'J, U W WW L-JL2 4 ami ri.r... mi:. TA:,:CD CV FCZTRy'. ir-. IUU Absolutely Pure. This powder nrrrr varies. A marvel of our. Itv, strength and wholesomencsa. More eco nomical than the ordinary kinds, and rannot he itold t comtietitioa with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powocrs. chiui only in enns. koval it.Kiau 1'owi.kk Co.. lotl Wall St., New York, il tnrl 7 PKOFESSIONAL CAKUS., .Thro. P. Imviiisok, Tiios. A. Jon Raleigh. Ju. O. Martim, . Asuerille. Ashcville. -JJAVIDSON. MARTIN & JONB9. ' Attorney and Counsellors at Law, ; ' Aiiheville. N. C. ' Will or Kike in the I lth and 1 2th Judicial Ihstrk'ts. md In the Bupreine Court of North Carolina, and la the Federal Couru of the Western District of North Carolina. Kcler to Hank of Ashcville. dtael H. A. OUDUU, H. B. CASTE, JllUU C. MAJtTIMV : JUDOUR, CARTER & MARTIN, Attorney at Law,- ASHBVILLB.N. C. Uraec hour: Prom 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. ourr MMKMlCK. CUA. A. MooaS. JJ JOOkB (k MBRR1CK, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Ashcville. N.C. Practice in the United State Circuit aad . District Courts at Ashcville, otatesvillc, Char lotte and Greensboro, in the Supreme Court at Kaleigh, and in the court of the Twelfth Judicial District of the State of North Caro-ma. Special attcntioa givea to collect! oa of claims. Partnership doea not extend to practice In Buncombe Interior court. uloed low U Young Duke of flor .ua Jr V?a I l..tird t J r, ' a. rLiUtltjn::Ut tSiut boys a,t!, mst untamable of wild bfci.sts, and his ipinion Las had eminent supporters. ope probably meant much tuo sams thin? wbon be said that schoolboys have no character. In view of this opinion, the story of Fenelon and the young Duke of Bur rundy bus a peculiar significance there u, indeed, no more uirnal exam ple of the Immense importance of well onccived. well directed methods of education than the transformation which Fenclon wrought in his royal pupil . " . . - A more tntractubie subject probably never exercised the wits ami patience of his instructor. Before lie was placed in the bands of Fenelon, the duke was in simple truth much more of a wild beast than a rational human beinjr. Ono of his chief pleasure was in kicking and biting all his attendants who" aoprtxiolied him. At times be refused to six'ak a word for hours. On other occa-sioiis he would not eat. though tempted with all the triuntplis a tuo royal cooks. His irraiidiatlier. Louis XIV. hud been ut infinite peins toolitain for him the most judicious attendants and tutors; but all hud given up their charge as hopeless, At length Fen- elon was called in. Fenelon wits not without experience in dealing with young people, and he had already written a book on educa tion ; but bis peculiar Sin ens for the task no had undertaken was that of character unique in charm and sym pathetic insight. In f enelon dealings witn nis pu pil he bad one leading idea, to which perhaps educationists liave not given the Importance it deserves. This ides was that for every individual there is one poet who above all others appeals to the' deepest instinct of .nis nature, and is therefore fitted to be one of the hiffliest forces in educing the best qualities of his mind and heart. eneion bad not been long witn nis pupil before be discovered that with all his ungovernable passions he had m " V i nri I i n f cm 1 I " I n rt Yitim ivn I a T. H. COBI. J. (. MMUMMOX OBB Ik MBRRIMON, ' Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Practice In-all the court. ' Onicc: No. 7 and 8, Johnston building, dtse '. W. JOMRS. fONBS & 8HUFOKD. oho. A. am'KOHU. AttoraeTB