t;::: imixy tiTizr.ri. T- ("t--"! I the moat eitrnairelv ftrra I '"t l 'f rrJ awaiairr ta W eaters l aroi'ita. ! iipwi'Mi of nuMie m and aaraaarra i ta the tatrrrat of pnl1l Kitra-ritv. Son""! rnmcat, ana fro(irto Induatrv. a I It kctoB ig pcrauaai aittgiaaoria treating pab- lit' Imik. lm mm rmt.li.tw-e the dlapatchca of the AaK-iati Prm, which oow eovera the atr wcrM ta ita aropc. It baa other fanii taa of advanced )rnaHxm for g-athrnag if i n-ma an gitrvn, mil everything care ciutavt L o, v,i f.T 1 ha aaiaJkat aMtc. Melmea eopars of any coitioa will be lent ft to iif onr nm1in" their addrraa. Tfiaa I'wttr. SH lor oa war: SS war ail waiM ; 50 crala lof on swath ; 19 crutafor tiaw wcra. t amrra a ul (Vftyrr tor paper hi every part of tlx nty to aabacrtheTa, and par- tica auuaf it will atraar call at the Crrusa ttKt. AemaTrarna Bursa Hi aauwahV, and made knowa oa apiaVaOua at tkm oSire. AH traaaarat dveruarmcata tnuat be pax) hi aa ANT&BKUCII JOIRNAURN. "The Norristoa Hrrald rvlicules very justly the space modern nsrMn?rs sur render to trittrs. It m suirjrested by our eotrmporary that In the nayi of anctrnt Greer srrrat mm were Dhiloantihrra. In these modern dart our (rrat men are rmifcsaional baarda.ll playera. The Gre cian philosophers didn't Ret aa much newspaper ipare devoted to them in a lifetime m our professional haarhallplay- r get in one day. It may be added. with eqnal troth, that the journalism of , to-day, in dignity, H not In II urine , w Mr beneath the itandnrd established and maintained before the war." ' The abort paragraph it from the Nor folk Virginian. It ia aim ply specimen of a good many of the aamc kind. Borne of the moat lucceaafnl modem editors have only a very vague imirein of "jonraaliam before the war," and arc act m a food position to contradict thr Assertion of It uperiority, but if the meaning of the assertion ia that antt-. column editorial on the Ifj&nonian prin ciplea otfttfiafliuiibn.aerwd regularly erery-Tnorning for breakfast, 1 better 'journalism than aprightly and well written account of baseball game of the day before, which excited the keenest in tereat of half the town, we must beg kae to diner with the admirer of ante bellum journalism. Newt ia the business of newspaper, not discussion. The edi tor should be a specialist In the business of collecting and presenting the news, not in denning the limitations of the consti tution. He should have tense enough to know that if hit readers want to hear something on the latter subject he should apply to somebody whose business lies in that direction to give it to tbem. And the modern editor doea know this and practices H. There it more work done for newspapers by specialists than was ever dreamed of before the war. The inter view ia an appeal to the specialist. Hut the relation of events is much more im portant to a newapaper that the reitera tion of platitudes), however sound. It is the inductive method against the deduc tive and thoroughly in keeping with all our ideas of modern progress. Who is not more instructed and edified by rend ing accounts of the herohm of American sailors in the South Pacific than a long firing of commonplaces by man hall acquainted with his subject on sonic weary question of jiolicy or morals. Eanajri to be worth anything should he written by men with time for research and 'deliberation. ' The modern editor should be and is entirely taken up with with the collection of the news, . NAVAt. HKItOUM, , The late storm at Apia gave several illustrations, not only of aplrmlid though unavailable nautical skill, but of unbro ken discipline in the very jaws of death, of dauntless courage in the whirl of over whelming danger, but nlsotlie heroic sjiirit that overrode the teniicst and ob served