i , ' L f r -'AL::-f 1 N Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies.' A marvel of pur- liy. niTDKin onn wnmcomerK-s. More eco nomirnl than the ordinary kind, and can nut be wild in competition with the multitude nl low teal, short weight alum or phonphntr powders. Sold only in eans. Riivai. Hakinu I'ciwiiki Co., ion Wall St., New York. d(fcwtKirt7 . PROFESSIONAL CAKDS.' Tmw. P. Daviiisom, ' Tilos. A. Junks Raleigh. J as. G. Mastin, Asheville, Asheville. JJAVIUSON, MARTIN & JUNBS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Asheville. N. C. Will pr h ik-c in the 1 1 th and 1 2th judicial Districts. '"'! In the Supreme Court of North Carolina; and in the 1-cdcral Courts of the .Western District of North Carolina. Refer to Bank of Asheville. dtsel A Grand Duke's Tragi Story. Th czar of Russia's atxd brother. tceuranu Duke Alrxia, now neiiruiir his iOth yer, ta not married and will robably pa unnuirnod to bis frrave. ew ptTHona recollect or realize the conjugal trajredy that marked the early yean of this intelligent and handsome prince, lie loll in love, long years ago, with young lady at tached to the househohl of htsmother, and, like an hoaorabU man, ha made the woman that he loved his wife. The fact of this marriage came to the knowledge of his father, who at once caused the younjr couple to be sepa rated by the lull exercise ot nu dee rxdio authority. The Brand duke was lent otf on a voyage round the world. b mnrruure was annulled and his wile compelled by threats of banishment to Siberia and total separation from her child, a boy of extraordinary beauty and engaging Qualities, to con sent to a second uniou with an obscure physician. By this measure all possi ble reunion with her royal husband was rendered impossible. The subse quent marriage of Alexander II to the FrinceHs Dolgourouki. though only a Diorganaticone, might, you will think, have taught hiui a little humau feel-, iug toward his son, and that son's wife and offspring. In this tragic story, it is said, to be found the true reaaou why the Grand Duke Alexis, tliough legally uumarned, has refusea all negotiations for a royal alliance. After the marriage of bis younger brother, the Grand Duke Paul, be will be the only single one among the brothers of the reigning cxar. Paris Cor. bt. Louis Post-Dispatch. Bt HISI M AND rLKASl RK. Mrs. F.stalirook will pivr an rxhilit tion of her paintings, includiiiK a larr variety of North Carolina sketches on Thursday and Friday ol this week, from 11a. ni. to 6 p. m., to which the visitors in Aslieville, and all interested in art, air invited. Studio "2 South Main street, over lvstabiook's bK)k store. Troy Press: If it's a fare question, what docs it cost to Iwurd a train ? Spring overcoats, new lot, low prices, at WHITLOCKS. . a. orcMiss, JULIUS C. Martin. JJUDGBR, CARTER & MARTIN, H. B. CAHTK1, Attorney. at Law. ASilEVILLB.N. C. Office hours: From tt a. in. to 4 p. m. CHAS. A. MOORM. DUrV HKHklCK. UJ0ORB& MBKKICK, Attorneys and Counsellors at Lnw, Asheville, N.C. Practice in the "United States Circuit and District Courts at Asheville, Statrsvilk. Char lotte and Greensboro, in the Supreme Court at KaleiKh, and in tne courts ol tne rweliin Judicial District of the State of North Caro-ina. .