i r '11 t:::: daily citizen Will he jul'HScd every mnrninr feicrpt Moo dart at i Ik tuiiowma, rates. t-N.-Jr caaff: t "r rmr ........ (Ml h'm Months ....w..... 3 l 1 rre al.mlh , . l.f.O in M on is L Ml tm wees. .. ... 1ft ( r rarrirra will deliver the paper every niominf Ittwfj part of the eity to rnr rah nlr, and parties wanting it will picas call at to Citukm OAcc. New Advcrtlscmcata. Horvt nr alr Kk ft Cam Cottasr for Kent H. S. Nawls. Racket More t iro. T. Jones Co. Kinrami Tickets R. ft D. K. H. Co. titotaaoMcTS' Meeting J. O. Martia. Inltrsl Mates Signal Service Mi. tloa. Aahevllle, M. C. LATtntna, SS.M Noam. LniirTtifa 83.28 v. sax. HLsvaTtoa, 3,360 Fkkt. Meteorological report for 24 hours coding ai v p. at-, apni .a, law. tBafP&BATl'BB. Northern Bspnrarc, Hhaded. 7 a all 2na toss I Max. I Mia. I Daily Mean. I 76.3 I 0 6 Tt 17.8 i ." T)RW POIrfTT 7 a aj 86 8Bt. HPMiniTVT I ABBO. HUMlblTV. 3 p raTbaily Mraa. Pally Mraa. 3t ( aB.QU 8.337 i IBABOMBTBR." PRECIPITATION. Corrected (or altitude and temperature. Bala sad I ftaow I Melted snow. Depth. Daily Mean, lacaaa. laches. O 0 80 13 It. t! BUCK) U. P., Observer. A ataaolan Pacific Railroad. The itronK, half tamed rounx Kuaainn U running a fair race with the Anglo- ciaxon for the conquest ul the orient. A railroad hai been projected from St. I'etcrthurg through itiheria to Shanghai. It w already partly built, and will be one of the most tuoetidout engineering work of modern time. When rinialteil uaaarngeri will be able to travel from London to Shanghai in twenty-two flay i It now requires thirty ttLihiryr five davi. ' . The feusiinn part of thil great iron girdle round two continent will coat not Icm than IMMMMXMMIO. The money has already been uliacrilied to build it, four times orer. It was borrowed in France. Kailroads in Russia are built by the government. From Sit. retersburg to Shnnghia is a distance 6,630 miles. A railroad more than 6,(MK) miles long is something to make even an American open hii eyes, Over 1,000 miles of this road is already built from Moscow to Niini Novgorod. The rest will certainly follow. The best engineers of Europr have been surveying and planning the line tor the post fiftean years. , . The purpose of the road is partly mili tary, partly rtvd. If hnglund and Kusma shoula ever try conclusions by force in Asia, this railway would give Kusain great advantages for the mobilization of troop. The second oinect of the rond ' transportation of freight and pasaengera. In this second view of the case, America has an interest more or less direct. Si bcria is not the waste of snow covered sand that it has heeneonimonlydeitk'trd Fully two-thirds can lie transforms! into excellent wheat lands. A railroad oner built through tt lonely step), and the trains that carried prisoners to the Si lie rian mines would return laden with wheut to fred Kurope. Already tlicre b a steady migration of Kumiian pcitiantM into the wheat and pasture lands ol Si larria. . . Tlss) Dally cltlsen. Is always alive to the iutcrents of Ashrville