89. On the above day we will offer for sale at public auction on tne grounaa wunout re serve, that valuable property on College and Spruce streets belonging to Mr. Tho. IX Carter. v It ha a house with 10 room and all neces sary outhouse; I ISO fee an College street and Boo feet on Spruce, and within 75 yards of the Public Square. This Is a rare chance ta bay a residence, business lot or make an investment within the verv heart of the dtv. Terms of Sale 28 uer cent, cash, remainder in (fx, twelve, eighteen and twenty-lour I month' time, with S per cent. Interest, pay able semi-annually, on aeierrea payments. The property will be offered In lot and then aa a whole on dav of sale. . Both citisen and stranger are requested to call on us at our office on Public Square, Bar nard new building, where all desired informa tion will be Riven. Title guaranteed. Natt Atkinson & Bona, Agent for Mr. T. D. Carter. apriodlm Residence t 39 Penland Street fcbldly 22,- Address, aprlildra't. TUB. BUN, Kw York. No. (J North Court Square, Is prepara to do high-grade work at LOVI 1TES J. N. MORGAN Sc CO., No. 3 Barnard Building. School nnd CoUesro T$t Books, a full line. Poet), Hin torjy Romance, Biography, Travel and Novel, Family Bible, 8. S, Bihles and Tent- amenta, Oxford TeaeherH BihleB, song-Books of all kinds, largesttMik Stationery, Blank Books and Uftiee and School Supplies. New line Ladies' and dents rocket- books juHt opened. Fancy Goods and Bolls. febllkltT . STARTLING, BUT TRUE. -ETHE B I G After a sojourn of one year tn this glorious climate of North Carolina, ha passed the fallow. Ing resolutions, to wit: ' ... . , , ... .' To sell all good, comprising s hill and complete lint of Clothing, FuralahlngGood, Hats, Trunks, Valises, ete., at 10 per cent, above actual cost ; To select Thursday of each week as Bargain Day, on which day all gooda go at ast cast. The success of Illg 28 ha been most flattering, and to keep th ball rolling goods will tn old cheaper than ha ever been offered to the trade In the history of Asheville. The Big S3 get there, Ell! Call and be convinced that the above tatcmcat ar not merely Ml talk, but facts and nlaulc. Your to serve, " 1 .. DIG aa. ! m - - - ' -T THE CAROLINA SALOON, .'Ill "f DJDTiTi:GU!SI"EIIT BEAT rSTLAMMATlON, OLDBOTlEa CAJLiU) BIUlABTo UilUCT WTfiflr He remarked to bis friend: "Men look upon mc ms (. KiltUer. but this -bottle ff Symnbys ..Ji 1 M M call ne hat been to destro men'J'live-, but , m5d;f"' )j a Tiottirions tBTlor of men. I hn""eJeT lie wttnoui II nK"n'; KUSTAiiGUIIIUEIIT man's descent lio was teWf" "Duntio, bo, Wlv t lwb'blli- tifSVrHtMia.m tlul It mt boutaix feci,"' ' KleAric Bitter), Tkia m.rlv 1 bn-nmlng so well known .i , iw.ntilar ns to need no special men- tion. All who nave uscu r,mua aing the same song of praise. A purer medicine flora not tmsi unu iv eS""'-.-td to do all that ia claimed. Llectru: Hitters will cure an aiscHac. and kidneys, will remove pimple, boils, u .u..., anrl other affcctionHcaused by tin ,,.,.. " : :. . . t . r impure bUmd. WiU time mnutria .u ' ....A, ami tire-vent a! VielUscure al miliaria! hrvers. rn- cure vy T"";-rt constipntion arid hidiKCstHio try bW-cVnc iiit. Kntire iattsBuitwoguarantecor motiev refunded. Price !5c. and 1 per bottle at F. L. Jacol' d,rwi wort. Heeause they have a FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENT, i THE CITIZEN PUBLISHING r : COMPANY, FOR HALE. Valuable Timber Lauda, I have for sale abont 1 1 .(NX) acrea af land in Kwain county, near I'autlier Creek, the I Naniahala river anil the uae uf the W. N. C.I K. K. A greater puitiun ol this land i-onl. Ins I the flnest tuubet that 1 auow oi in mc niaie. i apriuUj jA wno umar tn. J. W. SCH ARTLK, MERCHANT TAILOR Has the Finest and Largest Stock of WHISKIES, i BRANDIES i AND i WINES, Ever Brought to Asheville. , , I'artles wiHliliig a good article for family or other purpose, will dud It to their interest to give me a cull. Kcspectfully, ' Frank O'Donnell, Proper. niarltldty febSOdly 4J N. Main St JSTAKGLIXEtlT CITIK8 noi TTOTtKCAKEDBAOS, Ui UAalUIi I TRUTBB'8 8ALB. By virtue of a power of sale contained In a 1 Arri of trust esecoted to me by lame II. Mc-1 Connell and Kutn H. Mcconnen nis wite, ur the first day or June, 1MM7, to secure ine pny ment of certnln money to riysses Iloublediiy. which deed or trast is recoriira tn ntongtuie i Hnok No. 10 at Fas 801 and fbllowing, Ml the office uf the it cits, tee of Mrsus. uf ttBB- .n.h mnw. atate of NrrrtH Caroltaa.l will an at ntiiiiic aucuoa lur casn ai tne mm House dont In the t tty of Asheville, the prop . Amti-riA hi said deed of trust, vis.: Ile- vlnnlna at a tae in we win. ..-..",, atmt. at I. B Rav' northwest corner, ..i n.nk with said martin of Bast street is l 'JU set to a stake In the ...urn marirla of Hast street and -in the southern margin of Heney street ; thence with the southern margin of Henry street nortn eaat, !IA leet to a stake in said margin of Hcncy street, solilj. . Kay corner ; mm with aid J. n. any s line suuin a can m leet to a slake, another comer of said J. B. Kay; thence with said J. K. Hay' line to the beginning, on the 17th day of April, IHHU.to th highest bidder. ThlsMarrh 15. 1HNW. D. C. WADDBI.!., mariedHt we sat Trustee. HfTAKOUXEDT IS FOB HAN k BE AST. PEN1TBATE8 liUUCLE A FUUUt TO TBS VEHY HQH&, mm- i SHEPARD, MANN & JOHNSTON, FUIIERAL-LIRECT0R3, EMBALMING AND 8HIPPINC A SPECIALTY. j, -a. PATTON AVBISUC. 31 p. B. nrewton will attend Calls Day and Msht. mar21dly v l:ustakq Li;:ir.Etlf hustakg uncEnT-cosTO u::iir. OBUB I UtK S

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