i:.isi.v citiz:::. 1 he la the moat ritrnaivelv dm- liitril ami ijr read ttesraaprr la Wcttal Ii !: hiii.hi of miblir mm and nnmm la la lt( ti.trrrat f pttt.lK intrifritv, ami-' E'vrrnmmt, and pro-iwum. tnrftMtrv, ami tt nowa no personal allegiance in trcauug puo Ut -nrm. T fir I iTttKK pnhllahr the dlapatrhea of the AWHiird I'rrM, wak-fe bow covers the m mo work la tta araM. It aa. other facill-tK-a of advanced joairnaliara for Fathering wewa from ail qnartrra, with everything care-uiiv-H,l to occupy ta amallct apace. ' ririmra coptr of any ediooa will b arnt f ve to any onr Bmdtng their address. Ta Imilv, f i for om year; S.I foe ail tfioutfia; 60 crnta ibc one month; 1ft crnta for onewtcfl. Camera will drhver the paiicr la every part of thr city to suliacriher, and par tie, wanting it will plcaac call at the Crruaa -j DCC. AnvaaynatM P atkb Kraaotiahie, and made oa applkatioa at tin a office. All tiaaaift a4eruaraseau araat be paid ia aaV THCRSDAY, APRIL 18, 1889, WIIJUTHETTaXVITT The New York Time of the lSthdirccta attention to scheme Mid to exiat in tbr brain of leading Republicans to secure part ascendancy in Congress by the direct vet of Congress in the matter of laying ofl Congressional districts in certain States. Tbe scheme is repreatnted to be "that Congress thai divide the different State into Congressional districts. Where State districting is unsatisfactory .Congress will rediatrict the State." . The authority to do thie is claimed an dcr Sec. 4 of Article 11 of the Constitu tion, which says "the times, placet and manner of holding elections for senators ' and fepresentativcashaUljeprearribed by each State by the legislature thereof; bat the Congress may at any time make or alter auch regulations, except as to the place of cbooaing senators." This section waa the subject of serious objection and long debate intjit(tte1 convention nm ioinr.ooro, in June, 1788; and afcrtfct convention, the Fed- . : . i i i m 1 i . eral jowjfitntion submitted for adoption Wfae rejected by a large majority, it may be assumed that the objections raised to this section were not removed by the ar guments and explanations used in its fa vor, It is easy to believe that men who entered so eiirnestly into the struggle (or liberty were not ready to yield the fruit of it to a power of their own creation stronger and more capable of mischief, by the adoption of the section proposed, than the on they had thrown off. Mr. Siwikw thought that "the words of the section were so vague and uncertain, that it must ultimately destroy the whole liberty of the United States. It strikes at (he very existence of the States, and upTrvettes the necessity of having them at an." Mr. Bloodworth thought that "elections may be in such a manner that : men may lie appointed who ar not ren- feprraentatives of the people," and that J'the manner of election may be so devised Tnai every own jit ion or men u may or t. . . , i . . a . westred to exclude, may be deburred from voting." ' , - ' The anxiety of such mind and speakers as Iredell, Mailaine, lavis and other ol almost equal eminence, to obtain tlie earfty of a permanent gtrvemment, sc curing harmony at home and restiect abroad, urged thcrn to strong and able drfence of the section. As it retains it place in the adopted "constitution In its original form, we may assume that all olijections were overruled in a majority of the State conventions. . Vet it now might appear that the ap prehensions of the opponent of this sec tion were not groundless, and that those who placidly relied upon the good faith of Congress to abstain from the permis sive power given in the lost clause of the paragraph, "at any time by luw to make or