and its people. Is the. most popular aclvcrtisiny mv dium in North Carolina. Is read by a greater number of jicople than any other secular iuiier in tin: State. Is always filled with the choicest read ing matter ol the day. Ikiarding houses fill their room by ad vertising in the Citukm. News, and all tin? news, makes the ClT if kn a generul favorite. No retail mervhunt ever made a great success without advertising. Try the ClTUKN. " ' An advertiarment in the Citizkn pays toe auvcrtiacr an nunumi-ioiu. A Mow Lamp. ' The Calcium Lamp is all mt-tal and in , safe. Gives a light equal to six ordinary lamps. Are made to hang or stand. A child ran put in new wk'k, Nevergetout of order. Will send a lamp to any house to use for two days and then send and take them back. All are requested to try the lamp, and will be at no trouble orex- nse in doing so. Law's Sii.vbi and China Hoihk, Opposite I'ostoftice. OPENING OF AVOCA, N. C, AS A SPORTING RESORT. I'lKIIMONT AIR I.INB, BkhaitMHl A iMnrillc Rnilruad Co., I'aaarnjirr OrtiHrtment, Aihevillc, N. C, April 17, 1MU. Bound trill titkel to Avix-a, N. C, via Rrlma and Tarlioro, will he aol.l to viniton to the alKirc celebratioa, St the (ullowing raira: From aiatravlllc til nfl From Aihevillc.... JA 40 Th-keta will lie on aale Irom Aiiril 31 to 36 W. A, WINUl'HN; I. P. A. J. L. TAYLOR, 0. 1-. A 2IJRUT1N0 OP 8TIK. K HOUiBHS. A nwrtlnc of the atix'khoMtm of the Hun. romlM- Turnpike Cumimny will lie held at the ulhee of Davlriaon, Mar I In A Jiiiirn, No. 7 Law Building, on the 4th day of May, 1MHU. m a noun, 101 iik uiiroar Ol miruntllia' Um. J. 0. MAHTIN, aprlUdlOt I'mMdrut pro tern.1' SADDLE AND HARNESS HORSES FOR SALE. Anyone wUhlnir to purrhaae flrat-etaM Had die and llarnraaliorararanlieamiinmiHtKtrd by applying to the undmiiinrd at Morria. town. Trim. CurrcaiHindintT aolMtrd and promptly anawcrrd. MICH A CAi'l'H, aprludlw Mornatown. Tenn. OTTAOB FOR RBNT. 1 8 room cottage, corner Bprucc and Col lege. Kuitaliic for boarding houae. Apply to aprlwdtf K. H. BAWLa A PAY!."3 ETOESS FOR SALE. Onareount oT bad heolth t wiUaeU-my alcat Market and City Bratauraat. Ikilh are paytag a good proflt. Win w oac or botk. Apply to T.J. HUM N UK, urtTdSt City Bcataurant. JkDTICB. , At a regular awrting at the Hoard of A liter men, hrld on the Idlh day of March, Imhh, tt waa onleml that two voting plnrra lirratah liahed in the rit y, ftir holding municipal rlec tlona, one to be at the Court Houae and the . other at the Hun onilie Warrhouae. All vo ten Bring raat of Main atnret arc to vole al the Coart Hoaar, and all yolrra Hvlag weal of Mata atrcet art to tote at the lltuHomla: V area, mar. A aew rrgiatratioa of all voter living in the city waa alao orlered Mr. A T. etamawy waa amioiatrd rraiatrar for the wratrm portloa of the elt v, ami Col. M llu low Hrwia waa aiitutrd ngiatrar ftir the aaatera portion of the rity. AU vrilrra living la the corporate linilta of the city are required to come lorward aad have their aamea enrolled oa the arw reala tratioa booka, whether thry