VOLUME V. ASHEVILLE, N. C, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1889. NUMBER 4. THE LAND OF THE SPHINX. pow. A NORTHEASTER'S WORK. THE OKLAHOMA R18H. A CITIZENS MEETING. AID THE EX-CONFEDERATE.! THE OFFICIAL LOTTERY. AN AKHK VII.UAN IN THE KHE DIVE'S DOMINION, AaetncM Uet to Work Clearing The Streets of New York. New Yokk. April 16. ShortW after 10 I o'clock this morning mayor Grnnt'a sec retary received a certified copy of judge walluce order dissolving the injunction procured by the Western Union Tele- hrraph Co., vs. the Mayor and Board of blectncal Control. An order was sent A Interesting Descriptive Let ter From Rev. Ocoriro Nam MCy, Dated at Port Said. PoT Said, Egypt, March 23, '89. We have an hour or two here before our shipsails, and it m.iT interest yon to shortly afterwards to the department of neorirom us at mis point, it nas oeen I "h" an eventful trip, thus far, in every way. " hand corps of axe men, ex- Rrtrnnnn, mrit h N.-inW hm I think I Pectinff the War sicnal. Before 11 wrote you. we left there on Wednesday o'clock poles at lth street and Ihuon evcninii ol last week at 7.30. having a I were ijcihk ym uywu. Hundreds of oeoole gathered in a few minutes to witness the novel sight of men cutting down tefetrraph poles. Two gangs, one on each side of the street, and another ana-of strong-armed woodcutters at' tacked the poles on 6th avenue. They commenced on both sides of the avenue at 23rd street, and they intend to level sm rs nole on the-ayejmjas far down as rybdis and "steamed into the harbor of -JHth street. The mayor .mm Messina, in Sicily. Some of our party missioner of public works tolay a letter went ashore in boats, as we had four notuying mm m poiesana wires tnai u . Knt l AiA tmt feavethe shiti. I were to come down. They were as fol- V-ita rtc . though: crowded lows: On 6th avenue from 23rd to ...Za . OrAmrca sold at two and tnt, except Western Union splendid view of Vesuvius and the Bay, the latter glittering with the city's lights and the former flaming ap at intervals, as we sailed out. The night was pleas antly spent, though the ship wascrowded. In the morning, when the sea was still, quiet and beautiful, we passed the two island volcanoes, Stromboli aud Vulcano. and at noon tiasscd-bjsryrhrw i'km NORFOLK PUMDKD AND DIS- ASTERS REPORTED. 58th wires on elevated road structure; on Broadway Irom 14th to 45th street, except hre de partment line; on 23rd street from 6th avenue to Broadway; on 25th street from 6th avenue to Broadway and on 42nd street from 6th avenue to Madison thru fir a rent! At 5 p. m. we steamed out of the har bur and immediately struck a rough sea. I tried to sit down to dinner soon after, but had to give it up, as did several oth ers." Some of the party who ate heartily 1 1 C .11.. .L.L tmm. nwiiflhnn tint I UVCnUC. urn. a " I fc. u K..1US ks HUTW.S.T. having time to get to nis stateroom even, "" :a;puu" and his performance in the saloon upset- y " of Umou Square which was ting a lot more. Lizzie and 1 lay down being taken down by gang of men fell soon and did not get up nntil Saturday suddenly, and a passing Broad way street morning, both of us having an attack on caf narrowly escaped getting crushed. Thursday morning. We ate nothing all No one was injured however. Ten pole this time. Our ship was tossed about were cut down every half hour.-The a great deal, and our only comfort was ?ang on the west side of Broadway have that it was in the same Adria where Paul cleared Tiffany Mock. Commissioners had his experience, recorded in Acts Gibbons, Hess and Moss were on the 27-28. Saturday the water was still spot and say they were glad thnt the rough but we kept up, but without eat- at last coming down. The fall lug. Sunday the weather was glorious of every pole hailed with cheers by and the sea like a hike. This coutinued the crowd. Commissioner Gibbons sent until after midnight. Then came a wind tor more police so as to be reudy for any that held us in its teeth for two or three emergency days. We reached the roadstcd out of Alexandria at 6 a. m. Monday, but could not iret in for the storm. The wind rose verv minute and we sou il were driven Seventeen Choaen From Bun. out to sea. Then commenced a oatta with the elements. Our little ship was tossed about like a feather. The wind Tracker Will SarTer Nothing from the Mlaalng Dsansrk Wrecka off Beaufort. Baltihokb, April 16. A Sun, Norfolk. Va.. Special says: The Northeaster banked the water up in the harbor to day and flooded the wharves and streets near the river and creeks, doing much damage. Another severe northeast gale raged here all last night and to-day, and continues to-night. The government wires are down again all along the coast and nothing can be beard from that section. The steamer Accomac of the Old Dominion line broke her shaft this morning about two miles from Smith field while coming to Norfolk, and went ashore in the storm. Capt. Krene, of the tug Luther C. Ward, now ra oort. reports that Thursday last, a mile soutb- STTrrtiatoL thc live fathoms shoal, be passed a wreck of a achoonc, Ua i. stern slightly out of the water. It - was probably the schooner Kuth Darling, sunk by! a collision with the old Dominion star steamer Wyanoke, on March 28th. The tug Prank A. Law, Capt. Raper, ante up this morning trom Hampton Koads having on board seven men, crew and passengers of the sloop Empire, . 