" ,"y- rf , Absolutely Pure. This iwwdcr ncrrr ratic,. A inanrrl of nor- ity, atrmKth nml whofeaomencM. Murv eco aomtritl thaa tin." ordinary kinds, and cannot be wkl In competition with the multitude of low tct, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Hold only in cans. KnvAi. IUkiku I'owoks Co., loe Wall St,, New York. - dwtrl7 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Thro. P. Uatiiwob, Tho. A. Junks KalriN.li. J. Maktin, Ashevillc. Ashevillc. JJAVIDSON, MAKTIN &JONKS, Attorney and Counsellors at Law, . AshevdlefN. C. Will prvike in the 11th and 12th Judicial . District. -ird la the Supreme Court of North Carolina, and in the Federal Court of 1 Western Histrict of North Carolina. Kcfer to Bank of Ashevillc. dtae: BI HIM M AND rLIUNl Hli. Kailm.trl tickets Niiurht told ami ex changed. All transactions guaranteed. Kdiiilile information cheerfully furnished. at 9 North Main afreet, opiiosite court nouse. W.M. Uladkk. CHll. A. MOONB. DVrr MKUKICK. HJOORB MEKRICK, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Ashevillc, N. C. Practice in the United State Circuit and District Court at Asheville, Statcsvillr, Char lotte and Greenslmro, in the Supreme Court at Kaleigh, and in the eourt of the Twelfth Judicial Iristriet of the State of North Carp Ina. Kiecial attention given to collection of clnlms. Partnership doe not extend to iTHcticc in Buncombe Inferior Court.- , dtoe3 T. H. COBB. J. O. UHKKIMON. COBB tt MBRK1M0N, v Attorney and Counsellors afLuw. Practice in all the court. Office: No. 7 and 8, Johnston building;, dtae We notified Colonel Waters before the election that his other name was Dennis, and he neexln t come to this office for sympathy now. Kansas City Globe. Repairing and custom work done at "The Shoe Store," Herring & Weaver's. The man who thinks "one qnarter is as good as another" it disillusioned ylien He attempts to exchange a quar ter of a dollar lor a quarter of beef. There are times when a let-ling of lassi tude will overcome the most robust, when the system craves fiir pure blood, to fur nish the elements of health and strength. Tlie best rvnicdv for pitritvini; the blood is l)r. J. H. McLean's S.-inaarillu. He had mine tii Oklahoma, And he didn't take a kuii. So he niiRscd his quarter svclio'i, And his bonis bleach in the sui:. Hacklen's Arnica CluWe. The I icst mil vc in t hi- world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, lever sores, tetter, chapictl hands, chilblains, corns, and nil skin eruptions, and osi livcly cures piles, or no pay ropiired. It is guaranteed to frivc iierlcct satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per lx. For sale by F. I.. Tnonli. daw It is all very well to talk of the Wash ington centennial, but who is to keep the I'rnnsylvanians sober while the centen nial is goinj; on ? Duunuesa, nausea, drowsiness, distress alter eating, can lie cured and jirevcnted bv taking Dr. J. If. McLean's Liver aud Kidney Pillets (little )iills.) She'hit the nail a fearful whack I meant to say, she tried ; Slic bathed her thumb with arnica, And then sat down and cried. W. W.JONKS. OSO. A. SIIUIMlkD. JONBS ft 8HUFORU. Attorney at Law, Ashevillc, N. C. Practie in the Superior Court of Westi-m North Carolina, the Supreme Court of the 8tate, and the federal Court tit Ashevillc. Ofhce in Johnston building, whercotie mem ber of the Arm can always lie found, dtnovll Look Look!! To Hvrrini: & Weaver's lor shoe repairing anil custom work. A dense fog in London the oilier day prevented a big wool sate from coming II as advertised, for the purchasers could not tell wliH'li was wool and wliu.ii was fog. Do Not Buffer Any linger. Knowing that a cough can lie checked in a day, und the first stages of consump tion I Mti ken in a week, welierelivguarnn ec Acker 8 hnglish Cough Keniedv and will tcfund the money to all who buv, ike