A . Vo VOLUME V. ASHEVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1889 NUMBER 11. v Jr. ll P.OULANGER IN LONDON. ' orto kvknth, i F1:VER in FL(; THE Nl-W TKKRITORY. MOT MUX HLOOOHHHD BIT COPiFlBlON IN (il THKIE. Conduct of (ioverainent Official tteven-ly Criticined Hard ahina of fceltlcrM. Kansas Citv, Mo., April 2. A Jour nal special from Guthrie savs: "If ever the government opened the way to trouble and difficulties this has lievn the time. No town was ever built under audi great difficulties nor so quickly nor hHve there ever lieen so mnny disappointed men in so short a time. The niiliei)Hited hloodshc I .ver iiuailcr iteclions will not be recordc'., as the faruiei s scein disposed to pencea. Iv adjust all difficulties, and wlien they tind one (marter section occu pied move on until they tind another. link here in Guthrie all is confusion and the ftcling that iinisisition has been prac ticed row stronger, and str-tigcr .oid into the strip mid take claims. Siecclies were made by old time boomers, unci several hundred ieople voted to go to the strip at once. It is believed that 21 M) settlers will leuve to-morrow and tyke claims in tliestrii). If they do there are thousands of others who will follow. A meeting was also held nt the north line of Oklahoma yesterday, ' and many settlers siuatted on the strip. Of course this is unlawful, and settlers will in all likelihood tie driven out bv tSe military. his arrival vhkktko with ciif.f.kh and vhoanh. CKN, MICRRITT'M RliPOHT, No HerlouH Friction In Oklahoma ExaKiceraled Report. Washinotox, April 24. Tlie following telegram was received at the war depart ment this afternoon : Chicaw), April 24. To Adjutanl-Ociieral, (niied States Annv Washington, I). C: " " The following telegram, daUd Oklnh'i- tna stal ion yesterday is reeetfully re- - the bitterness ts n;W intense as tlie full i.....,.-n.l tin. ..lim nflh. mrnnn.) -'a I...J n' .... '.1... " . , ' V rtv un lVCd at . . .... ... ..uu 1 .nun jnuc mui cvcrytiiiii,: pro-. 1., , . , ,.,i ,, officials becomes lUer utidcrsto . Pub- ness..l ,t.a i.. - i.,A i I A ,! ige """ler u i: s. ... .....!. 1... 1. 1 1... '.. 1 ."'"".''.' , -.fathered on I lie ,.v ...xvv..... .... -v . .... Mi.uiivi. 1 ucic wf nu serious iriciioii 1 StaU and unitedly, at all of which the question is raised, how -.est to overcome the present situation. " The unauthorized and unwarranted settlement of the best lots by government officials and others has coinplicaied the situation, although . no feasible plan has yet bceu promised by which they Can lie ousted from their pos session. As stated yesterday the choice positions of this town were staked out Sunday niglitand, by 10 o'clock Monday they were taken possession 01. among thusiwhuUiokparU!!flisepriKivdinuSijJili.H-f -niluinr in-nll -srrt iiTtiir-r f Hi.. were United States marshals Janes and I counerv. In my opinion quite n number Needles, with at leasi fifty deputies each, of people have becu deterred froi cnter I'nited t'l..tes attorney Waldi on, United ing the country owing to exaggerated Sti.tes commissioner Calloway, register reports as to numbers' coming in and Inlle, judge Guthrie, of the Topcka dis- j difficulties of getting here. However trivl. itulfcC Hiram Dillrn, and others as from reports from Forts Sill, Reno and T. . i-i : i... i... .1:.. . , . r . prominent, iiiinis niwi ui iue ui- eisewnere I am satisfied tlie -.rra.nge- SChOMS 1 his is what causes tlie dis-; elsewhere BUlIKIttCllOM tll.lt HOW CAIS19. (13 UIC Jotirutd representative sjiw liiilawlul , squatting none, there is no hearsay ulxnit it. Until a late hour last night meetings were being held. Finally representatives from several Slates were elected who met and appointed a sub-committee to pre pare a plan of action. To-day another nertiiu' was held which ndiourucd until meals ierfcctcd ve ill prevent trouble ot any kind, though t!,ere may i . remote sections of the country be indi vidual cases of strife. . Signed W. Mkrkitt, llrig. Gen. Gku. Ckook, Maj.-Gcn. Heltlliiir Down. Sr. lH'is, April 24. Smvial to th-.' ParneU'H Mult Withdrawn From the IiiHh lour; A Colliery KaplOHlon, Ktc, Ktc. IIki sskus, April 24. Gen, Iloulanger, Count Dillon and six other members of the Itoulnngist ir tv left llrussels fir I'ngland at 7 o'clock last night. They ;ipicared to lie gloomy and dejected. No crowd witnessed tlteir departure nor wr-.s there anv cheering or enthusiasm. The parly sailed frotnOstendatOo'elock. Two hundred persons were present on the pier, but the depat lure of the Uou iiouihts was taken amid the same silence as that which prevailed in Brussels. M. lieuri Kochcfort remains in llrussels, although it is rejorled that he will short ly Ik exiwcted from the country. . London, April 24. Gen. Boulangerand Dover tins morning. if the General's friends pier and received htm with cheers. The tK'.ssagc front Otttend w.-.s a r ju.h one, and the General suffcr k from sea sickness. A police comtnis- :arv froi't Calais watched the party on government. The l disturbance of any kind. Ucports in .dicate th-it tliere are froi.i t(),tM)U to 1';, H)0 pco. le in the Territory. Cant. Mc- , , ... - , n . . 