t:.:: daily citiz:::. Thr Cm hi th moat extensively Hrm Inol and - irly read newspaper in Western i,rili t Kfcini. ItKiwtHmoaofmiMlr Bfl and mcararr. k la the taterrat 04 fmlilK mtrrrlty, femnl ipimiiiicat, and aroMTooa industry, aad it know, ao perauaai altriaAcr la treating pab bc tpeura. 1 a cirri. publish, the dnpatrh. of th Associated f'rtM, ftkmb soar cover the bole world la Iu scope. It kaa other facili ty of advanced jmimaHnm for .athertna; news frrtm ail quarter.. Milk rvcrythingcarc rull y eilited to occupy the amalleat iimu-c fcoectmea copira of any eiiiuoa will be sent f tw Uf owe srantng their addrraa. T.sas IWily. In for one year; $3 for all aaoaiaa; 5a cent, for awe anoath: 16 crntafor one week. Carrkra wtll deliver the paper in every part of the city to aulieerthrra, and ar tiea wanting it will plraac call at the Crruaa -vacs. ItnrnaM Btrna Reaaonahlt, and made aaowa on apfilicatinai at thia office. AM traairat ad rrruarmca ta ninat be paid in ad THURSDAY, MAY 2, 18H9. CITIZENS' TICKET FOK Mayor and Aldermen. For Mayor, . A. T. UMMUr. Por Aldrnnea, H. T.COLLINS, I. HAMP McDOWBLL, T. C. BROWN. pr3T dteay , THB atSCUMT CKWTKJIBHAt. It ll powtibk to weary reader ofthr newapaperi b rtcurrenc to the great I event, tlie ecboet of which are itill ring ing fat the car, the brilliancy of which is still dazzling to the eye, a found and a light "ever to be forgotten by thoae who witncMed the splendid pagent, inemury never to fade from the mind, of jubilant patriot. Wearisome aa i repetition of the incident of the august occaatoa, the reflection of the causes of o much of national exultation can never tire the reflecting patriotic mind. The end of a century of national existence was reached and celebrated amid circum stance of pomp and splendor which poke with the eloquence of incontro vertible fact that the new nation feebly asserting a place among the power of the earth with novel principle of govern ment, with challenge to the wisdom and experience of past age and existing practice, with open contempt of heredi tary and personal role, with sublime trust in the wisdom and virtue of the peo ple, amid jeer, distrust, hostility, had bravely entered upon it new and peril' on career, and at the end of one hundred year stood fixed, substantial, splendid, a dominant power in the world of na tion. Noble tribute to the wisdom and faith of it (bunder, glorious illustration of the patience, the self control, the vir tue and Intelligence of the people. The celebration of the centennial of the inauguration of the first ('res ident of the United States, on the spot where he took the oath of office was one in which all the people of the country should, and in spirit, did partici pate. What a spectacle! and what a change in one hundred years! Then New York city numbered thirty thousand in habitant, and the cilica around it were moderate village. Now a population little Was thnfl three million surround the water of the harbor of thut city, number equalling the then population of the original thirteen State. These thir teen have incrensed to thirty-eight, with legislation providing for still farther ad ditkin. Territory then unexplored, in deed, then unknown, has been occupied and added to the union a magnificent addition in population, culture and wealth to tbt central constellation. Un der the beneficent influences of popular government, the narrow territorial slip along the Atlantic coast, hedged in on the west by the forest and the savage on the south and southwest by hostile European domination, excluded from the " free navigation of the