alter auch regulations," except in re la wn 19 senators, were too confiding m the political virtue of Congress. The first paragraph give to the States a positive power to preseril all that i necessary as to the time, places and manner of holding elections. This powerbeingdefin- itc, the right and wisdom of taking away with one hand what was given by the other doe not seem clearer or more cer tain now than at the time it wns ob jected. The contingence are so rare when Congress ia justified in exercising its alternative power over the times, places and manner of holding elections, that its se, except under the contingencies tug grated, is palpable usurpation. In times of peace, there w no pretext or juatifica twa for departure from recognised meth ods. It hi violent and dangerous disturb ance of the settled order of things, with aim and object to parte interest. That the Republican party fr capable of dan gerous and disreputable "net hods to se cure it power we have many examples, as, for instance, mulct this very clause, the claim to conduct Congressional elec tions underthrcyeof Federal sii(ervinor8. The power of the Slute to control power constitutionally lodged in them to regulate elections ought' not to be con trued away by a contrary jKTiniiwivc clause of a previous positive declaration of an absolute right, ftir then "the State governments are not sufficiently secured, and may be swallowed up by t lie great mass of power gi ven to Congress. The Republican leaders may attempt the monstrous wrong. We hare a too abiding faith in that inherent sense of right and lilicrty abiding In the American people, Democrats and Kcptililk-ans alike, to fear the succea of thr scheme. Admiral Taylor, whose death is an nounced, wns born in Rhode Island in 181 1 and entered the navy a midship man in IBM, He served as a Lieutenant m the war with Mexico and was present at the siege of Vera Cms. During the civil war he served with the squadron oft Charleston, ami in January, 18(13, be en gaged a rebel ram with the rlousiitonic. He was Fleet Captain under Admiral Dahlgreen during the operations against Morris Island and was in the battle with Forta Wagner und Sumter. He com mandrd the Junhia in the attack on Port Fisher. Since the war he has served in various enpacttar, including that of commander of the Asiatic and South At lantic stations. He was made a com mander in 1855, Captain in 1800, and a Reat Admiral ia 1871, serving m the Utter gtfcd abowt two years before he was placed on the retired list. I DITOMUl. POINT. The twentj new war vessels, large and mall, to be immediately constructed by the I'nited States government will cost $11,600,000 exclusive of armament. This ia not extravagant. One of the great Atlantic steamers often cost a million and a half. a Rev. R. Ilelier Newton has written a rcmarluilile on Bnritualism, He declare that it is here, that it has come to stay, and thai it has come at the very time when, if it be what it claims to be, it is most imperatively needed. But whether it be what it claims to be, Mr. Newton neither affirms nor denies. He says the subject has passed the stage for sneering. According to the New York Sun Herr Von Bulow ha won one triumph in America that has as yet been unchroni- ded. On' Tuesday afternoon when the crowded audience listened silently to his wonderful shadings, all over the bouse, up in the galleries, down intheorchestra, on either side of the balcony, mice came running out to bear him play, as their ancestor came out to bear the great master, Moiart, long ago. - a a A Detroit paper publishes twelve verses of a poem written by Ex-Senator Jones, of Florida, whose infatuation for young bidy in that city