'HI V U UlitlB Will Arthur, t GiuhrreiKris ;.mt 3.IMN ;K,h-ul of ihf Krcnth iiivii, (iiiii iiieiviiix iroin o,inio, i.i,ihji in this ykihity and between bcri uml I'ureell.' l.icnt. lKid.v, of my stall', whom I ordered to I'ureell on duty returned last night about i) o'clock and rcporteil everything moving sntisfaetorily, ynd in coniing settlers cheerful and well dis- Hiseil, Ihismavbe said tobethecon- 'icneral "nd his friends proceeded at once for London. ' A crowd of several hundred jiersons, mostly French, awaited in tlie Charing Cross railway station the arrival of the train on which t'tcn. Iloulanger traveled runt Dover. - When tlie General emerged irom the train he was heartily cheered by '.lie people tnsi.le.. T'lere was a mixed crowd outside t'ic station whoalternate- Banc Ball. Washington, April 24. Tlie League season niened to-day. Washington 4; Philadelphia 8. Base hits Washington 0; Philadelphia 8. Errors Washington fi ; I'hiladelphia 2. Batteries Kcefe and Iibright, Buflinton and Clements. Baltimore Baltimore 11; Brooklyn 8. Base bits Baltimore 10; Brooklyn 11. Errors Baltimore 4; Brooklyn 4. Bat teries Kilrov, Tate and Foutx, Hughes, Lovclt and Clarke. Chati.anooga Chattanooga 4; Mem phisH. Ilasehits ChattaniMiga 5; Mem phis fi. Errors Chatanooga 4; Mem phis 5. Philadelphia Athletics 7; Columbus6. New York New York 7 ; Boston 8. Iudiannapolis Indiannapolis , 10; Cleveland 3. A: lanta Atlanta 3; Birmingham 1. Kain. , Waahinirlon Races, Washington, Apiil 24. This is the first day of the spring meeting of the National Jockey Club at Ivy City. - First race, 5 furlongs, all' nges Tips taff won; Hnranihome second; Tom Hood third. Time 1.03' j. Second race, 1 mile, for three-year-olds and upwards Burch won ; Panama sec ond; Barrister third. Timel.44'4. Third race, handicap sweeHtakes, 1 mile Bess won ; Brail second ; . Boaz third. Time 1.44i.i. Fourth race, 0 furlongs, for three-yenr-oldsand upwards Komp won7llelia second; M.iia third. Time 1.17. I'ifih race, handicap steeplechase, rcg FEVER IN FLORIDA. the m r;i:onh;kni:r ai. stvs THKKK IH NO DANMK, ly h .ted (tnd cIrxtci; him, althou;h it ular course Wentmore refused to jump; w. s announced that M. Kochcfort w.aild Liglilhouse Ixilted course; Killarney fell, rem ii'i in Brussels, and that be ucoin- leaving race to Elphin and liercuk-s. El- j ai.ied the Gcnenl and Count Dillon to phin won by half a length. ' imdon. (icn. llouhuvicr was i t nedi- The weatbef was beautiful and tlie lely driven to Hotel l'.ristol, where he rack was in a finer condition than for vill establish his hcrdtjuarlcrs for the years. 1 here were aliout 3,(MI0 specta rcscnt. A large crowd of his ndmirers tors present. Xathcrt'!'. in front f the hotel ami ex le ided a cordial welcome to him. The crowd on Uidc the station is esti mated t: have minilKved 2,M)0 persons. Thcv . r. ;: icd and hissed the General as well.: hot ted and cheered him. The He Leave lo Confer With the Florida Board of Health No Concealment. Washington, D. C, April 24. An As sociated Press reiiorter saw surgeon t;eneral John B. Hamilton to-day, anil lad a talk with him concerning the case of yellow (ever rcorted at Sanford, Fla., and the ossihility of a spread of tlie dis ease or recurrence of the epidemic of last year. Said Ir. Hamilton, "I learned of the appearance of yellow fryer at Sanford from two sources yesterday from a sjie ci.'tl agent who h'ts I icon travelling the State since the subsistence of the plague of 1888, and from Dr. K. P. Daniel, presi dent of the State board of health. This fact shows that there will he no attempt made tojconcenl tlie presence of the dis ease as was done last year, and, such be ing the c-se, the dungcr is larvly re duced. The fear and panic excited by the knowledge that the true eo i.iili n of nl: fairs is icin sunpresse 1 does m.ich more harm, m my judgment, than t.ic lever it self." "What nrc tl.e probabilities of another outbreak of tlie lisease tins year." "1 shall not lie surprised if there were a considerable niinilicr of cases. The dan ger chiefly lies in tlwse towns and cities which had .tlie plague last year. In places that were visited llien, tltere is a large proportiomrf necIiiiiiitetT residents who have bad the h'Vfr,andnre,llicrcforc,salc who can remain to nu He and cure for a..y wh a.e sick, s-. that lite disease may couiiarntivelv easily controlled." "Are von pn-par.d t iimii.ijc auv oul- bn'ak, sl'ouh'. il Kvtt 1- I.AH111CII IN Till; PAN, Beating the Record. San I'kancisco, April 21. In the Pa eilic Derby yesterday Czar made I'd miles in 2.3(i, the fastest Derby ever run in America, licating the record of 2.36H The CUIzenH MeelitiK al the Court House VeHlerrtHy Afternoon. Alioub five Ientocrats and thirty Re publicans attended the citizens' nteeling held at Ojiera Hall, at five o'clock yester day afternoon, to devise wnysand menus of nominating a cilirens' ticket to run for ciy offices in the present municipal con test. , Cnpt. Win. Cocke, jr., moved that CapL. M.J. Fagg be elected as chairman of i,tc meeting, ami Capl. Fagg was elected. It was decided that no secretary was needed, and Cnpt. Natt Atkinson was c; 'led upon to explain the object of the nn-eiiiig. He did so by staling that a citizens' ticket, composed