IMILY CITIZEN V 1 ;U be rt'-t.'UKeo' frrry mornine: feirept M(- at iu luuuwutM rates air Kit j cjun: I'm v ' 1 ktM!'. U............ Infrt Xi : -mil...- ' m mm One Week. .... a w loo 60 IS Married. Lock wooii I.niikksoi.i.. In St. I'aul, Minn., April 30, IM'J, by Kcv. Maurice B. fcdwnr, lsulwl l)wij;ht, daiicbter ol Daniel W. lugersoll and IlanfordN. Lock-wood. Our carriers will debver the paper erery morning in every part of the city to oaf nb- T-ifwr. and parties wanting it will please nw at inc iiTuau urn or. New AdvcrttMcraento. Kale D. L. Reynolds. A Cant H. C. Hunt Bid Wanted -P. M. Milter. Tailoring lllack. The Tailor, lot Cream l.srtlrn K. 8trauaa. To the Public C ha H. Lane. Ardea Park Hotel Tboa. A, Morris.. ValMMahMWiMl tservlco (Ha lloa. AakCTllle, M. C. LaTmtna, S5 M NoaTa. Loaom'na 83.36 wasr. Bt-HiTton, 3,330 PT. Meteorological report for 34 hour, ending p. ss, atay 1, issv. TBasPBRATl'iiB. Morthcra Biposare. Shaded. 7 la 3papmfai.TMin. -Till oO.SI 6U.6 J 61 8 J 50.8 ran. 70 Tail 63 "BBcratMiDiTyfr" rUtu. .87 P1BCIFITATI0N. Bala and Melted 8bow Incaca, 0.41 Soosr Depth. Inchea. 0 ABSO.lftjvJlDlTV. DaHjMcan. .UB8 bXbombtbr. Corrected fur altitude ana temperature. Daily Mean. 80.04 Weather Cload v. K. . RUCK, U. D., Observer. The Weather for April. The report of tbe weather at Aihcvilk fur the month of April, as furnished, by signal officer ron Ruck, is in every partic nlar as satisfactory as were tbe reports for the preceding months of January February and March, and nfU no com merit or explanation, at our hands. The report of observations is as follows:. Varrra 8tatk 810111. ".navies 8ttio, Wiayah Sanitarium, Aabcvillc, N. C. Lat. 88.86 N. Long. N3.36 W. Hlcvatlon above ses level, a.Sfk) fret. Meteorological report lor month of April, bb: tbmpbrati'rb avkhaobT (Northern csposurc, haded.) Mailmam 7am lap m9p Minimum Low I Mean 38.SO 44.13 Utah I Mean 47.68 68.81 67.06 H8 67.74 Daily Mean 66.88. spxxTfVBTruTinniTrivmixcB: 7am 66.10 X3 p m i B p m I Mean 41.16 I 68 J 68.44 AB80LUTB HUMIDtTYTVBHAOBT" 9pm I Mean 3.W90 I 3.7S4 3m 8.700 BlBfiMBTHk AVKilAC.R (Corrected for temperature and altitude.) Ulgheat. I Lowest. I Mean 80.1BI I p m IB pat 10.03 30.08 I ao.oM pSftClPlfATiON. No daysoa which 00.1 orlTotal rainfall In more rain fell. 1 inches. 7 I HoTo7 dear days. 16 No. of fair day. 'WBATHBB." Average force No. day cloudy wtin or w out rain, 8 o7 7am 1.44 3pm 88t ioudyNo. of day with- with no In. I aunahln. 0 Tnd on acale from 1 to 6. Mean p 19 I. U0 KARL TOM RUCK, B. 8., M. D., Observer. A New Umpi The Calcium Lamp is all metal and w safe. Gives a light equal to six ordinary lamps. Arc made to hang or stand. child can put in new wick. Never get out of order. Will send a lamp to any house to use for two days and then send and take them back. All arc requested to try the lamp, and will be at no trouble ore peiue in doing so. Law's Silvkb and China Housk, Opposite I'ostoflice. A CARD. To the Kdltor of The Citi 1 Will yon please rjuiiiisa a reply to Mr, 1. u. unuaey card The fact In the caae are these i 1 started yes- trraay to Mr. 1. lunacy part 01 tne city t get a man on the trai(ht Rrpubllran ticket a that part of the city bad been left out. had atarted out to are another m hi neiirh borhood that wa willing to be put on the timet. 