at Law, Ashcville, N. C. I'racttes in the Bunerlor Courts of Western North Carolina, the Supreme Court of the State, aad the Federal Courts at Ashcville. OlHce in Johnston building, where one mem. bcr ol the ttrm eaa always be found, dtnovll J0HN8T11NR JUNBH, - ' - . ATTOKNKr AND COUNSRLLOK AT LAW, . ASHBVILLB, N. C . Practice la the United States Circuit and District Courts at Ashcville, in the rlupreme Court at KaleiKh, and in the Courts of the Twelfth Judicial District of the State of North Carolina, and elsewhere, a hi services may be required. lan&Mtl' Mi. Kstiilironk will pive an txluUi tion ol her ti.tintim s, im-luilim; a l.ire viincty of korth tarolina skclrki uu Tbiirsilay anil Friday of this wtt k, from 11 a. m. to 6 p. m., to whkh ttw visitor in Aslicville, and all interested in art, are inritnl. Studio 't Sooth Muin tro;t, over EsUil)rH)k'i book atorc. Tern Huute Expresa: It is a wise child that poes out of tlie room to laugh when tlw old man mushes hi thumb. Spring overcoat, new lot, low prices, at Whitlock's. There are times whea a iVcling of lassi tude will overcome the most robust, when the system craves for pure blood, to fur nish the elements ol health snti stren(rtn. The best retnerly for purifying the Wood is Dr. J. U. McLean's Sfiraupurilla. Montreil Star:. "What sliall we do if tlie price of flour goes np any further?" riilainicil Mrs. Kiwaikni toher huslwnd. "I can miajrsl a single rvnwdy, my dear." reKi!Mk-il Mr." Kneudein, tpi'wtly. "Just nntiniic vmir hoiuc likiit; nnd we need not anticipate ;nv raise in bread. The FlrNt Symplums ef lHrath. Tired feeling. lull lie.ulailic, Mtins in varioti irta of tlie body. Kinking at tlK ; lit of the l oinm-h, hmw of n ite, a'ver shness, pimples or sores, are nil Msitive evitkneeof Kiisoiicd liliMid. No mutter how it lieeaine jaiisoned H must tie purt lied to avoid death. Acker's English Hlood lilixir has never failed to remove scrohiloii or syphilitic poisons, hold un der positive guarantee by T. C. Smith & Co. fcbodawlw Merchant Traveler: When amnnirives a check in wyment for losses at poker be should always ante-date it The new shapes In Men's Derby Hats, Black and Colored. , H. Redwood Bt to. a ' Virinlian soul in other words, that in the deptlis of the boy's nature there was that which responded to the -Trace and tcuderneas which distinguish Virgil above all other poets. Virgil accordingly was made the in strument tli rough whom he sought to effect his ends. The result exceeded his hopes. Virgil did indeed become the duke's favorite poet, and the chief formative influence of his brief life. Chambers' Journal; Terrible Forewarning). CouL'h. in the morninc, hurried or diffi cult breathing, raising phlegm, tightness in toe chesi, quKsencu puise, cuiuuicis m the evening or sweats at night, all or any of these things arc the first stages of con sumption. Acker's English Cough Rem edy will cure these fearful symptoms, and is sold tinner a positive guarantee uy i . C. Smith & Co. - fcb5dnw1w t uiti.tloti C'urMl'le, , i Itcniniothc too often impiTMH-d on everv one thi't the m h drcuded con suinjitioti (.iiKh is oi.iv lung scrofula I, is curalik, if atten.lwi to at oik-c, and that tlie primary symptoms, so often nnotuken a si-ns of diseased lunpi, are only sympton of an nnlienlthy liver. To thisorKan the vtcm isinikbtrd for pure blood, and to pure blood tlie luiiv. are indebted no less than to pure air Sr healthy action. If the former is polluted, we have the hackinc conch, the hectic flush, nijjit sweats, and a whole train of symptoms rescniblinit eonsumptkm. Rouse the liver to