MANNERS 0' THE FRENCH. bi mini:m and rLi'.AKt hiu ADVENTURES OF A SHOWMAN, i ill ... Absolutely Pure. Thi. powder never varies. A marvel of pur ity, strength and wholeaomt-ncaa. More eco iHimkil than the ordinary kinda, and cannot be aold In competition with the multitude of low teat, abort weight nlum or phoaphntr Puwdcra. Sold only in can.. Royal Hakiku owdkb Co., 100 Wall St.. New York. . dftwtaprlT PROFESSIONAL CAKUS. Thko. F. UAVinaoN, .Titoa. A.Jon b Raleigh. JS- "' Martin, Aihcvillc. Aahcville. JJAV1DSON, MARTIN & JUNES, Attorney and Counsellors at Law, Aahevlllc, N. C. Will or tier In the 11th and 13th Judicinl platrk-ts. "I'd in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, and in the Federal Conrta of the Weatern Diatrict of North Carolina. Refer to Bank of Aahcville. dtael H. A. oudobb, a. a. caitki, JULIUS C. MABT1M. Jl'DGKk, CARTER & MARTIN, ' Attorneys at taw, ASHEVII.LB.N. C. Office houra : From tt a. m. to 4 p. m. cbjab. A moohs. uvrr nhsbick. mf OOR.B & MBHRICK, Attorney! and Counsellors at Law, ... . .i j, Asheviue. N. C. Practice fn the t'nlted States Circuit and thatrk-t Ciwrt. at Aahcville, State, vllle, Umr ) hitte and Oreenaboro, la the Swprrme Court at RaleiKh, and in the t-ourta of the Twelfth Judicial Diatrict of the Stutc of North Caro , In a. ..-..( . Special atteutloa given to collection of claims. 1'artnerahip doca not extend to practice In Buncombe Inferior Court. dtoc3 T. M. cobb. J. o. asssmoN. OBB & MBRRIMON, Attorney! and Connaellora at Law. Practice In all the courts. ' Office: Noa. 7 and 8, Johnston building. Thay haldoai Nwear and Do Not Talk Slang Iorlin4 t. AmUblllij. Fmich mnnnon are peiitle. Acer turn mildness of demeanor, which it smong us mainly confined to such in dividuals M do not fear the conse quences of failure in self aKsertlon, U everywhere observable. The fiercely mustachioed concierge shares It with tlie blind eeademiciau. It Utherarest imaginable chance to hear an oath. There is something feeble and inefli cient, an acknowledjinent of inarticu lateness, about the iiitenser tort of ei pletives, which are wholly foreign to the French temper, accustomed to per fect facility and adequacy of expres sion. Bimilarly with slang. French "ar got" is almost a language by itself. Slang, as we comprehend the term. and as Walt Whitman eulojmca and employs it-- namely, the riotous me dium of the under language is un known. One may in a week hear more oaths and more slang of the course and stupid sort in Wall street, el the seaside, in the hotel corridors and street cars and along tho side walks of New York and Philadelphia, suy; and in public generally among us, than in the length and breadth or France in a year. There is not the same burlesque of "heartiness," the same slapping ou the back, the same insistent invitations to drink, the same brutalite in fine, there is infinitely more gentleness. Their occasional savagery strikes us as ineffective and amateur, their fury seems fustian. The "rapier thrusts of sarcasm, the kind of writing and talking to which some of our news pers apply their most eulogistic epi thet, "scathing," the bitter banter to which not a few of the best bred of our young girls seem just now especially addicted, would excite amazement in France. Persiflage there is never personal when it is good natured. In any event there is far less of it than of compli ment, and this compliment is less fac titious than are our personalities of the uncomplimentary kind. ' The dif ference shows an important tempera mental distinction as well as anything can. The. French are as inclined to the amiable, the agreeable, the social, the impersonal, as we are to avoid being the dupe of thesequalities; per haps they are less duped than we are, anu at any rate the amount of fruit less friction which tney save over us is very great. Indeed, with us this friction grows by natural selection: it is popular be cause, conscious of immense kind liness at bottom and our owu withers being for the moment un wrung, we like to see the galled jade wince. W. 0. Brownell in Scribner's. Rnilrond Tickets to all points Wight, j sold and exchaupcd. 