it as per directions, and do not hud nr statement correct. T. C. Smith el- Co. . febfidawtw "Just bcc how those crows carry on." said a man, looking at the antics of a ilock of the birds. Yes," replied another; "they arc carrion crows. JOHNSTON B JONBS. ATTOSSKV AMD COUNSKI.I.OK AT LAW, ASHHVILLB, N. C. Practice in the United State Circuit and District Courts at Ashevillc, in the Supreme Court at KnMgh, and in the Courts of the Twelfth Judicial District ..f the State of North Carolina, and elsewhere, a his service may be required. Office over So. Express Office, Hendry Illock laulWiItt J H. DOUGLASS. I). D. 8. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO, 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., Over Grant & Wingert' Drug Store. t Kesidence. No. S Bailey St. feblOdly 11. H. HEBVB8, I). 1). 8. DENTAL OFFICE I In Connally Building, over Kcd wood' Store, Wlil3d1y 1'atton Avenue. J J P. BURGIN, M. 1. OFFICE l New Grand Central Building, over ii: Clothing Store. tcbl7dlm J. P. RAMSAY, D. D.8. Dental Office i In Barnard Building Bntrancc, 1'atton Avenue nnd Main 8trcct. fcbiiOdly ... VAk CURED BY OLD SPECIALIST HI V PHYSICIAN. I A Bottle of medicine Free. We war- I I I V rant our remedy tocure the worst case, and the only phyiician who do thl to prevent your being imposed uion by men using false names and who are not Doctor. Because other failed is no rcasoi lor not using thia medicine. Give Bxnress and Post' office address. It coats yon nothing. Addle -Asahcl Medical Bureau, 21 Broadway, New York. . .-.' (ana7atwiy If any dealer says h has the W. T.. Demrlaa snoM wiuwui Ham wn price mhi IM IWMWIII, U BUB UOWB a srawb . 1 jlftr ' - log wed Oiaar Trves. Araon tlie queer things in Connec ticut are lis Irws, Up in Middk-towa It was necessary to cut down a treo in the rear of Uutting's cigar store. Sev eral bricks were found imbedded in tlie roots, so that only the corners were visible. Over in Cobalt a large and particu larly straight tree was fulled and drawn to the sawmill. After starting the saw the attendant heard a grating of the taw teeth, and stopped the) mill. lie tried another cut, but again tlie grat ing sound was heard, and he had to (but down agutn. Several further at tempt to aaw tbe length of the I proving futile tho trunk was saw across, and an old log chain and a dozen harrow teeth were discovered imbedded in the hard (Trained wood. In VVesllluld a bowlder weighing over half a ton is to be seen about Um feet from tlie ground in the crotch of an enormous apple tree, und old residents si.y that they can reniemlicr when tliat I i wider could be sal uikiii, so near to '.he ground wus it. when they were young. A' tiuvbrook farmer tells the story nliout iiis hanging his arytho in a maple tree several years ugu. after a days mowing. Tho scythe was. loft there all winter and the uext summer, until the time for haying cuuie around again. On going to get the seytlio he found the blade so deeply imbedded in tlie soft bark of the maple as to bo im movable, and he let it remain. The tree is still standing in the front yard of a fashionable residence in that vil lage, and from each side of the trunk project two arms, forming a letter T, apparently part of the tree themselves. The scythe blade has been entirely cov ered with bark. The handle of the scythe years ago rotted off. New York Sun.. '' M obamnedmslsm. ' That Constantinople is today- Mo hammedan and not Christian is due to the genius of tlie Turkish sultan. Mohammed II, son of Amurath IL who was born at Adrianoplo March 24. 