brought into undcsired prominence and marked the decline of bis public career. He rhymes about his wrong, about the alleged in triguc jn the Senate; about the "hellish JWrtlfof scuridal-mongcr and patheti cally close with the confession that Insanity and want eiid the re.wtT a a No life in our time . has been fuller of strong lights and shadows than that of l!d win Booth. Swaying between temp tations from within and sorrows from without, this gifted man has climbed the ladder of fame. It is not strange that his overwrought nerves should give down at lost. But he is all right again He opened in Cleveland Monday -night as logo to Barrett' Othello before the largest and most enthusiastic audience ever asHcmbled there. Hi reception amounted to an ovation. He ha cat down hi allowance of cigar one half, which means ten a day, Spite of the onward march of electric lighting, gas conimnks prosier; the At lnnta gas comany, for instance, which has JtiHt disMiscd of a majority interest at the handsome figure of $520,000. The purchaser is tlie t'nited States Ohs com pany of Philadelphia. The price (mid per aliurc f$25 par is $31.25, or- more than 20 per cent, premium. The pur chaser guarantees this price lor all stock remaining in the hands of member of tlie old comimiiy, and allows the old holders to retain a dividend. As a fa vor utile straw this would seem to show that tlie wind Is not blowing ill for tlie own ers oi stock ill well located gas plants. " Tlie Government iacxpcndiug over two million dollars on new barracks for the regular army. Atlanta ia to have quar ter for accommodation of a full regi ment. Chicago Is to have large barrack, with elegant officer' quarter and beau tiful grounds. Several posts west of the Mississippi are being enlarged, and the post at Newport, Kv. opposite Cincin nati, is being removed to a point on the Ohio river a few mile above the city, The ite of this Kentucky ost reminds one of West Point, on the Hudson. It is on a bluff 500 feet above tlie river, and the prosjiect for miles up and down the historic stream, with its wooded hills on either side, is singularly beautiful. The troops stationed there may consider themselves fortunate indfed. a The New York World snys: "Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett is very anxious to write the great American novel. To this end she sicnds a great deal of time in Knglnnd. She is convinced that the novel referred to will have an English background, with an American girl as the heroine. An English peer will lie the American girl's husband, and a clever American adventurer will be the hero of the story. All this is interesting enough but Mrs. Burnett is working on a wrong basi. The great American novel will have New York for a background and a woman will not write it." From this re mark we infer that tlie World's next serial will "have New York for a back ground and a womun will not write it." The St. Louis Olobe-liemocrat has had interviews with I'tiirh. lones. Keiina Illodgctt, Harris, I'uulkner, Keognn and Gorman uHin the question of whether or not control of the Federal patronage strengthens a pnrty. All of them except Gorman expressed tlie opinion that the IMitronnge wenkensn party and Senator I'ugnqaotttl Jefferson' remark that he could miuiHge the npMiintntcnts but not the disappointments. Mr. Gorman, as evervlKidy knows is the Maryland boss. the champion ol the famous Kiigrne Hig- l(iu and Im the cundor to declare hi faith in his own methods. Notwith standing the prcMjiidcrance of Senatorial opinion against him, it will he hard to make ieople believe that the party with tlie oflievs has not got the drop on the out.