9 N. Public Square, next to Barnard building. al Dentist (to putron ) I am through, sir. What are you waiting for? llulf-iminlereil patron (confused.) I 1 was waiting for my pay. There arc times when a feeling of lassi tude will overcome the moat robust, when the system craves for pure blood, to fur nish the elements ot health and strength. The best remedy for purifying the blood is Dr. J. H. McLean's Sarsnparilla. New York Journal : The base-ball sea son is upon us again. As soon, as the local clubs send season tickets to the weather clerk the games will begin. How Doctors Conquer Death. Doctor Walter K. Hammond says : After a king experience 1 have come to the conclusion thnt two-thirds of all the deaths from coughs, pneumonia and con stunntiou illicit be avoided if Acker's lMigiish Cough Remedy- were only cure fully used in time.' This wonderful Kem-- I v is sold under ;t jxisitirc guiinintcc by T.'C. Smith & Co. Aaawrfntaa ttvm "Fifty last f HkMnaiu l LUa." "Fifty Years of a Showman's Life," by 0. Van llare, it a most entertain ing volume. Mr. Van LUre has been a showman in nearly every European country, and has met with an end lees string of odd adventures, from which hia mu)v witsoems always to have ex- trirabxi him at the critical moment. After half a century of hard work he is still "oo the road. Ilia experience Via varied form dioramas to circus, anil fWtm linn turner to the exhibition of a performing dog. Here is one of bis circus anecdotes: "A funny occurrence happened one niffht One of the beet horses in the An f litrainninllc KtateiuenU Is there anything is this world so vile As t lie pestilent irnr nee ol potent one r We have it, we hute it, we all revile The noxious nausea, as did Carlvle. Hut why bewail whut soon is mended ? Take I. I'. l and have it ended. All praise the power of 'Tierce's Pellet, Wist people buy ana uniKgisis bch iv. Tid Hits: A miser died a few days ago. After careful investigation his trustees find be once gave somethiug away. In the giddy frivolity of his early youth he pave the measles to his younger brother. This fact is to be handed down to poster ity in brass letters ou his tombstone. Careleaa Mother. Mim mothers have nermitted their children to die before their eyes when they mihr have been saved. Any mother UlSCELLASWVS. t.BOO PKHT ABOVB1 Tlim-WATbK. f If ill iK i o , I II V. V , W f . tt. c. mciroiiY TfrMATB UKbUkrAliD. The City of Hickory can Jually lay claims to many pleaaant and natural advantage aa a healthful rcaort for tourlau aad invalids. aHnatrd aa It Is on the crest ot one of the pdndpal mountain apura which eitendl to the Blue Ridge hi the west, and dividing the beautiful Ca tawba Valley. For hunting and fiablng this section of Wcatcra North Carolina 'is srtat!y noted. The nelutaboring mountains and streams abound tat an unlimited variety of game - t , ,: , .'I..V. 111- t , and fish. ..... stud wasinthenng, anawoenweac ! o kec hou8e WUnout bottle ol finished anu tne norse oeing ieu i Acker's English Baby Soother at Puck: "Pigs offic cekcrs. in clover" Successful Sick hcadnrhc, biliousness, unusea, cos tiveness, arc uromitly und ngreeahly banished hv Dr. 1. 