prot . t r u sii vr W oWi 'i- ! ntfI ID SrcttB m-n nnA tirnrr j i iu In l writ V, hW' " f i Otis iiMlimtrf , art giaour IB tret k i' fy r) t-h ihdi.ptrhr.of tht ti1()Uj.(, tlx rye of fair judgment ia at fiiVOI'B ttllll invito H.Mtiai lit iKk now covers thr ' . ... I i, in,..,, t ha othrr laoii-1 .., ( .11 quarter. Willi rrrrr I mo K cart- , v. ;:"-;v17"u.;rlr.rni .Vt.r; ui wrrk. orrrri will dmrr the pt-r ia UTi-iTk-i-'y MwiES . ... ' Aktmtmm lirn-Reasonable, end made .,.n aoooeatioa at thm o.ce. a ad w.iMrm. l awd to WEDNESDAY. AIKIL 17, 188. OIK APrOACI INO , , TION. . ELKO The q,Kstim of the Validity ofoura pniatbing municipal election wm exten- sivcly diactikstd yesterday, and quit a variety of opmioii. expressed. Owing .v it are nnanie to trive ins views oi ine sno- . .tMOuro positkm, be4 pL.ted by fr-ctional currency; io th.; the oiantons of several of oar best attor- greilt uggregate of travel is not upon the neys, w as mnows: , , ' That the rcgistratHin as now bring mads wUl be valid, for the purpose ot it.i: i .; .j ' j.t.- city charter. , . The charter was adopted in 1833, and to which the charter referred m the sec- , tinvi mViL-K mrtiftnA Inaf tii v 'fitfiutn I . v " - shouldwnductedaiX-ordingtoUiesame eiertioTofTnlxro rirviHJB Ul nicmuci. 01 inc ucncrai I rtnUT ' RMilwwtliUrlnna. ,.r. nlk. ...r ... , ..7 - u , - : . ..i u i.x-' vi ii t ui n wiitm kiijmivi w'uimip tv.i oeajed b, . kenera.Ja i;:rV''xrM,on,, V7 asct to ue repcaicu. i nerviorc, toe i .! m in iuiii, kmu . w 1 tion may be brlti at neretotor. I VYe hone these views wUl be found to be good ia law, and cannot doubt that a free, fair electioa will satisfy every one. Indeed, we cannot set who can object to the result. The detested candidates will I certaiidy the result gracefully: the present Incirmbenta will have no wish nor intention to hold over, and the new mayor and aldermen, when regularly in- ducted into office, as tbey aurely will be, will be mayor and aldermen dc fiirto.and assoch, we believe tbeir every act will be usiained by our supreme court, should I authority. v ' We hops there will be no effort made and so there need be felt no apprehen- ion as to whether any city bonds of the ' rh .' Th eitlH-ns of Ashevilte will to a man ruiv all the! taxes that anv I Board of Aldermen, who are fairly elected, way impose, and if any one should recklessly resist such payment, j he will only nave to submit inthe end, after paying heavy cost, for bis amu- . , ' . -f : .fi....i!... CSV VICWS on lUC Sliuauon, wc niu urge every one, to "make assurance doubly sure," by registering within the time prescribed by the present statute to wit, prior to the second Saturday pre-1 cetiuig im cKviiuii. w ivk w mm 1 of the inniflireuce wlm h prevails, in the performance of this dutv. Not one fourth I of the voters are as yet registered. (In-1 der any view of the cusr, nearljr half ol I the time has elapsed. Friends, hesitate I no longer, but one and all register at I once. . ' I THKOW1NU Or V TUB MASK. Two delegations of Republicans from Alabama art besieging rresidrnt Ham- son for recognition and favors; one that I might b called the representatives of the "old bue;- the other wmcn. renrcnU I another Kne of thought and action, which repudiates altogether the negro as the essential factor in Republican politics, In effect, both wings started from the same point of action, both holding the use of the negro at indispensable to party success, the one honest or weak enough to bold on to their original professions; the otlier shameless enough to confess to king career of deception, and