healthy action by the use of Dr. I'levce's Golikn Medical Dis covery, take healthy exercise, live in tlie open air, and all symptnrns of consump tion will diaaiitiear. For weak lungs, spitting of blood, shortness of breath, chronk- nasalcatarrh, bronchitis, asthma, severe coughs, and kindred nfketions, it is a most wonderful remedy. Tbe "Dis eovery" is (fuaranteed to cure in idl cases of diseases for whkh it is recommemletl, or money paid for it will lie refunckd. Nebraska State Journal : Fi'nd Mother: "I admire-Mr. Quillboovcr greatly, IJ"!'""... ... rnil Knimiuer: unv, moiner: i "lie is such' a spkndid and sun-eMiful litisiness man. "1 don't think io. He has Nth visiting me tor two vears and be lias not talked bssim-ss yet." '; A 0ind IKMl Opinion, li. Kainln-idge Muiulnv, lvwi., Conuly Attoniey, Cluy county, Tex., soys ; "Have used Klcetric flitters with most happy re sults. My brother, also, wns very low with malarial lever and jaundice, but was cared by timely use of this medicine. Am satisfied Electric Bitter saved mvlife." Mr, D. L Wilcoxsoa, of Horse Cave, Ky., adds a like testimony, saying lie pos itively believes he would have dkd had it not heeu for Electric Bitters. : ' : This great remedy will ward off, as well ns cure all malarial diseases, and fur all kidney, liver and stomach disorders stands nnequaled. Price 50c. and $1 , at F, L. Jacobs drub store. MUCCLLASZ:, r:S' tf s. V All eye fitted and St ;u a ran teed. A com- Diet stock of the shore irood at CHANT'S DRUG STORE, 34 SOUTH MAIN BTRBBT. Oculists' prescriptions a specialty. SrbCTdHm - VAl-H'PEim PKOI'RIBTUK OP THE ASKEVtLLE BRICK WORKS, AahcvHIc, Ni C. l.fvoo FKirr Anovui TlUU-WATuW. IIICXIOIIY, N. C i ct.iMAT" I'N.St Ki'Aa oi.D. The City of Ilkkory can justly lay claim to many pleasant aad nataral advantage a a healthful resort for tourists aad iavalids, situated as It Is on the crest of one of the principal mountain spurs which extends to the Blue Rkhit in the west, aad dividing the bcautifa! Ca tawba Valley. For hunting aad fisbinK this section of Wester North Carolina I greatly noted. The actuhboring mountain and streams abound la aa unlimited variety! of same P.O. Host P. martadty Hnrpef'l Baiar: "Do I think woman will ever do man's work?" growled Mr. La zee. "What is she doing now ? Who does Lazee's work eh ? Tell me thai : and then have the face to ask do I think! Pah!" - Parents t?rlnlnalljr Liable. More than half of all deaths occur be fore six years of ngc. An army of inno cent, kively children are swept needlessly awav each year, i'arents are criminally A vnnno- man in Harlem who bought a resnousible for this.. The death rate of uth on tin. installment nlan thinks he children in England is less than half this. has got the best of the agent. His new Acker's English Babv Soother has done New stock of neck wear and spring on derwear, hats, hosiery, etc., at Vt HIT LOCK S. Employment Agency. CHAS. L LAKE & CO., ' 84 8. MAIN at; ' Man- aad frmsle servants for all kind ot em ployment furnished on short notice. eiervant wanung positions apply nere, marl7dlm ; , -. , , . ......' THRUST BB'8 oALB! av , . - . By virtne of a power of sale contained In a deed of trust executed to me by .lames II. Mc Conoetl and Ruth B. McConnell his wife, on the km day ol June, 1HH7, to secure the pay ment ot certain moneys to mysses uouoieaay, which deed of trust is recorded in MortR-ajre nook No. 10 at Fbkc noi and followinK, la the office of the Register of Heeds of Hun. combe eounty, State of North Carolina, I will sell at pnblk auction for cash at th Court House door In the City of Ashcville, tbe