have ever rruia treed arrrtoi.re or aot. The reanlar election for Mayor aod three Aldermen, Monday. Mar Nu M.I... H.8..IARKINH. r. M. Mll.l.ltR, Mayor : City Clerk, " apr.Hdiai pO. BKBT.i Two tn IT oat hem en tmaurt. V.J. McCAfH. aprli marki:t hy tij.ixrapii. Honey and tt-r-curitles Cotton rrovlalona and Krodacc atoNir HDtitct amr.t. Naw VnK. Ap.H IK. EicBaage dull but tca.l r 4. R 7 4a t Money eaay, at 2a.l, cloamg nnrren at 1 . Hub-Treaaary halamira (.old, S1S.I,IMS,- OIM; currrary, f ia..16l,iHm. Government uonda dull tfut atroog per era la. II iv per centa. tl.Oa. titate boada. dull and atrailr. Ala.ClaaaA 'JaS i54!N ( l Pac. latmor K'.iV, Ala. Clua B.5a 111 N. V. central. ....K171.3 N. ft W. plrt 4!iV Northern Pac... vr.'i H. P. pld . oo'n I. a. 7a, mort H1JI5 N. c. Cona fit 1J1 N. C. Con., 4 04 H. C. Brown'.. 1 fannc Hull .!.' Toil. lia... .llriL;Kradliig.. Traa.5 ..1I WKh Ai Allr Id Tenn. Set , 3... 73 Virginian 4 I Vtrwnia Con. North wcatrrn ...1 0.14 M. W. PoiaC 2f.h Mock lland hi. Paul do. pfd In'., Tel. Panlic ll-vt do pld ...13HV Del A Lack lHi.,TenaCoalclroa 3H.V, Brie S7'A I'nioa Paihc... fill' hast Tenn . 9 N. J. Central... IHH, Lake Shore.. ...lol"j Mo. I'aiiDr 7o lAm.m kiaah rU-s, Wctcra 1'aioa.. M Mem. Char... 64VCotton-acrd till Mob. tiMj.... i,l ccrtiataic... Naah. Achat... 931 60S corroa. Livsarooi., April lit. Nooo Cotton quirt with limited inquiry A mcriraa middling 6 1318. Hale H,WH; apcculatioa and eiort 1 .000. Brcripu 1 1 .oou, Amcmaa ,7IM. Fu ture ctoard irregular. 2 r. M. A mem an middling, 6. Bale of to day included .Vwx) American April aad Mar, a a-o, luvcra; aiay ana June a u.v-o. arii er; Juae and July 8 6.i-o4, ariler; July aad Aaguat 6 d3-S4, arllcra; Auruat and aepteai-bcrBAw-S-S, ariler; Beptemlier aad Uctolxr S 43-4.arllcra; Uctoitcr and November, 8 8S 64, sellers: beptcmber fi &U-04, tellers. Pa turrs cloard cay. Niw Voaa. April IS Cnttoa Arm. Bale to-day l.Ols bale; middling upland 10 H-lrt; middlmg Orkran 1 1 1-16. Totalnet" receipt at all ports lor to-day 4.0:13. Bxport to i;real llritiiin r.,a, Continent 2,41(1. Btotk 4IIA.071 liale Nkw Voaa, April 1H. Cotton Net mript MBii;gro a.oiu Puturrscloacd lUradytak lo7,3Hi bale. April ......IO ilHalO.HIK-t 0 M7a 9.H9 ..... lO.7oal0 71 Nov . tt.7Ha S.7U 9 7tia B MO June.. 10.74 I aly.....lo.M0tin.ltlljaa 9.H2a 9 H Aug. ,.lO.K4al0.h.'i I'eb ....... W.WHa 9.U7 Sept lo.SIialii.SllMarch 10.o4atn oh. i.ALVurroK, April lb. Cotton quirt, I0V1; receipt 173. Noskolk, April IB. Cotton firm, 10!.,; re ceipts tas. Baltihobs, April IN. Cotton atcady, receipts 4UO. Boston, April IK. Cotton quiet and firm, 111'., receipt 11 Wilmimoton, N. C, April IN. Cotton quirt, 10 5-lrl; reueipt 38. 