t:::j daily citiz::n. TtvCmmhtlH mt eitraelvelv rirrm nrii and wi.irty read acwaiajcr In Western rr1a ( arotma. Its iimiMMifi of public men and mr.aurra b la the liiirimt of pulilk uiteKrity, ""e( foveraioent, aad priMprr(M industry, aad Iti owa aw personal allegiance in treating pub be iaaara, Tbe I mm pahllshe. the dlanateae. of the AMM-lud PrrM, whk-h aow cover the whutr world la lis seuie. It ha other fault ika of advaiwad jtmraaliara for gathering ikwi from all nartera, with cverythlngcaxc tullv edited to mxafiy the amalleat apaee. e.rOrea eonira of .ay edition will be artit fw la) Uf MM .swdtng the artcln Isaus llaily, for one year; $3 for sis wllWcnlaf(:iia meets : Iterate Cor OtW week. Carriers will deliver the pair la .very part of the city to sulMsrrilicrs. and oar- ties wanting it will please call at the CrTUKH -aot. Advutisiso Rstss Reasonable, and made kaowa oa aiipltratloa at this ofnre. All traaaaaat adreruaeaaeata must tat paid la a4- FklDAY, AI'KIL 26, 1889. Um. TAUIAUit 11 A NKW HOLIi. Two or three year ago, thii divuur, somewhat noted tor hi propensity to sensation, im also independence, in the choice of hi abject and the actjnire- rrknt of Information, of the rigid canons of pulpit diadpliae, viiited thi section and wa welcomed with enthutiaim,and listened to whh an admiration accorded to men of the highest distinction. He had previousJy viaitcd other prominent jioinU ia the South, had been recti red with cor dialitr everywhere, was gladly welcomed to the closest and most familiar social in tercourse, had every avenue of informsv tka freely opened to him, had ample .op portunity to learn the workings of our social system, and comprehend all the latiotM in which its several and opjiosing forces stood to each other; and, frank himself, was met with a frankness ade quate to Inform him on all those points in which the hopes and the tears, the safe ty and the perils of Southern society and iostrtatioas are involved. - The popularity acquired by Dr. TaV mngt In his frequent visits to the South extended to his teachings; and his week ly sermons, widely and simultaneously given in the weekly press all over the coun try, have been awaited and received with an entnusiasm of welcome accorded to the most Interesting works of fiction. Of the just and wisdom of the popular judgment we hare nothing to say, ex cept that, m the mala, bis teachings were sound, and his methods, if somewhat sen sational, attractive, and the influence taWful. Holding this wide and useful influence, from position enabled to hold in check the bad element of fanaticism because of aaaple knowledge to demonstrate their ir- rationality or the weakness of their foundation, it i a pitiable illustration of human infirmity or baseness, that Dr. Talmnge, in his new courtship of those elements, has selected a tnpk the most of fensive of all to the Southern people, tbc most offensive of all to AngkSnxott na ture. It ia needless to discuss the qurs- tion of miscegnnation. The subject car nea it own condemnation with it, if only tweesaary to cull attention to the wickedness -yes, wickedness and unwisdom of reviving, in the strength of an admitted powerful personal influence, a iwinful mid offensive agitation which time was rapidly set' tling to the satisfaction of both the races IH. Talmnge rirges to be brought into the unholy and unnatural alliance of In tcrmarriagc. To the white people, not a word, except of Just indignation, need lie suggested. To the colored people of the South almost as little need be said ; for, after the first aspirations of the early stages of emnncipntion had faded away, aspirations founded on Uat conception of absolute equality which liberty was presumed to have brought with it, and the binding seal of which was the unre stricted right of intermarriage, the col ored people quietly settled down to the pursuit of their social happiness in their own way, married wives of their own color j and, ia their social relations, have drifted farther away from the whites than ever. Miscegenation, the idea of which is still abhorrent to the minds of the whites, holds