TIS2J DAILY CITIZIiN. TV emit la the most eitrnaivelv cirra and ""'J read ajcwapapcT ut VVeatera Nona Carolina. lia riMroiu" of public aim and airaaiwr la la the intetrat of ph)k iatricritv, honral .roveramcat, and peoanrrooa induatrr, and It know ao pcrauaal alkgiaaccia trcaung pub lic t . Ta tenia" pablishra the dispatra of the Associated Prcaa, which bow covera the note world Hi ita it BU other (arili- tk. of Iwl JounwX.m for rathnn tmMio " isnartaaa, uh rrcry thioxcan tallv edited to Tlt the amalkst aMu. Hiwctme" enpira any edition will be eent f Tr to aay e arwtma; their addrwa. Ttaas Iaily. (or oar rear; $3 li uamtaai Muoa( Moaih ; 1A mitafor one wee. 'Camera will deliver th paper In retry part of the tity u aabaerilirra. and par (iea waatiag it will please rail at the Cmia vo - - - Anrsrnataw raaBCMoaabkr. and made kaowa oa apfitK-atioa at thia office. All traaaicat adircrUarawau Boat be paid la aa vaacc. . ) . . A CAM. In justice to tboat gentlemen, who rr mtercaUd with w, ai ttockboUc of this paper, I ilatt that I wrote the editorial yeterdajr't imiie, onler the caption, "The Nominees," and that 1 lone am responsible for it, f ' T. W. Patton. ... i- EAfTEH IlMDAV THOrGHTS. To the JournaJa ecpedallr devoted to the expression of the relKoua acot ments, wishes and labors of a Christian people, is delegated the full elaboration of tlK ideas involved in the above sug gested thoojihU. ' Bnt the secular press, ' us. the representative of the general thought and fcdinir. presumably general! and essentially Christian, is . ' l I . . . r ii- not atat nnrjfcii iron) tne duty oi reciuiinj; the sk-mn work upon which the structure of Christianity is erected, or preclude from participation in the sacred and pleasura ble emotions those events awake. Tnerefore, Thb Citizen, strivuiK ns it does t direct the thought of its readers to matters of high interest, takes its rightful liberty to say a few words on one of these rHre occasions, which occurs on Easter Sanday, No thoughtful person can fail to be im pressed with the amount of careful con ajderatioa which men on all sides arc giv ing, to tbiugs more or less religious in their nature. The most popular mnga sines are those which devote a portion of their pages to discussions by distin guished writers uch, for instance, as M r. Ingersoll and Mr. Gladstone, each using all of bis wonderful ability, and Warning, to attack and uphold the Christian fuitb, The novel which is most extensively read to-day, is one treating entirely of what ; few years ago would have been consid ered by the multitude as a Wei abstract doctrine, Scarcely a day pHSses that we do not overhear,' prrbniw on a street corner, a disrussion between two friends as to whether Robert Elsmere was right in bis earlier or later belief. . A subject then which is interesting the work! to so great on extent, it seems to us, even we, who devote almost ullofour time to temporal concerns, may venture to discuss briefly. -" No one can fail to acknowledge tlie wonderful effort of the religion of Jesus Christ the detriMl Naxurenc, "the man of sorrow and acquainted with grief." From a beginning aniiaratitly ininili cant, it hus continued U grow through nineteen centuries, until it controls tlic great mUmim of the world. How is this acknowledged fact to be accounted for? We reply becnuc iu advocates place the evidence of its truth on theestablishment of an historiciil fact, to-wit i "The kesur ration.' They claim that they have such absolute proof of this as will satisfy any fair mind. If this fuct can be dis proved, then Christians acknowledge they have no ground left to' ask men to believe any of their dtx-trines. This proof has been examined time and time again, and to u it seems alisolutely ttnansuila