now ready to east the negro norm, and seek alliance with enough of white Democrats I weak enough to be deceived to secure . such pnrty vk-toriee at had not been won J by a solid and mtmixed negro vote. Wc confess to no symmthies with the negro m the nropased nbamkinnient. He States, tlie southern State to take all the has bora the blind,.tul)bom, willing tool of negroes and tlie northern to embrace tlie his party leader, impenetrable to argu- cities of Atlanta, Augusta and Itinning ' ment, enlightened by noexprrieiicc.,awak- ham. An insnperable objection is found. ened by no deception; and with the fail ure of all promises made to him, and the disappointment of all hopes, atill faith ful to his delusions, and steadfast to bit party loyalty. , .; ' . , One of these delegations will claim for the negro voters what Mr. Harrison will never grant the reward! of victory, and a reasonable number of offices. The other the repudiation altogether of the negro, the denial to him of all preferment, and the recognition of an element of white Democratic defection, upon which to found a white Republican party,, iu Ala bama, and also in the South. Between the two, the attainment of su premacy for the first, and the erection of new party on other foundation on tlie otlier, tlie Republican party would seem very for from achieving solidity. The ne gro voter is not likely to lie patient under tlie contemptuous enmity of one wing of hit party, nor conciliated by the certain failure of the other to secure him profita ble recognition, and will rather be in clined to rrsrntment than stronger fideli ty. On the other hand, the uncertoiuty or caprtrioutness of such resentment will compel the white voters to remain on guard, lest by negligence, perhaps by worse agency, affairs sliould fall Into hands unable or unfit to direct them ; in which ease that branch of the IMirty which relies for success upon accessions from the white ranks w.U fall far short of its aims. That branch, bring false to the nrero. moat netemiarilj be false to any other combination. At all events, the negro ' fii is S! :u loo nntKwrnnm tj m jusii- . p. n t of t c wli, tlie lin-1 unfiit of tlmt .:.-y whivhhacreaU! ;i ItlallltiillK t tl;r solid Soucn; a HflK'Jf lor vt bull the Ix-st i lerrstgof Kty ami I CIVIl' MOII Will i iWiiVt I kiulltUl, present iium uiru ojr immrwu mm mx- IM'HUl mWtl. oircuinthtoiM. Tl ...wtioit of ron.1. h, rvmgmm-n ntlrntion just now. In Pennsylvania, New York, Eoui.iuna, Alabama, Ken- lurk jr. South Carolina, and elsewhere, ' , . prcM and people are agitating for Utter fci ,,.. Thi. i. on direction in which j - miirmin. iiu-tx-uuuwn lurinnn we do not neem to advance. The ruadt oftbe country art, without doubt, infc. riorto what they were before the rait road made its a.iearance. In the haste to build the iron huihwayt which bind cittorit.we have neKIccteI the dirt m(1w it,mamr tmi..rtmn t that of the rail- WByi , iman cbange does to large bills. is wen snown iaci mui ine greai ., ,t t.,,mM i,HnM.-.n i rnrr- railways, but on tbecountry roads, from foM t0 Um, from house to house, from farm to markrt town-fc.r insure ami . And whaUver may be the attractions f a cu,, w productiveness, in cli- ten'me acquainted with these through it. ... j. i-l mw mua, over iniionc or in inc m wm. Llly made and woe kept cr. cent those thus n Itw4 Aill .l-'-I -.'""" . . 