- . .. The "Kebel Girl" "Guarantee" "Re liance" in an "Havana ruff," and the "Daisy Utieen" of our "American lrug- gist" can be found by lovers of the weed at F. L. Jacob' drug More, where there i also a complete line of drugr a rug- gist' sundries, Tlie famous tvxctisior Water direct from Saratoga Spri-igs, N. V., Vichy, Keep Roek, Scl tier, Tote Spring and Soda Water alwa va on draught Do Mot SMfTcr Anjr I.ona;vr. Knowing that a rwighenn he rheckeri in a tiny, and tlie first stHKestif consump tion broken in a week, wehrreliVHuaran. tee Acker's English Cough Rrnieuy ami will refund the money to all who buy, take it as per directions, and do not tiiid our statement correct. T. C. Smith St Co. fcbMawlw Fruit of tl.e Loom 8 i-a by tLc Dolt. We return thankn lor past uvorn and invite 8'Mria.l at tention thin wivk to lU'iul.il Cajx, all-over FlounHng in white and cream, Dutt lierV Linen, bleached and un bleached, for children'8 aprons, piece foodx forboyn' pantx and Mints, noinethin good in ladies', miHrieH' and children'8 Black Hone, Wind sor Tien for the boys and I'aruHolM for the girln, Lons dale, Pride of the Went, Fruit of the Loom, and other brands of Domestic. A new assortment of buttons. braids, girdles and dress trimmings, white goods in Piques, .Mai-seilh's, Nain sooks, Check Muslins, India Linens and Linen Lawns, Al batross in pink, green, blue, cream, red and black, reCelv ed toiday. Satines, Challies and Nun's Veilings in all the new shades. These goods were made regular, bought regular, ant will le sold regular to regu lar customers. First-class in every resjn!ct,iiothingshoddy or second hauded abou them. Warranted an repre sented or money refunded Uuy them and you will bt pletisM. Fail to do no, and you will regret it. - KesjMH'tfully, HOiSTIC IJI10S. & WRIGHT I'. IS. If you ever intent! to buy towels now is the time to do so. Wo have the best bar gain in a towel you eversaw, and can beat the Electric .Street Railway in this line. II. P. & W. Asheville, April 11), 1881). Easter Cards, Kaster Booklets, Easter Novelties, A Inriie and flnc variety, both foreign and American ; alio FINE STATIONERY. ARTISTS' MATERIALS, FANCY GOODS, BOOKS, AT ESTAIIROOK'S, MM. Main Street. A 111 AlMMtTHKNT or AMERICAN WATCHES, All style, aiira and price. Jewelry of every dracription. Silverware, mild and plated. Gold and Silver Headed Cane.. &c'Ufle. and tlyr Glaum fitted to the rye fine Watch Hepalting and ling-raving a pceialty. t LANG, The Jeweler, Honltl Mlln Htrvcl. ' prl4d3m REGISTER t Nuthiua so Important fur the aeaaoa aa to rejtlater your name at ...'......,..'.;... J. M. ALEXANDER'S " for a good art of H antra, or a Saddle. Hi. atock 1. now complete and took nnctty lieatitlnil. 1'inc KnKllah Uridlca, Crop. Leg. ( -. at Uiweat lirarea. The nieeat arare. lion of Linen Lap Hot, and Mumie Inutcr at remarkalily low flgurrs. Motto i Quick kale and Short Prost. aprtidora THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCUTtOM. RnOHU im sVImIm naw.aJia aa.. ...-a. om7 " " pra dairy, fxcrnt aandava. from 10 a. Bl. mil p. ra and 4 -in until no p. m. The term, of anlwription an: line Tear ! , Snm- 8 mo., ft 1 1 mo., 80 ct..; daily 8 eta. (AirTraHr ISXla-Preairtent. It. . Rawla Vtce-ITraJdent. Chart, w. Wootaer ; are. and Tnaa., U8. WatauaiUbrarlaa, alia K. J. Hatch. ' I ' I . I ul I. .. . . ...... ...v. an cnmiaiiy invited m.a(c Ik. cataiogat and laacrihe their RUPUU M ISCELLAXEOl'S. W. II LEA'S EASTER OFFER FOR. CASH ONLY. 2000y artls Fruit of the Loom Domestic, by the bolt, 4-1 wide. 10-4 Mohawk Valley Sheet- ing at 2Gc. per yard. 40-in. Pillow Casing at 12& I5est lionsdalo- Cambrieat 11c. per yard. White Quilts from 55c. to f 2 (Jt)-in. Conestoga Ticking at 35c. Nice Percales, from 