I Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A mnrvrl ' pur ity, strength and wholesomcncss. Mure eco nomical than the ordinary kinds, and ennnot he Mold in competition with the multitude uf low test, short weight alum or phosphate (Hiwdeni. Sold only in rum. Royal Bakino I'uwukh Co.. 16 Wall St., New York. dwtaprl7 PROFESSIONAL CARDS: TllKO. P. Daviihhin, THOS. A.JoNKS . Raleigh. Jas. G. Martin, Ashcville. Aahevillc. -.. JJAVIDSON, MARTIN &JONBS, Attorneys and Counaellora at Law, Aiiheville. N. C. Will police in the 11th and 12th Judicial Districts, 'ird in the Supreme Court uf North Carolina, and in the Federal Courts of the Western Iiistrict 01 North Carolmu. Refer to Bank of Ashcville. dtsel II. A. Ul'DOBR, JULII'S C. MARTIN. QUIH5ER, CARTER & MARTIN, II. B. CARTER, Attorney at Law, : ASI1BV1LLB. N. C. Office hours: From 9 a. m. to 4 p. tn. tlHI. A. MOORE. DUP HKRRICK. fJkJOOKB Ac MERRICK, Attorneys aud Counsellors at Law, Aahcville, N.C. Practice in the United States Circuit nud istnet Courts at Aahcville. Stutesvitle. Char- otic and Greensboro, in the Kuoreinc Court fit Raleigh, and in the courts of the Twelfth udicial District uf the htutc of North Caro lina. leciai attention given to collection 01 lunns. Partnership does not extend to practice hi iuncomoe interior court. mui-3 t. H. COBB. 1. U. MttKillMON. () B II & MBRRIMON, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Practice in all the courts. ice: Nos. 7 and , Johnston building. Isc . JONBS. fONES & 8HUFORD. OHO. A. HIlliroRII. HI HI.NI. AND I-UIAHI RIC FluridacntiliaLt, tomatoes, strawber ries uul aHiuiruus at Barker & Co.'s to- (lilV. 1 EvCTytliini; is smooth tuiilinir "villi us when wt huve no dilFicullv 111 ruisiiiL' the wind. TlH-re are time when a (txlinir of lassi tude will overcome the most robust, when the system craven for purr blood, to fiir- iiisii ine elements ol health ami strength. Tlie best remedy fir piiritvinj; the blootl is lhr. J. H. McLean's Sursniiurilla. The last words of irrrat men nre all re. ordal in the books, but the Inst word ol women, jrreat orsmall, huve always been too much for historians. Advice to Mother. Mrs. Winslow' Soothing SvriinlimiM always tie used for children teetUini;. It Mot lies tlie child, softens the ir""', nl- luvs all pains, cures wind colic, and is the Is-st remedy for diarrhu-n. 25e. a iHittle. Mrs. Gushinirton (mixsimr Iter SNuse) w nere is 1 lie li-jht ol my tile Mr. LuConk. He's gone out. Ircsh tomuAocs at Barker & Co.'s to day. 1 - - ' ' A Finnish woman in Minnesota lias jiiven lurth to six children at one lime Tlie father hopes that this will Furnish tlie lanuly. How Doctors conquer Death. Doctor Walter K. Hammond savs "After a long experience I have come to tlie conclusion that two-thirds of all the deaths from coughs, pneumonia and con nnmtioii might lie avoided if Acker's hnglish touch Kcmedv were onlv cure- Inlly used in time." This wonderful Rem edy is sold under a positive guarantee by i.v..miinac Lo. A Good Platform. He who intends to be Mayor of Red Soring must stump the' town, that is. he must dig the stumps up out of the town. -Scottish Chief. : The Knoxville Journal on sale daily at -..,...'