no immediate pluce in the thoughts of the negroes. The revival of a painfully vexed ques tion once set at rest by conviction ol its impolicy, Its impracticability and its of- few veiars, can only be accounted for bv presumption of a purpose to reinflume passions steadily subsiding into quiet, and furnishing fresh fuel for the use of a party basing its hoies on sectional hos tility and race discontent, and chagrined to find that its foundations on such basis is fast slipping from under its feet aeon ditfon than whom no man is better in formed than Dr: Talmnge, therefore mak ing his suggestions the more inexcusable and wicked. ; AUAIrl THE TEU.OW FKVEK. It seems but yesterday that the pall whieh hung so long and so dismally over Morula was raised and the sunlight of hculth and hope had burst out again from the gloom; but yesterday since the gloom of suffering and the wail of sorrow had ceased from the land; but yesterday since the interdict which shut np the well, the sick and the dead in one horrible pest house, which raised sn impassible barrier between infection and health, blanched the cheek and stilled the heart of terrified humanity and fixed the brand nseloqucnt and Indelible as that of Cain upon the fore head of the terrified fugitive from danger, and which paralysed every hand and ef fort except that of divine, brave, unsel fish charity, was broken; but yesterday since the imprisoned detinue waa free to go forth, the excluded fugitive to enter in; but yesterday since the wail of sor row gave place to long lusjirndcd sound ol cheer, and the current of human life re sumed, its wonted active animation. Brief, indeed, seems to have been the lull, short the rest that pestilence has given to. the late scouraged people. Already the note of warning has been sounded, and official notice given of the reappenr aoce of the scourge. But it comes, if it has in reality come this time with less of terror in its face. Last year it lurked insidious iu many a bidden lair; lust year most unwise effort kept it long concealed, to break out like stilled flames in places where its presence was denied. Experience has taught a lesson not to be unheeded, courage has been gained where once la-fore nil gave wny to panic; knowledge gained in tffi- iriit modes of treatment, retrent pro- ulyd fir those whomny tx-coine infected, physk Mil and nurses equipped with all the teifc-liings of long proved skill and practice. And if the ntilciice again goes forth on its summer march it will carry with it much less of terror than it had before. Its stei will lie hedged in, its limits controlled, and it will Ik fought with a skill and calmness taught in the long fought buttle of its last Intal cum- pa'gn. THE NEW TERRITORY. That the great Okluhoma rush, sonu- thing unaralled since the settlement of California, should have been accom plished with as little bloodshed as has been reported is a splendid tribute to the elf control of the settlers and proves them to be a people thoroughly capable of self government. There have been few or no quarrel over the location of claims where violence was resorted to to deter mine the conflicting claims. Every one seem ready to await a decision by le gally constituted tribunuls, showing that all have confidence in the immediate es tablishment of governmental order. But there is one feature of the occupation of the city of Guthrie which arouses general indignation. There seems to be not the slightest doubt that a number of United States officials took advantage of their position to make premature entries, and were in collusion with wealthy combina tions of backers, showing that the whole scheme was planned long before hand But the bona fide settlers have shown Very clearly that they are not to be swin died in that fashion. The factsareknown and premature entries will be resisted by lawful means, let us hope with success. THF.CHARIOTTK UAR AGAIN, That Charlotte corresiomlent who is telegraphing sensational lies to a hall dozen papers in other States should be suppressed. His telegram to the Phila delphia Press on the subject of the burn ing