1430. His father aud grandfather hud by successive conquests reduced the Greek empire to tlie limits of Con stantinople itself. When Mohuinmcd became, sultun in 1430 ho determined to compluto the work of conquest by u le capture 01 mat city. The siege was commenced April t), 1453. with an army of 208, UOU men aud a fleet of 3U0 vesabls. like U reeks, assisted by a gal lant buna oi Ji.uuu Uciioese, made an obstinate resistance. Although u com uiucu utiuctf uy iuuu unu sea uiuue on A Wouiuu'a Itlacovery. Another wonderful discovery haslieen inaile and that too by a lady in this count v. Inseasc fastened its clutches Umiii her ond lor srveu years she with stood its severest tests, but her vital or gans were undermined, and death seemed imminent. I'or three months she couched iiicessautlv and could not sleep. Site iHiniihl of us a Imttlc of lr. Kind's New lliscorerv for Consumption, and whs so much relieved on taking the first dose that slie slept all night, and with one bottle has lieen miraculously cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Luti.'' Thus write W. C. llanirick & Co., of Sltelbv, N. C. (Jet a free trial bottle at F. L. JacoTis' drugstore. Younefcllow Who is your father, Maliel? Mabel Really, I don't know. Mamma was divorced from her first husliand and married to her second a short time before I was bom, 1 was educated bv her third and go by tlie name of her fourth. Hoot and shoe repairing at Herring & Weavers. 'So, deacon, ou's got bai k troni liv ing in ti e ell v hev ve f - ikacou Carrvalr -(who has lost Iht rk far a in sixvulatii n I "Humph'" liliier Crossioads "l'urtv f'nc place, 1 use. Made niucli mouev in Wall rcet. i: 'aeon ? " ikacon Carryall "iMiniph?" r.lilcr Crossrouds "No tense, deacon, but whi.'li whs you, a bull m a li'ar ?" lieacou Cnrrvall iNeitlier. I was n blarsted, long-cared, unharnessed jackass." liven the most vigorous and hearty TO THE YC'Jaj CF ASHEY1LLL I invito your attention to my htock tif Spring ('lothin, ooinjirisin"; tin; latest novel- tk'is in inntrrinlrt nml lst fit ting clothing in Asheville at low pritt'8. Call and them nt Whitlk'k'. To thoOldMon of Ashovillt! : Our Hpring nUck of C'loth- iiif? cmbnwvs sinn-inl Btylcs and cutK, dt'sigiietl to miH't tlu wantH of old gcnt lonion. (uict colors, easy fitting, all k'izck, popular prurs, at Whitlock's. Ho.vh' Clothing, Childivn's Clothing. Taii'iils and guar dians who content platt' link ing Spring Cloth ifig for their sons and Wards will do well 1 o call and exa mine the variinl and well selivktl st(M-k of ( 'lothing liow on stile tit Whit lock's We cluim to have the best stoct a tlie cit v, nml will sell them hw for cash, ft' The City of Hickory can justly lay claim to many plcnsnut and natural advantages a healthful resort for tourist and invalid, aituatcd a It is on the crest of one of the principal mountain spur which extend to the Blue Hidge in the west, and dividing the beautiful Ca tawba Valley. For hunting and ftshing this section of Western NorthCarolina la greatly noted. The neighboring mountain and stream abound in an unlimited variety of game and fish. people have at times a feeling of weari- easccioftexifon to our novelR'S m ncss mill lassit ude, 1 o (Iisjk.1 this kx-hng 1 1 hihlrcn $ Suits, just recciretl tor kustci lake Dr. J. 11. MeLeai. 8 Sarsaparilla; it Suxav, nt ' WUlTLOCk'S. Harenta Criminally Liable. More than half of all deaths occur be- ore six years of age. An army of inno cent, lovely children ure swept needlessly away each year, rarents are criminally rcsiionsthlc lor tins. The death rate ol children in England is less than half this. Acker s bnghsh linbv Soother has done more to bring this about than all other causes combined. You cannot aflbrd to lie without it. T, C. Smith & Co. "lill," asked Mrs. Potts, "what is it that tvery woman wants and no man ever owns ?" Instead of dutifully giving it up and giving her a chance to say a husband, the wretch merely answered. tin; cortn. ' Custom work Shoe Store." neatly done at "The Some people are so constituted that they would kak at a football match. The First Symptom) of Death., 1 ireu leeiing, dun