. i;.iily ciTix::r V ' ! t 1 1 A every mornlnefricrpt Moo- 0 V I HI t iC l.liOrtlg tttlCt 41 IlLtij (Mah: ( , Y.-r ... 00 Mot,. lis , ..... ) 1 rirve ftaonuia......,, , ......... l.ftO One Mmtb.....,.,,.,.. , fiO Uk Week 18 Our carriers will deliver the pspcr .very morning la every part of the elty to oar sut srrtltrrs, and parties wanting It will please eaU at the CiTuxa Office. Mew Advertisements). Bangs Mra. J. O. Pall. For hale Mra. B. I-oty. A Card Kobt. B. Porter. United (Mates ftlgnal Hcrvlce Ma. Hon, Asheviile, M. C. Laimtni, SS. S Nosth. taom'ni 83.36 Waar. Klsvatmjs, 3,880 Pst. Meteorological report for 24 hoars ending at p. as., asay 2. it. tBMPEBAtl'RB. Northern Exposure, Shaded. 7 aa3pnpmMai.Min.Daily Mean, 8.i .60.9 j 47.1 I 62 044D i 65.30 DEW POINT." 7am . 41 sr. A HiRUUTt uv ti:i.i:uhaiii. Honey and ttecarlttea Cotton ProvlMlona and Produce. monsv ahuskcisitiks. NkwYo.k, May 2. Huhuntft strong and active I Hi',, Money easy at liu'-iH, cliielng offered at a. Hub-Treasury balances tJolU, $lo3,113,. (XK1; currency, 1,l'.lll,iKl. Government lKmos ami out sirnuy iu nrm 4 per centa, 1.3ti'.: Vi ier cenU, fl.OM. State bonds, dull liut alrudy. Ala.ClaaaA 3aS 10.M,No Pac. litmor 3', Ala. Claaa B. 8s..l 1 1 ,N. V. Central 1D7 4 Ga. 7s, mort lo3 N. C. Con., .. 133 N. C. Cum., 4a U4 8. C. Brown's.. .1 Tenn. Ba .1"W Tenn. Its 13 TenR. Set., 3 TiSt Virginia 0. 4)4 Vtririnia Cona... do Northwestern .I.OT do pid ...1.1" 'n N. At W. utrl. Northern Pac... N. P. pfd. Pacific Mail Heading..... Kich. Ik Alle H. at W. Point.. KcH'k llland St. Paul do pfd Tel. panne. 4flV4 111, Bo 5, ion a iv. Del at Lack l3n;TenoCoaUv.lroa Krk 3M't, Union I'acilic Ho East Tenn 9V4 N. J. Central H S3 It KL. HUMIDITY. 3pra Daily Mean. 1 J 60.00 PRECIPITATION. Rate and I Snow Melted Kauw. Depths. Daily Mcaa. iacbea. Inches. e 0 0. IS AhSO. HCmIDITV. Lake Shore.. ....H3, Los. i Nash 8HV Urn. at Char... BI Mob. Ohio I'll,, Nash. At Chut... uo Aakcd. Dally Mesa. 3..3B llAROMBTKH. Corrected for altitude COTTOM. LlvxarooL. May 3. Noon Cotton, nrm- American middling n. Sales 13,000; siec- ulallon and export l.fioo. kecetpts, American Vni urn rioarn nrm nut nuirt. I a p. a. American middling, n 3-10. Balra of to-day included 11. 2 American. May, Weather Fair. K. T. RUCK, M. D Obaerycr. June and July 6 13-u4,at:l 8414, Taking- the Lead. StatesTillc Landmark. The Aihcvillc ClTUEN it first in the field this pring with a tnuke story. Us snake i ol the rarirty vclept bliuk and has two head on which are "two er fcctly developed tnnyuca which ditrt forth with lighting rapidity every moment or two." Ureal n Asheviile anU Iiif.Citp ikh i ita proplnt. You can't flag cither oftbemdown. A Uallant Man Dead. Capt. C. E. Grier, of Met klenburf,', tlicd on Wednesday. He entered Lee'i army a mere lad at jirivate of Co. li. 13th N. C he became Adjutant of the Kcpnient, and then Captain of his coniiiany he was shot through twice from breust to back, and waa hardly twcnty4iie at the time ol the surrender, lie mcnnie a law yer after the war