ble. The men m ho first testified to the fact proved their sincerity by suffcrinj; death rather than deny what they hurl teen. Their testimony could not have been corrupted, because all worldly in ducements were made to produce proof on the other sider. The effect of this plain straight forward statement, "if tin; resurrection is fuct, Christianity is true, otherwise it is not, has been whut we see it to-day. When a brilliant French thinker came to Talley rand telling him that he bad discovered a new religion, but complaining that men would pay no attention to it, Tnl lryrnnd shrewdly olwerved, "go Hml get crucified and rise again the third day." No new religion will revuil with men until it is willing to submit to the same line of proof as the old one has dune, and is still ready to do. But men still sny as of old, "How are the dead raised up?" Can it lie any more difficult to answer this than to explain how the bright, bcuutiful flowers are covering with glory our hillsides where, a short time since, all was bare and gloom. The most diligent search could scarcely kavt discovered the riend, dc caved, bulb or seed, but tlie flower has sprung from it nevertheless. Wbiebof us on yrsteruay could haw round the thor oughly tlccom)Nrd body of the crysnlis, which we rcmemlier, ns the ugly grub worm, but we all acknowledge that thin beautiful, bright butterfly of to-day has sirung from it If these things, which oecnr each year, under our very eyes, are possible, why shall we contend tiutt the greater resurrection ltfinMBail)Ur, We hold then that no new religion needed, and none will certainly be ac cepted with any less degree of evidence than the Christian invites fur itself, but ws by mi menus sny that we need no re newed religiouj ou the contrary, nil Christiana acknowledge this need intlieir own case, and, in proportion to their sin cerity, they trek to oetuire it, and we be lieve they are succeeding more and more, year by year, as they are striving earn estly, most earnestly, for the princiittl of universal love, that Heaven born chari ty, which is the very "llond of i'eace and of all Virtue." . , Tstt IHIFTINU S-liVlCR. The statement ofCapt, Ben Newland to the Thi CrtUK some days ago that , , m.ny whit peoiJ. m moving St t. W aalimnon Territory hai attracted con-1 sidcrulile attention. The Rakish News Olwerver aptly eiruk of it as tlie "sliilt ing" fever. That d srrilici. it, Utr there i no reason in tlie world but pure restless ness to induce our people to leave a sec tion into which others are even more rapidly entering, attracted by climate and resources. Tlie Greenville News some days since culled attention to this subject, noting the fuel that by fur the greatest number of Oklahoma boomer were coming from tlie northwest, a sec tion which is itself the destination yearly of thousands of immigrants. Many northwestern farmers are looking south ward air ikw homes in a climate where they will be free from the terrible bliz zards, crop disasters and other draw backs in that section, and it is from thence that almost every portion of the Southern country is receiving most of its substantial immigrants. In view of these (acts the suggestion that migrations from the South to the Northwest arc more in the nature of a fever than a chronic malady is timely. Indeed, tlie American people as a whole are inclined to be migratory within the vast limits of their own country. . THEIR TWO VIKWM. The Baltimore Sun and other leading advocates of civil service Keform are beginning to show dint mis over President Harrison's attitude toward their doc trine. The Sun says: The Sun has accordingly held that tlie 15,000 persons subject to the law who were in tittice wnen tne law took eneci should have their fitness tested