1 orenoo Mr. i.inary ano naked aim to get in ana nie witn ni. wnun sedtd I tnen tola nun mat 1 wanted a man from IHmbleday on the Republican ticket anil I naked him If be would allow hi name to go on the ticket. H told me to put hi name on It, which I did, and after explaining who would be on the ticket, I then turned around and came back up the atreet. To my uririae, after I came back from dinner one of Mr Lindeey' aon came to me very mad am wanted to know why I had Put hi father' nam on the ticket. I told blm then and there that I did It with bla rather' eonaent He replied that hi father bad not consented to any euch thing. 1 then asked the young man to go wiin me to nia tamers and 1 would prove to him that hi father had given hi consent to go on the ticket. 80 we went together to bis father' plaw of business, hut we couia not nnn mm. itrnve Mr. Lindacy card denying even being a Republican and third parte man, and ilrclariiiir that he Is Hummcy man. and that he baa a right to be, If he bad told me yesterday that be was a ummey man lastend of telling me to put his name on tbe Republican ticket it would have saved all of the trouble and bard rrellnga tha must necessarily follow. Mr. Llnrisev and ! have always bora oa good terms so far as 1 sauw, ana wny ne snouia undertake such gam with me I can't understand. Hut we can't account now for a good many thiugs taui are going on, wnea mere is to mm boodle afloat : but 1 want to sav In Mr. Lln ary'i behalf that I did not have to softer blm any boodle to get him to agree to go on the above ticket, He agreed to it a bland and cnuaiin a anyone count. 1 should not hare noticed Mr. I.imlarv card only that I want to set myself riuli beebr the good people of Ashevllle. I would not hare put Mr. Lindsay's nam to tbe ticket without his consent when there were so many otaer wno wanted to go on It. II he bad aot consented I would hare had an other iKmhleday maa, and one who would ant have gone back on It after giving hi con sent, as Mr. Lmdaey has done. I horn this wiU be tbe but of It. 11. C. HUNT. AliDEX PARK HOTEL AK3 FAMILY COTTAGES, 14 mile south of Aahevillr, on the A. 81 8. railroad ka now open lor tne season. HATES. PerPay... 3 " Per Week 3 imi Her Month " Por circulars sdilress Tiiotf A. MORRIS. Prop'r, maySdtf Ardcn, N. C. JMPORTANT BXBCI TION 8ALB. Br virtue of an esreution issued from the Auorrior Court of Buncombe county, mi favor of Rich at Bovce and against T, 1. VanOililrr. tosaiunr a iim ud inr ,i j , .am. low. I will sell to the hi Knelt Milder for cash. at the court house dour in Ashevillc, at 13 o'clock m . on Mundsy, the 3d dy ol June, 1H89. all the nuht. title and interest which the said T. I. Vant.ildcr kail, on tbe 3Hthdar of October. 1MH7. in tbe brick dwelling house. stables and other outbuildings, and the lotn ol land on which they are situated, being lots 1, 3, 8 and 4 of the plot of lands recorded on page 600 of Book 46 of the records of deed m tne omce 01 inc acgiaxer 01 ueeos wr hu.i countr. said property being on College and Davidson streets and known as the der property. Thi May 1, 1h. u. L.sin"i.i'3i dtju8 tha Sheriff of Buncombe county BIDS WANTED. Proposal received at this office until Friday, May 10, 18M9, for removing garb age from the city. The right 1 reserved to re ject any or all bid. By order of the Board of Aldermen. P. M. MILLBR, may3d3t City Clerk STRAUSS' RESTAURANT AND NEW ICE CREAM GARDEN. Electric Cars Pans the Door. I herewith notify the public that this day. May 1, 1 hare added to my well knows Res taurant a One Ice Crcum Garden. The name ha been fitted up neatly for the oc- asion and I will always have on hand tbe hoiccst of Cream and Sherbets and Cuke. Also, can supply families at shortest notice In large or ainatl quantities. 