' ? r if at:- i 1 There ure time when a fcvlini: of lassi- idc will overcome the most ruliuat. wlx-ii lit system crave fur pure blood, to fur- ikIi tlie elements of health and strrni!tli. The lt remedy for purifying the blood Ur. J. 11. McLean 1 bursuiMtrillu. Utiqier't Baiur: "Lulu," he said (he win a rounir man who .hud great conh- denca in himself), and lie be-nt toward bcr tenderly' "1 have loved you loni; and uilcrly . Will you unme the dny ?" "Oh. the dnv is already named. Mr. Harris," answered the cirl. blushine. (ieoree was so pertinacious, 1 finally id mm the 3d ot next month. The cards will be out in a day or two." Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of pur Ity, strength and wholeMimencM. More eco nomical thaa the ordinary kinds, and cannot be void In competition with the multitude of low teat, short weight alum or phosphate powncrs. aoio onry in cana. koyai. ha kino. Powdb Co., 106 Wall Rt., New York. d&wtaprl7 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Thko. P. IMviimon, Tho. A. Johb Holelgh. J. G. Matim, Ashcvillc. Aaheville. JJAVIDSON, MARTIN & JONE8, Attorneys and Counsellor at Law, Ashevltle. N. C. Will prat 1 tee tn the 1 1th and 12th judicial Districts. "I'd in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, and in the Federal Courts of the Western District of North Carolina. Refer to Bank of Asbeville. dtscl H. A. OUOOBI, H. B. CATK, H1UUS C. I JUDGBR, CARTER & MARTIN, ' Attorneys at Law, A8HBVILLB.N. c. Office hours : Prom 9 a. m. to 4 p. ra. Haw Bsetoni I'Mima rw a ( f Doctor Walter K. Hammond says : easy. The younff red Indian, In soma 01 tne note 1 umo, impr. to. 1 . l I- z - .1 .. . sense ni amen ana las'c. ;uicr a tonir cxncrK'ncc 1 nave come 10 u iucb, una tu aervv aa a smo iur mi , - - , ... , . . ..i... the cowluBion that two-thirds of all the whole year in the cabin of hi future Wl 7"- lm'" raWUr?ri deaths from concbs. pneumonia and con- father-in-law. Moreover, the niles 0Pr,te-a"od5aa:: sttmntiotr might be avoided if Acker's about who might marry whom wore nitlisb V-ouim Kemedy were only care-I notoriously so difficult and oorriDlax my unii 111 lime. 1 nis womicrilll Kcm- that nllon it moat ImiYtlv huva ecly is sold under a positive guarantee by possiblo to marry at all Consider, likewise, the tribes in which a man may not marry unless he can buy wife by offering a sister in exchange, and recollect that the older men were wont to snap up all available sisters, and that sisters who seemed "one too many if not two Carcies Mother. were slain when thev wera babies. Many mothers have permitted their Without enterinir into the Question of lildreu to die before theireves when thev difllcultiaa thai aumninderf the bride. might have been saved. Any mother it is evident enough that marriage was who keeps house without a bottle of Dot in primitive, or at least in back ward society, such plain sailing as airs. Lima Ionian appears to ueiievo. To be sure it was easy enough In India, where the Gandharva ceremony con sisted merely in a lady and her lover exchanging their wreaths of Bowers, New Orleans Picayune: In Belford's while the Jlinltaree nte of shooting I wish 1 could be as strong, healthy and Magazine Mrs. I'latt has "A Word with arrows over tne beads Of tne Happy lull pf lite as yon are!" The lesson is a Skvlurk." It is time- mid the word Pair was Dictureeauelv simple. But Inl.-iin. TheiHrlhnd plentv of exercise. should be serious. Too much skylarking the difficulties before they came to the and constitutional health and content- C. Smith & Co. mniden was kissed by a printer's devil, Hut she said tin- kiss was imprinted: If the young devil did kins this pretty! young miss. ' Why of course, it was truly , imp printed. vker's fcnclinh Babv Soother at and, runs a rink which she mav some me regret. It has saved the lives of lotisands of children, and is doing so every year. . Korsnleby T. C. Smith & CHAS. A. MOOHt. rtK)RB A MBRKICK, DIIKP HHKKICK Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, .... i , Ashcvill,N.C. Praetkln