Ti::: DAILY CITIZKN. The CmjuN la the most eitenaivctT rirm Istrd arid stuirly read Kcwapnjct ill WcitflTl Siortn l. aroiina. Its tfiMmiiiiin of of public mm and mrrr blltlK Inlrmt of irabltc of imttllc ii intrifrity, hmimt u-oTrnnmrtit, and prriirro.a roanrrem. imluetrr, ami it know t ao itrraounj alkmancria tiTstins uut be Uaoes. The Crrtrss pahHshes the dispatches of the AwN-iatrd Proa, which Bow covers the whole world la In aroiw. It hss othrr farlli tka of advanced journalism for leathering new. from ail quartrra, with everything care full T eriited to occupy the amallct apace. Kiecimeai copies of any edition will be trot fwtouf one .ending their addrc Tsbms Hailr. for one year: $3 for sis months; fro cent for one month ; 1ft erntafor on week. Carriers will deliver the paper In every part of the city to aberriliere, anil par. ties wanting it will please call at the Citumb 'yftce. Adhituim Rutim Reasonable, and aiadc fcnowai on application at this office. All transient advertisements most be paid in ad vance. SUNDAY, MAY 5, 1889. CITIZENS' TICKET FOR Slay or and Aldermen. For Mayor, A. T. BUM M BY, For Aldermen, . H. T. COLLINS. I DAMP MclKJWHLL, T. I . C. BROWN. apr37 dtmays TUB CITIZEN' POttlTIOK. On tbc 1 7th day of DeceiultcT, the own er ofTHK Citukm mack an assignment to the person who was afterwards te lected M business manager of The Citizen Publishing Co, It Hits not lieen to long a lapse of time as to prevent most pro pie rancuibering the condition in which the paper was found by the assignee. It is not our purpose to comment unkindly nXn the gentlemen who before that time bad been its editois, managers and proprietors. They had conducted the paper,' as tbey thought best, "as a party organ." Financially it was not a success, as was indicated by the necessity for an assignment. In apiearancc and drrss it did not 611 our idea of what a daily paper should be, the only one in a town of Asheyille's pretensions. We undertook to put it . into llmw, more according to our opinion of what Ashevillc needed. If we have at all suc ceeded in this aim, we wish it understood that the result is attributable almost entirely to the kind and faithful ussist ancc which we have received from those employed in our office. Messrs. Cameron Vance, Kolfc, Kerr, Randolph and Child most especially have our thauks and our acknowledgements, that to them is due such improvements as Tiik Citizkn to day presents. Not one one of these gentlemen, nor any oncelse,eitccptourself, T. W, I'atton is in any degree responsible for the KHi tion that Tiik Citizkn has assumed re garding the municipal ela tion of Monday next. On the night of April 19 It seemed es sential that some one should shoulder the responsibility, should say whether Tiik Citizen would support the nominees or not. It seemed to us that we must assume this responsibility, and wc did so, and we have not one word of regret or apology to offer for our course. Wc tried to decide first, what was best for Ashevillc, and then, through Tim Citizkn to accomplish that end. We honestly think that it is best not to tiring party questions into city elections. We know that many other Democrats agreed with us. We presented our views in an editorial as fairly as we could, and the only argument we saw in reply was the charge, that we were a "toady' guilty of "toadyism." The effect of this was not to convince us of error. If it satisfied any of our friends we have no objection, , We thought that the honorable position of Mayor, would be more justly awarded to a man who had grown up with anil labored for Ashevillc