7c. to lit W. H. LEA 17 N. Main Street. A new lot of Hall Bazaar forms just in. Also, a complete line of halt ing tackle. RICHMOND ft PAN VII, LB RAILKOAD COMPANY. (Waters North Carolina Division.) PiHtmim Dkpartmhnt, AiHuviLLB, N. C, Jan. J, 1MXS1. PA88BN0KR TMAtN SCHEDULE. In Brrscr Jam. 1, 1888: Lv. A.hevine To SApnil lVipm Ar. Rallahnry, 437am A4!lpm " baavllk, 47am lOJOpm " Lynchburg, 124(ni 1041am " Waahingto 7 3fipnr 70Oam " Baltimore, 9 KOpm 8 2ftam " Fhila., SOOam 1047am " New York, 6i!Oam 1 llopm " Boaton, 3 30pm BlHlpm " KichmondT"" g BOpin ft loam """Kalelgh, 17 SOamFl 02pm " Ooldalmro, 1146am SlOpm Wilmington atxipm TNoTftft Lv. Aiheville, 8 .Warn Ar. Henderaonville, 9 2lam Ar. Bpartanb'g llBOam " Charlotte, 6 341pm '' Coln'mlif, 444)pm ' Charleatoa, 9IOim "!rAngu."ta, 905pm " Savannah, eiBam " Thomaiville.Ga 1 4lpm " Jachaonvlllt 1200 m ""Atlanta; "Tio 40pni Montgom'y 7 2Ram " Mobile, 1 snpm '" New Orlrnna 7 20pm No. 84 Lv. Spartanburg, l" 34(lpm Ar. Henderaonviile, 8tl7pm ; Aahcville, 70Opro " ""' 1 No. 60 JjNo. 83lNo. 84 Lv. Aaherllle, r740am 444pm 70(Spm Ar.HntBnrlng. 2iam BlOpm 840pm " Knoxville, 1 lOpm SROpm " Chnttan'ga, 618pm 6 40am Naahrille, 1l4ram " Memphia, a 10am 830pm tv. A.hevll.e, " 740am 444pm Ar. Hot Spring! 02Oara 810pm "Knoxville, 1 lOpm SHOpm " Louiaville. 718am "Cincinnati, 840am 1148am " Chicago, natlpni fl30pm " St. Louia, 7 48pm 7 4rim' MI'KI'IIV BRANCH. No. IK I.v. Aahcville, Ar. Wayncavllle, " Jarrett'a. K 2.'.m lOfKlam 84Mpm No. 7 Lv. Jarrett'.. Ar. Wavneaville, " Aahcville, ntNlam . 1 25 pm 348 pm a- Bleeping car on all night train. JAS. It. TAYLOR, W. A. VYINIll'KN, U. t'. A. II. P A. 8OL. HAA8.T. M. Schedule Street Railway. To take .fleet Friday, March 1, at A-'l(la. tn Car kavca Court Houae fl.30 a. m " 7.00 8.00 UIM1 Prom then till 7 n. ra. car leave, court hc.uar every no minute. Alno. car leave, court houae at 8. no n ami 9.00 p. m. - - rAKH. PlYK LHHTli w ANTBI1. Aa exnerienred anleaman In arneral mr. ennnnnr. rirailKa rctcrencc. miiat licgivco. Aonrraa al once UtlX 4412. aprltVIU Aahcville. MRS. S. STEVENSON Ha removed to the Joha.toa Building, rat- ton avenue, corner of Church .treet, wh he 1 prepared to keep regular or tranaient boanler. Table faraiahed with the beat the market afford. Term reaaoaahlc. mar.lldBm JOTICB. Wilt collect debt for aiivon. la (K. ... per cent. Good fai-ilitir for renting and col. Ilng rent houae. Will aril furniture oa weekly paynmita. J. B. TOHN80N. t Blair'. Parnltur 8tort, 87 Pattoa Avenue. aeiereacea given. mar14ddm MISCELL.XSLOl'S. EASTER EGGS. We have a large stock of Dyes just rtccived for color ing eggs for Easter Orange, Cardinal P.ed, Magenta 'and Dark Green. Each color will dye two to four dozen Eggs, according to depth of color desired. White Eggs, wil 9 ' show brightest color. One package for one color three cents two 'packages for two colore five cents four pack ages for four colors, ten cents A ten cent package will be sent, postage paid, to any address on receipt of the price. T. C. SMITH & CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, Asheville, N. C, AMNOVNCEItlENT TO THE LADIES ESPECIALLY. We are pleanetl to announce that our stock of Millinery is now in and ready for insKc tion and would be pleaded to have the ladies call. Our intention of having a Special Grand Opening has to le foregone, as Mrs. Mac- Nair is so busy with order that we have not the time to give it proiier attention. Also wish t o announce that our stock of Dry Goods Fancy Goods, Parasols an siHicialties are oi;n for in siHftion. With our thank for past favors and with a determination to merit your continued patroiuige, ItesiHX'tfully, A. WIIITLOCK. HKOO.M FACTOR Y. HANFOAD N.LOCKWOOD. NANIt-HAIIS Broonis, Wlilftka, Hearth and Celling; Brooms. Mill and Factory grade a icciiiltv. Ouo tutiona and .ample free. tebllidly JAMIiS FRANK, IIKALKH IN FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Agent for Reein Creek Woolen Mill.. North Main Street, . Aahcville, N. C IcblOdly TLANTIC COAST LINE. On nnd after this dntc the frll, .. h..i m n run over its "v (iiumiiia IHviHion u. oa i-nvra i.oitinioia" ., 5.20 p. m Arrives at I'harlrMt.in fin .. No. 62 lnvcs ChBrleston...! 