those chivalric forms which the approach of death itsclfcould not coniel to neglect. What more splendid than the spontaneous checrt that went up from the throats of the crew of the Tren ton, as she drifted surely to her destrue turn, in applause at the bold and success ful struggle of the British ship Cullior to eacapc the rain, which threatened her and overtook all thcother unfortunates. Fear and self and everything that wus weak or bast in human heart was lost in admiration for the skill and courage which won safety for the ship of a rival, sometimes hostile, nation. And again, when the helpless Trenton drifted asscd the already sunken VhwIuHa the men in the rigging of the hitter vessel greeted - the other with the StarSMtnglcd Unnner. And thus with apparently certain death staring them close in the fnce, these men went to meet it with a perfection of tlis; cipline and a coolness of courage that wus a splendid Illustration of Anglo- Saxon nature, a glorious picture of Amcr- k-an naval heroism. The incident involving the Trenton and Calliope is a striking one. Like thc Impulaive and effective aid given by com modore Tatrmll to the ' British fleet in the bloody and disastrous attack upotf the Peiho forts, it proves, ns the commo dore said then when he violated the laws of ncntrality by hit armed Mtrticinion in the fight that "blood is thicker than watery" and the crew of the Trenton in the ndaiiratkMi of the skill and courage displayed by the Calliope, and pleasure of Oct successful struggle, forgot that they were applauding their old tradi tional enemy; forgot that they were ) plauding the representative of the jniwer with whom they bad first mrnsured strength on the seas; reniemliered only that they paid willing and proud tribute to best qualities of their own flesh and blood. It was In happy anticipation uf this that the naval authorities of England so promptly iieswttched tlicir generous mcsnugc of sympathy to I lie .'resident ol the United States apon this affectiug kiss of the five sliiw tost iu the disas trous storm. The Chicago capitalists interested in the transfer of the (amiins Libby I'riaon from Richmond to Chicago huve begun the Wring down of the building and its transportation to ChWago.- thtc hun dred and thirty cars will be employed in making, the transfer at a cost of nearly f 10,000.- The pan twine price Of the old prim u, the laW awecaaary to preserve the identity of each particular brick and the transportation and re-rm-tlon will coat the projectors fully 76,0O0, 1 DITOMI AL rI!HTII. Some thrifty members of Conmi dining the last session paid e-cial at ti ntion to the Okluhomn ow-ation, and they expect to rrnp the reward of their forethought in the succcaaful outcome of a dozen or so of town site schemes in the new territory. The era of whokaalc plunder may have paused, but the Con gressional scent for tlie mighty dollar is aakren as ever. a a a Naslieville American: Sam Jones says that Ran Franciseo and Hell are not ten feet apart. Havinglorated Hell we hope Sam will now renew his explorations until be is able to tell us exactly where Heaven is. He at least might be able to inform us whether there is any truth in the prevailing idea that it ia somewhere n the neighborhood of Oklahoma, a a a Meredith Stanley, of Kentucky, claims tliecbampionsliip asa high bridgrjum?r now held by Steve Brodie. Stanley jumped from the high bridge on the Cin ciunati Southern railroad into the Ken tucky river wliere the dceiicst water was only 12 feet. The heighth is 285 feet Stanley escaped unhurt. An ill. used ne gro who made the same leap some time ago to kill himself was mushed flat on tin- bottom of the ool. a a A correspondent of the Citizkn calls at tention to the fact that this is the year for the reappearance oft lie seventeen year locusts. He rememliers the Swarms of 1(155 and 1H72 and adds that a careful examinniid of the mil in certain local!