prop erty described m said deed of trust, vis.: Be ginning at a stake in the eastern margin of Bast street, at J. B. Ray'a northwest corner, aad running with said margin of Bast street north IB" west, fret to a stake in the casters margin of East street and la the southern margin of Sency street ; thence with the southern margin of Scncy street north B4 case, Iahs feet to a stake In said margin of seney street, sain j. n. stay s comer; incner witn aam J. h. aays line aoum casi m aadah. - The"ltlCKORV INN" hibulltof Brhk, Stone and Iron, ha all modera Improvement, Ga and Blectrk Bells in each room, and is well heated by furnaces; Hot aad, Cold Water Bath and Toilet oa each 8oor. 1 elegantly furnished throughout. The table win be sap-, plied with the best the market affords. Excursionists to or from AsbeviUe caa stop over at Hickory. For Information as to climate, etc.. adtlres ' .. FRANK LOUGH RAN, Prop'r, HICKORY, J. C. - RATES S2.80 to $.1.60 tier Day. -l8,lad2t per Week, lid I. I nark to a Make, another corner of said J. B Ray; thence with said J. K. Ray's tine to the beginning, on the 17th day of April, 1HNU, to I UK highest Ulaaer.: I msaiarcn 10. innu, U. C. WAD1IBL1., mariedst we sat Trustee., J H. DOUGLASS. D. D. 8. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., Ove Grant ft WtogcrfrUmg Store. Kesidence, No. 98 Bailey St. '. fcblOdly u. H. RUBVBS, I). U. 8. DUNTAL, OFFICE I In Conaally Building, over Redwood' Store, Fatton Avenue. - bl3dly : " "" II V' BUK0IN M- offices '.' New Grand Central Building, over Big 22 . : Clothing Store. febl?d1m ' ' ' J9V- RAMBAV, D. D.B. jaV Deutal Office I In Barnard Building Entrance, Avenue und Main Street, fcbgttdly . a -- ' ' Fatton If any dealar say ha ha tba W. V. Iaag Nhoes wiinous nania sou snv tha k-ntt-"". sot fclia dowa a a fraud la WW WB W. L DOUGLAS $3 SHOE FOR OINTLKMEM.' am-a a as 1-1 V.aalas. ftM nrsssv in nv wvrvitis '' BS.OO ORNIUNK H ANTVKKWJ I "HO Wasted loqomspa, Rather an amusing episode occurred on an incoming Baltimore and Ohio train the other morning. A traveling man boarded the train about daylight ai a station a lew mnes out oi me city. Being communicative, be engaged his eat mate, a gentleman, in eon vena tion, ascertaining before many min utes that he was just from New Uaven. With all the volubility of bis tribe and the enthusiasm of the average Chica goan. he began to discourse on the wonderful growth and enterprise of the northwest in general and Chicago in particular, contrasting it with tlie slow . going east," to use his own nhrase. 'Tve onlv lived here three years," said he, "but, I tell you, I've seen improvements enougn in wai short time to make your eastern fel lows beads swim. Then, as the train wound slowly along the lake shore, he pointed out numerous recent improvements, vari ous localities tnat bad under nis observation been transformed from sandy wastes or howling wilderness to city boulevards and Handsome dwellings, all the time watching bis i: ' f- n nD4x,..lcK. liaveJlior 9 imo ioi otgiia vi miwiiuu- ment, He, however, seemed either obtuse or unappreciative, and as the train slowed up at tbe Twenty-second street station, gathered np his belong ings to leave the car. "Have you ever -topped in the city before?" queried the talkative drummer. "Oh, yes," auietly answered the traveler. "I live right over here on Michigan avenue. I've lived in Chicago twenty years," Chicago Journal. - A Checkered Career. ' "I have traveled," said Col. Joyce to a Chicago newspaper man, "in every country on the glob. 1 have had dealings with the white, tlie black and the red. I speak several languages. 