all his life, than to one who had only lived here a few years and had given us no evidence of his ad ministrative ability, and we said so. Wi 'thought Mr. Leonard by no means qiial- ilietl to fulfill the duties of Alderman, and we said so; we aMlogiie to neither Mr. Illunton nor Mr. Leonard for anything we have said. Mr. Leonard, we repeat, is an honest man, but who in Ashevillc would select him to manage his private business involving one-tenth of the amount which he may control as Alder man? Has he given the slightest proof of his ability to transact such business ? You all kuow lie bus not. We were sure, and are sure, that it wns not wise to se k't him as an Alderman, ami we said so, What course will Tiik Citizkn pursue in the future? As iu the past, while under our control, it will rec mmeml, without fear, favor or aflcction, such measures as wc consider best for our State and city It has said, and repeals that it considers North Carolina safer, while under Demo cratic control. Therefore, it will advocate or oppose such measures as it deem likely to benefit or injure that party. Its columns will ever be ojien to those who diflfer with or agree with it, to eipress their views. It will urge the lemocratic party to select as its stamlurd Ix-arcrs such men as descscrve in all resiHvts to be called it leaders. If iu this Congres sional district the party will nominate for Congress either General Vnm-corCu- tuln Johnston it will supiort linn gladly, loyally ; or, if it prefers to nominate a new man and selects such nu out! hi Mr.'Jw scph 8. Adams, who is a sincere, honest, upright gentleman, such us nuy iurty may lie proud to have us its lender, we will gladly full Into line. These gentlemen are only named to illustrate our meaning. There arc hundreds like them in the dis trict any one of whom we will support, ltutifit selects man as little (uidilied for Congressman as Mr. lonurd is for Alderman, we will nut support him, No party lash, no denunciation, no calling of us toady," no outcry of demagogues, no saying "The tone of your paper miei not suit me" will terrify us into doing so. Such will be the future course of Tiik Citizkn, so far as we can shape it. MAY CYCMsNKB AMU TOMM. HAIIv The recent cold snap, very widely ex tended, and without doubt very damag ing to vegetation lu many portions of thr country, Is dot to those sudden disturb ancrs of atmospheric Condition at ea on wbea cpiiiitniun, fctveen tlie lower Ilia ted stratum and the close approxima tion of the iipjwr arctic current hits In come established. Tlie recurrence of these disturbances early in May has long been noted. At that riod the sun in its movements townrd the higher latitude has gained sufficient jiowcr, to raise the temperature of the lower stratum of air to send up rarificd columns to conic in conflict with the colli current still retain ing its normal winter temperature; and this sudden commingling of extremes brings about the elemental warfare so terrible in tornado and cvclone, in wind, rain and hail; and subsequently, cold, ice and frost, and the calamities so disas trous to farmers and gardeners. These, disturbances, of almost exact periodicity, have long been noticed and recorded by meteorologist. Haifa cen tury ago Kspy, one of the first in this country to makeexuet oliservntions with the view to the confirmation of his 'theory of storms," made record of many storms occurring between the 1st and loth of May. Among these were the two memorable Natchez tornados, oc curring at an interval of twenty , years, each on the 4th of May, involving di straction