.. V - c. An Ohio man has taken the sinnll-pux from a pig. What an Ohio man will not take is not worth having. CareleHs HotberH. Many mothers have permitted their children to die before tlieir eyes when t hey might have been saved. Any mother who keeps house without a bottle of Acker's English Haby Soother ' at hand, runs a risk which she may sonic time regret. It has saved the lives ol thousands of children, and is doing si every year. For sale by T. C. Smith fi t o. The office-seekers whose applications are ignored iy tne I'resi'lent can quote liicpoei, viz: "tit all sail words oltonuue or ien, the saddest ure these we can't move Hen. ' Attorneys at La w4 Ashcville, N.C. Practies In the Superior Courts of Western Morth Carolina, the 8upreme Court of the State, and the Federal Courts at Asheville. Office in Johnston buildinK, where one 1111 111- lier the hrm saa always ut luunu dtnov 1 1 OHNSTHNK JONES, ATTOMMtY AND COUNSKIXOH AT LAW, ASHKVILI.E, N. C. Practices tn the I'niteil States Circuit and THstrict Courts at Aslirvillc, in the Supreme Court at Rah-iKh, and in the Courts ol the T welll h Judicial Ilistrletul the State ol North Carolina, and elsewhere, as his services may oc required. IauUadtf J4 H. DOUGLASS, D. U. S. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., Over Grant tit .Winiccrt's Drug Store. Residence, No. OH Bailey St. fcblOdly Buckleu'M Arnica Salve. I He best salve in tlie world fur cuts. iruiscs, sores, ulcers, ult rheum, fever sores, tetter, chnpiied hands, chilblains. corns, and all skin eruptions, .and posi- veiy tuira pues, or no pay remiireo. it guaranteeu to give iieneet salislaetton or money remuded. - I'm 2S cents tier imix. for sale nv f. L. neolm. ilaw Medical examiner ( for insurance com pany ) You apiear to lie in a very weak nervous, depressed lib vhiciiI condition Applicant for insurance Yes, your agents have ijeen chinning me lor six months. If health and life arc worth unvlhiiiL' and you arc feeling out of sorts and tired ut, tone up your system by taking Dr. a. McLean s anrsapanlla. Tlie President has not had his nlutto. graph taken lately, but several appli nits lor ottice have taken negatives of mm. - R. U. REEVES, I). I). 8. DENTAL, OFFICE i lit Connally Building, over Redwood's Store, - Patton Avenue. Kbl3dly JJ P. UUKG1N, M. D. OFFICE I New Grand Central Building, over Big 22 Clothing Store. ' febl7dlm P. RAMSAY, t. U.S. I A Dental Office t In Barnard Building Entrances, Putton Avenue and Muin Street. feb2fdly Dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, distress Iter eating, can lie cured and iirevented y taking Or. I. H. McLean's. Liver and Kidney l'Ulcls (little pills.) , Dolnn It must be a sad thine to be kit a widow. Wagstaff It is. It wouldn't be hall so sad if Uiggars had not left me his widow some two years ago. Look Out For the Children. Hart s Worm Cream is a new remcdv for the expulsion of worms from th sys tem, ut is uecominu rauutlv well known for it is never used without the most sat isfaetory results. Besides its wonderful efficacy, it recommends itself on account ol its pleasant taste and is not obnoxious o the patient. It will take the lead ol 11 worm medicines. 9 If nay dealer i frihoes without IUm bottom, bii says he has the W. L. Donclaa . name and Dries1 stamued i at aim dawn as fraud. Silence is supixiscd to be irolden : but if you go home and your wife finds a long golden hair on your coat sleeve, the nances are there won t be much silence. w. i . nnnr.i as j mm m mmm . mmr "" t WllWts Best In the world. ro GENTLEMEN, F.ianiln his K.00 OKNIIINK HANI-HKWF.D HHOK. 4.1MI HASH-HF.Wr.il WH.T ""' ':J0 POI.ICK AND FAKlr.t, 8U0B. I.0 F.XTKA VAUIF, CALF hHQW. m. si an uuirtvnHlB uunK. ii.OQ and BI.75 BOVS1 S( IUMIL SHOES, All maue In rjuiuirvit, llullon sua um. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE LAtHBi. RMt Material. UmI Stylo. Best nttla 1 sbiiI suvlrl ki V aVaalssv ai-lst x W. U DOUOLAS, BltOGKTOM. HUB, - For sale bv . , HI:RRIN2 & WEAVER, 10 South Muin Street, Ashcville, N. jiinlOdly is MvliltUhnx RwUMAlil anfl arlraT with a alanine for whku doctors had no nam. The nails earns of his trtg ers and ths oncers came off to tlie middle joint for 8 yesra he suffered dread tnllr; Is now retting well, and I sin sstlailcd Swift's ItunclAa le tbe cliief csus of his improvement Joan Daim., Jan. U.188J. rera,lna. m Dor iinike out wlltl sores ana ulrer. the. result of the mil vs of scslf OMnlmtlncoa. Illlli Sick headache, biliousness, nausea, cos tiveness, are promptly and agreeably banished by Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney I'illets (little pills.) Mrs. Cumritover "How are the chil dren this morning?" Mrs. Lovitt "Well T :.. .1 t? .... ... i oniinic hiiu ousie are nciier, out 1 llggie is a very sick nog. DyHpepHla, DeHpalr, Death. . These arc the actual steps which follow ndigestion. Acker's Knglish Uvsiicpsia Tubk'ls will Ixith check and cure this most fearful of diseases. Durantecd by 1'. C. Smith & Co. MlSCBLLAXHOl'S. U. II, LEA'S BIG EASTER OFFER tetter Than Bloody Haltlea. Oneral Wheatcnift Nelson says: "My experience in tlie Knglish army as well as in America, convinces me that nothing so purities the blood or adds to tlie health, vigor and life as Acker's English Wood lilixir." This great remedy is sold under a positive guarantee by T. C. Smith & Co. He ( who has been hanging 6re all win ter I "Are you fond of puppies. Miss Smith?" She I promptly) " What ft singular way you have of pmiRising, Edardo. Yes, irling." And now the cards are out.. 34 SOUTH MAIN 8TRHBT. Oculists' prescriptions a specialty. fet27dm FOR A. F. STEVENSON, CASH ONLY. 2000yunln Fruit of the Loom DoiiW'stU-, by tho bolt, Sjuiptenis of Csitarrh. A profuse and many times excessively offensive discharge, with "stopping up" of the nose at times, impairment of the sense of smell and taste, watering or weak ryes, impaired hearing, irregular laln oveV tljeeyeandnt time, in the CARRIAGE ! AND ! SIGN 5 PAINTER, i, ui vii iivtiv., wvnoi.jii... V,,,,,, cau sations, cold feet, and a feeling of lassi- ide and debility, ore symptoms which are common to catarrh, vet all of tliem re not present in every case. nr. Sage s Catarrh Remedy cures catarrh in its worst tonus and stages. It is pkus.int to use, and contains no poisonous or mstic drugs. Ol druggists, lorot'ccuts. 44 wide. 104 Mohawk Valley Sheet ing at 20c. ier yard. 4(J-ia. Pillow Ouaing at V2c. I tent- Loiwdtilo - CumbVit at lie. per' yard. White (iuilt from 5oo.to2. Young Ribbons I wish to murry your d.iUL'htir, sir. Old llardcush Well, I must consult inv dauirhter first. ' Young Kibbons Oh, that s all right; we ve been engaged lor six months. Patrick Henry Uttered a sublime truth when he said. 'It is natural for man to mdulge "in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a paml'il truth and listen to that song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts." YVe are apt to shut our eyes while colds, catarrh or consumption nre getting the best ol us, hoping not, when our plain duty is to get some remedy like the Golden Medical Discovery of Dr. Fierce, and take it. We should not listen to the song ot the siren, buL-ratht r heed Longfellow, who tells us to "Act, act in the living present." That means More it is too late. The "Discovery" is one of the treat successes of the age a safe, pleasant remedy to take, and can be had ol all druggists. It is guaranteed to Ix-nefit or cure, or money paid for it will be rcIuiKlcd. GU-in. 35c. Coiientogu Ticking ut Nice I'erculeK, from 7c. to 1 le. W. H.LEA, 17 N. Main Street. A new lot of Hall Bazaar forniHjurit in. Also, a complete line of fink ing tackle. l.T I with a rut Inge. Tbs nicer were deep and pain- l I gave, him III niSj .l(m'f1 M ltH.lln.li.1 In K...1 V '-' (i s Knrriftc and he la now well. l V. irk '). Jous P. Usabd, Aoburn, Ala. 1 lor books nn IHond Pnlsnna a Hkln Diseases, , bwufT brsvunu Us., AUauU, Us, was. , .. . ' CTtitb tl 1 iZ7 i . 