and wat in luvceiMiful practice in Charlotte. Rasa, Foraovtbl I'hlladelphla Record. Mr. Harrison got pretty close to the raeged edge of rhcturicul flapdoodle when he Mke ofherok George W ashing- ton in connection with a cargo ol rags Kaga, forsooth ! A New lamp. The Calcium Lamp is all metal and is ufc. Gives a light equal to six ordinary . lamp. Are made to hung or stand. child can put in new wick. Never get out of order. Will send a lamp to any house to use for two days and then send and take them back. All arc requested to try the lamp, and will be at no trouble orcx- prnse in doing so. . Law's Silvrm and Chink HotitK, - . .,-..- (),K)site I'ostoflice. rllrra: lM.-tolier and Novemlier, 6 HIJ-4. aril era; movemoer snu necenna-r, a .ww w"j StuUmlwr 6-o4. Duycra. ruturea cioacu firm. Nnw Yob, May 3. Cotton firm. Bales to day 104 lialea; middliiiK uplanda ll'; mid dlina Orleana Ith. Total net receipts at all porta lor to-riuy a.mi. niHin to wrcm Britain, 7,413; i onUnent, 0,17a. Slots ". AMM IimIs Nbw Yok, May 3. Cotton Net receipta (PMC aroaa 711 I'utures closed easy, baki in.7lMJ oalca. May lo.U7al0.ttNoy 9za u v lune..... July., UK U.OHall.OU Sent 10.37a I O..HUI Oct U.OllalO.OOl UaLVKSTos, May 3.--Cotton nrm, pno iu; rvcriuta 4o. Nohfolk, May 3. Cotton firm, 1 1 ; recelpU saw. Baltimiiss. May 3. Cotton arm, 11 re ceipta o. HUSTON, Aiay a. t-Olton quart, 4 'St crinta U4tt VY B ANGS. y week, corner Church at reel and I'ntton ave nue. Don't foruet, then regret. MKS. J. O. FALL. A CARD. I notice In the Kvenlns Toumal nf resterrlav a atatrment to the effect that I had said that ttnmmcy man had offered Charlie Lnne$HIM) to consolidate the negroes on the rlummey ticket. 1 did not mention that It was a Hum mey man ; 1 said that I.nne had told me that a party had told him that he would give him 93(H) If he would keen the colored people from putting a negro on the ticket. What I stated that night I atill any here, Mr. Lane'acard to the contrary notwlthatandlng. KOIIIixf B. I'OHTUR. FURNITURE F0R SALE Having closed my boarding house 1 have s surplus of very dcsiralile Furniture that I will sellst Remarkably Low rrlcea Parties Interested will And it decidedly to their Interest to call at the Thomas House and examine goods and Irani prices. . MRS. E, LACY, hiuydMt Thomas House, I'ntton Ave. HAVK VOl R NliW 817IT OF clotiii:h MADUBV BLACK, THE TAILOR -, T- 66 SsMaln Street, Opposite the Swannanoa Hotel. Vine tin tot new goods Just received. ARDEN PARK HOTEL AND FAMILY COTTAGES, , uu miles south of Aahevlllr, on the A. railroad la now open tor the acnaoa. HATHA. '(r rAittHti(i4iMSlltt Pee Week , Per asonth..t,H.M... ... Por circulara address ,9 too .. 13 00 ,; 4ooo mayVdtr THUS A. MORRIS, Prop'r, Artlrn, IHIT. , N.C Mo. Pacific TiW I Western Union., no Cotton-aced Oil Certificates GO '41 15-64. seller.; Mnyandjuae 13-64 acllrrn; I lcr, 1 llera;Mcptemfer andoctolier 8 3B-64. ;Julyand AuguHt I 13-64. sellers: August and heplemner o ll.tlllec U.Ua u.ttbl ll.onMan..,, 10.03al0.U4 Pah 10.1 1a11r.1v March 10.1UalO.30 -Cotton steady ILMIHOTUH.N.C., May 2. reeeiots 15. 