by the siunc examinations employed to test the fitncsl of -new candidates lor aiixmt- ment. Thus would be secured lioth Hie explicit object of tbc law, which is to have the service composed only oi yrr suns of proved fitness, and the just result of havini; the service reiiresentcd in fair r f .u. .Kit. . i... ..r nroiiorMona ui tne uuii-rcni biiuiicb i :.. i . TUi. IMIIIlH.nl iiniiiifu iu uic i-uuuirjr. uia view of tlie matter was not. however, Mr. Cleveland's view, and at the close of his term the nunilicr of republicans in federal offices at Washington was vastly irreater than tlie number of democrats. the latter had entered the service through examinations oien to republicans and democrats alike. Their fitness was ap proved by tlie only test known to the law. Their moral and legal claim to re tention in oltice on a change of adminis tration was therefore much stronger than that of tl.e 15,000 unexamined ncrsons whom Mr. Lkvcluud retained Vet it is this democratic minority of the subordinate officeholders who are now heinif dismissed in im-reusing numbers, Mr- Harrison's promise wus not only to maintain the ohservnnce ol the civil- service In w, but to extend it. It is to be hoped thut the promise will not be for gotten. THK HKIMTOI. Kil. We have a Kslalciir,d from Ir. A.tiobe to lr W. W. Wing, stating that our Ten ncssec friends are most anxious to take decisive steps towards securing railroai connection between Aslievillc and Bristol We van assure them thut many iersons lie re arc also deeply interested. Col Thud Coleman was in tow. I yesterday und from a conversation with him, we are led to hope thut a preliminary sur vey will very stum be commenced, and speedily completed. . Col. Coleman confirms our opinion as to the prm titaliility of this route by which Bristol can be reached at a dis tance of eighty-three miles, Insteud of one hundred and forty seven, as now trav elvd, and at the same lime developing u section comparatively unknown, und of wonderful fertility and grc.'tt mineral re sources. As soon as these facts can lie cmUiIk lishcd by a survey, we have no doubt the money can be procured to build the rail way. tvurruHiAL, noti:h. Col. I- (J. Washington's contribution to the Washington l'ost on the sulcc of the Washington family has levrloittl such a multitude that the committee on the New York bull is in despair ns to what is to be done about them ull. They are descendants of Bushrod Washingun who inhcritedM t. Vernon from the Fathc ofhis Country. But .the greatest extension of tlie stock seems to have come imme diately from Col. J no. A. Washington of Gen. R. K. Lee's stuff during the lute war. It was he who sold Ml. Vernon to the present Lndics' Mt. Vernon Associ ation. a a Chattanooga Times: After all the in h-rnul howling by Republican jHilit kiium and press over the government suits against the Bell telephone jobbers and robliers, Gen. Harrison's administration has determined to press tlie cases with vigor, and has retained solicitor-general Jcuks and Mr. Thunnuii us counsel; and this may be put down us another series of lira and slanders disputed of. The Kc publicum! did not dure c smiss the suits. a Mrs. Mnrthn T. Hitchcock, of Sun Francisco, mi id to lie a millionaire, is a daughter of Col, Hunter, who, fifty years ago, settled near Murphy 'in Cherokee county, and named his place "Old Hunt Ington," Mrs. Hitchcock, it is said, will build a memorial church ami college on the old place. Slieowns S.tMX) acres in Cherokee. a Tlie Raleigh correspondent of the Rich mond fisputeh says thut Thus. Broad foot, a negro who headed a riotous dem onstration at Furetteville last year, has becu appointed n route agent. The ap pointment cuusr a great deal of very plain talk in ull eastern and