11-4 ran Iff sirtr (rYrrot Moa- ... - K wui triiT the paper mn iart of the etty to oar -a: 1 .. nr. uUn it Will pteMt rii at i,t,a Otiice. UISCELLAXZOUS. h:ih, iew Aelvectiaeiaventa. Oofwl B,nt 8tmce St. Ii it 1-ay Powell A Snider. railed State Signal See-vlea aMav llan, Aafcevllle, M. C. LATTTf n, 86 86 KotTH. lflomiii 83.28 W ur. Blsvtkj, a.aao Fx it. Meteorological report for 24 hoar ending at p. a... April 13, ia. 7 am 1.8 TEMPER ATI KB. Northern Bxpoaura, ahaded. 3pail9pallMai. Mia. Dall Mcaa. m.tlri. m.o lJ 71. Chicago Win. PfiiLAnKi.rntA, Pa.,Aprill2. Chicago defeated the All-Amerioia tint afternoon by better fu-l.lmg. The wcatber was threatening nlin.li probably accounts for the meagre attendance, not more than 2,500 people being, present. Anson, Daly, pogarty ami Wood were erected with irencrous applause when they came to the bat. There wa no errat interest manifested uvhtch was Americas did all their scoring m Jnl, von t.nrthinnmtr when theT scored fire of WJU1HH J"U heir hits. Chicago earned two runs in the fourth, but those made in the nun .... 1 . 11' I A ZlrXXTn Buflkt-t, Of- score by innings a as loiiows: InninRS 1 2 3 456 7 8 9 All-America 0 0000000-4 Chicago .....0 00230100-6 Batteries ueaiy ana care, icuci iu Daly. Croquet 8etts, G $112. 8b.aimi.28. Hammocks 88c. to fl.GS. Ice Cream Freezers 2, 4, G Market Banket,' Lunch ASnCVILLB ADVEKWXSSCSTS. "euy i:o::i:iabe coon:i. Full Roller Proeewa. We Guarantee Satisfaction. Auk Your Grocer for Asheville Elillln; Company Flour and Ileal II. T. COLLINS, President. ftSHEVILLE ICE Tarn t)BWPOVT. 3p REL. HUMIDITY. jABrtO. HUMIDITY." 3 i mTVmtty Mean. ibally Mean. , 19 I S1.88 1 I R.815 ' : " BAROM STBR. -PRECIPITATION. Corrected uf altitude - . - and temperature. Rl and I 8aow Mci'-dKaow. Deths. Daily Mcaa. lii.hea. laches. O O I 89 98 K. v. RUCK'. M. d:, Obarever. .DUNN'S atKVIEW. Fighting- ta Hart I. Nbw York, April 12. Advices from Hnvti bv the steamer Delta, which ar- I rived here this morning, state that heavy finhtinv took nlace on March 25 between St. Marc and Goooives, and that on the tame day great damawe was done by an earthquake at Port Ifc-paii. many bouses being wrecked ana several persons in jnred. No Kves were lost, however. The Delta, which sailed from Port Depai on the 3rd inst., reports that the Ossi pec's commander, Kellogg, arrived at that port on March 30. all well. The Dsstpcc was rrom Uoonaives, ana pnicceoeu m March 31 to Cane Havti. The United We make the following grades of flour. Roller King, Electric Light, Carolina flee Bankets, Fancy Banket, , take no other. Cash Paid for Wheat, Corn, Outs and Kye. Horse and Cattle Feed Mixture Ground to Order. Do Custom Grinding for Corn Rye and Outs. Mill and Yard at Old Depot . ' , EVERYTHING at "THE BACKET." Swunnanoa Ilotel. Uaeicelkd ealdn. PopvUr wltk toariaU, faaillka and bmiaeaa I aca. Electric cars pass the door. BAWL8BB08., fcbldly Propfs. ASHEVILLE COAL COBIPANY, H. T. COLLINS A CO. Th .. WaWkly KalstaCSnCBlt tlM Oisttry1 Bilsi We are nliowing excellent value in French Dress Goocla; plain, striped and plaid, and 3" r n triid Siirabtv for trim Suierior Hard and Soft Coal at Wholesale and lie tail. Office: Barnard Building, Patton awiue. Yard: Old Depot. A Cottosi Mannratctarer FaJli Lancastkb, Pa., April 12. tiru-e Calder, a prominet cotton manufacturer of this city, proprietor of the Pulton Cot ton Mill, made an assignment to-day. Liabilities are at least 9irMMK),nd,- I 4- lt rj IHin nt miWu-h Kiit KVa UWI IV., U Vw,uv.u, u. nn.. - I more than $W,000 will be for general property,, ana OJir i cremiors. i ne pnnrim iTvuiwra me aingH. " China Silks, both in plain arid fitmfed, - are excellent hue era- li IHIHf MMNHMltalllMUHI New YoiK. Aoril 13. A sbarpadvanee of 32 cents per one Hundred 4ounu in raw sugar, wttH tne purcnase oi oau Francisco refinery for trust, accompany a rise of 6 cents in trust stock. The statis tical position of raw sugar is considered atmnr . and the demand is full. The boot and shoe trade is said to be 1 mmnmAmt Kit Afttt tA Mliae uejuaiH !"""'