1 .j!i1u..jik,iui,nf krtniii. . ir i t. S. ZLZ oor road, better. j i , . .. . , I Twc,v thousandemmigranUsailed for the United States last week from the I I s . m t mt ? I ""K P" wverpooi. luere no lann R,relK" u.uor. I Theechoesof the Trenton's band blay- ing "The Star Spangled Banner" during the Bamoon tempest will live In matory with the story of the Birkenhead. . . It turns out that our war-ships which were wrecked in the harbor of Apia last March were not caught napping as was I fought the hurricane heroically, but tbrir protielkrs and anchors were futile in the wrath. Oklahoma Territorv on the 22d inst.. there will be a small colonv of women. who, self-reliant, have determined to seek homes for themselves. Thry express no frar, and feci themselves fully able to fa all difficulties. . . rmmmv Keeow: 1 u.te i ro- .Ill 1. i:..1a..ui...i I 1.. I egg mill win nnicn niiwriuimy uuwiru to pick the bones of poor Old Cuff. Cufi n w works dirt cheap and has to pay a tax on his salt, his clothing, his axe, hi knife, his fork and the Lord knows what hum 1 Ohm, Indiana, Kansas and Illinois are all agitated over the race problem. The barlmrous whites of those States have developed curious antipathy to mixed school, and the colored people exhibit an equal rononens mr naving tnen cnmiren I sit on the same benches with the whites. The courts persist in sustaining the hit. ter and there is no telling where it will tttl end. . The Misissipii and Louisiana press 1 continue to bewail the negro incursion and gloomily predict tlie Arricanixation J those States while men, anxious to make money out of the negro's labor with no thought or care for the future, seduce him from his home in the South Atlantic States to the rich bottoms of the Mimiiuiippi. When the whiles out there can't stand it any longer let them move back to the older Southern States, where their ancestors lived. They will be welcome, The latest "HirmiiiL'liam idea" is to re- model Georgia and Alabama by the con-1 solidation of the northern and southern portion of em b State into two distinct however, in tlie tuggettion that a tingle Stale would uot hold three such towns, and the rest of the southern country would be entirely overlooked in tlie glare of such a combination. .- - Admiral Kimlierly is severe in his strictures ujmn the faulty construction of tlie Trenton, which so placed the ha wesepipes that tlie vessel was okkly Hooded by tlie waves that broke over her in the great Samoon hurricane, putting out the tires and leaving her at the mer cy of tlie raging waters in tlie treacher ous harbor. The worst feature of the case is that attention had been called to this delect repeatedly, but no strut had ever Iwen taken to remedy it. But for this it is nrohabk; that the flairshin would have survived the ttoim Tlie adage about a stitch ia tune saves nine has not ollco had a more impressive il lustration. The "Rebel Girl" "Guarantcef "Re liance" in an "Havana Puff," and tlie "Daisy (Jueen" of our "American Drug gist" can be found by lovers of the weed at h. L. Jncobt' drug .tore, where there is also a complete line of drugr a rug- gists' sundries. The fomou tvxcior Water direct from Saratoga Siritiga, N. Y., Vichy, Deep Rock, SclUer. Tate Spring and Soda Water al wars on draught D awfrcr Any;r. Knowing that a eongh can be checked In a day. and the first stages of consump tion broken in a week, we hereby guaran tee Acker's English Cough Remedy and will refund the money to all who buy, take it as per directions, and do not find our statement correct. T. C. Smith & Co. febCdawlw - 8 I'i l)Y I. i Incite -( 4 tjpn : for T' ,,t ... ... tention thiH wtvk to IU-udcd Cuim, ull-ovor FlouiK-ing in wute unJ cmun, KutrtM'rV LillOIl, llClWlK Mill UI1- , , lill'lLfllftl for I'lllllIII'Il M uituA-inu, "i uul11" ' " ' :. ..! I . ' pantH aiM HUltH, BOl'lCUling ,.,.' . , f,rOMJ lit UldlUH , 1111881 OIUl ..i-i.i. ti....i. n iu:.i U1,MV ' " i jor un(j 1 I'IITh'moIh for tllO gll l, LoH8- . . , ,..t ,. tV,,; '"" "-v " vw Min,..u.. of tll . IXHJlll, and "o'lllW ' tll HIKlH Ol UOIIU'MUC. A WW ' , . . . . " "SHOl tineilt Of' buttons, i ' " trimnUIIg, white goods ill lIQWH, AlurrK'lIh'Hj, ,aiII- . " ' ' " rf i i i . i . 