lake and the Ohio ' river, ihut out absolutely from the use of the Mississippi, and now at the end of one hundred years, there is one great,,. united, powerful, rich and unobstructed and undisputed sway from ocean to ocean, from the lakes to the shores ol the gulf, and vast and valuable territorial acquisition on the shore of the Arctic ocean. Surely this is something to stim ulate national pride, to reward national virtue, to encourage unimpaired fidelity to the nationnl constitution, to revere the lessons of our forefathers, to adhere to the path they pointed out, and to provide that when the second centennial hall be celebrated the grand recognition of an advancement of national power and prosperity which ha no parallel in the history of nation will prove to have been in comparison with whut we now exult In, only infant step in the grand cur and splendor of development. Saturday 118 Democratic xstmnster were replaced with Republicans, bring ing the total (or the week up to 1,010, The week before the total was 9f5. On May t the civil service law will be al lowed to apply to the railway mail ser vice, and thereafter the removal of Dem ocrat from that branch of the service will be lower. President Cleveland fixed the 15th of March aa the date ft the law to begin to operate, but his suc cessor was induced to defer it operation for six weeks, for what purpose may be imagined. Mr. Wanamnker on Satur day asked, it is said, that more time be given for removals, but Civil Service Commissioner Lyman opposed him and carried the day. It is to be feared that the reported repudiation ol Mr. Quay and his spoils methods, was a joke. The spoils doctrine is being more vigorously apjilied in the postal service than any where else. THK NOatTMKKM COLOR LINK. The present restlessness ol the colored population of North Carolina and other Southern States is largely bastd uKin al leged denial of certain right and privi lege claimed to be inherent to the condi tion of freedom. Those rights and privi lege arc believed to exist elsewhere, no tably in those State most hostile to the institution of slavery, moat active in overthrowing it, and therefore presuma- My the most sincerely devoted friends of the negro, recognizing him as tlie man and the brother, willing and anxious to welcome Mat a aa equal. This is the just belief of the negro ; it is the theoreti cal view of th philanthropist, In prac- tk-e, it has not so worked. Tlic negro is not forgotten by any means, but neither are the former slaveholders; and ,the former i very useful as a perpetual thorn in the sides of the latter. J!ut the philan thropic part of the country docs not pro pose to introduce any such thorn to their own sides to their own discomfort and inconvenience. Several recent articles in the New York Times, based upon the difficulty exrri enced by rcsectable colored people in getting decent house room, assert that in that city the color line is steadily becom ing more sharply drawn, shown in tbe exclusion to large degree of the colored people from those avocations for which their habits and qualifications most fit them. This is the case in all the large cities; it is less prevalent in the country and smaller towns. But to these the ne groes do not resort, but to the centres of money and employment. We commend the following utterance of a colored Epicoal minister, a man ol education and cultivated habits, lie peaks in connection with the olwtnclo put in hi way to find a suitable resi dencc, which he finally obtained at a real f $1,000 a year, an advance of $100 be ing made on account of