a'ike of Jlem ocrats and Kepubl'eans, should be nomi nated in opposition to the straight out Demotvulic ticket now in the, field, claim ing th:. I the candidates tixm that ticket were inexiieiieuced uud not altogether eomiieleut of judiciously managing the iiffai s of the city in suchii inunncf as to meet with the satisfaction and approba tion of a majority of the tax-payers of the city. . " This statement led to an inquiry by someone in the assembly as to what had lieeome of the "citizens" ticket published in Th Vn'iilifi. Capl. Atkinson there iiMin announced to the meeting that he was authorized by mayor Harkius to say to the assembly tli .t he (Ilarkitts) was not a candidate for election ukjii that ticket. Mr. J. B. Liudscy then an- Yes; niiR'h '. tier than ever liclbrc. ttotitweil that ucing bv the consent of tamp retry ts in such ai -ntlitiou Hint tt Mr, T. C. Browu, he would announce can I put in oblation i twenty-lour ; tb , t, .llU(.num M me off the hours. But it w ill lie much U tter if we . . . r do not have to fit up ic!u.;ee c imps. To I tKlvl u,,d Mr- A- T- Suiii"ey, from the do Ih's would lend to ovate a pioi'c in I oilier side of the room, said that he was tlie surrounding towns, and I hat is lhe,110t present ut the convention that .nosld.ll.cult.h ng lor us t. c-tilrol al-1 ,,,;,,,, hj ,le km.w potli ol)out reudv. I have received mcss'i es ol in- . ' , , ,. , ,uirv. sh .wing an ah t meti sl ue of milt- ll ws " "1 ld A HEAVY LOAD TO CARRY. NO COLORED ALDERMAN-MO COLORED YUTba. I IH H-l llll llir WIIHII llll'I t- IM III! II II 1 1 II I . I - I IIIIL W IMI Lfl liar I HTll I II V Lllf IIITM'IIL 1 i . . . - .: . i ..it iiiiIik netii't-r! ut' t-o nun ii(i u nrtiAtiittr inHiir nv ivn Aim iJiiiiKViiif in l mm i - . . . . I ,i m irniui tAr ll hi tilt uil ii tti I Ivll ill ilM Ii'iiiii I 'lini'll I I i:i v Ail-. . -.. " " Mil i: I I I ....... I. . .f i oo i I ... ... I "TZ;: ;. ; : .h.., vt rn,.n -v., v ,,. t , . M i,-T , l, l . l.ve ' the city. In m inte. view I and that of C. II. Todd at Chicago tn i " " "i" " " .. T.'. " camlalate u,k... theso-called us a eamltdate k.r aJilerntaa. atto that the ruimirs of murder hoe veslerdav rate that evcryVvaih.ble rpia, tc,s,vtion. '''' ftf W"" hm'ffl 18h7 Iwatch over Floiid U''''-- ' U .-esolutio,,, which was carried were unfounded. j ..Hand is already taken. Along the lines f JlSbm'tt'o Sl'GICITION TO UK. TAlV. susiecil of the existence of fever, and1 ARerthis general Hash in the pan all mously, that, the negro vor SCAKC.TV..FF.K.D. . " ,1 . " ! . mbar. ass lvngland s rchttions with .. ; .. -Hfjial.S...iM.fU t. i..c ...ttiy otte I laroaml. Cpl. Aikmsou oHen-U a rm.lM-1 tneir eolire .ttpport to any party AH day yesterday food was almost im- V Tiki, .o 1 )l , -I'mncc . Tl.e Reply of Honlhern Clem- '"v ""L"1 1?."! tHt' "'.'I"?' mmx l S '' that it was the sense nating a suitable member of the J possible t . obtain and to-tlay it was not tlle mil)1lls ot tl)l. .a ilave . In nt.iN, April 2t.-The case of Parncll ". Werntosi on Mia- ,'.;J T V. IiV.i.. V. ,.i ,r :! .".iiir V... f tH- nuvUiiK Unit Jie chairman should race, 'lor alderman .of the cttv of tniiih iM'ttfl I lU'M IS titW riitlVHK 111 1 1 11 . , i i . . i i . 1 1.... : i1..- 1 I '1'"- ""' " . . . , I mi . ... and tiirfe or lour uiriy Kr,,liy lumn imtio .....i ;M .,..-... .i:.... 1 :miiiiiil rum ilu Uki ii ihwm hwihihiu 1 -: An inti Ann j(t Tlu LVv s inum A . . . .1 : . ...(..... . stands to feed 8,000 !o 8.IHH ,K,,ple.. As "V "'abimt or iViiiiir h iii'st-s The ittitl litore . he exche, ner division of lier 1'. Kichnnisou. a Wading MethodisV E! ,"""TJ':., "?u "T"" ""T "rtmMM " " . r'S soon as lreiMht business ts resinned this Ki ,mlis7.or i..m. ,,,.... waK ((IK.1M,., v.,st.r. ; Maiestv's high court ol justice in Ireland, miais.cr and presiding elder of Georsria. I .,.7;.'" "r":,.!.' .;.. ,.r i. i mmM ''"a " ",rl,,t'r '""ml1" ten comliiuation all support, which will improve, so that hy tl.e end ot tlie;,, ,, tllli,s ;rc 10KirU,, 1(; ,1!lvc I j,,,,. April 24,-Anvx plosion has has Matt a wply ,.the Kev. T. I Witt ,, lh- .la.i.W winch wwe ' "'" qMll.Ik-ail. awl the to tAmt such negro upon u tk'kH week all can Let enouii lo eat. ' . . i. i :, ., ,, ,,- . T..il,, w wkn mwitl.- ,,r...l,.J ; rUur . .. . ...i. .t. . . ..i i.i : ..... -mil. !.....( t.iHnv u 1,..,. i, rT """" " j curreii in ine iraiicrieiii coiuorry at ; I"""-"- " ; promulgated " t lie Sixth ot t.us moiilll wnoie iweniymx diioiiio nuiiimine i nuivininm also pledged Its . .'