of Mr. Wood's family near Clyde is even more outrageous than that to the Philadelphia Record referred to by Tub Citubn on Tuesday. The miserable fcl low makes hisownimaginationsgrounds for reflections upon the good name of the State. As Tub Citubn has already said there was not the slightest suspicion of foul pluy in the Clyde burning. It was purely an accident and the mon strous lie be telegraphed some days ago about a massacre in Transylvania was uiudc up out of the whole cloth. imrroRiAi, notkm. Courier Journal: The sixteen member of the Minnesota Legislature who united in a protest against the pussnge of the Meut Inspection Dill say that "the true purpose of the act is to prevent the sale of certain product of oilier Slatesin Min nesota, and the inspection or sanitary features are simply a pretext by which it is hoped to make the law constitutional, This is, no doubt, the exact truth, but there is nothing rcmarkublc about it. All laws to exclude competition, or to create monopolies, are passed from reasons different from those publicly a signed. False pretense is tlie one un varying characteristic of the whole class. Stormy days are uliead for the Trusts aud Syndicates which ba ve fastened upon the commercial ollairs of Great Britain as available material for-nourishment. Sir Henry James bus declared that these combinations arc illegal according to the common law of America and also of Oreat Britain. The notorious Salt Trust is likely to suffer seriously in England by reason of this adverse attitude ol the legal powers that be; s s The New York Sun copies and com men I upon without correction of tin? flu- grunt error an extract from tlie Chicago Jntcr-Occnn which classifies the Macon Telegraph and Charleston News & Cou rier ns Randall Democratic papers. There ore notwostnunclier tariff reform puprrs in the South. a a Gen. Greeley, of the weather bureau, says equinoxinl gales are a mere mpular fallacy. The equinoxes have nothing to do with the weather. English records chronicle forty-five storms in March but not one on the 21st, and of eighteen in Septenilier only one occurred on the a a Tlie Michigan Central railroad has de termined to stop the running of freight trams on Sunday in order to give its cm ployes a rest. This is tlie first move ment of the sort aniong American rnil roads. Will the example be followed ? as Gen, Botilnngcr has been excusing his flight from Paris on the ground that conspiracy existed to assassinate him in such a manner that the slaying should seem accidental. He seems to lie the only one who had any intimation of it. a Both Kak-igh and Durham have en dorsed their old muiiicirttl administra tions by renominating the officials. Her Picture. Her eyes as bright as bright can be, .iae aua rays on a summer sra 1 rr hair la like a sunart crown O'r fields of wheat just turulug brown. And In her 111 the mantling blood la like a rlie pomegranate Cud. Her heart Is true aa true ran lie. Like some staunch oak beside the sea. And her small hands are pearl and nluk. Like praeh blooms by a liver's brink I Iter mil la like a gentle brers - Home through the languid laurel trees, But ah 1 her eoal. that frw Miav know. Is strong as hre and pure aa anow I William II. 1 1 a) tie. The "Kcliel Girl" "Guarantees" kV innce" in an ''Havana Puff." nnd the Daisy tjuecn" of our "American Drug gist" can lie found by lovers of the weed at F. L. Jacobs' drug store, where there is also a complete line of dnigr and erug gists' sundries. The famous nxesior Water direct from Saratoga Springs, N. Y., Vichy, Deep Rwk.Seltier.TateSpring and Soda Water alwsvs on drought. I'VuIt of t!:3 L,ooi.i 8 1-2 by the Holt. We return thanks for unt ivoih and invito nix,riul at tention thin'week to leaded 'ajM'H, all-over Flouncing in white and cream, IJutcher'n Linen, bleached and un reached, for children'ri aproiiH, piece goodri forboyn' pantH and suitu, noinething good in hulien', minHes' and 'hildrun'ti IMack lIone,Wind- Hor Ties for the boya and Paranoia for the girln, Loiih- dale, I'ride of the Went, Fruit of the Loom, , and other brands of Domentic. A new