1'MU.aiiHLrnu, May 3. Cotton firm, UVi; m-rlota 173. mavannah, Muy a. voiion nruiiy nrm, 10; receipu 10. NHWOaLKANS, May 3. Cot tud quiet, 10; rrceluta MoaiLX, May 3. votton nrm, io; ntxipta 30. . Mkhpiiis, May 3. Cotton Hnn, IO 11-in; receipts 61. AUUIISTA, May .- M ISC ELLA XlCOl'S. Swannanoa Hotel. llnenTlled cui.lne. Popular with tourists, families and business men. Electric cars pass the door. RAWL8 11KOS., fchldly Propr's. GRANT'S If your prescriptions are compounded st Orant's Phar macy you can positively de pend upon these facta: First, that only the Purest and Best drugs and chemicals will be used Hccond, they will be compounded carefully and ac curately by an experienced prcscriptionist ; and third, you will not tie charged an exorbi tant price. You will receive the best goods at a very re a- D R U G sonulik profit. A full line of Patent Medicines, Toilet Arti cles, Ayer's Kccamier Prrpaia tions, Scott's Electric Curlers, etc., etc. Wc have the agency for Huni phrey'a llouicopathic Medi cilice. DhVAULT'S OLD 8TANIJ, 24 H. Main St. Preacrlptlons delivered ' to any part of the city free of charge? STORE. mur'jodlr ASIJEVILLB A ! I UK TISLM i:TS. "BUY HOME-MADE GOODS." II. T. COLLINS, 1'rcsidi-nt. Full Holler I'rcMVBH. Wo GuarunUt1 Sutisfactiun. Auk Your (JrociT lor Ahhcvllle niilling Company Flour a ml Meal Wc make the following grades of flour. KollcrKing, lilectric Light, Carolina Uelle. Take no other. Cash I'aid for Wheat, Corn, Oats and Rye. Horse and Cattle I'ced Mixture Ground to Order. Do Custom Grinding for Corn Kye and Oat. Mill aud Yard at I Old Depot. D. C. Waddcil, President. W. W. Barnard, Vice President. Lawrence Puiliam, Cashier. THE DAI OF ASIIEVILLE, ASIIEYILLE COAL COMPANY, H. T. COLLINS & CO. i HujH'rior Uurtl tmd 8oft Coal ut Whok'sulu anil Itotuil, Office: llariianl lluiltling, Patton Avniic. Yard: Old DeK)t. HERRING & WEAVER, THE SHOE STORE, NO. 30 SOUTH MAIN STKEET. Wbllc wc Have (he Finest aud Moat Fashionable Goods In Our Line, Wc also huvc tlu; chcuju'st. Cull and see us. -. N1 DT1CU OK DISSOLUTION. The iiarlnerMhipheretuforeelatingletween P. C. Mclntirc and Philip Melntirr under the firm numr of P. C. Melntirr ai Pro. is this ottos firm. 104; re- dnv dinaolved by mutual consent, P. C. Mc iviiita 88. I Intire retiring. The buninra will le con A bf.. u '1 Hilt.- I .1. 1 r..t... I. .t.ii:. Ulnlin .hn will riour quiet nnu h 71iA; jtinc 78a il rash rit V; May a. 3 cash 3:iibid. pay nnd receive all debts owing by and due I to said nrm. April 10, ikkd. 1 . c MCI pi 1 1 k n, arl6dlm PHILIP MclNTIHB. LOOK ! LOOK! LOOK I R. Z. SORRELS, 16 N. Main St., Hits oH'itcd his large and complete KB- PklC.HRATOK for the purosc of accommo dating the good citliens of Asheviile with the best - - COUNTRY BUTTICR, receipts 140 - rioviaoNS anb raoiiuca. - Cincimmati, May 3. Flour nuict. Wheat sUnily No. 3 red H4. Corn goiwl demnnd and nrm No. 3 mixed 37. Oats rirnu-r No. l!U. Pork (1 l.ard steady U.031A. Whiakry ateitdy 