1 A i Tl' n il iv ii mm annul v sua, sssku. a ' ,. i n:... Tk. k. m. m I covered wagons were in line, all show njccet'-on het-way-up-.off-Lambert-s ing inscriptions in keeping with the . Point. The tug picked up an abandoucd " sloop, name obliterated, with one an- ooomers were in tne wagons. uey w... chor out of the water in the neighbor- endeavor to locate together ;tn thecoun. hood of Wallociton, on the Dismal 'T " t.uun wim y The Canal s hiiilier than ever ror tne western uisinci oi ine wmiorj swamu, known; It is proonDie truckers lu tms vicinity will sustain additional loss from the floods of water, TO SERVE AT THE MAY TERM. fairly roared and the sea lushed iu anger and thundered about us. ineatrwusso filled with spray that we could scarcely see. Up and down, climbing and sinking, the gallant Bhiu held her head toward Un wind. Sometimes she seemed to be combe. List of jurors drawn to serve at the May term, 1889, United States circuit and district courts at Ashcville, begin ning Tuesday the 8th day of said month : ' Macon county R. J. Roane, R. R. Sell era. - i Hay wood J. P. Brinlett.P.C. Haynes, springing toward the sky, and then in a vf H moment making headforemost for the J-JiT', LrV I J-?T'l.,rr bottom. As she would come down some- fc'&XYTl t;m. . Would catch her and V.nlrokee.V- . DtWecse, J. 1. I t mcs a cross sea wouia eaten ner ana slie wou(d be almost knocked over. This continued until about 3 p. m., the air all the time growing thicker and darker, and the strangest Hue, a peculiar yenow, cov ered everything and prevented our seeing any distance. This wierd haze grew thicker and thicker, after awhile becom ing so dark, though ghoulishly-yellow still, that we could not even see to read. Suddenly there was a flash. A great me teor fell near us. Some thought it light ning or a ball of fire. The cuptain said it was a meteor. Immediately after tor rents of rain felt, washing even into the saloon, and at once the sky cleared and the storm of wind was over. The mys tery was explained. It was a sand storm, ana tne y"T3J"". '" cnby.Jas. Graigg. Win McHemplull, J. yellow with the mud made by it. 1 gath ered some of it the next day out of shel tered places, and keep it as a strange and wonderful memento. The worst of the storm was now over, but the sea required a day or two to go down, and it was still a time of terror to us-the vast mountains of water, no longer foaming so furiously, but violent still, breaking upon us, and the ship knocked about al- -rne April term of the inferior court for most helplessly, no matter wucr 1 Buncombe convenes Monday. tunica Hayes. Mitchell Win. Staton, Samuel Street, David M. keener. Cul. Singleton, Henderson M. T. Justus, Reuben Brock, T. K. Davis, sr., J. L. Allen, A. W. oat-sen, K. A. rreeman. Jackson L. J. Smith, Thos. Wilson. Madison W. 11. Clark, W. W. Gu hagan, W. R. Sams, W. . Roberts, A. D. Irisbce, W. L. Sprinkle. Graham W. B. Crisp, J. M. Davis. Yancey Jas. W. Garden, David Atkins, David Horton Swain David Whitesides, S. B. Gib son, i Transylvania loe Kemp, C. L. Os borne. 0. W. Sutton. Buncombe I. R. Baniett, D. M. Lee, W. M. Rav, W. B. Gragg, Robert L. Ow Morgan, A. K. Parham, E. J. Aston, Toliver Avery, Mat Baxter, Caleb John I son, Manson Mclntire. . - REPORTORIAE, RIPPt.ES. This is the last week of Lent, and the forty days' fast is near its end. n m not until Wednesday morning that we at last got into the "desired ha ven." Being so fur behind time, we at once pressed forward by the earliest team for Cairo, leaving Alexandria and its ob jects of interests behind. At Cairo we Joined the largerpartof ourcompany aud now we go under the care of a conductor ml are twentv-eiirht in number, all told. In Palestine, the, dragomans and neees- Boaners Watching Every Polat Ola Bololera Jo4a tha Rave. St. Vovn, April 16, The latest news from the border is to the effect that troops are being withdrawn from the neighborhood of Caldwell and , other points on the Kansas tine and boomers are rapidly getting ready to cross the Cherokee outlet to the boundary of Ok lahoma proper. Then they will move along old cattle trails and will reach the border the latter part ot this week and be ready to rush across the line oa the 22nd. High water in the Cherokee strips and Oklahoma will cause much delay and trouble to ths boomers. Many of those who have been in hiding In the valleys of the Cimarron and North Canadian have been washed out and their stocks and tents swept away. The reported dam age to the Topeka & Santa Fe bridge across the Canadian river at Pnrcell, has been repaired and there will be no delay to trains from the South. , Parties with temporary huilriinv for land offices at -tU-A Lisbon left Arkansas City to- uuy ana wiu c.n.