! V ., I ,l U7 H UIU- . A.. ..J ll,.,ll,r. I. I t.! t pushes makers toward low prices ratner " " "" ZumL t i oraCOH a nUIDUtT OI UllUiW vi- than rood onaUty. Leather ia shade Wilson & Co., of Philadelphia. T ie . , lowerT and Wles are believed over ahun- failure is ascni0 to depression in inc dant. The market for cotton goods i moder ate, and print cloths arc an eighth lower, nui nnoru cuDiinuc tu v&vxcu imi ji more than receipts, and raw cotton has risenTa Quarter. Official returns show twu-ta nf QUA non.rMM) noumla In March against 156,000,000 last year, the in I 100,000 Cottoa Flro, mw in value heins over 10.000.000. I Miu ni in Anril 12 A Arc broke In oil the Increase in quantity was I out yesterday evening in the forward in Variety, small, and a lower pricecaaelakcreaat I comoartmeiits of the steamer Chilian. - of $2,000,000 in value for March, and ithai continued to eat iU way into 2,500 A trifle eiH'lv for White I cotton market and inability to market goods. The Pulton mill, employing 175 I hands, will be continued in oieration temporanly. Calder formerly owned two cotton mills in this city and one in Harrisburg, and was considered wealthy. feet. " 1a)y prired Diijss Goods, Worsteds, also Satiues and Ginghams, will also be found iiimitiiisG & WEAVER, - THE SHOE STORE NO. 30 SOUTH MAIN STREET. . While c Have the Finest and Moat FatalonablejCooda in Our Line, We also have the cheapest. Call and see us. P. E. u i.i k it Pure Ice made from Distilled Water. Building. Patton Avenue. Office: Barnard D. C. Waddetl, Preaideat W. W. Barnard. Vice Preaident Lawrence Pulliam. Ca.hier . ITIIE BAIIK OF ASIIEVILLE.L ASHEVILLC, N. C. DIKbCTOKM 1 , P. 8AWYBR, J. O. MARTIN, J. L. CARROLL, T. W. PATTON, W. W. BARNARD, V. C. WAUDHLL, GEO. W, WILLIAMS, of WilinlnKton, N. C. ' DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY Oldettt Bank In Western CarulliiM. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. SURPLUS FUND $20,000. FITZP ATR1CK BROS, & ROBERTSON the market hat been dull and weak. Woolen manufacturers and dealers are excited by newt that the recently ap pointed appraiser at Philadelphia baa advanced the duty on wor ' steds to correspond with that on woolens, and some believe that a similar ruling will soon be made here and . at other ports. Importation of worsteds in great quantities at low rates of duty : has changed operations in many woolen mills, and manufacturers are gratified by the new ruling, while importers will re sist it in courts. The market for raw wool is stronger w tone, and advance in once m eioeeted Copper and tin art at HI somewhat weaker, and cicessive supplies still dc press the con market, which is worse than dull. The volume of business is un satisiactory, and sales below schedule rates are renorted. ' Without exception, rcportt from the in terior ibow that money it abundant. though, in a few instances, the demand in Improving. The Mar 04 disturbance in connection with April settlements having passed, the supplv would doubtless have bales of cotton in those compartments, by Goods, but we have them. fire and water, while 12,000 bushels of corn in one of the forward compartments has been saturated with water. Ihc loss on the cargo is now estimated by the agents of the steamer at $100,000. No damage has been done to the ves- scL v . Spring Jackets, Beaded Capes, Parasols and Sun Umbrellas. Special yalue in two numbers of Persian Trim- af af THE BONANZA," THK LEADING v WINE .'