0,k WlW.k MUHllIlS, Iudltt Linn A1" 1 .. i .... .... 1 !..!. l.l i nw iiiiiK. irrt;ii. uiur UHl, red and bhtck, riv HadaV.- SntilH-8. CllftllieH . lUIiq ilUUM flllllgH III till U1W new ghadeB. ' I'liuin ivtfulu ufAlio tllUilO iw wwwo v,.c l-eguhir, bought regular. ailU 11 1 x , WUl be Bold regular to lgU ar fUStomeiU FirKt-fhlHS ill ,in every reHIt,nothing8hoddy or WCOIld liatlded about , w 1 ttieni. VV aiTantetl a repre- tinted Or money refuildeil Uy ilUl ttlld yOU Will be nea8ed. Fttil to do HO, and yOU Will regret it, IteHllCCtfullV, IU1 ll iJllUS. WKIUUI H.lf yOU ever intend to buy tOWeiH I10W W the time U) (Jo HO. We have the tH'Ht bar gain in a towol VOU CVersaw and Call Iwat the Eleetl if t jjj w jn tW( j jnp ' Ol. AHheville, April 19, 1889. Easter Card, ivancr ouuainii Uanter Novelties, I k large and flnc variety, both Foreign and I American 1 aim FINE STATIONERY, ARTISTS MATERIALS, FANCY VOODS, BOOKS, AT ESTABUOOK'S, H ltlain Street. k I.A.OS AMUITMKNT OF AMERICAN 'WATCHES, All ityk, aim and prfcm, jewelry of every deacriptioa. Mlvtrwan, aolkt and plated. Oold and Wlvtr Headed Cane., aprftaett. and lire Olaw. fitted tothe ey Fine Watch Repairing and Engraving a petialty. LANG, The Jeweler, aenth Malw tHrwet, ' ' aprli d3m . i . REGISTER i Nothing w Importaatlfur the arawa a. tu r J. M. ALEXANDER'S Pur a good act of Maraca. or a, Badtllc. HI. stock U sow eomplrt and look, perfectly heautlfal. fine Rngllaa llridlra, Cropa, Leg giM, etc., at lowest tgun. The nicest arlec tlua of Llnea Lap Robes and Mom It Hasten at remarkably low Igurra, Motto: Quick Hale, and Bhort Prottai ' aprltdem THE NEW IRAZIUAN FLOUR CORN IEEB, For sale at Cnoley. aad McDonald's grocer lea, toatk Mala stmt, INm't fall to try it. T. m. I'KNimiN, prda3w Aabrvlllc, N. C. JkOTlCB. Will (olWet dehta air anynne la I he eltv tltt pr evnt. Oood NtHHIiw hr railing and l lectin rrals oa konaia. Will aril farattan oa waekly payment. J. . JOHVRriN.' At Nah-'a ParaUai Mtor. r rsiios avmnc. Heaimjee. glvaa. r..4.vrorx vrr 1 nn Ui i LLii r?n L.j EASTER OFFER OR CASH ONLY, : t . - - " ' - 2000,yardH fruit of the Loom Dutiieotk, 8c by the bolt, 4-4 wide, ; 104 Mohawk Valley Sheet- tng at 20c. ier yard. " 4(iii: Pillow Cawing at 12-. IJewt Ijonmlale Cambric at lie. ier yard. White (pxWto from 55c. to 2. 00-in. Conestoga Ticking at 35c. Nice Percales, from 7e. to 1 lc W. H. LEA, 17 N. Main Street. "A new lot of Hall llazaar forms just in. x Also, a complete lineof iish ing tiu kle. MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY, No.'aa Patloa Avcaot, falrdwood & Stlkeleathcr, . ' . : Proprietors. " . ' a- All orders pramptlj attended to. U-bMly lICHMOND Ac DANVILtB RAlLKOAtl a COMPANY. (Western North Carolina Dlviaioa.) PXHBNIISt bSPSBTHBNT, Asiisvills. N. C, Jan. 1, 1WNU. PA88BNOBM TRAIN 8CHBUULB. ' 1 In BsfbctJah. i, J8H? No. 81 "T No. S3 Lv. Ashevllle, Ar. aaHslHiry, " Hanvllle, I.Tnchhurg, " Washiagtua " Haltimore, " l-hlla., " New York, " Hoaton, r nichmuadT" " RaklKh, " ;uldsooro, J' Wilmington V5Apra 497am 47am 134opm 7arpi ttUOpm anoam 'Jonm 830nm JlSOpm ' 7 Mlnin 1145am 140pm 64.'lpm lO'iopm lOOam TOOam a ariami 1047aml 1 llOpm 900pm 6 tSam 102pm 310pm