-' Hiweial attention given to collection ol claims. rartnershtp dors not extend to praetiiT in Uunconibc Inferior Court. dtoc3 T.H.COBB. J. 0. MKKKIMON. OHB & MEKRIMON, Attorneys and Counsellors nt Lnw. Practice In all the courts. OIHce: Nos. 7 and H, Johnstoa building, disc '. W. JOKKS. ONES t SHUFOKU. CKO. A. eillipoHlh Attorneys at l.u ft, Asheville, N. C. Practirs in the Superior Courts of Western North Carolina, the Supreme Court of the State, and the Federal Courts at Asheville. Office in Johnston building, where one mem ber of the firm can always lie found, dlnovll J0HN8TONH JONB8, AfTOKNHY AND UOUNSKLLOR AT LAW, ASHKV1LLB, N. C. Practices In the United States Circuit and District Courts at Asheville, in the Supreme Court at KaleiKh, and in the Courts of the Twelfth Iudicial District of the Stateof. North Carolina, and elsewhere, as his services may Ik required. tunaauti '" ' Coart Pageaaote. Paris has not witnessed any very splendid pageant for more than twen ty years. Parisians who remember the display of Napoleon 111 when, in 1867, he was visited in turn by nearly every crowned head tn Europe, and by at least one Asiatic potentate, can lind nothing that has taken place since to equal it. France is republican, and since the downfall of the empire has become less osteutatioua. It used to be the boast of Spain that the court of Madrid was the only great court of Europe. Madrid es sola corte, the Spaniards used proudly to declare in their musical tongue; but the glories of the old Spanisn court have nretty much passed away. There is still a more stiff and rigid ceremo nial, indeed, at the Madrid palace than in auy other, and a host of royal ser vants pass daily through a strict rou tine; but even coronations and royal baptisms are performed with far less L 'll! .1 A I Druiiaucy oi ceremony uian lonneriy. liome rarely witnesses a great royal pageant, while it is deprived, to some extent at least, of the stately parades made by the pipe aud bis cardinals when he was tiie temporal ruler of the Eternal City. The German pageants of the modern lay are, for the most part, great mili tary reviews and maneuvers, designed to set forth the armed prowess of the empire, and the same may be said of those of the Austrian court Troy Press. Her Heavy Footfalls, A clever actor was playing the role Boston Courier: It is no use tclling a man to keep cool who has just been fired. There are times when a feeling of lassi tude will overcome the most robust, when the system craves for pure blood, to fur nish the elements of health and strength. The liest remedy for purtfyimf the blood is Vt. J. !l. McLean s barsapanlla. . , WnshiiiKtion Critic: As the frost' vts out of Ihc ground the pi lj;in to take root. The First Myiniatoma of Deal It. Tim) fcrliiuf. dull heailncbr, jmins in various Ktrts of the body, sinkimr t the rut nl i he stomach. lws of niipctue, lever. ihhnrss, pimples or sores, nre nil jiositive evidence ol'jioisoiied blood. No mutter how it became poisoned it must ne puri fied to avoid death.- Acker's English Wood lilixir has never failed to remove scrofulous or syphilitic poisons. Sold tin ier ixisitive guarantee by l.L. smitus Co. tebMawlw Detroit Free Press:' To get the lay of the land one must procure a copy olne National air. , The new shapes in Men's Derby Hats, Black and Colored. , , , , . , II. Redwood & Co. Buffalo Express: This weather sets the sap .to running in the maple trees and the bpnng poets. C'anaciraptlon Carablc. It cannot I too often impressed on every ou that the much drended con sumption (which is only lung scronnai, is curable, if attended to at once, ana that the primary symtoiiis, so often mistaken as sums ot diseased iunL'8, are only symptons of an unhealthy liver. To tins organ the system is imieiHen lor pure blood, and to pure blood tne lungs are indebted no lets than to pnre air