of projierty and loss of life, rarely ever attendant uon such catas trophes. In tlie last, in 1840, a large proportion of the buildings in the city on the bluff were blown to atoms, "Natchez under the hill" was obliterated,. every steam and flat boat lying at the levee was sunk and several hundred lives were lost. Anotlicr confirmation of this lK'riodicity of violent disturbance in tlie early days if May is given in the recent hailstorm nnd tornado which devasted the town of Warsaw, on the Wilmington & Weltlon railroad, on the 2nd inst. The col which has followed is not the customary 'cold wave" from tlie northern rrgilft&, but the result of sudden and excessive rarilicntion followed by the dowiiKur of tlie cold air from ahovcto fill up I lie cm tied space in the .stratum bt-low. The Wilmington Messenger endorses the subsidy howlers and guys we arc bound to do as lvuglaml, Germany and other great maritime Hwers do in this matter. The assertion ns to Kiiglnnd is not true. She pnys for the carriage of her mails but she does it on business principles,, Tlie lowest bidder takes the mails, whether the sliis arc Knglixli or otherwise. She imivs no gratutics to sjieculntors in foreign or domestic coin mcrce. A lIUNlii: t-'OH TIIK HICTTI.K. II ft It Ik h Chronicle. li lias not Dccn a great many years since progressive North Carolina farmers bought jersey cattle in New York ami had them hiped to this State. Wc are turning the tables now. and making a change lor tlie lictter. Lust week t successful farmer from Kawoua. N. Y. visited the beautiful farm of Mr. W. ti, I'lH'hurch, near Kaleiuh. He said that Mr. I'pcliurch bad the handsomest herd of cattle he bad ever seen. To prove that he really thought so he imrchtiKcd o young Jersey bull and on Monday it wus shiiiiicil o Knwona, N. Y. When North Curoliun bouuhl lersev cattle in New York money went out of tlie Mate to New York. When New York buys cnttle from North Carolina money comes into the Mute. And that is the difference between profit and loss, between success and failure. Does the Chronicle mean to assert that Mr. I'pchurch swindled the New Yorker and sold him a call that was not worth the money? We cannot six how the ex change itself involved liny profit or loss, Tlie labor and trouble Mr. ('ichurch ex pended in raising the cnlf represented all the profit, nnd unless the New Yorkc wns swindled there was no loss nt nil. The transaction is merely an incidental evidence that we are lictter off than we used to lie, not a proof, ns is the natural conclusion from the Chronicle's state men t, that the price of the calf is.w-orth more than the calf itself. Such loose statement and careless reasoning as this is nt the foundation of the great econo mical fallacies which blind half the world. The greatest conservator of truth is exactness of expression. .According to the Iloston Hcrnlil only one promised amendment to the Miissh chusctts constitution has ever, in the entire histi ry ol the State, Ihvii ivjectc by the people. That one was the pro luliitory amendment winch wus votci down recently. Twenty-nine mwin incuts have been submitted to the voters in the one hundred and nine veurs which have passed since the constitution was adopted, and all of them, except this one were adopted. The Houthcrn I'rotccllonlMl, Macon Telegraph, in most instances it means, in this part oi me country, a man in whom n strut! t...i I.:.. i. . Kn in khik "fiwcvii ims nesire to mr thcr jursonal interests at the public ex CHse, and his sense of duty to his State anil eople. In consequence of this stmg sic me i t'niocriiuc i roicciiomst, or licinocratic Kepulilican, is astride ol the political lencc, and gives his vote to the U'liiocrnts ami lus influence to the He publicans. ttWatrt NO HK, Utnra.iit tit turn l....,.