. AND . LIQUOR STORE v IN THE STATE. FINE SAMPLE AND BILLIARD ROOM. mn att uiiv ct icucuii it y f J. A. MARQVARDT. M'fw. I nUi W Oi mftlil 01., HOIILIILLL, n. U. Dealers In Wall Paper, Window Shades and Patent Handera, Paints, Oils and Varnuthet, Masury's Mixed PalnU sad Colors. Window Gums, both I tilings. II. REDWOOD &C0.; A Maw Una, The Calcium Lamp is all metal and is safe. Gives a light equal to mt ordinary lamps. Are made to hang of stand. A of order. Will send a lamp to any house Nog. 7 find V Patton Avenue. to use for two days and then send and take them back. All are requested to try the lamp, and will be at no trouble orex pense in doing so. i. Law's Silvkr and China Hoi'sb, Opposite Postoffiee. ing to these purchases and an apparent change m the plans 01 some oi the opera tors, nas been stronger, with a sharp ad- lmpte, evenff the treasury had not QOES IT PAY TO KEEP PROMISES ? faKea occasion to tucvp. oonui oncmi m A. L.f,.M a.M,l 4 U... I lac isstt rmsjBEBj Luon uiiuici aim s. I MSB s,u i . .a check the accumulation of monev. Dis IPS. J'JKllt wars 01 BUC- bursemenU for the week have exceeded (HHf4ml IiUHiness life in Ash- XS'tt T villo has demonstrated to us eign exchange has been strong in spite of the IllCt that W6 have never some purchases of securities on tne ku- ioat anvth tllT bv strtUirht- i . . a a ' I ff.VSStr.l Sfl l.llaJITkriAjlJ TTaaTkt 1 1 M I al IU1 n Uti U uuniuvnn uiuuiumn Wo buy the lMst gocnls to l. l.,l Vn . .,t,l. vanceinafcwstotks,and sales for the " . "c M,V ' V"V week have reached a million and hall We buy 111 large lots, tliereby shares. A more teiportant symptom is getting joblMTS prices. We that export of mervhandiae from Newl" "irf.i u,.i ,. LMt ,,, v, t. kM Th. fr i i...i can ana lo hii a irreatmany year s by 18 per cent., and a further fall goods ill OUr line US ( heap W yyjLlL tocorn they can lie bought in any nveramntreoort lust issued nuts market. We try tO SUI the condition of winUr wheat at 9 clear of people whodoil'tpiiy TiZJZAZrLMZtX their tleOts. vo think 318,000,000 bushels of winter wheat ktlOW Something about OUI afone. Refwrts of an increase in spring bUsilloKS lln,l tl'V to bllV lit stiwat aMwaiM anMiiniM anri sir. tan tier nns I . . . . - .Jn.,.Mv .ha,a,. r0 the rurht time. e liave In about three weeks earlier than last year, ntot'k trt-da.Y 8 to 1 0 farloals Hiwtness ia lures occurring tnroiignc ui nf . uHMlHt llffH. y.ri.. GRANT'S If your preacriptioai are -eompoaoded at Oraat's Phar. nacy you can positively de pend upon the facts: First, , that only the Pure it and Beat drugs and chemicals will be van). Second, they will be compounded carefully and ac curately by aa experienced prescrlptlonlat ; and third, you will not be charged aa eiorbl- : tant price. You will recelvt the beat goods at a very rea- DRUG OAK STREET INN, ASHEYILLE, If. C, Beantifatly located ia a grove of oak. and white pine, with no da.t or ooiae, at the cor- T of Oak and WoodSa streets, near the Female College, and only three aouarcs rrom tHe We nave a numDcr oi eicganuy-rarni.nca room. iu ncwifiinminic wriuci. w n wmx alee, anlet place, away from the hotel.. Nice room., new furniture, good fare, Arat-claM cookinjj, at rcaaonable prices. Also, hot ana coia uatna. - :-r Dr. T.J. HARfcAN, Proprietor. COMPOUND 0XY6EN ANDllEDICATED BALSAM VAPOR. All modern and latest Improved methods for treating, chronic diteaaea of the lani;. I