Leoopm No. 8.1 Lv. Ashcville, Ar. Hewlersonvllle, Ar. tlpartanh'g T,,J:karlot"t: Columbia, " Charleston, f 8 30am 9 20um 11 (loam B80pm 440m A10m BOnpm 6 tnam 140pm '' Aagasta, Onvanaah, " Thomasrlllc.Oa u Jacksoavllle " Atlanta, Mnntguai'jr " Mobile, I" New Orleans limn in4()pm 7 3Aam 1 6flpm 7 0i i No. S4 Lv. atmrtanburg, Ar. HcnriersoavUle, I 840pni I 007pm 7001101 Ashevllle, No. 50 t40am 02Oam 110pm OlSpm etOam 40am DUOam 1 10pm a 40am 0pm 745pm No. eaj "T444pm tlopm t BOpm H4iiam 1 1 4.1am BSOpm " 4 44pm aiOnm a BOpm 7 IBam 1 1 4Tam No. B4 Lv.' Ashevllle,' Ar. Hot Springs M Kansvill. " Chattan'ga, " Nashville, Memphi., Lv.'Asherll.e, Ar. Hot Springs " Knosvllk, , " Uralsville, " Cincinnati. " ChicagiN " at. Louis, 70npm 8 40pm BSOpml 7 46 pm MURPHY BRANCH.- No. 1ft Lv. Ashevllle, Ar. WayneavUls, " Jnnrtt's, H'Joam ion. 1am 94Hpi 1 No. 17 Lv. Jarrett's, Ar. wavnesvillc, " Ashevllle, AOOam I 8 4Rpm Mr- Weeping can on all night train.. JAB. L, TAYLOR, W. A. WINHl'RN, ,. u. p. a. n. p a. 8UUHAAS.T. M. Schedule Street RtUwav, To fakcenVet Rridar, March 1, at n 30 a. a. Car leaves Conrt Honse.........,........3o a. in. .rt sa,.Hta,71(N) , " r " ...."..."...oo Pmm Ihrn till V n. m. ear Ihw. every 80 mlnntea. Also, ear leaves eonrt bona, at 8.0O p. m. and tt.OO p. m. . PARK, PIVB CBNT8. ANTBU. Aa esDcrirnced aak-smaa in nsrnl chandiae. Plrstlas reference, nut be given. AiKtrras at once mix 4ox prlOdtf AMkvUIc. SIRS. 8. STEVENSON Ha. removed to the Jnknatoa Balhllng, Pat toa avenw, comer of Charch stmt, where ah. la prepared to keep regalar or traarieat boarders. Table rarahdwd with the best the market affords. Trras. immmUc asarSldta mi:-:ci:u,a.:: EASTER. EGGS. ... t We have a large stock of Dyen jut nxnived for 'color- iug eggH for Kjister Orange, Cardinal lied, Magenta and Dark fiiwn. Each color. will dye two to four dozen EggH, according to depth of color deHlrtHT.' . White Eggs, will hIiow briirhteHt color. One package for one color tliree cents two packages for two oloiu five cfiita four pack ufw for four colors, ten mite A ten cent juickage will be ment, postage paid, to any address on receipt of the price. T.'C. SMITH & CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, Anhevllle. N. C ANNOUNCKWCNT TO THE LADIES ESPECIALLY. We are pleased to announce that our stock of Millinery is now in and ready for insi'iec- tion and would be pleased to have the ladies call. - Uur intention of having a tfjieeial Grand Oiiening has to lie foregone, as Mrs. Mat Nairisso busy with order that we have not the time to give it projier attention. Also wish to announce that our stock of Dry Goods Fancy Goods, Parasols am: specialties are oiien for in speetion. With our thanks for past favors ami with a determination to merit your eontinuinl patronage, llesiectfully, A.WH1TL0CK HROOM FACTORY. HANFOAD N. LOCKW'OOD. Brooms, Whlnks, Hearth and CellluK Brooms. , Mill and pactory grade, a .pcdnlfy. Quo- iniion. aim samples iree, i f. lebiouiy JAMK8 FRANK, DRALH IN ' FAMILY6R0CERIES AKO PROVISIONS Agent for Recai. Creek Woolen Mill.. North Main Street, Ashevllle, N. C. eblOdly TLANTIC COAST LINB. .On and .flee thi. dale the following sched ule, will be run over it. "Columbia Division." No. 53 Leaves Columbia 8.20 p. m. Arrives at Charleston .;ll p m No. B Inns Charleton,..... 7.10 a. m Arrive. atCnlumbla 11.55 a.m. Connecting with trains to and from all pmntaon the Charlotte, Columbia ft Aa- guaia anu volamula at Greenville Railroad. 