-t ..I'V..... U 1' I. ....... r fc 4 I, v 111 till nn, is represented hv the nshiiiKtou Post as having sttiil. 1 do ilot think ttmut single southern representative has ever criticised the President for his course, or expresseil any dissatisfaction therewith I hxl sure that at the proper tunc the President will tnve us the recouiiition due us. 1 will add vcrv nrimcrlv thai I do not think that there is vcrv much d.ie ns. The South did not give Mr, Harri son a single electoral vote." Jenkins to Heukiiis Utter vainly try ing to understand a message over the telephone wire) That's richt! Grl in.i.l' can hear vou all riulit imw Wi Haven Palladium. Ir. Parker Prays cream Van-din. Rosa line, Ongaline and Diamond nail powder having now become the ladies' favorites. at V. L.Jacob's drug store, these popular manicure articles may always lie found, together with HK'ket emery' board, or ange wood sticks, nail scissors, files and other such requisites. Also a complete line of drugs nnd toilet article, in addi tion to the Hebe Soda Fountain from which ice cold drinks are lUsnciisrtl. tw ner Muin street and Pntton avenue. Fruit of the Loom 8 1-2 by the Holt. We return tluinkn for punt ;nornniil invite HiMt-ml ut -eiition tliin wtM'k to iVsul.tl 'iiH"H, all-over Floum-iii in whito and cream, Jlut-her'n Linen, bleached and un bleached, for child it'll 'h fipronn, piece goodn forboyn' pantH and suits, Hoinetliinj? ;ood in ladieH', minuet!' and cliildren'H IMack Hone, Wind sor Tien for the boys and 1'aranols for the girln, Lohh- ale, l'ridoof the Went, Fruit of the Loom,' and other biandn of Domestic. A new assortment of buttons, braids, gird let and dress triminiiitfH,' white floods in riijues, Marseilles, Nam sooks, ('hiH-k Muslins, Indin Linens and Linen Lawns, Al batross in pink, green, blue cream, red and black, receiv ed to-day. Stitines, Challitw and Nun's Veilings in all the new shade. These goods were madt regular, bought regular, and will 1m? sold regular to regu lar customers. First-class in every rcsxct, nothing shoddy or" second handed about them. Warranted as repre sented or money refunded liny them and you will Im1 pleased. Full to do so, ant you will regret it. Hesiectfully, HOSTIC imOS. & WUNJHT 1'. S. If you ever intend t buy towels now is tho timet (1) so. We have the best bar gain in a tow;! you everstiw ami etui iM'ut the Kle-trk Stnvt Hailway in this line. Asheville, April 19,1880. ROOKH AND STATIONARY AKTIST8' MATHKIAI.8. lNt.lNUl:k.s, st rrLitin. I'ICTl'KKH AN11 1'HAMIiH, PANCY GOODS, HLANK HOOKS OF KVIiKY C.KAIiU. DOLLS, TOYS AND GAMIiS. WUSTIiKN N. C. St-KNKS, IIOTII riloTOOKAI'IIIC AND HAND- PAINTHD, AT ESTAISROOK'S, H. Main Ktrect. k LAKIIK ASSIIKTUKST IIP AIII-:itICAN WATlIUiS, All slylt-s, niii-s mill irl. Jewelry ol'every ilririitlmi. Milvern-Mrr, soldi ami (iIhU-iI. (lolil mul Silver llouli-il Cnnes. SrJtctstlea nml Hye tilnssrs htlriltntlteryc I'lne Watch KrmlrliiK ami linnrnviiiK a erieetnllyi LA Houllt irialii Mtrrel. - nprli lUlm , ... ... . REGISTER I Nothing- an Imixtouiit for the scuaoii as to rcHtaler your tiliima at J. M. ALEXANDER'S I'or s koimI set of Damns r a Sailille. tils stock is now complete and looks perfectly lieautinil. Pine Uiis-liah Driilles, Cros, l.eg- llins. etc., nt lowest flifiires. The nicest selec tion of Linen Lap Kohea anil Momle Duaters at renmrknlily low IlKures. Motto: fjulek Siih-s ami Shurt Profits. urllin JA.TBNNBNT, Architect mid Contractor. Plans. aiieHAt-Mti.ina -...l ...i . nl.hrd. A I I woVi - .7. "I'"'" " . ',,r- ml no rharKT for drwinK va cun tract, awanleil nic. Mrtrmu-es when riralreil. Olti... U.. ti i. i.i ...l . .. V' asm, nurtn Court Square, Aahctille, N. C. lehllWly MISCELIAXEOUS. 