Headache, pains in various parts of the bodv, sinking at the pit of the stomach, loss of apKlite, leer ishness, pimples or sores, are all ssitive evidence of poisoned blood. No matter now it became poisoned it must be puri fied to avoid death. Acker's English blood Elixir has never failed to remove scrofulous or syphilitic poisons. Sold un der positive guarantee by T. C. Smith' & Co. feb5dawlw will impart vigor and vitality. DnigUerk: An! bond morning, Mr. Olilpnlron. Haven't seen you since You I went to housekeeping. nr. IHdpntron: No. Have you nnv more ol lliat Digestion Kiiloro r y- u us d to sell me; "Ves, sir. How much ?" 'I want nlmut a quart." 'Yes, sir Gone 'back to (warding. I presume. Wormy. Hart's Worm Cream will bring the worms trom a elustnut, and is einiallv eihoacii us it given to n clulil trottlilec witn tin-in. I lie mere slant ol the ereani I will nirUe n worm er.iwl. If your ehil ilivn are ailing anil von liardlv know what is Hie mailer, give them a dose oi l Hart's Worin Cteam, and it the worms te Uieie thev will not Slav, and if not there no harm will come from it. Houst ful Dude 1 am glad you admire apried w t Mm Ask Tour Retailer for tbe JAMES HE ANS $4 SHOE a tub JAMES HEARS $3 SHOE. According it Tear Needs. sUlitadMyLa, It flu like a fcixiklii;, and ItKQUIKKS 1 bw DUfecUy euy the Drtt dme It , u worn. U will utiarir the most kUUtMiuiH. JAMKH MKANS onra u (Minutely urn Hie following 29tU of May wasuimuo- my sen. I pin. Tlie stone bus a history tl !).. "Naf 'f uessfuL tho Genoese chieftain, Justi niani, was wounded so severely tlmt no uau to retire trom tlie rampart. This produced a panic, in tbe city, and a second Turkish -assault, led by the sultan himseif, nroved irresistible. Constantino tbe XIII, the Greek em peror, wassluiu, and the Turks poured into the city. Mohainnied II coiii- pletcd tho eouquest of all tho territory subsequently known as Turkey in Eu rope, Greece, tho Mediterranean islands and Crimea, and died in 1481. thiia- uelpuia Tunes. Married In a Depot. Charley Joralomon. the nonular uoorKeciier in me lauies waiting room u iiiu union siuuoii, tens oi an amus ing incident, not without its pathetic sido, which occurred there not very longago. A Journal nuui wascbattuig tiveness, are promptly nnd agreeably With him this morning ill recai-d to a banished bv Dr. 1. H. McLean's Liver and couple (unmistakably newly married) kidney 1'illeis (little pills.) wno liau Dassuu out in thpir tmin a. moment before, when he remarked; Mr. Winks (looking over "the uaKT) li was iiilimatclv associated with ancient Hindoo family. Cvnieal Friend (examining the stone critically ) One of the windows of his palnce, 1 suppose ? Advice to nothera. Mrs. Winslow'B Soothing Svrupsllould ilwavs tie used for children teething. It soollics the child, softens the gums, id-1 lays all pains, cures wind colic, and is the best reinetly for diarrhieu. 25e, a bottle. I Tenderfoot (in new Kansas town) "Where is the poslofliee?" Kesident : Over there. "Where?" "D'ye see that man sawing wood? He's the postmaster. ies, but 1 don t see the ostolhee, "Of course you don't. It's in his hat. Sick headache, biliousness, nausea, cos ily shue of lu price wbfch has ever been placed ex- tenslTtlyon tb nuu-ket m wuho aunuiiiiiy isoousHiemi Denis s out-wsnl 1.VS.IH. t.