. "... . ' h I?.. " n ! n'1: l'"",,tr.v . to "" i I'ml.ani. l-ive trs..n killc.l. . ; tnistrgenalmn Mr. kKhrds..n says: ,(tT n(,mir,lMv m.te.l for -arrving out ! tkkct. to Ik- submitted for ratification at ! suiioort to the ..m;.u . tu I I It'll ItiiiU inn lilt hill. i 11 flic liiiiif'iiriuii'i' dav.al .io time lewer than sixty nu n' , ,hi jt is t.v;(U.,;i;. (lt lllt. j liemg mere. Aline posiomcc i tie same ..... .,.. ,,u, .,,, .,.., over. sight could be seen, ulso at the express ami baggage otttce. Men nave neen wan ing pnta-tltly since yesterday lo get their baggage or expressed goods and have stood, the majority of them, for hours in line onlv lo hear tint they had not yet come, tliough shipied more than a weed ago. This accounts for the ilicltcrlcss condition of many. Last night there were many cold, hungry nioit.ds in this place, while there are but lew who can divide. Those who c;;n are doing so clicerl'allv. A second night's exposure j will send many who expected to find homes here lo their long In, me. TIIII-VKS AND FA K IKS. The city is full of thievesand confidence tiifn am ( fakirs. While without au thority the I), a. Marsnais nave yn river unm aiicr uars, wnen ne mane nis ordered the arrest of all who are ei -. way towards rot t Keno. The rest of Ins gaged ill robbing people by these, gamcsrl jarCy were killed. A detail of Co. C, tilth At least a d zen sncu worsers are acre. ; ooiiniijr wcic hhhimv nm to me scene to Viknsa, April 24.. T iiaiucs resumed oja i ntiotis to-dav liuiidied anil Idtv em's arc now rum The .strikers have been rest old sisilioiis. ORDEKS TO IMT.M AJiTl'.RH. 1 rHitiMt understand how anv man ith Mr. Tabling siK'lt a miserable doctrine ol mistrgcua- tramway com- ! ... Ur , . "H- jmr.ses o. the net. I lie hoard is ; ss ,nwli)IM , K. IX i . , , . . iiiriu iie in t v ut iiiiiifiMiii.il i,i tax now running, , .. , " . ' nx-ei ns, w:iicn an- set apart as tomiii lo orrd to their !"" W, l,t'l':r t'7 ""t"' ! j I used for the real purposes of State." Hhe w- rkol lheAlmiglity and blend two! W,K.rt is .Saniv'rd, the seat ol the . .'ieh distinct races ns t. e African and the 1 n.,,.i ,,ihrr. k " Oliaerved The 30th I it Ht wilt lo he ana Holiday. Washington, April 24 Postmaster general Wanamaker t'j-day issued the fol lowing order: "The President having recommended i It'll nu 11.1H ill' I 111 nnti.i-u ,,t' iiliui.rvfiiij .if the Centennial of the Inauguration of 1 c.v ""f0,.0 Pr"du tllV'r aM.'i. This the hret 1'resnletit, a iHrtHn ol 30th ol t nu. .h..u..t . is pit w i k utiLwi .tin ctucasi in you ,, cr.iy ti, mjr out ana lt i Bboui one hunted mdes, almost velop the Iwid traits in each, but diret.,,v &t of Tai,,,,.. Sn Crtlt.a weaken the hunittn family The nero is Fu)1.UHi. I ean rcadilv atiount for the a:' dint' at from tlte while man as is the , f,!,. a:.,, ii,.,,,, n:.,,i.. and that out ol the rush and strile and bitterness of vcars, the cotintrv has lieen Settled with less sacrifice than has al ways lieen feared and predicted. ; Killed by TexaiiN. Chicaoo, April 24. A siecial dispatch fro, a F i't.Kcna, I, 1., says: "A settler named -Goodwin arrived at Fort Keno yesierday from 'Oklahoma, :.nil made a sworn statement lo the pusl commander I hat his party of four had lieen fired iton by a paity ol twelve Tcxaus whoclaimed a location made by Goodwin and paity. The Texans claimed the laud, having lo cated there with Cm, it. Pavne several 1 A, venrs nrcvious. Goodwin made his es- ihiiiitunviim in nu,i..r.,.;i ili,,t it i The same rule cane, and hid in the thick brush nlon. the,;. .nt.,l . ' . ' twoen the animals 1-irst. I'ostmastcrs arc nutlionzed to " "' "v'.. ."v.v..t ...... ...v ,or n,,.. lcs,r,ived the desti action ceased. The eople would not Live up coon from tlie fox or the wolf from the 1 dog. That the Almighty intended that tliese races should be kept separate and distinct is evidenced by the fact that while they re.", lily cross, let two midi'.l- os mm ry and in thelouuh g tiKr.it rm six miles from linterpr'sc, across the lakes wnei-c the fever raged last yein , and there was interrupted intercourse be tween the places. After the liver was subdued, nil attempt was made at dig infecting the place, but it was not thorough, by ny tne:.ns; nothing like the house to house insiiecfioii and dc--i .....t r :..r..i..j ..i : i ... Bll Utllllll 1,1 llllttl t.tl IllfltVl I tl tlllltttl applies to crosses lje-,onflt j;il.k!,,mv'.tc by u.is.dep.ti tmcnl, i I have named. The k.o -. u. ...,..: .,.,J.i . uu, ni, i , i it if , , ' m i iv 1 1 , t,t,i.. vi im nolhiuu cscaiK's the piekiKK'kels. Last night the usual meetings were held, ami it is h .ped that by to-day, order will come of confusion. CLAIM Jl'MPKRS. laving out lots recover the mi ics, and make a lull m vcsti,ati n, a .d arrest all suspicious kt sons in the vicinity. in streets, .:it i l. ' .... ti.mimr ttint t'tithne, ( Ikliui' una, SilVS llU&lllJj .I"""... l..ri.i;,.ni..MH..H tlu. Iu.l-r .... An Indian RlMlng. C'lMCAi.o, April 24.. A siiccial from Kistng ol when the survey is made they wi'l have something. Men are holding lots by themselves and friends are having sur veyors run lines, and there are as many different lines as there are conflicting in terests. Mr. Walilron's exerience is a fair sample of the way things are done. Yestcrdiiv, he had a corner let, to-day the same hit faces an alley, while the IV ;ut of it, is occupied by some one else. Another lot which was supposed to lie on a eor.ier Monday was held r.t $3,000 Monday night; last evening $100 was asked, and ten offered. The lot having been surroiin le 1. The disgusted are al ready leaving in force. - Seven coaches loaded pulled out for the North yester day ufterno n, while many wagons ure tt"w headed for their idd homes. A COWHUV KITHH.' account of the boomers who failed to get Oklahoma claims, squatting on the In dian lands. A party of t, 'oops are on the wav to the scene of