4 rNrUllTlO'. OLD BORES. ugJuDBUKAbTd uMUATT lin'Kal Miss Lakeside: "Now, my dear, you must come and spend a month or two of tlie lull with us 111 Chicago. Miss bmerson (ot Boston:) "ou really think it would be pleasant ?" Miss Lakeside: "immense. We would have a regular hog killing time." A Raf Invetttimeiit Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or m case ot failure a return ot purchnse price. -'On this safe plan you can buv from our ad- vcstised Druggist a bottle ot Ur. King s New Discovery for Consumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case when used for any affection of Throat Lungs or Chest, such as Consumption liiuaiiimntion ot Lungs, Ilroiichitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It ts pleasant and agreeable to taste, iwrfeclly sate, and can always Is? de- iK'iidcd upon. Trial hollies tree at F. L Jacobs' Drugstore.- " "" That story of Hugh Conway's, cnti tied "Called li.uk. is said to mm n ready sale among the present Ainericuii lorcign diplomats, - What will cure the wort case of dys- liejwia? What will insure a henily npe tite and increased indigestion? What will cure gencrnl debility and give a new lease of lite ? Whnt will rcstorccxhaustcd mothers to full strength? What will strengthen nerves and muscles? What will enrich the blood ? What will enable vou to overcome weakness, wakefulness and lack of energy ? Whut will prevent chills nnd fever nnd other effect of mala rial poison ? Urown's Iron Bitters, t is well to know this. APPROPRIATE FOR THE WARMER WEATHER. Very attractive designs in Parasols, Sun Umbrellas, Fans, etc. In Persian Lawns, Mulls inuia Liinens htritieu an Plaid- India Linens ant Swisses, and other season able White Goods, we offer a. good line. Lisle and Silk Gloves, Light Weight Hose, etc. Very handsoine designs in 'hallies. UEDW00D&C0., 7 and 9 PATTON AVENUE. Clothing-, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats and Carpets. --" 1 1-i t ma M S wi.KLS7 s, ' CrlYCTalkEniCllCr?X TU.K.WATBH. i MISCELLANEOUS. All eyes fitted and lit guaranteed. A com plete stoek of the aliove Koods at CHANT'S DRUG STORE, The City of Hickory eun justly lay claims to many plensant and natural advantages a ulthful resort for tourists and Invalids, situated as It Is on the crest of one of the principal mountain spurs which extends to the llluc Ridge In the west, and dividing the beautiful Ca tawba Viiiley. Kor hunting aud 6ahing this section of Western North Carolina is greatly noted. The neighboring mouutains and streams abound In an amlimitrd nririt or ..m. and fish. GILDER AND VARNISHER, Is prepared to do all klndsof I'alntitiK liring on yonr nld-hMiking Carrlnues, lln tls. Sur rys, liugKles, Carts and Wnjums and have tliem varnished or realnted, so they will look as jcood as new. All work warranted not to cnuk, blister or come oft until It wears off. Terms reason' able. f Shop on Harnett Hill. Baltic Street. mar31d6m JOTICB, Having qualified as eieentrix of Bdwin Hayden llerriek, deceased, late of Bunennilie county. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons bavins; claims against the estate of me hhi 11c1.