- iVwill disclose large numbers of little irregular pyramids made of day unlike any earth to lie found hear the surface, showing how deeply the insccts furrow during their long period of generation The contention between the Western I'nion Telegraph Company and the au thorities of New York Citv over the tele graph wires on the streets turned uion the point as to whether the authority giveu the company by Congress to use alt postal roads for their wires applied to the streets of New York. Judge Wul lace in dissolving the injunction secured by the company decided thnt the com pany had the right to use the streets, but that right was subject to the dicta tion of the city as to methods in which the privilege should lie exercised. The decision wus an eminently just one, for there is no greater evil than the multipli cation of electric wires through the thor oughfares of great cities. They should have been put under ground from the first, like gus piict and sewers. Fatal accidents arc continually occurring from the wires and in enscs of fires they pre sent the greatest incumbrance to lire men. This, from tlie Macon Telegraph, is ex ceedingly well put: "The rliiladclphin Inquirer warns its Republican content (onirics against indorsement of the Australian voting system, since such in dorsement will embarrass them in opiog ing the adoption of the system in the Soutlirrn States, wliere it would practi colly disfranchise the illiterate voters mid insure tlie continuance of tlie rukofwliite minorities. This is equivalent to snyiug that the Inquirer will never lie satisfied until the rule of negro illiterates is est a! lished in the South, The Inquirer would be wise in practicing sonic of the caution it preaches. HscontrmiHirarics do n put the Republican party's prohibition so baldly, but content themselves with threnelic howls about the purity of tlie ballot-box and assertions that tlx- negroes are cheated. If tliev should adopt the Inquirer's idea null plainly say that the rule of ignorunce anil illiteracy is tin only tMiaaihle proof of fair elections Northern men, loving their country nnd not mad with sectionalism, might come to the conclusion that they didn't cure very much whether Southern elections were fair or not, Happily, the Inquire doesn't know anything about Southern ek-clions." Oar Houlhern Rival. Courlrr.Journal. It docs not seem likclv that tlie I'nited States will much longer remain the Meec of all emigrants nnd the onlv irrrnt foreign field for the imifitable investnieht of Kurotican capital, since on tlie other sale of the collator, at the Southern end ol tins continent, there is a country wluc is attracting much of the surplus wealth and iiopuiiition which long came tothroc shores alone. Tlie marvelous devclo- nicnt 01 tne Argentine Kcpulilicconlinues, and its story would be a wonder to us, were not our history comHetl of such things. -The Government of the Argentine Rc- puiilic is largely a copy ol our own, nun its people are (Iiiosrci to lie very friendly with us; but it is iminlul to nil Ameri can's pride to state thnt the two great- KSt countries of this continent are almost strangers to each other. For everythin, it wants n it produced in its own lam: the Argentine nation goes to Knglnnd, ana never comes to the t nitert Mates, re in-lied from our ports by the heavy duties winch render exchange with us without profit. Americans wishing to visit tlie I'lnte region find it best to go by the way of hiiglnnd.nnd our small trade in that country mint he transacted throtii'h the London bank, leaving a profit in the bands of the