1'HiLAiiKi.rniA, Apr IB. Cuttoa &rm,lO; receipts lua. Ha v ANNA 11, April Cot too arm, loV; receipts 197. Nsw 0LAt, April 1 . Cotton steady, 10W, receipU 1.787. Mosn.s, April IS. Cotton Arm, 10; re ceipt Hi. MsarHit, April IB. Cotton Arm, 10 9-10; receipts ai 5. AtiotisTA, April 18 Cotton steady, 10V4; receipts aoo. C HAHLasTOM, April 18. Cotton Arm, 10; raceipu 1M0 rsoyiaioMs aod piodvcs. Raltihoms, April IB. Plonr fairly active. Wheat Boat hern more active and lirm Hulti 90al.oOi Lonnlwrry Hlal.ol; Wratcm caaicr; No. B winter red HftW. Corn riouth rrn. white 4ii4; yellow U'ady41a43; Weal, ernatcady. Cincinnati, April IS. Flour dull. Wheat quiet No. V nil Nil. Corn atroiigrr No. V nil icd ara:ifiV (lul" harrly ttuily No. 2 mined 117. Wliiakry steady 1.03. Ciiicaiio, Aiiril IK. Caah quotation were a follows: Plourdull holder offer at 1 811 2li reduction. No. 'i spring wlicat H'ji,HHaS; No. It red, KiUjuHrti,. Corn No. -J 841. . Data No. a, 'J.'l. Mean pork, 11 hiihII H!, Inl, 0 arvnn K7IJ. Hlmrt riua, A wfinA.oo; houldrra 6.3na8Oishortclear O.U8ail.37V. Whiakry, l.OH. HT.Loina, Mo., April 17. Flour quiet and raay. Wheat lower No. ti ml culi H.I; um H'JVj. Corn No. U nilicd cuh :iu'4; Muy .'liH,tt.'li. ilHta lower No. Uiah S:i lii; May W4. Whiakry strndy 103. lrovlalona quirt. Pork 1X80. Lard prime ulcain nom inal A.88. Nkw Vouk, April 1B. Kou Hum Aour dull and hravy. Wheat dull and weaker No. 2 red N8 atore. Corn atronger No. a 44. Op tion quirt and Arm May 4'J'i. Data dull. lower No. Hit .Hlnll'JU. Hop quirt and steady. Coffee option clonrd atendy; May ltl.80ald.llo. Bugur ruw quirt retinetl steady ami quiet. Molaaaea New tirleana quiet. Bice quiet Hnd ateady. Cottoiiared 011 quiet. Tlll'iwntinr dull 411 WoolquH-t and weak. Brefquict. Lnrdrnnirr wcatem Nlennt 7.ao7 !i7. freight tuaicr. Cotton a-3ao. ornin ati. THE LOCAL MARKET. ft'OVSKCTKII IIAII.Y.1 The following prices can be olitulned for country produce; Cnlihagra, nicely trimmed, per lb.... Aorghuin Molnaac, per gal Hides Harem, per III , ., Iriah potatoe. kt bu , , m ii.rH.m KUnli tuiHiin l.iHi a.AOn.l.So neat, per . Flour, per cwt , Corn, iwrhu Chicken ,., Kg, per don Bulter, r Iti. ,,..,..,... TnrnlHi, per ha. ,.,...., Carrot, rr hu..,., ParniMi, ierhu. .......... Onion, perhu Cow I'caa, ier hu Celery, per bunch Itref, per lb groaa Mutton, per lb anisa... Apples, per bn iiurka, Turkey, dressrd " live , Bran, per hu. ............ (lata, ier titii Hay, per cwt...., ....... iln5 ...12h'l 1(1 , ,.,.!i(lnU8 as . 70 70 I.IMl ...78al.oo .4 3a4 Ru4 ... 7Aal.no ana 28 10 ...78al.a8 I.OOal.78 40a80 ...SOnl.(M) DOES IT PAY TO KEEP PROMISES? Yt'H. Eipht yivrH of huc (fKHfiil huNimwH life in Anlie ville lmw (lemoiistratetl to (he fjict that we have ijever lout un,vthiiig by Htmiirht forwnrtl IniHineHH liiethotlH. We buy the bent Koods to Im luul. We. buy nr cwh. We buy in larsro lota, thereby irettiiiir; jobta-rH' ltriceH. We run and do Hell u lrrentnwuiv jfooon in our line an eneup m 1 ! 1 tiiPy ejut lie bought in any market. We try to Htee'r clear of Mople who don't pay Al. . . " 1 . A . 