11. McLean's Liver and Kiilnev Piliets I little pills.) DiinRvillc llreeic : Anlold ckler drinker whn a verv red nose called it his "apple blossom." Even the most vigorous and hearty people have at times a feeling of wean ness and lossit ude. To dispel this feeling take Dr. J. 11. McLean's Snrsupardlaiit will impart vigor ana viuniiy. , . New Ortrans Picayune i The liarber who shaves boys "would make a good editor. He Icarus to cut down. Bncklcn'a Arnica native The best salve in the work! for cuts, bruises, sores,' ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skiu eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay requirea. ii is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price '-'5 cents per Imx. Por snle by F. L. Jacol. (law Cashly (meeting his friend at the tailor's windowWAh, Jack! Thinking of a new spring suit?" Sluter (gloomily) "No; wondering how I can ever pay for my winter one. "If health and life are worth anything, and you ftit feeling out of sorts and tired out, tone up your system by taking Dr. J. 11. McLean's Sarsauartlla i s ' Pittsburg Chronicle: There are so muny explorers lost in Africa now they ought to go to work at finding each other. vu nut hv tha sToum. one of the clowns caught hold of his tail, pretending to pull him back, when the horse' tail came off. This created quite a sensa tion in the house. The audience thought h wa crttel tiling, and would no doubt have caused a disturbance had it not been explained to theiit. The .horse had the misfortune to be bora with a rut tail, and to improve his appearance they had a false tail made to fix on him before he had to anuear in the arena; the clown, not W. W.JONKS. WONES ft SHUPORU. OBO. A. SIIUFOKll. Attorneys at Law, Aahcville, N. C. 1 . fractiva In the Huiierlor Courta of Weatern i North Carolina, the Supreme -Court of the State, and the Federal Courta at Aahcville. office in Johnston building, where one mem ber of the Arm can always be found, dtnovll ' JOHNSTON B JONES, arroBSBY and counsbllob at law, A8HE VILl.B, N, C Practices In the United Statea Circuit and District Courta at Aahcville, In the Supreme Court at Kaleigh, and In the Conrta ot the Twelfth Judicial District of the State of North Carolina, and elsewhere, aa his acrvicea may be required. tanajou JJa H. DOUGLASS, D. D. 8. DENTAL ROOMS, NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., " over Grant Ik Wlngert's Drug Store. ? Residence, No.'9H Ballcy St. fcbiodly H. REEVES, D. D. B. , , r i i DENTAL, OFFICE t la Connally Building, over Kedwood's Store, Pattun Avenue. b3dly Jk BURUIN, M. D. OFFICE I Building, over Big 32 Clothing Store. Spain's Royal Children. Thecardinal archbishopof Saragosa, who officiated as chaplain royal at the christening of the two daughters of the late King Alfonso XII, in 1880 and 1882, came here expressly for the con firmation of the princess of the Atr lurias and the Infanta Maria Theresa, now bright, pretty girls, 8 and 8 years old. The royal children are carefully hmucrht un and educated under the eyes of Queen Christina by Spanish and foreign governesses. They al ready speait English, French and Ger man, besides their native tongue. The Infanta Maria Theresa is brighter, but less docile and more delicate than her sister. The queen doss not allow tnem to be spoiled, though the stately eti quette of the Bourbon court obligee the attendants and courtiers to treat them, and even the babv king, with singular attention. Old gen erals and proud ladies of the aris toeracy can be seen kissing the hand of the little monarch, who is a lively, taiirntitra hrailthv lookincr child. 2 fl months old. The royal ntiililmn am oulv allowed to play with their little cousins, the children of the rnfnntjui Pax and Eululia. who are nhnnt the same aire. Madrid Cor. London News. Dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, distress after eating, can be cured and prevented by taking Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney fillets tnnie puis.; Detroit Free Press: Three whales have been driven ashore on the North Caro lina coast this winter. You can drive a whale where you can't coax him. Better Than Bloody Battle. rVnoml Whcatcroft Nelson saysi "My experience in the English army as well as In America, convinces me mm iiutuuiKnu being aware of the counterfeit tail, was tricked, as well as the audience.' There is no trade