1.n k. m Connecting with trnina tn mA r... .ii nmvea at Columbia 1IIU. . Miintson the Chaiioltr. t-olnmhia , .. gn.ia nnu loiumiiia ae Urcenvilk Railroads. i'ajiy, T. M. KMKRHON, Gen. Pass. Agt. J. F. IIKVINK, Ocn. 8upt. y B. WOLFB, PLAIH ANP ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. All kinds of cement wot I. lobbing and kalanmininu tended In ' i- Rraidenn. Clavtnn at im ... u- . with W. H. Weatall At Co. (ebPdnm NBW DHHIl. earrfbll. i. Itig member of the Aahcville bar ton enag an Mcraaary pointa, iuat oat and now o..k..t thcoifiVof tn; c,ti, .. ., mmTJ na naneri. r KEAL ESTATE. Walt. H O.wr, W. W. V, HT 0VA1I a WEST, (Suecmori o Wa'ter B.Gwjn) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE, Loans) Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. ' Notary Pul-.ic. Commiaaioncr. olliccd. FIRE INSURANCE. OFFICK ftontheaMt Court HqaRre. Wm. M. Cocke, Jr., REALESTATE AND MINERAL BROKER, ABhevllle, N. C. Can sell you one million acre of land, In traAa from SO to loo, 000 acre. Have number of city lot, improved nnd tinim proved, which I can aril on the beat of term. If you want a large or amall farm call on me. If ygu want mineral, of any kind, you need go no further. If yon want timlier land, thl. I headquarter. In fact I can luit you in anything you want in my line. Service, of a firat-claa. 'civil engineer and practical surveyor engaged to show up all property when required. I have hod fifteen year' .aperiana la th real eatute buaincM, and think I know what will please. I'rompt attention to all inquiries. KI124U1V W. CORTLAND, Real Estate Broker, INVESTMENT AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, Patton Avenue, Buriiard Building, fchlldly D. S. WATSON, Real Estate Agent, Offer, for .ale the beat lot in AHhevlllc for a Hotel two acre on Patton Avenue between Bailey and t.rove Ktreet. Alao, omc very tine residence lots for ulc centrally located. Good buaine.a lot lor autc at the (lid lie pot. Fine farming lauda, timlier liunls, etc.. for ale, near the city. FOR RENT. Four flplcndid house furnitdied and unfur- ni.hcd, for rent. D. 8. WATSON, dtmayl Aahcville. N. C. INSURANCE. jpiRB 1NSURANCB. - F1KE. LIFE. ACCIDENT PULLIAM & CO At the Bank or Aahcville, ASHKVlLl.lt, N. C. Keprcacnt the following companies, via. nan. cah askktb in v. Anglo Nevada, of California, 2,4117,H33 Continental, of New Vord ,87fl,823 Hamburg-Ilrcmen.ol'nermnny 1,129,H(I4 London Aaaurance, of Bngland 1,(143.995 Niagara, of New York 3.237.49U Orient, of Hartford l,H7,fi I'hccnlx, of Brooklyn 5,0S4,179 t. fani r-tre ana Marine, ol Min nesota 1,841 ,061 Southern, of New Orleana 439.0N4 Weatcrn, ol Toronto 1,039,232 Mutual Accident Asaoriation. -Aitna Life Insurance Company. dtmar29 TUB EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society OF THR UN1TKI1 STATKS. Aaart ..y. 9S,t41,a)aa.9A Surplus ao,794,7ls.i) ( Larger than any other Comimny. ) Outstanding Aaaurunce...S34),ai6lia,oo Written in 1SHK l.Vt,9,M.S,!.VOO loni. ne i-oiicwa won lu unu 20 year rloda are the moat popular and profltal form of aaaurance. For example, rate, etc., confer with E. I. Klonroe, Agt., Asheville, N. C Office with Judge Astou. feb23dtim