-u ts.Taur Mmta dboc fur Boy 1. MEANS eV CO., Hostea. Fall iiaes ef the abve char far sale ky For Sale Boatlc Bros. & Wright, ASIIBVU.LIt, N. C. fehSld.lm . tu th silt and Wklake HaV It en red at home with ontpalu. Book of par. Uenlarssent FKBB. B M WOOl.LKY. H.D. OOkoe Wi WulwaaU 8k In th at mm V Allmila, iia. rehiodawtv OR Mill ONLY! M DflCITlVr For lOSt or FATLIItO MA1TH00D Osural aa KE&VOUB DEBILIT flTfP T Weakness of Bodynd Mind: Effaeb) J J AwJCi orErronoTlxoesMBiBOldorToiMf, KahHt Rnlil BAKHISIH mil Kr.lan-0. M HHWif. BBS llmisUea nitAk.l'lllt. VKUII'Vll IIKI1AS8 PART of POUT, thulul.l. ,inhlllM HUSK TMKATt:NT llra.U tm ft m tMilh r.u 41 ii.tr. TrrrUwlM. swl inla Casslrrrt. tsHSMiwrfuuww. lliri riill.tplBnftUtHi, and srhiaalrl Dtns. auhcssi Mil nulla. .,,IVtlM.ll. I, "Onoof the funniest thlugs of that Cheap Dnigg& Co. are sellingallsortsof nd that ever happened here was a l't inedicines nt halt pnee. .tua. i urns jusi iiui ilivn. Allele isn't anything the matter with anv of us. kind that ever hauuened few months ago when a couple were married here in the waiting room. They bad been here for a good while and appeared to be very affectionate: we are all quite accustomed to that sort of thing here, and hardly uoticed them until a minister appeared on the scene and bade them stand up. Then Miss Wabash "Why do you wunt to marry that young Trigger ? He's only tt private in the Crack Killes." Misstvcpncr 1 hat sthc reason I want to marry him there'll lie no danger of his hitting me when he tries to shoot me." V. L DOUGLAS $3 SHOE Terrible Forewarning. Cough, in the morning, hurried or diffi cult breathing, raising phlegm, tightness in tlie chest, quickened pulse, chilliness in the evening or sweats at night, all or any of these things are the first stages of con- suinption. Acker's English Cough Rem edy will cure liieseiearnil symptoms, and is sold under a jxisitive guarantee by T, C. Smith c4 Co. trbfldawlw ltcggnr 1 'lease give me a dime. Do not judge mc by present npicaranccs, but remember I once did business with Jay Could. Citizen 1 believe von, mv man, I believe you. Here's a dollar. The Ivpocli. Better Thau Suicide. Professor Arnold says: "An incurable dvsis'ptic is justified in committing sui cide. Wc will guarantee to cure any dys jieptie within three months by Acker's Lnglish llysiieptie 1 ablets, i.e. Miiitn &Co, febMawlw FOR GENTLEMEN. lira 1m la. - kla fS.OO (1F.NI1INK HAnn-HK.wrn MHOE. 4.00 IHNII-SEWKU WI.T 8HOK, 3JIO I'OI.ICK AND FAaMVHe' HHOBa I PXTKA VAI.IIK CAI.F MIOB. 'i.fto i f-J.SB WUKKINtilH AN'S SIIOK. mi ai.7 t.OOan. All A HOYS' NCHIKJL SBOKBs i Ajaca. B la Cnnfrrets, Button and W. L. DOUGLAS 03 SHOE ladTh. Itaat MTaMrlhU Beat Kyle. Beat rttUauJ. U not snld bv vour dnalAr. Hla W. L. IKWOLAii, BkOCKTOX, For sale b HERRING & WEAVER, 30 Sooth Main Street, Asheville, N. C. janiua.iT la IflMI ermlrarbd nioad Pohmn Of bad true. nd was I maud with aivYary, pown ua rMriiu s4 mutnriMi.CTowlne war all toe tuna. - i 1 look 7 small hnUlaa H H 8. tttdch m g g Jkv fs nra euunay, aiKA so stu v m.ff fk arcaaiui aueSM na manan 4 1 Jam in ri.iM,llla I rut Hy little slee had white wnina to such an extent Putt all was aoo. Wult Whitman is so vers-a-tile as to be culled a poetical brick. Go to Herring & Weaver's for boot and shoe repairing. A Fennsvlvniiin worsted comiiany has failed. The creditors will get worsted on the Biwigiiment. " " , If health nnd life are worth anything. and you arc feeling out of sorts and tired out, "tone up your system by taking l)r. J. H. McLean s Sarsapanlla. I Sned to tho had lor a kin time. 1 mm Urn in plites of wis came S I out of her km, and th doctor saKl imputation was tlie only rrniorty to aiahvrtle. lrediHidlh oiofsUoo u iut her na n.H.H. and she M now pmlMUfiidlnaRadheallaaa any child. Mm ajwii Osmuko. rob. 11, "Be. Cotumlm, Ua. Book o Blond Wseaaaa sent free. Bwirr SracinoCo. Irawera, AlUMa,)a- "What is that collar-button of yours made of, John, asked Mrs.Cnmsonueak of her husband the other morning. "Rolled gold," ejaculated John, as he climbed under the bed in search of the pesky thing.-.; ....