which flourishes so well upon dexterous advertisincnts as the trade of the showman. Mr. Van Hare speedily recognised this; and we quote one instance out of niany of the good use to-which he applied the noble art of advertising: "1 eXMOnianoBa tor pnraw rre with INapoleon, tne wizard uog, wnicp 1 bad done very well with the Christ mas before, and to Increase nil popu larity he became lost, that is, lie was not to be seen. ! advertised 100 guin eas reward for the celebrated Napo leon, the wizard dog. eulogizing him to the utmost of my bumble abilities, finishing with, 'Any one restoring him to his heart broken master would receive the above reward,' eU. 1 was inundated with letters from all quar ters, from people who had seen a dog thai answered the description. I had one from a lady desiring to console me in my bereavement by wishing she might be allowed to nut tier affections in place of the beautiful Napoleon, for his loving and broken hearted master, etc , . s , Presently Mr. Van Hare found him self on the west coast, of Africa en tftavnririfr to Bud a trorillft.' That noble animal was then nractrfeally un bnowa in Eurone. and be shrewdly imagined that the addition of a gorilla to bis show would make iU proprie tnr's fortune. Sometimes food was scarce, and on one occasion there was nothing to eat but grilled monkey t "They looked very nice. I was hungry and faint; I put all squeamish thoughts aside and , tucked into a of len with crreat arusta If I had only had a bit of salt I thought what I would have given if they had been cooked like rabbits, without my knowinor what they were, I ahoula have thought them delicious." A baby gorilla was at last caught and taken to Europe, where, as we shall see, it was a yery great success indeed. But before Air. van uare re- UA n.naai-ialt "which sllC maV SOtllC I tlmrrnrrrt. It has saved the lives of thousands Of children, and is doing so vear. For sale by T. C. Smith ci In, . Whv in thnt African culled TimiooTii.' when his nmiieisMnnifd-llen-Malion;c1? a 'ked Mrs Snags. "IlM-nuse." reulKil her tiusmuui, yo ii.-ivetotiotKwrTili. nnd very liUrnlly, t to. before he v. ill do anythin." A MIlUoiiMlre to Minnie. Instunees are nt reconl wlnrc loikrsin uold mines and diniuond fielrts, who, by i.notin-tt nf a simhIc. a sindc iium-nient of the bund, have been trimst'oi metl from nenniksa laborer to millionaires. Hut they were not so lucky as istlie consump tive who finds a meaiii of restoration to health, who learns that tne ureaxioiseasc from which he suffers is not incurable. Dr. Pierce's Golden Mctlieul Ihscovery win cure consumption iwuhh wiouk i and nothing else will. For all Uiseasesoi the blood, sac as bkrtcncsv pimpies, eruptions, scrofulous sores and swellings, it in anmualcd. . It w miarantccd to cure in all cases of diseases for which it is rec- orameiioeu, or money puiu mr ii win ix lirotnptly refonded. tnti. IJIU! iBfniT - f IP"." -3' L r?, i" h The "HICKORY INN" to built of Brick. atoBe and Iron, has a)) modem Improvements, Kaa and Electric Bells m each room, Bnd'u ivell heated by fornact! Hot and Cold Water Baths and Toilets on each floor. Is elegantly furnished throughout. The table will be sup plied with the beat the market affords. Bxcursionlata to or from Aahcville can stop over at Hickory. For Information aa to climate, etc.. address , FRANK IiOUGIIltAN, Prop's, RATEa-2.BO to I8.S0 per Dsy. ' HICKORV, N. C. $10, lSand2 pcrWeck. - ' First heathen Here comes another I ship from Boston. ..... I Second heathen Whoop! Missionary with mm sauce for dinner. rite Delicacy of Woman. 