11' , 1 1 " ineir tieiuH. hh uniiK we know Honifthiiig about our busineHK find try to buy at the riuht time. We have in stock to-day HtolOcarloadM ofirtim and fetHlHtuFln, 2r, IKMHtiH. Macon, 40,(HK) tt. Hour, (),()(M) ttw. bird, 1(H) bOxeH ITcU'kerH, ,() o 400 eaHCH ('Hiined (loodH. and a full line of Staple ami Kuncy (Jroeerien that eaimotbeemi ineratwl in thin Hpace. Com pare our prices and oualitv with others. POWELL & SNIDER aprlSdty 'OT1CK. Rv vlr.ov l,t m wn.lna.H u. I , L ... sale, taectitrtl to lae Hnderaigneil hy Willlniu i. "ii.in., on tne i7tn nav ot Novenilur, 17, anil rriiiatrrrd In lliuik No, 11, on I'nge 8:l. in the ollice oi loa ki'Mivlar ,.f Iw.l. ..I' liiniiiimlic county, we will aril lo the hlcheat ItNlller for rawh al I ha. ...,.rl k.. . J.....: 1.. , City of Aahevlllr, on Mondny, the bth day id nKni reriain town hda la the southern Mirllon of the city of Aahevlllr, near aoulhaiilr MVratlr Mul a.a U..I, 11 -a . !Sn.,."?'r T'"' '" ' adoftlie Mi-miwrll Addition to the city of nanrvioe. lor a mors irrtrvt diacHlition of which rrh n niT ia h, rx hv mailr to a.1,1 m..r.. gage. This the 8th day of April, immu. J. II HiiHTIC. C. II. HI. ANTON, UiiO. A. HIirKOKD, aprtUllm Mortgagees. JOTICB. Will collect del, la fur anyone In the city flit Crcrat. ttood faeilitiea for renting ami cob -tlag rewts on hoaara. Will srU farnitur ---"J r-r".TOt. t VI .nuiaiAi.ki At mafr'a iuraiturt Mt'ore. 87 fatton Avrana. RelrresKe glrea. snarladHarv M1SCELLASWVS. We buy our Tinware and House Funii.sliinpi from the largfKt manufat turvrs in the United KtatoH. Som other nicn hanta in Ashevillebuyof the Hiime concerns, still they charge f 1 for a churn that we sell at HHc., 23c. for a 4- quart coffee pot for which we get 17c, twice our prices for Water lota, Dish Pans, Milk l'ans, I5ut kets, Hasketa, and Ijauis. They don't sell them to iH-opIe who are i08ted. The "Kacket" Hupplkw the sharp ones, who believe that a iienny saved is a penny made. Come and see our Clothing and Hats. Weguar an tee to save you money and to sell you as good goods as anybody in Asheville will at 27) jier cent. less. Get the prices at the "I tucket.". Swannanoa Hotel, Unexcelled cuisine. Popular with tourists, families and buaincaa tea. Blectrk ears pass the door. BAWLS BROe)., fclildly " Propr's. GRANT'S If your prescriptions are compounded at Grant's Phar macy yon can positively de pend apon these facts: Pirst, that only the Purest and tVit drugs and chemicals wilt be used Second, they will be compounded carefully and ac curately by au experienced preacriptioiihrt ; and third, yon . will aot be charged an exorbl- taut prk. Vou will receive the best goods at very rca. DRUG . aontihle profit. A full line of I'utrnt Medicines, Toilet Arti cle's, Aycr'i Kecamlcr I'n pni a tlona, Hrott'a Blcctric Curler, etc., etc. We have the agency for H uin phrcy's Homeopathic Medi cines. IikVAI'I.T'8 OLD STAND, 34 8. Main St. Prescriptions delivered to any part of the city free of charge) STORE. mariiodlv TO THE YOUNG MEN OF ASHEVILLE I invite your attention to my stock of Spring Clothing, comprising the latest novel ties in materials and best titr ting clothing in Asheville at low prut's, ('all and see them at Whitlovk'h. To the Old Men of Asheville : Our spring stock of Cloth ing embraces sjKH'iul styles and cuts, designed to