for healthy action. If tlx former isnolluted, we have the hacking cough, the hectic Hush, niht sweats, and a whole train of symptoms resembling consumption. Kouse the liver to neniiny action oy tne use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dts- efivrrv. take healthy exercise, live in the 0ien air, ami mi tiiih"hw w vwioujii- tion will disappear, tar weas lungs. spitting of blood, shortness of breath, chronic nasal catarrh, bronchitis, asthma. severe couirhs. and kindred aflections, it is a most wonderful remedy. The "Dit co very" is guaranteed to care in all cases oi diseases for which it is recommended, or money paid for it will be reftmded. i ' . .. GlnsKowTimea: When $G0,00O isof-S-red mid refused for a single horse there is a prevalent opinion that the man w ho wants to buv a couple of lar'c-sizcd jackasses need go no furtlicr. A Sound Iaral Opinion. K. BoinhridKC Mundav, Ewi., County At tornev, Chi v count v, Tex., sn vs : " II a w scd Electric Bitters with most happy re-1 ilts. Mv lirotlier. also, wns verv low ith mnlnrinl levernnd juumliee.hut was red bv timely use of this medicine. Am satisfied Electric Bitters saved my lihV Mr. I). I. Wilcoxson, of Horse Cave, Kv.. adds a like testimony, sayinir he pos-l ' , t i- i j L i: i i i i I litveiy nencves ne wuuiu nave umi miu ii not been for Electric Bitters. This ereat remedy will ward on, as well as cure all malarial diseases, and for all idney, liver and stomach disorders stands uneqaaleds Price 50c. and $1, at L,. Jacobs drufc store, . - , uujaisaislssiBvaaUttaaLsaBtsBskk htrsAOf MABaIy iJISCELLASEOLS. l.ftoo PKRT AROVEI ' TIUB-WATER. IIICKOHY, N. c. I CI.IMATR t'NSlikf ASABD. All eyes (It ted and fit guaranteed. A coi pleu stock of the above goods at GRANT'S DRUG STORE, 34 SOUTH MAIN STRBBT. Oculists' prescriptions a specialty. fcbaTdttm HUMPHREYS' For HorfMt Cattle, Sheep,. Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. I S0O PAGE BOOK aTrat- urcl af Animals a4 t uart Bcui r'ree. ne-ilns. tn"?tn'i.ijttlli .; itinslil'S ilk rr. :.aHirurw. im.- niusi.tB. er, Nawil Ilii-hurgej. The City of Hickory can Justly lay claims to many pleasant and natural a3vaatacea.a a healthful resort for tourists and Invalids, situated as it la oa the crest of oac of the principal mountain spurs which extends to the Blue Ridge In the west, aad dividing the beautiful Ca tawba Valley. For hunting aad fishing this section of Western North Carol ima Is greatly noted. Toe acUjuboring mountains and streams aboaad la aa antlnrltcif variety of game and fish. 1 ' rBtpu I pi ntiMs, TerriMs Forewarning". Cough, in the morning, hurried or dim cult breathing, raising phlegm, tightness in tlie chest, tmickened pulse, chilliness in the eveninu or sweats at niiiht, nil or any of tliese things are the first stages of con sumption. Acker's English Cough Rem edy will cure these tearful symptoms, and is sold under u Kisilive guarantee by I l". Smith Co. Ienrdnwlw A medicine drummer was thrown out I of a boarding-house recently. He was trying to sell a spring medicine war rantee, to create an appetite. Still LIvlM In tine' bark Ages." people who, through ignorance, dose I themselves witn the violent cat names I that injure the digestive onrnns. afford I,. ,tn,'t ,i,t tmiuirnru m.lur B nrl litv. tl: fowels more costivethan before. The GURE JtT.rlt.'il ""i" rennemcniB oi meoKai science nave over- imi, Bnonoin; "".-Kuv nie all these evils, in tlic form of Dr. VSJllx,S:XZX:iS. . : ..JL r .. u.,.. T.rlviH. mA Inrflnftnlrtfi. till siishuu, wee U II. DOUGLASS, D. D. 8. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., Over Grant ft Wlnjrert's Dtur Store. Hesidence, No. 9H Bailey St. feblodly llnrlitiirtfin Free Press: "Will the In dinn work ?" nsks n writer. Try him with a gimlet and a keg of whiskey and see. . New stock of neckwear and spring im derwear, hats, hosiery, etc., at ' Wiiitlock's. Vnnlicm Statesman: '"When a young man proposes and is accepted lie rings the gli I's hand. If lie is refused lie wrings his own hands. Hacklen'a Arnica Salve. The liest salve in the world for cuts, bruise, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, and all skin emotions, and imsi livdv cures mles. or no nay required, it is Kuarnnteed to give iieriect satisfaction rnce La cents ki ormonev refunded 1ox. For sale by F. Lrjacolia. daw Warren Mirror: "What's the reason of the heavy villian iu an unsuocess- you don't start your raft? Are you wait fnl mllima. and althouifh the mg for more water?" asked a native ol the Ancient Citizen. "Yes, that's what we rafter," said the latter, 11. H. KBBVBS, II. D. S. DENTAL, OFFICE I In Connally Building, over Redwood's Store, Patton Avenue. bl3dly - P. BURG1N, M. U. , OFFICE t New Grand Central Building, over Big 82 Clothing Store. febl7dlui P. KAMSAY, D. D.S. Dental Oftlcej In Barnard Building Bntrances, Avenue nnd Main Street. ; febAdly Patton Ifany oal says lie h the W. I. Ttmflmt Hhoee without naine and price stamnMl sa the bottoiu. put nun sows as ins 4 ful melodrama, and althouirh the house was half empty, he was working as hard aa he could at the only good scene in the play. He had just finish ed the consultation with the low com edy villian, which occurs in all prop erly conducted melodramas and had snoken the cue for the heroine's en trance: "Away I She comes I I hear her footsteps." As he made this speech the property man accidentally dropped a sixteen pound shot down the staircase wmcu tea w tne dressing rooms. There was a succession of de liberate crashes, which somewhat re rembled the footsteps of a giant, and the audience saw the ludicrous side of the situation at once. The actor stood rooted to the spot, bursting with suppressed laughter and not knowing what to da The leading lady was untortunateiy some what stout, and, on hearing the noise, refused to make her entrance, vowing that the w hole thing had been ar ranged for the purpose of insulting her. Entreaties and threats had no ef fect; she remained obdurate, and the curtain had to be rung down and the audience dismissed. Ihe "leading ady" left the company the next morn- ng. rneatre. Hen Doctors Disagree. How much do doctors know I Not nuch for certain, that is certain. Else there would not be so much dis igreement among them, not only in liagnosing or attempting to eure dia bases, but also in means for pre veili ng them. There is not an article jsed by man for food, drink or rai ment that has not been both recom mended and condemned by physicians, frequently without consideration for the varying natures and environment of men. A few years ago there was a D-mat wither because of the habit. among both men and women, of hold- . r , ... . rr. u ....... I.!.. 11 neaivo ana nrc wtwunu my '";"(,. and you are feeling out of sorts and tired out, tone up your system by taking vt, J. h. McUBn i sarsapaniia. Sorimrfield Union : If we were to choose the most anorooriate symbol of the fleet- itnr.-the evanescent, the perishable, the the here-to-dav-and-gane-to- tnorrow. oerhaus it would be a pair of hoy's boots. ". 1.- IH;mirr, N n.-Bals ..r l.rl' . f-:'S"-S . . F!-r'i -r (Iris ' . ti.