-- e(i(y a)t possible. - A stage line has been put between Guthrie and Lisbon. Several deputy United States marshals started for Oklahoma and other officers will fol low at once. A special from Wichita, Kansas, to 1 the Post Despatch,, says: "The old soldiers colony left here this morning for Oklahoma. Seven hundred An Appeal That Should k Speed ily Hearkened Ta. Owing to the heavy telegraphic service in Sunday's issue the publication of the following letter from Miss F. L, Patton, secretary of the Mission Hospital, was rendered impossible. Thk CitizRh issue ot your paper that .Mayor tiarkins ukct tfcMait j subacribinir one-third of President made the following armoint. SViII tin hs POttnirlal tits WLlMlUin U I " u I . . I ma. ... . m J- A PROMINENT REAL ESTATE HAND VIEWS. He Thlnka the City as a Whole Shoald Nominate and Elect a Noa-Partlsan Ticket. Editok Citizen. I notice in a late SORB LARGE PRICKS AND ANT SRAU. ONES. Solicitor or (, Trcaaary and Chi- cago Poattaaater Appointed ., A Soldlra Diatraaa. Washington, D. 'C., April 15.-The 'resident made the (nlln vinz arkt-arMtot- re-election at .. ' . ... ,. , . . lnwH,(. ...w. p tri-.. J7:. the coming election. I had frequently "mount requirea lor its ona-oeratt -H heard him so express himself, but did not ,nda. and hopes that the balance will wiKSnaatf New aviate know till it was given out in your paper soon he placed in the hauds of the board justice of the supreme court of the that lie wished it made public. FromofmBn territory ofNew Mexico. Whiteman was n manner to ro. rami oincr. wit a Edniiren. W:i vou kinJIr .n nominated to this office during the Spe- whom he has talked, 1 am satisfied . VuJ- itmv. iu IWUI UURTr HI KBa IXOOIO v-UI IVC 1 . " a sick man in whom I am much inter- tKm w" no' nP. Hepburn, was estcd. He is an ex-Confederate soldier " rr officerdunngthe war. and was who was badly wounded during "the I m?,T)T ol congrss several tiroes trora late unpleasantness." Although a ereat tb 8 ,ow datnet. The commissions sufferer he has managed always to sup port mmselt respectably until some months ago, when he became helpless. be is sincere in his declaration. And thus the election of city officials is virtu ally freed and eliminated from politics and party strife. A matter of eongratu tion to every patriotic citizen of the city and country as well. A political contest in Ashcville at th.sl of three postmasters nominated br Cleveland and confirmed by the Senate were to-day signed by Harrison aad for warded to them. One was that of Leroy L. Brinkley, Edenton N. C. worl T iniurv to a Irreater 0, ,, Rreat and the doctors can suggest noth- 1 ne roilowtng postomces inspectors on .' KiS 1m for his relief except an instrument I ""L predtKn. have been removed, need su"C" aa"7L. J" whieb will cost more than we are able to if Ale"no.CT of AtlanU Ga., James 1 and cordial c-operutioS uTV" expend in that way at present. Dr. Men- Gnrhnol Atlanta Ga., and Romus r. party, let the result he in favor of the We have had him m the hospital for sev. one or the other, but would certainly CTal "J;. b". J" uffcrnS re 7 i i ! i 1 irreat and the doctors rnn ini'vnt noth. zealous 1 this I .r.n. :n 1 3 c .1 - !l?Jr "iR,! It! pS-wit SiTnW.". the. postoffice'de- will be located. BANK ROBBERS BALKED. Two Deaperadoea Attempt a Bold Stroke, But Fall. Nothing from The Danmark. New York. April 16. Still there is no news of the 700 passengers and crew of Minneapolis, April 16. A bold and the water logged and possibly sunken aeUriy successful attempt was made at steamship Danmark, nevertheless the ,10on to-day to rob the State Bank. Two alien is continue to hope, though tney I , went into the bank when only two have nothing more to base their hopes on employes were present. Oue covered thr than that some sailing vessel has picked employes with a revolver, whiletheother up the people of the Danmark and has yautetl OVer the railing, and thrust about landed tnem at Azores, ine rtcirra 01 8.000 on the teller's table, into a valise. good man in Asheville. We must work :'h-jr, in whose judgment and skill we fjiwrt ot tnicaga. fram-is M. Goorof together like brothers having at stake a rason to place the highest """PP1. -u,d Gtj?rKe w- Deitherage common cause and a common destiny nnoeiwe, u.if ... fc aiplrBtui of St. Louis, postoffice inspectors on mail onlerthata city may be built that V""? lr """ will certainly orpraaations, have resigned. 1 1 j . v.L.:.. rencvc nw suucniiK. an v- . - I Ten additional eri SUMI 11c Mil in 11 iv , nuu ft Wn-OOIIIK IV wa I and those thnt come after us. I - WelL in view of the situation what isl the duty of the good citizen, of Ashe .Hk, sum amZ7ho wSo V relating to lB - IIT IV VIIIO A V VStl m J'MiMiv IUVV-.IIIU 1 without regard to party affiliatinn, and h- to do RKk ceases, begging just to i. iw ... j i.n..i.i..n. ),:.. icea ana nurse trie poor umortunutcs in and black, come np like men and elect caRt h j..bnf to fk , CommisdoiwTsnneroftht pension of- them. Th s s a pla n matter that every "". """" """- .