the United State Circuit and tKstrict Courts at Ashevilte, atatssvlllc.Cliar- lotte and ureenaooro, in 111c supreme court at Kalciuh. and in the courts of the Twelfth Judicial District of the 8Utc of North C tiro Inn. 8peclal attention jriwn to collection of eluima. Partnership does not extend to practice in Bnncomne inienor court. utocs T. H. COBB. J. 0. HKKKIHON OBB It MURKIMUN, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Practice In all the courts. Office: Nos. 7 and 8, Johnston building. disc r. w. JONBS. ION US & 8HUPOKU. OBO. A. SHUrOKD. Attorneys at Law, , Aaherlllc, N. C. North Carolina, the Supreme Conrt of the State, and the Federal Court nt Ashcvillc. Umce tn Johnston uuiiuinR. wncreone ber of the firm can always Ik found, dtnovll JOHNSTON B JONBS, . ATTOKNBY AMD COUN8BLI.O11 AT LAW, A8HBV1L1.B, N. C Practice In tne United State Circuit and District Courts at Aaheville. in the Huorcmc Court at Kaleiirh, and in the Courts of the Twelfth ludiria District of the State of North Carolina, amrelscwhcre, as hi services may be required. lanKanu ( H. DOUGLASS, D. D. 8. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., Over (Irant Wiagert's Drug Store. . Residence, Xo, 98 Bailey 8t, "'- feblOdly H, RBBVBS, 1. P. 8. DENTAL. OFFICE 1 In Connally Building, over Redwood' store, Y " : Patton Avenue, lebtadljr ( V. BURGIN, M. D. OFFICE 1 New Grand Central BuHdlng, over .Big- 22 , Clothing Btor. leblTdlm P. RAMSAY, D. D.8. Dental Office t In Barnard BulMinK Entrances,- Patton Avenue and Mala Street. feb26dlv If aaydaaW Mrs her ha the W. I Davataa Rhoa wlthaut Bam and pjriea atamswal oa tk atittiraiii pas. bins down a a fraud. V. L DOUGLAS cLMft ton griVC QKNTLKMtll. Best In th world. BsaTntn til fn.no tiitisriiaic iiaivi-k:wft nhOK. 4.IRI HANII-WKWr O WF.I.T MID'.. f .1JM POI.ICK AND rAKMF.lt!' 8 HOB. X'4.00 KXTKA VAI.HK Ull r HHi a.aa wnuu ikhmim!! uM4tsr MO and SII.7S HOV8' S( HOOL SHOK8. All aiads la Oooawsa, aaiuoa and ! VV. L. DOUCLAO G3 SHOE LAtMit. tit r:XNI.HM ANU rl.CAHt K1C PrlaitUva MurriaKe Not So I oay. In a recent casay mi the 'i'liiloso phy of niarriao" a lady rvmurked that nothing could lo euhKT and sim pler than Marriutro iu primitive society. Now one ventures to think tlutt, as sot-iety advances, uutrriuge bo eomos more, ''rjstead of less, eaay and simple. The coruMviueuoes are to be found in what is called "sundus popu lation." The savage made things more ditllcult. Before a young brave of the Kuruai ean even flirt be has to submit to having his little finger top toiut cut off, to having his front teeth nocked out, to being rudely shared with a sharp stone, to being daubed all over with mud, and to a number of other horrors neither simple nor setter Tim u moody Battle. General Wheatiroft Nelson saVs: "My experience in the HiiKliah army as well as in America, convince me tmtl noininRso purities the Wood or adds to the health, vior and hie as Acker s linimii moon i Llixir." This Krent reined y ia sold nnilw a positive uuurantce by T. L. atnitb fit Co. Miss Caterer "Mr. Slicer. you seem to x in a very aok-mu mood this morning." Mr. Slicer (dissecting an aiieKeti sinoin) "Yes'tn! Mr mind is wandering back to the dnys of the Christian martyrs; I am recalling all their sufferings at the stake." Symptoms of Catarrh. A DruhiK and many times excessively offensive discharge, with "stopping up 01 tne impairment watering tniin over the eyes, ana ac umc in inc kni'lnfihrlvail nrensional rhillv sen- tuitions, cold fcet. and a freling of lassi tude and debility, are symptoms which are common to catarrh, yet all of them fire not present in every case. lr. Nigcs Catarrh Remedy cures catarrh in its worst lorms and stages. It is pleasant to ase, and contains no poisonous or cnustK- drugs. Of druggists, lorouccnts. Wife ( time, midnight V "Pretty time of night tor you to come home ana in such a condition, too." Husband "M'dcar. its (hK- only friirht. 