1 have seen prosperity and enjoyed it. I have seen adversity, 1 know what it is now. I have been in the insane asylum and in the penitentiary. I have never yet been in a corner that I didn't gel ' out of it I have never been broke very long, for just when the day seemed the darkest the dollar turned up somewhere. I have always been able to hold my own wherever I was. God endowed me with quick perception and abundant language. If I meet Mr. Gladstono 1 have the faculty of making Mr. Gladstone be lieve that I urn his equal, or as good at he. I have it in me to read men quickly. 1 am getting on my feet again upw. The plowshares of time are in my face, the snow is in my hair. Sometimes when 1 look into my mirror aud think and think and think of all I have seen, and of the people whom I have met. and what has occurred and the ingratitude of man, 1 wonder that I am living. 1 wonder why 1 was born." Washington I'oei. watck makes twenty five hours a day, nnd he therefore gets one more hour than he paid for and time is money. l , Bucklen's) Arnica Salve. ' The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price, 25 cents per box. For sale by r. l Jacobs., ' daw Toledo Blade: At a New VorK trail "Who is that voung lady around whom all the men are gathered? She seems to be very po-mlar, indeed." "Oh, she is! Why, she put all the pigs in the pen in two-seconds-and-a-half, and holds the record." If health and life are worth anything, and voa are feeling out of sorts and tired out. tone up your system by taking Dr. J. H. McLean s sarsapaniia. f New York Sun : "Ah," sighed DeLan- cey, the clerk oa ten-dollars pet week., "1 gave up my love early in November be cause she was so passionately fond of s'eigh-riding and I knew 1 couldn't afford it, nnd now there hasn't been enough snow to go out once all winter. 'Twas ever thus.' t .. more to bring tbiaabont than nil Other causes combined. You cannot afford to lie without it. T. C. Smith & Co. MONTH eaa be made I working for us. Agent r. whole time to the business. Spare moments I ma ba nrontahly tmMoyca also, a tew I f Itl Iw f W working for us. Agents pre ferred who can furnish a horse and give their Harper's Bazar: "Isthebaby strong?" "Well, rather: you know what a tremen dous voice he has?" "Yes." "Well, be lifts that five or six times an hour." "Still Living: 1st the Dark Aca. people who, through Ignorance, dose themselves with the violent cathartics that injure the digestive organs, afford but partial or temporary relief, and leave tbe bowels more costive than before. Tbe refinements of medical science have over come all these evils, in tbe form of Dr. Pierce'i Pellets, which are "gentle per suaders," sure in action, and aid Dame Nature to reassert her authority, When she is aided, not opposed, all is well. Detroit Free Press: A circus elephant who attached a barbed-wire fence in New Jersey, the other day, wnl spend the next two months in wondering why it won inn t irx ger wnen ne naa enougn ana was willing to make it S draw fight, r , i The New Discovery. i You have beard your friends and neigh bors talking about it. You may yourself be one of the many who know from per sonal experience just how good a thing it II jou uhvt ever mcu ik, you ate wire vacancies in town and cities. B. P. JOHN-1 SON ft CO., ions Main Ht., Kktimono, va. I N. B. Ladies emiiloyed also. Never mind I about sending stamp for reply. Come quick, Yoara for bis., B. F, J. ft Co. apradUm wc GLOBE HOTEL, X A A i 'it, : ' ' ; f They Pat Voo or Care, For many years the manufacturers of flwml thing about it is that when once Dr. SagcV Catarrh Remedy, who are given '.lr- K'ngl New Lmeovery ,1. .M.Mnn.sij. lioanriollv ha ever after holds a place in the house. If - ,v. . V-liL. 1 L I.. Hpndcrsonyill V, Ni C. Situated on the crest of the Blue Ridge Mountain, with an elevation of 3350 tret, dry air, pure water and sandy loll, which make it a haven of rest for those suffering I from pulmonary complaints. For further Information address Dr. T. A. ALLEN, Prop'r, Hcndersonville, N. C. wed at to may 1 GILT-EDGE PROPERTY FOR SALE AT AUCTION, ' js-'-e, taj ""i .