t:::: daily cities:? Will be ptiMlwbed every mornins; Irierpt Moa 1tI at tit following rate. mUKtly cmnti: nr Vrr..........,......,. .. OO t"x Month... ................,........... 8 M) 1 Brre lurniu,,,,. . I. BO I tx M on 1 h............M.,w,mwM... fVO UiK wees.. . 18 tmrearrirra will deliver th. paper every Morning la every part of the city to oar hI crllferm, and parties wanting it will picaac rail at the Cnuaa Office. New AcWcrttacotcat. Preah Plait B. fttraaaa. Rash, Doora, etc. Aehcvlllc Lomlicr and 14 aaulacturmf Co. I'sUtcd sMalee lcnal Service Ma ttes, AahCTllle, M. c. LATfTrra, MM Noam. LosnrrnnB 83.36 WT. Bubvitiob, 3. SOU Psbt. Meteorological report for 34 boar ending at p. m.( Apru 20, lsny. YBM PBR ATt!R b; " Northers Bipoaure. Shaded. i a m 1 3 p in I ft p m I Mas7 MTn.l Daily Mean. 6 1 j 611.3 63.1 J M 1 1 50. f O TtW foTNlT aa 49 tet.TiUMIDITV. l ABrtO. HUMIDITY." iy Daily Mean. S.333 67.33 BAROMBTRR. PBBCIPITATION. Corrected for aJtituile Bala and Snow Melted hwi. beptha. Dally Meaa. laches, laches. 0.1ft 0 80 03 Waaiker Fair. K. V. BUCK, M. D Obarrver. Wiley AlUt m ConaaUhlp, ' Mr. Cicero Harris writing to tbc Dur ham Tobacco Plant, hat the following to a aaj concerning J. Wiley Shook, E., the well-known Republican editor and poli' tician of this district : "A magnificent specimen of manhood, talL broad-shxiltkrrcd and dee nc heated. strode into the library shortly before noon accompanied by a prnce, active man, who, although he was of fully average sits, was no taller than his companion's collar. The big man wat Editor I. VY. Shook, and the Clyde Register, which be owns and editt, it the only Republican paper in Western North Carolina. The rather dapper-looking gentleman with him was Representative H. G, Ewart, who will look out fur the interests of the ninth North Carolina district in the next Con gress. He represents the only district in the State in whkh there it working majority of white Republicans. Mr. Ewart tbinkt that editor Shook would make a Bret class consul, and Mr. Shook has expressed a preference for a position 01 mat ituara japan.", ... Aa AshevlUe Bey wilTaM There, The Hubert Pulliam Johnston men tioned in the subjoined iwragruph is n resident of this city, and a ton of Capt. Robert B. Johnston. Young Mr. John ston, who it alto nephew of ex-Congress man Thus. D. Johnston, it an unusually Intelligent and tcholary gcntlemun, and will reflect great credit upon hia town county and district at the great war training school of the nation. "The following- young men will report at west t'oint, June tiie itn, to stand the entrance examination at the II, S, Military Academy : Geo. Pierce Howell 3d district; John K. J'hiler, Hth district Solomon C. fool, 4tb district: Wilbur I' Cross, l.t district; J omet S. Buttle, 2tl district; Kobt. Pnlbam Johnston, Utli district. 