southern parts of the State. North Carolina also rejoices in two negro iMistuiistn-sses. Tlie "Rebel Girl" "Guarantees" 'Rc- liunce" iu an "Havana Tuff," and tla- "Imisy Vueen"of our "American Urug gist" cnu I found by lovers of tlie weed at F. L.Jacobs' drug store, where there is ulso a compu te line of drug ''rug- gists sundries. Tlie fainoua uxvusior Water direct from Saratoga Spri-igs, N. V;, Vkliy, Keep Kock,StlUer,Tntt Spring and Soda Water atwavs on draught Kven tltr moat vurorou nnl heart v le hnv at times a feeling of wean M...I I.hI, u.i v.. .1 : I . c : mwi.iniinpwimrc. g u iiini-i villa nrennK tafct J. H. MeLean'i S,uMmr,ll, ; will iuifwrt vigor and vitulitjf. Fruit of tLc Loom 8 1-2 by tl.e Bolt. We return thuulcs for iit avoi-H and invito HiNriul at- tent ion this week to Inulel ,ajK8, till-over Flouiu-iiig in white uml cream, IJuMht'h Linen, bh'Uihed and un- blejiclieri, for ehildren'ri aproiiH, piece goods forlroys' antM and suits, soniethinij; good in ladies', niisseH' and ehihliTn's IJlack I lose, Wind sor Ties for the boys and Parasols for the girls, Ims- tlale, I'ride of the West, Fruit of the lioom, und other brands of Domestic. A new assortment of buttons, braids, girdles and dress trinnningSn white goods in Piques, Marseilles, Nain sooks, Chirk Muslins, India UnenHJU!Ujnen Luwim, Al batross in pink, green, blue, cmun y ml and black, m.'eiv- tnl to-day. Hatines, lliallies tind Nun's Veilings in ull the new shades. These goods . were made regular, bought regular, and will lie sold regular to regu lar fustouierM." FirstH'hissin every res Kct,nothing shoddy or second handinl about th'ni. Warranted as i-epi-e- senteil or money refunded Buy them and you will In pleased. Fail to do so, ani! yuu will regret it, ! lU'SJHM'tfully, H0ST1C UKOS. & WIlHillT P. S. If you ever intend t buy t owels now is the time to do so. W e have tlie liest bar gain in a towel you ever saw and can lient the Electric Street Railway in this line. B. B & W. Asheville, April 19, 188U. liaatcr Cards, ICantvr Booklets, l!atcr Novelties) A larne and Ana variety, both Foreign anil Anieiiettu ; also FINE STATIONERY, ARTISTS' MATERIALS, FANCY GOODS, i BOOKS, 0 AT ESTAIIUOOK'S, aa S. Main Street. A l.AMOS AIHMIKTMKNT or AMICHICAN WATCIII, All at.vlea, alwa anil nieea. Jewelry of every dcaerlptlon. Silverware, aoliit anil plated, (iiilil and Silver llrudtd Caiiea. Miiretiuira and liye tilumea litledtothc eye. I'lne Wateh Repnirinii and linKravlnic a speeiulty. LANCi ThZ jiwelcr, Noulh Main Wreet, npr!4 il:lni REGISTER! Nolhlni! o Impmrtant fw Iha aeaaua an to reiilater your name at J. M. ALEXANDER'S - i'or a kmxI art in Harneaa or a Baddk. Ilia aioek la now eomplrtc und looka prrfrctly lieuutiful, Vine iuiKliah llrldlea, Croa, Leu- llina, ete, at luweat hurea. ... The nk-ral atlec- lion of l.lnrn Lap Rolwa and Minnie IMiatera at mnarkalily low nKurea. Motto: Quirk Snlet and 8hor I'ruflia. anrl4d(lm THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Minima oa Mala atrat. anuoaile the mat- olHce. in dally, rierpl Itundava, IVom 10 a. m. anlll I p. m., anil 4 0 antH A.ao p. m. The lenna of aulweiiption are: On war $1 ; A miM... It.BO; a miia., 1 1 1 mo., SOela.; daily II eta. umi-rra nr 18HU rrraldent, R. R rbw. irr-tTTainmt, imiki w. wnoiaays (tec. ami Trraa., U. cV VS aUua ; Ubrariaa, Mlaa B.J. Hatch. Cltiaraa and vtailura an cordially lavltrd laina'tth eatalofat and taacrili. their aanra aa BKaabcra, frbHdtf MISCELLAXEOIS. XL ii, LEA'o BIG EASTER OFFER . I OIl CASH ONLY. 2000 yards Fruit of the Loom Domestic, 8e. by the bolt, 44 wide. 104 Mohawk Valley Sheet ing at 2(c. ier yard. 40-in. I'illow (baaing at 12&:. Ji!st Lonsdale Cambric at 11c. jieryard. i . White (guilts from Goe. tof 2 00-in. Conestoga Ticking at 35c. Nice Fercales, from 7c to 1 1 W. H. LEA 17 N. Main Street. A new lot of Hall Bazaar forms just in. Also, a complete lineof tish iug tackle. 