-".- " " w m lne ' . . r . . , .. rl tin nmut rnmrallv Anv rcintrihutlnni I nrusn. m,..lk Stn OT1 L.. -A ...1 one can understand, ana lor tne nieoi : 7-. , ; r..i iTV- o; r" . . . " me, I cannot see bow any one who ta ,(iurl" l" I, . C I L c l w,l? the interest of Ashev IVt at heart can op- .""..-..r' "TJ " "'" ", anu uxmi wen ac pose such a course. I admit, it would "osintal. will be most grot interfere with some little fellows who " - c - Mbw P. L; Pattn. The commissioner want to use party as a eats-imw to get office or to serve some ignoble end, but to the noble and mngnunimous citizen who does not want office and would not the North German Lloyd line arrived this morning but brought no news. The Denmark and Helvetia will arrive to-day. At this moment a depositor entered, and this torcea tne uncovennir 01 tne assist ant cashier, who rushed to the safe to get his revolver. The roblier threw the valise to his accomplice, who dashed into the president's room by mistake; He then lumped through a window aad fled In the meanwhile, tlie other man had also A Gale Off Beaufort. Beaufort. N.C.. April 16. The schoon er Rio Lupton, for Elizabeth City, cap sized six davs aco in Alliemurle sound. The captain and one of the crew were escaped. There was a wild rush in which drowned. The vessel will be saved. The I three or four policemen joined, and finally schooner, Lottie May, Capt. Richardson, i- two miliars were caught and lodged from Georgetown, 8. C, April 12, for I iu juil. The names of the men are given rmiuHciiMiiu, bihuviui mi uuoi j 1 as I aincs nenry ana r rca uougmss, . 1. 1 t iu. .......1;..,. ;;i. I . urruiijr. ma, ih-i nvf.i,.i ji. , She is anchored about six miles from the lieach and is Inlioring hard, but is sup posed to lie all right. A gale is blowing from the the northeast and rain is full- iug. STILL, MORE REDlTtmONS. THE CHARLESTON. Th' Scale conference's) Work A General Strike Feared. Pitthhusg. April 16. The scale con ference of the Western, Pennsylvania and The New Crnlaer Nearly Ready for Her Trial Trip. San Francisco. April 16. It is stated unofficially that the cruiser Charleston will robably start on her trial trip Fri day next. She lias 6nished coaling, and yesterday took on board a large quanti ty of rope, hawsers and other equipments from Mare Island for a trip. On Satur day, while lying at her dock, fires were started In her furnaces, and the thachin- Ohio railroad coal miners and operators adjourned this evening after adopting a CT under a run head of steam, was found scale orovidine for the payment of 71V4 U ,l .m,w,thli and in nerfert order. cents per ton for mining in Pennsylvania Her anchors are in place, but her steel i.uiiii, i..v o-....... ........... I masts, wmcn were ranot in 1 lujuuig, cents in the winter; and 6iV4 and 67 v I w;il not be put in until after the trial cents per ton for same seasons m Ohio. 1 1 -in Hot nrmumf.nl- has not vet arrived. This is a reduction of 2H cents per ton Ca t Cna.. Goodall, of this city, has on the present scale which expires on the l)Kn (elected by president Irvin Scott, ol 30lh inst. The scale committee was tbc Umon Iron yVorks, to command the somposed of eight operators and eight Charleston, on her trial trip. He miners, lour mraiu """ '""J """ has inspected the vessel. Tne engines were set torily, going, and worked satisfac- A Brother Flrca on Hla Slater' Bean, Bnt Shoota tha Girl. Election or no election, the registrar keeps on registering just the same. Thos. S. Reed has been appointed post master at Best, by the new administra tion. Marriage license was yesterday issued to David M. Taylor and Surah E. Grant, sary attendants will swell our party to of Buncombe. -u..t . i,,iHrMl ! H a vine" such a lim-1 and the balance from Ohio. The Pen sylvania miners vote unanimously ntrninst the scale but the remaining twelve members of the committee AN OBJECTIONABLE VISITOR, voted in favor of it. If the action of the Pennsylvania members is sustained by the Pennsylvania miners a strike in Penn- n .ti n minM ia inrvitnlllff. Ilplefatea sav a irreat majority of the railroad coal BirminoMam, April 16. A special to u . . I MM I iL. A IT 1.1 WnM.ia aiatut4a nnr win ninerr co lIn? bcbic. i mi ine AKncriuu iruui nomui HMWiw that the Ohio mines will be run-1 sad traeedv at Reed's Gap, near that nine by May 1, while those in this State place. Four young men called to see will be closed down. A striae in western miss ii vingnioii. jici uiuum "jp-" Pmnavlvnnia will throw 8.000 miners to one ot the visitors, ana went on ana out of employment. got a pistol. When he entered the room lie A General Strike of Coal Hlnera Feared. , nrnftM-nriVillnra I $15 0111 will tve t hi I 1 ", 5 7 . I ' ' n. ' ----- , j a inniirntw Will Us" . fftnitlBt-n IT UlllCliiit A, . , , - " partment t6rBr7a8, the postoH nanrra relathnr tn a"iTllkatlonS am uvz mu v , , . ." . - ir.k i .. . hi . . I , . niivr ia manuiQ im-iiimimi-wn T . - nonor tne lost cause, or tnoac woo, at : -. z- 7 7", "7" ', least, feel for human woe. The ladies I brin? the wor'1 P aate further derfiJl i win uc mauc. TANNBB B VERT BUBYV Secretary Mission Hospital. Aehevllle Tobacco Market. Mr. Robt. P. Walker, the well-known have it. except todischargeasacreddiity, tobacco broker of this city, thus sums up desires this fact made public as a general explanation of delays in answering corresiiondence from grand army men and others having personal interest in pension cases now pending in the office. He bespeaks in I dulgencc of correspontents nntil the present burden of work shall have been this course, it seems to me. would be re-Lu. ..i,.:ii.. ... f.. tw. i . iaiI 09MV "iv iiiisinv iui in. TiM.s ass K,u,,,... ,r....u v"vlu,.. 