-H The Verdict Unanimous. W. D. Suit, druggist, Hiimus, Ind,, tes tifies: "I can recommend lilcctrk.' Hitters as the very best remedy. Hvery bottle aold has mven relief in every case. One man took six bottles and was cured of flwnmntism of ten vears' standiiiL'.' Abraham Hare, druggist, Hellcville, Ohio, affirms: "The Ix-st selling medicine 1 have evirr handled in my twenty venrs' experi ence, is Klcctric Hitters." Thousands of others have added their testimony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Elec tric Bitters do cure all diseases of the liver, kidneys or blood. Only a half dol lar a bottle at F. L. Jacobs' drug store. r.USTA.lG LIIIOIIT BHOtTTJ ALWAY8 B REIT IN KH0P, aUTCIUkM. UTAiiLE AND FACTOR! I IMHh and Poetry. There are men who mnkc a living bv writing rhymes in which they extol the virtues ot soniehoily s tooth-wash, or consumption cure, or I'urgative l'ellets. we all camo closer and stood bv while It rather grates upon one's leehng's to the oouple were made man and wife. rem' a pathetic stanxa of poetry and fin Thev were Germans and seemed to '"h by learning that Dr. Tierce's Golden take it an oulta in tb ordinonr mn f Medical Discovery is the sovereign rem things. When the ceremony was over d' f')r "l?tion in its early stages, the minister went awav ana tba hrirln "r nerauged liver, disordered kidneys. Drunkenness Of tho LlflSftP Hshlf. Pnaitlwalw rnreil it Aimwnmii n. Hir miti wtcifii. II eanbs iva la a ana nl aaffaa as taa i aa. ncie oi idoo, wnnoui toe snowieiifre oi the pei- lon taxing it it is SDaolutely b armies and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient l a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. IT NEVER FAILS. We GUARANTEE s complete cur la every Instance, is page book Auures in oouu'leiice, SPECIFIC CO., I8 Rig St, Clnclanll.a the minister went away and the bride oougnt tickets and enire&reu bertns to Uhicugo-Hshe evidently nianaged the ooogio lor tne establishment and wheu their train went out thev went wiui 11, as uuppy as a couple oi ciui- aren. AJoany Journal. Wounded Eaarle. A wounded or enrasred eacrle is an ugly antagonist. L U. Brinkman, of uuniiigioii, uau an encounter wita a wounded eagle not lonp; atro. which he does not care to repeat While hunt ing, he tired at tne eagle and broke the bird s wing, but did not otherwise in jure it. lvjtpecting to make an easveanture of his prize, he went forward. To his iurnri:o. tne eutrle new at bin furs iuiu hud he not warded it off with his iirm. ins eyes would have been put out by the savage bird. As it was, it gripped bis ann, and, despite his ef- lorts to free himself, he could not sluike the eagle oil. it struck at lam with its sound wing, dug its sliarn talons throuch his clothing into his arm, and used its beak most viciously, iio called to his friends, a short dk'anoo awav. Thev came and killed the bird, and then nrieu lis ciuws out oi Uie tiesh or bis forearm and lee which was badlv la cerated. Mr. Brinkman's wounds were quite serious, lie will bear the scars for many a day. Youth's Companion. A Hone That Ctw Tobaeeo.' There is a heavy draught horse at one of the quarries in Westerly, that has boon driven for a number of Vears by the same man native of the Lmorald Isle. And it Is a fact that tbe worthy animal will not draw a load in the morning until he has bod a cbow of tobacco. His appetite being satisllod, ho is off like a wholesale breeze. Providence Journal. T impure or impoverished hlood. Mill this is absolutely inic, and why should not the truth lie told in poetry as well as prose ? . Catching a Tartar. Physician (arous ing a tramp one morning front a nap on his doorstep I Here, what is thematter with von .' Can t vou move lively ? iramir 1 m teeling pretty bad, boss, and can't be expected to move in a hurry." I . What s the matter ?' T. "I've been at death's door all inglit." Chronic nasal catarrh guaranteed cure -Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Sold bv druggists ul 5(1 cents. v TOWN LOTS FOR SALE ! 18 j-4 ACRES, Lying neur the "Oakland Inn," overlooking the river, upon which are several a IjcauMI'ul unoccupied building; site as can be found or near the city. Apply to JOHN K. CONNALLY. aprll dim ex sun J?