'I.iU the HI v nce mistress of the field. umtmm irtn hntiirs lier head and lK-r- :iw LiiHtini; to iuntKeiHX and love to I iirotect:" Her eye may grow dim, her . Kl,. t.nlr la-fore lur Ims will revettl tin secret of her suffering. Appreciating this 1 element in woman's Butitrc, Dr. K, V.j I'imv hns oreonretl o. remedy, called I 'Pnvmite rrescrilitioii," adapted esi- liillv Sir the diseases and weaknesses pe culiar to women, and placed Hie same on .uk. Um rlruiirists. Ask for tlie"Favorile t'rescriiition," and you can, cure yourself I without publicity, and without being! fn the esniniiiations of surgeons. Full directions with each bottle. It is the I only guaranteed cure. See guurantee on every bottle wrapper A: A . . ' i firC'hod or add. to the health, turned tobpain, whence m naa saueo, rr""ZiKc a !,.,. Rni;.h ninnrl be ffot into an awswara aimcuuy, New Grand Central teblTdlm P. KAMSAY, D. I). 8. Dental OfHcc I In IlarnaH Bulldlna Entrances, Patton Avenue and Main Street.. . .. .. , fenaediy IfcTbrtloiS ,iUihlm dowa as a frauX Woman In Different Lands. News from the other side is to the effect that the canopy veils, upon wrhuih wn are snuauderinsr our money, a m in PnrindrallcatedtotbOCOCodetteS, and thnt women of rood form decline a-m ttrAllP thflm .-: However. I do not think this will affect their use here, inoamnrh fta W6 have always known that the "ladies Of the lake have the best styles in Paris. , .An American prides himself on his fortune and his ability to make it; an Englishman on his horses, the way they are groomed and tho absolute perfection ofhis get- up; 4 mreneniuan wu mo urogumvo... toilets and the superb carriages dedi ,t.i tn hc who duilv drives around the lake und causes envy in the heart of every one of his companions. i iii't itl 1 No man in the world siiends so much money on women of this kind as do tne DTencn; no men are so respectful to them or so much governed by them. An Eng lishman, no matter how well bred he may be, al wiiys fools that he can give his mistress either a mental or physi cal bcutin.'r; but they do these tuings bettur in France. -New York Letter. vigor and life as Acker's English Blood Elixir." This great remedy is sold under n aositive tuarantee by 1. t,. Bmitirc i c - Co.. :- ; . t Commercial: Recent events vat rusr'wM lr Pfl the claim of the London Times to the title Of "Thunderer ;H but it must feel like thunder all the same. 5 . naming Fire la the Velna. - Wm 1,.,M nnaitive nroof that Acker's P.cr1iah RliMMllilixir cures all blood poi sons where cheap sarsaparillus and so called purifiers fail. Knowing this, we will sell it to all who can at our store on a nnaitive iruarantce. l . t.. omua at vo. i Texas Siftings: Edison says that only one-fourth of the coal is used the rest goes up the chimney. It is wen tnison has settled this question, as the general belief has been that tne tnree-quarwrs went back with the wagons. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE FOR OENTLKMIN. Skat In th world. Kaarnln is SrlOKS. In Ooaanx, mmaa anu "a ii Sitaln OoasnM. Bntlan and Laos V. L, DOUGLAS C3 GHOE LADitt. " uWotS' BUOCKTO. BTA8. Forsulebv HERRING WEAVER, 30 South Main Street, Asheville, N. C. janlfldly Tin two yet w I I: ! tlitiimntl'iiiMilK.uliut UdUnbli-tr-i-f TWi ;k and eci.Kni'il r.istsr t ln-d f'-r t v.' Jrmv, fliirlr" ' Ml l!r.-o 1 eonlil not " n;l. oiny hand-HoR v '-. f..rSlHrf;l: 1C l'-'l I' I nviij-lfl'l'iil niliicj (1 In t- i I" -it Mt iinr t.f.i-- cdby 1h1 -hylrl8S'S onl In r"' "' on:'- Finally I took Fwltl's Silf.c, Improve. Allrr s v-hlle st ,n 'aa-af p.-t re month H! N-rn wrll 1 1 cut V ss-sl. hom Um eOocli of Swllf. HpceiDc JUt' rt.vjw.i'- Blood swl Pkln nlsniars r.umwi n dwirr Hrscino Co., Usnta, (is Tlie King of Corea. Just one hundred years before Cio tumbus discovered America, genera tin.,. hfin WmkesDeare was born. more than than two hundred years be fore Luther stirred up tiermanv wiui his preaching, u hundred years before the first Bible wus printed, when all England wus sleepiug on straw, sou wbeu pins hJ J'ct to be known, the present dynasty of Corca sat upon its imperial throne and governed its cream faced, ulmond eyea supjeci The bliKHl tlint llows in the reins of Li-Hi, the pivsent king of Corea. U ol the same mtilinuous royal stream ,;..i. imii Unwed over me vorwu throne since 13U2. Dunng that time twenty-hint kings have reigned, and the power of each has been more despotic than that of the ctar of Rus sia, The ro.vl blood has not weak ened in it llowing, and his majesty or today has the best qualities of his an cestors and is oue of the most progres sive of the Asiatic, rulers. -DTanii Vi la Consumption incurable T Read the following: Mr. C. H. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with ahareaanf liinim. and friends and physi cians pronounced me an incurable con sumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New ninvrm fur Consumption: am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medi miw ever mnne." Jesse Middleware, Decatur, Ohio, says: "Had it not been for Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption I would have died of lung troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in the best of health. Try it, Sample Iwttles free at jacoos drugstore. Flicgcndc Blatter v " Darling, you prom ised to give me a lock ol your nair in re turn tor the poem l wrote w juu , ouv see now that this lock did not come from your head." "It is quite appnpnatc. then, tne poem was nut. uuj " either." ' irV Uyapepala. Dew pair, oeatn. These arc the actual steps which Ibllow indigestion. Acker's Imglish uyspepsia Tablets will Ixith check and cure this most fearful of diseases, Garantecd by T. C. Smith & Co. Posted. Carpenter. Anecdote ol uenr... Rencral Grant, on his .return to i this said to have been severely v. - u flitted witn a eouB.. n,iln.1,.1i.liin Record: Not Fhiladclphinn (in St. Louisr-"WiU you kindly tell me where 1 can get a drink ol water?" , . , . . I'oliecman "Mem frent, I halt been only dree months on dis beat." tilectrtc Bittern. Tt,:. n.mr1v ia hecominff so well known and so popular as to need nosjieial men tion. All who have used Klcctnc Hitters sing the same song ot praise, n. Vu.c, medieinc ds not exist and it is guaran tecltodo all that is claimed, llectnc III nil ihaclUKS Ot tlK IIVCT i.;.i . will remove Dimples, boils, salt rheurn and other aflectionscauscdby impure blood. Will drive malaria from the svstcm and prevent as well ascure all i.Mni 6.r. Por cure of headache, constipation and indigestion try Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed or ttifitirv refunded. Price 5c. and 1 per bottle at F. L. Jacobs' drug store. "Mamma, that tall, fine-looking young man leaning Sgnimit the mano surely rnnot be fr. De Kolterl I thoughtpapa said he was short." .... "Only in his accounts with the govern ment, mv love. But his securities mauc During his passage through the do minions of the king of the Fan coun try he became by a misuiiderstand ina and. he ia unrallatrt enough to insinuate, very much against his will the accepted suitor of that monarch's table daughter. He did not burn with ardor to marry a Fan princess, and contrived, upon promising to return in a year's time, to get clear away without hia African bride. . "The king tried to persuade me to remain with him, ana saiu ne wouiu find me plenty of hunting, which he thoucht I must be rery fond of, hay ing come so far across the big water he did not know where on purpose to hunt: the white men -must bean extraordinary tribe. I told him when I came back I would stay and live with him. The princess fretted very much, and I presented her royal highness with the very last pocket handkerchief I had left to dry ub her tears and make herself happy till my return. 1 distributed numerous little presents 10 all from whom I had received any kindness. Alter much shaking of hands, etc., I took leave of his majesty and his two queens, and mustered up courage to kiss the princess, and she, poor, dear creature, cried as if her heart would break, I put on a little hvpoensy, and struggled hard to shed a tear; but it was no use, and, what was more unfortunate. 