throat and aoae, by the inhalation of vaporiied and atomiard num. ny the pneumatic and eompreaaed air apparatua ; aluo Comjiound Oxyuen In connection with the vaporiied Bal rth. hi.Mi nhinrA frnm the natural balsam tree, near Asheville.) I We also manufacture a tiome iieairocniui iw bumpunRu umkc, wim-u ,(u, the office treatment, and will be sent on application by express, on receipt of price, 813. ctmr auniMa hrr. for the uul three rear, with thi. treatment has been phenomenal, hav- I tag cured maayeaaes that were pronounced hopeleaa, whose name, and rctdeucea can he nliialn.il he eallina at the Sanitarium. By permiiwioa we rear to the following well-known I - - . . . ... . . . . . . . " . , i 1) I 1 i. IT Q . U e I ' DsH IBentlemen oi a.neviiie: a. j. n.iun, c.-marur, j. o. rv, , v. , w . , , kin, paator Hint Method. .1 Church; Bev. W. A. Nelson, pastor Flrt Bauti.t Church; H. T llina, Capt. Natt Atainson, t . mm n T. J. HARtJAN, IU. D. LI5WI8 MADDUX, Pres. L. P. MCLOUS, Vlce-Pres, DlBBCTOBS: Uwla Maddux, M.I. Bcanlcn, M.I. Pagg, B. a. H. Meed, uco. B. i-owcn, v.. a. miuouu. I, B, 8ANKIN, Cashier, ,J. B. Bay, J. B. Reed WESTERN CAROLINA BANK the country during lust week number for the United States, 213; Canuilo, to tal, 23V, against 222 last week. Cattaa mecclpta sine SVept, i Nbw Vosk, April 13. The following are the total net receipts of cotton at all worts since September l, i jusbi ('.alveston BW.SIO New Orleans..... Mobile. 2,200,230 Savannah T07.1M4 Charleston 307,471 Wilmington 155,075 Norfolk. 71,876 Baltimore...... HU.IMH New Vork.,..................... 125.13N Boston 87,430 Newport News. 10.N02 Philadelphia o,m West Point, Va ;.. 81)0,811 Brunswick 87,315 nnathu n,m.i liniiui thu rfy.r i i,fr ini mi tt j w .nm. Flour, 10,000 Itw. Lard, 100 boxes CraekerH. 350 to 400 cases Canned Goods, and a full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries that cannot tiecnu- .1.025,82 merated in this space. Com pare our prices and quality with others. POWELL & SNIDER aprlSdty sonable proat. A lull lint of Patent Medicines, Toilet Arti cles, Ayer's Recamler Priaia- Hons, Scott'. Electric Cnrlerti etc., etc. We have the agency for Hum phrey'. Homeopathic Medi cines. UbVAIILT'BOLO STAND, 24 a. Mala Bt Prescriptions delivered to any part of the city free of charge lABHBVlLL, N.C., FBUKUARV 1st. t80. Organised May 1st, 1888. I CAPITAL, f 50,000. 81JRPLUS, $3,000 STATE, COUNTY AND CITV HKI'OSITOKV, Does a General . aa Business. Deposits received. Bxchange buuicht and ntld. Col lections made oa au m. M)k points. The Mavlag Feature will receive iecia attention. 'On all sums la this department, deposited lor four months or onger, interest at the rate I of 4 per cent, per annum will be paid. Rpecial attention given to loans on real estate, which will lis placed for long tlaie on real I tonahlc terms. Open from 9 a. m. to S p. m. On Saturdays tne saving Onurtmrnt will beojup till A p.m febiidtf STORE. maraud ly TNE NEW BRAZILIAN FLOUR CORN SEED, For Sale at Cooley's aad McDonald's grocer lea, South Main street. Don't fail to try It. WILLIAMSON & SON, (Successors to Hart & Williamson,) MANUFACTURERS OP JJOOD BOARD. Persons rtrairiug good hoard and pleasant room, can tie accommodated at Mn. Rey nold.', on nprucc atrect. No. a. 1 ad t w T. R. HKNI80N. A.aeville. N. C. aprdaw3w JkjOTICB. Will collect debt. Air snyoae In the city for liood facilities lor renting and col- Total 5,300,088 , i, "., Arkaswaa Jsustlcaa. . LiTtlb Rock, Ark., April 12. The of- hcial returns from sixty-three or seventy five counties in the State give the follow. ing result of the election held on April 2, for three