()K BALK. Several fine cow, fresh to the pnil. Apply to K. u. mii.I'iikii aprl I dim ex sun 1'cmiliur.Ht JudlclotiM AdvertlHlitK. C'A'iM 7'i;f nmiiv a new business; ENI.A M HiS many nn old business; KliYIVliS many u dull business; MiSCl-tiS ninny u lust business; S, 1 1 7;'.S' m.'iiir n liiilint' business; rh'liSlih'VliS ninny it Itirue business; MiCURIlS success in any business. To mlverlise judiciously, use the col umns ol "7 he Liltzen." livcrvhotly remls it; unil in yirom ii'oi to tfie returns it ih7is iiihei tiscrs, its rates ure the chcuih est in inr rounli v. LEMON liXlXIK. A I'LUAKANT l.liMON IlKINK. I'or liiliunsnes and cotistiimtlon. take Ix'mon r.lixlr. For Iniliirestion and foul l-nton Klizir. Kor sick and n iA'mon l!lixir. For sleeulessnea umun I'.itxir. 1-or loss of appetite Lemon r.itMr, MISCELLASKOVS. ,oOO 1'HHT AriDVK Tlllli-WATIiK. IIICKOUY, N. C. I CI.IMATR UNSUkPASSBO. v l asiiiiraT r ' f a a n in. r i The "HICKORY INN'! I built of Brick, Stone and Iron, ha all modern Improvements, Una and Klcctric Hell In each room, and is well heated by rnrnaces; Hot and Cold Water Paths and Toilet on each Hoor. I eleKnntly furnished throughout. The table will be ap plied with the beat the market aD'ords. Bxcursionista to or from Ashevilte can atop over at Hickory. For information as to climati . etc., address , FRANK LOUGIIIIAN, PropV, KATliS-'.' .50 to Sa.fto per liny. HICKORY, N. C. 119, sissnil 'J1 (in WNk. 1 A BLAIR FURNITURE COMPAUY, NO. 37 TATTON AVENUE, Wholesale and Retail Furniture Dealer, Aud Cudertakcrs. Proiiipl attention given to all orders day or night. Residence t o I'enlaiitl Street. Mildly THE CAROLINA SALOON, Has the Finest and Largest Stock of . WHISKIES, t BRANDIES i AND t WINES, liver Brought to AjlieIUc. Parties wistiinif a good artielc for family or other purjiose, will find It to their interest to give mc a cull. Kcspcctfully, miiraldly Frank O'Donnell, PropV. tomucli, take rvous heudaehes, take and nervousness, take und debility, take LIUSTAMG LIHImEIIT IIEAIjS INFLAMMATtdS, OLD ROREa It Is proven by agriculture statisticg tliat $5 worth of dog annually kills 1,000 worth of sheep, besides having Ave or six days and nights loft to the dog to keop tne whole, neighborhood wae with ft chorus qr banting. "Oh, my back!" i a common exclama tion, and expresses a world of misery and stiflcritiK. It is singular this pain arisx-s irom sncn various causes. Kidney dis ease, liver complaint, wastinir alleetions. colds, rheumatism, dysjiepsin, overwork aim nervous (leiiilitv nre chict causes. Wlien thus ailini; seek prompt relief. It can be found in Hrown i Iron Hitters. It builds tip from the foundation by making the blood rich nnd pure. Leading physi cian and ministers use nnd recommend it. It has cured many, and if you area nlTcrer, try it. UUSTAIIG LIIIII.IENT is for man a must, penetrates MUbCLE 4FUUIBTO TI1 VUiX For fever, chill nnd nmlnrin, take I.cmon lilixlr. lx-m"n Kllxlr will not full you In any of the nlmve iliscHses, all of whiih arise from a tor pid or diseased liver, stomach, kidney, bow- cis or iiiuoci. i-repnren only oy lK. II. Mozi.kv. Atlanta. Ka. ode. and ft tier bottle. Sold by druggists. A FKIIM1N KNT M1NISTKH WKITKS: After ten year of ureat sufferlnir from Indi vestion, with nrent nervou prostration, bll- ioiness, disonU-red kldheya and constipa tion, I hav lieen cured by lr. Mosley's icnion uuxir, auu am now a wen man. Kev. c. c, IIAVI, Blder M. H. Church, South. No. 2H Tntnall St., Atlanta, Ua. ipr'-'i iltoct.'l th au FOR RENT For the Summer Month. A beautiful country home, containing five elegant raoma, nicely furnished, situated In the beantlful Hooper' Crvek Valley, 10 mile froui Henderson villc, 13 mile from Asheville. Railroad station and potnHice near at hand. Ilenutlful