aurtortrnent 1 of buttons, braids, girdles and dress trimmings, white goods in Piques, Marseilles, Nain sooks, Check Muslins, India Linens and Linen Lawns, Al batross in pink, green, blue, creutn, red and black, receiv- . ... .... ed to-day. Satines, Challies and Nun's Veilings in all the new shades. These goods were made regular, bought regular, ami will bo sold regular to regu lar customers. First-cluss in every resjeet,nothing shoddy or second handed abou them. Warranted as repre sented or money refunded Buy them and you will be pleased. Fail to do so, ant you will regret it. KesiKK-tfully, 110ST1C WtOS. & WKKillT 1 fc5. If you ever ink-nd to buy towels now is the time to do so. We have the best bar gain in a towel you ever saw and can leat the Electric Street Kail way in this line. 11. IX & W. Asheville, April 10, 1889. ICatttcr Cards, tauter Booklets), Easier Novelties)! A large and line variety, both Fun-Inn and American ; also - FINE STATIONERY. ARTISTS' MATERIALS, FANCY GOODS, BOOKS, -AT- ESTAIIROOK'S, aa S. Main Street. A MHOS IISIISTMKHT (IP AMERICAN WATCHES, All styles, tlies and prices. Jewelry of every dcm.'riutlun. illverware, sullU and plated. ,.-:. ... Mold and Silver I trailed Canes. 8 wet in Ira and Kye Ulaaaes Attrdtulhc eye. Fine Watch KciNtirin- and Ungravlu a liedulty. LANG, The Jeweler. Routh Main Mtre-ei. airld.'im REGISTER! Nothing an imnortant fur the season aa to rviriMrr jrour names at ' J. Ma ALEXANDER'S I'of a mwd set of Harness or a Saddle. Ills stuck Is aow eompktt and looks neriectty bcautllul. Fine Unsllah Bridles, Crops, Leg s'"", etc., at lowest IlKuree, The nicest aeWxs tlun of Linen 1-ap Robes and Monile Dusters at remarkably low fluum. Motto: Uuk-k Males and Short Profits. atH-tsdllni 70R ftALB. Aevaral Ane eeara. hwak n . k. ... 11 . , irl I dlw e sua feralharst MISCELLANEOUS. Wi Li LLH t DIG EASTER OFFER FOR CASH ONLY. 2000yards Fruitof the Loom Domestic, 8e. by the bolt, 4-4 wide, 10-4 Mohawk Vulley Sheet ing at 2(3c. jer yard. 4G-iii. Pillow Casing at 12c. Kest Lonsdale Cambric at 11c. per yard. White Quilts from 55c. to f 2 (JO-in. Conestoga Ticking at 35e. " - Nice Percales, from 7c. to lie W.H.LEA 17 N. Main Street. A new lot of Hall Bazaar forms just in. Also, a complete line of fish ing tackle. APPROPRIATE FOR THE WARMER WEATHER. Very attractive designs in Parasols, Sun Umbrellas Fans, etc. :- In Persian Lawns, Mulls Iudia Linens Striped ant Plaid India Linens anc Swisses, and other season able White Goods, we offer a good line. Lisle and Silk Moves, Ligh Weight Hose, etc. Very handsome designs in Challies. II. REDWOOD & CO. 7 and 8 I'ATTON AVitNl'8. tiothliigt Dry Goods, Shoes Hat and Carpet. ANNOl'NCKMKNT TO THE UDIES ESPECIALLY. We are pleased toannoum that our stock of Millinery is now in and ready for, insj)ec tion and would lte pleased to have the ladies en 11. " Our intention of having r n Sjieciul Grand Oivaing ha to lie fon'gone, as Mrs. Miu S Nnirisso busy with orders that we have not the time to give it proper attention. 'Also wish to announce that our " stock of Dry (loods, Fancy (loods, Parasols and specialties .are open for in spection. With our thanks for past favors and with a determination to merit your continued patronage, - llespectfully, A.WI1ITL0CK. MISCELLANEOUS. EASTER EGGS. We have a large stock of Dyes just received for color ing eggs for Etister Orange, Cardinal Ked, Magenta and Dark Green. Each color will dye two to four dozen Eggs, according to depth of color desired. White Eggs, will show brightest color. One package for one color three cents two packages for two colors five cents four pack ages for four colors, ten cents A ten cent package will be sent, jrostuge paid, to any address on receipt of the price. - T. C. SMITH & CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, Asheville, N, C It ICHMONU l llANVII.LU RAILROAD COMPANY. (Western North Carolina Division.) Passkmgbb Dbpartmbiit, Ahkvillk, N. C, Jan. 1, 188a PASSBNGER TRAIN 8CHBDDLB. Ia Brracr Jab. t, 1888: " j Nol Bt j" NoT6 I Lv. Aaheriflei Ptt BSpm I 1 40pm Ar. Salisbury, 487am 6.3pm " Danville, H47am lOitUpm " Lynchhurs, 18 5pm lOOam " Waahinoton T8Spm TiMlam " Baltimore, 9!ilpm tasam " I'hiia., SOOam 1047am " New York, 6 UOam 1 30pm I " Boston, 8 811pm 90Upm I " Richmond, g 3Qpm I 5 1 Sam I " Raleighi I-fsoam 103pm " Culrtalioro, 1145am 8111pm " Wilmington 1 600pm No. 66 Lv. Aaheville, Ar. Henderson vllle, . Ar..Bpartanb'g . 