Ivnclish money -changers. Ruenoa Avrcs is exnemlinu twenty million dollars on its port, and the largest ocean steamers, which were form erly forced to anchor twelve miles awny, can now load and unload at the city's margin in twenty-five (ret of water. Last year .'MMK) steam vessels, aggre gating N,IHHI,(KMI tons, entered the torts 01 tlie Argentme Krpubuc, yet among them- all tltere was not one merchant vessel Hying the flag ol the (luited States. Tlie "Kcbcl Girl" "Gtiunuitccs" "kc- limice" in mi "Havnim I'ufl'," and tin "Daisy CtiKin" of our "American Drug gist" can I found by lovers of the weed at F. L. Jacobs' drug store, where there is also a complete line of drugs . 'rug- gists' sundries. Tlie tanioua tixcvisior Water direct from Saratoga Sri-igs, N. ., ahy, lVep Kmk.Seltscr.TnteSiiriiig and ImmIa Water nlwava on ilrauuht Hrtlcr Than Wnlclele. Proftaaor Arnold says: "An iin-urnblr dyaprirtic is )utilinl iii committing sui cide. We will guarantee to cure anvdva peptic within three months hy Acker's Unlish Dyspeptic Tablets. T. C. Smith A to, febGdawlw 'ruit cf the Loom 8 i-i by the Holt. AVe return thanksi for past ivorHtuid invito niKriul at tention thirt week to lteatlel "mIm-h, all-over Flouncing i wliitt? ami cmmi, Dut li'i-'H jinen, blejulietl ami un- )lt;ju-lHl, for fhiMren'H aproiiH, tfiv potnls forboyK' aiitrt ami nuitH, Homethiii": iiHn in Uulk'H', mirtHes' and hil(livn'8 IUaek How, Wind- Hor Tien for the lMy8 and I'lmiHoIrt for the wr, Ijoiih- lalo, Pride of the Went, 'Fruit of the Loom, and other nandHoi l)oinenuc. A new ! anHoitinent " of ." buttoiiH, braidw, jinlltw and drew trimmiii", white goods in IMquew, MiuneilleH, Naiiv- Hookn, Clin k MuHlinn, India TjiiieiiA and Linen Lawn, Al liatroHH in pink, gmm, blue (rtsain, ml and black, reeeiv loiiyTatinfr111' and NunV Veilings in all the new shades. These roods were made regular, bought regular, ant will lie sold regular to regu lar fustoiners. First-elassin every resjMii't,nothingshoddy or second handed about them. Warranted as repre sented or money refunded IJiiy thein and you will bt pleased. Fail to do so, ami you will regret it. I5estectfully, nosTic mm. & whkjiit I. S. If you ever intend tt buy towtls now is the time to tlo ho. VV e have the best bar gain in a towel you ever saw and can leat the Electric Street llailway in this line. n. h & w. Asheville, April 19, 1889, liatitcr Cards, lvantcr Booklvta, Ivantcr Novelties) A lurirc untl tine variet y, both Porelien and Amerlinn ; also FINE STATIONERY, ARTISTS' M ATlvRI AU, FANCY ftiOODS, BOOKS, -AT- ESTABROOK'S, a H. Malu Street. A LAKUK ASSOSTUSNT (IK AMERICAN WATCHIU1, All tjli-a, aim and prievs. Jrwriry of every drat-rlptlon, Hilvrrwarr, solid and plated, (old and Hllvrr llrailrd Canra. Six-flmlr. and Uyc (ilaaars fitUd to the cjrr 1'lne Watch Ki'imlrtng and KncravliiK a Ntiectulty. LANG, The Jeweler. - SMsMlh Main sMrevt. npiHilIlm REGISTER I Nnthliia so Important for the seaaon ai to rt'irlatrr your names at J. M. ALEXANDER'S for a good art of Harness or a Saddle, Ilia toek la now mmpktc and took, perfectly lieautlful. Mm- KukHkII llrldka, CroiS, lK- jllna, etc., at loweat nxumi. The nkrat selee- llon of Unen Lap Kotica and Momle IHiatem at remarkahty low AHnrea. Mottoi Ouk'k Hales aad Hhort I'roflta. aarldSia TNE AS HE VILLI LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Knows oa Mala atrert, oppoalle the poat-4 Ota-a rtallv, eieei Hnndara. Anna 10 a. aa. anill I p ia., aad Ml until so p. m. The term, of aultavriplHia are: One rear Si;S moa., St. Out S aaoa., S1 i 1 Mo., ftoVla.: ilallr S rla. Omnralor taHB Prrahlrat. R. R. Rawra : Vlm-I'iraaletil, i'aarka VY. Wm.aM-r ; av, aad Trraa., U. a. Wataoa) Llbrart.a, ilia. B. J. C'KlanM and vMlnea an eordlally tavtted to raaprel tKe ra(aktaa aad UMcrilw Ihelr aaraaltetB. MfBdU MISCELLAXEOLS. XL II. LEA'S BIG EASTER OFFER FOR CASH ONLrlf. LMKrOyards Fruit of the Loom Domestic, 8c. by the lolt, 44 wide. 10-1 Mohawk Valley Sheet ing at 2(sr. jkt yard 10-in. Tillow Casing at 12& 15est Lonsdalo Cambric at lie. jmt yard. a White (iuilts from 55c. to f 2.' GO-in. Conestoga Ticking at 35c. Nice Percales, from 7c to 11c. W. H. LEA, 17 N. Main Street. A new lot of Hall Dazaur forms just in. Also, a coinpletelineof tish- ing tackle. 