1 here will be a vacancy in the V. 8. Military Academy in the 5th (lis , trict in 1H91 and one each in the Oth and 7thml81ta." Me Freight On Sunday. Dkthoit. Mich.. Anril 23. The Miilii gan Central railroad will hereafter run no freight trains on Sunday except when absolutely necessary for the conveyance of perishable goods and live stock. All other traina will be stopped at 0 p. m Saturday and will not start before 6 a ' m. Monday. President Letlyurd said this morning that the company hud been considering this matter for a long time and finally determined to make I lie ex periment. It will reduce the Sunday freight business oue-half and give a lurgc number of employes one day's rest in seven. Vau'lerbilt, Deiiew and all the officers of the Vanderbilt system, he said were in favor of Sunday as a duy of rest. risrW over the Mate Line. Nasiiviixb, April 25. A special to the llanner from Bristol snya that an agree ment has been ctlcitexl that will prevent any collision between Tennessee and Vir ginia officers on account of the undeter mined location of the State line. - Yester day morning countrymen armed with thotguna and pistols gathered from every direction, and when one of the lending lawyers for Virginia advised that men lie put to work and sheriff Cart wriht lie thot down it he touched one of them. It looked at if bloodslwd wat unavoidable. Injunction cases and processes for con- tempt will remain in statu quo, to be ought to the count. Forgot Hia Order. Cincinnati, April 2f. A dispatch from Glenmary, Tena., says a collision oc curred there yesterday between two freight trains on the Cincinnati Southern rood, at a result of forgetfulncss of the engineer of one o them, The collision oc curred a mile south of Glenmary. Brake- maa Taylor, conductor Hiulein and eniri- neer Rusk were badly crushed. Tbc first two died soon after beinii extricated Rusk's injuries are fatal Two others i tlightly injured. Death f m Leading Hlnlater. HABRmoitnuBa, Va., April 25. Rev L. C. Miller a prominent minister of the M. K. church, South, dird here this morn' ing. He wat very popular and greatly beloved, He had been retired tome time age on account of ill health. He was one of the most eloquent preachers in tlie aouth. . Atldrel tm tlta lorn anility. The following gentlemen hove been ud- detl to the Burnsville rallrond committee by the Mayor and President oftlie Board of Trade: Dr. Jat A. Rengnn. H. C. Hunt, L. M. Smith, Thot. D, Johnston, A New Lsmn, The Calcium Lamp it all metal and is aafct Givee a light equid to six ordinary lamps. Arc made to hang or stuiul. A child can put in new wick. Never gctout of order. Will tend a lamp to any house to use for two days and then send and take them back. All arc mpjeated to try the lamp, and will be at no trouble orex pense in doing so. Law's Silvbb and China Hoiwk, Opposite PostoHk-e. FRESH FISH. A large shipment of Hhad. Perch aad Her ring rweivad last Bight Plneat sera la Ashe ville this aeaaoa. Bead hi onirra early. Prices reasoaabk. BH1KA1KH, oath Main street. J TBNNBNT, Architect and Contractor. Plana, aprrlAratlona and eatlmatca fur. iahrd. All work la my tine contracted lor, """""" " BHrea.a vnrB amlrerl liel NoS Hendry Bloc, North Court Sonar, AaaevUle, u. C. arbllMly MAHHI.TS IIV Ti:i.i:UHAI'lI. Money . and SccurMlo Cotton Tovlatona nd Produce. MONBTINDBBCI'BITIBS. New Yoac. April 26. P.xchaniie dull but firm. Money easy 2aL'14. mo-Treasury balance ',old, $lS3,-tU,- tXMI; currency, 1i1.7ii7.(xmi. (iorernmrnt bonus null nut nrm a orr cents, 4V per rrnu, SlUMi. mate bonds, uun ann iraiureiess. Ala.ClaaaA 2afl lllMilNO lac. Iilmur t)'-".i Ala. Claaa n o...ni N. V. Central 1071J N. A W. plii 6 J Northern 1'ae... ar.B N. P. pld ... 