80 come In good time and have some fine Ice Cream and Cakes and don't forget that at Htrauss' yon will get The Beat of Ice Cream, and where always polite and attentive wait ers will be plcuacd to serve. Come early, come often, come one, come all, and give your friend Htrauss a good many culls. Very rcaKctftilly, K. STRAUSS, may3dtf Proprlrtur. II AIRDR.ittr.INC, rice Hair Artiste of Chltnuo. who will lie In the city a few duvs and will t all on ladies who will address her. with the latest styled Hull v self-dressing bangs. Adjusting coiffures to suit ine icaiurc. Andreas It MUM. J. O. PALL, P. 0 UISCELLASEOVS. Swunnanoa Hold. I'ueicctlcd cuisine. Popular with tourists, families and business tea. Btcctrie ears pas the door. RAWL8 0RO8., trbldly Propr". GRANT'S If your prescriptions are com, Hounded at Grant's Phar macy yon can positively de pend upon these facts: Pint, that only the Purest and Best drugs and chemicals will be used Second, they will be ' compounded carefully and ac curately by aa experienced prescription ist ; and third, yoa will aot be charged aa exorbi tant price. You will receive the brat goods at a very tea- DRUG - sobalik profit. A full line of Patent Medicines, Toilet Artl cles, A yer Rccamler Prepai a tluna, Scott's Electric Carina, , etc., etc. - We have the agency for Hum phrey' Homeopathic Medi , cincs. DsVAt'LT'8 OLD STAND, 34 a. MaiaSt. Prescriptions delivered to 'any part of the city free of charge! STORE, mar'JOdlv ASUEV1LLB AlVEK TJSEMES TS. "BUY II032E-2IADE GOODS." Full Holler I'rootw. We Guarantee Satisfaction. Auk Your Grocer for Ashevllle Milling Company Flour and Meal We make the following grades of flour. Roller King, Elcvtric Light, Carolina Iklle. Take no other. Cash Paid for Wheat, Corn, Oats and Kye. Horse and Cattle Peed Mixture 1 Ground to OnW. Do Custom Grinding fur Corn Kye and Oats. Mill and Yard at Old Depot. N OTICBOP DISSOLUTION. The tmrtncrshlphcretoforeeslstina between P. C. Mclntire and Philip Mclntire under the firm name of P. C. Mclntire at Bro. is this day dissolved by mutual consent, P. C. Mc Intire retiring. The business will be con ducted In future by I'hilio Mclntire who will pay ana receive an neota owing uy ana due 10 saiu unn. Apni 10, innv. P. C. MclNTIRB, aprlSdlm PHILIP MclNTIRB. LOOK J LOOK! LOOK! R. Z. SORRELS. 16 N. Main St., Ha opened bla large and complete Rli PRI0KRATOR for the purpose of accommo dating the good citisena of Ashevllle with the best COUNTRY BUTTER, Received dally and kept on Ice day and night Price Very Reasonable. apr33 dio. GILT-EDGE PROPERTY FOR SALE AT AUCTION, Monday, 13th day of May, '89. On the above day w will offer for sale at public auction on the grounds without rr srrre, that valuable property on College anil Hprucr street belonging to Mrs. Thus. I). Carter. It has a house with 10 rooms and all neces sary outhouses; is ino feet on College street and AIM) feet on Kpruec, and within 78 yards of the Public Kquare. This is a rare chance to buy a residence, business lot or make an Investment within the very heart of the city. Terms 0 Hale 3A per cent. cash, remainder In sit, twelve, eighteen and twenty-four months' time, with 8 per cent. Interest, pay able semi-annually, on deferred payments. The property will lie one red In lots and then as a whole on day of sale. Both citiirn and stranger are requested to call on us at our oltice on Public Huuarr, Har- nnra new nuiiinng, where all desired inionua tion will be given. Titles guaranteed. Natt Atkinson Ik Sonti, Agents for Mrs. T. li. Carter. apriodlm A. F.STEVENSON, CARRIAGE : AND ; SIGN : PAINTER, GILDER AND VARNISHER, Is prepared to do all kindsof Painting. Bring on your