4!S....ik..T,.Ku.n, Tmrnal f Tl at this time and under these circum- "'" ,uu . w,,n,m, ..,., ,,K stances.' published at Danville, Va. leveij enort in nis power to expeaite tne With all due respect to my DemocratK- Excessively cold, wind v and harsh wo ?. g P woate at friends who have thought proper to call weather, the latter part of last week, tn earlist possiote day. a convention on the 19th instant for the effectually checked safes here. The latter - THB Chicago posthaste. purpose of nominating a Democratic part of tne week, we look for good, if A list of thirty-three postmasters ap- ticket, I beg to suggest that that meeting not large safes. There is no basis since pointed by the President is made public be abandoned, and a citizens meeting be our Inst report to quote prices. We have to-day. All are for the northern and called, signed by the leading inert of b.th uo reason to think the speculators will western eitiea. The principal one blames (lartics, to meet nt some lulnrr rinv to top their "bulling" this market, until A Sexton, of Chicago, vice Newberry re put out a ticket after the manner above checked by the large receipts upon signed. Six of these appointments are in suggested. Such a meeting composed the markets east of us, which must come the place of men nominated by Cleveland alike of the good men of Imth imrtics, sooner or later now, whose norainr' mm wm not voted upon having in view only the dear interests ol Our sales for the month of March were by the Senatv Half doses others are AsneviiK, coum hihk ho in ii.ni us 403,700 pounds; tor six monini ciiuing i to nil vacancies canaed by removals. As ticket and the ticket it would make, no igt inst.. 8.207.971 pounds: for six I sistant medical prfeme Philin H. Hartrm combination of tricksters could defeat. months ending April 1st, 1888, 3,232,- of the pension office, has been removed. feel the freer to make this suggestion 930 pounds. Showine this rear only Barton was an anoointe of the laat ad. just at this juncture of affairs, because it 22,959 pounds behind last year, from ministration. Theodore Smith, of New '.A 1 tl- 1 U , Aavtu.M iluiiPM. I I ' I r . 1 I. Ii. . 1 I (r I i . . . . - ukiiu niiu miniiM uim w,oi,i msir wnicu we inicr incrc wui oc very niirc 1 10m, ipecnu examiner in tne pension 01- ing persons, wnouy uuwurvuj iiicinacivca ainerencc bciween tne saies 01 tne two 1 nee who resigned last summer, has been of public confidence and trust, are seeking years.' to noniinaie at ine Democratic conven tion for the different positions to be filled, men who are scarcely known to one-half of the people of Asheville; men who have never turned a hand or given a mite to make Ashevile what she ninrfilnl Dnl.t W U.-. I 111...:. recorder of the general land office, and Virgil M. Hobbs.of Indiana, chief of the contest division in the general land of fice, have resigned. , ; '' . A SOLDIBSs DISTRESS. General Frans Siegel, who has been pen sion agent in New York for many years, the r.Li .1. -I Cairo, we visited oiilv a few Domino parties are fashionable just points of interest, such as the Pyramids 0w, where they play poker instead of ol lihizen, tne opmni, i"" - dominoes. rui;M the Houlak Museum, streets,! bataars, etc. The first afternoon Lizzie I , Three parties were sent to the chaiu and I concluded to spend in rest. We ftn at tse morning session of the police were both-worn out from seasness, - t d the anxiety of the one day and two court yesteroay. nights of storm, and our inability to eat Tbe atmoSphere south of Asheville was &JS$&& - thick yesterday that one couldn't see rest did ns good. The next day, nt the a "rat" on Pisgah. tSAS Cremated toast is not palatable. ..nllrd me and one "boosted." while in- Food should never resemble in appear- numerable others went along, a howling aiice the remains of a hotel fire, mob. Seven ol us were up there, ana not fewer than thirty Bedouins accompany ing and crying"Backsheesh!" One of my fellows spoke a little English, and when 1 was at first attacked, and besought, and begged, 1 quietly told the fellow that if he and histwocompanions wanted any thing of me when they got to the fort above the regulation fare (a mere pit ol nnid them bv the Slieikh, who con trols them, they must keep quiet and uot moming-, Citmbn. - I... ;uirlvH Tliev took the hint. I and there 1 sat on the summit, viewing Mail