8 30am 93iam 1100am 1 Charlotte, 6 30pm 440pm 910pm " Columbia, " Charleston, ' Augusta, " Savannah, " Thomaaviile.Ga ' JacksonTllle 906pm 616am 140pm woo m " Atlanta. ' Montgom'y " Mobile, " New Orleans 1040pm 7 26am 1 56pm 7 3Ql No. 64 Lv. RMutnburg, Ar. rlendrrsonville, " Aaheville, 840pm 607pm 7O0pm f Ko. B0 No. 52 No. 64 Lv. Aaheville. 7 40am 9 20am 1 10pm 9 16pm 610am 1 40 am 9 20nm 1 lOpm 640am aaoym 746pm 444pm 610pm 860pin 6 4( lam II 45am 5 HO mi "444pm 610pm 860pm 7 16am 1 1 46am 68opm; 74Spm 70fipm 840pm Ar. HotHnrings " Knosville, " Chnttan'ga, " Nashville, " Memphis, Lv. Aahcvfl.e Ar. HstHprmga " Knoiville, " luisville, " Cincinnati, Chicago, " Rt. Louis, MtlKPH V BRANCH No. 18 Lv. Aaheville, Ar. Waynravillc, 8 36am 105:iam jarretts, -fftfil Jo. 17 Lv. Jarrett's. Ar. Wnyneavllle, 600am tpm 846pin Asncvuie, Sleeping cars on all night trains. JA8. L. TAYLOR. W. A. W1NBURN, O. P. A. D. P A. SOL. HAAS, T. M. . TLANTIC COAST L1NB. On and after this date the follnwlti.. h.j ules will be run over Its "Columbia Division." no. oa i-caves colunirim- B.20 p. m nrnTw ai . narieaion w.il" p. m No. 52 leaves Charleston 7.10 a. m arrives atcoinmiila 11.56 a. vonnectlnv with trains to and Amm n pomia on ine vnanotte. L-ninmhiN x, . .. guata and Columbia at Greenville Railroads. -naiiy, T. M. BMBRSON, Gen. Pass. Agt. J. F. 1IBVINB, Gen. Snpt Schedule Street Railway. To take effect Friday, March 1. at 8.30a. m Car leaves Court House a.80 a. m - " .7.1H1 " .: :: . :; ! Pmm Iheti .III .1-1 1 Alao, ear leaves court honsr at 8.00 n. m and 9.tK) p. m. J AKK, riVB CKNTS. JABIKa FRANK, DBALSS IS Alr11LY6R0CER!ES AND PROVISIONS Agent for Kccras Creek Woolen Mills. North Mala 8titt, Asheville. N. C. reblOdty IDS WANTKD. Bids and anerla....lnMB ..... . . - wr rnn- Struptlna a ar.M.M - . . . . commence inside of lO days! Address -, . w a. o. i HEAL ESTATE. Wai.tks . r.wra, W. . Wm. BViYii-6 Wl:8T, (Successors to Wa'tcr B.Owyn) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE. Loana Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Pub ic. Commissioners ol I teed a. FIRE INSURANCE. OFFICII HoatlieMHt CoartSqhare. Wm. M. Cocke. Jr.. REALESTATEANDMINERALBROKER, Asheville, N. C Can sell you one million acres of land, in traAs from SO to 10O.UUO acres. - Have a number of city lots, Improved and unim proved, which I can sell on the best of terms. If yon want a large or small farm call on me If yon want minerals of any kind, yon need go no farther. If you want ' timber lands, this la headquarters. In fact I can suit you in anything yon want In my tine. 8ervkes of a first-class civil ennineer and practical surveyor engaged to show up all property when required. I have had fifteen years' experience in the real estate business. and think I know what will please. Prompt attention to all inquiries. ' fcoiUdlv W. CORTLAND, Real Estate Broker, INVESTMENT AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, Fatton Avenue, Barnard Building, (eblhlly D. S. WATSON, Real Estate Affent, oners for sale the brat lot in Asheville for Hotel two acres on Patton Avenue between Bailey and (jruve streets, ' Also, some very flue residence lots for sale centrally loeuted, Good business rots for sale at tb Old De. pot. Pine fanning lands, timber lands, etc., for sale, near the city. FOR KB NT. Pour splendid houses furnished and unfur nished, for rent. D. 8. WATSON, dtmayl Asheville. N. C. INSURANCE. JpiRBINSURANCB. F1UE. LIFE. ACCIDENT PULLIAM & CO At the Bank of Asheville, ASHBVILLB, N. C. Represent the following companies, vie. i FIRB. CASil ASSRTS IM If. Anglo Nevada, of California, $2,407,833 Continental, of New Yard 4.876.B23 Hamlinrg-Bremen.of Oermany..... 