1 sthopped in at see nikhro- schonio s'ietv rooms, and mi'dear, looked at ihome wuter in michroschope, mi'dear the water we drink, mi'dcar: and. sure i live, mi'dear, 1 shaw it full of snakes. Mershv on mel She 'em yet." Mo wonder She Envied Brtdiret. A rich society lady told her servant, is been going on. Ilncklen'n Arnica Halve. The I test salve in the world for cuts. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fcver res, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains. rns, and all skin eruptions, and posi- lively cures piles, ot no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, r money refunded. Price 25. cents per bis. I'or sale bv F. L. Inmha. ' nnw runnyman 'Howf oo vou like inv jokes?", Friend "First rate ;! I tike to new my acquaintance with old fnends. If health and life ore worth anything, tid vou are feeling nut of sorts nnd tired ut, tone up your system by taking l)r. tl. McLean s sarsnpanlla. A telescope lens is now to lie made that will measure sixty inches in diameter. Ilv its aid it is hoiied to lie ttble to find lie soul of the man who is mean enough to beat a country editor out of his sub scription. Dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, distress idler eating, can lie cured nnd prevented by tnkitig Ih J. H. McLean's Liver ami Kidney Fillets (.little pills.) Texas Sifting : links : Who is the. hainpion light-weight of America ? Foots : 1 don t know, borne coal dealer. I suppose. ook Oat For the Children. Hart's Worm Creum is a new remcdv for the expulsion of worms from the sys tem, but is becoming rapidly well known, tor it is never used without the most sat istiictorv results, beside its wonderful efficacy, it recommends itself on account it its pleasant tastt and is not obnoxious to the patient. It will take the lead of ull worm medicines. ceremony were much greater than in ment. Riches will not buy health always, civilized society, or ao one is led to but broken-down women can find sure re- unnnaA. In fucL if nannla had on- lief in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription sciously set to work to make tnarriage It is a powerful, invigorating, restorative uiuicuit and unattractive uiey oould Bnu nCTT,,rcuY ""1' .. . ... . . . - I ... U . . I . - an iwnrti I u n,1 tn T nr huruiy nave sucoeeded Detter. Ap- "j""-- e -t : parently "the course of true lo 1 never did run smooth, especially among the Zulus, whom, as we all re member, Cetewayo kept in a state of military celibacy. Andrew L&ng in Longman s Magazine, ulnr. For "run-down, debilitated and treble women generally it is the greatest earthly boon. Tnlkso "Hey. whnt's vour hurry?" HenntK-k (soriiitiiigalongl "I'm going alter -n preseni ior my iiiuincr-m-iuw. 1 alkso No, wnnt r Henntiek (breaking into a runf- Crape!" Even the most vigorous and hearty ueoule have at times a feeling of wcan- of the London fogs by moans of eleo- ness and lassitude. To Aiie this feeling trio discharges. At the Montreal I take Ih J. H. McLenn's Snrsapurilla; it meeting of the British association, in will impart vigor and vitality imi, 1 rorossor Lodge described some ; i. .i r i i i t Dlaslpatloa of Foe bj Electricity, Bomo remarks in the editorial col umns of The London Electrician have called forth a letter from .Professor Lodge on the subjoct of the-dissipation FOR SALE AT AUCTION, iriouday, 13th day of May, '89. On the above dav we will offer for sale a nubile auction on the around without re serve, that valuable property on College aad A oua. v. It ha a house with 10 rooms and all neces sary ontnouscs; is 100 net on loncice sirert nnd BOO fit t on Spruce, and within 76 yards ol the ruulic Kquarc. 1 ms is a rare cnancc to nuv a lenioencc. busineaa lot or make an Investment wlthlu the verv heart ol the Cltv. Terms of Sale 28 per cent, cash, remainder in sis. twelve, eiichteen and twenty-four 1 1 a i t -j- a- I month' time, witn s percent, interest, par lorrcu to, trunwur iUCT aiavva uiai Rlk aatni-annuallv. on deferred oavmcuU. iiu tiua uevu uuiurrou iroui oxperuneuv I 1 ne property win ov oncieu 111 iota kiiu wku l . .... .. I .1. . 