meet t he wants of old gentlemen. Quiet colors, easy fitting, all sizes, popular prices, fit Whitlock's Boys' Clothing, Children's Clothing. Parents and guar dians who contemplate buy ing Spring Clotliing for their sons find wards will do well to cull and examine the varied and well selected stock of Clothing now on sale at Whit lock's. H'e claim to hurt the litst HttH-k in the cit r, witl will sell them hw ir caah. He cull sim.1. nil attention to our imveltien in t hihlreii Suits, just rrreinf ftir liustct SuihIhx, ut WHITLOCK'S. aprlH d w t f lm QPKMA HAIJa April 18, 19 and o, at 8 p. m. cjfliHiua inn.iuvvi ess J ft III PHILIP PHILLIPS, TUB nlNOINO PI 1.0 I M," la his Ri fined Kntrrtaininrnts of tkinita lllas- tralcd and Tours Illuminated, entitled "AROUND THE WORLD IN A CHARIOT OF SOKB." Ill collrcllnn embrncra over 1 .fMKi enloaaal vlewa. pholoMraphrd from nature aad mhirrd nr ni'incnt liuroia-an artiata, preamlnl nMa lac aereea bv means ol the Mnval I'htil.iititC coa nniler the moat powerful Lime l.litht. In- leraiwrait. won aona suia-rbly Illustrated wnnc uciiib; ininiiiainy sunn. Prices of Admission, jse, Ultd Mc. JsOTICBOH lUlHMtiUUTIUN.' " The partnership hrrrtolbrr rtlallna l. IV C. Mrlntlrr nnd Philip Mclntin under the firm name td P. C. Mrlntlrr At Urn lm iku day diaaotvrd hy matual ronarat, P. c. Ms- nur. nnnai. I ne liualnras will b cim- duetrd In fatare h Philip Mrfntira wkr will my ami rarnre an wot awia mr aad due lo said arm. April 18, tana. P. C. MelMTIWH, aprlodls. fUlUPMelMTUB. asheullr ai i:ktiseui:sts. "KUY IIO:.2E-nADE GOODS." Full Holler Process. We Guarantee Satisfaction. Ask Your Grocer for Aciheirllle Milling Company Flour and Meal We make tire following gratlcs of flour: Belle. Take no other. Cnh Paid lir Wheat, Corn, Oat ami Oronnd to Onler. Do Custom Grinding Old Depot. ASHEVILLE COAL COMPANY, H. T. COLLINS ft CO. Sujerior Hard and Soft Coal at Wholesale. and Hetail. Office Barnard Iluilding, I'atton 4mK-. ifERRING & WEAVER, THE SHOE STORE, ' ; QlLSOUTIl MAIN STREET. While we Have tbc Fluent and Hoal Fabhlonablc'Gooda la , 1 Our Line, . Wc also haw the cheupest. Call and ace u. OAK STREET I N N , ASHEVILLE, N. t., Ilcautlfullv located in a grove Monks and ncr in was ana wooaun sirecis, near tnc female college, and only tnrce squares from till conn now:. Wc have a nam her of rtrenntlv-fnrnlshrd nice, quiet place, away from the hotel. Nice rouKinif, hi rcasontuiK pnee. aiso, not aim coiu uains. Dr. T. J. HARUAN, Proprietor. ; COMPOUND OXYGEN ANDIEDICATED BALSAM VAPOR. - All modern and latest Imiirovcil method (hriuit nnd noae, hv the inhulation of vuxricil nnd ntoiniu-d fluid hy the pneumatic and i'aniircasra nir appnraiu', aiao eompouna iiivKrn in connection with the vaporized Bal aam (the balsam obtained from the natural tiiibum tree near Aahevlllr. 