trouble. observe the usual holiday hours on that u,!' m lne man. as isaisonis dav " : entire anatomy, lne Lord created the Second. When it is possible to do so, ' n1ero, '.' il tltsil"Vd without detriment to public service, their Uthat hf " ni:.in. To amalgamr te the ofliccs should Iw close.1 at or Ix-forc nine tw0 dwarfs the ai-ecws and weakens o'clock, a. nt in order that employes ; Svery niental and physictal power. To have an opportunity to comply oivtio,ie eiincr .w hi tuucsi. sirengLn may KAU ON THE TRACK. ; The ie of I.olt A Ieceiit on r - - the Cherokee Strip. St. Lot'is. Anril 24. The following items are gleaned from correspondence from dint-rent parts of Oklah una: Deputy marshal J. G. Vmnuia, just ar rived at "Cut' trie, says that Martin Cal - bert, a wealthy half breed cattle man of the Chickasaw nation was killed in a quar rel over a claim by a man named Nolan. Over in the new town of Noble, the marshal says the scenes were the most exciting he ever witnessed. Texas cow boys uud half breeds mounted on the ..cetest ponies that conld lie procured, started on a dead run with Winchesters in their hntuls. Their horses were urged to the greatest "iiossible Sliced and took eminl interest in tlie chase. These men were employed by a wealthy Texas cow lioy and within a few hours alter noon thev had their town government organ ized, mayor and citv oilicers elected and the new town has 1500 inhabitants UI'THRIK LOTS At the town meeting in Guthrie yester day, it was resolved to make all town lots 25x140: all streets 80 feel, and al leys 20. A motion to rc-survcv all lots and streets and nptiortion them among the botifi tide settlers was carried. This was designed to dislodge companies which have put employes on several lots. Tlie Oklahoma. Hardware Co. had - twelve lots reserved, but relimpiishcd six i t" avoid trouble. The lown officers are pt if t cK-cied ibis evening. The city now covers three sections, or six times Ur: reserved town sile. to say nothing of siragglinjli l.ils around. The sieciilafion in lots is already high. Several have changed hands tw.i or three limes al ready. Many are held at $t,ootl each and some have Sold Iiir $500. TO IIKSCKNII ON TDK CIlKkOKKH KTKII. A large meeting ol the Oklahoma Iv min ers who have rnileavorc.! to gctilaims in t he rush and scramble of the past two days warfhcld at Arkansas City last night. The purpose of the meeting wastoorgan ixe tlie Cherokee slrip cojotiy, the mem bers of which were to go immediately A Neirro'n Head Hevered From Hla Body, Kie. - I'.i.mwooii, N. C, April 23. ThiR morn ing at an early h ut, a dead negro man was !' tind o i the W. N. C. railroad track, half a milee-tst ofLl nw'Hid. Lis head had lieen severed fri m his ImkI y, prcsumr.' ly by one oT the engines work ing on the road at Third Creek bridge, where a freight train was wrecked last week. The dead men turns out to lie ii railroad hand from Newton, named John "Underwood. A big dance mid regular debauch took place last ni-. lit' at thi ll use .if a negro named Scott I liifcr, who illciriillv s .Id liuu ,r to the crowd. A i 1. ii-ui. ntimtif.r nl' ni...rip u'hn hrtil bcvn em love . ill innl'iing tlie icmtiornrv bridge ' ver Third Creek, were at the lance. Il is supposed the deceased, niter leaving the house ofl'hiicr.siat'tcil up the railroad and at last becon ing- unable to go farther laid down on the truce. An arm was cut on which seeincd to nave been supsirting his head. The coroner front Statesvillc will 's.- here al 12 m., when an inquest will be held. with the proclamation of the President issued on the 4th instant. Third. Postmasters must arrange for the receipt and dispatch of the mail that may arrive and depart during the time the iKJStoffice is closed. noND OFFRKINCS. Rond offerings to-day aggregated $3U.r,700. $350,000 foursatT2y were rejected ; the remainder were accepted at KIN for for four-and-halfs and 129 for fours. HTOR9J IN ATLANTA. ' F.1MUKMIC NOT POSMIHI.lv. Two Men Killed byaFallluic Wall Other Daniaxe. 'Atlanta, April 24. One of the heftv icsj. rain and hail storms ever known Iiere began to fall at 4.30 p. m. It was a vei'.talile cloud burst. At the time it eirnn to fall meni! icrs of the tire i icnar't ntcnt were inside the (ackson building which was burned Sutiifay and the walls of which were still standing, l-'ire had br ken out among the debris and the men wei'e thereto put it outs The storm burst suddenly and liefore they c iuld get out the I'ri-ir street wall fell in upon I hem killing ; firemen W. P. Ix?ach and Harry II- well -and in luring others. Iv-ch's body was found in a short time, liuC al ! o'clock Howell's had not Ix-en reached. Iloth firemen were man icd men ami leave families. Ivy street mis sion building was ' lown d iwn and com pletely dest:-i ycd. The loss is alxtttt $1,000. The fence of the baseball park was blown down and the buildings slightly damaged in different parts of the citv. they must remain entirely distinct and separate. 