1 oM a whole on dav of sale. wuwvu, h suui i vuo ,frrwM,rIi0o, ritiKnina stranger are requested to uuuui cijKiiiau uwvoBurj lur a snou on I call on us at our office on I'uniic square, uar- a large scale an expense wuicn lie 1 nam new Duuaing, wnmn a nuiim. 0 . ......... . . . 1 il,n will Vv dv-n Titr .namtitprd MtimalM tn ha In tha nnirrnhnMiiviil rf I - experiuienU in which he condensed GILT-EDGE PROPERTY biuuho uv meuiia ui a urusu uiacoarga from points connected with a static electric machine. The subject was an interesting one and attracted consider able attention at the time ; but it seems tlutt no experiments on a large scale nave since ueen aoemniea. A nnmhAsnf nmaih a annlinotinna spruce street ueionaiua to sun. k " T7. "ZLJZ -X" Krter. . uaru ucu bukgsmm tor CAUII I UIW, it has been proposed to use an electric discharge to dissipate the dust particles in nour aim otuer mills, wuicn nave been the cause of several disastrous explosions, but the efficacy of the plan nas uol been tried, in the letter re- Judge: Phvsicino: Yes, just as I thought: you have cataract of the eve. Kural Party : Dew tell : but I judged it must nave been something like that from the wutcrtHll. $9,000. Aa to the form of experiment be ia not sure that a battery of an enormous number of cells would not be the most likely plan. bo tar, tne largest experiment tnat rroiessor ixwire baa made baa been the clearing of a smoke filled room- but tne results were so encouraging that he does not despair of condensing the fog in a stagnant atmosphere. The matter ia a most interesting one. We have an entirely new field for electri cal application, with a very substantial promise of reward for success. There are a number of possible applications Natt Atkinson & Sous, Agent for Mr. T. D. Carter. aprtOdlm J. W.SCIIARTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR febaodlr 4a Pi. Main SU TO THE YOUNG MEN OF ASHEV1LLE. I invite your attention to Sk'k headache, biliousness, nausea, cos- tiveness, are promptly and agreeably Kinished bv Dr. I. H. McLean's Liver and ...,t . . Miinev I uicis i nine puis.) Terre Haute Express: We all have our mission, but it does not always pay us $i7,ouu a year nite tne t,ngnsn one. A Safe Investment Is one which is guaranteed to bring of the process rthe clearing of smoke vou satisfactory results, or in case of from tunnels, the dissipation of dust taiiurea return ot pnrennse price. un particles 411 miils, and tne general mx. fu nt QTivlnrv PlntViinrr this safe nlnn yoa can buy from our nd- abatement of the smoke nuisance that ,nJ Blj0tK UI Vl ul8 wuuu"bi vestised Pruggist. a bottle ot Ur. Kings u so unpleasant in rnanufacturing COmpriSinff the latest novel New Discovery for Consumption. It is tnwna innA I.. . - . .n. guaranteed to bring relict in every case, when used for any affection ot I hront, Lungs or Chest, such as Consumption, Inflammation ot" Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthtnn, Whooping Couh, Croup, etc., etc. It is nleasantandagreettbleto taste, lierfectly safe, aid can always be de manded utxin. Trial bottles free at F. L. jacolis Drugstore. Mrs Slimflict.- the landlady : "Excuse me, Mr. Dashaway, 1 notice you have dropped a small bit of fish on your waiscoat. . j1' - - Daahnwav "Thniik you, madam. You will nnrdonme if I repfnee it on mv plate, lor (he added sadly) 1 need it., Flamlnx l-'lre In the VetnH. We hold txmitive proof that Acker's Ivtiglish Blood Elixir cures all blood poi sons where cheap snrsapaniias and so called purifiers fail. Knowing this, we will sell it to all who call at our store on a positive guarantee., T. C. Smith ft Co. ruck: A New lerscy man is so pns- siiinntly fond of playing the races that Ins wile relers to him as her better hall. ties in materials nnd best flt- a Family or crank. ting clothing m Asheville at There rmdea in Urbana 0V a veri- Mow pHceg. (Jafl and see them tn.nl A rnmilv nf ranlra Tltait namo I I is Glenn, and two sisters . and ft bro- at WhITLOCK'8 tWom nnw It vino Vaqm arm I " - UUo sx.wa.vsv vsH av 0 HKV any a. . a m father bought coats for the boys, but TO the Uld Men 01 ASheville oegiecut one ol lua sons, Job n, Jr.. Onr Hnrinrr stofl? nf fltit.li whereunon tlie bov said he woulJ UUr Spl ing SDOt K Ol UOTJI never wear a coat as long as his father ing embraces Secial stj'les lived. Ho went upstairs to his room, . 