associate judges of the supreme court court : T. r, Sanders, I iwm., I 452; W. B. Hemingway, (Drm.,) 46,375; 8. P. Hughes. Ilera., 45,700: T. X Gregg, (Rep.,) 36,038; C. B. Mitchell, ( Ken.) 30,847: W. F. Hill. (Ind.,1 85, , 405. Tlurteea of the other fifteen coun ties 'will give Democratic majorities. Less than, half of the vote was polled. . Da ta Uta Mills Hllk Allrntown, Pa., April 12. A reduc tion oi ten per cent having been made in the wages of the employes of the Crone Iron Company at Catasquota to take effect Sunday the men refused to accept the reduction and four furnaces ia blunt were banded to-day preparatory to bring blown out. A siinilarreduction has bceu made by the Catasquota Manufacturing Co., and nlao.hy the Allcntowa rolling mills. The latter concern shut down yesterday, the men refusing to continue at work andef the reduction. , Max teas) Jaattca. Nbw York, April 12. A private letter received in New York to-day from a trust worthy gentleman residing at the City of Mexico says: "The four men arrested on the charge of being implicated in the de railment of President Dial's train a few days ago have been shot. The execution was carried out very quietly. Thswtaihsr, W HHif.Ti, April 1 1. Indications for North Carolina Light rains; cooler; VUliauic wmua. LT- A bunch of .mall kevs, on Orove atrret in front of Cant, Thoa. ft. Johnston's reaiilrnce. A lilieral reward will he paid to the Under upon their return to THIS OFFICE. apriaOJt POH RENT. Two largcwrncrrooms,sonthrrnrxii.ure. aprUutf C.J. McCAl'B. RUCTION 8ALB. On aatnttlav, April 18, I will aril at Public Auction a splendid lot of Furniture and Mouarhold Uood., etc. A splendid voUeevioa, good aa new. Oood. oa e.hlliitlon at my rooms until day of aale. Will alao aril at pri vate aalc. I have bargain. In all kind, of ate Ail houarhold articles. P. L. LA NCR, , Legal Building 13 8t Auctioneer. ncr cent. lectins rents on houses. oa weekly payments. WiU sell furniture SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Mouldings, Stair-Work, Fine In terior Finish, Mantels, Etc., ASHEYILLE, N, C. J. B. JOHNSON. At Blafr'a Furniture Store, I Reference, given. 87 Patton A Train. mar1dam N OTICB. A. F. STEVENSON, CARRIAGE : AKD : SIGN J PMEB, GILDER AND VARNISHER, la prepared to do all kladaof Painting, Bring oa your old-looking Carriages, Ilrrtta, Bur rys, Buggies, Carta aad Wagons and hav them varni.hed or repaiated, so they will look as good as sew. AO work warranted not to crack, blister or come off until It wears oft. Terms reason able. Shop on Harnett Hill, Kagk Street. mar!Hdflm MPLOYMKNT WANTBD Aa traveling aaleemaa, city aaleamaa Or clerk. Uxuertcnce and reference, Addrras , A. N. L.PIKKMK, SprlOdlw ClUwu 0. URICK POM BALtt. Addreaa TATB DICKSON, apraeodaw ta ta aa Morgaatoa, M. ,C At a regular meeting of the Board of Alder men, held on the loth day or March. 18KB. It was ordered that two voting place, heeetab ll.hed In the city, for holding municipal elec tion., one to he at the Court House and the other at the Puacomiw warenouar. All vo ter, living east of Mala .tract art to vote at the Court Hoax, aad an votrra Hvmg west of Main atreet are to vote at the Buncombe Warehnusr, A new Rgi.tratlon of all volfr. living in the eity was also ordered Mr. A, T, Hummey was appointed regiatrar for tW western uortiun ol the eitv. and Col. B Bu- low Brwia waa apiwinted registrar fur the ea.tern nortion of tne city. All voters bring rn the corporate nmlta or ARK NTS FOR The Uuvkeye Pump, Steel and Tin Shingles, Floor and Hearth Tiles. fcbldly AKKNTtt a M P'RS. of Byrkifs Patent Sheathing Lath. ASHEYILLE the citv are reauired to