lawn, pure moutitnln water and deliKhtful scenery. Garden vegetable, fresh butter nnd milk can be had evry day. Terms reasonable. Apply to 1, A. PAHINUOLT, -Room tl, Mel.ond Puililin;, Ashrville, N C. OrJDSlil'H VOUNGHUJOl), Fletcher' P. )., Henderson Co., N.C. aiirdiltm ' HUSTANG UlltUEIlT CITRES nOTJOWHOnV, CAKED BA08, OllUil A HOOF wMl IM CATTLE ' WISH NARAH KI.I.ICK Is pleaned to announce tu her frtcnIn and the ptililic tf'-mrully that she iroiH8cti to oHin i about the 10th of May, with a itock of LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS, I'ancy Good. Umbroldery Mutcitul will be a siicclally. Xrustinu that the tnilk-s will honor Iter v 1th their presence and a share of tlR-ir patronage, she will endcuvor to do all in'hcr power to plcusc tlicm. Corner Main and Willow streets, under the SwunnniiiiH hotel. nprUH dly Plants and Flowers. ASHEVILLE GREENHOUSES, Oak Street, Opposite the Female College. Wc will offer to the public Hon Plants and Ikdillni; Plant in first-clus order at low price. Will coniicte with any greenhouse, Satisfaction triven. Plant delivered free of cbnrKe to any part of the Hty. JOHN PERKY, apr.iodlw ' Florist .! KJrfcfr, SIIEPARD, MANN & JOHNSTON, FUNERAL - PJ RECTORS, EMBALMING AND SIIIPPIN'.G A SPECIALTY. -31 P ATT ON AVUNUIT..- 3i- P. It. Itrewtou will attend Callft Day and Night. , mariildly -it All eye fitted and lit iniaranteed. A com' plete tiH.k of the above good at GRANT'S DRUG STORE, 24 HOt'TII MAIN HTKHHT. Oculists' prescription a nwclalty. frh27dilm .lUSTSUG LI!!!!.iE!IT CUItES PIIiF.S, Bt'IlKK, CUTS, COMNR. 1 lliUWEClUI4lIiAiN8At'U08TllITKci JOTICB. y virtue of a mortKnge, with a power of , ale, limited to the uiidersiKiicd by William T. Wilkin, on the 17lh nay ol November, 1KM7, and reuisU-red In Hook No. 11, on Pane 4:t, In the otlii-e of tne Keirister of lieeds of lluneoml-eeountv, we will sell to the hlkhest bidder for cash, at the eourt house door in the city of Asheville, on Monnny, tne mn any oi Mav. 1M8I). eiuht certain town lot In the outhem portion of the city of Asheville, near gomhalilc avenue, ami on mciioweii street, lieinir lots Nos. 7. U. 10. 18. 111. 1H. 1 and ao of the Meliowell Addition to the city of Asheville. for a more perfect dcucrlptlnn of which rclcrenee I hereby inane to am niort Kane. Thi the tlth day of April, 1HM9. 1. II. BUKTIC. C. D. BLANTON, OKI). A. fillllPOKIl, aprOdlm MortKairee. N OTICB. JJOK KBNT. The M-cond Hour In Mr. Alexander' build- ana. No. 10 Patten Avenue, over llralnmn' store, water put in u recpiiren. nppiy io aprtldilw H.C.KHANCB. At a regular meeting of the Hoard of Alder men, ncltl on tne loth (lay ol Marcn, lssu, it was ordered that two voting places he estab lished In th city, for holding municipal elec tion, one to be at the court nous ana tne other at the Buncombe Warehouse. All vo ter living ent of Main street are to vote at the Court Mouse, and all voters living wet of Main street are to vote at tne liuiuomiie Warehouse. A new reirlsrrntwm 01 all votera living in the city was also ordsred. Mr. A. 1. Wummey was appoimeu rcuistrnr lor ins western nort on of the citv. anil Col. B Hu- low Krwin was apiwlnted registrar for the eastern portion of the city. All voter living in tne corporal iimiu oi the A-ity are required to come (of ward and have their name enrolletl on the new retrls tratinn book, whether thev havt ever regis tered heretofore or not. , The regular election for Mayor and three Aldermen, Monday, May 0, IKHtt. H. B. 1IAKK1NH, P. M. Mil. I. UK. , ... Ms-jor. City Clerk. ' aorSdlm r.iUSTAl.G Lliiir.EIlT CUBES RHEUMATISM, LAME BACK AJlUbTI I K JOINTS. BUU IN UAiU PUR KBNT. A 14-room house, newly furnished, la a large grov on street rail war. Apply to apri!7 dtf V. 8. WATSON. .lUSTAtiG Li;:i::z;iT ctrriEs foot hot, rtnoxTtnKK hot, tJCUEW-WQUM AND SCAD IN UiUCKl' I it) i t A