hi color. He tayi: The forms this prejudice take in the North are often more humiliating than the political antagonism the colored pro le encounter from their lornier master in tlie South. There colored men work side by side with tlieir white colleagues in all the mechanical trade, and no ei- fort is made to prevent them from Warn ing any branch of industrial employment they mny choose. The material and moral anil intellectual aspirations of the colored man are not interfered with in the South, but, on the contrary, are en couraged in many ways by the white peo ple, who learned oetore the war to look to him for all the mechanical work that was wanted, For the colored man was the mechanic of the South heforethe war, as well as the field and plantation hand and day laborer. When, therefore, the colored artisan conies North and tries to find work at his trade and is met by a re fusal of white men to work alongside , of him. he encounter a kind of antipathy and prejudice that arc unknown in the Soutn. lit development along ine lines of morality and industry is interfered with anil hampered, ana there is smAii wonder If his progress is slow and preca rious." Mr. Grant Allen propounds in the Fo rum a new view of ''Woman' I'lace in Nature." "The mules," he ays, "ure the race ; the females are merely the sex told off to recruit and produce it. All that is distinctively human is man: t In field, the ship, the mine, tlie work-shop all that is truly woman is merely repro ductive: the home, tlie nursery, the school room." "This very necessity for telling off at least a considerable Humid or the women for tlie arduous duties of huinun maternity, prevents tlie possibil ity of woman as such ever Ix-ing really in any deep sense the race. It is human to till, to build, to navigate, to manu facture; and these are tiie function thut fall upon man." "The mules have built up human civilization and have made the great functionally acquired gain in hu man faculty, while the females have acted as mere passive transmitters of these mule aitiiHitious." A PHOI'KH PI.AN. A letter from Mr. W. E. Christian of tlie Charlotte Dcmocrut state that ht will call a meeting ofthecitizcus for the fiir- tltcritnce of the Wilmington Messenger' undertaking to secure funds for the build ing of a soldiers' home. The meeting will discuss the feasibility of the plan ways and means of raising money, etc It is also desired that old soldiers should make their own view upon, the Subject public; that they should send in tetters to tlie Charlotte meeting or others to lie held, or to the editors of ncwspniers to oK-rnting, giving tlieir personal needs ffliul Uicir opinions as to the necessity ol such a home. Tiik Citizkn has already expressed the opinion that only by cooperation can the home be ensured. There can be nodoul that the money can lie raised if the su ject is so presented to the people ns to command their attention and give as surance that the movement is to be car ried through. The famous kohinoor has been demand ed oft he Queen by DhulecpSingh the lml nn prince once held ns hostage in Iviigland and lately em-niied to India. Hi lettc to her Majesty is ns follows: "It will useless for me to demand the restoration of my kingdom,! windlcd from me by your Christian Government, but which 1 hope shortly, by the aid of Providence, to re take from my robber. But my diamond tlie Kohinoor, is entirely at your own personal disposal. Therefore, believing your Majesty to lie "the" hiost religious lady" that your subjects pray for every Sunday, 1 do not hesitate to auk that this gem lie