1ICI1MM He 1IANVII.LB KAILKOAll aw ' COM FAN V. (Waster North Carolina IHvtalon.) I'AJaSNIlKK tlKI'ASTUSNT, Asiikvills, N. C, Jan. 1, 1HHU. l-ASSIiNGKH TWAIN SCHBIIULK. In KrrscT Jam. 1, 18HB: 1 No. 51 No. 83 1 411pm t4;iim I.t. Ahf villr, Ar. Hallnlmry, " Uanvllk, " Lvni-hhurn, " WaahinKtim " Hnltimure, " I'hila., New York, " Itoaton, " HUhmond, '" HalrlKh, " Onlilalxiro, " Wllmiuyton 37nm U4Tunl 10 2iitn 124rpm 7'15im l2(iim aiMlam n.'llHm Jl.Hllpin 3iim TROurn 11 -in am 1 (Hiam 7 ("lam 10 47am I ilopni 9(Mim 8 15am 1 02pm" a I Opm noojim No. Sfl t.v. Aaheville, Ar. Ilcnilrraonrllk1, Ar. Wpartanli'y Charlotte, " r' Columbia, " Ckarlrston, S ROum 2iam 1 1 ftoam ? 30pm 440pm Hi Opm " Auiriiata, ' 8avannah, " Thnniaavllle.Ga " Jackaonvllle " AUanta, MontKom'y " Mobile, " New (irlcnna 11115pm 615am 1 4(lpm 10 40pm 7 25am 1 55pm 7 20pm No. 64 I.t. 8partanliurK, Ar. Hendrraonvlllc, M Aahevllle, "" No. SO I 340pm I 607pm 7uopm No. 62 444pm 6 10pm H50pm S4iam 1145am A 30pm 444pm 610pm 6 50pm 7 15am 1 1 45am eaopm; 74Tpm I No. S4 Le. Aahevllle, Ar. HotNprinKS ' Knoxville, " Chntlan'Ka, " Naahrlllc, " Memphis, t.v. Aahevll.e,' Ar. Hot gpiinK " Knoavlllc, " l.oulavlllr. " Clnrlnnatl, " Chk-aao, ' HI. Louis, 7 41 mm 9 20am 1 lopm 615pra 705 pm 840pm 610am f 40am B20am 1 10pm 64iiam 6 8opm 745pm MI KI'IIV KUANCI1 No. 18 I.e. Aahevllle; Ar. Wayneaville, " Jiarfvtt'a, 8 25am 1053nm fl 4Wphi No. 17 l.v. larrett's, Ar. w avneaville, " Aahevillr, AOOam 1 25pm 3 45pm Mr Slceplnu cars on all night trains. JAB. L. TAYI.OK, W. A. WINHt'RN, O. I'. A. n. r A. 1L. HAA8.T. M. Belied ale turret Railway. To tnkt cfAvt Friday, March 1, at fl.Hoa. m Car kaves Court llouae 6. .10 a. nt 7.oo ' 8.(81 " " " " U.tM) Prom then till 7 p. m. ear leaves court house every ao minutca. t Alan, car lenvea court bouac at N.OO o. m. anu v.uu p. ni. r n H IS, riVB CENTS. " ICECREAM! ICE GREAM ! AT EIIESTOII'S Mcsil DMr ta VaUSHrc. Voa eaa alwava mri a dclkloa. uunlUa ui Ice Crvam in any quantity. J. M. IIESTON. aprl8t)3t F Ok RALB. errral Dae cows, freak to the h to the pall. Apply k. o. aiirpimn, ' to aprlt dlaitssaa Feratkarst MISCELLAS'EOl 'S. EASTER EGGS. We have a large stock of I )yes just recti ved for color ing eggs for Easter Orange, Cardinal lied, Magenta ami Dark (ireen. Each color will dye two to four dozen Eggs, acrordiiig to depth of color desired. White Eggs, will vV 'brightest color. One 0 s 1 .. .mmm m package for one color three cents two packages for two colors five eents four ptiek- 1 iges for four colors, ten cents. A ten cent package will be stmt, postnge paid, to any address on 'receipt of the price. T. C. SMITH & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, Atthevlllc. - Na C ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE LADIES ESPECIALLY, We are plouwxl to aimounce t hat our Ktock of Millinery it now in anil ready for inwieo tion antl would le pleaised to have the latlieH Cull." " Our intention of having a SjMt ial Giaud Opening has to 1) foit'gone, m Urn. Mao Nairisso husy with , orders that we have not the time to give it proier attention. Also wish toannouneethat our stoek of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, l'arasols and specialties are om for in-siMH-tion. With our thanks for past favors and with a determination to merit your continued patronage, llesiHft fully, A. WHITLOCK. 