- T - -i'f of its staunch friends, because the won-1 Mondair, ith day oClttayi '89. BLAIR FURNITURE COJ.'PAIIY, NO. 37 PATTON AVENUE, Wholesale and. Retail Furniture Dealer, Aud , Vuderlakera Prompt attention given to ull orders day or night. Resldence 1 39 Pcnland Street fcbldly 4.IMI HANIs-HKWKM WH T MJOK. I.S0 l-OI K E AN l MRMRRW J..S0 KXTBA VAMtK CAI.S MIOI1. J 1.a HlfKSINljnAn'n mure- -A0 and Ht.f S HOYS' M HtMlJL SHOES, AU awds in Conssau, BaUa saS Las. , , W. L. DOUGLAS ' C3 CHOC la'dTh. Raat Malarial. . Baat Itrla. Vast VltUs. It aut snkl by ymir dslr, "rs - 'Porsalebv ' ' ' IIUttRINO iWBAVER, 30 South Main Street, JnnlUdly Ashcville, N. C. I 7" t , r ! -3 iiu wo&ls mm The world went to no foe im In I he cure whtrh wsssohsdsslo b kf (l physicians went to ho trasied . i me tns eoiy of silvee Hvrlft' huerlfk, Snd I ' relk f fnsn Ihs An t few grsdasllf farced out of sisin euri-d sonnd ttd at Its sine 1 quit Uut- sit f fel1 avail I ftada I tO MOW II. know what S.S.t-hsr nf 1 ,I I. .,,! P.fT bo eoMsHleml Incni in CliicsL'o, wlsrs t of my ntluhhiini sent tim:int at In rn.-ard to ht-mn tsldttf! II. I rm dc se-; His pnlMUi wis my syste n, sih! 1 wn; Uwrlt, It Is nw ha In; g. ft- S. sihI 1 aa urn af tb drcadf nl dbaase. Ma. As Botbwsi. A Bank, Mich., De. , VM, Brad for book oa Woo4 TMsbssc sad Ctncer. power , AUnots, 0 Ian inet-M.-" ;.ustai:qli::i::.hit 1TRAM INFLAMTl)N. OJJJi.. " Sha WUI Bs Mia Richest. The little pviuccas of the Nether- Unda. when she bocouics queen of Uollaud, will b one ol me ncnesi sovereigns, if not tne ricnesi sover eign, in Europe. Tlie civil list of Hol land, WU1CU issecuivu on ujeniicus of Borneo, is very large- 3,000,000 pcraJiuum, it is said. , The duchy of Luxembourg passes to the Gruud Lnike of Nassau and then becomes a portion of the German empire, but the king dom of Holland, not coming under tlio operation oi Uie Banc law. oo- ,.'i'litls to the kings little daughter, Klic i bright, intelligent, clever child, with a good deal of character uud determination. Home Journal, Anecdote ? tieneral OrMt, Vn,-riil trt-nnt. on bis return to this country, said to have been severely af- n . 1 1.L-. U matM-tNl whit BK ICO Wltnau vuugu lijii,ii". . V. crossing tb ocean, and which had stub. Iwrnily relused to yield 10 any treatmcuv. A friend procured for him a bottle ot aymphyx, nnd by its use in a few hours .ie was entirely relieved, nc rcnuu cj iu his friend : "Men look upon me asa great offered in good faith, through nearly ev ery paier in tbe bind, a standing reward ot $oUU tor a case oi nasal caiarrn, no matter how bad oroi how king standing. which they cannot cure. The Kemedy is sold by druggists at only 50 cents. It is mild, soothing, cleansing, deodorizing, antiseptic and healing. Philadelphia Record: Great Boodle Lawyer (in New York) "Thetrialof our honorable client will begin to-morrow. Assistant (astounded ) "Trial ? Couldn't you get the case postponed any longer ?" "No need to nave it luitner postponed. All the important witnesses are dead." Dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, distress