restored to me, or else that fair price lie paid for it to me out of your privy purse Dr. Tarkcr I 'rays cream Van-Ola, Rosa line, Otigaline and Diamond nail powder having now become the Indies' favorites, at K. L.Jacob's drug store, these popular manicure articles may always I found, togrtlier with pocket emery bourd, or ange wood sticks, nail scissors, files ami other such requisite. Also a complete line of drugs and toilet articles, in addi tion to the 1 lelie Soda Fountain from which ice cold drinks are disirnscd. Cor iter Main street and 1'ntton avenue. It i tu be tioiied tlmt tlie Taniniiiiiy brnve who yrotcrilny failed to Mtliitclhr I'miilcnt were not willfully tliacourlcniiii, hut a i uiKKtuted in explanation, were ignorant that tltey were exKvtrl to do hi. " edentarjf Hablta. In tlii nj;c (il'iumli nnd worry, the Ini inraa tnnn and tlie prok-MiionHf man nre alike unahlr to devote any adetmttetimc, to rxm-iac. In the daily round of toil nnd ilcuiirc, no inilafilr provision in mnde for Hint important function, nnd the reault in thut im-nol w-drntary habit wvomv aiinim lomnny mrninoi miincuM arising from a torpid or altijmh liver. Conatipntion, tick headache, Uliouancaa nnd dypepia are nil due totheintiroper action of of the liver. !r. Tierce' Tlcna ant I'urKiilive Telk-t cure thcae trouble by mtoring the liver to it normal condi-lion. ruit of tlie Loom 8 1-3 by tlie Dolt. We return thanks for pant ivors and invite s'Mfia at- tent ion this week to lWid.-d 'apes, all-over Flouncing in white ami cream, Butcher's inen, bleached and un- leached, for children s prons, piece poods for boys' Mints and suits, something .rood in ladies', misses' and hildren'rj Black Hose, Wind sor Jies for the boys and 'arasols for tlie girls, Lons- ale, l'ride of the West, Fruit the Loom, and other minds of Domestic. A new assortment of buttons, iraids, . girdles and dress trimmings, white goods in iques, Marseilles, Nain sooks, Check Muslins, India .linens ami Linen Lawns, "Al ia tross in pink, green, blue, ream, red and black, receiv- h! to-day. Satines, Challies and Nun's Veilings in all the new shades. These goods were niadt regular, bought regular, and will le wold regular to regu- ar customers. First-class in Try reHM"ct,nothingHhoddy or second handed abou them. Warranted oh repre- sented or money refunded Buy them and you will be pleased. Fail to do bo, and you will regret it. llesjtectfully, BOSTIC BU0S. & WltlMHT V. S. If you ever intend tt buy towels now is the time to oso. We have the best bar irain in a towel you ever saw and can leat the Electric Street llailway in thin line. It. 1. & W. Asheville, April 19, 1880. BOOKS AND HTATIONliRY ARTISTS' MATKKlAl.a. KNOlNBliKH' SITJ'UUS, 1'ICTIIKHS AND PKAMBH, FANCY GOODS, IU.ANK IIOOKH OF liVI'.HY OKAUU, LKJI.I.H, TOY8 AND GAMH8, WBSTKKN N. C. SCUNUS, III ITll FIloTtHlKAI'lilC AND 1IAND- I'AINTUU, -AT- KSTAHROOK'S, 11 H. Main Street. a I.AKUB aaaoKTHKNT or arii:kican watciii:s, All tlt-, ilit-a and price.. Jewelry of every UnctHptlun. Kllvrrwnre, aolUI anil plated, (.'old and Silver llcadtd Canea. ttiieclai-H-. anil Eye OIkwh. fluid to the rye. Fin. Watch Repairing and Bnifravlag a ccialty. LANG, The Jeweler, Honlh Main Direct. nrt4d.1m REGISTER ! Nuthlnii a Important for the aeaaon aa to reilatcr your nanu. at . J. 91. ALliXANDKU'S For a ruhI art of Harmra. or a Baddlc. HI. tuck I. now complete aad look, perfectly beautiful. Flue Bnqti.li Bridle., Cropa, Le( Kina, etc., at lowcat flimrea. The nlceat arlee tlon of Linen Lap Kobe, and atomic Duater. at remarkably low liirure. Motto: (Juk-k Halt-, and