-lr.'urriase ".11. I i KiU"C lllaett.i I. I . V l,-ltt..s, ML.US0, . .K. -i - el SlisvMiot, ls. WVruiM. t es, rnsuioaio. ees, ItrilyHi be. lli urriase. iieiMHri 'irsl ' I J tt.tM V MI'tl SVtUIIC li:M'U.el ;rT-IS t--N . r,' lrit !' f..:a 1 1 Hint Manual. hiM. S7.0C i.iv,r;od" .CO I 'r: tsls or K.-ai Pre Hif nhreys' it .ilea iifi clpt ef Prloa. I. Co., 10J rullon St., N. T iH'JLiriIHEYS: EOKEOPATHIC ff SPECIFIC Ho 60 la ass 3t rears. The eelr smuewnil tsiaed let UsDiiity. vital weakness, 17 jbJSi f Vv ' if iff . 1 BOLDM Oi u wi, ,mm over-work or mast ossma. 5 v'.liaml iahta vial nowuse, lor es. ..1 . . ursri.t imatpaiflon rsosiute' . r i. .4tM ts., IMf v'aSaeeiMa. I. POR SALE BY - J. 8. GRANT, 24 S. Main 8t.t Asheville, . The "HICKORY INN" la built of Brick, Stone and Iron, has all ssodera Improvemeats, Gaa and Electric Bells In each room, and is well heated by (urn aces; Hot aad Cold Water Baths and Toilets on each floor. Is elegantly furnished throughout. The table will be sup plied with the best the market affords. BcursiontsU to or from Asheville caa stop over at 1 ' Hickory. For Information aa to climate, etc., a a drew 1 FRANK L.OUGIIRAN, Prop'r, I RATUS $2.50 to S3.0 rr Day. HllHOstr, 1. SIS, 1H and Sl per wees. dtuth-iltlesrtaprtn FOR LIEN ONLY! I BMITIVC feeWST erTATIJlTO sUirHOOBj I arulllla. ocsmslsad MkBVOUS OEILLITTi ierce's Pellets, which are "gentle iier- suaders, sure in action, and aid Dnme Nature to reassert her authority, when she is nided, not opposed, all is well. Tlie Methodist and Episcopal ministers I' Sheffield, Ala., no longer spenk as tla-y juiss livnd thcleeling m-lwecn tlietu is extending to the memhers of their cliiirela'S. It all grew out of a scheme of the Methodist ministers, who organised the I'reiu'hcrs' Investment Company lor the purxse of sieculating in real estate. few days ago an Episcopal minister published in a SlieiTjeld paper a commu nication suggesting the organization of a Prcuchers' Improvement Company, to which all ministers, and especially those of the Methodist church be admitted. He suggested that the object of the or ganization he the moral and spiritual improvement of ministers, and and they he especially warned of the evils ot gamb ling and speculation.. This drew forth some red-hot personal replies from the Methodist ministers and then the laymen took it up. ; ' fW.lllllMWlV tn th at Ask Totu Retailer for tha JAIIES IIEANS $4: SHOE R TUB JAIIES HE AITS 3 SHOE. AeMrtiJ tt lew Seeds. JAMRa MEANS M BTTOH leVihtaiMlsbrllsa. It flu like a stoekina;, and RKUUIRK8 - itKEAsUNU N,"ee trnwtlr ssay las Srst Urns tt iwoca. It will suarr Ihs sxt I audioes. JAMKSHKAM8 i elHOU U sbsiiluuily IM r sous er ru pnes wnna ms ever seen Dieeeo ex- tefusverron the usrfcel wnicn uursoiiiiy reu Dense sr4 .1 - KTeTVJ aV "6. VNT-k." SA:.iMs.. aj X-JA. m eHm - VIlMr ,ABaaVr nU IV. aasWW sulfa. ' ' ' ' " BLAIR FURNITURE C0I.1PAI1Y, i NO. 37 PATTOH AVENUE, i it A aV Se fka Jsmse Mesau e lor Bay a. Bf KAXH Ak DO Beetea. Vail llaee of the aheve ekeee far sale k For Bale Bostlc Bros. & Wright, A8HUV11XB, N.C. fcb31d3m tnthsat Wholesale and Retail Furniture Deatera, Aud Undertaker. They ray $500 or Cure. For manv vears the manufacturers of Dr. Saire'a Catarrh Remedy, who 1 thorouirlilv resoonHible, financially, have oflered in good faith, through nearly ev ery paper in the land, a standing reward of $500 for a case of nasal catarrh, no mutter how bad orot now longstanding, which they cannot cure. The Remedy is sold by druggists at only 50 cents. It is mild, soothing, cleansing, deodorizing, antiseptic and healing. 