1IROOM FACTORY. HANFORU N. LOCKWOOD, MAND-HAIIK Brooms, Whlska, Hearth and Celling; Brooms. Mill and Factory grades a specially. Ouo tationa and samples free. Icblndly JAMES FRANK. I1SALKS l FAMILYGRPCERIESAND PROVISIONS Agent fur Recnis Creek WooU-n Mills. North Mala Mtrect, t Asheville, N. C leblOdly TLANTIC COAUT LINK, On and after this date thr following m-hnl. nlea will be run over its "Columbia I Hviaion." no. oj invea Loinmirtn' o 'Jo p. m. Arrivea nt Charlcatoa ll :tu n m No. 82 lravra Chsrleaton 7.10 a. m Arrives at Columbia... 1 1.5(1 a. m Connnting with Irnina to and l'rm ii Mintan the Charlotte. t',.hin,l,l a... guata nnd Columbia & Ureeavllle Railroads. T. M. BMKRSON, Uen. Pa J. P. HbVlNB. Supt. . Agt. rtAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. All kinda ot remeat wot k done. JildinM aad kabMHainitm tiUdnl to. " KeaidvniT, Clov Ion St. Qrdera ran lie left Ith W. II. Meatsll Co. n-WMMm 1 NBW I.HHD.earerully prepared by lead '-tag members of tha Ah..iL. 1,., net parehamtt aad krr Sal , .1 ertag all aereaaary piata.ju out and' sow oa sale at the onV-r of the Citusn I'i-nluh- Nn. North Cnaet Mnaarr. fmnlltK REAL ESTATE. W1I.TSS b. owm. w. w. w BT. GWYI1 & WEST, (Suocraaoia to Wa'tcr B. Cvjil ESTABLISHED 1881 ' REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE. Loaus Securely; Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Pub.ic. Commissioners ol lieetls. FIRE INSURANCE. OF'ICK-4out hcMHt Court Square, Wm. HI. Cocke, Jr., REALESTATE AND MINERAL BROKER, Asheville, N. C. Can aril you one million acres of land, in trafta from 80 to 100,000 acrea. Have uumler of city . Iota, Improved and unim k proved, which I caa aill oa the beat ol terms. you want a large or am all farm call on ate. If you want mineral! of any kind, you need go no further. If you want timber lands. this is headquarters. In fact t can suit you in anything you want In my line. Services of a first-class civil engineer and practical surveyor engaged to show up all property when required. ! have had fifteen years' experience in the real eatatr business, and think I know what will nk'iuK. Prompt attension to all inquiries. leinivuiy . W. COHTLANU, Ileal Estate Ilroker, INVESTMENT AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, Patton Avenue, Barnard Building. febOdly D. S. WATSON, Real littlatc Agent, Offers for aule the beat lot in Aahevllle for a Hotel two acres on I'atton Avenue between lluiley ami t'.rove streets. Also, some very flue residence lots for sale centrally located. Good business lots for aule at the Old De pot. Fine farming lands, timlier lands, etc., for sulr, ncur the city. FOR RENT. Four splendid houses furnished and unfur nished, for rent. I). 8. WATSON, tltmayl Aahevllle. N. C. MSVKASCE. 71RU INSURANCE. FIRE. LIFE. ACCIDENT PULLIAM & CO, At the Bank or Aahevllle, " ASHKVlLt.Ii, N. C. Kepreaent the folluwlng cotnpunica, vis, HIKR CASH ASaKTS IN II. S. Anglo Nevada, nf California ..,(U,4U7.MH:i Continental, of New Vord ,H7S,82S llamburg-Mremcn.of (kirniauy 1.129,604 London Aaaurance, of lingland l.D-l.i.tmn Niagara, of New York U,UM7,4!U Orient, of Hartford 1,HH7,!2 I'hicnli.of Brooklvn 8,034,179 St. Paul l'lrc and Marine, of Min nesota J,B1.01 Southern, of New Orleans 4.'IU,nH4 Weatern, ol Toronto 1,030,232 Mutual Accident Association. Aitnu Life Insurance Company. dtmar29 THE EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society OP TIIS UNITBD STATUS. Aaarta t95,o4a,9a,9j Sunlus ao,794.7IS5 (Larger than any other Comimnv.l On tatanriing Asaurnnce.. .549,si6,l4.oo w ntu-n in ihmh Ill.JJi.USoo Tontine Policies with IS and 20 year pe riods are the moat