and passenger tram No. 53, over the valley of the Nile, the desert and all, Ube Western North Carolina road was in perfect peace, my three lounis sur- hounJ fa hing the city yes- rmaTto I enjo it."Ind terda, aoon, the others of our company wonacrco at . . . ycster,i!iy at work : te iPid" hut Z on the railroad wreck near Marion, -nT far. Lixzie tried this, but not the be brought back to-day, and work on ascent. We then went to the Sphinx and Uthe depot park in this city again re- had a camel niK, etc. i.u, . d .,wk left Ca ro and came as far as um' lsmnilia, the middle point on the Sul-Measures far tlie tww miiforms-irf nlic fired at one whom he supposed was the objectionable young man, but who turned out to be his sister. The ball PtiNXSUTAWNKV. Pa.. April 16. A gen- strnc ner in tne cneex, ana loagca at tne eral strike is imminent in the Jefferson base of the brain. The attending physi county coal regions. The authorities at cians say she will die. Young Livingston Adrian mines have offered their em- is said to have been drunk, and is still at Gone to Washington. Mr. D. V. Thrash and family, and a party composed of seventeen people living in the vicinity of Asheville, left men that are wholly undeserving and yesterday to make their future home in unworthy ot public trust ana puonccon- . . . mitt,d state of Washincton. ZZZSZSaZ. ium'ZLEZ2 Iln (ka nmiiMftt ntunrs t rt I r " una ivbikiivu wiivv uw iuui niiBtuuuiILl business men. the true laboring men be- They went over the Memphis short-line recently. The General has called for an Kaiarav Set SI M rMUtrt i rt tT aallPrl mm mutr and tvm amt thmnvh hv division examination of his office by special exam- 1 wouhf not be understood as sug- passenger agent Ben. A. Newland, of the j JilVHnJlbJ!a, tlty 'ZS tinrnrlntimatinifthattheirood men L . . favor whe it had been excepted. Siegel Sf Asheville belonging to the Democratic P' v" 01 foaa' " 1 J ' announced his intention to retire topri- party, are parties to, or in any way con- v.vB,u '"ii" wmitotoi nected with making such a ticket. , By Wyoming on the same train. Capt. no means, but the good men of that Newland tells Thb Citiibm that emi- bmahcipatiok DAT, nartv. who love Asheville as dearly and .. ... 0i. s. s.n- i I Thennrroes relrhratHl rmannnatimi "?."L "ZfXrfZ'oZ r ' the.al manner. The pM are taxing no panm impiiiK iiiniK- ' . l was very creditable, president Harrison serve their city they are standing idly North Carolina are preparing to seek the I ana family stood in the White House por by, leaving it to the trickster, to the .new countrie." The negro exodus is I tico during a pelting rain for hall an schemer who wants to use tne party about ended, we learn, and the "shift, hour while the procession passed. seinsn- ana ignouic enua, to ux up . , ticket. It's the fellow who wants office ng" fever is now fixing itself upon the or place for himself or friend, or has some whites. secret object in view wno cries tne loudest "stand by the party," "don't mix your drink," "give it to us straight" j .1.. i:i.. ti.:. it means "stand by me, I'm in a strait for nn" an office, and would not like to be PURELY PERSONAL large. Rememlier thnt biscuit, when as heavy as reading matter in a Raleigh newspa per, are not apt to rest easy on stomach. Attention is called to the advertise ment of Mrs. F. C. Estabrookr announc ing the opening of her studio, in this jsnuiiiu., hi i". r i r.l 1 iwi:iiii. - canal. This morning we came by a i little Rcgcue H)H)k aud Ladder company were fflTkWandTn. yterday, and the "boys" willprc- " "v-.. .:n t- Pn.n,-h hunt for .Iaffa. I u.ni a irorirrous spectacle at their next WIUK will w . I " r--o- . where we hope to arrive to-morrow de wBtch out tor 'em. . anrf an iinmnlintelv 1 r W m?n r e ' rinrem Rav is organizing a Washing. Except for soreness from the Pyramid ton centennial tourist party. Rates to expedition, we are ext'"K,sw,c"' y New York for twenty-five or more per- sons traveling on a solid ticket, will be at rnnaiilerHblv reduced figures. See him . ... j Chough Summey. AH-Amertcaa Win. . . - Powder Mill Blown Up. Tkoy, N. Y., April 16. A ixirtionofthe works of the Schaghticon Powder Co., ployes thirty-five cents instead forty cents, the present rate. The miners have declined the reduction and if any attempt made to force it upon them, as is ex- .N.m.lv nrnluitili all of the nthpr com panies will make similar reductions and was blown up last night, by the explo- - . . . i . , . I ! ...... I . ... hiiiulrwi . ru.iinila nt mn. the result will DC a general mime in- ; " ' ", , .. olvinc several thousarids of miners. It tenal in mixing vai. vnaries nose is said that large coal buyers a",e holding was killed, and aud Marvin Bennoveay back their orders in anticipation of lower received injuries which will probably be prices for coal when the reduced scale for fatal. The damage to property is about mtninir miM urn rnnr. w,nuui niiu vm. ... a .. . " " I , l r ,t .1. ..C ... . ....lv . , - I ini OUV OAW UUIIIIUI Ul lii uwnuii -r M MlHH..nnll. I . 1 ... I . 