1.03. Ilogs eomnion anil light 4-0Oa4.7O. nT. Louis, Mo., Mav 3. Plour qtiiet anil rany. Wheat No. 3 mieaan 7y 7n. Cum firm No. 3 mined ;iim.a.toai. oats nmiirr no. Wlii.krv 1.03. Pruvintons aUadv. Bai.timukh. Mav 3. Plour, active and steady. Wheat Southern dull I'ulU HiluUS; brmglierry VOaUtli Wrstern ateixly; No. 3 winter red spot K4. corn Boutnern, nrm; white 41a43: yellow 41a4.1; western rnay, Chic ami 1. Mav 3 Caah uuotntiuna to day wars as luliuws: I'lotir steady. Wheat No 3 3 red 7Ma70, Corn No, 3 aili. Oats No. 33. Mraspork ll.nonll.nn. l.urcl (I.Hilul II Short riba8.Donn.iHi; ahouldrra 8.38 s8.no; short cieur B.38at).37. Whisker Ucccivcd daily and kept on ice day and night. 1 1.U3. Nkw VtiKK, May 3 Suulhrrn ftuur dull. Wheat MIU lower No. 3 red H3ta- Corn strong, 4 higher May 411s. Data active and stronger May 3H: Hups firm and iutrt. nugnr raw tiuici and steati v. Muiaa- ses foreign firm; New Orleans quiet. Kice quiet. Cottonseed oil' quiet. Wool dull but steady. Pork more aeiive. Beef inactive; lieef nams nun; ticrvcu ucti quiet. Litrti lower. freignts steady. W. B. MARX, Prop'r. Rl'FVS DAWSON, Sunt. ASIIEVILLE LUMBER AND MT'G CO., -MANUI'ACTUKBHS OP Nash, Doom, ItlliidH, MouldiiiKSt Flooring, Ceiling and all Kinds of Mill Work. Iltirrlwood interior finUh niecifttty. apr26 dim OAK STREET INN, H. U. LAGAN, Sevretary (ISIIEVILLE ICE G 0 P A H Y. Pun Ice made from Distilled Wuter. Juildin. I'ntton Avenue. ' Ollice: Uunmrd 1 ASIIUYILLE, N. C. UlKlX'-rOKts 1 I. P. SAWYKK. T. W. PATTON, I.C. MAHT1N. ' W. W. BAKNAKI), J. L. CAMKOLL, I). C. W'AllDIXL. UBO. W. WILLIAMS, ol Wilmington, N. C ' DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY " at Oldest Bank in AVestcru Carolimi. ' INCOKPOKATED BY ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. SURPLUS FUND (20,000. FITZPATR1GK BROS. & ROBERTSON. Dealers iu Wall Paper, Window Shades and Patent Hangers, Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Masury's Mixed Paints and Colors. Window Glass, both French and American We keep In stock St. Louis and Kentucky Lead. fcbCdly LUMBER YARD. a;0. Fs SCOTT, (Successor to Double-day & Scott,) North Public Square, WINDOWS BLINDS, ASHimiXE, N. c, Beautifully located in a grove of oaks and white nine, with no dust or noise, at thr cor ner of Oak and Wood (in streets, near the Female College, and only three auuarcs from thr I court house. I We have a number of elegantly-furnished rooms to accommodate hoarders who desire a nice, quiet place, sway from the hotels. Nice rooms, new furniture, good fare, first-class cooking, at reasonable prices. Also, hut and cold baths. Dr. T. J. HARVAN, Proprietor. COMPOUND OXYGEN ANDllEDICATED BALSAM VAPOR. All modern and latest Improved methods for treating chronic diseases of the lunira throat and nose, by the inhalation of vaporised and atomiicd fluids by the pneumatic and compressed air apparatus; also Compound Oxygen in connection with the vaporised Bal sam (the balsam obtained from the natural balsam trees near Asheviile.) We also raanuiucture a Home treatment tH the Compound Oxygen, which Is, equal to &CtVtni,M ...III.,.. 