-et.Hm it, eanioit (nem n ine an. rtersiiriicd on or before the 12th day of March A. 1. 1HHII, or this notice will be plead lu bur of their recovery. All persons indented to said estate will please make inimehiate payment. This the 12m nay ot mnrcn, HMK1.1NK FOKHHS HKKKICK. msr12clt tn Bxeeutrix, Aahcville, N. C, TOWN LOTS. FOR. SALE I. 183-4 ACRIS,' LyliiK near the "Oakland Inn" overlooking the river, upon which are several aa beautiful unoccupied hulUHng ultra as cum be found In or near the city. Apply to JOHN K. CQNNALLV. uprll dim exstin Wife (at lied time) Cvrus, whnt day is tins Hiislmnd Wedncsdav. , Wile (anxiously, liolding a small pair f trousers at arm s length I I am afraid luhnnv isrt t well. Cyrus. He nenernllv lias at least two lmunds more of marhks 111 Ins pockets at this time ut the week tlian lie has to night. FlAmlHK Fire In the Velnti. We hold txisitive proof that Acker's Enirlish HIoihI lilixir cures nil lihxid K)i- soiis wlicre cheap snrsaparillas and so called purifiers fail. Knowing this, we will sell it to all who call at our store on a iKisitive guarantee. T. C. Smiths Co. Mr. lonnthflll Tfumn What's the mat ter with young Darlington? He's Kinn HOW ill ttlld l'l(ly for illSIHf as pale as a chost! Miss reneloiie reochblow uoiiur into a decline 1 take it, from whut 1 know of Dolly. ' ' ' ; Mo Wonder BHe Kuvled Brldset. A rich siK'iety lady told her servant, "I wish I could lie as strong, healthy and lull ot lite as vou arc! I lie lesson is plain. The girl had . plenty of exercise, ami constitutional health and content' nient. Kichcs will not buy health always, hut broken-down women can tind sure re lief in Ir. I'ierce's Favorite Prescription. It is a powerful, invigorating, restorative and nervine, and imparts strength to the whole system in general, and to the uterine organs and appendages in partic ular.' 'fror run-down," debilitated and feeble women generally it is the greatest earthly boon. Jndlcloasi AdvcrtlHlnK. CREA TES many a new business; ENLARGES many an old business; REVIVES many a dull business; RESCUES many a lost business; SA VES many a faiiine business: PRESERVES many a large business; or 1 )iX8t fuVOl'H Will Willi ALLURES success in any business. To ail7Ii'xJ".dici?,"s,!y' "f j" determination to merit your umnsof The Citiien. ' Everybody reads " it; and in propottion to the returns it LnntmiliHl nil tn Hill ! vklds adversers, its rates are tbe cheaa. tOlltlllUtll pull OHU , est in the counti v. ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE LADIES ESPECIALLY. We nropleaHi'd to announce that our utoek of Millinery in tion and would be pleaxeil to have the ladien call. Our intention of having a Siiecial flrund Oinuiin; has to tw) foivgonc, an Mi'H. Mac Nair isHO busy with orders that we have not the time to i't ri it 1 wti uti 41 4 ti til 4 inn Also wish to announce tha our utoek 01 Dry IioihIh Fancy Goods, Parasols am siMX'ialties are open for in Hiieetion. With our thanks Even the most vigorous and hearty people have at times a feeling of weari ness and lassitude. To dispelthis feeling lake Dr. J. H. McLean's Sarsnparilla ; t will impart vigor and vitality. IlesiKx-tfully, A. WIIITLOCK. Merit Win. f MG LIIIOI1T 7 HUSTAI1G LINIuEHT IS FOB MAN A BEAST. rENETBATKS MU8CLE A FIBliE TO THE V KC Y HONK We desire to say to our citizens, that for years We have licen selling Dr. King's New Discovery tor Uinsumption, Dr. King's New Life Tills, Kucklen's Arnica Sulve and Electric Bitters, nnd have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satis- tction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, nnd