Hkort l'rtiltta. aprlMllut A. TBNNBNT, Architect aud Contractor. flan., iecir)ratlnn. and eatlmatra fur al.bcil. All work In aty Nne cvatracted fur, and ao charar. tor drawln. oa co a tract awarded me. krftrrearra trhen dered. time.! Ho. tu Hendry Hlock, North Court tV(uare, AaBnUlc, M. C, artalMlj MISCELLASE01S. 17. II. LEA'S ' BIG EASTER OFFER FOR CASH ONLY. 2000yards Fruit of the Loom Domestic, bv.. by the bolt, 4-4 wide. 04 Mohawk Valley Sheet ing at 2e. ier yard. 40-iii. Pillow Cawing at 12e 5esi Lonsdale Cambric at lie. jkt yard. White Quilts from 55c.to2. GO-in. Conestoga Ticking at 35c. Nice Percales, from 7c. to 11c. W.H.LEA, 17 N. Main Street. A new lot of Hall Bazaar forms iust in. Also, a complete line olnsu- mg tackle. This week we wish to direct attention to Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing, and Men's Furnishing Goods, of which we show a large assort ment. Also, to sjieeially low fig ures on Ladies' and Misses1 Spring Jackets and Ladies' Bended Cajies. II. REDWOOD & CO. Clothing. Dry Goods, Fancy GoodH, Shoe, Hats, and C'arpetti. 7 ami U I'ATTON AVKNI'B. ANNOl'NCKMIiNT TO THE LADIES ESPECIALLY, We are pleased to announce that our stock of Millinery is now in and ready for ins'iee tion and would be pleiis'ed to have the ladies call. Our Intention of liaving a Special Grand Opening ha to Ik) foregone, as Mrs. Mm Nnirisso.busy with orders that we have not the time to give it projier atttintion. Also wish to announce that our stock of Dry (loods, Fancy Goods, Parasols and siHH'Ialtics are open for in spection. With our thanks forimst favors und with a determination to; merit your continued patronage, Respectfully, A, WIIITLOCK. MISCLLLA.smiS. EASTER EGGS. We have a large stock of Dyes just received for color ing eggs for Easter Orange, Cardinal-Bed, Magenta and Dark (Irecn. Each color will dye two to four dozen Eggs, according to depth of color desired. White Eggs, will ' I. ; show brightest color. One package for one color three cents two packages for two colore live cents four pack ages forfour colors, ten cents, A ten. cent package will be sent, imstnge paid, to any address on receipt of the price. T. C. SMITH & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, Afthcvllle, . N. C lICHMONI) ft DANVILLB KAILRUAU COMFANV. (Weaten. North Carolina Uiviaion.) PAMKNIiKB 1IKPABTHKNT, A.hkvili.b, N. C, Jan. 1, 1N89. PAS8UNGBR TRAIN 8C1IB0ULB. In Bffkct Jan. 1, lH9: No. 8tTNo. S3 Lv. Aflhevillc, Ar. Salisbury, " Danville, ' Lynt-hburfT, " WashinKton llnltimore, " Fhila., " New Vork, Hinton, " HUhmond, 9 50 pin 37am 947am 124Tpm 7 35pm 9!iOpra S IMIam 60am 3 30pm S30pm 7n6am 140pm a 43pm 10 2lpni llHInm 700nm N3ram 1047am 1 20pm OOOpm B 15am 1 02pm 3 10pm HOOpm RalriKh, 1 Oold.boro, ' Wilminfrtun No. 85 Lv. Aflhcville, Ar; IlenderaonvUle, Ar. Spartanb'g ""'Charlotte, " Coiumbia, " t'harleatun, 8 30am 920am 11 50am 530pm 440pm 910pm 1 Aufru.ta, ' Savannah, ' Thomuville.Ca 1 Jackronylllc 05pm 615am 1 40pm xihi m " Atlanta, MuntEom'y " Mobile, " New Drlean. 1040pm 725am 1 55pm 7 20pm I No. 64 Lv. Spartanburg, Ar. licndcraonvllie, ' Anhcville, 340pm 607pm 7 00pm No. SO No. 82 No. 84 Lv. Anheville, Ar Hut Spring. " Knuiville, M Chnttnn'ga, " Nunhville, " Mem phi., Lv. A.hevtl.e, ' Ar. HotHprinfr. " Knuxville, ' Loui.ville, ' Cmrinnati, " Chicago, " 8t. Louis, 7-Hiam V20m 1 10pm 615pm At Ham 740am 020am 1 10pm 444pm A 10pm 850pm S4llum 1 1 45nm Baopm 444nn 6lopm asopm 7 15nm 1 1 45am 705pm 8411pm 640nm A 311pm 745pm 630pm' MI'KI'UY HRANCH. No. 1H Lv. Anheville, Ar. Wayneavllle, " Jarrett'a, N 25nm 1083am 