17. II. LEA'S BIG EASTER OFFER FOR CASH ONLY. 2000 yards Fruit of the Loom Domestic, 8e. by the bolt, 4-4 w ide. J , 104 Mohawk Valley Sheet ing at 2(e. iter yard. 4-iu. Pillow Casing at 12-. Best Lonsdale Cambric at 11c. per yard. White Quilts from r,."k. to$2. (0-in. Coiiestoga Ticking at nr.-. - Nice lVrcales, from 7c to 1 1 c. W. H. LEA, 17 N. Main Street. A new lot f Hall Bazaar forms just in. Also, a complete lino of fish ing tackle. This week we wish todini t attention to Men's, Hoys' and Children's 'Clothing, and Men's Furnishing Goods, of whicl we show 11 large assort ment. Also, to specially low fig ures on Ladies' and Misses' Spring Jackets and Ladies' Bended Ciijm'S. II. REDWOOD & CO. Clothing;, Dry C.ood, Fancy ;oo1h, SIiocm, IlatM, and Carpets). 7 mid U I'ATTON AVUNl'li. annoinci:iii:nt TO THE UDIES ESPECIALLY. areplasel toannoumti that our stock of Millinry is n)w in and ready for insjHH'- tion and would be pleased to have the ladies call. Our intention of having a Sjieeiul (Iran. Owning has to be foi-cgone, as Mrs. Ma' Nair is so busy with orders that we have not the time to give it projier nt-teiitiou. Also w ish to announce that our Btock of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Parasols and siMM-ialties are open for in sjMHtion. With our thanks or past favors and with a determination to merit your 'ontinued patronage, Respectfully, A. WIIITL0CK. MJSCELLAMiOCS. o n o n o o o o 00 0 0 n t 11 o o T. C. SMITH & CO. -WHOLIiSALU -AND R1JTAIL AND I ' ... . PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS Johnston's Corner. Atrihevlllc, - N. C. o o O 11 o o o 0 o o o o u o o o o ltlCIIMOND DANVILLB RAILROAD -s COMPANY. (Westers North Carolina Division.) I'ASSSNGKS DSPARTUKNT, Ashkvillk, N. C, Jan. 1, lttsu. PASSBNUKK TRAIN SCHEDULB. iK Bpfect Jan. 1, 1889: . . . t Sa s 3 r - I.v. Aahevifle, 9 nnptn 1 4()pm Ar, Salisbury, 437am B4Hpm "Danville, 947am lOUOpm ' Lyni-hbtirK, 124-npm 1 OOum " WusliinKton 7 3.rpm 70Oam " Baltimore, 9 2pm H2nam ' I'hila., 300am t047am " New York, ezoam 1 aopm I " Boston, 3 HOptn 9 mjpm j " Richmonil, 8 3Qpm B IRHmJ " Kalrigh, fSOom iTlSpnt " Oolilalioro, 1145Hm SlOpm "Wilmington 600pm : :"i" No. 65 Lv. Asheville, N3l)am Ar. Henili-nionvlUe, Ar. Spartanb'g "C harlotte. ' Colamhia, Charleston, VI BOam 5 30pm 440pm 91(lim BOtipm 61 Rnm 1 40pm " AufrtiMa, ' Suvnnnah, " Thomasville,Ga " Jaeksonvlile l.'iMl in A rlan la, Montom'y Mobile, New ( rlenns ' 1040pm 7 anion 1 r5pm 7 -'Opm No. 54 Lv. SpitrtHnbtirx, Ar. HcmlcriAinville, " Asheville, I ,Uopin 607pm I 7110pm No. SO No. 6a No. K4 Lv. Ashevillc, Ar. Hot Springs " Knoxville, " Chnttnii KO, Nashville, . " Memphis, Lv. Ashcvil.e, Ar. Hot SprinKS ' Knrrxville, " Louisville, " Cincinnati, " Chicnfto, St. Louis, 7 4i mm DHOnin 1 lopm 61 opm A 1 0am 74oam H2i Him 1 10pm 640am eaopm 745pm 444pm 6 topm SSOpm B40um 1 1 4.1am 6 3t)pm 4 44ptn B 10m snopm 7 irmni 1 1 45am 7 ORpin S4opm 6;iopm; 7 4ipni MI'Rl'HY BRANCH. No. 18 Lv. Ashcvlltc, Ar. Wuyticsville, " Jnrrett's, sanitm lon.iaiii n twp I No. 17 Lv. Jarrctt's, Ar. Wavnesville, " Ashevillc, liiiOum ! 