1,129,604 London Assurance, of Bngland 1,643,995 Niagara, of New York 3,337,492 Orient, of Hartford - 1,607,892 Phoinfi, of Brooklyn 5,054,179 oi. rnui rire anq Marine, oi Min nesota 1,641,061 southern, of New Orleans ... "'Jtnt wraiern, oi Toronto 1,039,232 mutual Acciaent Association. Ktna Life Insurance Company. dtmar28 THE EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society OF THE UNITgO STATES. ttm 5,04a,aa.c 8riM o,74,7IS9 (Larger than any other Company. I Outstanding Aaaurance...Ss4r,aiei,iei.oo v....c rimviri whh io ano year pe riods are the most popular and profitable w, nnaiirnniT, Por examples, rates, etc., confer with E. D. Monroe, Ajjt., ' Asheville, N. C. Office with Judge Aston. feb23dSm VM. R. PEMNIMAN PROPRIBTOR OP THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS Asheville, N. C. P. O. Bom P. marl 3d ly THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, jai ,vvw "I'Mwiw av post RtHitna nn Main . ...... dally, eicrpt 8andnv. from 10 ft. 2 - a '"-"M-""" line year Tha trrnia .,4 ...I : T.. dallv 2 eta.' T""' 1 mo octs l,rr,,:,,Liic:hr,'ii )y- wooiy - sec.C j - v. oi.,i, iniranan, miss K ( itlwMa anH n m t -..' lusenoe tnelr , . leoNtiir "fkY,8' WOLFB. PUIM ANO ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. ; AM kitiila . tended i . lompuy at. lulihiniT avntl tMl...M.i-: Residence. Clavton tu with W. Onlers can he left H. Wrstall Co. (ehmilim JWRS. S. STIiYIJ NSON Has removed to the Johnston Building, Pat- "n renue, corner of L'hiin h an she It prepared to keep regular or transient boarders. Table furnished with tha beat h. a fmrds. . Terms reasonaht.. "marSldam In" J J55tf J.N- nt ,rchment and heavy flt pane?): crlng all nceesaary points. Just out and aow to. No. a North rmrrt .,-.. -r. riaallHf HOTELS. tii:cTLTFiusT-cucs7mvrTE B0Ai; oT THE THOMAS HOUSE. NUAK BATTEKY 1'AKK, Is nuw under entirely new m.-inogemcnt. and will be kept in strictly first-claw st vie. TKANSIKNT UH KKIit'LAK HUlBtlr-KS TAKEN Northern Cooking. Kates RcaHuimtile. . MRS. E. LACY & SON. , I'roiirk'toni. dtf A DELIGHTFUL EXCUBSIO.il ASHEVILLE TO HOT SPRINGS. Round Trip Tickets only $4.80, Including a full day's board at the MOUNTAIN I'AHK HOTEL. The Hatha ia Marble Pools and Porcelain Tubs arc the finest nnd in uat luxurious in America. The Hotel Is NEW AND FHIST-CLASS In Brery Particular. unoji.lll.LBU IN ITS CUI8IN8. The place Is a charming spot, nestled among aad sheltered by Pine-dad Mountain where there Is no fog, no dust, no malaria. Pure and abundant water, and absolutely lierfect drainage. dtjul39 1111111 1 Vl VTStr-r.n . . -m- ..-k. auassaa wiu AA.pUL WAYNESVILLE, N. C. Kuomi newly furnished. Fare the best Ihe market itfforda. Good sample room. SATISFACTION GUARANTEfiD. Terms: $1.00 per day. G. D. L. ALLEN & SON, Proprietors. A NEW HOTEL IN BRYSON QITT, The Swayne House. One of the best la Western North Carolina, bummer and winter resort. Nature's sanita moderatenCT)r M"' watcr Hl'celled. Termp m.r,8d3(iN'BMCK8l",N,,r0P, No. 3 Qaraard BiiHdlng. School and CoJIftg Text Books, afullline. Poets, His tbry, Homance, ' Biography,1 Travel and , Novels, Family Bibles, S. S. Bibles and Test amenta, Oxford Teachers' Bibles, Song Books of all kinds, large stock Stationery, Blank Books and Office aiid School ' Siintiliou Mah, i:.w. Ladies' and (Jents' 1'ocketr - 4 "f''aav. A C1U1" V Goods and Dolls. iur.n iiinn iiumiuhi aH iinmr frblOdlv J. C. Bit OWN, MERCHANT i TAILOR, attoii Avenue, (Next to Grand Central Hotrl.) aprSdly J. V. drowv Will conUnne the undertaker's business at hi old stand over J. B. IHckersoa ft Co, .!j Hardwaic Btqre, under the -arm name qf J. V. PROWN & CO, Having thirty years' esperlence as nnder- taker and cmbalnwr, aad incqualed faculties for buying, can safely guarantee satisfaction. Calls promptly attended to at aU hours. Bverythlng pertaining to the business al wava on hand. u,imi. DEMICE A TRUE TOILET LUXURY. or MiTau rwm ifiantoKnini! BEAUTIFIES TH( TEETH" raEEWVE THE OOMt. " SWEETENS THE BREATH WO INJURY TO THE ENAMEL AFE AND AGREEABLE. WITHOUT EQUAL At A TOILET fIEPAIIATIOr. 18 CENTS PER BOTTLE. SOLD B ALL BBllAAia-rsi I. H. WINKE1 MANN A CC r. - .TIWRC. Mb. For tak by J. S. UBANT. mm Iawtan28