1 . - -1 i. - - aauy, win snut oown lor hiiuuv ia m,v.kk.is. Anril 18.-The sixth da v weeks, until the buildings and machinery of the street railway and motor strike are replaced. n..nMrl with alianliite miiet. Pin at-1 tmt hn v ln miide to run cars since I H Haeut Struck "r Friday. Called to the Steele Creek Church, Rev. .T. A. Wharton, of Waynesville, been unanimously called to the Steele creek church, Mecklenburg coiinty, 'mixed' in my efforts to get it with some which is said to be the largest country other fellow who is ten times more de- cnnrch jn the South among the Presby "."Sl1' A.Wi,u will vou terians. It ha. over 600 members, and join with me in breaking to powder its congregation varies from 800 to 1.. these little amy siates mat some oi mhhj every suoimtn. Mr. mnanon nas these little one-horse fellows have "fixed;1 worked very successfully for three or four ?!ri:.n - yewita Wavnesville and the countr KDB HI IHHIlllIBi n HWii, Mm. . I ' ... rt t 1 credit to Asheville, a mayor and three round about. His influence has been ex- aldermen who are intelligent, moral and erted for the improvement of the commu progressive-men that will not sell or nity manifcstiVi that the business men dance upon the supreme court. d7vXal enTpurpo o7 pro ect-'men of Waynesville waited upon him in a I Mr jj. Field, of Anderson, Ga., is here that are Known in town, not omy uy iwuj unu uiKvi. ...... ....... .... , on B visit, ana is tne guest n n. i,.iyang, their faces but by their works, in making cision bos not been announced as yet. Esq.. the South Main street jeweler. Asheville what she la. . . I "1 ' ..... . . uicnnwamni i yvuiiam iuaiycs raues. esq., oi v.nar- leston, S. C, was registered at Battery Park yesterday, as were also Cbas. W. Aahevllle A RAILROAD BOUOHT. The Richmond and Alleghany to Become Part of the Chesa peake and Ohio By stem. Richmond. April 16. The nroiierty rights and franchise ol the Richmond and compare favorably with any of its size in Allcgiianv raurouQ compmiv m .u the un,te(j states, according to the opin at public auction to-day to brwm Davis. ion 0, this traveler. Vet. Charlotte News; Philip Phillips, who has been entertaining our citizens with his "Chariot of Song," is a man of "manv travels." and he says that Char lotte is one of the handsomest towns be has ever seen. "Pew places the size of Charlotte." he says, "can show such an elegant and handsome building for young men as charlotte nos. uiir city win Some of ns have worked too hard and spent too much of our time and means ch Hamilton, of Salisbury, the for Asheville and this section to see this . . .... city turned over to be preyed uKn by n brtman wno wns so senousiy injurea in set ol incompetent, unwonny, ana it incruroowrci.iii-ritiiioii,...uoj, may be corrupt set ot oihciais to cinsn d,ed from the effect of the wounds he re all our work to the dogs and tjossibly at n 0,ckck the iame dav Hm turil UUA.R Vtrv llu.llVJt ui kin iv iui Cotton for the Soldiers. Nkw Yobk, April 16. Three bafes of rhas. W. Cox and I. Kehnedy Todd, of New York, for five million dollars. These gentlemen represent a syndicate formed by the first and second mortgage bond- cotton were sold to the highest bidder holders, ana were appoiiuen oy me syn- on thc tton exchange to-day lor the dicnteto purchase tne property wmcn K-nefit 0fthe National Confederate Sol will lie turned oyer to tne mrsuiieaKc Home at Austin. Tex. The cotton and Ohio railroad company and-form I Cainefrom GftlvestonAle of 488 part of that great system, pounds was sold to John Collins Son PrTTSBimo, Ajiril 16.-Three thousand Rt once iryon intcid taking in the cen peoiile atten.le.) the ball game Unlay . L t. n thr I'hK-ncro ana nii-nnn-in-" t, vv vv i s n it At J I I t t t' Mr.J. A. Tenncnt is siipcrinieiHiiiig the erection of a three-story brick build ing on the south side of public square.the property of Mrs. Merritt, of Philadel phia. The building will be used as a store-house, and adjoins that of Mr. W. 0. Wolfe, the marble dealer. teams. Tl. All-AiiiencasoniiH.in.Tj outhcldcd the Chicago's and won with i l 234567 80 AILAnVrica ...1 0 0 2 3 0 3 1 0-10 rw..m 0 00000300- Earned runs-Chicago 1 ; AU-Amenca 4. Base hits-An-America 111 Chicago 7. Errors-All-America 1 : Chicago 5. Bonlanger'n House Searched. Pirns. Anril 16. The police have searched tne residences of BoUlangcr, count Dillon and Rochefnrt, and hnve seized a number of papers. The govern ment has ordered the prefects of various departments to promote fetes similar to thnar which wil be celebrated in Mar seilles on May 6, anniversary of the meet- ingofthestawstienerai, m imv. uk prefects hnve been instrncted not to al low public meetings likely to create dis order. The order to the prefects states thnt they represent the central power, politk-nl action is centered in tncir nanus, and other officials should second them. The Weather. Washington, April 16. Indications for Worth Carolina Rains, followed by fair -,.atli. slichtlv warmer, variable winds. for 12 cents per pound. The same firm purchased the Atlunta bale for 13 cents and Munson & to. tooa ouvanuun cot ton at 14V4 cents. Saturday Half Holiday, New York, April 16. The Produce Krham?e decided to adjourn over Good Friday by a vote of 7H8 to 182. The proposition to close on April 29 was de feated bv a vote of 552 to 424, two-third vole necessary. ' In relation to the amendment to do away with Saturday half holiday, there were 255 votes in fa vor as against 1 1 1 u)ix'm"B Lottery Prlxee. Nkw Oblbans, April 16.