after eating, can be cured and prevented by taking Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and rkiduey rlilcts (uttic pills.) Philadelphia Record: Mrs-Greatman "And didn't you get a Cabinet position?" Mr. Grcatman (who had hoped to be Secretary of the Interior of Agricultural Commissioner, at least) "No. Not a portfolio j not even a bean bag." Better Than Suicide. Professor Arnold says: "An incurable dvsneutic is justified in committing sui cide. We will guarantee to core any dys peptic within three months by Acker's English Dyspeptic Tablets. T. C, Smith &Co. ' febSdawlw. Minneapolis Tribune: Hadarowover at your bouse last night, didn't you, old man ?" "O. no. not at all. Why do yoa ask ?" "Thought I heard a commotion." ! "Ah, I see. You heard my wife inquiring why 1 came home so late. Nothing serious, 1 assure yon." Sick headache, biliousness, nausea, cos. tiveness, are promptly and agreeably banished by Dr. J, H. McLean's Liver and wr' A i:il-. ..III. money rniciB iu.uc uma.; Time: Applicant You say a terrible trial awaits me. Don't be afraid to tell me what it is. AstrologemBrace your self, young man; tbe Um say you will wed a lady who has a passion for grand opera'. , ' . - - ., you have never used it and should be nfllicUd with a cough, cold or any throat, lung or chest trouble, secure a bottle at once and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every time), or money re funded. Trial bottles free at F. L. Jacobs' drugstore. A. F. STEVENSON, CARRIAGE : AND : SIGN : PAINTER, GILDER AND VARNISHER, I prepared to do all kmdsof Painting. Bring on your old-looking Carriage, Brett, Sur ry, Buggies, Cart and Wagon and have them varnished or repainted, so they will look as good as new. All work warranted not to crack, blister or come off until It wears off. Term reason able. ' - - - Bhop on Barnctt Hill, Eagle Btreet. marSldem We are showing excellent value in French Dren8 Goods, plain, etriied anil plaid, and in striped Surahs for trim mings. ' China Silks, both in plain and flffurod. are excellent! proircrty, and our line em braces a number of choice ef fects. ' " " ' . Low prinxl Di-chs (foods, Worsteds, tlso Satines and (linghams, w ill also be found in variety. , J; A trifle early for White On the above day we will offer for sale at public auction on the grounds without re serve, that valuable property on College and 1 Spruce streets belonging to Mrs., Thus. I), Career. It ha a house with 10 rooms and all neces sary outhouse; I 160 feet on College street and oo feet on Spruce, and within 78 yards of the Pnblk Square. This is a rare chance to buy a residence, business lot or make an investment within th verv hpsrt of the citv. j Terras of Bale 25 per cent, cash, remainder In six, twelve, eighteen and twenty-lour months' time, with 8 per cent, interest, pay hi srml-annuallv oti deferred payments. The property will be offered in lot and then mm m whole im it m v of sale. Both citlsen and stranger are requested to call on ns at our office on I'niillc hqunre, Bar nard new building, where all desired informa tion will be given. Title guaranteed. Nalt Atkinson & Sons, Agents for Mr. T. D. Carter, STARTLING, BUT TRUE. After a ojourn of one year in thl glorlou climate of North Carolina, ha passed the follow ing resolutions, to wit ! - -.. , To sell all goods, comprising a full and complete line of Clothing, Famishing Good, Hat, Trunks, Valises, etc., at ,10 iper eeutabove actual cot; . ' T" select Thursday of each week as Bargain Pay, oa which day all good go at net eot. The success of Big 32 has been most Battering, and to keep the ball rolliaggooda wilt bs sold cheaper than has ever been offered to the trade In the history of Ashevllhv Th Big 23 get there, Kit! . ' ' ' Call and be convinced thut the above statement are not merely idk talk, but fact and uiablc. Your to tcrve, apriodlm DIG ax. , : FORJBAUE. .... ... 