'Daily. . , T. M. KMBRSON, Oca. Pas. Agt. J. P. HBVINB. Oca. RupL ' yB-MVOLFB, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. Afl kinds of cement wink ione. Jobbiag and kalsominlng promptly at tended to. Rraldrare, Clayton St. Order, can he left with W. H. We.1.11 to, M8 AJBW PKBII, Mrefully prepared by lead neat parchment aad hravv flat u.ri ering all aeeeanarv points, Jt npt and' now ine omr or the CiTitaa linunH m Ca, No. North Cnnrt Sqainr. final WH h:l rTAi: fin " r:qT (SwnrHun to Wa'tcr B.Gwjn) ESTADLISIIED iCSi REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLL REAL ESTATE. LoaiiM Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Pnb.ic. Commissioner, ol Ixeds. FIIIE INSURANCE. OFFICIv-elowthcant t"enrtn ";, Wm. 31. Cocke, Jr., REALESTATEAKOKiriERALBROKER, 't wstievllle, N. C. " " Can Mil yon one million acres of land. In traA. from BO to 100,000 acres. Have a anmbcr of city lots, unproved and unim proved, which I can acll o the best of terms. If voa want a large or small farm call oa roe. If yon want minerals of any kind, yon need go ao farther. If yon want timber lands, this Is heiulituartcra. In fact t can suit you ia anything yoa want in my line. Service, of a first-claw civil engineer aail practical surveyor engaged to show up all property when required. I have had fifteen years' experience ia the real ertate business, and think I know what will plcuse. prompt attention to all mqairka. fcb24dlv W. CORTLAND, Real Estate Broker, INVESTMENT AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, Pattoa Arenac, Barnard Building. fcbOdly . D. S. WATSON, Real IJtate Agent, Offer, for .ale the beat lot In Ashcville for a Hotel two acre, on Patton Avenue between Bailey and tirove streets. Also, some very fine residence lot. for sale centrally located. Good business lot. for sale at the Uld He- put. fine fanning lands, timber lands, etc., for sale, near the city. FOR KENT. Pour splendid houses furnished and unfur. nlshed, for rent. " D. & WATSON, dtmayl Ashevllle, N. C.' 1NSVRAXCE. jpiKBINSURANCB. FIKE. LIFE. ACCIDENT PULLIAM & CO. At the Dunk of Ashcville, - A8HKVILI.B, N. C. . Represent the following companies, vis. riK. ' CAMI AS.KTS IN l. S. Anglo Nevada, of California ;.2,4T.n:I3 Continentnl. of New Vord 4,K75,12 Hamburg-Bremen, of Germany 1,1 20,(104 London Assurance, of Kngland l,53,;mfl NiHtrura. of New Vork a,2a7,4'.ia Orient, of Hartford , I,nfi7,002 I'h.cnii, of Brooklyn 5,054,179 St. I'aul Pirr and Marine. ofTOin- nesoU , 1,541 ,061 Southern, of New Orleans..,.. 4Ml,flM4 Western, ol Toronto..,.-; -1,039,2:12 Mutuiu Accident Associntton. tna Life Insurance Company. dtmar2lt THE EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society OP TH. VNITBD STATUS. Assets .. 9.v4a,U'.06 Surplus '0,794,713.19 (Larger than anv other Comnanv.l On tstnnriiiiK Assurance.. .SS49iai6.ia4s.oo Written in IHHH 1 3.1, 9.1.1, 3.1.,-OO lonone i-oiicich witn io anu ao yenr pe riods nre the most popular and profitable lorm 01 assurance, for examples, rates, etc., confer with K. I. Monroe, Agt., A.hevllle, N. C. Office with Judge Aston. . teb23ddm OFFER EXTRAORDINARY 1 Por the nest thirty dnvs we will Kit 45 lots In PHlKSPIiCT PAKK, West Ashevllle, on such favorable terms that homeaeekers will do well to come and deal with us. Only io Per Cent Cash Will be required, and the balance can he made payable MONTHLY if desired. ith 8 per cent, interest from date of transfernntil paid. I hew lot. arc valued from f 180 up to ana ine prices set upon tnctn are hascd upon actual sales of similar lot. adjoining. The Electric Street Railway Is being rapidly pushed to Prospect Hark. Us proposed terminus, thus brinKing these lots in quick and easy communication with the square, ana other principal part, of the city We Have Entire Confidence In the valne of these lots, and hence have no fear. In leaving nine-tenths of the pqrehaar ... m. ..t.