1 ' Baltimore American: Strange but true: weak-minded people are often . hcad-strdng. Dizziness, nausea, drowsiness,, distress after eating, can be cured and prevented by taking lr. J. H. McLean's Liver and iV:n... . .,;ilu V rvKlllCJT rmciB iin. pmo. Yonkers Statesman : The "Robert hls mcre" eollnt is one of the latest things out. We did not know that this story was to be continued in our necks. aseiivr a uasai suiviun Professor Arnold says: "An incurable iivsnpiitir is lustineu in coiniiiimiiK sui cide. We will guarantee to cur any dys- lieptic within three months by Acker s r.ngnsn uysisTpiie Auuicio. a.-. umiui & Co. fchOdawlw Iitiisville Courier-Iournal : Kansas is building a ood many scnow-nouses i The New Dlawovery. tr. l,uat VirkrA trnlir Aij.rlfls anA niifrll. bor, talking about it Yon mavyourself GILT-EDGE PROPERTY FOR SALE I one of the many who know from per- sonal experience just how good a thing it ia. If you have ever tried it. you are one of its staunch friends, because the won derftil thing about it 'is that when once given a trial, Dr. King's ew Discovery ever after holds a place in the house. If you have never used it and should be afflicted with a cough, cold or any throat, lung or chest trouble, secure a bottle at once and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed evcr.time, or money re- Uf the Public Square, funded. Trial bottfes free at F.L.Jacobs' This Is a drugstore. A. F. STEVENSON, CARRIAGE ; AND : SIGN ; PAINTER, GILDER AND VARNISHER, Is orenarcd to do all kindsof PalntlnR. Bring on your old-looking Carriages, Bretta, Bur- rye, Buggiee,"Carta and Wagons and have them varnished or reoalnted. so they win look as good as new, : All avork warranted not to crack, blister or come off until It wears off. Terms reason, able. Shop on Harnett Hilt, Eagle Street. mar31dAm AT AUCTION, lUoftday, 3th day of May, '89. On the above day we will offer for sale at public auction on the grounds without re serve, that valuable property on College and Stirace streets belonging to Mrs. Thos. I). It has a house with 10 rooms and allneces-1 sary outhouses; is 160 feet on College street and 0O feet on spruce, ana wiuiis i to boy a residence, business lot or make an investment within U- HH.H k.url nf the eitv. t.,. nl Kale oer cent. cash, remainder In six. twelve, eighteen and twenty-four months' time, with 8 per cent. Interest, pay umLannnnllv on deferred oavments. The oroDertv will be offered in lots and then . whnl. nn rinv of sale. Both cit lien and stranger are requested to call on us at our omce on runnc nquarc, oaf nan) new building, where att desired informa tion will be given. Titles guaranteed. Natt Atkinson & Sons, Agents for Mrs. T. D. Carter. apriodlm FOR SALE. Valuable Timber Landaw - t t,.v. roe sale about 11.000 acres of land in Swain county, near Panther Creek, the M.i.huia elver ami the line of the W. N. CI K. K. A greater portion ol this land cont ins I the nncst timixr mat i anow oi in inrmni aprlOdtf JAMES 0. MARTIN. Prompt attention given to ull orders day or night. Residence i 39 Pealand Street. lebldly 22, STARTLING, BUT TRUE. -ET h e b i g After a sojourn of one year In this glorious climate of North Carolina, has passed the follow Ing resolutions, to wit: To sell all goods, comprising a full and complete line of Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Trunks, Valises, etc.,' at 10 per cent. above actual cost! To select Thursday of each week as Bargain Day, on which day alt goods go at Bet cost. The success of Big 23 has been most flattering, and to keep th ball rolling goode Wlfl be sold chcniier than has ever been offered to the trade In the history of Asheville. The Big (3 gets there, Ell! Call and be convinced that the above statements arc not merely Idle talk, but fatftt unde niablc. Yours to serve, Dili aa. THE CAROLINA SALOON ! Hducatcd citizens fight much more intelli gently in the rate persons, . ... .1.1, i raucu mg up certain articles oi cunning py a i t)y fa the county wanithan illite- wirte of contn vancet were invented for 17. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE JS.00 (1KNIHNR HANn-HKW l HHOKt FOB GENTLEMEN. Ksamlne his i . ii . women, palierueu alter nieu s untun. Now outcomes an English doctor with series of causes for consumption, among which is this: "Braces are an other curse of civilitation by suspend- inor the weisrht of our olotlies from tne shoulders instead of fastening them in tlie 'savage' and natural way by a gir dle round the waist" Boston Tran- :m rot .M KXTR .VAI.IIK tAI.K 8HOK. SUM and I.M BOV8 NI HOOt IHOU All otaoe in insrsss, .nuiarn aau aaau. a kn 1.15 leiuCo V. L. DOUGLAS G3 SHOE warn LADIKS. aaat IfaaWlal. Rmit Rtvlau Beat ritUaCa II notankl by ynor onaier, write . t ' Kor salebv HERRING & WEAVER, 30 Sonth Main Street,-AsbevillcrNC. - jatil9dly mvoiuooasi The world oarht to onefarnuilfillifiriim lik-h wsssAbsdsAlo bie by Hie physicians to be treat cd. Out) me t eouv of sa arivcr Bwiffsbpoelnc, and 1 ITlk l from Ihe flrrt low grsduslly farced out nf anna cerrd sound sml r, It IiI0 w it. know hit 8. ". 8. ha of a nialL-nsnt Cancer lie coiiaiderrd Incurs In Cliles'-'o. of my rcitilil wliero iihurs set. tU invnt In iv-jrd t bp' liii-iOff ll. I Ai ana: till! tmhinn Hfl: nijr ) s, si"l I -Well. Il is now ten ronths since I quit tsk-1 4 inr. S. 8. H. sihI I lum ked so sign of reutrn uf the dreAuriil dlKise, Mas. Ami Botuwsu. As Itehki, Mich., Dec. M, 'M. Bend for Books a Blond ptssssas Slid L'soo Ji aaJW free. T Kwirr t nwirir Cn. Drawer S, Atlanta, 0: leal taV4,,. 'LUSTAKQ LIIIIUEIIT BEA1J1 TNFIiAM M ATKlN, OLD BORES CAJaUJ liiiivAtirii mcUXTI wiKai Sick headache, biliousness, nausea, cos tiveness, are promptly and agreeably Imnislied by Dr. J. H.NIcLean'sLiverand Miitiey 1'iiicis (iivuc piiia.i One of the saddest stunts to be found in any town is to see a noble dog following a man too mean to be associated with him. ' Itok Out For the Children. Hart's Worm Cream is a new remedy for the expulsion of worms from the sys tem, but is becoming rnimll v well known, for it is never used without the most sat isfactory results. Besides its wonderful eftii acv. it recommends itself on account ol its pleasant taste and isnotoimoxious to the patient. It will take the lead ol all worm medicines. ' Ticavune: One touch of deadlieat na ture makes tlie whole world a skill. Even the most vigorous- and hearty people have at times a feeling of weari ness nnd lassit ude. To disel this feeling take Dr. J. H. McLean's Snrsaptirula; it will impart vigor nnd vitnlity. Parcnla crlnalasally IJable. More than half of all deaths occur be fore six years of age. An army of inno cent, lovely children are swept needlessly nwnv each vear. 1'arents are cnminuiiy responsible for this. The death rate of script. The Riant Man Knew tha) I was calling on a cultured bachelor friend the other evening;, one of those fortunate follows who know how to load every care on some one else's shoulders, according; to a literary go sin. There were two book cases in his parlor, uoin quite iuu ui wnai swin tome to be fine