1SICHMOND Ik PANVH.LB RAILKUAU a COMI'ANV. (Weatcra North Carolina Divlnlon ) PMWINUKS DKI'AKTIIHKT, Ashkvii.lb, N. C, Jan. 1, 1HH9. I PADtHtNI'.KR TRAIN SCIIBDVILB. la Brrscr Jaw. 1, 18HI): I No. HI No. a 14lll A 43pm 1020pm KM lam 700am H VRarn 1047am 1 2im yiMlpm Lr. Aaheville, Ar. Itnliiibury, " Danville, ' LynehtiurK, " Waahinnton " Hnltiniorr, " Phila., " New York, " Hoaton, " Richmond, Rakiah, ' tiolftfllioro, ' Wilmington 4.37am U47nin J -2 4,1pm 7 ,H5pm ll'J(lIIU .TIM lam fl 20am n Opm B 15am 7nilam 102pm 114Tam 310pm fllXlpm l.v. Aahrville, Ar. Hentlrraonvllle, Ar 8Mirtanirg ' Charlotte." a 30am 9 Hi lam 1 1 50am S 30pm 40pm 010pm 90npm 0 loam 1 4(pm Columbia, 1 Charleston, " Auituata, ' Savannah. " Thomaavllle.Ou " Jackaunvllle 1200 m " Atlanta, ." MuntRom'y " Muhilr, " New ()rlcn 10 4Opm Tilfiam 1 85pm I No. 64 l.v. Sutrtanbur, A. Hendrraiiaville, " Anheville, S4l)pm 07pm 7IIOpm No. BO No. 52 No." 5 . Aahefle. . HotSninK8 Knoxville, Chnttan'ua, Nuahville. Memphia, . Aahevll.e," . Hot Spring; Knosvllle, Uiulavllle, Cintinnatl, Chicaxti. 81. I.otiia, 740am UJiium 1 li)im 6 16pm 444pm AlOpm SBOpm B4iam 114Tam 6 ailpm 444pm 610pm 850pm 7 15 am 1145am 705pm 84(lpm 610am "t40am OVOam I loptn H 41 lam ll:llipm 745im 63i ipml T46tH MI'KI'IIY HRANCII. No. 18 l.v. Anheville. Ar. Waynraville, " jHrrrtt'a. 8 U5am 1063am B4W)i No. 17 l.v. Jarrrtt'a. Ar. Wnvneaville, " Aahvvilk-, (l(H)uin 1 unpm S4flpm Mr- Sleeping car on all night train. JAS. L. TAYLOR. W. A. WINHI'KN, 80L.1IAAB.T. M. Schedule Street Railway. To take effect Krilayk.Marvh 1, at 0.30a. m Car leavca Court I loose , A..10 a. m " " " " 7.oo " " " " " K.tNl " " " " " U IM1 " From thru till T p. m. car travea euurt hoaat evary 30 iHtnutra. Also, ear leave court houiw at 8.00 p. m and .(K p. m. FAHB.PIV8 eilNTtl. NOTICE. Hy virtue of a power of ialr coatalnnl iu a chattel mortitauv raeruted to th Hank of AnlwvllW hy the Aahcvlllc Lumber Company. on the flth day of November, IK8A, the under- allined will aclt for eaah at public auetioa at the court houae door In the Clly of Aahvvllle. to the higheat hidiler, on BATt'RMAY, MAY 18, 1880, the following article of personal property, vli : One 36 hone power engine, one boiler and taw mill to eorreapomt, and two large aaws. THB BANK UP A81IIIVII.LR, Mortgagee. M. R. For ftill particular ailr to Hank of AahrvUle or A. R. Ogbura. apraodlt w3t "SlTTAOB FOR RENT. 19 room rottaav. mmrf RnnM . ... lege, ftultahlc for boarding houae. ApiMr to aprivuu K, R. KAWLs. MISCELLASLOIS. OOMOOOO O uoooooooo EASTER EGGS. We have a large utock of Dyvti just mi-ived for color ing eggs for Eawter Orange, Cardinal I ted. Magenta and Dark (Jreen. Each color will dye two to four dozen Eggs, according to depth of color deHirinL-.. White Eggv wil) show brighk'st color. One package for one color three raits two packages for two colors five cents four pack ages for four colors, ten cents Atin cent package will be sen tr postage, paid,to any atldi-ess on receipt of the price. T. C. SMITH & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, A.hevlUe, . - N. C ANNOVNCKIWUNT TO THE LADIES ESPECIALLY. We are pleased to anliounce tliat our stock- of Millinery is now in and ready for insjrec tion and would be pleased to have the ladies call. Our intention of having a Special Grand Oiening has to lie foregone, as Mrs, Mae Nairisso busy with orders that we have not the time to give it proier attention. Also wish to announce that our stock of. Dry Goods Fancy GooiIh, Parasols ami Njiecialties tire ojen for in sjiection. With our thanks for past favors und with a determination to