- ,n; nr w vume win m cure choice ol lots. Apply to , t WYN A; WEST, maraadtf Bt B, Court Square. THE ASHEVILLC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Room, on Main strtet, opuosiu the post ofHce. Open dally, escept Mnndavs, from 10 a. m until Inn, .mI A. an , it .1 . " ill -r t " u,.t o, in, The term, of snlMerlptlon arc: One year dallv a cts'.' ' ' 1 mo 00 cts.j i lr'?''''-l-resilent, R. R, Rawls : Vlce-l'resident. Charles W. Wnolary; Sce.antf Treas,U.. Wat.a i Ubrarlan, if M B.J. titlsens and visitors are enrdiallv Invited to Inspect the eataloKue and inscrllte their name. a. members. . fcbNdtf D. II. REAGAN, WITH - - HEfiRY S. KE8 & SOS, Hardware and Cutlery, BALTIMORE, MD." Refer toj. W.Staraes. maris dOra . JJOOO BOARD.' Prraons drwirlaa cood board aad nl.....t roomacan be accommodated at Mrs. Itev Bohl.', oa Hurucc atrset. No, 4H. ladlw i;ni i.s. rLtf.;..r-UA.i... Tin: Thomas iiui ,si;. NHAK IIATTIiKY PARK. ' " i ' Is now under entirely new liiaii.itnieut, und will be kqit ill sliktty fiiMt tl.isa style. TRANSIKNT OR IttGI LAg hOARDKUS VAKKN Northern Cooking. Katra Kciisoiuibk. MRS. E. LACV & SON. IVoiiritlors. dtf A DEUOHTFUL EXCURSO 1 ASIIEYILLK TO ItOT SI'IUNGS. Round Trip Tickets ouly $4.60, including a - fun day', board at th . MOUNTAIN PAKK HOTEL. The Hatha in Marble Pool, and Poreelara Tub. arc the finest and most luxurious la' America. The Hotel i. NEW AND FI11ST-CLASS - la Uvery Particular. UNBXCBLLBD IN ITS CUISINB. The place Is a charming ot, nestled among and sheltered by Pine-clad Mountain, where there Is ao fog, no dust, no malaria. Pure and abundant water, and absolutely perfect drainage, dtju!29 1UCIILAND HOUSE, Corner Main and l)ciot, WAYNESV1LLB, N. C. Kooiiih newly funii.licd. Fare the best the market affords. Good sample room. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Terms: $1.00 per duy. 0. D. L. ALLEN & SON, Proprietora. A NEW HOTEL IN BRYSON CITY. The Swayne House, One of the best In Western North Carolina. Summer and winter resort. Nature's sanita riuin. Scenery and water unexcelled. Term, moderate. OBO. N. BLACKBURN, Prop r. marl 3d 3 in i v J. N. MORGAN . & CO No. 3 Barnard Building. School and College Text Books, n full line. I'oetH, His tory, ItomaiK!, lHoCTaphy, Truvel and Novels, Family Bibles, S. 8. Bibles and Test aments, Oxford . Teachers' Bibb, Song Books, of all kinds, large stock Stationery. Blank Books and Office und School Supplies. - New line Ladies' and .-.Gents' Pocket books just opened.. Fancy Goods and Dolls. : feblodlv . " J. C. BROWN, MERCHANT i TAILOR, 5 Patton Avenue, ( Nest to Grand Central Hotel.) . apriidly - ' ' J. V. BROWN ..... .. i. Will continue the undertaker', business at hi. old stand over J. E. Dk.kcr.on & Co.'. Hardware Store, trader tha firm name of 1' . .''' ' "'I J. V. BROVN & CO, HaylpK tWrty yean' ef perk-ncc a. under taker and embalmer, and anequnled facilities for buying, can wifely guarantee satisfaction. Calls promptly attended to at all hour. Bverything pertaining to the business al wavnonhand. ' - febt.ldm 31 JiTlfHICE A TRUE TOILET LUXyRY. Or SHOmrttf fyn iNOntBlCMTV lAUTirif TH TMTN. PRKSCRVtS THK QUM. HTtNTHC BMATH NO INJURY TO TH C ENAMEL Arc AND AORICAILC. WITHOUT EQUAL AS A TOILET PREPARATION. MICE IS CENTS PEN BOTTLE. nnjNOTS oia ay u druooibtb. I. M. WINKEI MANN 4 CO.. true , .(.TIMONK. MO- For wile by J. S. GRANT, dawUn'iR - ' ' -