-Thefollowing rth orinrinnl prizes drawn in the Intterv to-dav: Finrtnrize. 32.074: second prize, 93 HiK); third prize, 0,165; fourth prize, 62 052. Rev. W. S. P. Bryan and wife left for Baltimore on the noon train yesterday, P. D. Walter, Esq., of Staunton, Va is autographed at the Swannanoa. . Judge Aston has been drawn to serve as a juror at the May term of the Federal court In this city. Messrs. Geo. H. Smothers and W. B. Ferguson, of Waynesville, were at the Grand Central last night. W. W.Jones, Esq., of the law-firm of Jones & Shuford, is at Raleigh in atten- How years. A citizens meeting is tneremeay. many see this matter like myself? WATT ATKINSON. P. S. It is proper for me to state that am no candidate for office and I should not be before a citizens meeting as I neither want the office or iti emolu- awaTt the disabled engines sent to the College street, left yesterday for a plea &J&&&&li'JZ company's sl,.m. at Manchester, V... for trip to Whington, did also Mr 7 . ...... . . ... Mim in u.irl mt.il mill naaapflirrr truna tir'n; ..J J L. Skinner and wife, of Elmira, N. Y. Deputy-collector A. H. Baird has gone to Statesville to attend the April term of body was coffined and taken to his late the Federal court for the western dis- home for burial. trict of North Cerolina now in session at The damage sustained by the W. N. C. that place, He is a witaessmoverthlrty R. R. Co., by reason of the wreck, cases. amounts to between $3,500 and $4,000. Mr,C. A. Chandler and Mrs. Klng- The debris has been entirely cleared man. Bnat at the VanGilder House on as- Mrs. ing. I would feel just like 1 think any repairs, and mail and passenger trains williami and daughter, visitors now and every good citizen should feel, that over the line will resume their regular stopping at the same place. The party it was my duty to accept. N. A. gdicdule in running time to-day. wju return to Asheville in about ten A Oladatonlan Victory. ' A Branch Houae. J days. London. April 16. An election was TW Aiiltmnn & Tnvlnr Co.. of MaitsVl vr- tm t CrL. J..L,i . ... , . a j i at .u . ' i mi. nuu rait, v hiki, vi miiit;i v.. Bli?- mad" vlanV by "the Ohio, have decked to orn. branch No. Wft for their home yester resignation of Colr Hughes Hnllett.-Th? house nt Ailieville, the only branch house dayi gfter a .even weeks' sojourn In the balloting resulted in tavor oi iiuggcsct, m the Mate. I ney contractea yesteroay i i.jand 0f tne Bjty Mrti pup Is a with T.I. VanGilder as their busineM AaVihitr 0f Sir Charles Tapper, the well votes against 1,5H yotcs for pavas, TlwM,.,aWahrirtr.nL ' . 1 :k-,..I I ninmat i.ani1iiliile. In the eleei "" - Known uipiomat ana mcmucr oc tion in 1885. Col. Hughes Ilallett, Con- mark) is well-known in Westers North Canadian Parliament. Mr. and Mrs. servative, received 1,002 votes against Carolina. 1.353 for Bclsey, candidate o. the Home thc Kvenlna Journal. -- - , ji..1 ..j.Lj.!..-.' r . I Asncvilic s new evening paper mane its I ana announced tneir lnientiun ui revnrn- Tobacco Factory Burned. initinl ,pjw;aranct noer the editorial ing to Asheville next winter. They may LTnvii mm4 m.t n aw. a hv tu rnout fnrtorv ' m - .1 S'll' f l jl- . a . a . I evening. uss on tne nuiiuitig is auout j hve-column Journal, and Is neatly gotten Fuller will visit Washington and other I American cities before they return home, cnni'Ko, Va., April 16. Fire al- 1 ' . ,. ... , completely iK-stii.yed to tobacco management of Mr. Theo.Hobgood. yes ry of John A. Chifds & Co., this terday afternoon. It is an eight-page, be sure that onr people will be glad to welcome them back again. $8,000, partly covered by insurance. It is impossible the est iniatc the loss on stock or the insurance. A Correction. In our report yesterday of the Mecklen burg Presbytery we stated the contribu tions to Foreiirn Missions as $516.00, when it should have been $5.160 the largest figure yet raised in the Southern Presbyterian Uiurch. up. The subscription price is $5 per an-1 Chattanooga's Hospital, Chattanoooa, April 16. The city num, and thc editor is down on t lie credit council to-night supplemented the Baron avatem Brlanger and the Oiieen & Crescent route ' - ' gift of $9,000 for a public hospital at Bible Claaa. Chattanooga, by an appropriation of The young ladies of Asheville are cor- ?10'Wforl" Ti ill? ite .. .. 7 . . . ., , .. is valued at $30,000, and had been pre dially invited to attend the Bible Reading donated' by 6ty ,nd roa t in Johnston Hall, Friday afternoon at 4 it thought the county will also make o'clock, an appropriation of $15 ,000 more