1 25 pm 34ripni lr Sk-cpinir ears on nil night trnina. JA8. L. TAYLOR, W. A. WINBURN, O. V. A. I). ! A. SOL. HAAS. T. M. IIKOO.M FACTORY. HANFOkD N. LOCKWOOD, Brooms, YVhlk, Hearth and Celling Brooms. Mill nnri Vactorr irruilca a specialty. Ono-. inLitina ami aanipics tree. lebimlly J. W.SCIIARTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR 4 J N. Main St. febaodiv JOTICB. Will collect tlehts for anrnne In he dt t..r uer cent, i.ooa incllttles lor rrntlnx and col lectins; rents on houses. Will aril lr,,lir. on weekly payments. J. B. JOHNSON, At Dlalr'a l'liniilurc Store, , 87 I'sttoii Avrnite. References riven mar14ilm JAIrtlCS FRANK, --DKAXBS IN FAMILY GROCERIES AN ) PROVISIONS Atent for Rrems Creek Woolen Mills, Nortfc Main Street, . Asheville, N. C. fculOdly. KliAL liSTAW. Wai.tks It. Own, W. W. Wkht. GVYII&WEST 1 ( (Successors to Wa'ter M.Owyn) ESTAKLISIIIJI) 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE. Loan Securely. Placed at 8 Fer Cent. Nularv I'ub.ie. ComniiBsiiincrs ol Dtcils. FIRE INSURANCE, OFFICK IsoollieaHl Court Hquare, Wm. 31. Cocke, Jr., REALESTATE AMD MINERAL BROKER, Asheville, N. C. "din sell you one million acres of html, In traas from 50 to lOO.OiK) acres. Have a numlirr of city lots, improved and unim proved, which I can sell on the best of terms. II youXwant a lurr or small farm call on me. If you want minerals of any kind, yon need tea no further. If you want timlier lands, this is headquarters. In fact I can suit you in anything you wnnt in my line. Services of a first-class civil entrfneer and practical surveyor ciiKuucd to show tip, all property'when required. 1 have had fifteen years' cxiierience in the real estate business, anil think I know what will please. Prompt attention to all inquiries, febd lv W. CORTLAND, Real Estate Rroker, INVESTMENT AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, I'atton Avenue, Uarnard HuildinK fehUtlly D. S. WATSON, Real ICstatc Agent, UtttTM fur KH.lt llu- Iwst lot hi Ashevillc fur a Hotel two acres on I'atton Avenue between 1-tuiley antl tlrove trcets. Also, Home very fine res it le nee lota lor utile et nt rally Im'ated. Good juine8 lots for sale at the Old 1' t, . . I-'ine fanning lands, Uintar lands, etc., for sale, near the city. FOR RHNT. l-'our Mplcndid houses furnished and unfur nished, for nut. U. 8. WATSON, dttnayl Ashevillc. N. C INSt'KANCE. JflKK INSUKANCfc. F1KK. LIFE. .ACCIDENT. PULLIAM & CO. At the Hunk of Asheville, ASHKVILLK, N. C. Kcprcscnt the following companies, vii. CASH ASSKTS IN I'. . Anttlo Nevada, of California, $2.4117, 4-.K7!5, 1,1 2. t,S3, 2,237, 1 ,Bf7, Continental, of New Yord llHtnburK-Iircmrn.of Orrmnny Loudon Assurance, of England Niagara, of New York Orient, of Hartford I'haenix, of Brooklyn St. Paul Fire and Marine, of Min .III .492 liil-J 5.0S4, ,17 nesota 1,64-1 Southern, of New Orleans 4'iii Western, ol Toronto 1,0:10 Mutunl Accident AssiK-iation. . litna Life Insurance Company. dtmnrU OKI 6H4 THB EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society OF TIIK UNITED STATES. " , ....9Sf04at9a.96 huri'lus Xn.794.7IS.IS I Larger thnn unv other Company.) Outstanding Assurance. . j.,aif,i jft.oo Writti-n in hhh lS.I93J,SJS.oo Tontine Policica with IS and au year pe- runm are ine most popular unu profltttblc ii'iiu HNniiraucc. I'or examples, rates, etc., confer with V D. ITIoiiroe, Agt., Asheville. N. C. onicc with Judge Aston. febliSdlim VM. R. PENNIMAN, i I'KOl'KIIiTOK OK i THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, AHlicvillc,jN. C. I. O. Box P. marl ,'lil ly THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, KiKimt on Main at-rift nimn.tu u. . . office. r' Onen rfjillv u..n.i r ... . V . .,v,.. .,u.,.lu.vn, iium n, a. m .until 1 ti. m.. nml d .'to itnili