1 Wc also mnnulacturc a Home Treatment inc nmw creaiinenx, ana win lie senr. on Hppiieaiion oy cxpreas, on receipt Ol price, al J, (lur mcceaa here for the past three vikih with this tnatmenl has hern nhrnommnl. hav. inn cured many mars that were pronounced obtained by calllnK at the Sanitarium. By urniicmcn or A.ncvine: iv. j. Aaion, ci-Mftyor; Kin. pastor nm Mctnouiat cnurcn; Kir. w. iuiuns, capi. nan Atainson. THE "BONANZA," v WINIi. AND .v IN THE STATE. FINE SAMPLE AND 1IILLIARD ROOM. J. A. MARfJI'ARDT, M'K'. I NO, LISW1S MAllDUX, Pre I.. P. McLOl'W. Vlce-Prcs. I. B. RANKIN, Cashier Diksctoss: Lewis Madilui, M. t. Brnrdrn. M.J. Phkk. J- 8. Rankin,!. B. Ray, J. B. Reed 8. 11. Reed, Geo. S. Powell, C. M. McLoud. "WESTERN CAROLINA BANK ASIII1V1L1.B, N.C, PKHRI'ARY 1st, 1889. Organised May 1st, 1888il- CAPITAL, tjo.ooo. . StATB, COUNTY ANII Ilocs a (k-nernl Hanking Business. Deposits lections made on all accessible points. The On all sums In this department, deposited of 4 percent, pcr'snnum will be paid. Special attention given to loans on real estate, which will lie placed for long time on real sonablc terms. Open from 9 a. tn. to 3 p. m. On Saturdays fehSdtf WILLIAMSON & SON, (Successors to Hurt & Williamson,) MANDPACTVKKRS OP SASH, DOORS, BUNDS, Moulding, Stair-Work, Fine In terior Finish, Mantels, Etc., ASHEVILLE, N. C. AOr'NTti PtIR The itiK'kevc I'limp, Steel and tin Shingles, loor anil Hear Hi lik-s. Icbl ASHEVILLE - T". -..-5. ARTIFICIAL STONE Portland Cement, tUonc Blocks ancc, of various dcalgn and colors and very for Public tluildlng. Halls, Porches, lintrantra, slses, colors and designs lot HliAKTllS. Handsome Carriage lllockswitb name. BEST GERMAN PORTLAND CEMENT Samples of Mocks, etc., eaa be area at onlec Public Sqaare, corner Of Sunth Main street. aiar!ltd3m riTrt CttRBU BY Ot.l. SPECIALIST LI I V PHYSICIAN, r I I "a "f awlfclne Prcr. We war. var rant nar remrdytocurethe worat caara, and the only physician whodn thi lo prrwnt Vonr hrlnir Imnoard anna hy men uataa false aasnea and who art aot linctors. Hresiasr other failed Hi no rmsni for not aaliut this smrdMa. utvc R.nrraa and Puat olrkv addrraa. It mata yon aothina. Addinai Aaahd MedkaJ Bureau. 301 Mroa.fwaT, New urk. UaU7.l&i. Kolkr Kimj, EU-ctrir Li'lit, Camlina Rye. Horse ami Cattle Feed Mixture 6jr Corn Rye and Oats. Mill and Yard at ' ' Yard: Old U-pot. white iilnr, with no uut or mil-, at the cur room to accommodate boarder who drairr room, new furniture, K""d fi"e, tirst-clusa for treating! chronic disrnac of the Innu of the Compound Oxygen, which la, equal to hoia-lcaa, whoar iiuinra and rraidencca can tic pcriuiaaion wc refer to the followinK well-known J. n. Keen, Clerk V. . court; Ker.O. C. Kan- a. Ncison, paator First Baptist Church j H. T T. J. HARUAN, 91. D. LIQUOR . STORE V 43 S, MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N, C . SURPLITH, f S.ooo CItV DBPOSITORf. " ""' received. BxchanRC bouKht and sold. Col Saving Feature will receive S)icclal attention. for four months or longer, Interest at the rate the Saving I H part men t will bropcutill It p. ni AC.KNTSa M'k'RS. OP Hvrkit's I'utrnt Sheiithing Lath dly AND TILE WORKS. nnd Tiles), csnedingly handsome In apiicar- durnlrie for walks In yards, sidewalks, floor