1 Yaluable Timber Lands. I have for sale arajut 11.IKMI acres of land In Swain county, near Panther Creek, the KlttMfrahMla river and the line of the W. N. CI K. K. A greater portion ol this land cont Ins the finest timber tnat I anow oi ui me aprlOdtf JAMK8 0. MAKTIN. J.W.SCIIARTLE, LIERCIIAIIT TAILOR THE CAROLINA SALOOil; Has the Finest and Larjcent Stock of , WHISKIES, i BRANDIES t AND i WINES, febaodly 41 N. Slain St. Ji great many leople feel themselves gradually failing, They dont know just what is the matter, but they suffer from a combination of indescribable aches and pains, which each month seem to grow worse. The only sure remedy known that will counteract this feeling and re- , . , ii l u:. store iieneci neann is nniwn s imu mi.-1 , , . tcrs. By rapid assiiniUttion It purifies tlie (foods, but We lUlVO tUCm. oiooti, anyes out uiavuc, kitvo mniui and strength to every portion reached by the circulatory system, renews wasted tissues snd restores robust health and strength. New York Sun ; First Policeman (after several tnmuccessful attempt to over power hii man) "What shall we do?" Second l'olkymair "Letustlubtogetlier. We can take him then." Spring Jackets, Beaded Capes, Tarasols and Sun Umbrellas.. Special value in two nu mbers of Persian Trim- v... lit w.s.fr viirnrnittl Atirl hrfirtV soldier, but this bottle : ol WPyi r,ple have at time, a feeling of weari Krcnterthanl. My calling fclto iUurle. To dispel this feeling destroy men's lives, but this medKine lnke , H McLeaB.. RarMparilla; it mings. tr nnutrnnn jP. Pf l It, IXlJi' i VUl IV IV, Nos. 7 and 0 rattonAvcnuo.l FOR RENT For the Summer Months. A beautiful country home, containing v elegant mom, nicely furnished, situated In I the beautiful Hooper' Creek Valley, 10 miles from Hendersovillc, 13 mile from Ashcville. Railroad station and poatoftkr near athand. Beautiful lawn, pare mountain water and delightful scenery. Garden vegetables, fresh batter and milk can be had evtry day. Term reasonable. Apply to . LA FAMNHOLT, Room 1 1. McLoud Building, Ashevillc, N C. 1 Or JOBBPH YOtlNOUliOOll, Fletcher's F. O., Henderson Co., N.C. aprddlm TOWN LOTS FOR SALE I ' v '-t 18J-4 ACUIJf. Lying seat th "Oakland Inn," overlooking the river, upon which are several a beautiful noccapitd building sites a can be found la or near th eity. Apply o JOHN K. CONNAIXV. 1 aprll dimes sun pORBALB. c-rcral fine cow, fresh to the pall. . Apply to It. o, mii.I"ikii, , a or 11 dim ei sua Feralhurst. Ever Brought to Anheyllle. Parties wishing a good article for family or other purpose, will find It to their taterest to give me a call. Respectfully, marSldly Frank O'Doniiell, Prop'r. v y I ' ' m enrntnn if A"M1aT Js?r: ;sTaII'rTPO-'' - FUNERAL - JJ R E C T O R S) w mm w ia.T ar . a V fl K II I Il,I i:ra r. 3- A N D SPECIALTY; -J I PATTON AVENPEr -11 s P. H. Brewton will attend Call" Day and Night. marSldly i-cTir ;S"irr nJ3TF'aU"'"-flT r USTAI'G LlIirEllT CU3TftnQUni3rTDJ3TA!:3:U: RHOPIiTl AXWAY8BB KEPT IN SHOP, WTOJJJiH, BTAJ1LB k&M AUlUttl I IS FOR MAN ft PF.A8T. FCTETrUTF-S MUBCLE 4 F UJIilt TO Tim YEHX BOMJi I CTJRF.8 riXFA, tiCRNfl, CtTTS, COUKS, BliVJlbIClluailJUWorilUtiiliUaJ CrrEF.8 HOLIOWlTOnrl, CAKED baos, O&Ull HOOF AM VATl til. I CTTRE INUBTIHTJUiM'tsV BUU1N UAJOI1 Fnom.rrTt-roT, SClliW-WOKsI AND kW4B W b.i' I CAJvJiUll"l!oAC --'