OFFER EXTRAORDINARY I For the ncut thirty dnva we will sell 41S lota In I'HOSI'KCT I'AKK, West Aahcville, on such favorable terms that homeacckers win do well to conic and deal with us. Only io Per Cent Cash Will be required, and the balance can be made payable MONTH I.v if desired, ith H pel out. interest from date of irnnxlrr until oi,i These lots are valued from $100 uptof.VHlO mm wic iMi-B aei ujHin mem are nascii upon actual sales of similar lots adjoining. The Electric Street Railway la being rnpiillv puahed to Prostvct Park, its proKed terminns, thns bringing these lots m quick and easy communication with the iiuare. anu otner principal pat la of the city, We Have Entire Confidence In the value of these lota, and hence hnve no s-ars in leaving nilte-trtttha of the purchase , inurrai. i ne nrt to come wil ae. cure cnoicc Ol lot. Alililv to CiWYN ft WEST, muri'Sdtf 8. B. Court Sunare. D. II. REAGAN, WITH -; r HENRY S. KING & SONS, : Hardware and Cutlery UAL 1 lAHIKli, AID, RcfcTtol. W. Starne. mnr23 dUm VVM. R. PENNIMAN, I'ROI'RIBTOR OP THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, Aahcville, IV. C. P. O. Bos P.' marl 3d ly HOTELS. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS PRIVATE B0AR3. TIIK THOMAS HOUSE. NLAK BATTBKY PAHk. y Is now uridircntin.lv new tnuiiHi'cment. and will be kept in strictly first-class stvle. " ' ' TKANSII.NT OH KEGl'LAB HXAKIIKHS TAKEN . Northern Cooking. Kates Kiasonalilc. MKS. E. LACY & SON, ! - Proprietors. iltf A DELIGHTFUL EXCURSION I ASIIEVIIXE TO HOT SPRINGS. Round Trip Tlckcta only ti.SO, Including a full day' board at tbc MOUNTAIN l'AUK HOTEL. The Bath in Marble Pool and Porcelain , Tub arc the fluc-at and most luxuriou In America. The Hotel is NEW AND F11WT-CLASS la Every Particular. UNEXCULI.KU IN ITS CUISINE. The place I a churralug apot, ncatkd smiMtv and .)v-U .m( t.v l..w. 1..A ...... u.i.. where there I no fog, no dust, no malaria. V' I'ure and abundant water, and absolutely perfect drainage. dtjul2W HICI1 LAND HOUSE, Corner Main and le)ot, , WAYNESVILLE, N. C. Rooms newly furnished. Pure tlie best the market uflbrtls. ' -Good sample room. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Terms: $1.00 per day. G. D. L. ALLEN & SON, , Proprietors. A NEW HOTEL IN BRYSON CITY. The Swaync House, One of the best In Western North Carolina. Summer and winter resort. Nature' annlta rium. Scenery and water unexcelled. Term moderate. GEO. N. BLACKBURN, Prop'r. mnrlSdSm J. N. MORGAN & CO., No. 3 Barnard Building:. School nnd College Text Books, afullline. Poets, His tory, Romance, Biography, Travel and Novels, Family Bibles, S. S. Bibles and Test aments, Oxford Teachers' Bibles, Song Books of all kinds, large stock Stationery, Blank Books and Office and School Supplies. New line Indies' and Gents' Pocket books just opened. Fancy Goods and Dolls. feblOdlv J.C.BROWN, MERCHANT t TAILOR, 5 Patton Avenue, (Next to Grand Central Hotel.) epr'.'dly J. V. BROWN Will continue the undertaker's business at hi old stand over J. B. IKckcrson & Co.'s Hardware Store,' under the firm name of J. V. BROWN & CO, - Having thirty years' experience aa under. taker and embalmer, and uacqualed facilities for hnylng, can safely guarantee satisfaction. Call promptly attended to at all hours. Uvcrything pertaining to the business al. wavsonhnnd. frhn.ni OEME r.. , A TRUE TQtCET LUXURY. Of AaaoLUTllY FUR I iNORtOICNTS. KAUTiriC3 THC TCtTH. WO INJUflY TO Till twiittL riNOaGRteABLit " WITHOUT EQUAL AS A TOIHT PHIPAHATION. MlCt SS CENTS PEN BOTTLE. noire 81 - old iv all oauaomrs. H. WINKCIMANN A CO.. K)0S, LTIMOac Mo . For sale by J. 8. GRANT. dawtaa28

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