1 j 4. 4.1, where ho remained until fourteen 'ut.uw,uwiKnwi vu iiiri nuc vear after, when the father died. The wants 01 Old gentlemen. tiUiet uuun rrua nuiorwiiru uuiuieu su over 1 1 . , , . 1 , with the most grotesque and curious K'Oiors, easy nrarig, uu tnmm. designs. While John, the peculiar, ' popular prices, at Whitlock's ttlK n llalf ll tAiA lMklifiltr nlwmt I u utvbtisji nviu utopuviii nuvm 1 -1 1 these dosigns, the brother said, "John. Uoys' Clothing, Children vv soil JVM TV uuiu JW uunuill 13 BUU n 1 1 -a k . stay there." John did so, rt-niaining Clothing. Parents Ulld guar- as ocTore for lour veare, coming dowu - ,lnH wl10 (.)ntf'ini late bUV- trt UttiHiil lh hmltiiMi'M fnnnni l.iltn I w tlie recluse, is bleached as white as a illg Spring Clothing for their woman because 01 his long con line tncnt. He is C5 years old. A sister FIGHT WITH A MAD DOO. D4haa TuiIm Mad a Doaa al Trovb aiMl Stood off Hevolvor. George E. Horse of this town, an agent for the society for prevention of rueity to animals, ami a countable of tliis town, had an exciting adventure witn a mod dog. It appears Uiat Jo- Pb A. Laiorme, a wealthy citizen of this town, wus the owner of a do" of the &kye temer brped. For a few days it waa noticeable that tlie canine was getting croat and snappish, and his queer actions coming to the notice of r. LAfoniie he thought it beet to hare him killed. Officer Morse's ser vices were demanded, and that official, armed with club and pistol, repaired to the stable connected with the prem ises, opened the door of the stable and stopped inside. Upon the floor of tlis stable, about twenty feet distant, he saw, with theaid of a partially lighted sua lot. tlie form of tne dog. wbich made a spring for the officer, lixing its jaws upon tne tnign 01 ms ngm teg, and lacerating thellesh with its teeth. making a wound over one and one- half inches in length. The officer grappled with the beast, and suc ceeded in throwing it off, when it ngniu attacked .him, and this time the brute placed its teeth iu the calf of the log of the officer, who nally managed to get ouunde, closing the barn door after him. The order was that the dog must be killed, so Ulcer Morse took bis revolver, and, opening the stable door slightly, piacea tne rnuuie 01 tne revolver in side. Quickly the dog sprang at it. took hold of it in his mouth, and be gan to "chew it" The officer at this opportunity discharged the weapon, put, singularly, the bullet took no effect, probably for the reason that the munle of the revolver was point ing out of tne dog s taws. Tne dis charge of the revolver appeared to have frightened the dog, and (Juicer Morse then requested tnat lie be given a pair of rubber boots and buckskin gloves, when he would go into the stable and capture the dog at all ha ards. Upon consultations it was agreed that a shot gun had best be brought into requisition, and lur. George Lynch, a relative of Mr. La- forme, apiieared upon the scene with a breech loader. Officer Morse then opened the door of the stable again, and, aa the dog made a spring ut him. iur. Liyticn, wno sutou ut-siue me ouccr, and who is an expert wing shot, poured the contents of the right hand barrel of his gun into tne body of the canine, killing him instuiitly. Ueduuui (.Unas.) tjor. Boston Herald. The City of Hickory can justly lay claims to many plcssaat and aatarai adraaUfeiJu a healthful resort for tourists and tavaluls, situated as It ts oa the crest of one of the principal niountaia apurs which extends to the Blue Ridge in the west, and dividing the bcaatlral Ca tawba Valley, For huuUug and fishing this sevtion of Western NorttOCarollna I greatly noted. The neighboring mountain and itream abound ia aa unlimited varlrtv nf ummm and fish. - - in lM CharlM Find HI & Two advertisements annearcd