61 S I'arinc Wail. . .'Ill', a. 7a. mort lnji,.. N. C. Cona.. 6t .i2J H. C. Cona., 4a V ft. C. rlrowa'.l4 Tena. a keariing Trnn.na Mil HUB. c A lit 17 Tena. art., 8a 7U. H AW. Point.. 2H Viriciniaee H Virmnia Cona... 3A kocs l.ianu Ht. Paul AfiVi Nurth area tern .. .!(!, do pM 1 '!.'(. Tel. Pacific 31 (J TrnnCoalAlroa 4 Union Pacilic 61' do pld ...13H. Iiei bKB... a I Brie 2 Baat Tenn fc' Lake Bhore ...HISU Loa. A Naab 8MV N. J, Central UH Mo. Pacific 71 Vi Wratcrn union Mem. A Char.,, oft Cotton-aeed oil Mob. a Ohm liH Certificate. 66 Null. A Chat... yW cottom. Lfvaaroot.. Aoril 25. Noon Cotton firm with active demaud Amerk-aa middlinir 0. Bale 12.000: uccalation and export Lfioo. Heceipu 0.8UO. Amencaa ,ioo. future. cloard firm. 3 r. H. American middling-, 64. Bnlea of lo-oaj neinoeu v.oiiu nmencaa. Apni n n . i Mar. o. bnyen; May and June 0 l-n, aelier: June and July 6 tellerai July and Auguat o, Dayera; Aaguatananepieniueroai-o.ani-era: September aad Octolier S -. buycre: October and Novemlicr, 5 S4-A4, arllera; Bep- tcaaDer o si-e, Kiiers. ruturca cioaco quiet but steady. Naw Voaa, April 25. Cotton rm. Ralri to-day 114 balee; middling usland 10 16-111; middling Orleans 118-16. Total net receipt, at all porta for to-day 473. Uiports to Great Britain, 8, UNI; Continent, 2,002. Stock 440.UDM bales " rioTitioaa and raonucs. ' . Baltimohi. April 2r Floor quiet hut ateadr. Wheat Hoothern nominally atrady Palta UOal.OliLonglierryUOal.iiWrateni auiet but ateadr No. 2 winter red apot MM. Corn Hon them, scarce and Arm; white 40a 43 M,; yellow 4ia4HVi; We. tern firm. Ciiicaoo. April 26. Caah ouotationa were aa follows: Ploar dull holders offer at 16a 20 reduction. No. 2 spring wheat NOaHl Corn No. 2 34. Mrs pork, 11 SO. Lard fl.H2Man.Ho. Hhort rila,S.U0a6.0l;ahouldrrs o.2rH5.ro; short clear n Ma. w niakry. 1 .U2. Naw Yosa, April 20. Houtnern nour heavy.. Wheat firmer No. 2 red HU'V.nx.'l. Corn firmer No. 2 caah 44. Oats firm nnd quirt options steady hut dull, April 2UV Ho Arm and qttiet. Coffee options closed lower; Hay io.4oain.on. nugnr-raw, nrm; lair re fining 6 716. Molaaaes firm. Bice atrady and uulet Cottonaeed oil nuiet. Koainuuiet. Wool quiet and weak. Heel quirt. iardiluil weatera suaniT.lo, rreurnu easier, cotton 8-32D. THE LOCAL MARKET. Icons KCTBI) DAILY. 1 The following prices can be obtained for country produce: cauuagea, nicely inmmcn, per id.. Horghum Molaaaes, per gal Hides Bacon, per It , Irish potatoes, per bu m 26n:in ,KVhU eoaHr, waciL per on H. 1 1)0 flour, per cwt 2.60a.') (So Corn, perba ttoan.l Chickens...... ,...12taa20 Kggs, per doi Mutter, pertb Turnips, per Im , in ..20a2o .....26 Carrots, ier bu 70 70 raraniia, peruu Onions, iierhu 1.0( Cow Peas, icr hu 7fal oo 4 at 3u4 Celery, per hunch Href, per ni gross Mutton, per lb gross Apples, per bu Dock ..,..,., Turkey, dressed,,,. live Beans, per bu...... Oata, ier bu Hay, per cwt , 7Bal.