1 have lived among neroes all of my life, and carefully studied their natures and hubits. Thy are utterly devoid of virtue, honesty, or gratitude. Their passions are as uncontrollable as those of a wild animal. It took the Greeks, one of the finest nations-on earth, more than 1,(M0 years to hi ing themselves up to tl.at degree of culture for which they were re markable, and yet Dr. Tabmjre proposes l accomplish thr.t same result , with the lowest and most depraved race in the human family. If Dr. Talmnge is really sincere in his theory, I suggest that he marry one of his da ughters to the black est nego he can find, and then tiy the crossing process in his own family liefore lie forces it upon an entire nation. NEW NORFOLK DRV DOCK. their protKilv unk-ss paid for il and nrcat measure, tnc i isieeti(n stopjx-d. Sanford vers visited by yellow fever in 1KH7, whe , here were 'ISO cases there, the presence of winch was concealed by llieaulhoi itics. Thai isthethiug most to be feared, suppression of facts. If publi cation can ii ly lie secured, apprehen sion and teiror all ivcd, the greater part of the difficulty in controUng the disease is overcome." Dr. Hamilton left Washington this evening for Jacksonville to confer with the State I!oi;rd of Health mi regard to ott llaz.ard, .C. Waddcll, Gco.S.Pow- mct'sures for preventing the introduction or spread oi me coiuag. us disease, RF.PORTORIAI. Rll'IM.FS. The Haiiforrt fane Not Virulent Fery Precaution Taken. Jacksonville, Apiil 24. Dr. Daniel, resilient of the board of health, has de clared that the death of Mrs. Charles Demonl, of Sanford, was Irom yellow le ver. She had lieen sick two weeks and her health had lieen bad for months. The ease was not of a virulent or infectious type, but was sporadic. There are no other cases in the family and the house is isolated and all precautions have lieen taken. Sanford lias voluntarily embar goed her people from leaving for fifteen davs and has prohibited traffic from 5 p. m." to T.30 a. m. There are no fears of an epidemic. 1'nder the new health laws every Hiint in the Slate is kept under close wutch on reports of doubtlul cases. On requests Irom thecitizens, State health officers will visit the town and make an exhntisrivc examination. The Sanford ease is the first and only one this year. Tlie Slate board has ample funds for prosecuting its work nnd more would Ik rendilv appropriated if needed. Tlie board is couiMised of the liest medical and san itary experts iu the Slate clothed with almost despotic puwers and it may al most be said that neither tmnic nor ex tensive epidemic is possible in Florida lliio year. Mr. H. C. Wall, late editor of the Kockiiigham Rocket, is autographed at the Swannanoa, The Thlnicvalla I.lne Will Pay. Philadelphia Pa., Apt 11 24. Messrs. Flinch, lidyoiSt Co., of New York, agents of Thingvalla 1'ue of steamers to which company the lost Ilnnmark belonged, to-day lelegraghed to this city that they have received a cable from Coxnhagen directing them to pay the owners of the Atlantic transHirt steamer Missouii for the cargo which the last named steamer jettisoned for the puriHiscoftnnk'ngrontn to accommodate tlie Dnnniark's pas sengers. Ivaaea and Hrooklyn Arrived. Nkw York, Apiil 24 The I', S. steamer Hrooklyn, whk'h come home from the Asiatic station under sail in coiiseonfncr of the breaking of her shaft, ariived off Sandy Hook at noon lo-day. She is lic ing towed itt. The lissex front the Asiatic squadron auto arrived here this morning. 1 - Strike In ttyracutte. Svkacpsk, N. Y., April 24. The wages of workmen in the tulie works here were recently cut down ten per cent, and 150 of them struck at noon to-day for the restoration of fot mer rates. F'onnallv opened VeMterdav The RiRKeHt in the Country. Fort Monroe, Va., Apr 24. In the presence of a select company of ala'ml rightv rcpresciitative business men of New York and n rescclablc spi ink'ittg ofnuval officers and newspaiK-T men of Wasniiigton, the new diy dock of the Cnesajieake Irv DK-k and Consli itclion conipraiy was formally openetl at New poit News to-day when the monitor Puri i.u n was docked. The dock is by far l'l.j;;(Bt In tlie United Slates, tiie di mrnsi ns Steing as follows: Inih at top, 600 feet, width at top, 130 feet; at bonom 50 feet; width ol entrance, 93 fvl; dr." ft of water over lite si'', 25 feet. Capacity K,.r.Oo,(MM) ga'lons. The dink was built in two years by Simpson&Co., being lite fourteenth they have con hi.iucted. A ' er i he successful d ckiug of the Purl tan a bi nquei wus given, at which S;i"cc1ics wee made to loi anil toasts, bv tiovei.ior Ix-e, of Virginia, to "The Old Dominion," A. A. Lowe, of New York, "Mercl"Mit Marine," Surgeon-Gcndral Hrown, " 'nrNavy," Representative Can non, "f Illinois, "Congress," and F'rcd Mus ty, "'I he.Piess." lnlormalsieeches were also made by State Senator Unco.:, of Illinois, and A. H. Simps 'n, Sp:akcrol tne House of Representatives of V;rg! i1a. The I'm i an was fi.uud lo lie in gtnid condition but it was discovered that one blade of her starboard propeller had been broken off. . Reg"ster now, if you wish to vote in the election to la-held in this city on May 6. Tobacco sold at high figures at all the wareh- uses yesierday, and otic, inns were comoaiativcly liliernl. Tickets fiom Ashcvi'lc lo the Washing ton ecileaiiinl celebration al New York, go on sale at the station in this city lo- niarow. Infoi uiat'..n -eceived