we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not tollow their use. 1 hese remedies have won tlieir great popularity iiurely on their merits, r. L. Jacobs, Urugxist. SIRS. S. STEVENSON Has removed to the Johnston DuUcIing, I'at- ton avenue, corner of Church street, where she la prepared to keep regular or transient hoarders. Table furnished with the best the market affords. Terms reasonable. marflldOni FOR MEN ONLY! A BACITIVE for LOST rrAILIKO aTAlTHOODj PTTTir Weakness of Body sas Kind: IfteeU VJ s eT.rrciraarEiMssaaiauiasr Isaaf, a.i. ur itmiiHin 11,11. sii. llw I. Uttfr; tmf llmxtam MKIt.l MIK'UMlt-HI IIKIIaS a PARTS.! tllDI, .iJL k. .1 H.IM. V.rHIrlM, .Ml 'MvlneMMItHM. M) ksa, iasraai Ull MISM W. MIIUS, I. k lrMHitdlv " ta Ih "at J AM ICS. FRANK, T" -DKsl.RR nfc"" : FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Aural for Kevins Creek Woolen Mills. North Main Street, . , Ashcville, N. C feliloilly , TLANTIC COAST LINK, On and after this date the follnwlnir srhed ules will lie run over Its "Columbia IHvlloa No. 88 Leaves Columliia B.VO p. tn Arrives at unarieaton h.ho p, No. 59 Leaves Charleston' 7.10 a, Arrives at Columbia 11. nil a. si Conncctinu with trains' to and front all noints on the Charlotte. Colnmbia ft An Kusta and Columbia Ik Oreenvilie Kallroads, uatiy. . T. M. BMBKHON, Co. Pa J. P. DBV1NB, Oca. Knpt, .Agt. r.usTAt:GLi;:i::.ET CITllEM HOM-OWrTpTm, CAKED IttOS, OBUU UlKir IN CATTLE ' HICKORY, N. C. CT.IMATR UNSUKPAS-SUD. miii,.ajgniii-iwnm I ti Vr I III L - 1 . .1 m The "HICKORY INN" is built of Brick, Btone and Iron, has all modern improvements. Gas and tilcctric Bells in each room, and Is well heated by nirnaees ; Hot and Cold Water baths and Toilets on each floor. Is elegantly furnished throughout. The tabic will be sup plied with the best the market affords. Excursionists to or from Ashcville can stop over at Hickory. For information as to climate, etc., address FRANK LOUGIIRAN, Proper, KATKS $2.50 to f.l.BO per Day ... . 7 HICKORY, W. C. ' 913, SIN ami SU1 per Week. , . . , ., . , , BLAIR FURNITURE COMPANY, . NO. 37 I'ATTON AVENUE, ' Wholesale unci Retail Furniture Dealers. Aud Undertakers. 1'rompt attention given to all orders day or uight. Residence s 39 Penland Street. febldly 2 2i 6ILT-EDGE PROPERTY FOR SAL! AT AUCTION, Monday, 13th day of May, '89. On the above dar we will offer for aalc at nubile auction on the aroumls without re serve, that valuable property on Colli ire ami Spruce streets belonidna to Mrs. Hum. I). Carter. It has a house with 10 rooms nnd all neces sary outhouses: is 160 feet on College street d Boo feet on Spruce, and within 75 yards of the Public Square - ' This Is a rare chance to Day a residence, business lot or make an investment .within the very heart of the city. Terms of Sale 25 tier cent, cash, remainder in six, twelve, eighteen and twenty-four months' time, with 8 percent. Interest, pay able semi-annually, on deterred payments. The procrty will be offered in lots and then as a whole on day of sale. Roth vitisen and stranger nre requested to call on us at our olfice on Public Square, llnr nard new building-, where all desired informa tion will be Riven, titles guaranteed. Natt Atkinson & Hona, Agents for Mrs. T, I). Carter. apriodlm STARTLING, BUT TRUE. -IT H E B I G After a sojourn of one yeur In this glorious climate of North Carolina, has passed the follow ing resolutions, to wit: To sell all ftoods, comprising a full and complete line of Clothing:, FurnishinglGoods, Hats, Trunks, Valises, etc., at 10 per cent. above actuul cost; To select Thursdny of each week as Bargain Hay, on which day all goods go at net cost. The success of Illg 22 has been must nattering, and to keep the ball rollinggooda will be sold cheuper than has ever been uttered to the trade in tlie history of Ashcville. Tin Big 23 gets there. Bill Cull and lie convinced that the ubovc statements are not merely Idle talk, but facts nnde uluUle. Yours to serve, ; .. 