(M 20a2n I ID 76al.26 l.OOal.76 OH.K MOal.Oii DOES IT PAY TO KEEP PROMISES ? Yh. Kiurht yfiWH of him ff'Huful luiHiiu'HM lifu in Ahh A V1U0 I1I1H (ItUIIOIlHTTUUHl to UH tho fju-t ihiit we havo novoi loHt an.ythhi by Htraiuht- forwiird Iiuhiiichh liii'tlioiiH. Wo buy tho lMHt f?oo(ln U lw hm. YVh hu v ffir phhIi We buy in lnr fotM.thttittliy P'tting joblwM-H' priroH. can and do nwl a trit'atniaivy f?oods in our line oh ohoap uk tiu)y can bo bought in any niarkot. no try to Htwi clear of MH)plo who don't pay their debt. We think wt know HoniethiiiK about our ImmneHH and try to buy at A 1 i 1 A 1 S t no rignt time. e luivo m Mtf u k to-day H to 1 0 carloadH of pram and f(Hdntulfn, 25, mm ttiu K,i..,w, in tuu tt.u Flour, 10,000 liw. Lard, 100 boxen Oackern, 3."0 to 400 ciihoh CaniHHl Goods, and a full line of Staple and Fancy 1 !.... it...i. ..At irurt;rirn unit rilllliui ueenu meratM in thin Hpace. t'oin pare our prices and tpuality witn others. POWELL & SNIDER aprlHdly FOR RENT For the Summer Month). A beautiful ountrj( home, containing five etrcant raoms, nicely furnished, situated in the beautiful Hooper's Creek Valley, 10 miles rom Hendersonvlltr, 18 miles from Ashcvllle Ballruad station and postofHcc near at hand. Beautiful lawn, pure mountain water and drlitrhtful scenery. Oanlra vcircUliks, fresh butter and milk caa Ik had every day, Terms reaaouable. Apply to L A. PAKIN1IOLT, Boom 11. Mcl.iiwl llulldlna, Aahrvlllc, N C Or JlWIil'H VOU Nl! UL( Mill, Pletcher's P. O., Henderson Co., N.C. am, i i m CITIZ1CNM' TItKIiT. The following ticket will be voted for ut toe ensuing election t i For Mnvor, 11. B. HAKklNH. For Aldermen, A. T. Kl'MMuY, T. C. BKOWN, t. DAMP MclKIWKLL. aprja ntniayw UltOOM FACTORY. HANFOalD N. LOCKVOOU. MANO-UAIIS Brooms, Wlilaka, Hearth and CcllliiK Brooms. Mill and V.i4nrv m.(Ii a niwl.ll. f t.... tatlona and aam4ca free. lehltmi v riTft -' l V Ol.li BPKCIALIBT LI I V PHY8ICIAN. I I I II ni,ttl "f mellcine Free. We war- w rant our rrmeily tocurr the worst vaaca, and the only physicians who do thla to prevent your Ix-lna ImiKisiil upon by mtn uatna lulae nnmea and who ar. not Hoctora. HM..UI l,lk. 1 l a renaoi lor not .....,.,,r. niprras antl nt. '11 VI. '."!" 5"'u 'hin. Adriieaa Aaahel Mnllcal Bureau, 2U1 llrtiaifwav, New ianv7UA:wly ASHEV1LLE OPERA HOUSE CO. The follnwInB InconKirntora are requested to meet In the dire, torn' room of the I'lrnl Nntional Bank on Monday, April a, at 12 o'clock, for the purpoac of orunnliittlon : rti.i.ii i iiA..AKU, r, . MOKKIHON. , n . i-a i i , in C. II. P.I.ANT0N, I. U. BANKIN, II. C. WAHIIBI.I., at. U. CABTUK, H. B. MAWI.lt W. K. IIKHItMB, ' C. T. HAW I a, 0 A POWB1.L, 2Sd4t UISCELLASEOL'S. Swunnanou Hotel. ITnexcrtlrd euialnc. t'upular with touriaU.fanulkaaud liuaiocu mca. iilcctric can pass the door. BAWLS BKOH.. fclildly Propr'i. GRANT'S If your prcacriptioas are compounded at Grant's Phar macy you caa positively de pend upon these facta : Pirat. that only the Purest and Best , drugs and chemicals will be used Second, they wilt be compouaifci rarcfully and ac curately by aa esperirnced , prcscriptlonUt; and third, you will not be charged aa exorbi tant price. Voa will receive the beat goods at a very rca- DRUG sonahlc profit A fail line of Patent Medicines, Toilet Arti cles, A yer's Becamier I'repai a- tlons, Rcott'a Electric Curlers, . - etc., etc, ' - WehavethtSKcncyfor Hum phrey's Homeopathic Mcdi. dncs. UsVAL'LT'B OLD BTANlST 24 A Main Bt Prescriptions delivered to any part of the city free of charge) ' STORE. mar20d1v N OTICB OP DISSOLUTION. The imrtnerBhlpheretoforeexlatliiu lietween P. C. Mclntire