Meirui'ius Publicus directly after the Restoration. Tlie 11 ret was no doubt drawn up by the John Ellis who mentioned in it The second must have been written by the king him self: "A Smooth Black Dog, less than a Greyhound, with white under his breast, belonging to the King's Ma jesty, was taken from Whitelial tlie eighteenth day of this instant June, or thereabout. If any one can give no tice to John Ellis, one of his Majesties Servants, or to his Majesties buck stayrs, shall be well rewarded for their labour. " June 21-88, 1I5UU. "We must call upon you again for a Black uog, between a urcynound and Spaniel, no white about him, onely rvafllf rn Ina HmuiI diwI hiB 'Ifflvl little bobbed. It is His Majesties own Dog, and doubtless was stoln, for the Dog was not born nor bred in England and would never forsake His Master. Whosoever Andes him may acquaint any at Winteiiul, for the Dog was better known at Court than those wno stole hiin. Will they never leave robbing His Majesty! Must he not keep a Dog! This Dog's place (though better than some imagine) is tlie only place which nobody otters to beg. V- T... 00 a i.Tivi t),.:i.l.. 41.:. nuuv u-uuijr. v, luuv. loiuiy siii was the "dog that the king loved, which came ashore with Pepya a Dover ("Diary," May 85, 1000). Or it may nave been the dog to which Rochester refers in one of his satires against Charles II: Hia wry don at Oonnal board Bits grave aud wise a any LorL Notes and Queries. MKCELLA NE0US. BOO I'HHT AIUIVBI TUU-WATIiK. I 0 IIICKOI1Y ftp v., mi i ill i in - y , N. C. isal ) ' rilMATH UNMUKPABMED. ! Yh InL.JJ j.1 The "HICKORY INN" 1 built of Brick, Stone and Iron, ha all modem Improvement, Gas and Electric Bells in each room, and la well heated by furnace ; Hot and Cold Water - Paths and Toilet on each floor. Is elegantly furnished throughout. The table will be sap pi led with the best the market afford. Bxcursioaist to or from Asheville ean stop over at Hickory. For Information a to climate, etc.. address FRANK LOUGIIRAN, PropV, RATES S2.R0 to $3.80 iier Day ay. $15, $1M and $21 per Wi eek. HICKORY, M. C. A . A, A BLAIR FURNITURE COMPANY, NO. 37 PATTOK AVENUE, Wholesale and Retail Furniture Dealer, And Undertakers. Prompt attention given to all orders dny or night. Residence i 39 Penland Street fcbldly THE CAROLINA SALOON, Patrick Henry Uttered a sublime truth when lie said, I "It ia natural for man to indulge in the illusions of hope. - We are npt to shirt our eyes against a painfull truth and listen to Unit song of that siren till she transforms ns into beasts." We ore npt to shut our eyes while colds, catarrh or consumption are getting the Iiest of us, hoping not, when our plHtn duty is to get. some Honw and wards will do well has ebarire of the tinances, but the tocu II ttlld examine the VHi'it'd sisters ami brother live a secluded life, nTlf1 wn UIX utfu.U nt M Vll aj ivviiv vs, blj v J a. va Clothing now on Hale at Whitlock's. uever mini out (rung with the world witu- New York World. Th Theft of Photofrapa. Titers is a custom that prevails in local circles among even conscientious people that causes a (real deal of trouble and inconvenience, besides oftentimes being the means of the sev- , Ra Material, Moat BrrK as swt am DT ynwr mater, wnts W. L. DOUGLAS, BKOCKTOMt '' For sak by ' HERRIN & WEAVER 30 South Main Street, Asheville, N. C. jantfldly For two years I h:-.d rtifflimatiem m Imfl V'.wl It dlaahlrd aw for wtlt and confined rn to r y bi for a wliolo yrar, durlnK whk-h I'n-n I Eld noleei nT: l:uni'. dalniiiv Ii-.mI. l I mm. 1 1 ie -'d i ' awmi my If i-i 1 1 u, Mlucrd In BitIi 11 . 1 VI Cl wtby Ixs-I )-.lel:i only 10 emiT wit.v, Finally 1 look Hwtft UpmlDa, and oun h mn t. Improy. Attn whit ii at sir work, til fr '' part tn ainntha hsro bw snwvll as I enr waa al trosj Ui cOocU of Swill's SpaclHc Jmm 1!at, Jan. a, 1M, Ft. Wayre, Ird. Book oa Blood and .! THswra mallcfl frve, Bwun Srscwra Co., Quanta, Oa inn IUHmmI Mi remedy like the Golden Medical Uiacovery erinff of friendships, and that ia the of Dr. I'krce, and take it We should not habil of stealing photographs from i:.i... it,. itflU amni I,,, f rut U I .11 t a' l . r; . , nwii iu un w.n n i . . . mmiiji, iou cannot imagine now heed Longfcl ow, who tells us to "Act, often tne thin(r 4, done among the net m the living indent. 