il-iii ... The terms ol suWriplion arc: tli 92: 6 mos.. Sl.no: H mi,. t , , . daily 2 eta. Officers for 1HHtepreajdent, K. R, Kawla ...........j v,.m-, . nooisey ;,sec. and Treas.v D. 8. Watson ; Librarian, Aliss E. I. Hatch, J Citliens and visitors are conliallv invited to insnect the CHtnlllVlll. anA l..4l. .u..t- ' IHBV1IIW I 1111 names as menibers. febhdtf "Y,B- VVOLFB, PUIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. . All kinds of cement wot k done. lobbinir mm.1 k 1...... . tended io. " ""P"7 N fill Hon (ik ClnHrnM CI t with w-. H:'w7;,aii & co.",ur m,r MRS. S. STEVENSON Has removed to the lohnstnn Rtiilillns t.. ton avenue, corner of Church himI -,k.. she Is prriwred to keep regular or transient Hiaruers. Table furnished with the best the m.rk. alTnrds, Terms reasonable. . marRldflm A NBW DKKn, carefully prepared by lead i<lV MtavmruM ivf k. a .. lit. . ...... nnnrviiir nr oo trinf all necrriMrr pointu, Just out and now in u lr a . , 1, tC . . r , 1 . . . . l Co., No. North Conrt Bqnarr. (IsnlBtf HOTELS. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS PRIVATE BOARD. Till' tiiomas iiocsi;. NliAR IIATTIiHY I'AKK, is now unilcr entirely new iiiMNiiri-iin-,.i and will Is; kept in utrktly first-claiw stylr. - TKANSIKNT OK Rlitlt'LAst IMJAKIlKltg TAKtK Nortluru Cooking. Kiitis RcasonaljU. MRS. Ii. LACY & SON. Proprietors. Ill A DELIGHTFUL EXCURSION ! ASHEVILLE TO HOT SPRINGS. Hound Trip Tickets only 4.B0, including full day's board at the M0UNTA IN PA UK HOTEL The ilaths in Murble Tools anil f urci-laiii Tubs are the finest anil most luxurious iu it America. The Hotel is NEW AND FHIST-CLAS8 In Bvery Particular. UNUXCELLED IN ITS CUISINE. - The place is a charming spot, nestled among and sheltered by Pine-clad Mountains where there is no fog, no dust, no malaria. I'ure and ahunduut water, and absolutely perfect drainage. dtjtilvu K1CI1 LAND HOUSE, Corner Main and Depot," WAYNiiSVILLE, N. C. Rooms newly lurnislieil. Fare the Ust the market affords. Good sample room. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Terms: $1.00 per day. G. D. L. ALLEN & SON, Proprietors. A NEW HOTEL IN BRYSON CITY. The Swayne House, line of the best in Western North Carolina. Summer and winter resort. Nature's sanita rium. .Scenery and water unexcelled. Terras moderate. GSO. N. BLACKBURN. Prop'r. marl3d.'lm . v J. N. MORGAN & CO., No. 3 Barnard Building:. School and College Text ItookK, atoll line. Poetx, His tory, Koniance, liiogmpliy, Travel and Novels, Family Hiblen, S. S. PibleH and TeHt mnentis, Oxford TejielierH' HibloH, Song BookH of all kinds, large stock Stationery. Hlank Books and Office and School Supplies. New line Lwlies' and Gents' Pocket books just opened. Fancy Goods and Dolls. feblfftltv ' J.C. BROWN, MERCHANT t TAILOR, 25 ration Avenue, (Next to Grand Central Hotel.) ' aprudly J. V. BROWN Will continue the undertaker's business at his old stand over J. B. IHckerson Co.'s Hardware Store, under the firm name of J. V. JtROWN & CO. Having thirty years' eierleiic ns under, taker and emhalmer, and uurqnnlrd facilities for buying can safely guarantee satisfaction, Culls promptly atti-ndtd to at all hours. Bvcrythlng pertaining to the business al ways on hand frhlSrtflm ilia . ... nrMTitniAi UE.ll B II IMUli A TRUE TOILET LUXURY. Of AMOHTHY PURI iNanCDItNTa. MOTintS THC TCCTH. MIlCRVtl THC GUMS. WtCTCNiTHitliTflirATH NO INJURY TO T.it ENAMEL. AfE AND ACntCABLE. WITHOUT EQUAL A A TOILET PREPARATION. MICt tS CENTS PER BOTTLE. O10 BV ALL ORUOaiBTB. i. H. winkei Mann a co.. pior. LTIMONC. MO. Foriak1)y- . J. 8. CHANT, dwtau28