books. I say "seemed," for, miramlo dictu, his rooks were all lying on their sides. Titles outward I Not a bit of it, Ends outward (-"But, my doar fellow," Iexclaimed, "I can't tell one book from anotherl" "No ne cessity of it," he replied, nonchalantly, sa he lighted a fresh cigarette; "I xr v l a... can I wew a wrs uw. A erent mnny iieople. feel themselves gradually failing, They don t know tiiBt T . . , 1 A. A. ..eT.aa f am ,hat is the nintier, ran wtj iim romliination of indescribnhle aches and pains, which eneh montn seem to gnw ... . Rnirlnnd is less than half this. worse, me oiny . Acker's Enir sh Baby Soother has done thnt will counteract this leeting ano re- . r .. , .. nli otnrT store iicrierthenlth is nw's .Iron Hit- com,,medi You cannot afford to ters. liy rni as8iini.ai.o M"" " u "C without it. T. C. Smith & Co. blond, drives out disease, gives health nnd strength to every portion reached pieayone; The bloody shirt is of no bv the circulatory system, renews , anT camt)aign witnoai some lyin hailllk Attn I tissues and restores rwran "'""" to hang it on. strength.' We are Bliowing excellent value in French Drews Goods, plain, striiMxl und plaid, and in Btri j ted. Surahs for trimmings. Cliina Silks, both in plain and figured, are excellent projierty, and our line em braces a number of choice effects. Low oriced Dress Goods, Worsteds, also Satim and (tinuliiiiiiH, will also tie found in vai iety ' -"A trifle early for Wliite Goods, but wo have them. Spring Jacket, Deadet Cnix's. rarasols and Sun Umbrellas. Siecial value in two numbers of Persian Trim a mings. Ii; RED WOOD &C0., Nos. 7 and 9 Patton Avenue J. W. SCII ARTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR FOR RENT For the Summer Months. A beautiful country home, containing; ve elegant rainna, nicety fumlshcd, situutcn in the beautiful Hi)r's Creek Valley, 10 miles from Hcndcreonvillc, 13 miles friim Asheville. Railroad stntlon and Kiatutm near at hand. Ileautlful lawn, pure mountain water and dellKhtfiil scenery. Garden vcKctablcs, iresn butter and milk can be hud eviry day. Terms reasonable. Apply to -" V A TAKINII'II.T, " Hoom 11. Mclnid Hulldinj, Asheville, N C. OrJOSItril VOUNOBLiKlD, Fhtehcf f. O., llcnacrson to., w.i.. airredlm nilSTAIIG LI'lluEliT CUSTAIIG UEEBIT M0V1J ALWAYS BE KEPT IN BHOP, iUlXJliliN, HTAUIJ. AtiuAA. IS FOB MAW ek HEA8T. rPETRATO UUbCIaE A V WH& TO THE V B Y HON & C0STACQUSI2H1T CUBES PILES, BURNS, CUT8, CORNS BMJ1HE8, -H".ni.AiN g A FUOttTlilTES fcbttOdlv 4a N. Main St. Has the Fluent and Iarsest Stock of WHISKIES, 1 BRANDIES t AND t WINfiS, Ever Broujtht to Asheville. I'artlcs wIkIiIiik u K''"1 article for family or other purposes, will find It to their Interest to Klve me a cull. Respectfully, Frunk O'Donnell, Prop'r. TOWN LOJS FOR SALE! r 18 34 ACKUS, Lylnir near the "Oakland Inn," overloukinu the river, upon which are several aa beautiful unoccupied building site as can be found In or near the city. Apply to jOtlS K. COMNALtV. 'aprtl dl irxiio. t ' J ' 1 S -( " J ariaaaaiai'ai ' "as K 8 ALU. to BWrral fine eows. fresh to the us II Ajlll.I'l'KUi aprtl dim ex sua at. C. Apply 11. i'crnlburst. COGTACQUXEIIT OBUB HOOF W"wK Hi CAITLJC I SIIEPAttD, MANN & JOHNSTON, FUUERIU - DJ R E C TORS, EMBALMING AND SniPPIT A SPECIALTY. j, 31 PATTON AVBNPBr - P. B. Brewton will attend Callt Day and Night. marilldly nusTAiiG ukiceut t:.UDTf.::a lc:: CURES RltEUMATlHM, LAME BACK CURTO FOOT ROT, Fn-T,r- -ftT, AN U BTIl-'F JOUSTS. BUB IN UABO ' BCBJtW-WOBlI AND BGAB U

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