1 nat mean u of gtatufc belore it is too lute-. The Discovery is 0BU another and while awai(. tineoftlwgreatsuccessi's of the nge-a :-,.: . drawinir ror.m will niek safe, plensnnt remctly to take and can he - nhotoontDh case and. naa 01 an oruggisis, g"rnieru x nnv .. . - , s wlt,,l . . I ... V . ,11.11 1 -."-P. U.VVH.VWUV .....V.U, .W..WHV iu tv ... . -.- , ,. . . . ,. uewuiug iu nianuesa lnvereai suuiciuut to ask the owner for it, will deliberate- We claim to have the beat stock In the city, and will sell them low for cash. We call sueciol attention to our novelties in Child 'ren's Suits, just received for Ettstct Sunday, at WHITLOCK'S. aprtsd wtf In -..- lienefit or cure, pr money put be refuntled Terre Haute Express : All flesh is gross, ly slip it in her pocket It never occurs' If yon do not think so, just notice how I to ner that this photographic theft is . 1. . i 1 . I 1 J .l n . . 1 r.'.USTAtIG LIlllLiEIlT BnOTJTiT) ALWAYS B KEPT IN n0P, sUTCUKN. STABLE AND FACTORY I everylmdy on the street stops when some one yells, "Hey, you. Merit WIiih. We desire to say to our citizens, that for yenrs we have .been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Snlve and Electric Hitters, nnd have never handled remedies that sell ns well, or that have given such universal sntis-fm-tion. We do not hesitate to guurnntrc them every time, and we stand rendy to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. These rrmrrlics have won their great popularity purely on their merits. F. L. Jacolis, Druggist " ., ,'USTAUG LIIHUENT CUBE8 H0LLOWH0UN, CAKED BAOS, OttUB HOOF vwtg in CATTLE I is bad as any other. Bhe says to her telf t "Oh, its only a picture; what' tne cmieroncoi unicago jNews, What will cure the worst case of dys ie)ia? What will insure a hciirty nmie tite and increased indigestion f What will cure general debility and give a new lease of life? What willrestorerxhaustcd mothers to full strength? What will strengthen nerves and muscles? What will enrich the blood ? . What will enable you to overcome weakness, wakefulness mid lack of energy ? What will prevent chills and lever and other enects ol mala rial poison ? Brown's Iron Uitters. It is well to know this. All rye fitted sad St guaranteed, A eo plete stock of the above good at GRANT'S DRUG STORE, 34 SOUTH MAIN 8TKKKT. Oculist' prescriptions a specialty. fct27riflm FOR SALE. Valuable Timber Land). I hav for sale about 11, mm acres of land In Bwala cunatv, near Panther Creek, the Naatahala river and tn ane tne w. n. v. H. R. A frreater portion ot thi land eont Ina the Aneat timber that I know ot in the Ktate. aprtodtf JAMHo U. MAKT1N. An Army of Menial. A great many people have been surprised, when attending the Van- dorbilt entertainments during the past year or more, to notice the marvelous uumber of servants in livery. After the English fashion, this household army is usually drawn up in line in the hull and the guests pass into the drawing room with a line of servants on either f.ido. Tne question that turall v arises is. what in the world does tlie family do with this army of meuiuU when they havo no social af fair 011 bund and are not entertaining! As a fciuuile matter of fact it may be explained that these servauUuro not ull repilur Vauderbilt attaches. Tliey uro only taken ou when the occasion requires their services. In the lun guugo of the theatre, they are the extra ballet. Hie liveries 111 winch they appear ore supplied them by the butler of tho house from an immense trunkful of such gai-monts which huvo been imptn-ted aud - are constantly kept 011 liund. Tho butler's waitlrolie contains Hfty or seventy-llvo such suits of livery, so that no mutter what the peculiarities of size aud shapo among these haphazard domestics muy in it is n comparatively