ltasenienta. Butcher Shops,' fcc. . Baxil AND GOOD BUILDING SAND FOR SALE. over J, K. Hkkcrsou's Hardware Store, on P. O. Ikii Sll-4. C. E. MOODY, J, TKNNBNT. Architect and Contractor. .iHI"?1 ,,I,n-"'"" an7"etlmatrs fur. ntahrd. All work in my line contracted r.,r. Htrwn dr- eontracu ItHira! Mn s. - -;i.hj miuc-sla nUTia 1 OtwTt II. T. COLLINS, President. ASHEVILLE ICE G0uP"i:V. Tare Ice made from Distilled Water. Ollice: liamard t Iiuildin?. I'atton Avenue. D. C. Waddell, President. W. W. Barnard, THE DANK OF ASHEVILLE, ASHEVILLE, N. C. DIK1XTOBH l I. P. SAWYER. T. W. PATTON, MARTIN, ' W. W. BARNARD. . L.CARKULL. t). C. WAIIlM.t-L, GBO. W. WILLIAMS, of Wilmington, N. C. . DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY" Oldest Bank in INCORPORATED BY ACT OF THE CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. F1TZPATR1GK BROS. & ROBERTSON. Dealers in Wall Paper, IVliidowMhadesandrutcutHaiiKcrs, Paints, Oils and Vornlslic. Maiury's Mixed Paiuts and Colon. Window Class, both French ami American ............ We keep in stock St. Louis und Kintuiky lud. LVMIIER YARD. ' CEO. F. SCOTT, (Successor to Douliliday & Scott, ' North Public Square, WINDOWS, - BLINDS, - DOORS. tilass, Putty, Lime, PlastcrinK Hulr, Shinctrs. Laths, Fencing Posts. All kinds or Building Material. SOrdcrs will receive prompt attention. fcblOdly , W. T. PSNNIMAN. PEIIHIMAN & CO. -JOBHBKS AN HIAlRlDIWlATRIE ASHEVILLE, N. C. , AOBNT8 POK OUPONT POWDER CO., RICHMOND STOVE CO., CORTLAND WAGON CO., OLD HICKORY WAGONS, . STUDEBAKER WAGONS, . MOLINE SCALE CO. ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC. feblldly Anything in the Jewelry Line at LOWEST PRICES For First Class Goods. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING. BURT DENISON, fehHrdtf PLUMBING, STEAM TIN AND SLATE If OOFING, Plans and Specification? We have thorouKh mechanics in each line business. We can safely guarantee our patrons satisfaction in our work, a low ugnre. BALLARD, RICH & BOYCE. C. II. CAMPBELL, tlanwfurHarcr nnd (INCUR ALE, -,,J, CIIAMPACNB CIDER. ,. , LEMON SODA, MARSAPARILLA, MINERAL WATERS, TONIC BEER, 1 CARBONATED WATER IN HIPIIOIS8.U factory, Haywood M. "THE W1MYAH SAKITARIUM, " ASHEVILLE, ft I For tlw rewiition of pnlienU sulTcriiiR of ilinrnaea of IntiKn and throat, nnd condox-ted nHin the liin ol thcniiitairiatOrtrrdorfnd Fnlkcnitcin hi Ocr ninny. Otira it the only imb. institiition In tlieUnitrrl SlaUt, and endoraed by tlieleddiiiR tnemlirri of the medical irrih-sin. Tcrnu rvaaonnlife. KARL VON RUCK. B. 8 M. D. E. E.LAGAN, Secretary Vkc I'rraidenL Lawreacc Pmlliam. Cashier. Weteru Carolina. GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE- SURPLUS FUND 120,000. febSdly W. U. rKNNIMSN. J II IlKALMtS IK- M'CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. AND GAS FITTING, ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. Furnished on Application who hare had many rears' experience in then wholenalc Shi oner of P. O. Boa a84. i r y

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