1 had not a handkerchief to pretend to dry away tny teswi." " v ""T"'1 At Havana Mr. Van Hare was com piled by the sudden death of a tamer who performed daily with acageful of lions to turn llou tamer nimseii. ne had never been at such close quarters with those beasts before: but after some very pardonable hesitation, he dotermined .to ?t over bis tremors once and for all : "I rushed in frith the heart of a tion whip in hand. The animals were at once Struck with awe, and crouched into their usual corner. I felt at once I was their master. 1 placed the hoop against the iron bars for them to leap through. The first came up with a arrowL I cave him a good cut with a whip, which he answered pretty quickly by flying through the boon like lightning, and the others followed suit 1 found I could do asl liked with them, and put them through their performance, and backed out of the cage." tUiladelphia Telegraph. : GILT-EDGE gROPERH FOR SALE AT AUCTION, Itlonday, ijtb day of May, '8$. iL .w. ok,.va da. e will offer for sale all Mhlic auction on 'the trouada Without re-1 Zrva. that valuable prouerty on College and I Spruce atreets belonging to Mrs. Thus. u. It has a nonae vnin iv i. i an fret on CoIIckt street ancf 6ob fcet on 8prce. and Within 78 yards ofiKA"5"c."r7; t m., a realdence. bnalneaa lot or make an laveatment within I . . . . nfth. l-lt, I Terms of Sale !6 per cent, cash, remainder I In six, twelve, eighteen ana iwraiyw i months time, with S per cent. Interest, pay. I able semi-annually, on deferred payments. I The property will be offered In lots and then I .LU naa lav nf SlBlla I Both dUien and atranger are reqneated to I n n, .,. nn Public 8auare, Bar-1 nard new building, where all desired informa-1 tion wiU be given. Iiuea (uaranw:u. BLAIR FURIlltURE tOIUlY NO. 87 PATTONIWENUB, NattAtstlneon&Bone, Agents for Mrs. T. D. Carter. aprlOdlm ' ' ' " FOR SALE. iValttafblc Tlmr Uinde. ..u khnat 11.000 acres of land In Swain countv, near Psnther Creek, the iv and th Una of the W . N. t- R, K. A greater portion ol thii land cont Ins the Sneat Umber tnai i snow oi m "S.'S aprlOdtf , JAMBSO. MAKT1M. J. W.SCIIARTLE, Wholesale and Retail Furniture Dealer, 'And ' bntfertakerm. Prompt attcution-given to all orders day or hight. . - Residence! 49 tenland Street Srbldly ' ' " STARTLING, RUT TRUE. HE BIG gloricms climate of North Carolina, has passed the Ibllow- MERGIIAtlT TAILOR fcbaodly 4a N. Main St. THE SUN - rriaS9 ' ' And for tta Democracy. The Sun believes thnt the campaign for the ... - 1 .u rll,. ,,nun-in lHUOaild VV " "-T... irMni la imii-j ahould begin I , i,Ht thr fnurth of m-xt March. The 1 tin will l on hand at the beginning and un til tlie end of the mtln,-rintlngandinort- . ....ii. i... l aliu the war. doing IU ... "-. 4lt-l,,m,,l, hoseat witnoaa, miwi w.'. of the Democratic party Hnd the iiermanenl aupremacy of the principles held by Jcffcraon, After a Soloarn of one year In this I ing reaoiuiiuHw, WW... . To sell all goods, eomprlalng a ft.ll and .mplft Hne of ClotWng. Purnlshtai Goods. Hats, Trunks, Valises, ete. at 10 per cent, above actual cost ; ' ' To select Thursday of each week .s Bargnln Day. on whkh day all goods go at net cost. The anece- of Big ha. been mo.t flattering, and to keep the ball '? .old chc, than ha. ever been offered to the trad. In the history of A.hevUle. The Big 33 gets there, Bill -. Can and be convinced that the above stntements are not merely Idle talk, nut ntexs niable. Yours to serve,. , x . -.. ' : ,. , , n - DIG 22. THE CAROLINA SALQ01I f Photographs by Talagraph. There have long been projects for transmitting photographs by tele graphio methods. If one may trust recent reports, this scheme - has at tained success and been brought into practical operation by the French po lice, Photographs, though of small site and In outline only, appear to serve the purpose for which they are intended, and neeing maieiactors nave been identified . by these electrical y transmitted photographs. Boston Herald. The great fact of the year la the return to - i..