easy uiiug w tit mum out. town ionics. A fear Country for Saw Honrs. There is only one phvsiciun to every 8, 600 of the population in Russia, and ei tne aesiituuon among metnoors 01 he profeHsioii is said to be alarming. Of late there have been numbers of suicides of medical men who were without tho bare necessities of life. This state of things is attributed to the ignorance of the people, who con sult soothsayers and magicians in preference to educated medical men. Men who have served in the ambu lance corps or as hospital attendants. and thus gained a smattering of medi cal knowledge, are allowed to prac tice. Which is another drawback to the profession. Pittsburg Dispatch. Dyapepala. Dewpalr, Death. These are the actual step which follow indication. Acker's Kngliiih Dystietwin Tablets will both check and cure this most fcnrful of discuses. Gtirnntced by T. C. Smith & Co. Mrs Harris (looking up from n letter: "I'm so glad that we sent Hnrry to Vnlc. I knew he would make his mark. He says that he is already considered otic of the best scholars in the college." Mr. Harris: "Let nie see that letter. That isn't scholars, it is scullers." Has the Finest and Largest Stock of WHISKIES, t BRANDIES t AND t WINES, Ever Brought to Asheville. Parties wishliiK a good article for family or other purpose, will find It to their interest to give me a call. Respectfully, mariltdty Frank O'Donnell, Prop'r. nusTAiiG unoriT ostaiig unraiT IS FOB MAN A PEASf . FENETHATFil UUbGLE AFUlllE TO TUB VtEY HONS, TIE ATA INFLAMMATION. OLD BORES CA&U) WEAUT8 ii(UA7I UUUl I..-. -ra, ltd SIIEPAUD. MANN & JOllNSTON. FUNERAL - DJRECTORSj EMBALMING AND SHIP Ft'N.G A SPEC I ALT Y. -31 PATTON AVKN17E;.- 31- P. II. llrewtoii will attend Calls Day and Night mar21dly ... . -31 OTICB.. N( By virtue of a morliice, with a power of Snle, xreuted to the iinilrraiKnt'il hy William T, Wllklna. on the 17th day of November, 1KH7, nnd reaiatered in Hook No. 11, on Fag B4,'l, In the olHi-e of the Hegister of Ileeda of Huneonitieconnty, we will aell to the highest hiflihr lor en.lt. nt the eniirt house door in the elty of Aahevlllr, on Monday, the flth day of Mnv, 1MHW. eight certain town lota in the snnthrrn portion of the elty of Asheville, near Houthaide avenue, and on McDowell at reel, iH-lnir lot No. 7. B. 10.-15. 10. 1M. 10 and an of the McDowell Addition to the city of Aaheville, for a more perfect description of which reference ia'herrhy made to aaal mort gage. Thla the 0th day of April, 1mhi. J. B BOSTIC, C. I. BLANTON, GttO. A. HlttlPtlKl), aprfld 1 m , Mortgagee. N 0T1CB. At a rrgnlar meeting of the Hoard of Alder men, hcldon the loth day of March, lHHtt, it was ordered that two rottag placs heestab. Ilshed In the city, for holding municipal elec tions, one to he at the Court House and the other at the buncombe Warehouses AH To tem living east of Mala street are to vote at the Court House, and all voter Hring wet of Main street are to vote at the Bnncombe Warehouse. A new registration hf all voter living in the city was also ordered. Mr. A. 1 . Kummey was appointed reaisirar ior in western oortion of the elty, and Col. S Ha .'USTAI.'G Llli CTJftEH TTLEH, BCKNH, CtJTH, f'ORNR, BUUI8E8, CUILULALN 8 ft FU0HT1UTKS POKKBNT. The second floor In Mr. Alexander' hulld Ing, No. 10 Patton Avenue, oyer llrnfiiutii'a tore. Water put In if required. Apply to anv o. aprVl daw H. C. FKA UUSTAIiG LIIIiritlT OUliErt RTTEUMAT1SM, LAME BACK AND 8TIFF JUINTH. &UB IN UAiU ' low Krwta wa apiwinted regiawar for the eastern portion of the elty. All voter living in the corporate Hmlta or the city are required to come forward and have their name enrolleel oa the new regta tration hooka, whether they have ever regis tered heretofore or not. The rrgnlar election for Mayor aad three Aldermen, Mnmlav, May 6,1 HMD. H. U. HARK INK, r. M, Mii-i.tfK, Mayor. aulas City Clerk. aura pHlKBALB, A second hand pool table. Call on or writs to U. C. PAUU, City, aprai dlw r.;u8TAi;i2ij;:c:2:ir CTJTtES FOOT ROT, RnOtJtDT.n -HOT, fcKJUEW-'WOBM AND B0AB IN bUfcr.P I