merit your continued patronage Kesiwctfully; A. W1IITL0CK BROOM FACTORY. IIANFORD N. LOCKWOOD. , , . , UAtlD-alAUH Brooms, vrhlfctt. Hearth and Celling Brooms. Mill and Factory BTiidra a auecliiltr. Olio. tauona anu aampiea rree. aoirmiy JA1TIKS FRANK, PKALKR 18 FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Agent for Reema Creek Woolen Mllla. North Main Street, AalievUle, N. C fcbiodly TLANTIC COAST LINU. On and aftrr thia date the fullnivln,. m. h.... nle will I run over ita "Columbia I Hvlaion." No. S3 lnvra Columbia 6.20 p. m. Arrlvea ntChnrk'nton...... P.:to p. m. No. B'i Leavra Charleaton T.lo n. m Ariivea ntColnmbin 1 1 .ftrt a. iu Connecting with trnlna In and h,n. ..ii oolntaon the Chnriottr. t'nlomM. n, .. guata nnil Columbia c Urcenville Kailruaila. Lfany. - - T. M. KMUKSON, Uea. I J. F. I'HVINH, Ooi. Supt Kt. y,B- WOLr-B, PUIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTEHER. a i All kinds of erinent win k noiw. lohMna and kaluimlnbitf ,.r......l. tcadeiltu. " ' ' mv Healdraee. CI with W. H. Wrsiall Co. febtHIHrn NBW tiKKII, earrfully nreMmi by ka,l Bneat parrhim-nt and Iwavv n.t . , , a,r ..... .,T rvini.jun ntrt and now Tf! ! th ir 01 lh C'Tiiaa I'uni.i.H. "' Cat.. No. a North roart IU,mrr. I Ian lull It I-A L ESTATE. Wai.tuB Owrs, w. w. wt. GUYil h V;ST, (Succcaaor to VYa'tcr U.liwyn) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE. Loauii Securely Placed at 8 PerCeut. Notary l'ub.kr. Comminaiouera ot iH-cda. FIRE INSURANCE. oiTICK-KoullieiMl Court tMiuure. Wm. M. Cocke, Jr., REALESTATE AND MINERAL BROKER. Atthevllle, Pt. C. Can aril yon one million acrce of lunil, iu traAafromSO to 10O.0IX) aeres. Have a number of city . lota, improved and unim proved, which I can acll on the beat of tym. If you want a large or amnll farm call on me If you want mineral, of any kind, you need go no farther. If you want timber landn, thia la headquarter.. In fact I eun auil you in anything yon want la my line. Servkra of a firat-claita civil engineer and practical surveyor engaged to ahow up all property when required. I have hail til tiiu years' eipeticncc in the real estate buaiueaa, and think 1 know what will please. Prompt attention to all Inquiries. fcblMdlT W. CORTLAND, Real Instate Broker, INVESTMENT AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, I'atton Avenue, llurnurd Kuildiiig. febiidly D. S. WATSON, Real lititate Aifeutj Oners for sale the best lot In Asheville for a Hotel two acres oil I'atton Aycjiuc between llailcy and Grove-Htrccts. Also, some very line residence lots for sale eentrally located. Good busluess lots for sale at the Old lie- pot. Pine fanning lands, timber lands, etc.. for sule, near the city. FOR RUNT. Four splendid houses furnished und unfur nished, for rent. D. 8. WATSON, dtmnyi Asheville, N. C. INSURANCE. piHB IN81RANCB. FLUE. LIFE. ACCIDENT PULLIAM & CO. At the Dunk of Asheville, ASHBVILLIi, N. C. Rciresent the following companies, vli. : FIRK. CAMI ARSKTS IN V. S Anglo Nevada, of California If 2,!7,K!I3 Continental, of New Yord ,H75,023 Hamburg-Bremen, of Oermany l,12UtfK)4 London Aaanranee, of England I,n48,99n Niagara, of New York 3,237,413 Orient, of Hartford l,667,fl2 PhornU, of Brooklyn 8,1(54,171) M. raui ii re ana Marine, ol Mm- neaota l,54l,oni Southern, of New Orleans 43U,rH4 Western, ol Toronto 1,0311,333 Aiutuni Accinent Association, ylvtna Life Insurance Company. dtmar3 THB EQUITABLE LIFE Afttiurance Society OF TUB UNITED STATUS. Assets 95,04S,9M.96 Surplus ,. o,7t4,7is.i3 I iirKcr innn any oiner LOllipanv. I Outstanding Assurance.. .S49,ai6,iM. written in iknn 133.93.1,3.11.00 iwiiiiK i iHHn-n wnn in ann year ie rloda are tha most popular and profitable lonu ol asauranee. For examples, rates, etc., confer with