and Philip Mclntirc untler the Arm name of P. C. Mclntire A Hro. is this day diaaolvrd by mutual consent, P. C. Mc lntire retimiit. The liualnvas will be eon. ducted in future by Philip Mclntire who will pay and receive all dchta owing by and due to said nrm. April lt, inxu. P. C. McINTIBK, Birl0dlm PHILIP McINTIBK. FOB BBNT. An 1H room house on South Main street, No. 170, lust lit ted up for a boardinu house. New iiiiiiiiK room, work room anil imntryioininu. Has a Rood well of water City witter on first and sreond floor. Kicb Kanicn. ntret-t cars puss the uoor. for lur- ther Inlornialion Inuuire at - - 177 SOUTH MAIN HT., apr21 dot Aahcvillc, N. C N OTICB. Will collect debts for anyone in the city fur iicrrent. Good racilities for rcntinK nnd col IcctiiiK rents on houses. Will sell furniture on weekly payiiicnta. f. B. JOHNSON. At tllitir's Furuiture ritorc, 37 Pation Avenue. Beferences uiven. marl4dHm KUTlNti OF STOCK HOI. HBK8. A niectinK of the atiH'kholilrra of the Hun comlie Turnpike Company will lie held at the office of havlilson, Martin A Jones, No. 7 Law HuildiiiK, on the 4th dny of May, 1HHU, ut uoihiii, lor tne ouniose oi reorKiiniia tion. J.O. MAKTlN, aprludiot President pro tern. SADDLE AND HARNESS HORSES FOR SALE. Anyone wishing to purchase first-class Sad dle and Harness Horses can be accommodated by upplyliiK to the undersigned at Morria town, Tenn. CorreaHindrnce solicited nnd promptly answemi. kick v L ATI'S, aprlUillw Morristown, Tenn. LOOK I LOOK I LOOK I R. Z. SORRELS, 16 N. Main St., Una uiencil his large and complete KB. FK10KRATOH for the purpose of acuummii (luting the good citliens of Asheville with the best COUNTRY BVTTKR, Keceived dully and kept on ice day and night. Price Very Reasonable. r'J3 dll). ICE READY FOR DELIVERY. Ice tickets rxay lis had at the Company's ollice, Patton avenue. Asheville Ice Co. aprliadlw A. F. STEVENSON, CARRIAGE : AND : SIGN : PAINTER, GILDER ANO VARNISHER, la prriwiTil to lo all kinds of Painting. Bring on your old -looking Carriugrs, llrctts, 8ur rys, llugglra, Carta antl Wagons and have Ihem tarnished or repainted, so they will look as good as new. 'All work warranted not to crack, blister or come off until It wears off. Terms reason. ahle. , Shop on Harnett Hill, liagle Street, lunrlildilm TOWN LOTS FOR SALE I 183-4 ACRKS, Lying Bear the "Oaklaud Inn," overlooking the river, upon w hich are several as Uaullful unoccupied htillding ailcs asvun lie luund in or near the dly. Apply to . " JOHN K. CONNALLV. aprll dim cisun -FINE- MERGHANT ITAILORIIIG. F. S. DLACK, S. Main St., (Opposite SwannanoallotrO All the Latest Styles. ASIIEVILLB A I) "BUY II03IE-3IAI1E GOODS." Full Holli.T ProceBrj. We (iuarnit4X' .Suthfaction. Ank Y'our CJnHiT for AhIicvIUc 3Illlln; Company Flour and BIcal We make tlic following jadet of flour: Ikllc. Tukc no other. Cash Paid for Wheat, Corn, Oats and Ground to OrtW. Do Custom Grinding for Old Depot, ' ASIIEVIIXE COAL COMPANY, H. T. COLLINS & CO. SuiK!rior Hard and Soft Goal I Office: Buriiurd Huililing, Patton AvrniK. HERRING THE SHOE STORE, ' NO. 30 SOUTH , . While we Have the Fluent and Our We also huvc the cheapest. Cull and see W. D. MAKX, Prop'r. ASHEVILLE LUMBER AND M'F'G CO., MANUI'ACTURBKS OF Sash, Doors, Blinds, ItiouldlnH, Flooring, Celling- and