old-looking Carriages, Bretts, Sur ry, Buggtr. Cart and Wagon, and have them varnished or repainted, so they look as good as new. All work warranted not to crack, blister or come off until It wears oft. Terms reason able. . . Shop on nnmrtt Hill, Bagle Street. mar31diim No Doubt About It. Daring the present week, commencing Mon day, April 30, 1 will sell 8 pound or quart can Tomatoes for 10 cents, quality guaran teed, regular retail price 18c, or two for Site. Thla Is a saving of 38 to SO per cent., quite enough to induce every housekeeper to take advantage of tills offer. Also havtafcw case. 8 pound or quart cana peeled Apple., fine for plea, ft., which will lie closed out at H)c , former price, 18c. Blegant front room for rent over my store A. D. COOPER. aprsadlw TO THE PUBLIC. The livening Journal of yesterday takes ad Vantage of a statement made by Rolirrt B Porter in the mass meeting Tuesday night to tne enert tnat 1 naa told mm that a Hummr man had iinerrd me S.'WKI to auvixirt the 11 lien's ticket. That statement was marie lei eept that Mr. Hummcy. name waa not men tinned hy porter, wno misconstrued statement to him, and he waa promptly cor rected by myself and others who heard the conversation. The editor of the Journal lor tbe gentleman whose namrapprnrs ascdltor) waa present and heard the correction and I also tnaile It plain to him in a sutiseqttent conversation Wbv did he not have tbe rnir aess to state tbe facts f The trouble with the Journal is this: I let the cat nut of the wallet, and If 1 am to be assailed any more in this way I ran and will state more plainly than I have who is trying to corrupt the ballet bos and the means being used to accomplish the end. The best thing Mr, Wanton's friends can do is to let me alone. A word to the wise is sumcicut. C11A8. 8. LANB. t was in the crowd and heard Mr. Lane's statement and also heard Porter's mistake corrected at the masa meeting. ' stani!bV pornbv. havr voir NEW SUIT OP CLOTHKS MADK RT CLUCK, THE TAILOR 66 S. Main Street, Opposite the Swaananoa Hotel. Pint tin. of aw goofls Just received. ANTHD. . A boras 1 hands high, for his alra ar ka.n for two moatas. Api.lyto snayldtf Plant NATIONAL BANK, WHY SHOULD YOU COMPLAIN Of high prills when V0WELL & tSMDEIt will Hell you choice 3 K)uml CiiiuuhI Tenches put up in heavy nymp for -15 it'iits? Them' tire hint ncii Hon'8 ctuiniiiu; ami urt lirst ehiMH. '' Wo also offer a liiiiiUnl quantity of 3 pound Pie lVn;hen at 1.0 ceiitn iMr etui. " We have on hand from 50 to 100 cawH of Htaiulanl Maryland Corn that we offer at 10 LvntH iHr can, which in u bargain. We have a car of New York IhirbankH rotating, the fluent ever offered in thin market, 75 to 80 cent per bunhel. POWELIc&SNIDER COURT SQUARE AND PATTON AVtNUt We have bought for npot cash theentiiv stock of goodn of M. lvy, conniHting o Clothing, UootH, Shoes am: Hats. These goods will be sold at an immense sacrific for the next .10 days to make room for a general line of new goods. We mean business and if you will come and see us, we will convince you that we can save you money. nr. i ne tire oversTocKeu on SliptM'is, and will offer them for about half their regular price. Very low figures on Men' Fine Nioes. Trices lower than you can buy them else where in all lines. Call and sin. I his is no eatch-jenny advertisement. (ilUVES&THKASII. apr37 dtod II. T. COLLINS, I'mitlciit. ASIIEYIIXE COAL COMPANY, H.' T. COLLINS & CO. SujK'rior Hard and Soft Coal at Wholesale and ltetail. Office: Barnard Building, Patton Avenue. Yard: Old Depot. I. ....MM. ................ ..M...M.....U., HERRING & WEAVER, THE SHOE STORE, - NO. 30 SOUTH MAIN STREET. While we Have the Finest and Moat Fashionable (iooda In i Our Line, We ttltto huve tlic chcaiwat. Call and accus. c W. B. MARX, Prop'r. RUPl'8 DAWSON, Suut. ASHEVILLE LUMBER AND M'F'G GO. MANCPACTURKR8 OP Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Flooring;, Ceiling: and all Kinds of Mill Work. Hardwood Interior finish a specialty. air26dlm OAK STREET INN, ASHEVILLE, N. C, Beautifully hicnted in a grove of oaks and white nl ncr of Oak and Woodtln streets, near the Female College, and only three squares from the court nl!.... We have a number of eleKantly-furnished rooms to accommodate boarricTs who rfen. nice, quiet place, away from the hotels. Nice rooms, new furniture, good fare, first-class coukiiih, ski scomjuuiiic prices, aiso, nor snu eoiu uatns. Dr. T. J. HARGAN, Proprietor. COMPOUND 0XY6EN ANDlECICATED BALSAM VAPOR. All modern and latest Improved method for treating chronic disease of the lunu throat and nose, bv the inhalation of vaporised and atomised fluids h, ha nflritmilli' ss iii compmtffcd air apparatus; also Compound OxyKta in connection with tbe vaporized Bal am I the balsam obtained from the natural balsam trees near Anhrv.ll.. We also manufacture a Home Treatment of the Compound OiyKrn, which Is, equal to u,iiu &,n.....,., uu w Riii uu Mft'iitmiiFii ijt eirfTCPS, on TCCCipr Ol priCC, .1- Our anccess here for the past three vears with this treatment has hern nhinm...i ... ins cured many rases that were pronounced hopeless, whose nnmea and residences ran be obtained by calling at the Sanitarium. By permission we refer to the following well-known eniK-mcn oi nnnevine: D. abiod, cx-mayor; J. a. Kcea, Clerk 11. . Court; KCT.G C Ran kin, pastor First Methodist Church ; Rev. W. A. Nelson, pastor First Baptist Church; H. T T. J. HARGAN, M. D. a 1 THE "BONANZA," V WINE . AND , LIQUOR . STORE V IN THE STATE. FINE SAMPLE AND MILLIARD ROOM. j. a. wAHoi ARDT, iri'H'r. I NO. 43 S. MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, H. C LliWIS MADDUX, Pre..' L. P. McLOUS, Vice-Pres. e). H. Reed, Geo. 8. I. B. RANKIN, Cashier IMS.CTOSS: U-wls Maddux, M.J. Beanlcn, M.J. PaKK. J. B. Rankin. J. B. Rav. I. R. Reed 1. Powell, C. M. McLoud. CLEARING SALE GKEEN1IOITME PLANTS AT City Greenhouses, NHAR CORNKR OP Chestnut and Merrtnion Sts. ContrmplntliiK extensive Improvements In the Oreenhousrs the present stock of plants is offered at lowest price. 1' lease call at Greenhouse and leave your onler. Ootids delivered free of chance. . F.W.VESEY, Florist. aprUXittw NOTICE! To all, who WANT- CLOTHES CLEANED, DYED AND REPAIRED. Come to the Crest tve Works, onnosltri he southeast corner of court hunse, near Mel.ouil niiiiiiins;. .-nces low ami terms cash. VKillw A. R. L BAT II HR WOOD, Prop. HOUSE WANTED. Located In th. beat part of the city for boartters, ten or more runma, furnished en tire, Poaaessloa waatrd May IS. Write with term., etc., to MltM B. W. ROOBRIt, BirS0 dat Iiaytuaa, Pla. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK IASHBV LLft, N, C, FEBRUARY lat, 1K8B, Orfranlsed May tat, 1HH8. CAPITAL, fsOfOOO. . SURPLUS, 3,ooo TATB, COUNTY AND CITY DBI'OtllTORV. iioe. a uenerai nans in liusineas. I leposiu received. ExchanKe bought and sold. Col lections made on all accessible point. The Saving Feature will receive special attention On all sum in this department, deposited for four months or longer, Interest at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum will be paid. Special attention given to loan on real estate, which will he