populur and profitable form of asaurunce. Por examples, rates, etc., confer with CD. Monroe, Ajft., Aahevllle. N. C. Office with Judge Alton. Ich2.1d0m OFFER EXTRAORDINARY I For the neat thirty dnvs we will sell 4ft lota in I'KOSI'HCT PARK, West Aaherille, on auch favorable terms that homcscckcrs will do well to come and deal with us. Only xo Per Cent Cash Will be required, and the balance rnnliemnde pnyaiiie monthly It neaircd. ith 8 ner ccm. tniereai rrom oaie 01 irnnaicruntn pnlil. These lota are valued from flSO upto J.yooo anu tne prices set upon tnem are baaed upon actual aalcs of similar lots aijjoining. The Eleetrlc Street Railway I tielng rapidly puahed to Proaiiect Park, ita iiroHiH-il terminus, thus bringing thrac iota in quick and enay communication with the square, ana otner principal parts of the city We Have Entire Confidence In the value of theae lota, and henie have nn frnrs in lenvinjr. nme-trntha of the pnrrhnar money m iiut-reni. j ne nrat to come will se cure choice ol lots. Applr to tiWVN V WEST, mar'J'-'Utf 8. B. Court Sipiarc D. II. REAGAN, -WITII I HEN3Y $,KIN5 & SQNS, Hardware and Cutlery, - : HALTIMOKU. Ml, RcfrrtoJ. W. Mtsrnes, niarJ3 dllm muPEiiui PKOI'KlliTUK OP THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, Asheville, N. C. P. o. s( p. mariadly HOTELS. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS PRIVATE BOAR 3. Til K THOMAS llUSK, NtAli BATTKKV PAKK, Is now umlcr entirely new mannenicnt. anil will bt kept in strictly first-class stvlc. - TKANSIK8T UK DKGIXAR BVAKULIS TAKEN Northern Cooking. Kates Kensunultle. MRS. E. LACY & SON. Proprietor. dtf A DELIGHTFUL EXCURSION ! ASHEVILLE TO HOT SPRINGS. Hound Trip Tickets only SVSO, Including s t full day's board at the MOUNTAIN I'AHK HOTEL. i nc unina in maroie roots ana rorcciam Tubs are the finest and moat luxurious in America. The Hotel Is NEW AND FIRST-CLASS In Every Particular. IINUXCKLLEL1 IN ITS CU1SINB. The place is charming awt, nestled among aad sheltered by Ilne-elad Mountains wliere there is no fog, no dust, no malaria. Pure and abundant water, and absolutely perfect drainage. . dtiu!2U HIGHLAND HOUSE, ; Corner Main and Depot, WAYNKSV1LLE, N. C. Kooms newly funiliilied. Fare tlie liest the market affords. Guud sample room, SATISFACTION GUARANTEtiD, Terms; $1.00 per day, G. V. L, ALLEN & SON, PropHetort. A NEW HOTEL IN BRYSON CITY, Tlie Swayne House. hie of the beat in Western North Carolina. Summer anil winter resort. Nature's sanita rium. Scenery and water unexcelled. Terms moderate. OBO. N, BLACKBURN, Prop'r, marl3d3m J. Na IHORCAN t CO,, No. 5 Barnard BtiUdin, Hc'hool antl Colltje Ttxt HookB, i full line, I'oota, tory, Itomance, Uiogrnpliy, Travel and Novels, Family Bibles, S. 8. Bibles and Ten amente, Oxford Teat-hern' Bibles, Song. Hooks of all kinds, large stock (Stationery. Wank Books and Offtco and School iSupplien, New lino Ladies' and Gents' Pocket books just onened, Fancy Goods and Dolls, feblOdlr , J. C. DROWN, MERCHANT t TAILOR, as Patton Avenue, (Next to Orand Central Hotel.) apr2dly J. V. BROWN Will continue the undertaker's business at his old stand over J. B. IHekerson ACo.'s Hardware Btore, under the finn name of J. V. DROWN & CO. Having thirty years' cspcrlcnce as under taker and cmhatmer, and uncqualrd farllltles for buying, can safely guarantee satlafaetlna. Calls promptly atten.led to at all hours. ilvcrything pertalnlijg to tlw business al. wavroahnnd. fcbiadnm DENTIFRICE a tr y t to 1 l .ct iv x urjy tUMTIfica THC TITH THC SU-ss). WO INJURY TO THC ENAMIl, ?,.r.f.NP oaALt. WITHOuflQUr MIPARA7I0N. PmOl t CCNT Pin OTTLC. ol rv all ftnuooivra. m H. WINKCI MANN A CO.. SCTIMOM. MIX For sale by J. . GRANT, dnwta2X ' '

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