all Kind of Hardwood Interior fitiinh a -jcittv. OAK STREET INN , ASHKVILLB, N. C, llrautlfully Inratrd in s grove of oaks and white pine, with no duat or noise, at the cor ner of Oak and Woodlin streets, near the Female College, and only three squares from the court house. We have a numlier of elegantly-furnished rooms to accommodate boarders who desire a nice, quiet place, awny from the hotels. Nice rooms, new furniture, good fare, first-class i-ifuBuig, .i rcasunuuic prices. Also, not anu cola oatns. Dr. T. J. HARGAN, Proprietor. COMPOUND OXYGEN AND MEDICATED BALSAM VAPOR. All modern and latest imoroved methoda throat and nose, by the inhalation of vaporised . 1 r "it1""1""'. -",lli"'u,"t sam I the balsam obtained from the natural We also manutacture a Home Treatment .... ...... .... , i. b,,. u Our success here for the past three years ing cured many case, mat were pronounced obtained by calling at the Sanitarium. By Minm-mru 01 nnncvnie; a. j. nscon, ex-mnyor; J. n. KCCa, Clerk V. 8. Court ; Kev.G.C. Kan kin, pastor First Methodist Church ; Rev. W. A. Nelson, pastor Pirat Baptist Church ; H. T. vwiuaa, vnpt. fa. laiHouu, THE "BONANZA,' THE LKADINO ' WINE AND .. i IN THE STATE. . FINE SAMPLE AND BILLIARD ROOM. j. a. MARm'ARBTi Nw NO. Lnwia MADUIJX, Pres. L. P. McLOUH, Vlce-Pres. J. B. RANKIN, Cashier. Uibsctoss: Uwls Mnddus, M. I. Beanlen, a. H. Reed, Oeo. 8. Powell, C. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK - . . ASHBV LLB, N. C, FBIIRUARY 1st, lNKD. ' Organised May 1st, 18H8. CAPITAL, $50,000. . STATB, COUNTY AND ' Does a General Hanking Business. Deposits received. Exchange tiought und sold. Col lections made oa all accessible points. The Saving Feature will receive SKcial attention. Onall sums in this department, deposited for of 4 per cent, per annum will be paid. trpecial attention given to loans oa real estate, which will bt placed for long time on real Mmable terms. 0icn from a. m. to 3 p. m. Oa Saturdays leliadtf WILLIAMSON & SON, (Successors to Hart & Williamson,) .. : MANIIFACTI'KKKS OP '-. SASH, DOORS, BUNDS, Moulding, Stair-Work, Fine In- terior Finish, MantelH, Etc., ASHEVILLE, N. C Al.l NTS FlIK The Itiickc.vc I'uiiiH, Steel ami Tin Shingles, l-hsur nnd Heurth Tik-s, feb . , - ASHEVILLE - ARTIFICIAL STONE Iortl..d Cement, tto.. Blocks) ance, or various desiKnB and colors and very durnbte for walks In yards, sidewalks, floors for Public llulldlnes, Halls, Ponhes, KtitrantrB, llasetnents, llutcber Hho, c. RKvial aises, color, and designa for HKARTHS. Handsome Carriage Dlocks with name. BEST GERMAN PORTLAND CEMENT AND GOOD BUILDING SAND FOR SALE Bampks of Blocks, ete., can bt sren at office Pliblle Ikjuar., corner of South Mala atreet. 3d3 VEK T1SLAIEXTS. Roller King, Electric Liht, Carolina Kye. Horse ant) Cuttle Feed Mixture Corn Kye and Oats. Mill and Yurd at at Wholenalo and lletail. ' - . ' Yard: Old Depot & WEAVER, MAIN STKEET. r. 5 Mont FaahionablfGood. In Line, us. KUPl'S DAWSON, Supt. Mill Work. apr26dlm for treatlm? rhronli ,.r , v.. i..H and atomised Mil ids by the pneumatic and ' nmniwp wun in. vaponsea MU. balsam trees near Aahrrillr 1 of the ComMiund Oxygen, which is, equal to a.iiu, . c-xprens, on receipt Of price, V12. with this treatment has been