come fbrwsrd their name, enrolled oa the new regta- I and have tration hooka, whether they have ever regta- tered heretomre or not. The regular election for Mayor aad three Aldermen, Monday, Mas 6, IMNtf. H. B.HARKINS, P. M. Mil, I. BR, Major. City Clerk. aprSdlm 17M.II.PEIBI I'ROPRIBTOB Or THE ASHEYILLE WOHKS, Ashetfllle, N. C r.O, Baa . marl 31 ly "pOR 8ALB AT AUCTION. On Saturday, April IX, at ths ParmeTa' Warehimae, a PnM Piano. Imiti. a Carter will gladly .How thla aiia-ndM maakal In.trw ment to any ass wishing to txaatia it. larlUOAt ARTIFICIAL STONE AND TILE WORKS. Portland Cesnrnt, Monc lllocka and Tllea, exceedingly hspftnome in appear ance, of rariou. dcatgn. and color, and rery durable for walk. In yards, sidewalks, 8uot tot Public Buildings, Halls, Porches, Bntraaces, Baarments, Butcher Shops, tie, Speclgl sixes, colors and designs for HEARTHS. Handaomc Carriage Block, wltk name. BEST mm PORTUKD CEMENT AND GOOD BUILDING SAND FOR S ALL .;' ' t ' . ' . , ,. Ssmpk. of (.jocks, etc., eaa be sera at office over J. B. IHckersoa's Hardware Store, oa PsbUe suns., corner of South UsJa stfeet. P. 0. Box BS4. " -: - V- ' C. E. SIOQDY. French and American We keep in stock St. Loui. snd Kentucky Lead. fcbGdly LUMBER YARD. GEO. F. SCOTT, (Successor to Doubledny & Scott,) North Public Square, -. BLINDS, - WINDOWS, DOORS, Glass, Putty, Lime, Plastering Hair, Shingles, Lath., Fencing Posts. material, K0Order8 will receive prompt attention. An kinds of Building fcblOdly . W. T. PXNHIUAK. W. B. PENHIM AH." & co -joaSRIS AND DKAPSKI g- HIA RID W AIRIE ASHEYILLE, N. C. AOBNT8 FOR . DUPONT POWDER CO., RICHMOND ITOVE CO., CORTLAND WAGON CO., ' OLD HICKORY WAGONS, STUDEBAKER WAGONS, MOLINE SCALE CO. ENGINES, SAW HULLS, ETC. kJ'CQRMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CQ, ' ' ft-hOdly Anything In the Jewelry Line at LOWEST PRICES For First Class Goods. REPAIRING AND ENGRAYING. BURT DEN ISON, n-biodtf 8 patton Avenue, PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING. TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, ARCIUTI'CTI BAL IKQN "rvORH, Plans and Specification- Furnished on Application We have thorough mechanics in each Hncwho have had many years' experience In their buamcM. We can safely guarantee our patrons satisfaction In our work, a low figures, BALLARD, RICH & BOYCE, fcblAdly ." - j C. D. CAMPBELL, Manufacturer and Wholcaale Shipper of CINGER ALE, CHAITIPAbNE CIDER, LESION SODA, SARSAPARILLA, ' MINERAL WATERS, ' TONIC BEER, I CARBONATED WATER IN SIPHONS. I Uiar3ftd3m FITS CURED PY Ol.n SPBCIAL1ST PHYSICIAN. Pottle of medMne Free. We war rant our rewiedy torarethe worst caeca, aad the only phjnUciana who do thi. to prevent yoar being imooaad upon by mea aatng falar aame. and who are sot Hectors. Because other, failed Mi ao reaaor lor not aing thi. medicine. Oiva Bxpreas and Po.t olhc sddieaa. It coats you nothing. Addieas Aaahel Medical Bsreau, ilVl hroailwar. New Vara. iaaUTdawly A. TBNNBK'r, Architect and Contractor. Plans, mieeincationa smfeatlmatea fur alahcd. A" work In mi line contracted for, and no charges for drawings oa contract, awarded me. R.'S-rencea when dralrvd. tidicei No. IS Hendry Block. Korth Court Square, AskevUle, ' tebllMi. Pswctorjr, aiy Haywsed St. P. O. Boa aS4. " THE WINYAH SAKUARiUn. " ASHEYILLE, N. C For the reception of patylt sufTcring of disraacs of lungs and throat, and cndoctcd upon the plnn ol the MnHaires at Ccclwrnfiirf and Falkenstcin in Or niany. purs is the only such Institution In tjic jltnitetl States, and endorse by the leading inembcrs of the piejlica prosjjo' ' Terms reasonabje. " " ' Kr vpVrjipk, P: 8.. M- P; A- .V