in th;s city yes 'a a ii ii ni' Im death of Mrs. S. II. Steele, of Kentucky, matherof Mrs.Seaa lor Vtiiue. The itimor concerning l;c reported wrecks on tlie Westcnt Noi th Ca.olina railroad Wednesday evening prove lo have been absolutely without foiiudat ion. Work upon the Cuth !ic clutiicl, eor.ier lia wood ami Flat s. reels, has lieen coirnteuced a, id the coinplci'on of the edifice wiM lie vigorously pus e rforward. The seventieth unnivcrsaiy ol'Swaimu noa Iodge, No. 50, 1. O. O. F., will be celebrated 'ii great s1iiih-, ut the lodge room to-morrow evening, iKguining ut 8.30 o'clock. A Convention Held by the col ored People at the Court Houims L4UM) Nliihla , A small handbill circulated among the colored voters of the city yesterday after noon announced that a meeting would be held at tlie court house at night, and urged also a full attendance of the afore said voters. - : Accordingly, at 9 o'ekark about two hundred clorcd men had assembled fat the building after the several times ring ing of the bell, and an organization was perfected by the election of Rev. E, J. Car ler permanent chairman and Charles E. Lane permanent secretary. ' C has. Lane explained the object for which the meeting was called by saying that the time had come when the colored Republican should and must receive rec ognition according to services performed for their white brethren. He, for one, was tired of being told to "wait a little longer." He had listened to that cry just as long as he intended to listen. White Republkans who thought that a negro was not good enough to fill office, must be taught a lesson. If the negro w:ts not fit to hold public offije, he certainly was not fit to vote Tor white Republkaus to fill them. The negro had been "counted out" at every convention, and this sort of pro ceeding was growing monotonously weary ft him. He thought that there were as decent negroes in AshevuTe as thete were white men, and one of those uegioea must be recognized by the so called ".citizens" or Republkan uomina. ling conventions at this time. He defied cither of these conventions to nominate a tk-ket without placing a negro upon it offered unanw-ptedge nouii negro Asbe- eontetf party or refused The ttnanimons sen. Tom Forney said thut there was some thing "ieeoolyer" alxwt that "citizen's" 'icket published in the papers, and he flwught there was a large-sized cat in that parlkular barn, judging from the way tlie rats ran out yesterday after noon. "We must have a colored alder man," lie said, "and any party that will place him upon its tkket we will sup- inn t. t-omcy said that the Democrats had come out iu the oiien and nominated a ticket like gentlemen, but the other side the white Republicans, mugwumps and fl ..doodles were "monkeying" with lite con red brother in a very loose and careless manner. It was hard to find out where that "cilizen's" tkket came from. It had a father once, but be had died away. The mother couldn't get away, and thecotored voter knew exactly where to find her every pop. "A colored alder man for this chile," shouted Thomas, and took his seat. I'roS- E. IL Ltpacombe, in a dignified and able speech supxrted the resolution offered by Lane. He said he was as much opposed to negro rule asany white man iu North Carolina, but he did think the negro wns entitled to receive that portion of right, justk-eand benefit which his capability and qualificatkm fitted him to receive. He would vote for and supjiort an able and respectable colored man for alderman of the city, but no other. He was in full sympathy with me movement, but was violently op losed to the formation of a negro party, " lieen use, he sincerely thought it would result in harm tu his race morally, intel lectually and otherwise. Other sieeches were made, each advo cat'tig Lane's resolution, and a commit- ' i r i . . . immense si ilc, private boxes, latest --- """-"" ij. imeuio select lour style oK'ra chairs, an immense assoit- incut of elegit a iy painted sceneiy, siage laid at the court house this evening. The resolution was discussed by Capt. Atkinson, Cnpt. Fagg, Col. Lusk and Maj. Muloite, the latter olfcringas a substitute for the resolution, he instruction of tlie committees ap pointed to nominate a Republican can didate for Mayor, one Republican alder man, and two Democratic aldermen. Sonic spicy debating wns had uH)ii the sulislil ute and it was finally withdrawn. Capl. Atkinson's resolution was adopted, the coiuiiii'tlcc of sx was up po'iiied, and it is said that the culmina tion of yesterday's labors will lie made manifest at the court house this evening at eight o'clock. THE NKW, OPERA HOI'HK. It will t'OHt Twenty-F'lve Thous and Ilollara. A really first -"lass tqiera house is to be' e celed in Ashevi'le at once It will cost $23,000, and will lie one of he finest in the Southern Stales. The incorporators are Messrs. K. R Rawls, t. S. Mot.ison, C. 1). Illanton.W lv. : rcesc, J. K. Kankin, C. T. Rawls, F.Hi- d', M. K. Carter anil T. W. Patton, and a meeting of this body has lieen called for M 'Unlay, Apt il 20, for the purpose of organ .at ion. The building adjoins the Swannanoa hotel projierly, has eighty feet '.tint, is .'150 feet deep, and wi'l, when