- ..rtli common enemv of all I good liemocrata the jiolltlcal orgnnUatlon for whoae overthrow The Bun fought at the Iront for fifteen years, the memorable yenra of Grant and the Fraud Hayea, and Garfield It la the same old enemy that tlemwrnts now confront, and he will be Intrenched in the same strong ixiaitlon. It has liecn carried once by brave and hoiwftU Sghting. IK. you not believe with The Bun that the thing can . i 1 1 UT.K .nd n The hope of the liemocracy la In the loyal ..f . on-aa. rhcriahlng no memo- riea of paat dinerenoea In nim-caacntlnla, for getting everything but the Icaaona of eipeii ence and that victory ia a duty. Probably you know The Hun already aa a newspaper which geta all the new. anil print; it In Incomparably Interesting shape ; which chronicle, facta a. they occur and tclla the truth about men ana cwnu wim fearleaxncaa, making the completeat and moat entertaining Jonrnal published anywhere on earth; and which aclla ita opinlona only tolta auliacriber. and purchaaeri il two cent, a copy on minoaya ., , kno w The Sun. .end for It and learn what a -.i ...... l .hinir it la to be in the aunahine. Daily, per month Kaily, peryear Bunday, tier year ' " i.n.. uhaH.v ner vrar..... 8 OO tk.ii. UMfliUv. mr mDntll..j 0 70 uihLI. ihin. line rttf , I 00 Addreaa, iiwuii,k ii aprlftHt , Has the Fluent and Lareeat Stock of WHISKIES i BRANDIES i AND i WINES, Uver Brought to AsheTllle. Vartles wishing S ftood article for family or other purposes, wUI find It to theJr Interest to give mc a call. Kenpcettully. Erattk ODonnell, Proper. marSldly FOR RENT For the Summer Months. A beautiful country home, 'containing nv nontrnrted while nerhcoccar,; and which had stub- 't , I believe, and he ha. sine. ? nK .jTL . l.i,i tr. nnv treatment. "EL L . . ell in Pennsylvania. W. Mrnrl : "Men Itnik upon nje as. grcat soldier, but twwi K-'C. to nrvSlivrbT'mcdidni is wind -He "and i.K ... ... 1. .nnin M CIW 11 .MS awiec to Mother. ii :...i...'. R,ofhinif Svrunshould alwiys ' be Zrt I for children" teething. It I .I,... raoma. nlcelv raralahed, situated In th hMtlril Hoorier's Crees vaney, iv from Hendersonvllle. 18 mne Bom A.nevinc .iieoaa atatlon and pctofllce near at nana n.tiri lawn. our. mountain water ano delightful acanery. Oarrten vegetanrea, ireaa Perfect health depends noon a pe"ct condition of the blood. Pure blood con quers every disease and gives new life to n- . I KnvA Slmn every decayen or anecieu .f . t Hlimtlon enables the system to stand the snocs oi nniu n- onr anu v. - .... . - mntic chancys. Atl occasional use of Terms reasonable. Apply to Ut. PABINHOtT, McLoud Building, A.hevUle, H C. ss, iii?PAUD. MANN 'eft JOnNST J. "Icas In very you are. nimn. -- ... , rown's Iron Hitters win seep yra in .i at r.f health, lkin't be deemed L.. Snu nrrnnrntlortS SaM tO be i.:.t .. nYwvl The ortiuine is mnde only I : . i if.MM.iinv It.ltimnt. by Brows vnrm.i -"j i---- j Md. Sold by all dealers BMumro rniTltuiM nUSTAKGUirHIT I..U0 1 Alitt "l"1" ! m fob MANBmt, vaamM Room 1 1. Or JOSBPH YOtmOBUKID, Fletcher's P. O., Henderson Co., aprOdlm N.C. nJ3Tr.QUX3IT ClMJUIfi'llSCEOT Fu iRAL -uiutLrK V II ss ii - . r wi 'Jtioa of this, aad some EMBALMING AND hway.. r A S P E C A 1st Mrs.T. SB. Mrsssaai. ' " .Jricvcd to announce the death 31- S PAT TO" A v,fty night ,alt mt rr.Uew,. - ,lll nttciid Calls Ttv of KaleiRh, of Mrs.T.B. Ly. maraidly rift of the Dishopof the Protestant njinl church of North Carolina. nilSTAilG LIIilLsEIlT K vWu"oWwVKh bt'wTobnd rrmFS W1E11MAT18M, tAMTS BACSo caned, and reached home only BT1F JOWTB. BUB IN UAUD Jdour before his wife's death. an DJGTA1IS LII.l"-"EHT BKAIA WFUMMmON. OLD cajuwi5i'K.-"idja7E num....