placed for long time on real sonablc terms. Open from 9 a. m. to S p. m. On Saturday, the Saving Dc . artment will be ojien till A p. in, febSdtf WILLIAMSON & SON, (Succrsaon to Hurt & Williamson,) MANI'FACTt'RKRg OP SASH, DOORS, BLINDS Moulding, Stair-Work, Fine In terior Finish, Mantels, Etc., ASHEVILLE, N. C. E. iv.EACAN, Secretary ASHEVILLE ICE COLlPflKY. Pure Ice m.ule from DintMed Water, iuilding. Putton Avenue. Office: Barnard i U. C. Waddell, President. W. W. Barnard. Vice President. Lawrence Pulllam, Cashier AI1FNTK PIIR Thx Burkcve I'timp, Steel and tin ShiiiKlra, FltKir and Hearth Tiles. tttt Idly AliKNTSst M'f'RS. UP Hyrkit'a. I'atcnt , Slunthing Lath. ASHEVILLE ARTIFICIAL STONE AND TILE WORKS. Portland Cement, Htone Illocka and Tlle, exceedingly handsome in appear- ance, of various designs and colors and very durable for walks la yards, sidewalks, floors for Public Building. Hall., Porches, Bntranrea, Basements, Butcher Shops, &c Becial slsea, color, and dt signs for H BARTHS. Handsome Carriage Blocks with name. BEST mm PORTLAKD CEMENT AND 6000 BUIL0IN6 SAND FOR SALE (UnJes of Blocks, etc., cs. bt seen at olUce over J. R. IHckersou'. Hardware Store, on Pabllcottmu. corner of South Mala street. P.O. BoxSSa. -ar3d3. C.E. MOODY. THE BANK OF ASHEVILLE,! ASHEVILLE, N. C. DIRECTOR! i " I.P.oAWYKR, T. W. PATTON, f. C MARTIN, , W. W. BARNARD, ' , . L. CARROLL, ' ; I). C. WADDIXL, GEO. W. WILLIAMS, of Wilmington, N. C. DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY Oldest Bank In Western Carolina. INCOHPOKATED 8Y ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. SURPLUS FUND 520,000. FITZPATRICK BROS. & ROBERTSON, Dealers In Wall Paper, VViudowShadesaudPatcntHangers, Paints, Oils and Varolsbc, Masury's Mixed PainU anil Color. Window Glass, both French and American We keep in stock St. Louis and Kentucky Lead. febSdly LUMBER YARD. v liEO. F. SCOTT, (Successor to Donblcday & Scott,) North Public Square, WINDOWS, - BLINDS. - DOORS. All kind, of Building Glass, Putty, Lime, Plastering Hair, Shingles, Laths, Fencing Posts, . Material. Orders will receive prompt attention. i' fcblOdljr w. T. FBNNIMaK. W. . PKMNIMAN. PENNIMAN & CO,, - -JOBBBS AND OKALKSS H'AlR'DlW'ARr ASIIEYIIXE, N. C. DUPONT POWDER CO., OLD HICKORY WAGONS, AGENT8 FOR RICHMOND STOVE CO., CORTLAND WAGON CO., STUDEBAKER WAGONS, MOLINE SCALE CO. ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC. M'CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. eb9dly Anything in the Jewelry Line at LOWEST PRICES For First Class Goods. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING. BURT DENISON, fcblOdtf PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING, SI''.. ' TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. Plans and Specification? Furnished on Application We have thorouKh mechanic. In each line who have had many year.1 experience fat their business. We can safely guarantee our patron, satisfaction la oar work, a low Ifun. BALLARD. RICH & BOYCE. C. II. CAMPBELL, Mannraclnrer and WkolMale Shipper of GINGER ALE, rim. . CHAMPAGNE CIDER, , LESION SODA, SARSAPARILLA, MINERAL WATERS, TONIC BEER, I CARBONATED WATER IN SIPHONS. Factory, ij Haywood HI. . P. O. Bob )4. "THE WINYAH SAMTARIUM. " ASHEVILLE, N. C Fur the recritiiin of paticnU nllcriiiK of diwaara of lungs and throat, and conducted upon the plan oi the sitnitaircs at Gvbenidorr and Falketirteln In Cer many. Our ia the only tw h inrtittrtion in the United States, and endorsed by the leading member, of the mctliral profViwion. Termi reaaonahte. . KARL VON RTTCK, B. S.. M. P.