arranged, seat about 1,H00 or 2,000 people. The theatre priqier is lo be itjHin the lint floor of the structure; w'U lie fitted up wi: h all the latest appliances, modern convcncncics, '"re cscnics, numerous exi.s in front, rear and sides; galleries, Murat Malnlead Improved. . Cincinnati, April 24. Murat Hal stead's condition is so much improved that his sons who were called home from the East have returned, As soon as he is able to leave llalstead will probably take an outing at some health resort. I.ee JuNtun' Death. . llrnilrrnunvltlc. Times, April 24. Mr. Lee J. Justus, who left Henderson ville about last Christmas on account ol bis connection w ith the affray wh'ch re sulted in the killing of Mr. J. L. Ilollings worth, died in Mexico on Apt 'I 8, of small pox. Ilc was sick only two days. He had been in Mexico nlHitit one mouth, and was employed by Mr. F. W, John stone, on the Mexican Central railroad. llis dentil is well established by telegrams and a newspaicr from that cotmtty. We are glad to learn that his lamilv is con soled by the evidence of his complete rctormalton wha-n took place immediate ly after leaving his home. They have the sympathy of the community on account oi tneir sore bereavements. A tauve Hohliery, The HcndersonviMe Times of yesterday gives the following particularsof a grave robliery, occi . ing in Fuii view township Monday night: At Fair View, Huneomliecot'iUv, aswe lea a from Mr. Hen VV'ilraiiis, whocnri ics t lie mail lietweenlletidcrsonr'HeaudtuMt place, Mr. Tom Tate, wh'lc waHiii;, a wc'ltorl'rol. A. ti. ltrown, was kii'ed by a falling si one which Fit him on the head. He was bin led, anil on Monday r-ght Dr. 0. A. Wise, and Messrs. . II. L. Asiiworth and J, V. jay, who arc study ing medicine under the doctor, were caught in the act of stcali'ig the body f.om the ground. They had it in a sack, nnd were wn" ''ig away with it, when discovered. They were made lo sur render t he laxly, and now the physician has been arrcsled, wb''c the studcnls a -c waiilcd, but cannot lie found. Dr. H. R, Weaver has gone to Walla Walla, Washington, on a prosiiecting tour. He will return in about two weeks. st, tin ,s, etc. " :k,n,it c lpiCs-wi'1 cover the floors, and gas and elecit Icily w!'l illuminate the (..; ! e house. Evri,, thi'lg about the bu;UI jg wi'l lie rehllcd and renovated, cs IKiially the strengthening of floo s, wal's, i lc; and., in addition to lie'.ig one of the most perfect places of the U'ml in tlie South, w ''1 lie made one of the safest and easiest of approach. There wi;' be no Btnrways to c':mb, nor no t! icomfot table c-owdiiig of space. Ventilation will lie especially looked af ter, and eveiy detail wi'l be carefully car- '.cd out under the d:rct'lion of a compe tent architect. llis learned that work will lie com menced up it the new opera house im mediately after the organisation of the company, anil that the house will be I'.inmiHy opened at the beginning of the theatrical season of 1HN'.)-'1)0. Mien an 0iera House as tins promises to ' e, has long lieen needed in the city, uud thai its establishment will piovc to lie a great financial success, tliere is not the merest shadow of doubt. lleelinx of Hie Director. A 8eciul meeting of the board of di rectors of the Y. M. C. A., of this city w'M lie held at the office of dipt. J. S Adams iu Legal building, this afternoon at 5 o'clock. It is important that each member of the board should lie prompt iu attendance. The Prbnerty Hold. Mr. D. C. Waddcll has sold his property on South Main Bt.-eet. The auction sale advertised for May 4, 1HHI), therefore, will not take place. c I red men fr' in their n,i.i it. ... "v in nrc - ciLy, whose names are to I presented to he so-caMcd "citizens'" convention to lie h- ld th s even'.ig, with the demand that one of tue four shall be placed upon the ticket lo lie nominated at said coaven- n. 1 he committee retired nnd In a lew minules brought in the following names: Chus. E. Lane, M. I). Erwin, J. r. wiugnte, a. ll. Lipscombe. 1 hese names will lie presented to the con yen lion to lie held at tlie court house this evening, by a delegation which will vigorously Insist up. n -the nomination of one of the number for alderman of the city. The uegrocs seem thoroughly de termined iu this matter, and there is no loubt that they mean what they say about "knifing" the ticket that does not lly a colored alderman as its tail. Let 'ergo, Gullugher! To Furnlnh the Falrmount. Mr. Ceo. H. Walker, of, the Asheville Furniture Factory, has returned from Bristol, Tenn., having been favored with the large order for the furnishing tit the Fail mount Hotel at that place, now in course of completion. . The furniture is to lie of polished chert y and antique oak of a high grade. The Fail mount promises to be one of the leading resort hotels of the Sou. It. A Novel Kntertalnment. There will be an entertainment given in the Oiiera Hall Friday evening, May 3. This entcrtaintiMMit, the first of the kind in the city, will consist largely of music nnd cidisthenic drills, and will be quite a treat to those who may be pres. ent. ' No cases were tried in the police court yesterday,

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