6 I No. 17 Lv. Jarrctt'.. Ar. VYnvneaville, " A.h'evillc, AOOam 1 25 pm 340pm HT- Sleeping ear. on all night train. JA8. L. TAYLOR. W. A. WIN BURN. O. P. A. II. P A. BOU RAA8.T. M. BROOM FACTORY. HANFORD N. LOCKvYOOI). n.Nn-M.na Broom), 'Whisks, Hearth and Celling: Brooms. Mill and Pactory grade a specialty. Owe tationa and samples free. fcblQdly J.V.SCllARTLE7 MERCHANT TAILOR 4 N. Main ISt. frhaodlv JkJOTICB. Win collect debts for anyone In the city for per ecu.. umo lacintiea lor renting and col lecting rent, on house.. Will sell furniture oa weekly paymenta. J. R. JOHNSON, At Blair'. Furniture More, Reference, given 7 i-atton Avenue. JAMES FRANK, UBiLBBUt FAMILY GROCERIES AKO PROVISIONS Agent for Rcems Creek Woolen Mills. North Main Street, . Asheville, N. C rhlOdly 4 FOR RUNT. Nice six room house, newly papered and painted, on Uailey street. Apply to "V'W MRS. C. W ALKBR. REAL ESTATE. AI.TH. B. r.WVW. W. W. WHUT. GVA'il WEST, r (Smtruun to Walter B.Gwjn) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE. Loans Securely Placed at 8 PcrCeiit. Notary I'uli.k. Comraiaaioncr. ol liceda. IRE INSURANCE. OKFICK HoulheuMt ConrCHquarc. Wm. M. Cocke. Jr., i EAL ESTATE AND MINERALBROKER, Abbeville, N. C. Can acll jou one milllun acre of- land, in Irndi from SO to 100,000 acre. Have a number of city lota, improved and unim proved, which I can acll on the beat of term.. If jou want a large or mall farm call on me. If you want mineral of any kind, jou need go no further. If jou want timber land., thi. la headquarter. In fact I can .uit jou in anything jon want in mj line. Service, of a firat-clau civil engineer and practical .urveyor engaged to .how up all property when required. I have had fifteen year.' experience in the real eatatc btisincM, and think I know what will plcaae. Prompt attention to all inquiriea. KD2401V W. CORTLAND, Real Estate Broker, INVESTMENT AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, Pntton Avenue, Barnard Building. fcbUdly D. S. WATSON, Real Estate Agent, Oiler, for sale the beat lot in Asheville for a Hotel two acrcii on Pulton Avenue between Bailey and Grove atrcct. Also, aomc very fine residence lot. for .ale centrully located. Good business luts for sulc at the Old De pot. pine fanning binds, timber lauds, etc., fur sole, near the city. FOR RENT, Four splendid house furnished und unfur nished, for rent. D. 8. WATSON, iltmnyl Asheville, N. C INSURANCE. JJMRUINSURANCE. FME. LIFE. ACCIDENT PULLIAM & CO At the Bank or Asheville, A8HBVILLE, N. C. Represent the following companies, vis. P1BR. CASH ASSKTH IN II. Anglo Nevada, of California ,4.07.H33 Continental, of New Yorrt 4.N75.A2 Hamburg-Bremen, of Germany 1,120,604 London Aastirunce, of England 1,843,9115 Niagara, of New Vork 2.237.4H2 Orient, of Hartford.. 1 ,til7,fit2 I'menix, of Brooklvn -8,054,179 M. I'aul fire and Marine, or Mm neaota 1,541,061 Southern, of New Orleans 43U,IIK4 Western, ol Toronto 1,039,232 Mutual Accident Association. 4itna Life Insurance Company. dtinar29 THE EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society , Of THE I'NITHD STATK. Assets 95,041,a.96 surplus '0.7V4.7IS.IS t ..arKTr in., any otner company. Outstanding Asuruncc...aV-I4Q.ai6.ia;6. Written in Inks 13.1. 