11 ,.1,,,:,, I , ,, , ., , -,, . ., the office treatment, and will be sent on application by express, on receipt of price, 1 3. MS I UVj U Will Hell y()U ellOH'e prepared to do all klndsof Painting. Bring our success here for the past three years with this treatment has been phenomenal, hav- on your oiti-iuosiug t-amages, nrcits, our- I ing enrcu many eases tnat were pronouncen noiirrcss, wnose names ana residences can be tainca uy caning at tne aaniianum. ny isrrmission we rrter to the following well-known tiemen ot Asnevuie: H I Aston. ea-Mavor ; J. K. Keed, Clerk 1'. 8. Court; Kcr.u.C. Kan WHY SHOULD YOU COMPLAIN Ofliig-h prices wlien TO WELL Prlee Very Reasonable. npr33 dio. A. F. STEVENSON, CARRIAGE ; AND : SIGN : PAINTER Glaaa, Putty, Lime, Plastering Hair, Shingles, Laths, Fencing Posts. All kinds of Bulldlnc ' Material, GILDER AND VARNISHER, on your uiu-iuoriujj LnrneiKti, nrtui, our- ingi 3 pOlind Cnillied lVlieheH pUt W Buggies, Carts and Wagons and have them varnished or repainted, so they will k,n, up in heavy Hyrup for 15 look as good as new. All work warranted not to crack, blister CCntK? TlieHe are lltHt Wll- Term, reason- pastor First Methodist Chsrvh; Key. W. A. Nelson, pastor First Baptist Church; H. T. Collins, Capt Natt Atkinson T. J. HARGAN, 91. D. hoii'm eannini; and are first- cIuhh. We alo offer a Shop on Harnett II 111, Ragle Street, niaraidom Weliave bouulit for npot limited cash theentirestockof foodn V WINE s. AND quantity of i pound lie "J Iyy, . poiiHwtinff of . . p nulling, iiuui., pniMTt una t vim iivH ui io eeuiH iht . nut. ii,u ti,,,, .w.,iu ,.,:n i... liMLtin. ji iivnvj ftFtuo v ill m We have on hand from 50 sold at an immeiiHe nucriti't' to 1(H) cnseH of Htandard for the next at) days to make . . , . . room for a nvnerallineofnew at 10 eent8 per can, which m and if you will come nnd nee abaruain. uh, we will eon vinco you that , fV . we can nave you money. e ha ve a car of iNew York A . , , Ull) tlVCI-NljOeKtMl THE "DON ANZA," . LIQUOR . STORE v IN THKHTATK FINE SAMPLE AND HIIXIARD ROOSI. J. A. NARQI'ARBT, M'K'r. I NO. 43 S. MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C. I.HWI8 MADDt'X, Pres. L. P. M CLOUS, Vlce-Prcs. I. U. KANK1N, Cashier. Burlianks Potatoes, tinewt ever offered in market, 75 to 80 eenta iei bushel. POWELL & SNIDER COURT SQUARE AND PATTON AVENUE. Oil the Slippern, and will offer them I r,... .i... ,,t i,..ir 4i...:... ,.i.... Iliiu tn't'uo mitt iiit-ii iifliuil I'l it t Very lw fipireH on Men's v me MioeH". rnctH lower it".. 1 A 1 1 man you run nuy inein eiwv wheivin all lines. Call and bmkCToit: Lewis Maddux, M.J. Beanlen, M. I. Fogg, J. B. Kuukin, I. 11. Kay.J. B. Heed 8. 11. Keed, Geo. 8. Powell, C. M. McLoud. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK - lASHBViLLB, N. C, FKI1RUARY 1st, 18U. Organised May 1st, 18HH. CAPITAL, 30,000. . . SURPLUS, $5,000 8TATB, COUNTY AND CITY DBPOSITORY. Docs a Gene nil Banking Business. Deposits received. Bxchange bought and sold. Col lections made on alt accessible (loints. The Saving Feature will receive siieciid attention. On alt sums In this department, deposited (or four months or longer. Interest at the rate of per cent, per annum will be paid. SKcial attention given to loans on real estate, which will lie placed for long time o real GILT-EDGE PROPERTY FOR SAL! AT AUCTION, Monday, 13th day of May, '89, - m the above day w will oftrr for sale at public auction on the grounds without re serve, that valuable roicrty on College and Kruce streets belonging to Mrs. Thos. !. Carter. It has a house with 10 rooms and all neces sary nntnouses; Is Kit) art on College street uu I1IH1 H-rt UN Ntnn Mini wtlh n 7ft t.ur.1 of the Public Ruuare. , ' Thla la a rare chance to buy a realdenee, business lot or make an Investment within the very hesrt of the city. Terms of Hale 35 per rent, cash, remainder In six, twelve, eighteen and twenty-lour months' time, with a per cent. Interest, pay. able semi-annually, on deferred payments. The proiwrty will be orTrrcd In lots and then as a whole oa day of sale. ' Both citiscs and stranger are requested to call on us at our office on Public Hquarc, Bar nard new building, where all ilcairrtliulorina tlon will be given. Titles guaranteed. Natt Atkinson & Sons, Agents for Mra, T. D. Carter. aprtodlnt STRAUSS RESTAURANT see. This is no ctiU'h-ivniiy b""ofce' advert isement. OKAVKH&TIIUASU. Oprn from 0 a. m. to S p. m. On Saturdays the Saving U partmcnt will bcoa-ntill n p.m. fcl3dtf npr37 dlild " AND NEW ICE CREAM GARDEN. . ICIeetrlc Cars Pass the Ioor. i Bcrcwillt noiiu iHt'pnnng mm mirttitr. May 1, I have added to my well known Kcs tsurnut a Hue Ice Cream Garden. J The same has twin fitted up neatly for the oc- No Doubt About It. During the present ck, commencing Mon day, April 3, I will sell S pound or quart cans Tomatoes for 10 rents, quality guaran teed, regular retail price 15c., or two for 3(le. This Is a saving of 39 to fit) per cent., qultr enough to Indoor every housekeeper to take advaatage of this oner. Also hsveafcw eases 1 pound orquartcans peered Apples, Ant for pies, etc., which will be closed out at tot , former price, loc . IHegaat Srost roossi ror restorer any store. A. D. COOPIiR. caalou and t wi ril ill ways have on hand the choicest of Crcums and Xhcrbcts and Cakes. Also, t'au supply families at shortest notice In large or small quantities, (to come In good time aud have some fine Ice Cream nnd Cakes and don't forget that at Strauss' you will get The Rest of Ice Cream, and where alwaya polite and attentive wait ers will be pleased to serve. Come early, come often, come one, come all, and give your friend Strauss a good many calls, Very respectfully, K. 8TRAV8S, CLEARING SALE tip GUEEN1IOI7SE PLANTS AT- City Greenhouses, NHAR COKNHK OF Chestnut and Merrimon Sts. Contriiipliitlng extensive Improvements In ii-,-i. ,, i ,i, i ..ni(rnt nimtfc nf nlnntil. olllrcd nt lowest prices. Please call at Greenhouse and leave yunr order. , . ' Goods delivered free