'i. . BIG a. KUSTEB'S 8ALE Bv virtue of a deed of trust executed to me by 11. K. Atkins, to secure the payment of a certain note mentioned therein, said trust being dated the 2 of Aiiril. 1HH7. and regis tered in the ottice of the RcglHter of 1 leeda of nuncoiniie county, In Hook No. 10 at page t'JSi, I will sell at the Court House in Ashe- willeon the Ifllh day of Mnv, Ihhu, the lot mentioned therein, situate son tne cast sine of llenot street. In the citv ol Ashcville. with front on said street of 1 32 feet and running back over 2i Ml fret a very desirable property. A. T. HI MMI'.Y, FOR SALE. Valuable Timber LandH. I have for sale about 11,000 acres of land in Rwaln coiintr, near Panther Creek, the Nantahftln fiver and tne line ot tne w. N. t . K. K. A greater Hirtion ol this land cont Ins the finest tinilKT that I know of in the State, apriodtf JAMKS 0. MAKTIN. Thla April 1,1, 1HM, aprio a ev tu t Trustee, run (enness J.W.SCIIARTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR THE CAROLINA SALOON, lias the Fluent and Largest Stock of WHISKIES, : BRANDIES ; AND i WINES, lvver Itrought to AtdtevlUe. - , '-.- I'urtics wishing u good article fur family or other purposes, will find it to their Interest to give me a call. Kcsiicctlully, . . 4 ni aril Idly '' Frank O'Donnell, Prop'r, - mV'l Or tht Llqior Habit, Positively Cared IT MMMtTtllM N. HAIIir ItlHR tfftlllt. II cantos ahna la a nan si aolea ae s se la as. Hesnat ssos, without the knowledge ul tbe pel -Kin taking It; It Is absolutely harmless snd will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether tbe patient Is a moderate drinker or an slmhollc wreck. IT Nf VEf) "AIL. WeQUARANTEE a eompwts curs la every Instsuoe. is page bout EE, Address In oonfldenee, Dili tPECIFlO CO, I W Rise (I, CkHkwitl.a frbllidswly tn th sat HltOOJI FACTORY. IIANFOAD N. LOCKWOOD. HAMD-HAUS Brooina, WhUkH, Hearth and ' Celling Broom. Milt and Factory grades a specialty. Quo. tattoos and samplca Tree, icbiuuiy rebuild ly 4 N. Main St. FOR RENT For the Summer Uluiitlit. A beautiful country home, conlainliiK five elegant rooms, uiccly furnished, situated in the beautiful Hoorr's Creek Valley, 10 miles from Ilendersonvllle, 13 miles from Aahevillc. Railroad station and imatofm-e near at hand Beautiful lawn, pure mountain water and delightful scenery. Gurilin vegetables, fresh butter and milk can lie had (very day. Terms reasonable, Apply to t, A PAHINHOLT, Room 11. Mcl.ottd Building, Ashcville, N C. UrJUHIil'll YOONUBMIOli, I'letcher's 1'. ()., Ileiidersvn Co., N.C. aprodlm " -"fijCsssssssBsssssassi-- gi ri fejlto faL. jty t SIIEPARD, MANN & JOHNSTON, FUNERAL - DIRECTORS, EMBALMING AND S "II riTPl N'G A SPECIALTY. 3- -31 PATTON AVUNUlTr -31 II. HreM ton will attend Calls Bay and Nlfclit. niarSldly t:ustai:g liisilieut CtTBF.8 ni,E8, BUKNH, CtTTB, f'ORNH, UltUlHia, CUlLliLAlNH AFK0BT1I1TE8 HUSTAIIG LIIIIUEIIT Rnonr.n axways be kbtt in bhop, 1UTCUKN, BTAULK AND FA0T0UY I HUSTAtiG LIIIII.-EIIT tlUSTAKQ VOOSR ClIhES BUEUMAT18M, LAME BACK' WRF.a FOOt AM," ftHOULTJEB-BOT. ANl KTlKr' JOlN lU Kl!U IN HA1U ' HCREW-WOftkl AND SCAB IN BUJBEP

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