phenomenal, hav hox-leaa, whose nnmes and residences can he permiaaioa we refer to the following well-known T. J. HARGAN, W. D. LIQUOR .. STORE V 43 S. MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C M.J. Pagg, J. B.Rankin, I. B. Ray, I. B. Reed M. McLoud. . SURPLUS, S,ooo CITY DEPOSITORY. four months or longer. Interest at the rate the Having Dcrarlment will be open till a p.m. , AtiKNTsa m'f'ks. of Byrkit's I'ntent SIieatliinj Lath, Idly AMD TILE WORKS. iu.d TIleH, edlnaly h.nd...n In appear- over J, B. IHekerwn's Hardware 8,o P. O. Box 63v ' C. E. MOODY. II. T. COLLIN'S, rrcsidtnt. ASHEVILLE ICE GOD P A:i Y. i..i(.tt.tsss Pure Ice . nindo from DiHtilled Wuter. Office: Bunuird Puildiiif!;. Patton Avenu?. D. C. Waddtll, President. W. W. Barnard, TIIE BAI1K OF ASHEVILLE, N. C DIHKCTORIb I I. P. SAWVlik. . 0. MARTIN, I. L. CARROLL, CBU. VY. WILLIAMS, DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY Oldest Bank In INCORPORATED BY ACT OF THE CAPITAL STOCK (100,000. FITZPATRiCK BROS. & ROBERTSON. Dealer In Wall Paper, Window ShadesaiidPntctitllaiigcra, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Masury's Mixed I'nints und Colors. Window Glass, both . French and Amcricun We keep in stock St. Louis and Kentucky Lead. LUM1IER YARD. . - - (HO. F. SCOTT, (Successor to Doublcday & Scott,)" f . North Public Square, WINDOWS, - BLINDS, - DOORS, Gloss, Putty, Lime, PlontcrlnK Hair, ShinKles, I.atha, Fencing Posts. All kinds of Buildinir Material. , " MTOrdrrs will receive prompt attention. W. T. PRMKIMAM. PENNIMAN & CO., -JOHSEKS AND HIAIRIDIWIAIRIE ASHEVILLE, N. C. AOBNTS FOR : DUPONT POWDER CO., RICHMOND STOVE CO., CORTLAND WAGON CO., OLD HICKORY WAGONS, STUDEBAKER WAGONS, " . MOLINE SCALE CO. ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC. M'CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. - i fcbBdly An) thing: in the Jewelry Line at LOWEST JR1CES For First Class Goods. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING, BURT DENISON, febltldtf PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING, TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, AHUIITIXTIKAL IRON WORK. Plans and Specification Furnished uu Application We have thorouh mechanic. In each line who have had many , uuerielM, fc, the, business. We can safely guarantee our patrons satisfaction hi our work, a low opart. BALLARD, RICH & ROYCE. feblAdly C. II. CAMPBELL, Maisrer and Wholesale Milpper of -.IN;i R AVK, CHAMFAGNli tIDliU, , LliltlON SODA, SARSAPARIIXA, f 1 1 MINEHALWATERS, TONIC BEER, ' CARBONATED WATER IN 8IPHONS.I F.ctor, , H.,wo1 . "THE WINYAH. SANITARIUM," ASHEVILLE, It C Fir Hie rBtrtin of pttients auficritig of iHarusra ol lungs and throat, and cunilnrteil njion the j,lltt 0 tl sitnttnires at CHclitrsrlorf and Palkrnsteia in Ocr mnnj. Ours Is the only llKh ,tltutlon In the United State, and endorsed by the leading members of the metlk aliirofcsslon. Terms reasonable. KARL VON RUCK, B. S M. D. E. liXAGAM, Secretary Vice President. Lawrence Pulliara, Cashier ASHEVILLE, T. W.TATTON, VY. VY. BARNARD, V. C. VYADUI LL, of Wilmington, N. C. Wcttlcrii Caroliim. GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE SURPLUS FUND 520,000. febodly frblOdly W. B. PBNNIMAH. DBALBKS IN- -1 '. , P. Oa Boa ..4. V airU4dlm