of charge. F.W.VESEY, FlorUt. apr3Hdtw 1 ABKirnrpoir- NOTICE ! -to AXI. who WANT CLOTHES CLEANED, DYED AND REPAIRED. Come to the Great Dye Works, opposite the southeast comer of court house, near McI,ouu building. Prices low and terms cash. UNdlw A. K, LKATliKKWtMlD, Prop. BIDS WANTED. Proposal, will he received at this office until Friday, May 10, 1HH9, for removing garb age from the city. The right la reserved to re ject any or all bids. . By order of tne Hoard of Aldermen. P, M. MILLKK, niajr3U3t Citjr Ckrk. WILLIAMSON & SON, (Successor to Hart & Williamson,) UNi'PACTltKKKS op ' SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Moulding, Stir-Work, Fine In terior Finish, Mantels, Etc., ..... . . ,ABHKVIIXK, N. C. Tlie lluckcvc I'untp, Steel ami Tin Shingles, Floor and Hearth Tiles. trbl it- -ACKNma H'p'gs. op Btrltit's rn irn t SIvntliMig Lath. ASIIEYILLE ARTIFICIAL STONE AND TILE WORKS. Portland Cement, atone Rlocka and Tllea, exceedingly handsome In npiicar ance, of various designs and colors and very durable for walks In yards, sidewalks, floors foe Public Buildings, Halls, Porches, Kntranccs, Basements, Hatcher Shops, ftc. 8sxial sisrs, colors and designs for IIBAKTIIS. Handsome Carriage Blocks with name. BEST GERMAN PORTLAND CEMENT AND GOOD BUILDING SAND FOR SALE. Sample, of Blocks, etc., can be seen at office over J, B. Wckerson's Hardware Store, on Ptihile Stiare, cornet of South Mala street. P, O. Boi SM, " ' ' ' C. E. MOODY. Rr Orders will receive prompt attention. fcblOdly W. T. PKNMIMAN. W. K. PKNNtHAN. PENNIMAN & CO., -JOBBBK8 AND HKAI.BKS IN HARDWARE ASIIEVILLE, N. C. AGENTS FOR DUPONT POWDER CO., RICHMOND STOVE CO., CORTLAND WAGON CO., OLD HICKORY WAGONS, STUDEBAKER WAGONS, MOLINE SCALE CO. ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC. M'CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. fcb9dly Anything in the Jewelry Line at LOWEST PRICES For First Class Goods. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING. i BURT DENISON, i nOA.. a .. . .v.s aicuuu fcMOdtf PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING, TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. Plans and Spcclilcntlon Furnished on Application Wc have thorough mechanics in each line who have had many yean' experience In their business. We con safely guarantee our patrons satisfaction In our work, a low figures. BALLARD, RICH & BOYCE. ',' . fcblSdly ;.' ... C. II. CAMPBELL, Hannfactnrer and Wholesale Hhlpper or UINGUR ALU, , , , .. CHAMPAGNE CIDER, - LEMON SODA, S ARS A PAR ILL A, MINERAL WATERS, TONIC BEER, -I CARBONATED WATER IN SIPHONS. I Factory, aif Haywood HI. P. p. Hp 4. "THE WINYAH SANITARIUM, " ASHEVILLE, Pt C. For tlie rcccition of patients sulTcring of (llsraaca ol'lunos and throat, and conducted ujxjn the plmi ol tlie annltalres nt Gtchersdorf and Palkcnateln In Get many. Ours Is the only such institution In tlie United States, nnd endorsed by the lending menibcrs of the medical (mission. Terms rensonnble. KARL VON RUCK, B. 8 M. D. apraiwiw marVdtf Pruurtrtoe.