Ii. D. Monroe, Agt., Asheville, N. C. OHice with Judge Aston. feb33dflm OFFER EXTRAORDINARY ! For the next thirtv dnva we will -ll ar. lota In PROKI'KCT FARK. Weat Asheville, on such favorable term, thnt homeseekers will ao well to come and deal with us, Only io Per Cent Cash Will be required, and the balance r.nl.m.H, iiayaoie Mim I lll.Y ll Hcsiml. llh M i r eent. interest from dnte of trnnsfcmntil paid These lota are valued from 1(N upto.;,ooo nnn im pnera art unin tnem are based upon aetuul sales of similar lots adjoining. The ISlectric Street Railway la lieing rapldlv pushnl to IroaKvt Park, its proiamnl terminus, thus bringing these lots in quick and easy communication with the Square, and other principal pnrtsof the dty. We Have ICntlrc Confidence In the value of these h,t. u.l h..n. i,. Rars In having nlnr-lrntbs of the iurehaw L I ... in", w vumc will a cure choice ol lots. Apply to GWVN & TOT, ninr32dtf . B. Court Square. D. II. REAGAN, - - -WITH HENRY S, KING & SONS, Hardware and Cutlery, UAI.TIMORE, MD, Hcmt to . W. Starnea. . - - - WM.R.PEfJIIIHflll, l'KUI'MIUTOK OP THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, Atihctlllc, N. C. f. O. Box i. marl3dly HOTELS. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS PIUVATE BOARD. THE THOMAS HOUSE. NUAR BATTIiHY FARK, Ik now under entirely m-w miinugement. uml w in oc Kea iu sirieiiy urai-ciusK slvle. TKANSIhNTOK RLGI LAK ROARIJbkH TAKfaM Northeni CiMikinj,'. Kntes Kcisonalile. MKS. E. LACY & SOK. rroiHitlora. iltf A DELIGHTFUL EXCURSION ! ASHEVILLE TO HOT SPRINGS. Round Trip Tickets only 4.50, including' a full day's board at the MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL; The Hatha in Marble Pools and Porcelain Tuba arc the tiucst and most luxurious in America. The Hotel is NEW AND FIRST-CLASS In livery Particular. L'NKXCltl.l.liU IN ITS Cl'ISINU. The place la a charming spot, nestled among and sheltered by Pinc-cjad Mountains where there is no fog, no dust, no mulariu. Pare and abundant water, and absolutely perfect drainage. dtjul3!l RICHLAND HOUSE, Corner Main and l)eot, WAYNIiSVILLE, N. C. Rooms newiyl'tirnislietl. Fare the best the market ufTonls. Good sample room. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Terms: $1.00 per day. G. D. L. ALLEN & SON, Proprietors. A NEW HOTEL IN BR.YS0N CITY. The Swayne House. One of the liest In Western North Carolina. Summer and winter resort. Natnre'a sanita rium. Scenery and water unexcelled. Term moderate, GEO. N. BLACKBURN, Prop'r. niBrl3cl!lm J. N. MORGAN & CO., No. 3 Barnard Building. . School and College Text Books, a full line. Poetw, His tory, Romance, Biography, Travel and Novels, Family Bibles, S. S. Bibles and Test aments, Oxford Teachers' Bibles, (Song Books of all kinds, large stock Stationery, Blank Books and Office and School Supplies. New line Ladies' and (tents' Pocket books just opened. Fancy (ioods and Dolls. fcbiodlv J. C. BROWN, MERCHANT TAILOR, as Patton Avenue, (Next to Grand Central Hotel.) apri'dly J. V, BROWN Will cop tin ue the undertaker'! buslnetMat hi ol4 "tarid oyer J. B. Wcltcraorj & Cq,' umiiwhr oiurc, unoer tne firm name Qf J. V. BROWN & Cd, Having thirty years' experience as under taker and emhalmer, and nneqnaled facilities for bnyiuK, can aalely guarantee aatialacUon. Calls uromntlv attends .n Kvcrythinu pertttinlnif to the business al ways mi hand. , M j,rtm npors DEfiTIFRICE A TRUE TOILET LUXURY. Or AWLUTUT r0H lN0I0lT). c AUTiri ti thTtth! "" PRKSCRVCa THI GUMS. tWECTCNSTHC BREATM NO, INJURY TO THB CNAMtL Art AND AQRCUlLC. WITHOUT EQUAL At A TOILET rREPARA7ION. PRICK It) CENTS PER BOTTLE. OLD BV ALL 0RUOaiTS. , . M. WINKEl MANN CO.. Mori, LTIMORC MS. PorMkbr J. . fait ANT, dawtu28

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