9.1 J.SIS-OO i online t-uiii-ies wun 10 ano ao year i ri.xln arc the most popular and prolitat form of assurance. For examples, rate., etc., confer with 11. D. Monroe, Agt., Ashevllk-, N. C. Office with Judge Aston. feb23d6m IR. PROPRIETOR OF THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, AshevilleJJN. C. P. O. Box V. marl 3d ly THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, " Rooms on Main street, opposite the pos office. Oiien dally, except Hundnvs, from 10 a. m. until 1 d. m.. and 4.30 until n ho . The terms of subscription are: One yenr daily K eta. umi-ers lor 1HX President, K. R. Rawls ; Vlna-Daaalilmt i k. . . aa. ... ' ."niirp v.. nooiaev; nee. anil "anon; uinranan, Miss B. 1 Hatch. ' Cltlsrns and visitors are cordially Invited io mspevi me catalogue and inscribe their names as mem ners. febHdtf WOLFp, . - PUIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. All kinds ol cement wmk .i.w Jrflll1,'rR "nd taon,'"'"S iwomptly at- with W. H. Wclall t Co. fehudnm MRS. 8. STEVENSON tins removed to the Johnston Buildinc. Pat- ton avenue, corner of Church (treat, where she la prepared to keep regular or transient boarder. Table furnished with the beat the market affords. Terms rcaaonable. anarS Ideas Ar- " """oily prepared liy kad In. memliers of h AhiiL. . a new r.tit, a... ... hm parchmrat aad knn N.t ' ertng all neceaaarv points, just out and now on sale at the office of the Cit.xbn Pitrlish m Cn.. Nn, a North Cnurt Sqwirr. (laaiotf HOTELS. STRICTLY nRST-CUSsVRlVTE BOARlC" TIIK THOMAS house NEAR BATTHRV PARK, i Is now under entirely new nianiiLi-nicnt nd will be kept in strictly first-clas iitvlc. TKANSItNT OB BtGLLAK lUIARUfcUS TAKfcK Northern Cooking. Rate KeasonultlcT MRS. E. LACY & SON. Proprietors. titr A DELIGHTFUL EXCURSION ! ASHEVILLE TO HOT SPRINGS. Round Trip Ticket, only 4.50, including a . - full day's board at the " '. MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL. " The Bath, in Marble Pools and Porcelain Tub. arc the finest and mutt luxurious in America. The Hotel is NEW AND FIltST-CLASS In Every Particular. UNEXCELLBU IN ITS CHIKINB. .The place 1. a ebariuing .pot, nestled among and sheltered by Pine-clad Mountains where there is no fog, no dual, no malaria. Pure and abundant water, and absolutely perfect drainage. dtlulZt 1UCIILAND HOUSE, Comer Main and Dcput, WAVNESV1LLE, N. C. Kooms newly furnished. Vurt the best the market allbrds. Good sample room. SATISFACTION GUAKANTEUD. Terms: $1.00 per day. G. D. L. ALLEN & SON, Proprietor. A NEW HOTEL IN BRYSON CITY. The Swayne House, One of the best In Western North Carolina. Summer and winter resort. Nature's sanita rium. Scenery and water unexcelled. Term, moderate. - - G30. N. BLACKBURN, Prop'r, marl 3d 3m J. Pi. MORGAN & CO., No. 3 Barnard Building:. School and College Text IVooks, a full line. Poetw, His tory, Romance, Biofjrrnphy, Travel and Novels, Family Bibles, S. S. Bibles and Test aments, Oxford Teachers' Bibles, Song Books of all kinds, large stock Stationery. Blank Books and Office and School Supplies. New line Ladies' and Gent' Pocket books just opened. Fancy (ioods and Dolls. fcblodlv J.C. HROWN, MERCHANT t TAILOR, 5 Palton Avenue, (Next to Grand Central Hotel.) nprlMly J. V. BROWN Will continue the undertaker', busineasat hi. old stand over J. B. Dickeraon & Co.'i Hardware store, under the firm name of J. V. BROWN & CO. Having thirty years' experience a. under, taker and embalmer, and unequaled facilities for buvlng, can safely guarantee aatlsfactlon. Calto promptly attended to at all hour.. Bvery thing pertaining to Vhe business al wars oa hand. (el.1. 1.1dm Or Aioi.oTLT fuR lajanceiiNTt. CAUTIICS tH Tf f p SAttTtN THE aRCATH NO INJURY TO T..I CNAMtW rt no AanttAaii. WITHOWT VfiyAL A TOIiT PKl.AMTIOrj. '"C 18 CBWT$ PC! POTTU. 0L All tRV9lTt M. WINKtt RANN 4 00.. 0P . ITitaoAr Ms - for lale by J. H. (.RANT,' dawUn28

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